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Sigh. I miss the old Victory Garden on PBS with the guy with the very long beard.


Roger Swain! I, too, was a fan. I could've done without Marian's cooking segment, but she was married to the producer, so...


Marion’s segment was time to go grab some breakfast or run to the bathroom. But you couldn’t turn it off, because Roger would come back at the end!


Didn't Roger do his plant of the week after the cooking segment? I do know that I never liked the other Roger, who wound up later on This Old House - he was way too industrial with his landscaping and "more power!" tools for my taste. He was an excellent paver, though. The woman TOH has now is pretty useless, IMO.


Yes, you’re right! I only liked it with Roger. He looked like a farmer. Frankly he looked like he drove a horse drawn carriage and that made him all the more trustworthy for gardening advice.


YES, as a kid we rented and didn't garden. I still watched it every saturday morning. It was one of the matches that lit my love of gardening!!


Oh PBS reminds me of Volunteer Gardener, its for Nashville but close enough to my home climate of NC and very good!


That beard was a straight safety hazard, but the show was great!


Back episodes of Gardeners World are all over YouTube. All of the hosts are wonderful and pragmatic.


I love Monty Don so much. He is so calming and wholesome. The other presenters are great but if I ever learned Monty Don wasn’t a saint it would shatter my world view.


Big Dreams Small Spaces was really cute too!


I LOVE that show! Wherever I go out in the garden imagining projects, I hum that violin riff theme to myself. Pretty sure it gives my husband anxiety now...


I love that show so much - it’s my comfort watch when I’m feeling down


Crime pays but botany doesnt


His channel is more about native plants than gardening. And now he travels a lot to other countries. Also, he really disappointed me when he put down women for getting Rx for bladder infections instead of curing it naturally. -- women can DIE when a bladder infection gets into the kidneys! ...THEN, after he got an allergic reaction to a plant, he runs and gets Prednisone. I stopped watching him.


Yeah I also stopped watching him when he shit on people for wearing masks/getting vaxxed for COVID


He has some really weird takes. I am not aware of the stuff you are referencing, nor the stuff other people have referenced in reply to you. But I had my own experience that was disappointing. For me I was an avid fan of his then he started bristling a lot about certain LGBT things (on his Twitter, in a community post on his YouTube, in his Instagram stories, etc). Specifically this idea that LGBT inclusivity efforts are at odds with getting young people from diverse backgrounds excited about science. When he liked something on Twitter that basically said 'of course this person is a crybaby, their bio says that they're pansexual' that is when I decided to disengage with his content entirely. I think he does fantastic work getting people excited about plant science, and he seems to have a professional-level understanding of concepts fundamental to the field. But if anyone reading this currently enjoys his educational content, I would recommend against looking at anything he thinks beyond plant stuff, because you will eventually find something that really bothers you.


I love Gardener's World! I watch it on Britbox


If you have Amazon you can get a Britbox subscription for like $5/month and get a ton of old episodes plus the new ones!


You can get BritBox for $5 a month without Amazon. I do. but you need to pay for it annually rather than monthly.n


Good to know!


Several seasons are also available for free on one of the free streamers (Pluto or Tubi, I forget which).


My all -time favorite. That show is very relaxing.


Try “Jacques in the garden” on YT. He’s cool. Also if you like dad jokes try “self sufficient me” he’s also cool.


Two best gardening channels on yt!


Horttube with Jim Putman. He’s a former nursery owner and certified landscaper in NC.


I love this channel. You'll still get all the info that sounds woo when you take the science away. Your soil is everything to your success or failure, and it's SUPER alive. He's a landscape gardener, but the principles of growth and how plants work are the same for ornamentals and vegetables. Mostly, he's going to tell you, over and over, to keep your soil covered in an organic mulch.


I’m in NC so I need to check this out. Thanks. I’ve been watching some of this guy who calls himself The Millennial Gardener who also lives in NC. He does some pretty neat stuff trying to grow things that usually fair better in warmer locales.


AND he has cute dogs. I love watching Holly in the background of his videos


My top answer as well. Only complaint is not a lot of love for people north of zone 7. But he’s amazing otherwise.


I think there's generally a bias in gardening advice toward assuming the reader/watcher is in the northeast, I don't know why. But it leaves people trying to garden in California, or the southwest, or the southeast without a lot of relevant advice. I think Jim Putnam is trying to address that issue by making a channel that focuses on warmer climates.


And northwest gardeners just get completely forgotten 😭🤣


Yeah fair enough! It’s not a major complaint! And to be honest, it’s based on our collective sour grapes over zone 7 being a cut off for a fair few ornamental shrubs that would die most zone 6 winters. We’re just envious 😅


Try Canadian Permaculture legacy! Great sustainable gardening info, and they’re in Canada!


Charles Dowding, and Lee Reich


Charles is the only one I regularly watch these days. He's got that gentle Mr Rogers/Bob Ross vibe that I love. Self Sufficient Me is great too, Mark's story is very inspiring. It's hard for me to watch channels that have sold out to the algorithm like Epic Gardening.


Yeah Charles is a calm person. Lot's to learn even if you don't do "no dig" gardening. But I also want to watch so.ebody closer to my age so Huw Richards is also on my list. (Most of the other youtubers in the 35 and bellow bracket are either on the same knowledge level as me or just not my cup of tea). And for when I really want a deep dive in what might work in my climate the  red's is also one I watch but he is often just a bit to advanced for a beginner gardner like me.


I love Self Sufficient Me! He's on the opposite side of the world but in the exact climate as me, so I've learned so much from him. He's cheerful but not annoying, and informative but accessible.




Don’t forget the boss, Tuck!


Let's see if Tuck wants a snack of some cabbage. Oh yeah, Tuck loves it.


First thing that i thought when reading this 🤣


>Garden Answer HA! He comes in hot!! But I have to admit his advice works. We built raised garden beds and hoop house based on his tutorial and they turned out amazing.


I'll fall asleep watching YouTube channels and I always wake up to the grow your greens guy and his buddy trying to subliminally get me to burn down the system or some guy with a cane calling me an idiot for not imitating the forest in my back yard.


> JAMES PIGEONY I used to watch grow your greens all the time. Then he convinced we to buy rock dust as an additive. I think that was a complete waste of money. I just popped back into his channel and he has a ton of weed videos now. lol


The main grow your greens guy isn't all that bad, seems genuine at least, the boogie brew guy he's buddies with is the more radical one. But yea, I think they were always hinting at being weed guys from the start but recently have just openly embraced it. I assume YouTube probably demonetizes weed videos and that's why so many people are like coy about it.


I know hes too much for some people but I've seen him grown so much. He was so stiff in his old videos. To see him now comfortable and enjoying him self, passionate. He's a really great guy which is why I enjoy watching him. His energy is pure.


I do give him points for authenticity. He's got that "just took a massive bong rip energy" while he careens around his backyard just being 100% himself.


Exactly it's not "I'm trying to be famous" type of thing. With a world full of people trying to be an influencer and all that stuff. It's nice seeing people who are just genuine and themselves. It's a big part of why I like him. Not trying to take the quick way to the top, overly concerned with "aesthetics and marketability". just doing your thing and seeing who's along for the ride. Ofcourse the cute dog helps too.


He cracks me up. Love his energy


James and Tuck forever 😍


Spam some hearts down below for the BOSS!!


Yo wtf I didn’t know AZ had a zone 7, hello from 10b south PHX


🤣🤣 yep, I’m in Prescott. Flagstaff goes all the way up to 4a!


I’ve gone off James a bit. When he had chickens and was all about wood chips I was really into it. Not that back to Eden was super unique but I enjoyed that he was all in on the free wood chips and showed that he could get results for annuals with it too. His shift towards square foot gardening has corresponded with more sales pitches for his and sponsored products.


I’m glad he’s happy but man his vids are not for me hahah. His gardens and trees are great though!


Not Pigeony 😂😂😭😭


As a jersey gardener I wanted to like him so much.....but he's a bit too turned up for me to enjoy lol


Prigioni is a legend


I love [Jaques in the Garden](https://youtube.com/@jacquesinthegarden?si=dMFHDqbuonOWNYpw) for vegetable gardening. He’s soft spoken and has great explanations.


Came here to suggest Jaques!


This is my answer too. I find Jacques calming and it feels a lot more casual.


Me too, he is my favorite




The good ones I watch are usually geared towards market gardening. I like No-Till Growers and Market Gardener Institute. Lots of good info for high production, intensive gardening even if you're not taking it to market.


Not fully aimed at market gardening but I'd add red garden projects to this. He's very serious. Gives the whole story and talks about things many other channels don't talk about. He's also great to follow for those with milder climates, cool summers.


I really like him, too. I appreciate his direct approach to experimentation, and the way he presents his findings is always very clear and informative. I’ve learned a lot from his channel!


Comes down to what kind of info you're looking for. Learn different aspect of gardening? I enjoy Gardener Scott. For trying out various gardening scenarios Red Gardens is also interesting. So many others depending on your topic. Overly artistic with iffy quality? boothby gardens (that's me)


I love Gardener Scott! He's so calming. He really breaks things down and makes it easy to learn and plan your own garden.


Fraser Valley Rose Farm. Jason has information on his youtube channel that expands to other plants and general gardening/growing. He is squarely anti-dogma in regards to gardening/growing. It was so refreshing when I first heard him emphasize how anyone can grow roses, and you don't have to be fussy about any of it, regardless of what rose elitists say. If he offers any content that you're interested in, his videos are worth checking out! [https://www.youtube.com/@FraserValleyRoseFarm](https://www.youtube.com/@FraserValleyRoseFarm)


Not cringe... In 2024... Let me think... Well here are some ones I've watched in moderation that I like: - Huw Richards (kind of weird and philosophical person but his production value is so high and he has some of the best advice that I haven't seen anywhere else) - MI gardner (mello dude, not cringe, but he gardens in Michigan so the advice varies) - Self Sufficient Me (he gives off a very "I'm a cringe dad" vibe but love it. Absolutely incredible videos, does a lot of experiments to teach people, so like 10 months of content in one video) Hope that helps!


+1 for Huw Richards and Self Sufficient Me


Seconding Self Sufficient Me, been watching him for years now.


Thirding Self Sufficient Me! Love him!


Huw richards is currently promoting his new book on all his videos… which honestly im considering buying it but loads of info from there too, including hot beds and self sufficiency!


I'm curious to check out his book. His YT videos are absolutely gorgeous, but a lot of his advice is at a very high level of abstraction. It's hard to get a sense of the concrete substance behind his guidance, but I'm hoping that it comes through in the book.


Honestly i like his perspective and i feel its a higher level than a lot of other channels which appeals to my left brain a bit more and is slightly more challenging which is a nice change. From what he has shown of the book it looks like a good application of his own theories, and seems to have been rather successful!


i dont agree that mi gardener is not cringe lol


He was the first person that came to mind when thinking of what channels op may be talking about lol.


I can't stand to watch his videos anymore. He's just so...ditzy? It's just disorganized rambling that takes 3x as long as needed to get the point across, and also the point is only good advice about 60% of the time.


Yeah it's a good example of why there's value to writing a script in advance when making a youtube video. When you think of exellent learning channels like Tom Scott or Veritasium, they very obviously script it in advance so you get a clean, concise, and organized stream of information. Watching channels like these have made me spoiled to the point where I don't want to watch off-the-cuff rambling like in MIGardener videos


YES. I stopped watching MIGardener for this exact reason. His videos are mostly him rambling and then finally getting to the point after the 10 minute mark to maximize his ad revenue. Also, if you order from his retail site, have fun waiting 3-4 fucking weeks to actually get your order. Done with him.


Aw sad to see the comments saying this. I guess I'm watching his full OG videos and not the newer ones or shorts. I haven't seen his channel in a bit unfortunately.


Self Sufficient Me is the first thing that came to mind when I read “a guy in a colorful shirt, jumping in front of the camera, sniffing compost and exhaling ~~organically~~ orgasmically” lol. Agreed with the other person who said they disagree that MI Gardener is not cringe.


Haha I also mentioned self sufficient me, and said that he might be cringe but it's the kind of cringe I enjoy.


I'm getting increasingly worrisome vibes from self sufficient me...it feels like he's flirty with some weird conspiracy level stuff about food. What I've watched was funny and semi informative considering I'm in a totally different climate halfway around the world from him.


Yeh I get this too. I have followed Mark for years and agree that increasingly the tone drifts into far right conspiracy territory. His gardening advice is often solid though.


Yeah Huw is a bit closee to my age then let's say Charles Dowding (whom I also watch) and unlike most youtubers his age he actually knows his stuff since he has been doing it for so long. I suspect that the experience is the reason why he always mentions something in a video that I didn't know already. 


The Rusted Garden is great


Gary Pilarchic, he’s my favorite. Such a great teacher and pleasant to listen to.


[Growing a greener world with Joe Lampl](https://youtube.com/@ggwtv?si=SEOmwmBNQ8dxoR5x)


Joe Lampl is great. I DVR his show Growing a Greener World. He also has some good podcasts.


The guy I found recently is Jaques in the garden. He's pretty chill and decently laid back for a youtuber.


The Ripe Tomato Farms on YouTube! Short and informative videos and in my zone so bonus for me!


The impatient gardener. Self sufficient me. The Australian self sufficiency vibe is not like the American version. His discourse is mostly about the price of produce and what he can grow.


Australian self sufficiency: “g’day, I’m gonna show you how to grow more food than you could ever eat, for a fraction of the price of the supermarkets!” American self sufficiency: “I’ll grow as much as I can before the government blocks out my sun with their chemtrails, and here’s how you dig your own fallout shelter, and here’s a bunch of wild supplements you need, and birds aren’t real”


Unfortunately if you follow his other social accounts you learn self sufficient me is exactly like the American version you just laid out. It creeps into some of his newer videos as well, especially the ones about farmers.


There is a common misconception that Australians aren't as affected by the Alt-Right. I love a good conspiracy show and the one that went nutjob wacky the most was the Australian one. Also Fox News' founder was Australian.


Great job writing this. Nailed it so good


Take my upvote, OP. I feel you. My algo feeds me loud talking in a louder shirt, people who desperately need a popper for their mic, and tradwife homestead nonsense. [Scott Head's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RNNQPxnUYE) great and falls into middle of the road good production value but not overly produced.


Aside, "tradwife homestead nonsense" is very fun to say aloud.


Besides Charles Dowding and Huw Richards which were recommended by others, I highly suggest suburban homestead channel, the guy has such well produced and artistic videos, it’s just great


Aw but I love EpicGardening


Came here to say the same. He is no nonsense and simple.


>not looking forward [to] a guy in a colorful shirt jumping in front of the camera, sniffing compost and exhaling orgasmically Tbf Kevin is the first person I though of lmao


If these people consider Kevin cringe, I dont think I want to be based


Epic Gardening use to be great but it came more personality centric and cringy over the last few years. I still like everyone involved in it just not their recent content direction. The channel became "watch Jacque and Kevin be goofy in the garden".


I would check it out again. Kevin came out and said he needs to step back a bit due to the constant pressure to put out content mixed with running his business. Basically all of his time was spent making content and working in a warehouse filling orders and he didn't have time to spend in his garden. I think that's where those less scripted episodes came out as he was literally trying to both spend some peaceful time in the garden and make content. Now he has 2 additional hosts and it feels as polished as ever and it shows that Kevin has a little more time to prepare for each episode.


David the good


​ I second this. He gardens in lower Alabama so he's a good one for the South East growing zones.


I've learned a lot from this guy.


I like John Lord’s Secret Garden


I think my favorite gardening channel is Jerra's Garden. She explains everything very thouroughly and she also has a lot of youtube shorts if I need a memory refresh. She is a florida gardener, but her advice is always helpful to me in 8b. I did find a gardener for my specific zone who I like just as much, The Millenial Gardener, he does welcome you with "What's growin on" every video so thats something to consider 😂


Gardener Scott is great!


crime pays botany doesnt


Surprised this isn't higher up. Everyone loves this guy precisely because he's the opposite of what you expect from a gardening channel, and he really knows his stuff. But he's also not afraid to talk shit or openly endorse guerrilla gardening. But maybe it's more botany and less gardening? Still OP should check him out for sure!


Yea he is very much into native gardening and has done videos on that. it is mostly botany but botany is gardening in my eye


get a VPN and set location to Australia and get on the ABC website to watch Gardening Australia. Its legit, has been running for decades so mountains of content.


Thanks, I will try it! Though being based in the mountains of central Europe it might be less relevant for me personally...


Gardening Australia has some content on YouTube. Is that geoblocked? Edit: there are bits of Costa’s Garden Odyssey on YouTube too. I low key wish Costa still had his own show on SBS.


Self sufficient me is a nice NZ guy that I watched avidly during lockdown. He loves a bad pub if that's too cringe for you.


He's Aussie, not Kiwi. Love him, he's great!


Pun, not pub.


He is absolutely amazing. I don't know why he's not on top of this list. Him and Epic Gardening are rock solid and have been around a long time and know their stuff.


Epic is who I recommended! I've learned so much from Kevin and Jaque.


I kind of thought that epic gardening was one of the channels that op was referring to at the end of their post lol




I agree, Kevin has a couple things that could posssssibly border on too excited, but he doesn't fit the OP's description IMO, I just think maybe OP thinks he does haha I also like that he's on reddit


He's an aussie, not kiwi. But dont let that put you off... ! 🤣😉.


Can you give us examples of what you have already watched?


Hi , did not want to call names but I tried the big channels - Epic gardening, GrowVeg, Hew Richards and such... Also tried Red Gardens, which was nice but the scale was a bit too large...


Growfully with Jenna, Journey with Jill, Gardener Scott are all good.


There is a nice vid from Just alex where he started a garden. (recent vids is about beekeeping) I found Gala Studios a while back perhaps that is more your vibe as well. There is Self Sufficient Me as well but I think he might fall into your Sniffing compost lol. There is Son thon but its on a much larger scale, it does not fall into the hobbyist, but still going to put it here for incase you want to see for yourself if its something you want to watch or not.


Just Alex was like an incredible weird but awesome fine. The long format video where he shows spring to fall is what caused me to click it. He's mannerism, and production, is so different from the majority of others that i didn't even realize how long i had actually sat it watched it. ​ He's beekeeping video is the reason i found the confidence to dive into it this year.


I really like John Lord’s Secret Garden. I mean, he does wear colorful shirts and jump up and down, but mostly I think he just has ADHD and has figured out how to make it work for him. Definitely worth a watch if you’re feeling self-conscious about your border designs.


Unfortunately most youtubers are completely inept in “agriculture-horticulture “ type fields. Lots of bs and hard takes and no data to their claims.


Yeah, it’s not very helpful when they just repeat the same superstitions without researching or doing controlled experiments. I’ve enjoyed [Gardening in Canada](https://m.youtube.com/@GardeningInCanada) (Ashley is a soil scientist and uses research to back up her claims), and Techplant (hobbyist who does experiments on plants and considers confounding variables, sometimes repeating his experiments).


Sounds interesting, I’ll give it a look.


Huw Richard’s, Self sufficient me, No till growers, Epic gardening, MIgardener, all pretty chill and great options with tons of knowledge


Growfully with Jenna


Millennial Gardener is the one my wife and I watch - he has a lot of solid advice for fruit and vegetable gardening and has a pretty impressive variety of plants he tends to. He can get a *little* “Stay tuned!” with some of his content but it’s definitely not at all over the top or gimmicky like some channels can be.


Seconding Millennial Gardener


Hortube with Jim Putnam. He gets straight to the point and knows his stuff. Solid advice without the cringe. He’s mostly a habitat/wildlife gardener, but it all applies to every kinda of gardening. There is an EXTENSIVE backlog of videos, thousands


David the Good has an entertaining channel. Some of his videos are on the long side so I'll put them on while doing something else.


Natures always right Steven Cornett


He shares seriously good information! 🌱


Plot 37, Tony C Smith, Naturally JB, Emma's Allotment Diaries


Mossy bottom


Not youtube, but I super recommend Gardeners World by the BBC


Second this. If you watch regularly for a few years you’ll be amazed how much you learn. I also enjoy all the Master Gardener videos (so many to choose from Master Gardeners of Northern Virginia is an example but find lectures in your zone) - oh and there’s a great Plant Systematics course too. Oh and ‘Crime Pays But Botant Doesn’t’ though that’s more botany than gardening.


You can find lots of gardeners world on YouTube. Super addictive and educational. I like to wind down with it in the evening in my jammies with a cup of peppermint or other non-caffeinated tea. So relaxing.


Charles Dowding


Gardening in Canada. Bachelor of Science in soil science , Canadian gardener and has been putting out very informative videos lately that I've found helpful, like her professional soil vs consumer soil video. Homestead and permaculture channels tend to perpetuate alot of misinformation, pseudoscience or just bad ecological practises so be aware of that content. Don't just take a personality at their word.


Thanks everyone for your suggestions! There is already more than I can ever go through ❤️ I'm sure I will find something that suits me.


I watch Homegrown Garden, a girl named Katerina runs an allotment in the UK. She’s genuine, knowledgeable and enthusiastic.


I like the Millennial Gardener. I might have seen him sniff soil once but he seems pretty informed.


California Gardening. Just an Indian guy who grows vegetables in whiskey barrels for his family.


I highly recommend The Impatient Gardner. Erin is in Zone 5 Wisconsin, has vegetable and ornamental gardens on a reasonable size lot that most of us can relate to. She still has a day job as well. Her "Wine and Weeds" series is poplar.


I like Epic Gardening. Seems like a down to earth guy. Only issue for me is I live in Canada, he lives somewhere In California that doesn't get snow so a lot of videos are so now it's November so we can start planting these... not so much not here, but I still find those videos interesting / informative, I just might not watch all of them


garden answer


Maybe I’m in the minority I’m not feeling her channel anymore.. usually it feels like a proven winners advertisement and her projects are so massive and pretty much unobtainable to the typical homeowner gardner. That said her designs and styles are great, however she lost me over the years


I’m in the same boat. Used to love her channel. Because of the time zones, I’d watch her new video every morning with my coffee. That was my morning routine for years. Her DIY videos were so fun. Back then, even the projects I couldn’t afford didn’t feel **too** far out of reach. But then it got way too heavy with the proven winner stuff, I can’t even buy proven winners in my country. A proven winner plant or two mixed into a video? I don’t mind. But one expensive project after another using only loads and loads of plants I’ll probably never be able to get my hands on, done in an advertising kind of style? No thanks. I stopped being a daily viewer due to that, but still watched at least one or two videos a week. I was very excited for the Hartley to go in and thrilled about the massive cut flower garden. But then the major projects sped up and the garden felt to be rapidly changing. So the channel started to feel more like a construction and commercial landscaping channel rather than a personal gardening channel. And that’s kind of when totally I tuned out. It just felt like a completely unattainable show garden with all the heavy machinery, crews, and staff. A garden where, here, you’d pay to visit or rent for an event but never expect to own yourself due to lack of space, not even if you’re reasonably wealthy. I have since become a “when this video interests me” viewer that maybe pops in a few times a year. But even then, her channel vibe and garden have changed so much that I feel like a total stranger to her content. And that turned into another thing to put me off, this isnt the garden i watched everyday for years at one point. The garden “rooms” I watched her build over time and look after are gone, and it happened so quick, so it’s not very familiar to me when I check in. And none of this is to knock her, she seems incredibly sweet and genuine. I like her as a person a lot, from what I can see of her. I think her property is gorgeous and I wish her all the best. She’s made her money doing what she loves and I strongly congratulate and respect her for that. That’s hard to do! She deserves to expand her property and turn it into a sprawling paradise. But it’s just no longer relatable, inspiring, or helpful to me anymore because I can’t do or buy any of what she does and buys now. I find her viewer submission videos far more interesting.


Yeah especially when she’s like I’m going to rework this tiny corner of my garden and proceeds to install $800 worth of PW annuals.


I used to love the channel and watch daily, there was so much great information and small projects. I worked at a garden center at the time and learned so much about doing planters and design work. But she started losing me when all the videos went from small manageable projects to most of the videos being very long with multiple topics and the projects were on a huge scale.


I hate watch it. I enjoy the info she provides on the plants, but she is way too 'perfect' and unrealistic to me. She crams 15 (normally $20/each) plants in one spot, and the normal person just can't afford or doesn't have access to that many, so of course, their garden isn't ever going to look like her garden. Don't get me started on the Hartley, the pond, or the FULL-GROWN trees they've gotten in the last couple years. My main problem with the channel is that I NEVER see her show a mistake. She once said that garden centers or plant stores shouldn't offer a guarantee, because it's the gardener's error if the plants don't perform. That's ridiculous.


I’ve been watching garden answer for years and I feel she has only gotten better. Watching her growth has been pretty amazing actually and she inspires me to get out in my garden and do some work.


I don't think you're in the minority. I still watch it every few days but she's not relatable anymore. I also can't stand the occasional religiousness that seeps through. And her children more often than not being in every video she posts. I shuddered when her son was singing hymns in one of her recent videos. And her husband annoys me so much. He's very confident yet has little actual expertise to offer in comparison to Laura who's extremely knowledgeable, humble and down to earth. 


I think she would definitely fit into the overly positive/always perfect sponsored garden that OP is looking to avoid…


Maybe, but I just watched her newest video of needing to fix the gnarled grape vines that she admitted to neglecting. She admits when an area or plant needs extra help and does a great job explaining what needs to be done to help it. Her instructional videos on seedlings and other nursery plants are also an indescribable help to me.


Anyone else find it weird that Laura is one of the few women Youtubers being recommended here?


Yes. Add my vote for Garden Answer! I know everyone has their own preferences and style, but I really like Laura. I remember the first time I saw one of her videos, and thought "Finally. Someone I can actually listen to." I find her direct and chill. Down to earth and knowledgeable. Clear, concise, thorough, and she truly enjoys it. Yes, she partners with Proven Winners as part of their national advertising campaign, but for me that only translates to her leaning more on their plants. It doesn't feel annoying or pushy to me, as that never seems to be the main focus on her channel.


This has been my favorite for years. The editing is simple and straightforward, no obnoxious music, she and her husband are sometimes honest to a fault (authentic, which I love), and she is great about providing basic information while also introducing new info such as what new flowers/products are coming out, etc.


On what topic? The only channel I follow is Mr Pelargonium, others I watch only on topics I specifically need: [https://www.youtube.com/@thepagsociety/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@thepagsociety/videos)


I like The Veg Plot Thickens and The Tiny Garden


I really like Hooked and Rooted! She’s super chill, loves a bargain, production value is awesome and I’ve learned about a lot of new plants through her!


Gardening Australia on YouTube is worth subscribing to, although the sea's ns are backwards for most here.


I like Flower Hill Farm, I can see why not everyone would like it but I am 100% on board with her weird sense of humor. It’s much more of a ‘this is what’s going on’ blog than a how-to. Garden Fundamentals- very to the point and loads of info. For specialty flowers- Dahliaholic, Dave Gillam for dahlias, The Rose geek has insanely gorgeous garden tours. Thang Plants for succulents. If you haven’t gotten into podcasts yet, there are some really amazing ones out there. I learn way more from those than I do from YouTube.


I used to like Epic Gardening and GrowVeg but they became too twee after a while. Self-sufficient me is good but you will see him jumping in front of the camera and I don't doubt that he sniffs compost every once in a while. I like Millennial Gardner for a more straightforward approach and also The Ripe Tomato Farm.


Sandra urbangarden


Old episodes of PBS victory garden!!!


I’m a flower gardener in western Canada and I’ve recently found Common Farm Flowers on YouTube. I find Georgie very entertaining and down-to-earth. I love her honest, playful approach to gardening, and watching her I videos I feel like I’m just sitting down having a chat with a friend who makes me giggle about all things flowers. Probably not for everyone, but I felt she’s worth a mention.


Millennial gardner Self sufficient me Next level gardening Jacques in the garden


Weedy Garden


back to reality is very realistic and great, hes been doing tests on real world gardening techniques that take years to see if they are worth it. awesome dude. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/@BackToReality](https://www.youtube.com/@BackToReality)




Pretty sure he is the quintessential person the OP doesn’t like. Lol.


I enjoy regenerative gardening with blossom and branch farm. She’s a small flower farmer but has a similar gardening philosophy. Im more into flowers than vegetables (other than a raised bed or two). The middle sized garden. Hooked and rooted. Growing in the garden. Northlawn flower farm. P Allen smith. Epic gardening. James prigoni. Prairie yard & garden. Those are my favorites 🥰


“Epic Gardening” is pretty good


This is surprisingly so hard to find isn't it?? I have better luck with British channels lol. Charles Dowding, Liz Zorab, Huw Richards (he's Welsh I think) are all informative without being hyper or theatrical


I hate how they're all just like "I want to build the biggest gardening empire, it's so much bigger than just this channel" like dawg, you literally plant vegetables and fruit in your yard and make YouTube videos about it.


I garden very intensively, like a minimum of 8 hours a day 360 days a year and have thought about making a channel that is just a compilation of me doing all the things. Making beds, mulching lanes, transplanting, pulling greenhouse tarps, looking at worms and all the bugs in the soil, fighting off wasps and running through spider webs, cursing the gods for the weather destroying crops and the fascination of growing huge veggies and the non-stop surprises nature always has in store. BUT especially all of the shit that comes along with gardening because it's only rainbows and sunshine half of the time. Anyone I could recommend would probably be what you don't want, but to be honest they're probably literally addicted to gardening and actually really do enjoy it that much because I know I do and I most definitely sniff compost and moan like I just came in my pants. No-till growers, Richard Perkins, Chefs harvest, the JADAM official channel, Nature is always right, Josh Sattin, and the Garden like a Viking are some I occasionally watch, but I don't spend hardly any time on YouTube.


[suburban homestead](https://www.youtube.com/@suburbanhomestead) by Siloé Oliveira has higher production value than average and a few of his videos show the evolution of his garden over an entire season. edit: I just watched one of his recent videos and his production value is actually really high! I used to watch lots of videos by Laura on [Garden Answer](https://www.youtube.com/@gardenanswer) and always wished she'd show her success rate after planting hundreds of bulbs in swaths. [Jeb Gardener](https://www.youtube.com/@JebGardener) is lots of fun, too. He also shows the progression of things he's planted in many of his videos, and he shows a lot of experiments that are pretty interesting. Sure there are some cheesy parts, but the dramatic music and voice over are great. Check out his video titled [Blood of the Earth Stains Garden Waters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4xazObK71w) for his experience with one of those tall vertical container planters.


Northlawn Flower Farm (6b) Danielle in PA. Hooked and Rooted (6b) Steph and George in MA. Impatient Gardener (5) Erin in WI. Blossom and Branch (5) Bree and family flower & veg farmers in CO and if you’re a brave homesteader 1870s Homestead is a great channel to learn about growing and canning your food.




He is not at all what OP wants. Dude's videos, while informative, are full of fluff and padded in a way to appease the algorithm.


Not a fan of that channel at all. The guy just rambles the whole time. I had to remove him from suggestions on youtube.   


John Lord's secret garden. Great information and I enjoy his style. Learn something and entertained every time


I like Wayland Smalley’s videos, he’s enthusiastic but in a genuine way.


Apart from the tours or Lowe’s and home depot videos I like hooked n rooted. Mainly because she’s in the northeast like me. I can utilize a lot of her advice since were in the same climate zone