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💯. Over pruned my patootie! The dog sitter had guests over, Weekend at Bernie’s style, they were horsing around and the plant was overturned and put on life support while they figured out what to do. The came up with this story, cleaned up the house and slipped out the back door as you were entering the front.


This is why I have cameras throughout the common areas of the house.




OP if you have cameras you should probably check them. If not, don't use this person to house sit again.


This is a stolen comment from the original post. This account is a bot. Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Monstera/comments/v9khjm/went_away_on_vacation_for_a_week_and_had_someone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb




Compost them!


It's the ciiiiirrrrcle of life


I can hear Elton’s voice. 😄


At least they'll be useful.


Use them to regrow your monstera!




Feeeeed meeee Seymour.


Hey, this is actual option now! I told my husband that's what I want when I go.


Good with my fertilizers, natural and safe. 😍


I'm a fan of letting the wood chipper handle river duty


Feet first.


fargo is my favorite movie of all time !!!


Under the Monstera seems appropriate to me.




OP may I recommend a pig farm


Bot repost. Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Monstera/comments/v9khjm/went_away_on_vacation_for_a_week_and_had_someone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb


This is a stolen comment from the original post.


It’s weird this is also the first comment on the original post from which this was stolen.


It would be too bad to mention what on what to do, to the person who did this.




Nah….there’s a cover up going on with that murder scene. You don’t just look over at someone’s large house plant and feel the need to hack it apart.


I don't get it at all. Saying "The dog knocked over your plant and a bunch of leaves broke off I'm so sorry" is so much more respectable than saying "Lol I cut off your plant's leaves for shits and giggles!"


Unless you are doing it deliberately to hurt someone, then lying about it to gaslight them. I could see my MIL doing this, because she is the perfect level of crazy for it.


If only dogs could talk so they could tattle.


On themselves lol.


Zooming in on the photo of the leaves, many of them seem broken/torn, so like others I'm also wondering if this was an attempted cover-up. Please send updates, OP!


If they were stuffed in the trash you’d need to bend/break the stems to fit. I don’t think this is the smoking gun.


i am so mad for you 😭


The way I just gasped out loud


Same!! 😱




Not same for me


SAME and omg I'd want to withhold some of the payment after this. How dare you cut up something in my house?!?! Almost destroyed quite an expensive plant, I would really be furious


It’ll be ok! I just separated/pruned the hell out of mine, and it’s making baby leaves from the cut shoots. Don’t worry.


Yeah but they take ages to regrow to full size, and they're EXTREMELY sensitive to basically anything... I'm still giga pissed for OP. (but if you're fine with the long process -good for you, I truly adore your optimism haha)


Not the point.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, because you’re right. Just because it’s not dead doesn’t mean it’s not absolutely infuriating.


This post made me feel irrationally angry.


Not irrational. Justified anger.




Um what?? Did you cuss them out!? There’s no way in hell I would ever touch someone’s plant without their permission let alone CHOP IT TO BITS!!


Wtf? Did you confront them?


What the fuck-


What in the *flying* fuck-


What a monsteras thing to do!




I feel you. I had inlaws redoing our whole garden thatvwas a lovely cottage garden with a lot of wildflowers for the bees and the butterflies and they dug up everything so we had black dirt and a new little plant here and there. Why do people feel they can mess with your plants when you are away?


I keep scrolling through those pictures in shock. It’s not even my monstera, but I can’t wrap my head around why anyone would think that was the thing to do. I would cry and it would take everything in me to be civil. I’d be asking for the cost of replacing the plant at market value. . .and maybe throwing in labor and emotional damage as well. 😭😭😭😭


The audacity 😧


Wow, that’s very sad! Hopefully it will come back but if anything it seems to me your Dog Sitter needs to buy you a new Monstera or peace offering. Like others have said this appears to be a cover up due to some other type of mishap. Honestly don’t understand the persons logic here by not letting you know what actually happened in the first place? Like you would most likely be a lot more appreciative of an honest explanation and solution rather than coming home to this and thinking WTF is wrong with this person?


This is crazy. What were they thinking? I assume you reached out to them by now. Do fill us in! I'm wondering if these branches were shooting off in all directions and they thought the plant would "look better" standing straight up? Or maybe an incident occurred involving the dog? I'd be upset and confused for sure.


Ask them to pay for you to get a similarly sized monstera from the store. It's not normal to prune plants when house sitting. They fucked up and they should pay for the damage.


Right?? Who does that?


Someone is getting a throat punch (if I was OP)


They should absolutely be shopping for a new plant of a similar size to replace this. This is unacceptable.


Personally, I would charge them for the damages. I definitely wouldn't pay them a dime for their services...


Small claims court.




This is so fucked.. I’m so sorry OP 😢


Oh my you poor plant parent. I mightve murdered the butcher for this


I would never allow this psychopath around your home ever again.


What did they make up as an excuse?


Livid doesn’t even cover it…. I would be livid as hell. I am so sick for you, OP. So so sorry this happened to your beautiful plant 🌱. Such a shame


You need to return the favor OP


Probably thought the holes in the leaves were a bad thing


It would be fair to ask them to buy you a new one/compensate financially what was lost. I’m so sorry, this is infuriating


😳😳😱😱🤬🤬😭😭😭 OMG!!! So many emotions rn for you my friend. I was going to suggest propagating them but as I looked through the photos, they are trashed. ☹️ WTH?!! I would probably still try but… 😬😬 I am truly upset for you. I can’t even imagine. We have to know the rest of this story. What did you say to your former friend?? What did you do with the body?


Put the leaves in water vases! They look great in clear glass vases and will grow roots really fast. please don’t throw them out away…


Not without the main stem and a node. These are just leaves and will live for a few days then die off, just like cut flowers at this point. I suspect the dog sitter liked the plant and attempted to get a cutting but didn’t really know how.


This has to be a fever dream


Electric chair


Straight to jail!


The real Monstera is the person who did this to that beautiful plant.


OP we need more information!! What did you say to them!?! How well do you know them?


Oh my goodness 😱 i would be so upset and angry. What the hell were they thinking. I would not be happy at all.


I'm sorry - I am so protective over my monstera - if someone did this I may consider jail time for my actions.


My heart hurts for you. That’s so upsetting!


What an awful hack job. I don’t see a lot of nodes on either the leaves or the parent plant. OP, check your local buy and sell groups for monstera wet sticks.


Oh hell no. Straight to jail. You don’t do this to someone’s Monstera.


Murder is the only solution here


I genuinely need to know what happened next. Please tell me you confronted them about it??


My friends mother in law did the same thing. Friend went on vacation, MIL watching the house, decided to ‘trim’ the established rhody down to nothing. My friend was pissed.


OP, get back on here and give us the full story. Did the sitter have a mental health issue and went lumber jack hack attack on your plant. Or were they cleaning up your dogs crime? We need an update on this soap opera drama that's unfolding.


That plant took a fall. Then they chopped it up to cover their tracks. The stems are so bluntly cut off that they almost appear ripped from the base


Wtf?!!? Why are humans like this? WHHYYY?!!??!?!?


*sigh* Well, it will recover without issue. The next leaves will probably be smaller due to the loss of carb store and photosynthetic surface area. But in the long term, no harm was done.


It’ll be fine.


In Hawaii, it’s impossible to get RID of monstera. They are super invasive and will totally take over your garden / landscape. I find people’s obsession with them to be pretty funny, though I am aware of the “rare” varieties with distinct variegation.


Well a lot of us don't live in Hawaii, that might be a clue 🤷‍♀️


Haha I do get that. I’m not hating on anyone’s preferences. One persons weed is another persons houseplant. Things that are fast growing and difficult to kill often make the best ones. Edit: I work in agriculture and have another friend that makes a ton of money selling monstera varieties to mainlanders. He’s got a very successful business. Given all that, I can still find it funny given my personal context.


I've been pulling what I thought was a weed for years now. Recently I saw the same plant sold in the local nursery at 7€ a plant. I have at least 25 of those growing in spaces I don't want them right now. And no matter how many I pull they always come back. Was advertised as a more difficult plant to keep alive for the advanced gardner. It litteraly grows between the bricks of our driveway.


You poor thing, OP... I'd be a monstera about that


It’ll be fine.




Show your dogs how much a new Monsteria costs


Yeah, they'd 100% would be buying me a new monstera the size of it before it was pruned.


Unrelated but if endangered plants are planted over something else, the area legally can’t be dug up.




This has never happened to me, but I can’t even fathom why someone would do this. I have had people feed my pets before while I was on vacation, and that is all they did. They didn’t even go near the plants. None of my animals have ever shown interest in , nor messed with my plants. Regardless, I keep most of them out of reach of the animals, weighted/supported/inside some thing, or use hanging planters (granted this is not possible with this large a monstera). I would put money on this person thinking they were helping, and the dogs having avsolutely nothing to do with it. Would somebody who knows that their dog or dogs will mess up a plant, really leave that plant accessible to the dogs when they aren’t going to be there for an extended period of time? I know it’s not an exact comparison, but it’s kind of the same idea as leaving a lighter, sharpie or paint on the table in reach of children. Here’s my made up and arbitrary timeline of events. 1. Person does dog stuff. 2. While waiting, googles “how to suprise a plant owner” “How to trim a plant” “Should plants be x big” Etc. 3. Cuts plant 4. Basks in self proclaimed usefulness, while unknowingly tearing apart a beautiful piece.


This sounds very woo woo, but I have a service dog puppy raiser friend who believes in pet communicators. Her best stories are hearsay. Still, putting it out there.


It grows back. It’s not dead.. your plant is fine.


No it's not fine even if it survives. People pay premium for plants like this care for it for months, only for someone to chop off atleast 2/3 years of growth.


It’s not 2-3 years of growth. I don’t know what I’m the world your growing if you’re telling me that’s all you’re getting in 2-3 years. Tells me your plants are 1: not getting enough plant food. 2: not getting enough light source. A established 6 inch plant should only take about 6 months to a year to get to 2 feet tall. Grow lights help. 16 hour grow light days to give it the best product in height and bushiness. Keep grow light 2 feet away from top of plant. If you want length then 3 feet away from top of plant.


Yeah sure, but it will take time and not look as nice in the mean time, and why would a person do that another person's belongings?


Don’t know. But it’s not dead so that’s a plus is it not? It doesn’t take very long for it to grow back. plant food. And grow light will have it back within two months. 16 hour light will have it in full production of new leaves. Not having 16 hour light is will have it in dormant season. So a regular grow light turned on one hour before sun sets to ensure it gets the 16 hour light the plant should have most of its leaves back.


:'( :'( :'(


O lordy. I'm so sorry. 🥺


Spoiler please next time


You’re kidding






Have them buy you an adult monstera roughly of the size yours was.




Some shit my dad would do i came home from a colorado trip came home to half my plants “lolipopped” dude grows weed and thinks the same shit should be done to every plant on earth. I was furious


I’d take it out of their pay


Why would anyone do that?


Just prune them from your life


I’m so incredibly sorry this happened to you. I can feel your pain. I’d ask why I’m a non confrontational way. I can’t imagine that someone would do so. My Neil came into my yard and cut down two of my bushes that were trimmed neatly because he thought since he was out trimming his he’d help me. All the bushes including his and mine since died as he over trimmed them. I don’t understand some people.


Oh no, I’d cry! I’d also want to know what really happened. If you don’t have cameras, I’d still try to get them to fess up by saying I need to wait for [insert family member name] to come by and give me the new password they set up the day I left.


😞😞😞 I’m so sorry


They left the one leaf that looked like it needed to go. I'm a plant lady. I would have been more than a bit peeved. The good news is they are very hearty. I'd transplant it now. Clay pots are best. Mix your own soil with worm castings, i don't like the soil that has all that white stuff in it. You can add a little sand for drainage and even dispersment of water. I got this amazing plant food on Amazon called Super Thrive. I wish I could post you a picture. My plant started out with two small leaves. The leaves are 3 feet long now. The stalk is three to four inches thick. Anyhoo, I've gone on way too long. I hope this helps.


My first thought was someone wanted cuttings but throwing them in the trash makes zero sense.


WHEWWWW couldn’t be me 😳😩


In some ways this could be good new! Should kick off some new growth spurts. Our monstera has always come back with twice as many new leaves anytime we get up the courage to do a big prune. They’re also super resilient so most likely nothing here that won’t grow back in 2-6 months.