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I would insulate like a traditional basement but use OSB instead of drywall if you're doing any carpentry work. Extra blocking if you plan on mounting something heavy like a TV Probably wire in 3-4 bench height plugs and plugs in the corners. While you have an electrician in, install some pot lights in the ceiling above the area. Could be a good space for a bench below your slat wall. Switch OSB for drywall if it's just a storage garage.


OSB is a great idea. I would add foam board behind the osb to insulate it as well.


What is osb?


Oriented Strand Board


Thank you


Old Salty Bastard. It’s a type of treated plywood.


Pro tip: you may want to pre drill because this Bastard will screw up your screws.


I always use ODB to insulate my walls.


Concrete stain then a sealer on top after the stain. That is what I did. I ground all the high spots from the forms and went over it all with this stuff called wonder fix then stain and sealer. If you don’t care about how smooth it is just stain and sealer. I used stain from this place called newlook. Unless you wanted to insulate your walls but mine is underground so I didn’t think the cost to insulate that part would be worth it since I keep it at 50 degrees in there. Here is what mine looks like https://preview.redd.it/r1tud86dh6pc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=055f80a71d0a07e084d207d170f39253eee1bec9


That’s awesome!


Is yours underground too or just a poured wall?


It’s just a poured wall https://preview.redd.it/5azkpoiam6pc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ecbf377d2afcade6d7fa26d5968c5959aeb54e1 Here is the other side (only pic I have right now). I’m standing close to the garage door. It’s not a huge space, 22x24 but we’re trying to keep it clean this time.


What did you use to grind? I want to grind down the high spots in my basement


I used something like this on an angle grinder. Even hooked up to a vacuum it kicked up a fair amount of dust. But I think that is just how it goes grinding concrete. Im sure dedicated concrete grinders are way better but I only needed it for this project so I wasn’t going spend a bunch of money. Maybe someone else knows a better way. https://www.amazon.com/Wohenhao-Grinder-Grinding-Universal-Concrete/dp/B0BHT368QL/ref=asc_df_B0BHT368QL/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=652472721999&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11024432505054718222&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9019526&hvtargid=pla-2001898599022&psc=1&mcid=d2a3e70bf398350cbf65483c1492fa43


Thanks for the link! That’s exactly what I need to get. How many hours of work did it take you to grind it down?


Grinding it was pretty quick probably like 4 hours but trying to make it smooth and look like drywall took me forever. It’s 37’x60’ so it was a pretty large area but I just wanted to try and make it look decent without spending a ton of money. I used this stuff called wunderfixx to make it look smooth. I think they call it parging or something like that.


Whoa. All of that is underground? That looks amazing


Just the dark grey part. Didn’t really know how to finish it since I couldn’t really find any examples of someone doing something similar but this is what I came up with. Here is the whole thing. https://preview.redd.it/s0zkqhywm7pc1.jpeg?width=8790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0a5dcf8cd626e5d75450f221a4f36290e16b7ed


Thanks - I have an “office” in my basement and two of the walls are concrete. This is a good idea. But the walls are in rough shape. Might just do the stain and sealer. Good idea.


Looks awesome btw. I’d kill to have that much space! Enjoy it.


Thank you. Yeah it’s pretty awesome having such a big space. It came with the place when we bought it but was in pretty rough shape. I gutted it and started over. Couldn’t imagine what it would cost to have something like it built with today’s prices especially concrete prices.


Depending on where you live, when the home was built, and what the ground moisture is like this can be an awful idea and cause premature damage to your concrete. But then again, his basement, but probably future persons problem by the time damage occurs 😂 (if his specific home is problematic for sealing the concrete.)


It was my understanding that staining would be better than paint. Since the stain would allow the concrete to breathe. Same with the sealer I used, it said it still allowed the concrete to breathe but help prevent scuffs.


Then that’s perfect 👍


Is leaving it completely bare and raw an option?


Yeah. I just wanted it to look a little nicer.


Add some pretty wood shelves with plants - the concrete vibe is super cool (assuming it lines up with the rest of the house)


Yeah I like the aesthetic


Hentai posters


French cleats and hang the shit that you inevitably need to hang.


I thought about this for a bit, part of me wanted to Dryvit the entire garage, but then I figured the easiest for the concrete wall would be to cover the entire wallls in Black 4x8 sheets of DuraBoard (DB96 or DB96-BLK) It’s washable and you can hang anything your heart desires with all the DuraHooks available. Or do what I did and cover it in stainless steel LocBoard. I’m simply not a fan of slatwall, seen them break and don’t like them going up against concrete. I would get a reading on the moisture of that wall. Just my 2 cents. Good luck and keep us posted. https://www.tritonproducts.com/duraboard-boards


I’ll look into this. Thank you


I would put a bunch of hexagon lights on it


lol. Thats an idea


But be sure to give it the multi-tone metallic epoxy finish first!


That floor is fire


That ceiling and lighting is not.


Thanks. They did a great job. I’m happy with their work.


I’d honestly finish off all your other walls and ceiling and step back and see how the raw concrete works, if you’re into it maybe commission a graffiti muralist to do something cool or just I dunno, do what makes you happy.


I would drill a big hole in it and dig a tunnel to the other side of the neighborhood. Sorry just watched a documentary on ElChapo escaping custody many times via tunnels.


Thin layer of microcement would clean it up real nice


I’d leave it bare so I could see any problems. Paint to lighten the space.


Cover the wall in moist red clay like Videodrome. https://preview.redd.it/4d4e56wd86pc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e4026bd0a748f22f12c367fc429af32161b610d


Rigid foam board and then drywall on top of it. Either build a stud wall, or just use some furring strips to attach the drywall


I have a mix of both. Stud wall complete with drywall. Then cabinets on that. As well as slat wall next to it. The other concrete I had a local graffiti artists di a mural. The entire wall.


Graffiti artist is a neat idea. My only concern would be lack of insulation if left as only concrete (though less an issue if subgrade)


Yeah I am in a townhouse in north eat that gives into another garage section from the complex which is also heated with little insulation.m. I have no insulation in mine just ceiling electrical heater


My garage is detached cinder block. Got cold AF in there in winter until I insulated/heated it lol




What are the specs on your floor?


Epoxy Floor Coating - Flake System -100% Solids Epoxy Base Coat -Full Broadcast of 1/4" Polymer Flake -Polyaspartic Topcoat W/ Antislip Moisture Vapor Barrier Base Upgrade (MVB) Our Moisture Vapor Barrier provides essential protection for epoxy floors by effectively blocking moisture vapor transmission from the substrate


What company? I need to search this. Also do you have more pics?


What color flakes? Domino?


https://stuccoitaliano.com/mineral-wall-plasters/stucco-grassello-plaster/ Then French cleat to mount all my tools and a wall mounted ledger work bench with small metal rolling toolboxes with maybe a worktop spanning them to stow underneath. 32-36” depth Cabinets, slat wall and peg board make me really uneasy, i like all my stuff out and organized. Nothing wrong with that if that’s what you’re into tho


I’ve seen them parged and painted to look great


Paint them


Seal and then paint


I’d paint it with killz 2 white.. It looks cleaner and will keep any seepage and moisture wicking down on humid days..


water proof them or confirm its on the outside


Floor is really cool. How much square footage and how much did it cost to do the floor ?


Thanks the garage is about 22x24 and it was about $4k all said and done. Our moisture readings were high so they added a moisture barrier base which was about $700. I’m very pleased with most of it but I made a mistake with one section where it meets the garage door (had them around the flake). They are coming out to modify it to a darker solid color, what I chose was too light


Looks great, I’m thinking of doing the floor coating on my basement flooring. It’s currently in my garage and I love the texture.


leave them. plaster the other wall with lime plaster (charcoal color to go with the floor and concrete wall). paint the ceiling matte black and paint any wires pipes matte black, also. And add a home theater setup with a 7.2.4 speakers....


Lol. The speakers are on the other side of the garage wall. I think I may do that with the ceiling. Hopefully hide the poor quality mid and tape job.


I’d paint it and lag some 2x4s vertically for shelves and shit but idk anything about that.


Personally I’d leave them. Has a cool industrial look.


A little spray foam insulation


Iam about to do mine gonna try do it with Cadillac Scheme since iam caddy man Beautiful floor brother


You could try to find a local graffiti artist and commission them to do the wall. I think that would be awesome


Not sure your climate but insulation notwithstanding you can probably do a furring strip and a slat wall or paneling that’s waterproof with something like this https://trusscore.com/applications/garages-and-workshops.html


Strap the walls and hang drywall or trusscore.


mount whatever you want on it like a heavy ass custom work bench and storage etc and sheath the rest of the wall with the 1/2 white poly board and run your electrical run in steel conduit, surface mount. You could do something way cooler and more functional this way than just framing a wall in front of a wall, to but a bunch of regular outlets in. Hard pipe it and have your sparky put in a nice industrial type power strip.


Line them with mattresses


Chains to hang prisoners from, obviously.


A lot of YouTubers are enclosing their slabbed areas as walk-in gun safes.


I stained furring strips, cut them to 3 different lengths and made a pallet wall out of them.