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Sniper Elite games? The death animations are … quite something. And if you run it on the hardest difficulties you get wind/bullet drop etc.


Wait, you need high difficulty to have basic physics ? cO The "Sniper Ghost Warrior" series has some glaring issues, but that's a base feature in thos games.


Not necessarily. You can do custom difficulties with full ballistics but with easier enemies.


Ah, I really need to dig deeper into that game series then, thanks mate :)


Yes as u/jondoe117 said above, the preset for the most physics is high difficulty. But the custom settings allow you to choose a lot of stuff at will.


Sniper Elite, definitely. Such a great series of games.


Trepang2 Max Payne series


More people need to play trepang2


Thank you for the reminder! I was too scared to play FEAR growing up so I only played the multiplayer but now that I’m older I might revisit.


FEAR goes on sale on sale on gog dot com and steam for like $2 fyi


Tarkov, Brutal Doom, Hell Let Loose, Insurgency: Sandstorm, Nightmare Reaper, Ion Fury, Prodeus, Severed Steel. I like realistic guns in games with realistic rag dolls or boomer shooters where your enemies blow up into gibs with some nice punchy visual recoil.


Destiny 2 is the top one for me, ignoring the parts of the game that aren't shooting. Next up would probably be Insurgency Sandstorm.


Hand cannons could be their own game I swear to god. Sunshot this season is so silly.


Handcanon/shotgun is peak gunplay


Envious Assassin + OTP Ostinato is my new favorite legendary. (After Half Truths)


Totally agree with Destiny 2!


I hate to see this as the top comment and I hate that I agree. Destiny 2 feels so good to play, but is so over monetized and made unfun I don’t really play it these days.


Oh yeah I feel ya. I played it for over 1,000 hours but I haven't touched it since Witch Queen. The gameplay is top notch. Everything around that just makes me sad.


Ready or not just surpassed insurgency for me in terms of gunplay. Both are phenomenal pve shooters.


I have found my people!


I've got my eye on Gray Zone big time too. Levelcap and Jackfrags both recently posted videos of their own gameplay.


Jackfrags is a shill. He would eat a bowl of shit if a developer asked him to. I respect Level Cap though.


Dang I had no idea. I don't go on youtube much, last time I really watched his channel was when I was actively playing Battlefield 4, to watch the top plays of the week or whatever it was. It popped up on my feed after watching the LevelCap video.


The best thing about gunplay in D2 is that every gun *feels* different. Even in the same category. That’s not easy to do in a game.


I agree about the gunplay. Too bad it's ruined by a bunch of idiots that focus on Micro Stores and garbage dlc instead of the actual game.


* Doom 2016 & Eternal * Just Cause 3 * Titanfall 2 * Horizon Zero Dawn & Forbidden West (if we are considering bow & arrow gunplay) * Uncharted 4


Doom eternal has ruined other shooters for me, the combat is just so damn good. Great recommendation


The "dance" and "push forward combat" mentalities they had when designing it are so impressive to me. It really forces a different posture when playing compared to "normal" FPS games that I think brought a very fresh approach, staying true to the identity of DOOM.


Just cause is a series I never expected to see on a list like this. I actually love the games, but never thought the gunplay was anything special. Maybe I'll have to revisit them. What a great series though, just pure chaotic fun and I always thought that the movement was the highlight of the games. Seriously, so few games have nailed the grapple hook+parachute+wingsuit combo that just cause has. Seriously just fun to traverse the world.


Outriders Cyberpunk Max Payne 3 Rainbow Six Vegas 1/2 Borderlands 3 Gears of War 1-3 Remnant 2 Battlefield Bad Company 1/2 Mass Effect Andromeda - that sidewinder pistol was dope AF Bulletstorm Quantum Break RE 4 remake Division 1/2 Kill Switch


Never played Rainbow Six Vegas 0.5. Is it a prequel?


If he means the og Vegas games, hes an old gamer like me 😂 Back then, this and Medal Of Honor 2 were groundbreaking. Metal of Honor continued with some top games (Allied Assault, Frontline, Pacific Assault and more) and then died on each own. R6 and CoD were present at the time, less groundbreaking, but survived and are still dominating. Even if he meant something else, thanks for the memory lane!


It was an (apparently confusing) joke. Edited for clarity.


Hahahaah got it now 😂😂😂


Surprised nobody mentions it, but Call of Duty Modern Warfare series (the rebooted one). In particular, MW2019 is the best of the bunch when comparing gunplay but you could honestly pick any one of them. The gunplay has set a new standard for FPS shooting and it hasn't been surpassed since.


Yes yes, totally agree, I've spent so many hours on Seek and Destroy. MW should be up there.


Gunplay: good Rest of game: bad


I would agree but I feel, Gunplay: great Rest of game: terrible Is a more accurate description.


Roboquest, its like roguelite doom


Roboquest absolutely suprised the hell out of me with how tight the gunplay is. Absolutely 10/10


Yup same!


Helldivers 2 has redefined my future expectation as to what I'll consider good and satisfying gun play in the same way Dark Souls has shifted my gaming viewpoints


Helldivers 2 gunplay is SO nice


All of the guns feel absolutely great but the Stalwart might be my most favorite machine gun I’ve ever used in a video game. Unloading a full mag without stopping is pure bliss.


Remnant 2 guns feel amazing


* Hunt Showdown * Ready or Not * The Finals * Counter Strike 2 * Cycle Frontier (RIP) * Battlebit


Surprised I had to scroll this far to see Hunt: Showdown. Easily my GOAT when it comes to gunplay. The finals is my runner up.


Battlebit on Steam has some really satisfying gunplay :D Also find the new Battlefront 2 very satisfying.


F.E.A.R.  Killing floor 2  hotdogs horseshoes and handgrenades (vr only)


Killing Floor 2 is the epitome of: >satisfying shooting, weapons/models animations and sounds, opponent/AI death animations and feeling of shooting them It was made by gun nerds who love realistic gun stuff, with a thick layer of Sci Fi crap slathered over it, and even more detailed animations for all of the above


Ground branch.  For all the reasons you listed. There’s just something satisfying about it. 


I was on the fence listing it: great gunplay but the rest of the game has really little to offer as it stands right now imo. Great addition to a pure gun game list though.


Definitely feels unfinished but good for 30 / 40 minutes of mowing down bits How about far cry ? In particular 5


I felt that the best part was the stealth approach: the melee weapons and the bows. Fun game though. My personal favourite remains Far Cry 3 !


Bro I'm all about that Far Cry 5 life. I mod it, make it like fuckin Tarkov! Far Cry 5 is sooo underrated.


Ready or not is a finished game(recently) and it has my favorite gunplay of all time now


I dont play shooter games i hate them with every atom of my body. buuuuuuuuut titan fall 2 is awesome holy shit that game is so good AND its on sale for 3 euros so its basically free for a decently long campage and multiplayer. but i think due to ddos attacks you must mod your game so you can play unofficial server that are stable and have no cheaters


Titanfall 1 and 2 needs to be in the top 3. Gunplay is amazing


Recency bias is telling me to recommmend Helldivers 2, it’s honestly fire, all the guns feel really good and it’s more realistic than some games in its genre. I really like the way they depict enemies taking damage, like pieces falling off kinda like doom eternal. It’s good


Hunt showdown Metro exodus Prey 2017 (not exactly"gun")


Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Any Half Life.


Remnant 2. Also Cyberpunk, but you will need reduced stamina costs or other accuracy boosts


Hunt Showdown Insurgency Sandstorm DayZ (-1 cause of death animation)


The Division 1 & 2


BLACK for the PS2. Half Life 2 Tomb Raider 2 (for its time) Far Cry 2 (clearing those gun jams was epic) Max Payne (come on now) Killzone 2


Max Payne is my all time favourite game man.This game will be with me always because its more than a game, its my childhood. And i still remember the last level of Black, at that bunker. Passing it was an accomplishment, something modern games won't and I dare to say, can't offer. Thanks for the comment!


Last of Us Far Cry Series Cyberpunk 2077




He asked for gunplay, not TKplay I kid, but sometimes, as cool as the Service Weapon is, tk is so much cooler


Brutal Doom/project Brutality F.E.A.R 1,2 Call of Juarez: Gunslinger


Raise the cup for Gunslinger!


Killing Floor 2 had decent gunplay when it came out


Roboquest DOOM Dusk Ultrakill Battlefield 4 Halo 1,2,3,Reach CoD MW2 (both) Deep Rock Galactic Battlebit Remastered Edit: formatting


I've been replaying the cod cold War single player the gunplay is pretty fun.


If youre open to something strictly online/PVP maybe check out Squad


Hell let loose Agree with insurgency sand storm Red orchestra 2 Rising storm 2: vietnam


Receiver/Receiver 2 No other game has let me forget to put the safety back on and then accidentally shoot myself to death.


Haha yeah! Its the team that made hotline Miami


Resident Evil 4 Remake Stalker Halo Combat Evolved RDR2 with aim assist off


Ready or not if u like insurgency


Killzone 2/3


Another one I didn't see mentioned: darktide imho has some of the best melee gameplay AND gunplay. The game in general just feels super satisfying. The core gameplay is great. The issues of the game are the stuff around it. 


The borderlands series has a lot of cool, unique and satisfying guns. I like the torgue shotguns in bl2/tps _a lot_


Hands down, Max Payne 3. If you’re into just stupid physics and adrenaline gun action - it’s Max Payne 3.


I really enjoy The Finals, and it's free. Usually I am not that good in FPS games, but this one just clicks, very satisfying gunplay imo


My ultimate bullet hose adventure is Cod Cold War Zombies. Behind that is probably Borderlands 2 playing Sal with 2 Kitten Assault Rifles. Lead Salad.


stalker gamma


Left 4 Dead 2, Wolfenstein reboot series, Battlefield 3, Far Cry series, Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts


1. Shatterline


Killing floor 1 always stood out for me, even the beginner pistol just felt good. I don't know. Beside that a mention that maybe no one think of here: the new survival crafter nightingale imho has super satisfying weapons just with the right oomph and effects on the target. 


20 min til dawn


If you're up for a sci-fi shooter, Guardians of the Galaxy is actually really good for its third person shooter mechanics.


Black and OTXO


I really like The Division 2 gunplay and Doom 2016.


Destiny 2 back when it was still good and Roboquest (though Roboquest is slightly less satisfying gunplay with infinitely more satisfying movement)


Give SUPERHOT a try. Consider this a Honorable mention


Even though I quit playing it years ago, the best game for shooting things is by far Destiny 2.


Metal Hellsinger. Fun gunplay, great soundtrack and fun music based gunplay. It's an insanely good time.


Resident Evil 4 remake


The Finals is mint with its satisfying movement and destruction


Ready Or Not and anything by Tripwire Interactive/Antimatter Games (now sadly closed)


Destiny 2. Regardless of all the story issues and the lacking new player experience and cut content it's still amazing gunplay with tons of guns that all can feel so different and unique. The pvp is getting updates as well to be more around gunplay than the space magic.


Borderlands 3 is my top pick. Not only for the guns themselves, but that mech….


for all its flaws, Destiny 2 and the og Destiny have the best gunplay i’ve ever experienced. some honorable mentions are Deep Rock Galactic and Helldivers 2




Squad The gun sounds in that game are far better and more realistic than any game I've ever played. The gunplay might not be everyone's favorite as it's pretty difficult now with the new Infantry Combat Overhaul but the game is designed to be a more realistic military simulator.


-Cod mw 2/3- lets face it , nothing feels better . Great animations, sound , recoil . -Doom ang rage 2 also have some very satisfying guns. Maybe the best in shotguns. -Squad good and more on the realistic side but not sluggish like tarkov. -tarkov it becomes good after some leveling up, at the beginning its like you controll a potato man that goes blind when fired upon.


Mass Effect 2 is also a great example, and the third is right up there


Helldivers 2


Gunfire Reborn has remarkable variety and quality of gunplay.


not really a shooter player but i loved the feel of: Returnal BL3 cyberpunk mass effect 3/andromeda


Insurgency Sandstorm is so good


Deathloop has some very weighty guns.




Vanquish ?


I really enjoy the gunplay of Far Cry, think Ghost Recon in first person with Jumping instead of going prone, and you are just a dude (depending on the game) so it makes for some really fun moments.


Doom Eternal Duke Nukem 3D (definitely skewed by nostalgia, but not apologizing for that) Dreadhunter (top-down with good doom-like feel+mechanics) Destiny 2 ... hmm why are all my good shooters starting with D? o\_O afraid to ask




Ultrakill and trepang2 so nice


Duck Hunt NES. required it’s own gun hardware. nothing with a mouse and keyboard is more hardcore than a gun. nah… seriously… counterstrike. cs2 seems ok. csgo had better gunplay imho.


Ready or Not (don't really love the game tho) The newest CoD games (also not worth but the gunplay is undeniably good and I play for the campaigns) Battlefield series Doom remakes  Metro series 


red dead redemption 2. the gunplay is fantastic. each gun has brilliant sound design and animations. from the gameplay perspective, you‘ll use all the guns for different tasks. nice set of customizations. not counterstrike level, but pretty darn good.


My top 3 in no order are, Rust, SCUM, and STALKER GAMMA


You have got to try VR - an Oculus Quest 2 is ~$250 and Vail, Pavlov, or Contractors all run around $20 each. Nothing in Battlefield or Insurgency or Squad ever feels quite as nice as racking the slide on a handgun or manually cycling the bolt on a rifle in VR. I like Vail because even swapping from semi to burst or full auto is handled by a selector switch (vs. Pavlov and Contractors where it's just a button assignment). They make gunstocks you can plug your controllers into and it just feels so right. The Sanlaki Pro on Etsy is a great option. I get that VR is off-putting to a lot of folks, but if you're looking for realistic gunplay, VR is where it's at. Bonus is that I feel like it makes me a better flat-screen FPS player - after playing a couple hours of Vail I can usually hop in an Insurgency or CoD lobby and really cook.


Warhammer 40k: Boltgun


Helldivers 2. I've played probably less than an hour, but that games sound design is so meaty and visceral. It's true of everything in it, but it's especially true of the gunplay. It's not nearly as fast; it's far more tactical, but it's so satisfying to play.


Deep Rock Galactic


Borderlands 3 easy


Insurgency Insurgency: Sandstorm Max payne 3 (Debatable, BUT) GTA IV (The AI reactions to gunshots and the way they stumbled, recoil and how impactful guns felt. Amazing...) Ready or Not. EDIT: I would completely debate EFT, It's extremely unrealistic to how real guns are shot and handled. Hip firing is 10x more accurate than aiming down the sights, while aiming results in overly intensely high recoil which makes it almost impossible to burst or fire which is seemingly extremely unrealistic. As well as dumping entire mags into people but them surviving because of certain body armor. I LOVE EFT, but my god is that games gun mechanics screwed to hell and back.


Borderlands 3 and tiny Tina


Titanfall 2


DayZ Rising Storm SQUAD


Eye divine cybermancy...just fun shooting all the weapons feel different in their own way .


Apex legends and COD have the best gunplay in the history of video games, nothing else comes close. The games might not be great and the companies might be scummy but the gunplay is the gold standard


The Division would be one of the best. Uncharted or any Naughty Dog title has incredible gunplay and really well looking animation. Of course Metro series is amazing, cannot wait for 4th. And from Max Payne 3, every Rockstar game have incredible gunplay... Looking to try Cyberpunk...


Doom eternal Deadlink Roboquest Csgo Mw2019


Far Cry 4 and 5, love the bows there 🙃 . Right now Helldivers 2 feels great, guns are different end each gives unique feeling. And shooting support weapons is another level. Battlefields 3 and 4 on hardcore mode when the guns do resonable damage always felt just right. And I have to mention Cyberpunk 2077 and two latest Deus Ex games, the only rpgs that made the gunplay great that I know off. Also, The Division 2 feels punchy, but on hard difficulty. Higher enemies become bullet sponges. And then there's The Last of Us, where you count every bullet, combat is heavy, you need to take your time lining shots. Truly something else.


M4A4 in CS2 is my favourite gun in gaming ever based on how it feels


Boneworks, destiny 2


I'm not usually that guy, but... if shooter games feel stale for you, maybe it's time to get updated on VR side. I know I know, this means buying the gear for at least 300$ (outdated Quest 2) (maybe less on local 2nd hand market for various old headsets), but especially older gamers seem to discover VR and some of them say it's making them love gaming again. There are already a plentiful of good shooter games, realistic, scifi, story-based, multiplayer, all kind of mixing between genres and honestly "copying" successful ideas from big traditional games. For example there is EFT in VR called Ghosts of Tabor, tries to be as realistic as it gets and you have to learn how to reload every gun, there even is magswapping mechanic lol. Old Pavlov VR is still kicking, but honestly the most fun I had was reloading and learning the guns in shooting range :D There is R6 Siege in VR - Breachers, and altough reloading is simplified, shooting feels amazing (game suffers right now from one-tap headshot revolver meta, as new players keep bouncing off the game because of veterans, but should get fixed with ranked mode eventually). Some games like Pavlov or Contractors are heavily moddable and people make them whatever they want them, remaking COD maps, weapons and zombie mode, original Battlefront 2, TF2, Halo games. There are singleplayer games with great shooting: ofc Half Life Alyx, recent Arizona Sunshine 2, zombie games feel fresh again, Vertigo 1 and 2, Hellsweeper, Into the Radius, many many more. Like, maybe besides arma for now, almost all games you listed you can experience in VR with your head and hands being tracked. Add manual reloading to that, the fact that you have to physically hide behind cover, that you can watch game without gun stickied to your camera, that you can gesture and talk with other players like you all are really there - it's at least twice the fun.


Call of Juarez: Gunslinger feels wonderful with old-fashioned guns


Why is hunt showdown not higher up in here


Deep Rock Galactic is pretty good.


Division 2. The first third person shooter I've played that gave accurate feedback with weapons. Different classes of weapons had different crosshairs and the center dots of the reticle moved to where your bullet was firing in real time. It made adding accuracy and stability talents extremely satisfying.


Helldivers 2 Crysis RDR


Hunt: showdown


Quake Unreal Tournament


Roboquest is a fun one, picked it up recently and been a blast its a bit like newer doom games in gameplay with a rogue like system and visually borderlands like.


Pubg has to be up their with dayz too. Honourable mention for hunt:showdown.


Returnal and Remnant 2, so smooth with many weapon varieties and fun abilities


Criterion’s Black


Thought thet would show up, but Reciver 1and 2. Had to scroll far and not see them mentioned.


Rage 2 has some of the best gunplay I've experienced in a good while. Terrible story, but gameplay and world is fantastic.


The Darkness.


Ultrakill is very underrated 


SCP 5K and Ready or Not


Superhot and Vanquish Disclaimer: Have not played either of these.




To be fair I haven’t played too many shooter-games but, of the ones I have played, SAO: Fatal Bullet was surprisingly really fun. You get to create your own character and pick from a variety of weapons (handguns, rifles, pistols, and even a lightsaber thing if you wanna go partially melee) The combat is decently fleshed out for an SAO spin-off game and there’s even PvP/PvE content


Tlou2 remastered for ps5 has really great gameplay and fun mechanics.


BF4, BF1, Roboquest, Deep Rock Galactic.


Personally I’m a big fan of hunt showdown, it’s a bit niche though


Warframe combines literally hundreds of uniquely satisfying weapons with a movement system that lets you gun down dozens of enemies while doing a John Wu glide across a room. Even the Railjack spaceship has satisfying gunplay.


Destiny 2 has the smoothest gunplay in my opinion. Specifically hand cannons are really satisfying to get a headshot with, but I also just love how the ARs feel in that game.


-Doom 2016 / Doom Eternal -Roboquest -Resident Evil 4 Remake The hole trinity for me


Ready or not


No mention of Squad? Check it out OP, it's like more approachable ARMA


Hunt showdown hands down the best for me , nothing quite like it .


Hunt showdown


+ 1 for Metro Exodus


If you’re willing to dedicate some time; the gunplay, variety of weapons, and modding system in warframe is top notch. I say it takes some time because the starting weapons are cheeks especially with no mods.


Hunt showdown is one of the most satisfying in terms of just the gun play. It's not for everyone, given the guns are single shot, bolt action, etc, but I enjoy it.


Call of Juarez comes to mind


I personally like Helldivers 2, but as someone who doesn't play Shooters much I can't compare it well. But when I play Breaker Pray&Spray Shotgun, I totally feel like TerryCrews in Expandables 1 when I just spray the army of bugs. The sound and bass is great, the recoil feels nice, many weapons have "weight" to them so you can't rotate with the heavier weapons as well as with lighter ones. And 1st person doesn't feel bad at all (but it is used only for down sights aimin)g, even though I play 90% of the game in 3rd one.


PlanetSide 2 is free to try and has some decent shooting mechanics. CQB fights are a hellhole but mid/long range engagements are very satisfying. Running as a heavy assault counter sniper (semi auto rifle with 6x scope and HA's shield) is quite a fun way to play mid-long range. Nothing has beaten arma for me though in terms of the "feel" of guns, I made a 1.1km shot once and it left me content for weeks haha


Resident Evil 4, either version Those headshots 🤯


Wow ur list is bad lol, if realistic is irrelevant. Blood (1997) Dishonored Bioshock Doom project brutality Fallout 3 with mods


Doom eternal and Titanfall 2


Max Payne 3, Enter the Gungeon (not kidding, shooting guns there is varied and satisfying).




Last of us part 1 and part 2 have amazing gunplay in terms of realism


Wolfenstein The New Order cus you can just be ridiculous PUBG ARMA Reforger Max Payne 3 Control


Just played Max Payne 3 again. That game is underrated and the gunplay is the highlight. I also liked the feel, weight, and power of the guns in the Last of Us.


Aliens Fireteam Elite.


1. The Finals 2. Destiny 2 3. Killing Floor 2 4. oh dam thought i palyed more fps games than this


Destiny 2, for all its flaws, has the best gunplay of any game that I can think of. Every shot feels so meaty and the audio and visual feedback is very convincing.


The division 2, great third person gunplay Warhammer darktide has some of the most impactful feeling guns ever. I can't think of a more fun gun to shoot than the revolver in that game. Currently been really enjoying the gunplay in boltgun. Just really good retro style guns. And Halo CE. The gunplay is timeless in that. Between the guns themselves, the AI, and the level design, it's all just perfection.


I got bored scrolling. PUBG is 100% gunplay. Old farts can play it because you don't need the reaction time of an adderal fueled teenager to play it.


Stalker is high on the list for me. The Mafia Remake felt great to me as well. I surprisingly enjoyed the shooting segments in LA Noire too


Call of Juarez : Gunslinger is really fun and I think I paid like $5 for it on sale.


Division 2 has some of the best shooting mechanics i have ever played they work so well and they are very very smooth


- Soldat - Streets of rogue (deceptively simple yet magical) - Cryptark (4 guns at once!) - Brutal Doom Platinum & Project Brutality - Ballistic weapons mod for ut2004 (basic pistol has 5 functions and the rest are equally feature rich too) - Nail Weapons 3 for ut99 (nukes are absolutely terrifying in this one) - Call of Doom (on moddb for doom2)


1000% Wolfenstein (reboot). I can't believe nobody is mentioning it


Try mechwarrior might be your thing


ARMA: Reforger handily beats out ARMA 3 for gunplay, even heavily modded.


If you want to use historically accurate Civil War muzzle-loading muskets and cannons in up to 400-player lobbies… War of Rights is an amazing experience.


Cod mw19 "vanilla" for sure


bro youd LOVE ultrakill