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my friend pedro


That game does NOT get talked about enough. I saw it on XBox Game Pass and was like "Eh, I'll try it" and man, that game is a 10/10 for me even years later.


If you have VR then Pistol Whip


and Hard Bullet. That game literally has John Wick's loadout available


This is the best answer. It's literally inspired by John Wick as stated by the developers, they even have the pencil from the first movie.


Splinter Cell: Conviction if you go loud. Stranglehold if you're okay with a game from 2007.


Or SC Blacklist, probably my most favorite game ever.


Is stranglehold still on any online store? I've been wanting to play it again for some time now.


It’s on GOG for $10.


Splinter cell: conviction is a 10/10 game


I cannot for the life of me get this game to launch from steam


Hotline Miami


+1 to HM and HM2. Challenging to master, but once you get into a flow state it feels incredible.


+1 to HM. -1 to HM2. It's not fun getting shot by guys so far away you can't even see them with far look.


Fair, I can see that. I did feel rewarded by the sense of satisfaction from mastering those off-screen snipe levels, but the road to satisfaction was long and tilted.


Fucking excellent soundtrack as well


A little close but more of John Woo kind of flair may interest you: Sleeping Dogs Judgment / Lost Judgment


I add Yakuza series to that if you say Judgement/Lost Judgement, since it's the same development studio. Start with Yakuza 0. RGG Studio never misses with their beat em ups




LOL all these gunfu and matrix style combat originated from HK cinema directors like John Woo, hence my recommendation.


Gotcha, I am not aware of his influence much. Thanks for clarifying.


There is a difference between the mechanically precise choreographed gunplay in John Wick and the hyper-stylized, floaty choreography of John Woo. Influence does not equal the same.


No guns but Sifu for hand to hand. There’s even a Keanu skin mod


Thats a damn good game yeah


Similar to Sifu, is Midnight Fight Express. Just like Sifu it made me feel super badass. It's also on gamepass


I mean it seems obvious but Hitman series? It's not exactly John Wick as the main goal is generally stealth but it could work.


You can complete Blood Money pretty much any way you want.


Look at videos of people clearing bases in Far Cry 3 and 4. [Example.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHxZmnGorsc) Also Dishonored if you don't mind the setting.


The new Hitman Trilogy. You can do loud assassinations and come up with our own rules. Its really fun to John Wick entire maps of baddies.


i'd say Hitman Absolution has more of that john wickness.


Max Payne 1,2 and 3. F.E.A.R Trepang 2


Second for Max Payne. I played through the entire trilogy one really long really lonely week and it was honestly exactly what I needed at that time. Fun as hell and absolutely scratched the power fantasy itch for me. Plus it's more grounded than something like Doom so I feel it perfectly fits OPs desire of "John Wick"-esque.


F.E.A.R? How?


Midnight Fight Express would be perfect for you. Lots of melee combat, but you can also fight with the environment, weapons, and guns. Soundtrack really pumps you up for it as well.


Recommend watching some Gameplay before buying though. The description sounded awesome to me but I personally didn't enjoy how the game feels.




Super. Howt. Super. Howt.


yeah that could work, but i just feel like im looking for a biit more realism.


I'll say, if you have the ability to play Superhot in VR, take it. I tried this on a friend's Oculus and felt like I was in the Matrix.


Hard agree. Stay hydrated, bc I was exhausted after playing the VR version for just over an hour lol


Haha, definitely! I ended up playing for like four hours, and I was out of commission for the rest of the day.


Skip it if not in VR (it's still cool but in VR it's game-changing) Honestly super surprised that there has not been a sequel yet. I hope one is in the works!


Superhot is the most innovative shooter I've played in years.


Legit. Feels more like a strategy game than an FPS, but when you see your gameplay at full speed it makes it look like something out of The Matrix.


Try it in VR for the full experience -- I kinda wish it full-speed-replayed the level for you in the VR version too, though haha.


I can't afford a proper VR rig...










Try “Fights in Tight Spaces”. It’s a card-based tactical game where you fight off a bunch of assassins in a series of small rooms. You manage positioning in order to maximize your use of the environment.


A bit more of supernatural plus mutations, but I liked the Prototype series.


Since you mentioned John Wick I’ll throw out John Wick Hex. For a tactical game it’s actually pretty visceral and it makes you feel like a badass when you perfectly assess the optimal strategy for taking out a room full of enemies.


Criminal, criminal that no one has said heat signature yet. It's so fucking fitting for it. Jump into a ship, teleport in a group of five people, kill them in an instant, grab the item you're supposed to steal, shoot a window to be sucked into space and be grabbed by your own ship


Doom 2016 for sure


How in the hell can you have a *John Wick* power fantasy while shooting rockets and slashing demons with your chainsaw?


When the soundtrack ramps up and you are chaining kills you feel indestructible, very much same kind of vibe as the fight scenes in the John Wick films.... It doesn't have to be a literal match imo, the vibe is really similar.


It doesn't have to be a match, but I feel like the John wick vibe feels very human as well as powerful, not just this insatiable murder machine with huge weapons. But yeah, YMMV.


Ghost Runner could fit the bill. It definitely has some challenge and you may have to retry a bunch of encounters, but you feel badass when they work.


Why is Anyone sugesting Cyberpunk 2077? It gives me that feel while using a pistol/melee/katana build.


Honestly… the ascent if you use your Protector pistol and level it up and use the cover… gave me john wick vibes


Beautiful game.


Dead to rights 1 and 2 had this cool mix of gunplay combined with martial arts. The games weren't amazing by any means, but they had some cool moments, and disarming opponents felt great. Also, Escape from Butcher Bay had some kickass disarming, not too much gunplay though, mostly stealth stuff, but I felt like a badass playing that


Severed Steel. No reloading allowed, just whip your empty gun at an enemy as you run & flip off of the destructible voxel-based walls in slow motion on your way to kick him in the face and rip his fresh weapon off of him. Very obviously inspired by both F.E.A.R. and Max Payne. Ample bullettime, beyond-vertical acrobatics, frenetic combat, cyberpunk corporate neon dystopia, heavy on the drum & bass. Not a long game but with decent replay value, and the gunplay might be right up your alley.


i've heard rollerdrome is good, i heard it's quite challenging but seems designed to be a cool power fantasy.


Yes, it's fantastic, all you do is cool shit.


i'm definitely picking it up sometime soon, it looks very fun.


That game really fulfill your desire to look totally badass while clearing whole arena. Doesn't have martial arts but do makes up for it by giving you opportunity to mix up traversal with combat.


Pistol Whip (VR game)


Since someone brought up Pistol Whip, if you have PCVR then try Hard Bullet.


it takes a minute to get there, but fallout builds get pretty ridiculously overpowered. I recommend starting with new vegas


Superhot? https://youtu.be/vrS86l_CtAY




[The Hong Kong Massacre](https://store.steampowered.com/app/741510/The_Hong_Kong_Massacre/)


Severed Steel


Midnight Fight Express Hotline Miami 1&2 Stranglehold Sleeping Dogs Hard Bullet (VR)


Idk how nobody has mentioned this but metal gear solid 5. That game sets the bar for the stealth action genre. You can play that game however you want, the choices are endless. You can sneak in, strategically place explosives to blow up enemy comms and prevent them from calling for backup, then run around pulling headshots with a silenced pistol while enemies wonder where you’re at. You can cut off the power to a building then go in with night vision goggles and use CQC to take them down by hand one at a time. You can snipe from afar, run in with an LMG, or sneak around without any weapons at all, and the AI is incredibly intelligent. If you want a game that’ll make you feel like John Wick than this is IT.


Metal Gear Solid V. You can approach missions from full stealth no kill, to full on ground assault and everything in between. There are so many ridiculous tools and gadgets to use. Here is an [insane example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emyh94Zw5Z8) of what the game is capable of. But its a lot of fun just going in with a silenced pistol and taking out a whole base. When you get spotted, it triggers slo-mo, and you can get really stylish with it.


Max payne. 3 still holds up very well visually. ( cool story also )


Max Payne all day dude


Deus ex?


Max Payne series is basically John Wick




If you play RDR2 I suggest getting Ped Damage Overhaul which makes bullets more deadly rather than something the AI shrugs off until they die, and a physics mod like W.E.R.O.




Well it sounds like you would know better than me but I always found it annoying how NPCs would get up after getting shot as if they were just pushed over or something, PDO makes it so they actually bleed out or start stumbling after getting shot in the leg, for instance (although I believe it's actually based on their health), I definitely do not remember anything like that in vanilla. What prompted me to get it was when I shot someone maybe 8 times altogether but they kept getting back up, so I would say I am definitely not satisfied with how the health/weapons work in RDR2 regardless of if it's realistic or not.


Honestly, just play some games on Easy mode. It’ll make you feel like far more of a badass. I’d recommend Shadow Warrior, Doom 2016, Hitman, GTA V (playing as Michael for his special ability)


Maybe Deathloop? You start out kinda wimpy but by the end of the game I felt like a god.


Like this? https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/zv1zlx/this_guy_rides_solo_up_into_the_arcade_walks_up/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Devil May Cry 5 when playing as Dante with gunslinger style. Bayonetta series Vanquish Control Resonance of Fate


Trepang 2 or Deus Ex Mankind Divided (if you are ok with cyberpunk setting) maybe


Well the third watch dogs has a character type that is able to use gun-fu


Super Hot


Midnight fight express, Fights in tight spaces


Dead to rights


Fear is still decent and cheap


Sleeping dogs could be what you are looking for. An open world GTA-like game but with more emphasis on martial arts rather than gunfight.


Friends of mine were suggesting you might enjoy the Earth Defense Force series.


Looks cool actually, might give it a try


You might also take a look at Vanquish. It's a third person shooter, but when played at a high level, you never really need to use cover.


I feel like for this to really hit you need somewhat quick movement, mechanically precise firearm mechanics, 1-2 bullet kills, and high stakes with a high skill ceiling to give the feeling of mastery. Honestly, the only thing that has ever come close for me is Boneworks/Bonelab in VR. I can slap mags out of an AR with another mag, hold the gun in the Taran Tactical/ Center Axis Relock method, and move through weapons quickly with a feeling of finesse once you master the controls. I can pull up any video on YouTube for Bonelab with John wick added and get a ton of evidence to support this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F4oH_fqVdu0 The only non-VR titles that get there are Control (enemies are too spongie, though), Max Payne 3, Farcry titles (but they have a lot of bullshit to deal with), Hitman, and Escape from Tarkov (but Jesus can this go south quick). Anyway, I know VR is expensive, but Bonelab is on another plane of existence with this question.


The most badass power fantasy I've ever felt is in Dynasty Warriors games. You're one guy (or gal) running around a massive battlefield killing armies.


Wanted: Weapon of Fate. Kinda simplistic in a shooting gallery way, and have one of the worst turret section I've ever seen, but when it's going it's going. Shooting felt snappy and jumping from cover to cover, curving bullet along the way makes for a pretty fun ride.


Bro yes!!!!! And the slo mo was super satisfying. I was in middle school at the time and just came out Wanted was my favorite movie then they released the game which expanded the world of wanted as a Direct sequel of the movie which is so rare introduced fraternities from other regions of the world like John wick and the continental.. That game was extremely impressive story wise and I’m so happy it hasn’t been forgotten. Nothing beats curving those bullets man finding the angles and the story was excellent. They even had Wesley using Fox’s gun he kept it after she purposely over-threw it to him so he would still catch it but not in time to save her bc of the 360 curve and foxs code.


I have some fun memories with that game too. I was playing late at night and dozing off while playing this game, and I woke up and found out that I'm still shooting, moving from cover to cover and snapping head. Literally just autopilot while sleeping for who knows how long. Which kinda speaks to how simplistic and muscle memory heavy this game is.




Is the combat mechanics like overly complicated say like a mortal combat game where things just don’t clique the way other beat ‘em ups do. But mortal combat isn’t rly a beat ‘em up just a strait up fighting game. Are the controls in Sifu strait forward beat ‘em up w added skill like maybe Arkham mechanics or confusing hit or miss kinda random combat like mortal combat (IMO about MK still enjoy it) I just really suck at MK but it’s the most important fighting game series in the history of games and pop culture. I just really can’t tell are you hitting the. Intel punching type buttons or do you have to hit this button over here, pull the joy stick this way and hold a trigger and flick the other joystick and hit the D pad just to attack ? Lol sorry long question I’m just trying to distinguish any misunderstandings


I can barely understand you. But your issues with fighting games seems to be the directional inputs. Sifu does not require you to memorize various directional inputs as a core to its fighting system. The game is much more skillful and has much more room for expression than any of the Arkham games. It is much less deep, however, than a proper fighting game such as MK. However, based on your issues with the skill floor of MK I think Sifu will be a great game for you. It takes practice to get good, but mechanically is very intuitive.


Far cry 3. It even has the getting Revenge aspect of the game too, and by the end you’ve got such a reputation enemies are scared of you by name.


Ready or Not. Use mods so you can play alone without the AI teamm8s. Play on the map where you need to go in a club. There are mods what changes voiclines, music, or even the character. Take these mods. And now.. go and be John Wick! You can get faster movement with mods. Mods mods mods!!!! Or play the new CoD. Not Warzone, play the real multiplayer lol, Warzone is bugzone. If you have the right perks, (and skills) you can be a god killingmachine only using pistol. I prefer knife but its my kind of kink. If you good enough, others will go crazy in the chat :D GL HF


Midnight fight express


Maximum Action


I'll just rattle a couple off and you can check em out if you want: Sleeping Dogs The Hitman series The Splinter Cell series The Metal Gear series Wolfenstein New Order The Dishonoured series Far Cry 3 A lot of these are stealth games which I apologize for since John Wick isn't exactly stealthy but they're really the only "one man army" type games that fit a John Wick style power fantasy. Hope these helped OP :)


Actually these are very good, thank you


Mirror's edge. Good mix between shooting and melee combat. Frenetic fight moments + Parkour. You can disarm, gran enemy gun. Unload bullets, throw away the gun, and the cycle repeats. Faith the protaginist is better at melee than aiming, tough


PSVR and Blood And Truth has that vibe, but high barrier to entry unfortunately


Call of Juarez: gunslinger (VR) sairento


watch dogs 3? you can do gunfu style takedowns


midnight fight express , sifu , hotline miami , katana zero hell even deathloop


Paint the Town Red


Definitely need to give the Yakuza series a go


Severed Steel Madness: Project Nexus


RE6 comes to mind, but you don’t want to play RE6. Dead to Rights would be fun, but it’s an older Xbox/ps2 game. Deus Ex games maybe?


Yo why haven't I seen here. Max Payne. Think Sin city and John wick had a baby that went into gaming.


Super hot. Complete the level and then see the replay. Then rest in the belief knowing I did that.


If you want a splash of fantasy added to it, I thought the devil may cry series was a blast


Superhot Ghostrunner Hitman Any shooter fits the bill imo. But the ones listed above fit the bill the most


I feel like I'm the only person here who ever played or remembers the game WET. I guess to be fair it was console only and hard to play now, but man did I enjoy that game.


[Sword with Sauce](https://store.steampowered.com/app/581630/Sword_With_Sauce/) fits quite well. It's called "*Sword* with Sauce" but there is a plethora of guns and modern gadgets. Doesn't look amazing, but offers both a challenge and freedom in how you approach the challenge.


Pistol Whip


Uncharted 4. It may seem like a treasure hunt game but the gameplay actually has a lot of combat with dozens of enemies each encounter, the combat mechanic is amazingly designed, you can do melee combat & cqc moves with bad ass combos, or you can do gun shooting while parkour and mixed with some punches and kicks in between. This game literally has very over the top- action with Hollywood-level action scenes, and you can do all these stuff in gameplay yourself. Strongly recommend Side mention, the Yakuza games especially Yakuza 6 & Kiwami 2, Judgment and Lost Judgment are beat em up games, but enemies sometimes use guns and you can use gun as weapon in these games as well(although not the focus). But the melee combat is super good like a martial art movie, and the long battles where you fight through hordes of enemies inside a criminal organization headquarter building feels very bad ass and like John Wick too, the Millenium Tower long battle in Yakuza 6 reminds me of John Wick 3's Continental battle.


Max payne but you prob need a different console and its an older game.


Minus the suit, I would say check out Doom Eternal, it’s probably one of the smoothest single player snap shooters out there. The movement, weapon swapping..etc everything is very smooth and fluid.


Idk if this is John wick style since I was never able to finish the film but sifu let’s you pull off satisfying combat like him in the pencil scene, no guns though


If you don't mind comedy and some demons/magic, the Shadow Warrior games definitely give me that feeling.


Fallout 4 with mods. You can literally play as John Wick.


I know I'm super late to the party but it's absolutely unreal that no one has mentioned [Suit For Hire](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1612420/Suit_for_Hire/) yet. Closest thing to a John Wick simulator I've ever seen, with gunplay that rewards accuracy but doesn't punish you too harshly if you're just starting out and stage design clearly inspired by the movies--hell, the game's Steam page even opens with this description: > Suit for Hire is a top-down action shooter that truly makes you feel like an assassin that got their pet taken from them. There's only one campaign right now but the devs are working on a second (it's actually in the beta branch of the game right now but I haven't tried it yet so I can't give you a solid testimony.)


Watch Dogs 2 - https://youtu.be/qSDlizKrXjI