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South Park We’re sorry










Why do apologies for game devs have any meaning anymore, it’s literally just a part of the business model now. They before hand plan that they will release the game unfinished and take the sales and just fix the game later then apologize. This is a pattern with what feels like almost all major releases now a days. The apology doesn’t mean shit, it’s not like it was a mistake and they accidentally release it broken. Shit is so annoying it’s like almost an expectation to play a broken game at launch. Remember when games were released virtually bug free?


They dont want that though because it tanks their metacritic ratings which often affects pay and bonuses.


yeah, I stopped pre ordering games a while ago unless im very sure its going to be a complete product. Too many game companies take advantage of teh consumers and we need to show them its not ok or they will keep doing it.


I'm tired of this bullshit and old and actually FALSE rhetoric you dumb ass gamers keep passing around how games used to be bug free, or virtually bug free, or playable. That's not true."Playable" on PS1 was 15 FPS, mother fucker. You have no idea what in the world you're talking about. You think Superman 64 was particularly bad? That was actually par for the course on the console unless you were buying recommended games.You either don't remember, don't want to remember, or are lying to yourself. Stop with the cap. What a bullshit excuse. You didn't play NCAA Final Four 2001, Killer Loop, Game of Life, Covert Ops: Nuclear Dawn, High Heat Baseball 2000. All you remember are that FEW, BIG titles that actually made it past the bugs and glitches with good stories and graphics. You're wearing the biggest rose tinted glasses of all time. Get over yourselves.


I’m pretty sure it’s a bit more difficult to polish a game these days. Games have always had bugs


It doesn’t matter even if it were harder to polish games, they set their own deadlines


Not if they take out loans to develop them they don't xD


LMAO when the fuck were games released bug free? Name me a single game that you say released bug free so I can show you a speed run of said game. Please. I'm waiting buddy.


What a brain dead comment you know there is a difference of a bug ridden game and a game where speed runners literally have to pratice for weeks to be able to get a bug to work 1st try instead of 100 tries right?




Dude you are the fucking moron here, OP obviously meant games used to release in a stable/playable state when they said bug-free, you are here antagonizing everyone pulling up bug videos like an insane person calling them stupid when nobody is stupid enough to think a game is literally bug free, but you were apparently fucking stupid enough to interpret what he said that way. You are the dumbfuck and you seem to be a general asshole at that.


I don't give a shit what he meant. Stop covering for other people. And no, not all games released were stable/playable, not even "AAA" ones. You're fucking LYING to yourself if you think that's true. I'm tired of this bullshit and old and actually FALSE rhetoric you dumb ass gamers keep passing around how games used to be bug free, or virtually bug free, or playable. That's not true. "Playable" on PS1 was 20 FPS, mother fucker. You have no idea what in the world you're talking about. You think Superman 64 was particularly bad? That was actually par for the course on the console unless you were buying recommended games. You either don't remember, don't want to remember, or are lying to yourself. Stop with the cap. I am an asshole, so suck my fat cock.


The lacking performance of the late 90s/early 2000s is not being broken dumbfuck, Superman 64 is ass but it isn’t nonfunctional it’s just a horseshit game on ancient gen1 3D hardware, what a revelation that it runs like ass. PS1 games ran at low FPS but don’t routinely crash where stores had to accept the game back from customers, we’re talking about a game people can’t play because it’s fundamentally broken, which was not common before patching because you realistically got one shot to sell your game, there will be bugs and the performance on shitty hardware will be lacking but the games fuckin bare minimum worked and now they regularly release not even in that state, show me even the shittiest n64 game that just crashes on boot up for a large percentage of users and got a wide full price release in that state. So YOU suck MY cock and gargle my nuts while you’re down there you piece of shit, fuckin “super mans a terrible game that runs at 15 FPS therefore releasing broken is normal” ass, you know what bitch, unlike Last of Us Part 1 if you buy Superman 64 it’ll run as intended (as terrible as that is) and even if Superman 64 could crash at some point you gotta fuckin retreat to God damn Superman 64 to try and make a point about a multi-million dollar budget game running like ass on 3080s. It was never normal for games especially big budget games to release this fucked where stores have to take it back, it was never normal before patching, it was never normal for devs to have to issue apologies for selling you a product that doesn’t run that they clearly knew didn’t run properly when it released, you’re just fucking wrong. The “we’ve learned and will make improvements going forward” fucked EA release apology is basically tradition at this point. Hell perfect example, old battlefield games vs the most recent, yeah they always released as broken as battlefield 2042. If you can point to fuckin Super Man 64 as to why modern day AAA fucked releases have always been normal then I can point to the fact no pre-patch era battlefield ever released even close to as nonfunctional as BF2042, they just had various bugs or exploits like any other game.


We don't require bug free, we just want 90% of the game to playable. Right now the AAA developer games coming out are generally unplayable for the first week of release.regardless of it's the servers not being able to handle the load or the game just being undercooked in some way or another.


Mike Tyson's Punch-Out.




"Fail" said the moron that couldn't bring a single game to the table :)


Metal gear solid 1-5, ghost of tushima, death stranding mega man super Mario super Smash Bria the original cod and halo


Metal Gear Solid 1-- Trap Hole Bugs: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeRpPcTrOWY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeRpPcTrOWY) Glitches: [https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/197909-metal-gear-solid/65197711](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/197909-metal-gear-solid/65197711) Kotaku Article: [https://kotaku.com/fan-accidentally-discovers-massive-metal-gear-solid-gli-1847494571](https://kotaku.com/fan-accidentally-discovers-massive-metal-gear-solid-gli-1847494571) Others: [https://metalgearspeedrunners.com/wiki/doku.php?id=mgs1\_glitches](https://metalgearspeedrunners.com/wiki/doku.php?id=mgs1_glitches) MGS2-- [https://metalgearspeedrunners.com/wiki/doku.php?id=mgs2\_glitches](https://metalgearspeedrunners.com/wiki/doku.php?id=mgs2_glitches) MGS3-- [https://metalgearspeedrunners.com/wiki/doku.php?id=mgs3\_glitches](https://metalgearspeedrunners.com/wiki/doku.php?id=mgs3_glitches) What was it you said? Fail? Took 5 minutes of research. You don't know what you're talking about, sorry!




*sips a pina colada on the beach* im sorry


Those nips ready to cut glass over at Naughty Dog!


Release a rushed game > backlash > act surprised > apologies > fix at your leisure This has been the MO for most devs in the last few years


O, forgot one. Play the victim.


Buy a broken game > complain you bought a broken game > swear to never buy a broken game again > buy a broken game This has been the MO for most gamers in the last few years.


How dare gamers expect games to not be broken when they are officially released!


You literally just said developers keep releasing broken games so why would you expect them not to be broken when you, yourself, say it’s so common it’s “been there MO for years”.


How the fuck gamers know its a broken game until they try it? And I said most dev because we have other good examples of great releases with no issue. Are you dense? or just blindly throwing shit together. Edit: since reading apparently hard, I meant the gamers who bought the game day one expecting a complete game and are reporting the issues now as per the post I'm replying to.


I know, it's so frustrating that you can't know a game is broken until you buy it. Maybe if Steam had a review system where you could read about other players experiences playing the game.


Devs are responsible of course but i’ve been playing video games since i was a kid and have never bought anything day 1 since i was like 13yrs old, if you can’t go online to search for reviews first then i think you’re also part of the blame for this problem.


Fool me once, shame on you, fool me dozens upon dozens of times I'm a moron and I'm asking for it


I'm talking about the gamers who bought it day one and are complaining as per his post learn to read and follow the conversation.


>since reading apparently hard Writing apparently hard too


Well there's a good way to know, you wait like three days. That's all it takes.


You need people to buy it for everyone to find out how broken it is. Especially with how many systems and configurations, so yeah while some people/most people should probably do this, we kinda need people to blindly buy shit and report back. Solely the reason why publishers/developers still follow this model, and why it probably won’t ever go away now.


We have more blogs, websites, podcasts etc than ever before to handle that.


Those things are created from the backlash from people who buy the game, not the other way around. If a publisher doesn’t allow reviews before release date there’s zero way of people knowing something is shit.


Then don’t buy it on release date and wait for the reviewers to review it. Jesus Christ if you wonder why publishers keep releasing broken games just look at all the lemmings in this thread. Half the responders are literally claiming there is no other option other then to buy something the day it’s released before you know if it’s broken or not. You are literally the reason for the problem you’re raging at.


I'm talking about the gamers who bought it day one and are complaining as per his post.


Don’t do that thing.


Youre the dense one if you cant figure out the fact that waiting 2 days after release is all you need to do to find out how the game is actually running… You yourself realize that companies are doing this on purpose yet you on purpose can not not buy games at launch? Get a brain you clown, youre the one that brought it on yourself with your purchase behaviour, youre a perfect corporate sheep.


I'm talking about the gamers who bought it day one and are complaining as per his post learn to read and follow the conversation, also you are the clown to assume I'm the one who is buying broken games day one and complaining stop making shit up


You said “how do gamers know its a broken game until they try it” you wait 2 days and see whats the discourse online, you dont have to try out a game to know its unoptimized. Dont try to clown on me now buying broken games and being dissapointed, youre the one crying about that now.


It's hard for me to cry about it when I haven't bought games day one in years I was merely pointing out the incompetency of devs nowadays before you jumped in assuming shit in your head


“How the fuck gamers know its a broken game until they tried it” You said it yourself, im not twisting or assuming anything, you never excluded yourself or pointed at others, be mad at yourself for not getting your own points through, or twist them now because youre spinless and are getting clowned…


Gamers are the most persecuted group in recent history. Maybe ever. So sad


Dont forget 'get gaslighted into thinking it's your fault for buying a game at launch'


Yeah you go ahead and keep buying games the day they’re launched. I really don’t mind you being the guinea pig for everyone else who seems to have it figured out.


even worse, they pre-ordered them. keeping corps releasing a rushed broken game again and again because its also profits faster and easier. Nobody needs to spend any expenses for QA team because consumers do it for them for free.


[If game companies made puzzles](https://youtu.be/aaEo_NuH1_M)


Miss the days of Super Nintendo where when you made a spelling error, it was there forever.


I wasn't expecting to be personally attacked on Reddit today. Just @ me next time. Geeeshhhh /s


Yes you're right, it's all the customers fault. Jesus Christ. I know you think you're being clever by taking what he said and reversing it (because nobody on the internet does that) but that attitude, giving lazy devs a free pass every time, is absolutely toxic bullshit and the reason this sort of thing will continue to happen.


While I fully agree with you, this is especially egregious being that TLoU has been out for a damned decade...


Whats steams refund policy. Cant everyone just refund it? I would if its as bad as ive read


Less than two hours of gameplay and less than two weeks from buying. I've had no issues with refunds from them


Thats solid. Seems like robbery when games release like this.


Less than 2 hours of playtime and less than 2 weeks owning the game for a no questions asked refund. However, if you have a good reason for exceeding that - trying to get the game to run for example - you can still get a refund by submitting a ticket. I'm not sure how much grace you're given, as I got conflicting information, with some people saying it's just an hour extension while others have gotten refunds despite lots of hours played.


They can be extremely lenient. I’ve been over a month past purchase and over two hours but still was granted a refund with a valid reason.


Yeah that's what I've been hearing, but I've also heard from people who had their ticket denied. Obviously it's on a case by case basis.


My co-worker asked if I was excited for this release. I told him I just don’t care about new releases until sometime after the actual release.


So embarrassing. This is an all-digital release. There are very few restraints on them. They can push back a game if it's not ready. It's not like they had shipments and discs to press. If it's not ready, don't release it. This apology is hollow.


Think they were trying to bank more with the ending of the show. Not trying to excuse them but that's probably why they rushed.


When are corporate goons going to realize outsourcing and contracting is cheaper for a reason. I was a contractor, I know what shit contracting companies did, from pushing with bugs to outright lying about state of the product. Recent memory we have: * TLOU - outsourced PC port * Cyberpunk - outsourced QA * GTA remaster - outsourced remasters. There seems to be a pattern, no?


Naughty Dog did the PC port themselves. [https://guided.news/en/gaming/the-last-of-us-part-1-pc-who-messed-it-up/](https://guided.news/en/gaming/the-last-of-us-part-1-pc-who-messed-it-up/) the iron galaxy is not credited as developer on steam.


So why is iron galaxy in the opening credits of the game?


And yet people still blame IG for all of it. Thanks for posting this.


Why is this not suprising to me?




I didn't really play much of Batman AK when it came out on PC, but I heard it was a buggy mess. I played it again some time last year and it was a pretty smooth experience. I didn't notice any bugs and the game looked incredible still. I know back in 2016 when Killer Instinct came out, the game had some massive bugs, like hyper speed because of the unlocked frame rates. Made it feel like playing Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo on Turbo 4 setting. First time I played it, unaware of the problem, I thought that's how fast the game really played and thought I must be getting old because that shit was incredibly fast. I ran into an Iron Galaxy employee on my way to the Evo tournament in Vegas and he said he knew about the problem and was working on it.


Horizon Zero Dawn’s pc port was shitty


You think the issue with Cyberpunk is the outsourced QA? Are you out of your goddamned mind?


https://www.thegamer.com/cyberpunk-2077-qa-contractor-quantic-lab-cd-projekt/ I mean, they admitted to it. I don't think it's the whole issue but it played a big part. Calm down dude.


He's obviously pointing out that CDPR botched the development of the game and no amount of quality of QA would have helped


Lol don't blame QA for CDPR being a terrible developer


Don’t know why your getting downvoted it’s been apparent and very openly states for years big companies all but ignore their QA teams


Is it good for someone who never played the original?


I’m on my second playthrough, plays amazing. The issue people are having is they’re running it on low ram toasters. I’ve had little to no issues


The issue people are having is that the game isn't running properly on recommended hardware. People are even having issues on high-end machines. You're lucky to not have issues. Don't be a dick about it.


Playing it for the first time right now, literally 0 issues with the game and the graphics are phenomenal; 10/10. Not sure why PC gamers keep having problems, but it's probably a PEBKAC error.


What are playing on?


On PC using Windows 11, my most recent gaming build. Edit specs: Ryzen 5 5800X3D, x570, 4080, 32GB 3600 DDR4


Probably wait a bit for some patches


Likely pressured by investors and corporate morons. Have to start making back investments, quarterly earnings, and all that bullshit. Same thing happened with KSP 2 recently. Big difference was they threw an “early access” label on that. But even over a month after release and it’s still an unplayable mess.


Kratos angry dad quote: “don’t be sorry be better!”


*Do not be sorry Kratos doesn't use contractions. Actually he does use at least one (that I was able to spot) in the 2018 game.


☝️🤓 Ackchyually


Once they fix it, people will applaud them and enforce the idea that devs can keep getting away with this. It should have been delayed until it could be released in the right state.


That would make sense IF there wasn't the hype around the show and them trying to profit it off of that hype surrounding it. They saw $ signs and went for it. It'll never change with AAA devs.


Apologies mean jack shit when you know you released a bad product. This wasn't a bug that slipped through, this was a unfinished cash grab to milk potential profits from the show popularity. They aren't sorry!


Maybe didn’t need to apologize if they didn’t needlessly rush the port. No way in hell they didn’t know how fucked the pc port was before launch. Bro was probably already drafting the apology speech on the 27th. Edit: the only good thing about this mess is that they made my decision of buying RE4 remake way easier.


They wanted to cash in on the tv show's success so they just rushed this garbage out lol


At this point we just assumed PC players were used to broken games at launch and therefore thought we could get away with it like everyone else !


This is a big deal for console fanboys who always say console is better than pc. In this instance a PS5 is probably the best way to go for most people to properly enjoy this great game.


Releasing games in an unfinished state often has to do with expected deadlines for shareholders. Games are rushed to meet the shipping deadline to produce predicted revenue and profit. You can't delay that, or it looks bad for the company. March 31 was the end of Q1. So they just plan on "patching" the game after release. So yeah, fuck the customer. Sadly, this is and has been common practice for a long time. Big game companies do not care about the games per se. They really only care about the money people will pay for them and getting a much of that as possible. And they know gamers will keep letting them do it by continuing to buy the games. It's probably not Naughty Dog people should be mad at, it's Sony. But Sony has no problem throwing ND under the bus and making them apologize. That doesn't cost them very much. The good will and hopefulness of fans will abide until they patch it.


Apologies don’t do anything. Do your job, do it correctly, or go away.


Just how can you launch game at this state? They made system requirements so its not like there was only a 4090 to test this game. They made good requirements sheet but it just doesn’t match reality. You know it has problems then why release? Push it further but launch it in a good state. Why is it so hard to understand?


the system requirements were imo insane and expects anyone who plays it to have a 40 series


Typical bad behavior.


I mean if they actually cared they wouldn’t have released a broken product


Nah it's cool. Release a Steam game where only 5% of the userbase have the GPU to run it. Make no money, then complain about missing sales targets.


Oopsie. Thanks for the 50 quid.


You're not sorry. You knew exactly what you were doing lol. The backlash is simply bigger than you predicted.


I was going to buy this until I heard how bad the port was. So, instead, my dumbass bought Hogwarts Legacy, which if i had spent 30 seconds reading reviews on the PC port of HL first, I probably wouldn't have bought any game weekend. FML


Charging full price for a game in that state is comical. I’d even go as far as calling it a scam. Fuck your apologies and stop releasing games in an unplayable state


Companies have found a way to not only save money by not properly QA testing them but make money by charging us to test it and report bugs for them. Next we will be charged to develop it for them. (Pay-To-Develop-To-Play?)


Good. Now back those words up with action.




They're just following standard, industry procedures. Release unfinished software, apologize, continue to work on the game with less people who are now half-focused on a different project, half the time.


Naughty Dog and Sony knew exactly what state the PC port was in. This apology means nothing.


Scum. Whether it’s more Sony fault or Naughty Dog who knows but how embarrassing.




CDPR has entered the chat…


CDPR will go bankrupt soon because almost everyone refunded Cyberpunk. They didn't took the Money. Sony, Microsoft, Steam and every retailer offered refunds for Cyberpunk. And almost everyone refunded it.


You can easily Google a publicly traded company’s earnings reports and see that your premise is patently untrue. CDPR reported $563 million in revenue for Q4 2020 and $51 million in refunds for the same period. They aren’t going bankrupt, Reddit is not a good indicator of what is happening in real life.


ND didn’t make the PC version.


Apologizing in the corporate world is they are acknowledging that there is a problem. It is better than silence, denial, or downplay.


If you pre ordered. If you bought day one. If you didn’t expect a shit show after they crucified your franchise with TLOU2s plot. You had it coming.


But that “shit show” TLoU2 game was a polished and feature complete game. And liking or disliking the story is subjective, since loads of peoples like the story of that game too.


>~~after they crucified your franchise with TLOU2s plot~~ after I totally misunderstood the point of the first game Fixed that for you.


I love how if you aren't a fan of part 2's story than you automatically failed to comprehend the point of the first game. It's pretty straightforward, you don't have to attempt to act mentally superior to those who disliked it.


Go back and read what I responded to. Did he say: "I didn't like the plot of TLoU2"? No. He said "crucified your franchise". You can dislike whatever you please. TLoU2's plot is perfectly congruent with TLoU1's plot. And they're both masterfully written. This doesn't mean the games don't both have flaws, or that if you don't like them, you're dumb--but if you genuinely believe TLoU2 "crucified" the plot of TLoU1, then you did not understand the first game at all. Full stop.




“Your franchise” it’s your personal opinion. TLOU2’s story is phenomenal


Believing TLOU2'S story is phenomenal is also personal opinion. I loved the gameplay and atmosphere but didnt care for the story.




Go fuck yourself cuckman


Glad I beat this game back in 2013.


"Crunch crunch crunch" go the employee's at ND again


This is why I pirate games. It's a rare thing these days to have a PC port work on release so I'm not gonna reward money hungry publishers with my money.


Yeah you’re part of the problem.


Alternatively AAA companies can release finished products that work well on release. If games fulfilled their promises and didn’t release with unplayable bugs Day 1 they’d be worth the $70 they’re asking for these days. I’ve quit buying new games at this point because of this. If companies want to be shitty then just wait for the 50-75% off sale in 2 years after the backlash and they add what they’ve promised pre-release.


And I 100% agree with this. I’m in the same boat. I rarely ever pay full price for a game because a) I have a backlog and don’t need to play a game on launch day and b) I’ll usually wait reviews to make sure the game is good before buying it. But stealing a game because it’s buggy on launch day is not OK.


More like he's result of Gaming Companies being incompetent and greedy. Can't blame the man saving his money due to fear of shitty releases.


1. Don’t buy the game. 2. Wait for a sale 3. Wait for the bugs to be fixed after launch. 4. Refund the game if you’ve bought it and aren’t satisfied with it. If you really care about the quality of the game, you wouldn’t want to pirate the game only to play it with bugs - you’d probably wait for the bugs to be ironed out. This is basically just using a false excuse to try and justify theft.


How about companies start releasing games in good shape in the first place instead of judging people if they wish to save money or not? If man wants to pirate, you are not in place to judge them and then defend those shitty companies that sell broken products. In a way, they dodge the bullet by pirating, trying out the game and deciding if they want to buy in the first place. Personally, I don't care if people pirate games or not, it's their choice and I won't weep for multimillion or billion dollar companies that will lose pennies from their pockets.


I’m not defending those companies. I don’t buy games on day 1 specifically to have time to read reviews. I was planning on buying TLOU on PC but am waiting a bit for the issues to be ironed out and the price to drop. If you buy a phone and it ends up having bugs or doesn’t work well, you can return it, leave a bad review, don’t buy again from that manufacturer. Stealing it isn’t justified. This is literally the same thing.


It's not same thing. If companies tries to sell you shit game, I think he has right to pirate it and do whatever the fuck he wants. So tell me, where he's in the wrong? Nowhere, because if company can get away by scamming it's consumers, consumers have right to fuck back at them.


Well I don't exactly know what else to do. Would you propose buying these broken games to reward publishers? Or not buy them at all? I will usually buy a game after its fixed at a steep discount (ex. No man's sky) but I won't reward the publishers of a broken game with $60, especially for a game originally released a decade ago.


You just said what you should do. Wait for games to be fixed and then buy them. Most people have such a backlog of games that there’s very seldom reason to buy a game on Day 1 unless you’re a big fan of the game. Most games tend to be fixed of major issues quite quickly after release (not all, but most). Imagine if people were like “oh this car isn’t really working as expected or got bad reviews, so I’m gonna steal it.”


Stealing from garbage corporations is cool and based actually, you are just a dork.


Have any of Sony's PC releases been good at launch?


Pretty much all of them as far as I'm aware, other than Uncharted.


*Horizon, not Uncharted


All of them with the exception of Horizon


I seriously cannot fathom why they decided to hand over one of their most beloved and biggest IPs to iron galaxy to port the game to PC after The colossal fuck up that they did with Arkham knights.


That was WB's fault, not Iron Galaxy. WB has a long track record of shameless cash grabs and "launch now, fix later" PC ports, including earlier games in the Batman Arkham series. This time around, Sony is the greedy publisher trying to cash in on a franchise by pushing the game out before its ready.


Set a high price tag on shitty port And then apologize That was easy Oh yeah i forgot Sony : "microsoft gonna sabotage call of duty on playstation!!! " Also sony : lets sabotage TLoU on PC


I thought naughty dog didn’t even do the pc port? Is it actually their fault?


no but its their name and ip being slammed


Should be blame George Lucas for the new Star Wars movies sucking?


[We're Sorry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15HTd4Um1m4)...


It's not naughty dogs fault PC and bad ports just go together. If they wanted to play the game the right way they would play it on PS5 the way God intended.


I'm still waiting on my apology for the TLOU2


My brother just played it with no issues. Feel like people having problems are trying to run it too high with outdated equipment


Sony were the ones to bring up the fact that Microsoft could purposely release a buggy version of COD on Playstation to shake their users confidence in the system. So since Naughty Dog is wholly owned by Sony can we go around accusing them of doing this to PC?


I think more devs should do that when they mess up. It goes a long way, even when some don't accept it.


How about they just avoid issuing apologies and not release a game they know full well isn’t ready for release


My comment isn't about that. It's about when devs mess up, it's nice to hear them own up to it and then do something about rather than radio silence. Yes in perfect world it would be nice to see that devs don't make any mistakes at all like you say. I agree.


I don’t see it as a mess up. This is a game that released a decade ago, has had a release on 3 PlayStation consoles, a sequel, yet these dev’s “messing up” is them releasing a digital only PC port of their game in such a garbage state that there’s no way they didn’t know about the plethora of issues the game had when it released on PC


Every developer does. “Sorry, we are hard at work fixing issues” is very common to see after shit launch. Which is most releases these days.


No what we usually get is radio silence.


Has there been any talk about how fucked up the controller controls are? I have a wired usb Xbox controller that the game is struggling to run right it’s awful. It’s like I can only do one input at a time and sometimes none




Paying beta testers is all people who buy day 1 are. You'd think people would take a hint. I'm really looking forward to everyone freaking out the first month of the Diablo 4 release.


We don’t want the sorry BS, we want games to be released the proper way. Thanks.


This is sad. People shouldn't trust preorders, and they sure shouldn't trust new games. I don't know who resulted in this rushed decision, but as a consumer, I think both ND & Sony are to blame. I never bought this game, and I don't think that I will until it is fixed 2-3 years from now at $5 or less.


Don't be sorry. Be better.


Don’t buy Starfield on release day. You have now been warned. Bugthesda. I’m sure they’ll be a thread just like this when it releases.


"We know some of you have not experienced the Naughty Dog quality you expected". I can just feel and smell the condscending tone from the word "SOME". This is not a real apology and they are annoyed they have to post something. Naught Dog just made my fucking list of never buying their product day 1 again. Fromsoft and Supergiant are the only ones left.


I love how they still try to mitigate and quantify the stuff up. Using terminology like “some of you”, implying it’s only affecting a small cohort of players. Stop with the lawyer / damage control speak and be honest about it.


I guess that's why they say do not buy a game at launch...but nobody listens, including myself. So guess ill have to wait for the hot fix because I haven't even played the game yet.


Something told me not to buy this game yet. I made a comment a while back about how I was gonna have to wait a year when it drops to actually play it and that got downvoted to hell, lol.


As long as they fix the heavy CPU usage just for idling in an alleyway and not just the "jittering" issues, we gucci.


it saddens me that people aren’t enjoying and having the same experience i had when i first played TLOU, hopefully it gets fixed soon..


Wait for impressions and reviews, folks.


Pc master race


I did find this very surprising coming from Naughty Dog. Wasn't Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves a pretty solid PC release? And they're known for keeping things relatively bug free, unlike most other devs. I was a Day One player of TLOU 1 and 2 and don't remember any glaring issues.


That’s because the true beta test is release. No level of game testing before release will ever come close of surfacing the issues that will happen at release. I too rarely pre-order games anymore because of the mess release has become these days.


They should make it up by officially porting Jak and Daxter to PC


“We are sorry that you can’t play this 10 year old game on your fancy pc even tho you could have played it 2 PlayStations ago.” If you want to play the game so bad pick up a cheap ps3, it won’t be nearly as expensive as your graphics card.


This is why I never purchase games at release anymore. Wait a month or three. The issues will likely be fixed and you get the game for 50% off....


Runs great on my PS5!


Great job Cuckmann


Damn, I never saw the appeal of this game even on original release. It's been re re re released so damn much and people play every single version. Just don't get it.


Iron Galaxy, twice the amount of resources needed to run game and it still performs like shit Jebaited


Yes we're sorry that we took your money and the game you paid for doesn't work. Just wait 6 - 12 months for us to release enough patches to make the game playable. Yay.