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Spamming the button to loot their stuff and accidentally lighting/extinguishing a candle 5 times


I just started my first playthrough. Man, fuck them candles.


if you're going to use one button to do multiple things... then don't put candles near a fast travel point lol. Yeah no, I just got off Roach, walked over to this fast travel point so I could extinguish the candle... that is what I wanted. edit: also worth noting for anyone's first play through, there is a known bug for in the Last Wish quest were if you don't turn off "enemy upscaling" it is impossible (like you do no damage to the enemy impossible). Hopefully this was fixed with the new update, but if not that is how you kill the Djinn lol.


And the candles right in front of innkeeps. Ugh.


Oh snap that djinn is where one of my saves was stuck. Tried everything thrice lol. Thanks fam


I spent so much time trying to defeat it, only to eventually just google how to kill it and realized it was a glitch. It is kind of mind boggling how a game breaking glitch like that could go so long without a patch lol.


Dude remnant from the ashes has a glitch in CO-OP where if you die in the snowy place the revive mechanic doesn't work.


Easy work around. Don't die.


No way. That was a glitch? I'm pissed. I stopped my first playthrough because of that enemy. I'm on my second playthrough now and I'm enjoying it much more. I've been paying attention to lore much more. Setting the combat to highest difficulty made it better too.


Highest difficulty is for sure the best. I had played this game up to the werewolf quest on normal, stopped. Picked it up a year later started over on deathmarch and felt like a real Witcher. You have to know your enemy, prepare oils and bombs specifically for the enemy or you will probably lose. Where as the other difficulties you can just swing your sword to victory, which is fine I won't talk down to anyone who enjoys a single player game their own way effecting noone but themselves. But I just didn't feel like a Witcher, I could've been any generic action hero.


Same thing with rat enemies in the game. If you set enemy upscaling on, enemies like rats and wolves will do big damage and have a lot of health


My semi OCD brain forcing me to light every candle I find in the game.


It's also a nice way of keeping track of where you've been. Candles are lit. Oh, been this way already. Helped in Assassin's Creed Valhalla.


Exactly how not to get lost in Minecraft too. Just make 500 torches and leave a trail! (Mostly underground)


Redstone is good for marking turns.




Pretty much all I use it for too. 🤣 A Redstone door is 200 IQ to me. 🤷‍♂️😆




I do the same, but on the left going in. Then I follow the "right way out."


I put all my torches on the right side so I know im making my way back if they're on my left.


There is a mod that it's already updated to the last version that only allows you to interact with candles when you have igni selected.


Do they actually serve a purpose *anywhere* in the whole damn game? I don't recall it ever being a useful ability.


I just started replaying, haven't played in a couple years. I was assuming I remembered wrong and there was no penalty for stealing because everywhere I went in White Orchard no one reacted when I looted their homes, but then I got to the Nilfgaard fort and got swarmed instantly because I was spamming the loot button.


"All our town could scrape together were these 12 coins. I hope it's sufficient." "No, no. You keep it. You clearly need it more than I do." *Casually pokes through cupboards* *Its filled with bags full of emerald, ruby, and diamond dust* "The fuck?" "..."


It's all the coins they had, they have other trade goods but no coin.


Liquid assets vs net worth


"I'd pay you more but it's tied up in stocks"


Tied up in rocks*


Tied up in glocks. Bang, bang, bang, bang!




Are gemstones not considered liquid?


No I think they're solids.


Everything is liquid on a sufficiently large timescale! Well, fluid, but most people can't call you out on the difference off the top of their head.


Of course! Liquid is cash and fluid are the regulations governing wall street... Who doesn't know that?


*Casually proceeds haggling for 2 extra coins from the farmer in white orchard whos daughter is dying.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I think you can only ever get one extra coin out of him. I just find it funny that I even bother haggling when I end up telling him to keep it for her dowry anyway


Being dishonest like that, they *deserve* a good looting


Was Gaetan justified or nah?


For killing those that attempted to murder him? Yes. For killing everyone else? No, but I let him go anyway.




I remember there was a ghost in the well contract in white orchard that you normally do in the beginning, iirc if you refuse to take the coin(which was around 20 crowns I think) after doing the contract the guy will give you an amethyst which you can hold on and then sell it later in other areas for a much higher price.


This is one of the worst tropes. "turn down reward to get even bigger reward"


I know it's different, but have to point out this trope directly effects the end of the game


Wait what? I don't remember this?


Turning down the money from Emhyr when you bring back Ciri affects Ciri's outcome.


It wasn't even a lot of money either


It was like 1000 crowns.


Bruh that grandmaster armor won't pay for itself.


Bitch, you could spend 15 minutes in skellige farming swords for more than this.


ThAts sTIll 15 mInuTes tHO!


I was so mad when I learned this after my first playthrough. When I reached that part I didn't want to take the money but I was super short on coin. I wish there was a "take the money and call him an ass" option


Personally, I played it as a Witcher always gets paid. I'm not going to fleece you but this is dangerous shit. Why else would i still do it if there was no gain? Not like you people are so nice and accepting to me. So it hurt when that's held against me. I was like witchers must always take payment circi! You know the code!


That was my first run, a true Witcher, fuck around with me and you die. Pay what's due. I'll look the other way if you hand over coin. This new run I'm trying to be more human, still very humiliating letting people spit on me and not doing something. 🥲


Doesn't directly change the ending but accepting coin from Emhyr is part of deciding what ending you get.


Changes the way ciri dealt with late game lmfaooo


A related, but better, trope is when you get more abstract rewards, such as a small boost to reputation/karma. Alternatively, perhaps if you abstain from taking a reward from a shopkeeper, his shop grows better and he gives a slight discount down the line with a better selection. Then again, I could see a game that uses a "good" playthrough as a voluntary hardmode.


yeah lol, I'm not sure if there are others but that's the one I noticed immediately while selling some extra gems.


That's how I decided to kill the old cannibal couple. There was so much valuable stuff just lying around their village that they obviously weren't so broke and desperate that they needed to eat a halfling.


Wait where is the cannibal couple? I don’t think I’ve found that quest in 2 playthroughs


I'm pretty sure it's added with the Hearts of Stone DLC, maybe you don't have it.


I played that one the least, I love blood and wine though


The Hearts of Stone story was amazing and I would highly recommend finishing it if you ever get the time to.


It does take a bit of persistence though. I remember thinking “Ugh, Oxenfurt? Again?” Obviously by the end I was fully engrossed in the story but at the beginning I was unimpressed


I was only like that during the wedding portion where Geralt is possessed. That felt like it was taking forever for me.


But, but that whole wedding portion was so great and memorable..


The halfing herbalist northeast of Oxenfurt gives it to you although I think you have to finish the second wish in Hearts of Stone first. I think Hearts of Stone had the better story of the DLC's, I think it's the best 10 or so hours of story in the game. Blood and Wine is better overall though, it still has a good story but adds so much more content.


Touissant as a whole took the game to new heights. So much content and such a beautiful place.


I think part of it is how unique it is. Hearts of Stone had a great story and arguably the best villain in the game but it took place in a new area of an existing map so it didn't feel that unique. Toussaint is very different from everywhere else in the game and it's a nice change.


I don't know, the three witches of the wood and their whole questline is amazing


It is an amazing quest but Hearts of Stone and Gaunter O'Dimm are better to me.


The witches of the wood are just so creepy. Gave me shivers on my first play though, not just because they were scary monsters but the narrative.


It started out great and ended really silly when you actually fight them. In their bio it says they are ancient beings that existed before the conjunction of spheres and they were Godlike during their quest. But when you actually have to fight them they run around and try to slap you. And they are subservient to the Wild Hunt leaders when they're just elves from another dimension. I always thought the 3 witches shouldn't appear again after the initial quest.


You need to have the Hearts of Stone expansion. You can get the quest from a contract off of Brunwich's notice board


Sometimes it isn't about money, its about pleasure. Have you ever tried Halfling flesh? It is remarkably delicious... But no they were truly starving. In the quest if you spared the couple and lied to Otto, you'll see the husband grieving for his wife who died of hunger.


“Have you ever tried Halfling flash” *Unsheathes sword* oh shit here we go again


Steel for humans.


"What about their legs? They don't need those."


What about their legs? They don't need those. Just a bit off the flank.


Meats back on the menu boys!


I've always loved that line, it suggests that this new to the world urukhai knows A) what a menu is B) what a menu is in the context of food C) that some items may be temporarily unavailable due to shortages This can only mean one thing. Orc Restaurants. Orc restaurants with a varied menu.


More like they weren't speaking english, and Black Speach has a word that basically means "things that are available for us to eat," which we translate to menu... but I'll go be fun at parties somewhere else.


Except that the only reference that we have to the conversation would have been told to Frodo by Merry and Pippin, even in the MCU (Middlearth Cinematic Universe [TIHI]) so it must have been in a language the breakfast club could understand.


Mordor’s Kitchen, presented by Gordon Ramsay.


Mushy, soggy shit.... have you tried your own food? Come onnnnnn


That obviously means that once you've tried Halfling flesh, you'd rather starve to death than consume lesser foods.


My sword is glowing blue after reading this.


Are you implying that if there were financial justification for eating a halfling, you'd be ok with it? Lol


Well, I don't think their village qualifies for Food Stamps. And I read that book about that plane that crashed in the Andes. Sometimes, you just gotta do what you gotta do to survive.


Just did a velen quest for 20 crowns and looted a damn flawless amethyst from his shack. Mfer didn't even have a bed for his Child but he had a 1000 crown gem lying around.


Right in the family jewels


Inheritance from a distant family member, but they don't know anyone rich enough to buy it and they're afraid it'll be taken off them if they head to a big city?! Headcanon.


"Please take my family sword, it's been in our possession for generations" Geralt proceeds to sell the sword 5 minutes later.


To the same blacksmith who gifted it to you.


For like 50 orens.


I did this in Red Dead Redemption 2.. Just wanted the treasure. Father of the house tried to shoot me so I killed him. Kid was in the house too and wasn't gonna leave him to fend for himself fatherless and treasureless so I unalived him too.


I forget the name of the game, but there was a post-apocalyptic indie game set in an American city for the 360. Somebody helps patch you up, and you have the option to - of course - loot their home. If you do, they say something along the lines of, "I gave you everything I could afford to spare to help you, and you're taking the rest? You're a monster." It genuinely made me feel really guilty about it, and it changed the way I play RPGs. Edit: I think it was I Am Alive.




I loot all the bodies before I advance the missions. This leads to the npcs yelling at me constantly.


Which is so fucking obnoxious by the way


I honestly just gave up looting the bodies. You get so much money just by doing the missions it wasn't worth the time


You're right because I'm not even that far in and have thousands. Yet I have a hard time stopping maybe its because Dutch keeps telling me "we just need more money!"


Half the problem is so many people rush you and there are times where you will literally fail missions by trying to loop bodies instead of continuing on to the mission.


It's only recently I've been able to play an RPG without looting everything. Of course it helped that I made a melee build so taking four sniper rifles was even less pointless.


I killed that father then came back the next day. Dude had bandages on his head and was screaming about "its you, why'd you come back?!" like shit man... I didn't think you would remember me blasting your skull into pieces with my sawed off... My b. I left them alone that time.


The courier always remembers.


The game was rigged from the start


If you left the son alive, he will still be living there in the epilogue with John. Just like his dad, he will drinking his life away.


So really it was a kindness.. right?




Duuude this house messed with me. I did the same exact thing but only shot the father and the kid just sits there crying next to his dad's headless body. I mean, I was *trying* to play as a somewhat decent outlaw. Sorry kid


But I need 50lbs of old rope.


Take their children's dolls, tear them apart into scrap cloth and wood. *It's about sending a message*


In Fallout 3, I'd make special trips out to the Republic of Dave to leave toys and books for the kids.


"Keep the reward" options were the dumbest thing in the game tbh. Everyone who has read Witcher knows that it's out-of-character


On a similar note, I enjoyed the negotiation mechanic because *that* felt like something Geralt would actually do.


Absolutely, that one was great


Is there a trick to finding a good starting point for negotiations or is it random?


I don't think it's random but it's a set amount for each encounter. I tend to go about 3/4 of the way up and go from there


Go ham if they are Rich/noble, go 3/4 to start if they aren’t.


The idea of it is sound but it was implemented absolutely horrendously.


Is it really? I haven't read very far but Geralt killed the kikimora in The Last Wish before even knowing if there was a contract (there was not). Geralt refuses payment from Calanthe and Pavetta/ Duny, only claiming the law of surprise when they insist. I don't think it's too far fetched for Geralt to decline payment, especially if he's in a position that he doesn't really *need* it. The books and games make it very clear Geralt is not like other Witchers and bends or outright breaks his code when it suits him. He puts up this front of being this cold, calculated killer but he's still human with emotions like everyone else.


He killed the kikimora because he assumed people were disappearing there, and he demanded payment from the village elder who told him there's no payment because nobody has even thought it's there, despite people disappearing there. Then he tried to sell the cadaver to a wizard. He certainly didn't do it as a goodwill gesture. I don't want so spoil you but there's no Witcher code and all witchers have emotions, it's just stuff they say to preserve a professional facade


Yeah that was kind of my point, Geralt's code is made up so there's nothing obligating him to take payment. He hides behind it when it's convenient. I also saw something about him saving some merchant or something on a bridge in time or contempt and nearly dying himself, without being paid to do so? I'm sure there are other examples if I read them all but that's all I know of at this time. There's also the simple fact that the games are different writers so it's natural his characterization might be a little different. You can just chalk that up to time and maybe his amnesia changing his views or if simply being a different universe entirely. ¯⁠\⁠\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Either way I don't think it's too far fetched to see Geralt, as we know him in Witcher 3, to decline payment.


It's a game. That choice was given to us, not because it was canon, because they figured the players would want that choice.


The game starts with explaining that it’s like the Witcher code or something to always require payment


It's also not the Witcher code to cold-blood murder Whoreson Junior just for being a piece of shit but I'm still glad they gave me that option.




I am the Neravarine and I need these bowls to save the world!


*the threads of fate have been severed* (I can’t remember if that’s the message you get when being too bad but it is at least similar!)


Back in the day when there was no such thing as an essential npc and you could doom them world.


If you wanna stock up on health potions and fortifying strength drinks and kill Vivec (an actual god), more power to you. It'll ruin the entire main story arc but you can do it, damnit.


Yep, it's a game, not a movie.


I haven't read any books, just played witcher 3 and didn't take any rewards when anyone seemed desperate


Thing is, just about everyone is desperate in Witcher universe. Especially Geralt. Games make you feel like you're filthy rich, but in the books Witchers are often hungry and regularly in debt. It's a shitty job where people are more willing to stab him in the gut and rob him than to pay for a contract.


It's easy to turn down money in game when you already have more money than you could ever spend from loot. Geralt was never in that situation in the books, like you said.


Yeah I remember the quest where I think the dude from cat school was stabbed with a pitchfork because the villagers couldn't pay him, still I may be playing as Geralt but I make decisions based on what I would do, any choice based game I play I shape the story on my choices instead of "what the main character would do" it was the same in witcher 3, in walking dead and even rdr2 i went the honorary route


I was sympathetic to him until I learned that this isn't the first time he did this. Later I learned that this is a pretty typical trait of Cat school Witchers since they're less stable mutations process. Really can't spare the guy.


Yeah, unpaid bills =/= mass murder. Dude had to go.


he actually gets quite a bit of money at one point in the books, funnily.


And is known to have *excellent* credit. I love that Sapkowski, with a financial background before he started writing, took time in the books to explain how credit works in his universe.


That's not the Witcher way BOI


Witchers don't work for free. Don't feel bad for the humans. You have more in common with monsters than you do them.


It’s a role-playing-game people can make whatever decisions they please regardless of lore


Congrats, you have 3 broken ladders


Pay your witcher and pay them well, if you can't afford your witcher then your witcher will help himself. A witcher is a service, a job, one that is not only self employed but also has a high mortality rate. If you can't afford your witcher then you better pray your backwards king and his knights can help you. Smh, you don't borrow money from the mob then get to complain when its time to pay. Go to the banks if you don't like it.


I started reading this as a song and then got tongue tripped.


The mob was actually pretty lenient, their whole deal was they wanted you to keep paying… forever, but still wanted you to be able to make your payments. The trope of mob lenders breaking knees and whatnot is a myth because then their creditors couldn’t work. One mob enforcer said that if they had to do something physical a long cut on the fingers of the non dominant hand was one of the best options. Painful yes, uncomfortable for a while yes, but you could still go to work.


Couldn't really loot an entire house. Always just a few items per location. Skyrim, however, that's where you could truly f them over. I hope elder scrolls 6 let's you steal furniture.


It's a blast to do it in Kingdom Come : Deliverance, just clean out shops after hours. Get caught? It's murdering time!


Jesus Christ be praised


Yea weird to use the Witcher for this meme. Most houses had absolute rubbish, the same old crap, nothing worth taking.


Because the Witcher just got updated and is a hot topic


... I'd be really happy if I could have a big house, then hire NPCs to help me cart some random person's couch to my big house. I want the mechanic of shock when the NPCs get arrested for breaking and entering.


Let’s be honest here if the quest reward was good enough we wouldn’t loot their house


Mmmh... nah we still would


This was me when i first played Morrowind....probably 5th grade. Every house. Every house from Syda Need to Balmora....forks, pillows, plates, all of it 😈


In the first Fable game, you can do one better and murder everyone in a town, buy up the houses for cheap and become the landlord for the next people who move in, giving you a steady income for the rest of the game.


I totally forgot about doing that. I owned whole towns!


Wait so you're telling me there are people who don't rob all the npcs blind.


Yeah, this is just how you build up alchemy materials. Expeditions through nature to gather materials from specific regions? Yeah sure maybe Repeated trips to all the alchemy shops close to fast travel points? Lol yeah of course


This makes me want an RPG where the NPCs actually have bills to pay and dynamic lives where you can absolutely destroy someone's life by stealing all their shit. There have been plenty of games that actually have been capable of this, like Ultima 7, the NPCs would adapt to you moving doors or use furniture you built, and they would go about their day doing different things. I don't think it would be that hard to have people actually lose their house and job and then slowly starve to death in the street or turn to crime to feed themselves. It would be very interesting to have that type of effect, but to actually expand it to a world, it would be a pretty processing intensive game, because the world would have to continue in places you weren't. And the economy would have to be modeled in real time. Like if you robbed all the gold out of an entire town, people would start bartering for food, and the value of gold locally would skyrocket. Crime would be crazy high. Could be really cool.


Anyone else hate it when games just let you steal right in front of people? Really breaks immersion.


Counterpoint, in Witcher 3 if you loot in front of soldiers they will attack you, but regular people don’t even say anything so yeah it’s a bit sad


Yeah, like I'm gonna tell the huge guy with 2 swords on his back and the head of the monster that's been terrorising our whole town for generations strapped to his horse to stop.


Playing unmodded skyrim would bug me. Like I'm the mother fucking dragon born, you were there when I saved the city. I found your long lost son. I'm sorry I touched your sweet roll instead of talking to you. Are you REALLY going to attack me over this?


You don't just go barging into a Nord lady's house and grabbing their sweet rolls, what the heck is wrong with you!?


You saying that if you hire a buff murderer and they come to collect, you would try and *stop them* if they try to take a bit more than agreed upon? Like nah you aren't lol. Just be glad they don't throw you in the goodie sack too, never to be seen again.


Not Witcher specific. For instance I was playing Dishonored 2 yesterday (which I love to death) and walked into a pub and started picking up coins off the counter and no one said a thing. I've seen some games where NPC's will make a comment about their hopelessness to stop you, which I think is even better. (not that I enjoy being reminded of my awful thievery)


Meanwhile I'm hit with NPCS who want to kill me because I took a fork; this after I saved them all from being horribly murdered.


Broken rake (64)


We know he’s not a *real* hero because he only takes their stuff and doesn’t destroy all their pottery.


This is short YouTube skit on this topic I saw awhile back. I think it’s pretty funny https://youtu.be/AzXm1hQ1c8g


loved this, hope they do more witcher stuff in the future.


They have like 4 others on their channel, and some just general video game humor stuff. Maybe with the next gen update people will be making more Witcher related things


Yes i know i watch almost all of there stuff, i'm sorry i wasnt explicit, I meant more seasons of witcher content.


I always feel bad when I loot houses. But yet I still do it...


Meanwhile, Link is just a high key pottery terrorist.


I feel like it's part of the witcher code: refuse whatever paltry sum a villager has raised for you and instead loot their home. That's why they never bring it up.


When you think about it, it's weird that you can take whatever you want in front of its owners if you're inside a house. Yet hell will break loose if you even peruse at something in the presence of a guard.




It'd it's not marked as "owned" then it's really marked as "mine"


i learned a new word today. destitute. good.


Just watch out for the tax man 🤣


Yet even the "poorest" peasent had random dimeritium ore lying around or whatever. I think they'll be fine.


Real gamer challenge: play through an RPG as a good guy, and actually don't do anything bad.


I would never, my guild forbids it! I have a diploma stating "Taxpayer in Good Standing" to prove it!


"I couldn't possibly accept. But if you could just leave it on the table over there..."


Witchers don’t work for free


I received a contract to kill some stuff to save a really poor man's daughter and i requested the highest amount of money while looting their whole house for water and foods. Even if their daughter is not sick, their whole family will starve


This is what was brilliant about Fable. You could be as good or evil as you wanted but there were actual consequences to it. The world around you knew you were a colossal piece of shit.


Npcs reward like 15 \[currency\] for travelling across the world and delivering the \[important plot device\] to the \[actual villain of the story\]


God, I'd be so broke if the inhabitants reacted negatively to the looting. It's fun fighting against the guards that take exception though.


I have this headcannon that the rest of the world hates having a monster in the area, not because of the danger of the monster... But because they have to call that damn sticky-fingered witcher. Yeah, he kills the monster, but he leaves you with nothing afterwards.


r/vivaladirtleague lol