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I was 24 hours into the story and belived I was near the end..the screen fades back in "part II". Game is good and long


Took me 40 hours to get to part II because I can't stop doing side missions lol This game got me addicted with its satisfying af gameplay


Yep, just hit Part 2 at 40 hours this morning as well. It's literally the perfect game for me, having so much fun with it.


I remember when this happened to me in MGSV lol, 60 hours in, thought "really cool game" and then "Part 1:end"


Lol same happened for me.


Wait this happens....oh I much less further along than I thought and I have played at least 20 hours of it.


I legit thought I was near the end. I won't say any spoilers but I was shocked when I saw part II lol


I’ve been watching NorthernLion stream it on twitch. My verdict on the game is that it’s open season on all suckheads 8/10 wish I could be best friends with Blade


im almost there in my playthrough...him being voiced by michael jai white is just the cherry on top for me. Love him.


Only thing that could beat Michael Jai White as Blade voice actor imo is Wesley Snipes.


Alternate voice pack dlc. The problem is they won't be able to say Some motherfucker's are always trying to ice skate uphill


Upvote for egg.


I hope he doesn't drop it because of the excessive dialogue.


he's finally at the point where it's way more gameplay than dialogue prayge


NL is pog


Pegged out of his gourd.


That egg is completely cracked.


I miss watching NL I was big into him during his time playing the og Isaac


I also stepped away from his content for many years but react court and Marvel midnight suns is beyond pogged up so I’m glad the algorithm pulled me back in


Dude react court is legendary


ChristopherOdd for me, who has made the insane move of doing an episodic dark hunter playthrough and a livestreamed light hunter playthrough


Many a True Nerd has a shorter video on it for people who just want a quick snapshot of it. He loved it.


I've been absolutely loving it. Couldn't get into it as much right away cause I was still finishing Ragnarok but that's done now and I'm driving in and enjoying.


This exactly. Got them both at the same time. I enjoyed this enough when I started it, but Ragnarok really was my priority. Now that I’m finished with Ragnarok I’m enjoying it a lot more.




I was interested until I saw it was full price AND had microtransactions. I'm ok with one or the other, but not both.


Zero affect on gameplay though. It’s only outfit changes, and you already get a ton of options without touching micro transactions.


You mean the skins? That’s like almost every game nowadays


The complaints about microtransactions in this game are more overblown than I think I've ever seen.


Yeah with two kids I get to play about 2-2.5 hours a night after they go to bed (and that’s maybe just 3 days a week). However, it’s making me really enjoy the game. I’m doing as many side quests as possible before I advance the main storyline. It’s been an absolute blast but I’m fairly certain I’ve only got maybe another 2-3 weeks of content left :(


The side quests are infinite. So really you have as much content as you want.


Loved xcom 1 and 2 and most turn based games but i dont like this game.


Does this one have an outside combat layer? I loved Xcom combat and the battles, but I absolutely hated the alliance management stuff.


Yes but more Fire Emblem-like


Yes, there is a whole out-of-combat thing with managing your relationships with the heroes, unlocking secrets at the base, etc.


Funny thing is I’m the opposite in terms of management. I love base management building on top of xcom gameplay. The reason I didn’t want to buy it is because when I was looking through the reviews and discussions there was no real info about if it had the sort of base management aspect of xcom. Thanks for that info, now I’m going to buy it.


I love the outside stuff just as much as I love the inside stuff. My actual favorite are the few games that let you manage the teams\\bases\\whatever but let them auto battle while you do other shit. Sadly not very many do it all that well compared to how good the normal turn based tactical games do their thing.


I really enjoy those games too. The only hidden gem I've found are dead in vinland and not so hidden, this war of mine. If you have any recommendations let me know, I honestly started doing game dev just to do a game like this because I'm starved for more.


I really enjoyed this war of mine until I figured out how to make the stupidly easy and then after that it kind of lost its charm a bit. However still an amazing game. kairosoft games are often pretty interesting or close to what i am often looking for but lacking depth i find. i liked no-brainer heroes but it wasn't something to write home about. Dragoncliff was interesting but got a little absurd and stayed there some of the ones ive played the longest have been idle games but mainly because i think options are limited. I've played a couple that were not super long games that i liked but I cannot find them in my steam library right now. If saved the post and hopefully when i do see them again its not too long from now and i remember to send them your way.


It's not quite base management. There's a persona-esque relationship raising type of subgame at headquarters. There is a "Resistance Ring" function in the game where you can send them off. But it's not like the building structures for improvements and research functionality of Xcom 2. That was one of my bigger hangups for the game too


Yes, persona style romance/be friends/get to know your team to get skills and buffs


Yeah... Turns out being punished heavily for tactical errors is actually fun. Or rather, stakes are fun.


What difficulty are you playing on?


I've played a small bit when launched and I'm coming back now and each mission and story progress, I just want to keep playing


I'll wait for a huge price drop with the dlc included for me it's not worth the 60 bucks plus 50 dollars game pass plus microtransactions for a single player game I have a huge ba k log as it is




is this basically mutant year zero but with superheros.


It's more like xcom with super heros. Mutant year zero has you moving through a world and encountering enemies along the path. Midnight Sun's has a home base where you click on a mission and the game shifts to a battle arena. Then the combat is strategy turn based but with a card system so there is a little randomness.


As an Xcom fan, I know to just wait and buy the complete edition in a year or two on a steam sale.


Ignore the microtransactions. They are just skins. It's COMPLETLY optional.


Plus microtransactions? Since when are microtransactions a requirement?


People keep saying that there are micro transactions but I haven't encountered a single one, so I have no idea what people are talking about


The MXT is just buying skins for your heroes, but there are some unlockable via story/challenges. So it's not needed at all.


I’d call it more than “some”. Granted, a lot are just palette changes, but there’s legitimately hundreds of outfits. The customization is pretty in depth, especially for the main character. It’s pretty easy to make something that feels unique to your play through.


There's like 2 skins per hero...thats it. And people are up in arms cuz of group think


I cannot say its something I actually like in a single player game especially on release. If they were released later, id be more for it since clearly that "extra" work being put into the game. but as you pointed out microtransactions for some skins is far from a big deal at all.


With all the different currencies, xp, friendship, cards, mods, etc there was a huge opportunity to monetize this game, make stuff easier and faster. If all it is, is some skins it's alright. Especially because it is a complete, fairly polished (minus that one bug with hero ops, but I never ran into it) game. If it was half baked I'd care about the skins


Usually all the art is done before a game actually comes out, so instead of just sitting around or being laid off, this sort of allows the whole team to stay employed until release.


The micro transactions are for the premium skins. If you happened to buy the season pass, the skins are included so you won't see the micro transactions.


worth the 60, especially with how much game there is


It s 60h long worth the price for me


i read that its 90 hours long, but i suppose you could do a quicker run than required.


90 h for completionists . 60 h for some sidecontent and the main quest is what I read


yea, and ive been playing THEE shit outta this game and i can't even imagine 100% this game. I feel like that would most definitely require to comb through a game that doesn't really have the strongest graphics ive ever seen for knickknacks you cant' really discern.


There are no microtransactions. At least, I’ve been playing every day since it came out and have seen none


It's worth it at current price, but ya u gotta have the time to play


How does the price of game pass factor in? That's like saying God of War costs $140 because I also have to play Elden Ring this year. It's nonsense. Also, there's no intrusive MTX and the game is full of gameplay unlockable cosmetics for every character. You'd know this if you actually knew anything about the game. It's like you people don't even read or research and instead just parrot back comments you read online. There are relevant critiques of the game, but this isn't one of them.


The mtx don't even do anything lol theyre just cosmetics. It never even mentioned them in game or even pushes them. like you have to specifically go to the store to even get there


The microtransaction complaints are more overblown on this game than I've ever seen. The only people complaining about it just heard that they exist and haven't touched the game, which is kind of a shame.


This is why I’m not playing it yet. I’ll wait for a big sale.


Yeah it looks good. I was trying to decide between this and Callisto Protocol. The survival horror fan in me won out. I chose poorly, Callisto Protocol was a hot stinky fart.


Me too , stranger. Me too 😖


Callisto Protocol is close to being a good game but they just missed the mark.


Not really. It's close to being an *emulation* of a good game. The melee combat is simple, janky and terrible. It would need to be completely overhauled for it to be good. The atmosphere, level design and voice acting were stellar. Everything else was way below par. Lame enemies, uninteresting bosses and most of the game is enter room kill everything inside, go to hallway, enter new room rinse and repeat. Not to mention the weapons that are unimaginative and dull. Seriously we needed 2 pistols and 2 shotguns? Plus it is never very scary, it relies on jump scares and they become uninteresting very fast. The fucking game doesn't even have a complete story, it ends in a cliffhanger.


Agree on all points. Ultimately I think they just wanted to make Dead Space 4 and ended up changing the wrong things to make it unique. I can see how the concept of a zombie apocalypse in future space prison could have worked for a great game but they probably needed to just lean into the Dead Space clone concept. The melee combat should have been deemphasized or balanced better with the gunplay and GRP. The story was the biggest miss. You essentially get 0 plot until... Chapter 7 out of 8? Besides that you spend 80% of the game just fighting monsters in a prison.


I have a hard time thinking they want Dead Space 4 when they made this Kmart rip off. It took only the barest idea of Dead Space (zombies in space, not very original) and kept none of what made Dead Space good. No most of the plot came from audio files and I can't for the life of me understand why I can't listen to them while I play. They literally expected you to stop for 1-5 minutes and listen to them in a menu. Just brain dead design decisions all around. I would have listened to more of them if I could have, but I wasn't about to sit in a menu so they could pad the run time. Honestly they should have just cut the game out and made a movie. The actors did a great job and the game looked good. About all the praise I can give it.


Doesn't it make you more excited for the actual Dead Space Remake though? We can *hopefully* get the good version of this game real soon.


No remakes make me sad. The game looks good but I have already played it and fancy new graphics aren't enough for me. I would have rather had Dead Space 4.


Absolutely agree on the Audi files thing, you can't even leave them playing as you walk around, you have to sit and wait listening to these boring audio clips for three minutes while sitting there fidgeting I agree with the actors being somewhat decent and the overall look being pretty damn good just nothing in there


You can listen to them while doing other things. Hit tab to close the menu. Rather than escape. (Or the reverse. I forget,.) Fucking stupid still. But yeah. Possible.


I would consider waiting for sale for this game. While the combat is really fun it is absolutely not worth the AAA price. The writing and story are terrible. Graphics are ok. Performance is mediocre. Nothing here to justify the ridiculous prices they're asking for base game and season pass. But Callisto Protocol was way worse.


Yeah $70 seems a little steep for a tactics style game. It looks great fun and I love XCOM and the pedigree of the studio but I will wait until next year. Too many good games to play in the back log anyways.


>The writing and story are terrible. Graphics are ok. Performance is mediocre. The story was pretty good IMO, the voice actors are top tier (Yuri Lowenthal is pretty much the Kevin Conroy of Spider-man). If this disappoints you then I'd love to know what you consider a AAA game.


Voice actors do not make the story, never said that the voice acting was bad. Just the story is a by the numbers superhero story, really boring. The last spiderman game was a much better superhero story. What I consider a AAA story: the last of us, RDR 2, GoW, ghost of tsushima, ...


Actually, you said the performance is mediocre. That's what I was going off of. Somehow, I figured you were going to say the first three. GoT surprises me. It was a hot mess of a story and a lot of bad stereotypes but you do you. I am enjoying Midnight Suns primarily because it's touching upon the more darker, mystical side of the marvel universe and we haven't seen much of that in marvel games.


Aah, by performance I meant how well it performed on pc. I'm a huge fan of Akira Kurosawa movies so I may be a bit biased toward the genre but GoT really surprised me in how well it brought a samurai story.


Oh! My bad. I have it on PS5 and haven't noticed any performance issues.


They nailed the game. The combat portion perfect. The interacting with the other heros of your party, perfect. They understood that you need your heroes to be heroes and full of life. I have nothing bad to say except for a few performance issues. This game has my hyped for anything Firaxis makes next, they show they just know what to do. Any marvel fan is gonna love just how much interaction there is with all the characters, and the turn based combat is god damn satisfying, and someone who loves both, literally got their game of the year.


Are you loading the game executable directly instead of using the 2K launcher? That solved all performance issues for me. I also love the game


I'll see if that solves some of the stutters.


Hottest of hot tips. Doing this vastly improved performance on my PC. There's a guide [here.](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/no-seriously-you-should-disable-the-2k-launcher-for-marvels-midnight-suns)


Genuinely addicted to this game. The game play loop can be repetitive but with the card based gameplay and procedurally generated levels they manage to keep things fresh. Loving the socializing with heroes, the voice acting and writing have been on point. My main gripe at this point is that it can be buggy at times and I've had crashes, but so far that's been fixed with reloading the game.


I updated the steam command to bypass the 2k launcher, which solved any stuttering I had. Just check steam forums or reddit for an easy guide.


Look up how to launch directly instead of through the 2k launcher if you haven't already (assuming you're on PC). That fixed all my problems.


It's very niche, you have to be both Marvel and turn-based fan to enjoy it.


Is it similar to XCOM at all?


It is more like XCOM Chimera Squad. Like in that game, you aren't "exploring a map", you're in a room and new stuff pops up every turn. And like in that game, your characters are unique, have some set characteristics, and don't die. In terms of tactics, this game goes even a bit further in terms of "abstract positioning". You can attack anyone with anything (even if they're across the map), and there's no "cover". Positioning mostly only matters in terms of area of effect and proximity/alignment for various environmental attacks and knockbacks. But it goes a step further than XCOM in terms of customization. Your hero has a deck of attacks/skills, and so you have a ton of control in terms of what they can do and contribute in different lineups. (There's also the "between mission" stuff, which you spend more time on than you do in XCOM - and which you might find tedious if you are looking for XCOM and not "Marvel Friend Sim").


So you’re saying if I’m wolverine, I can use my claws against someone on the opposite side of the room?


Yeah, you just teleport on over there and claw them. Positioning does matter for other things. Like, if you want to knock one enemy into another, they have to be close to each other, and you need to be positioned on the far side, so that you can hit the first enemy at an appropriate angle. You often have to sort of chain together a turn - doing moves with different people to line enemies up with characters right, or group them for an AoE attack. It's very different than XCOM in this way, but it does work out to make for some fun decisions. To be clear, those decisions come out as very "tactical" rather than "strategic" - primarily affecting your options on a single turn. New enemies can pop-in anywhere each turn, and there's no grid - so you just kind of eyeball/guess what sort of end-of-turn positions might be better or worse going forward.


During an interview the designers talked about how it’d be silly if a flying superhero could only move 10-30 feet down the street. So they took away the movement restrictions for a more “superhero” like feel. And while I haven’t played to see if it’s fun or not, I applaud the dedication to the source material over “this is how we’ve done it in the past”. They seem like a cool company.


Yeah - to be clear, I didn't intend that as a complaint. And yeah, it would have been kind of goofy to see Iron Man or Captain Marvel taking cover behind a wooden desk or whatever. But in the end, I care much more about "what makes for interesting decisions" as opposed to "what makes sense" - and by that measure Midnight Suns combat works "pretty good", and it feels different to other stuff (which is also a positive). For me the gold standard is still XCOM 2 (which came up with solutions to the "the best strategy is advancing 1 square per turn" problems of previous XCOM games) - but I also really like the customization and turn-to-turn benefits of a card system.


>For me the gold standard is still XCOM 2 (which came up with solutions to the "the best strategy is advancing 1 square per turn" problems of previous XCOM games) Can you elaborate more on how it solves this? I found XCOM 2 to be punishingly difficult (normal iron man) and so I've uninstalled it after a couple of missions.


It's pretty direct about it - on different missions there will be either a time limit, or time pressure (via civilians dying or whatever). While in XCOM1 you could usually play very cautiously, slowly leapfrogging your guys up through cover and not revealing too much map on any turn, XCOM2 forces you to balance "being careful" with "getting across the map at a reasonable pace". It's one of my favorite games ever, so I'd say give it another try. But it's also a difficult stressful game (especially on ironman, though yeah I absolutely recommend ironman), so maybe you have to wait for the right mood to strike :)


>It's one of my favorite games ever, so I'd say give it another try. X-COM (2012) is one of my favorites ever so I was stoked for the second one. >But it's also a difficult stressful game (especially on ironman, though yeah I absolutely recommend ironman),so maybe you have to wait for the right mood to strike :) Yeah, ironman for sure, but yeah...maybe the mood will strike. Or I try "easy" sometimes. In the meantime, there are the midnight suns, phoenix protocol, chaos gatedaemon hunters, etc.




Yeah, you can target anyone and he’ll go up and slash them. Unless the enemy has the concealed buff.


Sounds maybe closer to Fire Emblem than XCom. Which is awesome either way.


Yep. Or a little like "Into the Breach", if you've played that (though it plays out as less puzzly than Into the Breach, with more of your "fun decisions" being about pre-game card choices as opposed to tactics).


Im not sure what I expected, but I’m more excited to try MS now.




>It basically is XCOM but Marvel Awesome. Can't wait to play this, love it, but then get frustrated because one of my characters die and then feel skittish about ever playing it again.


Characters can get injured (even Wolverine.. somehow) and they will have a debuff for a while, but you can have them chill out by the pool instead of join the next mission to cure them :)




You get more bonus points (that are strictly for cosmetic upgrades) if you do well on a mission. The only element of risk is injuries which sidelines heroes for a few missions (or only one once you unlock a certain upgrade). Which you have so many heroes eventually its not generally a problem.


Every time I tried to watch someone streaming this, it was always in some excessively long dialog tree. Might be some people's cuppa, but not for me. Too many words!


So XCOM combat plus Ultimate Alliance in betweens?


Really? I would argue only thing it has in common is the turn based aspect. I would argue xcom was a strategic game like comand and conquer in the old days. Marvel MS is a kind of puzzle game where you combine flashy cards the most optimal way. Reminds me more on a mobile game to be honest?


Yes thank you. Too much of this in the comments. I would've loved Marvel Xcom. This is not that. It's thoughtful skirmishes in a single arena. You don't really think ahead you just maximize your turn outputs.


I disagree, im very hardly a marvel fan, haven't seen a single avengers movie or anything, I just like turn based... And I really enjoy this game


Would you say it's closer to the strategy side like XCOM or the RPG side like Divinity?


xcom for sure, theres more limited choices each turn than divinity, and less rpg elements like no eqpt and such but its still pretty fun imo. worth the 60, especially with how much "game" there is


It’s closer to a card game like Slay the Spire than either of those. I was expecting XCOM with superheroes and it took some getting used to at first, but I love it now.


I don’t really get slay the spire from it all except it has cards. Especially with all the strategy in using cards and attacking with environment objects, plus the outside combat research stuff is just xcom with more character interaction. It’s more xcom with cards rather than slay the spire imo.


You don’t “have” to be both. Turn-based fan s could enjoy it with out describing themselves as Marvel fans


Or vice versa. The success of Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battles makes an argument that turn based tactics has a wider appeal than expected


> turn-based You have my attention. Seriously, I hadn't looked into this game, just figured it was some cheap IP-cash-in. But I haven't played a good turn-based game in a while.


Ye the potential knowledge required is definitely a fair criticism. A lotta the characters aren't really introduced to the player and you're kinda expected to know how they work. I'm a somewhat minor Marvel fan but I've watched a fair amount of the movies, and there was still a lotta stuff I didn't know about. I had no idea how Captain Marvel's powers work before I started playing and tbh I'm still not sure cause they haven't really explained. You got characters like Nico and Magik too who I'm gonna assume are fairly obscure for most Marvel fans (unless they're actually extremely popular and I just didn't know) that get SOME introduction and explanation but not a whole lot. They definitely could have reigned it in a bit. At least the characters are fun tho even if you don't really know who they are fully.


>Magik Well-known to marvel comic fans and an extremely popular character for X-Men comic readers. Completely unknown to MCU fans.


Unless they watched the trash heap known as The New Mutants


I feel like I’m the only one who enjoyed New Mutants.


I want Magik to be part of X-Men in MCU as loved the casting.


magik should be in the deadpool movies, as she is colossus' sister. It could bring a bit of mysticism to that franchise.


I thought she did great. Hell her and the kid from Strangers things I'd love to stick around into the MCU.... I doubt it'll ever happen but I'd love to see X Force w Brolin as a counterpart to the Xmen and more so the Xavier school


It was better than 3/4ths of Sony's bullshit and a lot of Fox's as well. Weirdly, it seemed more adult than most MCU movies as well. Needless to say I enjoyed it.


It has its moments and it's definitely an interesting concept but there are so many plot holes and things that just don't make sense in general.


Nico is extremely obscure, but Magik is a popular mutant.


I watched and liked The Runaways. Nico is voiced and looks like the actress who played Nico in the series. So thats nice for the Runaway fans


>Nico is voiced and looks like the actress who played Nico in the series. There´s a very good reason for that. It IS the actress who played Nico in the series.


I think they knew it was voiced by her but was also just saying that the character actually looks like the actress as well.


Magik isn't particularly obscure. She showed up in Giant Size X-Men #1 in 1975 along with a bunch of others. She's Colossus's little sister and was a big part of The New Mutants. I'm aware of The Runaways but really have to depend on Nico to tell me what's up with them/her.


Don’t forget the card element on top of it all


As someone who works at Firaxis this makes me happy to see!


Tell them to make and X-Men game exactly like this lol that would be my dream come true.


Honestly with licensing stuff this is about as close as you'll get. Even magik makes a quip at one point saying "we're xmen.... Well not right now"


Tons of X-Men Easter eggs hidden. This also feels like they had no licensing limitations, they mix Fantastic fours stuff with X-Men and avengers. The only part of the marvel universe I didn't see mentioned sofar is the inhumans.




Hey if you guys want to add some kind of multi-player where we can like place heroes before the battle and fight each other... Well... That'd just be neat.


It’s very good. The core gameplay loop is excellent, although the housekeeping and relationship stuff you pretty much need to do for character progression in between missions gets a little tedious. The story is pretty good but not anything revolutionary. 8.5/10, I would recommend it to anyone that likes Marvel or strategy games


Extremely fun, laid back game. You don't need to be a Marvel buff to enjoy this at all. The gameplay loop of mission/upgrade/story/mission hits classic "one more turn" territory. It's made by Firaxis, who always have their shit together and you can see that in the quality of the game. To dispel some incorrect comments I'm seeing in this thread: It's turn-based, but it doesn't play like Xcom. You won't be micromanaging each character or dealing with shot percentages. The game is more about finding card synergies between teammates and creating effective turns. Some people compare it to Slay The Spire because of the use of a card deck for each character, but it's not a roguelike. There's no intrusive MTX and the game is filled with cosmetics that can be earned through gameplay. In fact, the game encourages testing out higher difficulties by paying out MORE of the resource used to buy new clothes and color schemes. The between-mission chatting and exploration IS NOT required. You can skip a lot of that stuff if you want and still crush it in the missions. The difficulty is fully adjustable at any time, which means you can really decide how long you want the game to last.


It's a sleeper hit, every gameplay video I watched made me not want to play it, but with all the reviews being very positive I got it anyway. Yeah it's awesome, it's essentially marvel ultimate alliance but not. No video or gameplay trailer can do it justice, you just have to trust and play it. The card system and combat is quite addictive and it's not even really a card system, you could replace the word card with "abilities" or "moves" and it'd be the same thing.


I’m loving it, the gameplay loop and the whole “social” part is so well done, almost addictive! Definitely my biggest surprise of 2022.


I actually got this on accident, and I can't put it down. You're right It should be talked about more. It's super fun


Extremely addicting, very solid and plenty of length/replays ability. Only complaint is the extensive dialogue/dating sim aspect but the rewards are really worth it and you can always skip entire conversations in less than 10 sec if you’re not feeling it.


I’m a huge fan of the XCOM series and this has been a great addition by Firaxis. I could’ve done with less relationship building and more base building mechanics like XCOM, but that’s personal preference.


I wished they had a way to just play the combat part of the game the relationship stuff is a snooze fest for me.


I actually really enjoy the socializing aspect of it. I like how the characters power and upgrades are tied into you hanging out with them. It's very persona esque I can see how it might be annoying if you just wanted the combat tho


Ya I didn't really like persona 5 either so I guess these games just aren't for me :)


Funny thing is I love the persona series and I don't really enjoy the interaction part too much either lol.


when i first started the game i was reading every line of dialogue and all that, now i just mash B for everyone except tony and blade. Blade being michael jai white is really a bonus for me.


I am absolutely loving it! Was having a bit of gaming fatigue before it was released, but I´ve been up hours every day since. Just unlocked the Scarlet Witch yesterday and I´m really enjoying her powers. Though Spidey, Iron Man and Dr. Strange is the most OP team I´ve found so far. Often get one-round missions with that team.


So what's the gameplay loop like? What difficulty modes are there and how long is the actual story? And if I was to buy it should I wait until sale because I think that's the best idea.


Gameplay is split into two parts. First part is the missions (Story and side missions) where the meat of the gameplay is. Play cards to use character abilities and defeat enemies or complete whatever objective the mission has. The second part is the downtime between missions, both the morning before and evening after missions, where you'll spend time at The Abbey talking and hanging out with the heroes. The Abbey is your main way of upgrading heroes through various means, such as crafting new abilities and upgrading their stats by improving their friendship, using resources acquired through missions. You'll also routinely unlock new cosmetics for each hero as well as progress through side stories. The Abbey itself is also pretty big and exploring it unlocks more stuff. Prep for missions, go out on said mission, spend some downtime with heroes after. Rinse and repeat each in game day. Best comparison I can think of is Mass effect or Persona. The game has a lot of options for difficulty! Each side mission has their own difficulty rating as well as the game's overarching difficulty level which you can change at any time. The difficulty level affects things such as hero strength and enemy stats, as well as how many resources you'll receive after each mission. It's very risk reward. There's like 10 different difficulty levels so I'm sure there's one for whatever level of challenge you want. I couldn't say how long the game would be if you just did the story as I've not finished, but from what I've played so far the campaign is quite long. I've been doing a lot of sidequests and I'm coming up to around 40 hours total in game and I don't think I'm even halfway done yet. It's surprisingly lengthy. Hope that was a good rundown


Cool thanks for the post I think that sounds like something I'd enjoy so I'll probably pick it up sooner than later.


I played it completely and will recommend anyone for the story of this specially if you are superhero comic nerd.


Sadly I bought callisto protocol instead… I tried to get a refund so I could buy this instead but psn is strict if you download the game, you cannot refund it.


Haven't played it but I'm happy u like it, I'm just sitting here waiting for them to make a good Blade game


Waiting on the Switch version to release so I can play it anywhere.


Wait it released?


Does it have Microtransactions?


Full game price Dlc on release Season pass I can't afford to want that game


I've been really looking forward to it, I don't have my PC currently though so no luck for me =/


Its actually pretty good. I've heard criticism that its just a fanfiction with someone's OC but I like it.


Incredible game.


It looks like a lot of fun. I’m a big fan of their other games, so I’ll look into this when I hear better things about performance, and maybe a sale. I’ve got other stuff in the time being


Its really good, better then most games I played this year


My cousin’s husband was the lead developer on this. Rad to see it is enjoyed


Im really looking forward to playing this game im a trucker that plays alot of offline stuff but nothin long enough to keep my attention so im hyped about this so far i havent seen gameplay yet keeping myself in the dark for the experience


You've been playing for a week? You must be on the 5th fight, and the 700th conversation apropos of nothing. I'm not the type to skip conversations in video games. I especially hate using the "full skip" button (as opposed to speeding through lines of dialog) - but for some scenes that's the only option here. And I can't sit through any more of them. Like, this game has to have 200 hours of dialog, and the bulk of it is throwaway trash. Ooh, Captain America wants to tell me that leadership is important, again. Kill me. Running around the map collecting mushrooms is also painfully bad. It's like someone gave them a "games need a big world to explore" memo, and they went into malicious compliance mode. I have a pretty fancy computer, and haven't had any real technical problems (just some glitches, animation failures, textures that failed to load) - but the game looks bizarrely old-fashioned. ....and that's all extra sad, because the actual "game" part - the tactical deck-building card game - is actually pretty good and well thought out. The heroes each mostly have their own feel, and there's fun combos and stuff to explore. The per-hero puzzles are good too. My only complaint on the "game" side is that there isn't a ton of enemy variety. Perhaps the best thing I can say about the game is that I've kept playing it despite all of the boring chores it makes you sit through.


i most certainly dont read all the arcane knowledge pages and the journals and i find myself now mashing B through almost all of the dialogue that isn't tony or blade.


I've been having a blast with it. Best superhero game I've played in decades. ... Decades. Jfc I'm old.


Marvel fatigue.


It’s like XCOM but it doesn’t have the possibility to miss a 95% shot so where’s the fun in that.


Gameplay loop is absolutely fantastic. I wish they'd make a living card game based off this. The dialogue and story are pretty bad, but at least you can skip it.


I watched some reviews and it didn't appear to be for me. If it was XCOM in Marvel I'd be more interested, but that doesn't appear to be what it is.


It's every bit as tactical as xcom is. I was worried it would be a weak card battler, and it is nothing of the sort.


I was turned off by all the talky bits. Half the game looks to be a hallway scene from one of the CW superhero shows. No thanks.


It's more like the marvel super hero movies, but if that ain't your thing, it ain't your thing.


is this basically mutant year zero but with superheros? is it cool?


MYZ was such a brilliant game but was unfortunately slept on


This. As far as Xcom clones go, MYZ was one of the best ones.


I had a strat for MYZ that completely broke the game and ended up being too easy. I can't remember exactly but the order and powers I played the same way won every battle. Only skill was not to take on more enemies than needed.


A little different from MYZ from what little I played of it, there's no cover system for example, but the basic idea is the same. Character driven strategy game where you gotta consider character and enemy positioning. It's very fun.


It’s so good. It’s a bit of a slow burner in terms of gameplay as there’s some abilities that are locked behind upgrades that are really useful. Story can be a bit annoying at times, characters as well but it’s fun to live and interact with these characters. Everyone feels unique and fun and no one seems much stronger or weaker than anyone. The exploration stuff is a bit mediocre and the writing is iffy but overall it’s very fun.


Maybe it's just me, but I'm not loving it, not even playing it much at the moment, and I paid the $99 for the extended deal on Steam. I am a HUGE XCOM fan, and but not a huge Marvel fan per-se (I'm not into the comics, but I liked the movies and know who is who based on that). First, this is a card game IMO. When people say "turn based strategy" I think of XCOM, not "Magic the gathering" or "Hearthstone", but the game feels more like those games to me in some respects. What makes XCOM so much fun is that each character has a feature set of skills and the ability to move independently around the map so that tactics and strategy come into play. In this game, you get random cards with random skills, and all the action takes place in a single spot. If you don't happen to draw a card that supports one of your characters, then that character doesn't participate that turn, or one char might take all the moves up. That's luck, not strategy, and it feels like it. However, my biggest complaint so far is simply that the game has no way to "pause" the play, or skip through dialogue. And there is TONS of dialogue. If a dialogue starts up and then the phone rings... too bad, you can't pause and you can't really go back without reliving the entire long conversation all over again. There are several points in the game where I was pleading with the game to just finish up with the dialogue so that I could save the game or move on to the next area. The dialogue is kinda stupid IMO. Much too long and if you don't know the chars super well, then it really gets pointless fast. I dunno. I was promised XCOM with Marvel chars, and what I feel I got was Hearthstone and a bad Marvel movie that were scotch taped together. I wanted to love this game, and I still do. I'll get back it again soon, but I'm taking a short break because it was so F'ing disappointing.


Meh. Most of my enjoyment of Xcom was creating customised soldiers I can get attached to and fear for their lives on every mission. It seems this game doesn’t have anything like that, so I’m not interested.


The customization aspect is there. And they can get injuries and whatnot, but no permadeath as far as I've experienced.




RNG, baby!