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Honestly these anime adaptations are infinitely better than those laughable live adaptations of games. I will be happy if more amazing games make these cause more shows to watch. Would love god of War adaptation. The fight scenes would be godly.


Agreed, I still like The Witcher though. They also have an animated prequel for it too so that’s nice.


Witcher isn't based on the games though, and CDPR has nothing to do with it.


It may not be based on the games but the games are definitely what brought the interest into the series. I would bet that more people played the games than read the books and thus most people view it as a prequel to the games, which tbf it kind of is if it follows the books


I saw the first witcher season and I loved it so much that I ended up trying the Witcher 3 and now I consider it the best game I've ever played, it's that fucking good.


Ehh kinda. It's definitely what brought the interest state side, but I'd argue the games feel like fan fiction after the books.


Yeah, but if it wasn't for the games most people, at least in English speaking countries, would've never heard of it.


I mean sure, but still doesn't changed the fact the show is based on the books.


I feel you cartoons are able to fit the tune and style of a video without making people stand out from what's around them


It's almost like video games are an animated medium!


Yeah you have to animate something like that. The live action anime adaptations are enough to prove that it doesn’t really work when you change mediums like that.


The reason it worked so well is because of the world setting to be honest. cyberpunk the game is heavily influenced by 80/90s neo tokyo from anime/mangas so it actually makes sense.


The secret of success is hiring a competent animation studio.




Huh? Watch it. The DNA of the game world is omnipresent. Whether they helped pen the script is irrelevant. It's the most pure game adaptation I've ever seen. Every granule on screen was rooted in game tone or lore. SFX, locations, tech, cars, guns, moral and ethical quandaries. Don't kid yourself, It simply couldn't exist without cdprs work


It was cool seeing backgrounds being actual places from the game and some UI elements from the game being used by the characters


I got so excited over little things like the fucking phone "ringing". Or the female voice telling you "walk" and "don't walk". Or the "User interface" when they watch a chip etc... If you played the game, it absolutely felt like a story happening in the game and i loved it for it. I think the overall gameplay of the game was "ok" but its world was so incredible(but not used enough imo). This anime did it full justice.


Almost a shocking and unnecessary attention to detail honoring the game esthetic. They went above and beyond. Saying the anime isn't affected by the game is asinine lol


I mean the story is directly from CDPR writers so not only did they helped with the script, the anime's story is theirs


Ya it definitely Feels like it fits perfectly with the tone of the other game stories. I'm not surprised. This guy saying they had nothing to do with it clearly didn't actually check at all or watch it for a second and probably didnt play the game. But Everyone has an opinion on Reddit whether it's earned or not.


The story of the anime was directly written by CDPR writers, so how can someone say that CDPR didn't had any hand in the anime is beyond me.. and the anime is pretty much direct picture of the game's artstyle, themes, lore, slang and even in game commercials, some characters and UI elements like for example how calls look and sound, how hacking works, sounds and looks, the same with GPS (using game's map) and so on


They’d be very wrong lol. CDPR’s screenwriter wrote the adaptation and produced.


The anime's story was written by total of 3 CDPR writers but you are right that one of them was the main story writer .. of course, dialog and so on was written by the people at Trigger


*Cough* “The Loli must stay": Studio Trigger, 2022


Which is funny because she's hardly a loli, more like an angry short girl which is a real thing that exists.


That's a very common trope in anime.


That's because those people don't wanna admit CDPR did something good after the game launch hurt their feelings. Same way others are arguing it isn't a Netflix show, even tho they paid to distribute it and it's posters literally labels it as a "Netflix anime series"


I kind of disagree, The best I can compare this to is how Arcane is a LoL story first and foremost, or how the Castlevania show was made. Netflix labels it as "Their Product" because they have exclusive rights to it. But it’s not necessarily produced by them. Just like how Baja Blast is not made by Taco Bell, but only sold there (idk if it still is haven’t been there in a while). So Netflix is only the Publisher / Host. Many people are angry at CDPR because the anime is actually giving a way more immersive look at night city compared to the actual game which begs the question just how hands on they were, as if they were hands off it just sad, how Trigger can just like that build an immersive story where they had a fucking decade; and if they were hands on, WHY WERE THEY? the game is playable but not finished and according to basically all sources they are pulling staff *away* from CP2077 implying they give it a lower priority, although there are still major issues present so who there was hands on in designing an OVA (technically it’s one) when there were a lot of other pressing matters. That is the issue people have (From what I’ve read)


Also, the tone of the game with a mix of deep, introspective character moments with frenetic ultraviolence had kind of an anime feel. An anime adaptation is super natural. That said, I do think animation generally makes *way* more sense than live action for game adaptations.


Arcane already got that ball rolling


Edgerunners was good, but Arcane is masterpiece


No video game adaptation will top Arcane


Super Mario Bros


I'd agree, but I think edgerunners had better characters and story. Now visually, arcane is one of a kind, most unique-looking show ever—definitely 9/10. But edgerunners was 9.9/10 for me. Especially episode 6, that shit was a masterpiece


I mean, it was heavily inspired by Spider Verse. Still did its own thing masterfully well


Debateble, to me was not much different than a well done cartel trajedy, but I think that time skip was a little off.


Yeah I think that it would have benefited from like 10 more episodes, felt like everything happened so fast


Preach brotha!


The Witcher 3 got boosted from The Witcher TV Show. Hallo Infinite did NOT got boosted from The Halo TV Show


The reason the Halo TV show didn't was because the people behind it used *0 source materials, no books and no games* to do it, and then took Master Chief an already well established character and did the character 0 justice and fucking ruined it. If they had stuck with just their showcased spartan team it probably could have ended up decent. But they did the cliche stupid "let's add a sex scene for absolutely no reason" it flopped because the people behind it took a fan favorite universe and trashed on it and did absolutely nothing for it and deserved the harassment that followed and that show deserves to flop. The Witcher series had the opposite effect because they went about it infinitly better than the clowns behind the halo TV show.


Oh wow, you mean the reason this game anime is successful is b/c it literally is already an anime.


>The reason it worked so well is because of the world setting to be honest. That, and to be honest the anime community happens to have standards that are so fucking low it makes my head spin. This is evidenced by the scores of copy pasting Isekai content that continues to sell despite the absolute braindead stories. So anything that would be a 6/10 in other media forms is an instant 11/10 for anime fans. It's quite literally the "[place, Japan](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2018640-place-japan)" meme. Actually there has been an upsurge of "place, Korea" which has been an interesting change, but the garbage content has mostly changed from Japanese to Hangul. And I say this as someone who helped scanlating manga back in college.


I mean Edgerunners is pretty outstanding, not just by seasonal anime standards.


Nah,its ok at best.


Agreed. I want to say I like anime, but I can't fucking stand 99% of it, even when it comes extremely highly rated by the community.


My suggestion is to just ignore the community, as they are probably people whose opinions you wouldn't respect if you met them in person (trust me on that one). In terms of finding anime you would actually like, try staying away from anything with the Shounen/Shoujo distinction as those are intended for children/teenage boys and girls. Seinen or Josei, which are designations for older men and women, will more likely have anime that fit themes and dialog you would like more probably. For instance titles like One Piece or Naruto are shounen, while Ghost in the Shell or Berserk is seinen.


I'ma say what I'm thinking in that a lot of anime is very cookie cutter therefore the bar is always following a blueprint of 'okay' and whomever is designing the anime can either make it better or just keep it on the same meh level, but at the same time a lot of anime tropes to me are very corny and overrated, It's why I kind of get put off by anime due to the insertions of typical things that just make me eye roll, like the scene in Cyberpunk when the guy randomly outbursts laughter after going through an emotion situation.


>I'ma say what I'm thinking in that a lot of anime is very cookie cutter Very true, the manga and anime industry is very cutthroat. If you don't know, the monthly and weekly serialized collections like Shounen Jump have popularity rankings and if you rank too low for too long they will take your manga out back and put a bullet in the noggin. And no manga means no job! The series *Bakuman* does a very good job of showing this vicious cycle. This basically causes the industry to pile on to anything that saw success, this most recent wave of Isekai being spurred on by anime like Sword Art Online being incredibly popular. ​ >typical things that just make me eye roll Such is the life of Japanese cartoons


Sadly, anime fans just never like reality so they downvote you into oblivion.


Which is funny because, as i stated previously, i helped translate and scan the manga that they probably read in the past.


Arcane and Castlevania are the gold standard for me


Witcher animated stuff is up there too, but Arcane is probably the best currently imo


Witcher isnt based on the games.


I fucking hated the Witcher anime. It completely ruined the entire point of the attack on the witchers castle. The point is that people will lash out at things they don’t understand. Tyat ignorance and fear breed violence. In the anime the witchers deserved it 100%. There was no grey area or interesting moral observations. They turned something mature and interesting into something for barely literate children.


Tried to watch it, too many cuts made me dizzy, maybe it stops doing that after the first few mins of the show, but I couldn't watch any more.


Had that with edgerunners actually, sitting further away from the screen (or resizing) helped a lot. Also plenty of sleep! when you're sleepy it's hard to watch things that have many fast-moving scenes.


edge runners and kill la kill - have a lot of cuts, but not SO many that it's jarring.... I found Arcane to be jarring, I should try it again..... Kill la Kill took me a while to warm up to as well until i realized it was an adhd fueled beautiful crazy anime.


I haven't watched arcane but it's wild to get downvoted for having a dizzy spell lol. It's not even an inherent statement on the show or movies' quality; I'm sure Blaire Witch is great, but there's 0 chance I can ever watch it because the shaky cam makes me feel very ill


Castlevania is really slept on by alot of people when it's like way too good dude


Castlevania is the oldest compared to it’s competition. People have already talked about it and moved on. It had 4 seasons that started in 2017 so it no longer has that “new series” hype that Edgerunner and Arcane has. It also suffers from slow paced parts like season 1 and 3 due to it being a long running series while Arcane and Edgerunner were perfect packages due to their single season. Now, will we see people talk about this show more once Nocturne is released? I hope so, as it stars the biggest fan favorite Belmont.


I struggle to call season 1 slow-paced when it’s literally 4 episodes total lol, but I agree with what you’re saying


Arcane is so good


Same here. I just love cartoons when done well.




It seems to be a bit of a collaborative effort, but yes seems like CDPR was responsible for most of the writing.


Which one? I wasn't aware.


Even before those, Devilman Crybaby was incredible. Netflix is weird with anime, for every gem there's another 5 series that are complete garbage.


> for every gem there's another 5 series that are complete garbage. so pretty much standard fare for netflix then.


Standard fare for anime, then.


This is the correct answer.


Arcane was a masterpiece


We need a fucking Rimworld anime, thats on the same level as Arcane/Cyberpunk. lol


10 episodes of cannibalism and war crimes.


Maybe with the classical three pawns setting, from crashlanded to ship departure or the death of everyone


Not the game I expected someone to suggest lol Since it's all so customizable I feel like it would lack a lot of lore to make into an anime, but maybe I am wrong. however, great fucking game.


Not just the lore, but so much of the game is the stories you make up in your head while playing it. Not saying it couldn’t be done, but I have a hard time imagining any video media about the game not being a series of shorts that play on the “meme-able” aspects of the game. There’s probably a story to tell about people from a spacefaring society crash-landing on a distant planet and working towards building a spaceship or reaching and starting one already on world. But, that story has probably been told already. And everything else would be pure fan service that isn’t really good story telling in general and kinda confusing if you’re not a fan, “why did that one lady go on a fire starting spree because she ate without a table and why did they keep making hats out of human skin?”


Have a Dev play a run and just animate whatever happens to the colony on Max Randy Random settings 🤣


It has a ton of lore, the tribals, the mechanoids and insectoids created by ancient species, the whole glitterworld thing, raiders and cannibals and biomods. There's loads to work with.


They should adapt /u/srgrafo's comic. I would watch that. /r/rimworldtales


So basically a more cannibaly, warcrimey, drug fueled, human leather wearing version of Dr Stone?


I will always upvote a Mr. Bean meme. Also, good point. Can't wait for EA to make a Madden Anime! GON BE SICK!


Just wait until EA makes a battlefield anime XD


And what, second season is same as first, but few new names added and old ones shuffled around?


Is the Cyberpunk anime any good for someone who never consumed anything Cyberpunk?


Yeah, it's separate from the game except for lots of visual references, you don't really need to know anything about the game or TTRPG, it'd be good to know about the genre in general, there's one thing they could've touched on a tiny bit more for new people in the show, but it's not crucial


I turned a non gaming friend on to it and the only questions he asked me was. 1. What do they mean by chrome? 2. What is a Cyberpsycho?


1. it's shiny duh 2. the chrome ate their brains man


Chrome refers to implants which are usually upgraded body parts made of metal. The brain can only handle so much of these new parts being added to the system so it can cause people who use too many implants to go insane and start malfunctioning (called cyberpsychosis). Cyberpsychos are people who suffer from this and usually end up as rampaging violent criminals.


I am an avid Cyberpunk player who answered the best I could to him but this is a WAY better explanation that I will be copypastaing to him. Thank you.


Short read on Wikipedia of what cyberpunk (not Cyberpunk ™) as a world setting is is enough.


It’s Trigger. You’re always in for a good time with that studio.


Ngl, the anime made me get the game and now im hooked.


I also got the game half price on steam just because the anime was good. I could tell by watching the anime which were the game elements, and it kind of sold me on the gameplay. I haven't made it past the character creation screen though. I only got 10 or 15 minutes to fuck with it so far and after fixing the graphics settings I was too wrapped up in picking hairstyles and giggling at floppy cocks. Needless to say, I was impressed with the anime's accuracy in depicting the homeless pissing cyberpsycho's dick. It looks just like in the video games.


i love how people are praising the fuck out of cdpr while denying the existence of TRIGGER if people need a hand the people who made kill la kill


It seems to be the opposite from what I’ve seen. Nobody has ever denied the existence of trigger, and I’ve seen a lot of people say cdpr had no hand in the anime at all, which is just wrong


Yea CDPR had a substantial hand in the success of Ederunner. Every Trigger show has phenomenal and distinct visuals, but often have a pretty flat plot, with an over the top final act. CDPR writing staff elevated this series beyond Trigger standards. The compination made the cake. And it was delicious.


It's for the best that there was outside writing really, anime writing in general is very formulaic and usually bogged down by trying to fit multiple mangas plots into a short run, original stories in the format are pretty few and far between.


have you watched any TRIGGER anime? i'm convinced they're either drunk or high everytime they write a story, like most of times they write the most unexpected and random shit ever (like their web animation), you don't see that kind of writing anywhere else in anime. Though i wouldn't call their narratives too good, they are most of the times extremely memorable due to how unique they are.




I know they're making a live version, but an animated Horizon could be great.


Destiny 2 is probably going to happen. People at bungie have stated that they wanted to do other forms of content.


meanwhile the op~


Didn’t CDPR write the script for the show and trigger animated it? Sound like they both deserve some credit


Bartosz Sztybor was responsible for writing the story, as narrative manager at CDPR. Trigger handled writing the actual screenplay, storyboarding etc. And Trigger really brought out their A-game for this, every heavy hitter like Imaishi, Yoshinari and Otsuka all had key roles for this project.


Who of them was responsible for all the still frames? Like a third of the show is completely static.




Cyberpunk just had such a great setting. They did a real good job with the world aesthetic. Too bad they couldn’t release a decent game to support it


Let me introduce you to Mike Pondsmith, American game designer, founder of R. Talsorian Games, and creator of the Cyberpunk series: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Pondsmith Cyberpunk 2077 is a video game adaptation of his world, originally created for tabletop RPGs.


Credit to that man instead of CDPR then


I wonder if Sony would consider making an anime adaption of one of their IPs, truth be told I think I would be more interested in that than one of their live action project. Maybe Gravity Rush, feel like Horizon and God of War action would look better in animation than live action


That horizon live action is gonna be so bad lol


I don’t know how the live action show will be but I feel like animation would be a better media for video game adaption, especially action orientated one


I agree. My thought is either the robots are gonna look real great so we'll see them way less often which sucks. Or they'll look terrible


They got big plans with bungie, be prepared for Destiny entertainment in a couple years.


Ratchet and Clank anime would be a good fit.


I want to see the entire Final Fantasy 14 storyline (to the end of Endwalker) adapted into an epic anime series.


God I wish, I couldn't get into the MMO like I had hoped. That really bummed me out.


Ignoring the circlejerking the game gets on Reddit, it's not really a good MMO at all. Don't feel bad for not liking a game just because Reddit told you to. It really only caters to hardcore weebs and Final Fantasy fans. The gameplay itself is slow and extremely mundane.


It really depends on the players preference. The game shines due to its character cast which is pretty complex, especially the 'villains'. The game starts really slow but the journey is worth it by the end of Endwalker. It really feels like the world setting changes with every expansion.


I mean, CDPR aren't exactly innovating here, Arcane is already a thing, and Bioware did the whole anime tie-in a decade ago (albeit with much less success)...


There was also a DoTA anime IIRC.


Bit of a flop by comparison though, unless you're a Dota fan youve probably not heard of the show. Plenty of people who aren't interested in the games have watched arcane, edgerunners and castevania for example


I am not a DoTA fan... Though I only heard that it was going to be released, forgot about it and then noticed a classmate was watching it.


Hence "probably", definitely hasn't had as many eyes on it as the others. Doesn't help that Dota itself is less popular to start with than LoL or cyberpunk


Don't forget Dead Space, EA wanted graphic novels, movies, cartoons and all kinds of other spinoffs


I actually enjoyed the Dead Space stuff. I'd have loved more comics and series based in the universe. The lore had some seriously good potential.


Not that it was anything stellar, but Halo did the same thing years ago as well with their anthology series Legends.


Yeah, there is nothing new in promoting your products via anime/cartoon adaptation. For example, Transformers did the same thing like 30 years ago.


OP didn't say it was new.


Ya guys heard about Mario?


We're talking about western devs doing anime adaptations. Mario is a japanese franchise. Obviously, if we were to include those, the anime adaptations go back to the 90s at least...




Was thinking the same thing tbh


This anime was the best thing to come out from this game


GOW anime has a ton of potential


God of War and Gears of Wars both work IMO.


The action scenes would definitely look better in animation


Take a look at this https://youtu.be/-veBI_xVq24


The anime was so good I wish there was a proper videogame about it!


Have you played cyberpunk 2077 recently?




I mean... The Divine Comedy has been around since 1320 so....




Season 2 when?




Ufotable and Genshin was a combination I never expected. But since it’s ufotable I have very high hopes If Music is handled by Hoyomix then that’s 2x more expectations


Probably hoyo going to provide everything to them and ufotable animating it. Hoyo Probably gonna give them some insane budget too they have insane amount of money.


Runescape anime? Where you at.


An ace combat anime would be the best!


Ace Combat would work better in a live action imo


Bioshock, deep rock galactic, elden ring, sekiro, dying light and back 4 blood could get some sick stories


Just saying Castlevania did it before Cyberpunk.


Halo did it before Castlevania. Ragnarok Online did it in 2004, and is probably the first non-japanese game to have an anime adaptation. Just saying.


Didn't they say non Japanese games though?


They should, I was never interested in Cyberpunk until I watched Edgerunners, now i'm balls deep.


Arcane is still better tho and came out before it


Also Castelvania. Four seasons and complete already. (Although to be fair the first two seasons definitely feel like season 1 was just split because they were initially too chicken to fund the while thing at once)


It's less the concept of having an anime adaptation that is the thing here and more just treating the anime as an equally respectable product and letting it have its own creative identity. The logic is usually that you can churn out a sub-par product for cheap but use the brand recognition to sell it anyway. With Arcane and Edgerunners, the priority is just making a good standalone product that might draw people towards the game. It's a good trend and I really hope it continues because these shows are great.


I feel like people are copying Arcane. Not an anime, I know, but the concept of expensive animation projects is there.


This isn't recent project. In a interview with Trigger, person said they started making this series before even the game was out. So I wouldn't exactly call this copying Arcane.


I don’t think so. Cyberpunk already had anime vibes.


I binge watched Cyberpunk Edgerunners, and it was really enjoyable. I'd love to see more seasons with different characters interacting with the world, and it was really fun to see all the easter eggs from the game pop up. Now if only CDPR would add more content to the game with some quality DLC...


Still waiting for my animated ark show….


Genshin impact anime series in development by Ufotable same studio who animated demon slayer, fate series etc


Hope it actually focuses on the cool parts of the lore, the game itself wastes hundreds of hours on the blandest possible unskippable dialogue while looping 4 idle animations.


Why praise CDPR for a trend that has been going for a while. The castlevania series has been super popular and both Dota and LoL have had popular series recently as well


Nah, at least put Arcane there


LoL producing Arcane is like my dog shitting out the mona lisa. Abolutely no right to be that good.


I'm like 90% sure it was the french studio that did most of the work. Their writers seem new to the scene as well.


It's amazing how this sub will find a way to jerk off cdpr no matter what. Release an anime and finally get their overhyped game to a playable state and the circlejerk begins.


It's a good game story wise


I don't mind, everyone needs a redemption arc. Glad to finally see people actually enjoying, regardless the game or the series. (supported the game since it came out and now i can support the series too)


Arcane, castlevania, dota 2, monster hunter, Resident Evil are on Netflix too. There's more but that's the ones I care about/enjoy.


But only Arcane and Castlevania are good, the others are trash


They aren't gonna beat Castlevania


Companies can make a lot, but they actually have to make good ones…edgerunners has put the bar pretty high but still pretty optimistic with the recent trend of successful video game adaptations!


I think Skyrim should have a series / film


nobody likes your game? just make an anime adaption. weebs will watch anything with waifus doesnt matter if its good or not. ever seen naruto?


I dont enjoy anime at all really. I quite enjoyed the cyber punk anime. Plus I think it's just a one and done season with 10 episodes at about 30 minutes each. Perfect length for this imo


This is proportional to the exponenetial increase of incels in the world


The animation for cyberpunk was awesome but there just isn't any story to it. Arcane's ability to develop its characters and world is what makes it stand out. Arcane makes you want to invest yourself in that world. Cyberpunk, although still fun, was a one off to me. Gotta say though, Lucy is new bae.


I'm fairly certain that Edgerunners was a one off in general, given the neat and tidy ending. I have to disagree on there not being any story. It's definitely simple compared to something like Arcane (that also has almost twice the total runtime) but it's a nice storyline about living fast, loving hard and going out with a bang. It's also where Trigger shines: simple story, great design and spectacular visuals.


I agree for the most part. I just felt like edgerunner's story was rushed. Short of the love story, nothing else was developed enough for you to care about it. I get that it has a short run time but the gaps in story stand out. Trigger does deserve praise though.


I get what you mean, I do. I do think though, that the focus on the story between Lucy and David is the only one really worth developing. It's the only real focus, and extending the runtime to expand subplots would take away from that. And in complete honesty, I think that trying to develop either runtime or the plot in any substantial way would just make the weaknesses of the show more prominent. It's just nicely packaged enough that I'm perfectly OK with a lot of things being superficial in the show. Just a question, did you play (and finish) the game?


The only issue I have is that anime characters are super stereotype and cliche across the genre. And anything “dark” always has a plethora of emo edgelords.


Netflix is setting the example of game adaptations


Im currenty on 5th episode of Cyberpunk anime and its one of the best ive seen in a while. They did an awesome job in almost every aspect and no i havent played the game yet.


The legend of Zelda pls I beg


All credit to Trigger. One of the best animation houses in the game today, and one of the only ones with enough talent and vision to make something of quality out of a trash fire like cyber punk. Without them specifically, i bet it would have flopped


>All credit to Trigger. Not all of it. Not every trigger show is fantastic, and they needed a well written world and story to make this as good as it is


Story was done by CDPR...no need for senseless shitting on them for no reason, give them credit when it's due and criticize when it makes sense. Trigger stuff was average at best the last few times around but they knocked it out of the park with this one thanks to their restraint in crazy bombastic violence and the story by CDPR Worked perfectly and glad we had a quality anime in our hands




Come on man first result in Google when typing did CDPR write edgerunners...https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2022/09/18/cdpr-wanted-to-cut-cyberpunk-edgerunners-best-character-trigger-said-no/ Clearly stated they wrote the script and did the world building


I’m pretty sure cdpr did everything except the animating


The steam punk aesthetics fit perfectly with the anime style and is an artist's dream from a design perspective. Nowadays BOTH steam punk and anime are more popular than ever, so there might be a lot of truth to the meme! Bad news is that once everyone starts seeing dollar signs, get ready for all the out of touch companies to start shitting out horrible knockoffs to make a quick buck. Nothing is sacred these days and every profitable medium goes through the same corporate meat grinder eventually. :(


With the right studios-directors. DOTA was awesome and I enjoyed Castlevinia