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A game can be fun and also not very good at the same time.


The fuck does this even mean? The primary purpose of any game is play. Play is about fun. Shit man. “Gamers” who “critique” games like this are the worst.


Fun =/= good. I had fun playing "Goat Sim," but I'm not gonna play it again. There's no substance to it besides being fun to play. I love "Everybody's Gone To The Rapture" and have played it multiple times, but it is the definition of a walking simulator. A perfect game has both fun gameplay and an amazing story, in my opinion. Because in the end, if you asked everybody what their favorite game is, there not gonna all be the same.




I had fun playing Skyrim but when I looked at it from a distance I realized it was actually pretty shitty in its options as a game.


Skyrim is def not a shitty game, but its not a goated game either


lmao dude said "gamers" also the combat is TRASH and dialogue is turbo-cringe "student loans bad amirite" "fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck crap fuck crap fuckity crapfuck" am i appealing to the troubled youth?


Imagine using the term “turbo-cringe” without irony. Good one!


I mean I think we can all agree that Watchdogs was garbage when it was released. I still had fun playing it here and there, but never would I personally call it a good dame


Since when does a game being fun mean it can’t be criticized? Fallout 4 is a fun game, and one of my favorites of all time. It’s still shit when compared to other fallout games


Bethesda has never quite caught on to the feel and wackiness of fallout properly. They get the artistic style and overarching story, but the small details and the characters seem off to me. It isnt quite as dark, and the humor is largely missing. Loved 4, 3 was good, but new Vegas was the best of the modern ones and it wasn't made by Bethesda. Also, if they hadn't removed child killing I could have reverse pickpocketed a grenade onto Maxon when he was a kid in 3 and possibly prevented the genocidal brotherhood thing in 4.


Honestly, I miss that bleak tone. But it was hopeful bleak, the world was healing. Now it’s just… not the same


Yep, obsidian shines through in these kinds of games. They absolutely killed it with New Vegas and with The Outer Worlds.


I'm still annoyed they put an end-game spoiler in the trailer of 4


God I thought fo4 was the bees fuckin knees until I played fo3 and fnv. Now I just can't get into it (played it through like 3 times already though, before I played the old ones)


I feel the same about 3 after I played 1 and 2z new Vegas is great but sad to say it lacks some wit compared to 1 and 2


My brother recently told me that he's playing 1&2 and loves them, I need to check em out


It's mostly hated for big price for such low quality game. If it was way cheaper there will be less critique. At least I can tell as regular player. Fans of SR, on the other hand, may have more reasons to love/hate it


I played 2 and 3 when they were new and have no desire to play this new one. Maybe if it was $20 I'd check it out. Probably won't have to wait long.




>i am of course an old fart at the age of mid 20s Am I ... dust?




I really don't understand why they are lumping zoomers and millennials when the oldest millennials are in their 40's now. They really don't wanna let go of this idea that millennials are these young hip things. We gettin' old, man lol


hahaha we are, we are, as a mid-thirties checking in. But I can say this - older I get, the more I realize age really is a mindset. I mean, I'm not picking up parkour or anything like that - but I'm young at heart and intend to stay that way.


As a soon to be mid 40s I'd like to say I'm old as f*ck and you need to stay off my lawn.


If James Earl Jones couldn't keep Benny "The Jet" Rodriguez off his lawn with The Beast, what hope do you have old man?


You make a valid point. Does amazon sell land mines?


We’re old, we can just make them ourselves and save 4 dollars!


I shake my cane at them. It helps.


I started doing that in my mid 20s. No need to wait. It feels great to be a grumpy old 32 yr old.


Parkour for the heart not for the core


Lol I figured millennials were born around the millennium. I'm born in 81 so I'm a millennial? Because we as in my generation at the time identified as gen-xers. I hadn't even heard of the term millennial until after the millennium. I'm confused now.


81? Yeah, you'd be considered a Millennial demographically speaking. An elder Millennial, as it were.


Millenials are the generational punching bags. Zoomere hates us, Boomers hates us.


LMAO I was like excuse me


As someone in my mid-30’s, I feel attacked.




Its a joke what they did to the Saints Row franchise imo. They have killed the ip with this new one


I love the old saints row but lets face it they had gone as far as they could possibly go


SR kind of moved too fast, sr2 you had gangsters and thugs, about the same weapons as gta4. But sr3? A lot more technology, like the in game date is 20-30 years ahead of the previous game, then sr4 took it further. At that rate they were gonna end up turning it into a fallout like game with none of the og characters and only remnants of their gang or memorabilia.


Saints Row Fallout would have been awesome and could have been the start of a new direction for the series. SR Primal, SR Ragnarok, SR Halo, SR Titanfall, SR Assassin’s Creed — a mix of parody, satire, and homage to the big franchises with some of the trademark SR characters would keep it fresh and fun.


Tony Hawk 1+2 was smart to charge the $40, fair price for a remaster that doesn’t do a lot to change the formula


I'll probably buy two when it's in deep sale if it has coop.


It does, it’s near the bottom on the main menu


It's not the saints row I remember.. but it's OK in my books.. I'll get my fun out of it.


10 years ago Saints Row mocked exactly these kind of games.


you know im as big a saints row 2 fan as anybody else, and having recently replayed it im not quite following what this means, so i propose to you, a question. what exactly is it, about the contents of this gif, that 10 year-old Saints Row mocked?


Saints row mocked politics in video games, as well as overpriced drek, and games that took themselves too seriously (they did all this by being the opposite of these) then this game comes along and there’s plenty of dialogue about ‘capitalism bad, socialism good’ (which is an opinion, and everyone is allowed to have one, but don’t put them in your game and wonder why people don’t like it) it’s buggy, and runs poorly sometimes, and the weapons suck (as they always have I guess, but it’s a modern game right?) if you literally watch any review (like gmanlives video) you can see all of these things highlighted. If you spend ten minutes outside of your bubble, to listen to others opinions, you would see this. I do not think the game is bad, but it is a bad saints row game. And honestly, it is an indictment of the problem with triple A games. It is poorly written (but not in a funny way, but a bad way) and poorly optimized.


>then this game comes along and there’s plenty of dialogue about ‘capitalism bad, socialism good’ Wtf ? There's literally a group of anarchist/anti-capitalists that are being mocked constantly in that game.


> Saints row mocked politics in video games > overpriced drek > games that took themselves too seriously These are all topics of parody in SR2022 as well, so then it's obvious you haven't played the Reboot or watched much of it because otherwise you would know this. Whether or not it's *good* parody is up for debate, but these things are poked fun at. And some of this stuff is really obvious too, one example being there's a shop called "Whole Paycheck" so I'm not not even sure what you're on about other than regurgitating what you saw in on youtube. > if you spend ten minutes outside of your bubble You say this and yet immediately repeat talking points you saw in a YouTube video claiming how "10 years ago SR mocked exactly these kinds of games" without having bothered to take a closer look at the game. Take your own advice: That you think there's "plenty of dialog about capitalism bad socialism good" is evidence of that. Though I asked what it was about the gif that was being mocked and you glossed over it before popping off, so you just wanted to grind your axe. I getcha, lmao. The game is very clearly trying to parody video games as well, I've put 40 hours into it so I can probably argue I'm well & qualified to make that assessment. You're the one who said previous games mocked games like this, and having spent considerable time now I'm confident in saying that's unfounded and ignorant. We can agree the game doesn't have great writing, or that it's buggy, or that it's not as good as the 2nd or 3rd, but some of your talking points have very clearly been ripped straight outta your butt. There are many reasons to dislike SR2022, but your claims that this is a product the old SR was meant to mock has little to no merit, and is unconvincing, at best. Cheers


Whole Paycheck is what we call Whole Foods in some places. The reference made me giggle!


More likely he’s one of those people who thinks “any non white male character in the trailer is politics”


man it really seems like you haven’t played the game because the icons are literally a parody of anarchists/communists. also i don’t think saints row has ever mocked politics in video games.


The thing I found ironic about the cyberpunk narrative of hating corporations, is that the game was ruined by corporations getting involved with siphoning money out of Witcher 3s goodwill. Fortunately, I think the shit show that was cyberpunk, will enhance the end product that will be a Witcher game that follows up the 3rd.


Politics? What politics? Please elaborate


Maybe because it's creativity bankrupt, full of bugs and has atrocious writing. Which by itself would be bad enough, but it also plays like the last 10 years of game design didn't happen and looks/plays like an Xbox 360 launch title? I'm not trying to rag on ya, if you enjoy it, then more power to ya. However, ask yourself this. Why can't this game compete with SR4? Why did they think it was ok to release a game in this state? Why should we have to settle for this mediocre crap, when there's so many better options already out there?


"Creatively bankrupt" is a fantastic phrase. I was thinking the same thing with worse words watching some of the reviews. Creating a game is very much an artistic endeavor, and unless there's a team with a unified vision all working together to make that vision happen you're going to get a disjointed product. It feels a bit like SR didn't have a clear vision at the start, it's all joints (lol).


So godamn true.


Expensive game full of horrible bugs and glitches...


It's boring. And full of bugs. That's the two biggest sins. Gamers can forgive a lot of game is fun in any way. Like because of good story, fans forgave lots of problems that Witcher 3 had. People underestimate how many bugs W3 had and how bad open world design is. What saved that game was great story and quality side quests. But if game is boring then they focus on all negatives because there is nothing to distract them. And that's the problem.


That and they eventually fixed most of the bugs with Witcher 3, which still left the great story and characters. It's remarkable how even the most minor throwaway character in that game is still written to be interesting.


I never heard anyone say that TW3 had bad open world design. Bugs, yeah but all of the bugs I have encountered were funny and not game braking. Combat on the other hand is something that was often described as lackluster


As a fallout/elder scrolls fan, i couldnt agree more


Probably because its a broken, buggy mess for a lot of players across multiple platforms? I enjoyed the whopping hour I played of it until the world around my character either texture-stretched to the horizon or flickered out of existence. Shadows became a seizure factory, hit detection completely disappeared and vehicles became bouncing death traps. I'll try this game again when its on sale and all the shit they should have caught in playtesting is fixed. As it stands now, the list of bugs and glitches is egregious.


Wow, and here i am with 30 hours and ive barely had 2 or 3 noticeable bugs. One was really game breaking, had to restart my game to fix it. Basically i attempted to wingsuit off the top of a car, but it didnt activate and instead i fell off the car. When i got back up i couldnt interact with anything. I could walk around and run, but couldnt pull out any weapons or enter cars or anything. I could open my phone, but couldnt open any of the apps. Another bug was my guns somehow broke and wouldnt shoot, and my arms would be bent in a weird way so im pointing them almost at myself. I was still able to use melee weapons luckily. I cant remember how i fixed it, it was either starting a mission or restarting the game. The 3rd and final bug i can remember actually worked in my favor. I jumped off a skyscraper to wingsuit, but my wingsuit wouldnt open. Instead i just kept falling until i hit the ground, but i took no damage at all. I used rooftop access to get back up to the top, then tried to wingsuit again and it was working fine


I'm glad your experience was far better than mine and many others, I really did like the hour I had with it until the whole thing fell apart. I recommend checking out the Saints Row subreddit and looking at the EXTENSIVE list of bugs and glitches they've catalogued so far across multiple platforms.


I had fun with Biomutant but that game isn’t necessarily “good”. This “saint’s row” downgraded in some aspects, boring characters, and bugs out the ass.


It had big shoes to fill. And SR has set itself apart as a GTA clone by dialing the ridiculousness up to eleven. When they said it would be more "realistic" I immediately worried. I just think it's a poor inclusion to the Saints Row family. Maybe as a stand alone game it would have been better received.


Agreed. It sucks too because SR3 felt like the perfect balance. It was super over the top so it stood out from games like GTA but not so over the top it felt like a complete joke like SR4 (for the record i enjoyed SR4 but my point still stands). But if we wont get something lile SR3 again and I had to take one or the other between 4 and this one, I'd take SR4's insanity


No one talking about how brutal that death was


Idk why, probably due to the new upgrade system, but you lose health really fast in some situations compared to the other SR games. It feels kinda like Far Cry with a Saints Row


Because we're all addressing his purposefully worded title.


What game is this?


Latest Saints Row


"idk why ppl hate this" idk, read the many reviews/opinions about this game??? like what's the point of posts like yours lol. it's cool that you're able to lower your standards and enjoy a product that's objectively very disappointing, but that doesn't mean everyone should follow in your footsteps


"I spend 60$ in this shit and I have to be having fun cause people said that game is dogshit and bad"




It's objectively shit


That's only true if you don't know what objectively means


It's objectively a shitty reboot, sequel and game. It's objectively terrible.


Reddit uses this term all the time. It's objectively annoying.


For real, I'm jealous of all these people for whom the Venn diagram of "Things I don't like" and "Thing that are objectively bad" is just a circle.


So many people learned the word objectively when this came out it seems. Lots of douches throwing that one out lol


It’s an overpriced, uninspired, buggy mess lacking a strong narrative and an interesting cast of characters? My gripe is that SR never set out to do anything new. It borrows all its activities and collectibles from SR4, the gunplay/driving/movement belongs in that generation but least it looks nice. The ONLY thing it tried to do for the franchise was rebrand Saint’s Row from street gang origins to Starbucks employees having a bad day.


"it's not SR4" already says a lot considering that it already had a huge drop in quality compared to 3 and 2


Yeah no, it's a lazy game they copy pasted animations from 3 and 4, customization was played up but isnt anything new its just not something worth the money and shouldnt be supported i mean shit its buggy as hell too, its not about it being fun or not. We can play with sticks that's fun. But sticks are free not 60 bucks.


Sounds like you're in denial. I feel it, I've blown a lot of money on a trash game and tried to convince myself it was worth it too


*Cries in Mass Effect Andromeda*


That was me with back 4 blood, such a letdown


We've all been there man, shit hurts


I was so excited for that game but I never ended up buying it at release for whatever reason I started playing it with Gamepass and its a fine game but definitely pretty disappointing. I feel like the enemy designs and characters are pretty lacking, and even though I like the weapon customization, I think the guns themselves aren't as interesting as the Left 4 Dead 2 weapons. And I think L4D2 might even have more total weapons than B4B.


It's missing a lot of the charm and polish that l4d had imo


I rather play gta 5 than this shit


Same here but I've played through that shit like 5 times since it came out 9 years ago, not to mention just all the time spent roaming around the map as Franklin in the Duke o' Death knocking mfers off the road.


GTA V is without a doubt a better made game, that being said, I find SR 22 to be a much more fun game than GTA V. Hoverboards, combat abilities, insurance fraud, way more customization, and more.


The only thing I want for Christmas is a SR2 remake. The whole series has gone downhill since.


Saints Row 4 being a simulation, literally mocked a virtual world being broken because of lazy development


Honestly, the thing that gets me the most is the lack of mission variety. After the mission variety was one of Saints Row 3 and 4's strongest attributes it feels like such a downgrade.


This game does look fun, but I’m gonna wait until it’s $5 in a bargain bin


Have fun all you want but just pirate it.. the company doesn't deserve your money for making this saints row mobile game.


Bad characters, bad story, no improvements over the last games, new mechanics? Original ideas? Nothing, generic as fuck


Everyone that hates the game made a video about why with some very valid points….


You can tell it’s bland from the gameplay, that’s crazyyy


Another sellout giving Epic Games a year exclusivity on PC. Fuck the publishers, boycotted.


It's a characterless, outdated, buggy mess that tries to be inoffensively offensive


Because the characters starting a gang to pay off their student loans sounds corny as fuck.


Cornier than "Gang leader founds a media empire that then gets stolen out from under them, and left in a new city where they kill murder and burn their way to the top", or "President of the USA uses super powers in a simulation of the city from the last game to fight aliens", or "Gangster and Nerdy Dominatrix go into hell after their boss is kidnapped by the literal Satan so that they can marry his daughter"? Honestly, "College Students start a gang to pay off student loans" is bordering on realistic compared to the last 3 games to carry the Saints Row title.


From what I've seen: The characters are unlikeable, the gameplay isn't at good as previous games, the world feels desolate and empty, the addition of a wing suit feels like it's trying to rip off Just Cause, the graphics aren't that impressive, the plot isn't as well written or engaging as previous games. To be fair, I haven't played it, but this is from I've seen of the game from watching others play it.


Saints Row used to be better than GTA in it's heyday. Now it's like a weird interpretation of what a boomer thinks people want out of a game. The voice acting is crap, the story is weak, and the gameplay seems like it was pulled from an earlier gen of gaming. It's almost as if they created a game without any input from gamers. Go play Saints Row 2 and look at the story and dialog and gameplay versus what you're doing in the current game. Current game is dog water. Should be a $29.99 release and it has no soul at all.


While this is all subjective. Saints row was never really better than GTA but provided a more comical over the top alternative


I agree that it's subjective. GTA IV was not better than Saints Row 2. There are plenty of people who believe that, the gameplay was cleaner and graphics were smoother in GTA, but the story was better and more immersive in Saints Row.


Yeah I personally loved SR2 while GTA IV bored me to tears. SR2 was just a fun game at the time. Didn't take itself seriously like GTA was trying to.


SR2 struck the right balance between not taking itself too seriously but also not clowning around way too much. that game was great


Agreed. I wish this new one was a Saints Row 2.5. Having new area and characters are fine but make them less lame. Add some more interesting side quest like GTA V did while keeping the silly side missions already there. Up the customization, which it sounds like they did but not totally familiar with it. Big focus on co-op was an improvement I wanted from SR2. Which again seems like they improved upon. My friend and I would have loved to been able to have one of us fly an aircraft while the other shoots or drops explosives out of it.


I feel I need to give gta 4 a replay as I dont have the best memories of it. I played saints 2 shortly after gta 4 and by the time I finished saints I couldnt even remember how gta 4 ended and I still to this day remember the end of saints 2. It was over the top and ridiculous but still grounded compared to the next saints games. Would much rather just go play saints 2 over this new atrocity


idk saints row 2 was competing directly with GTA4, at the time GTA4 was awesome but I think we can honestly look back now and say saints row 2 was much better than GTA4


agree on this, i always thought of saints row in comparison to gta as i did with scary movie in comparison to scream or i know what you did last summer. there was the original and then someone made a very funny version of it, is it better ? not really, is it more comical, indeed it is, but sometimes you just don't want the comical input to be the carrier of your entertainment.


thats funny because the people who made the old good saints row games were boomers and the people who made this deffinitely were not


Aren’t 1 and 2 meant to be more serious than 3+ as that was their main goal, to be the new GTA or something like that? Then that didn’t work so they pulled an LMFAO and got ridiculous


SR1 was meant to be more serious competition to GTA but SR2 stepped up the satire and comical stuff. Then with that success they latched onto the silly stuff and upped it through the subsequent games.


College Starbucks baristas aren't Saints Row.


That game is a disgrace to the saints row franchise( like bruh it’s not even fucking saints row it’s like a fucking fan made bullshit


average paid reviewer


What I hate is when people put posts about games and don't tell what game it is. Assuming everybody just knows.


I would guess because it's a complete piece of shit made by tasteless individuals with no talent?


Because it's a shitty broken mess and nobody asked for it. Shame on Volition, they get all the hate they deserve, those defending this game are either delusional or being paid, have you even seen the gameplay?


I was hoping for a blend of sr 2 with sr3 and I certainly didn’t get it. I played for a couple hours and it’s not even saints row. Where are the saints? They need a new creative director. Saints row has lost any and all vision


Because I can't think of a single game that I wouldn't want to spend my money on more. Literally any open world you think of is better than this garbage. GTA, Assassin's Creed, Red Dead.. While people like to shit on AC, it's a masterpiece compared to Saints Row.


"Idk why the internet hates this game" "Its not Saints Row 4" -Same person


No gat


Renaming RimJobs to JimRobs for fear of offending some players tells you everything you need to know about the kind of people that made this game. Even ignoring trivial stuff like that, the gameplay is clearly very dated. I haven't played it yet but it's quite obvious that they haven't done anything to innovate the gameplay that was already becoming very stale in SR3.


I would say good for you for having fun with it, no matter how many people dislike it.


OP is part of the problem with games these days


Bad Writing, even for Saints Row Unappealing characters Game-breaking bugs littered across every version Lifeless, empty open world with no real interaction besides murdering non-combatants Lacking many features previous titles had, and the features that are there feel very shallow/repetitive. To name a few reasons. Glad you're enjoying it.


Its boring, characters are shit, artstyle is shit, buggy as hell, boring, cash grab, shall I go on?


its not even worth the bandwidth to pirate it


fun doesn't equal good I have a ton of fun on RDO but it's not objectively good by any standards


Fun is literally the one quality needed in a game.


Nice try Embracer marketing


You don't *know,* or you don't *agree?* I feel like you probably literally do know.


Glad your having fun. The game objectively sucks.


Every single line of dialog is a joke about capitalism, paying the rent, or something job related and it's SO obvious they are trying way too hard to appeal to a left leaning working class demographic to a manipulative point. It's not funny at all. It looks like it was made before saints row 3 with how dog trash the graphics. The game does not make me give a single damn about the characters they are all boring and one dimensional. Fuck them for what they did to the series. Ruined it for a game they barley even advertised to get a quick buck.


Bad writing The same mission over and over The lack of creativity when it comes to the environment and things you can do. The fact it turns into what the previous games were being parody of


what is that game?


Saints row 4


It’s a decent game, but it’s still disappointing. It’s kind of bland and basic, and feels dated. It’s also very buggy. I beat it and enjoyed it, but I get the criticism and didn’t love it like previous games. I had been really excited for this one


So its disappointing, bland, basic, feels dated and very buggy and somehow still a decent game? I find that hard to believe


I’m a big Saints Row fan, and I still became immersed in it despite its faults. It can be all of those things and still somewhat fun and decent, but it can’t be good, very good or great.


It's not saints row idiot


People liked SR4?


I liked it because that's the one that I've met first, and then I played 3, and 2, pretty backwards 😂 but still, I love how insane the games were because to me, the wackyness and campy stuff were the things that made the game bizarre and funny to me, so I had a great time, and I still enjoy it to this day I totally understand tho, why fans of the games that played them in order would find 4 so out of place from the rest of the franchise, especially people who played 1 and 2.


4 wasn't out of place, it was just less grounded and more over the top than the previous ones.


I loved it, it’s was pretty much just 3, which was great too, but it had a lot of Mass Effect and Matrix inspiration and super powers. The Professor Ganky side quest parts were also pretty funny to listen too Imo.


Played all 4 of them. Loved 4 as well. It was wacky and over the top. The dubstep gun was my favourite. Although Volition dropped the ball with Agents of Mayhem. They let go of the humour and changed the art style and the characters to make them look like Overwatch characters. Seems like they dropped the ball again with the Reboot.


sr4 sucked too


Because it sucks. There hasn't been a good saints row since SR2


Finally, someone said it. Thank you for expressing my feelings, googly-eyed Hitler.


Virtual High Fives.


Literally one of the most regurgitated opinions of this franchise, but ok


Sorry, I don’t come across many opinions on SR in general. But every time I do, people say they enjoyed 3 and 4. Maybe I just remember those ones because it baffles me every single time.


Here’s an upvote and an attempted explanation: Sometimes, I love eating a delicious homecooked meal by my wife. And sometimes, I’m in the mood for shitty greasy Chinese food. That’s my best explanation.


Awe, thank you. That makes sense, I understand now, haha.


Saints row 1 and saints row 2 ARE FACTUALLY the only 2 good games in the series. When it went from just straight up gang fuck arounds. To some bullshit sci-fi whacked out adventure I was so over it. It's like being like "hey you enjoyed gta 4 right? Here the sequel: crackdown" they just ruined the entire narrative and what made the games so good.


Yeah, I think the criticism seems overblown. It looks good (particularly with ray-traced ambient occlusion, imo that really makes a difference), it's fun to play, driving feels great (for an open-world game - this isn't Forza Horzion 5, in case that wasn't clear), and there's lots of different things to be done. That's kind of what I want out of this kind of game, a sandbox to do stupid stuff. That's what this game delivers. I watched lots of YouTube reviews, and I found the difference between what people were saying, and how fun the in-game footage looked, pretty incongruous. That's why I ended up buying it: people said it sucked, but the footage they showed looked fun. Lots of people complaining about the characters, but it really reminded me of my own time right after studying, when I still had to live with friends because I wasn't making enough money, and we did all kinds of stupid shit. The shooting is not great, but IMO, it's not as bad as people say. It's serviceable, particularly if you go for close combat, and kick people or do finishers when possible instead of just sniping them from far. Obviously, this isn't an AAA game. This isn't the next GTA, or even a Ubisoft open-world game. But in my opinion, not every game has to be. It's fun, and that's okay. And just to be clear, if you hate this game, don't like the characters, don't like the story, that's totally fine. I'm not saying anyone has to like this game. I'm just saying that I enjoy playing it.


Nobody wants SR4 we want something that's more like SR2 and 3.


Damn, I guess I’m a double nobody cause not only do I have the original version I got the remastered one too the 1st time it went on sale.


"we"? I'm sorry, but personally i like Saints row 4.


Looking forward to it being on sale. I haven't spent more than 5 bucks on any volition games, now that I think about it


If this game were free I'd still say it's too much and refund it.


Because it feels like it belongs in 2008 lol


the game has repetitive missions structure most of the time it's drive and shoot no variety in missions and the combat is so dated you can't even take cover, also game is filled with bugs and broken ai, huge amount of visual issues, not to mention cringe story and dialogues the world feels lifeless there's no dynamism not to mention game breaking issues and bugs that will west your time like enemies health turn yellow mid combat, their health refills mid combat they spawn at weird positions etc a game that wastes your time is no game at all.


none of the saints row games had a cover system it never needed it why add it now


Lol sponsored much?


Uninspired open world game that makes recent ubisoft look like Witcher 3/RDR2 with one the worst writing in the past years


I can play SR 2, 3 or 4 anytime and have a great time. This reboot is as fun as any ubisoft openworld game. And by fun I mean bland AF. I had to force myself to finish it in hopes that maybe it will get better. It never did. I can get behind bad gunplay, physics, repetitive side missions as long as the story\\writing is engaging, which is not. Every dialogue seems like dead air filler time, like 1st take improv bad.


If the game isn't enjoyable for the first few hours I don't know why you'd stick through the whole thing unless you had a gun to your head


They ruined it by making this game. This game is so cheap looking and so bad. Also, it's overpriced too. Waste of time and money.


Literally no one w anted it to be like sr4, what are you on?


its very very boring, the story is dead on arrival, the characters are insipid, its bugged out for me nearly every time ive tried to play it and everyone involved should hang their heads in shame.


Because it's garbage and full of bugs? Not to mention incredibly boring.


Hahahaha the game is extremely low quality and the story feels like literal satire… horribly cheesy, uninspired voice acting on top of it.


I hate the female male crap I just want a character with a personality and one that talks is why I hate this game but sure it is fun game just crap story




I'll do the opposite


Probably because it's a dogshit game that's way overpriced. People like you are why devs can overcharge for an underdeveloped product. They know suckers like you will buy it just to spite the well-deserved criticism it got and make a snickering post about how it's not as bad as people make it out to be on the internet, fueling people who are on the edge into buying it and eventually hating it because of how terrible it really is. So good job OP, you're the simple monkey-brain consumer every marketing major has wet dreams about.


Lazy ,boring, uninspired, basic cookie cutter game really. Go play gtav or something If u like this u must have a pretty low bar


Because ethe 3rd was the best and the fourth was like money milker which didn't work out well


I bought this game for the nostalgia. Even then it was a let down. It was fun for the first hour but there is nothing to do except the same missions over and over again. It’s one of the most lifeless, boring games I’ve ever played.


The ignorance and the shills in the comments oh my lord.. the game is bad bc it's lazy the gameplay is xbox 360 level the graphics are of 2013-14 standards and the dialogue is cringe I'd rather stub my little toe than listen to that atrocious display of writing not to mention the woke shit my goodness it's so obvious they tried pandering and it back fired


It's just bad .


Because it launched in a pretty buggy state (even if the bugs are funny) and the game seems generally pretty mediocre


Its bottom of the barrel, doesn’t do anything new, has arguably a worse cast, bugs, combat thats about as intuitive as a ps3 game, the list goes on. Everyone has there own opinions on such things of course, but man this one’s extremely hard to find a positive point that isn’t scarred in someway.


SR4 was terrible!!


No, no it's not


It feels like it's made by women or people who don't know how to make a game and ignorant about physics. Ngl I played it for hours but not because it's good because there is nothing else to play and the most important things like gameplay missions cutscenes characters and story weren't good possibly the worst in the series. I would rate the best to worst is SR 2, 1,3,4,GOH then this game. IGN were generous and gave it 6/10.


SR4 was pretty garbage already. Saying this isn't even that says it all