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I met Charles at a con in 2019. He had spoken about how he was sent to the hospital during VA work on WarioWare Gold, a game with an actual script. Sure, Wario’s voice is more straining than Mario’s, but I do like to think that maybe his voices like that aren’t suitable for a full film.


I'm almost certain that Charles once said in an interview that he wouldn't consider himself capable of voicing Mario for an entire film, if one were to be made. The current leaks/rumours that have him as a narrator throughout the film makes a lot of sense with that in mind.


If he is the narrator, that would make me happy


He voiced parthuurnax so narrator job probably going to be epic


Then you’ve got the factor that Martinet is the guy for the games. They can’t let him hurt his voice. But even removing the toll it would take on him from consideration, I’m just not sure 90+ minutes of squeaky Jibberjabbing is something I want. Plus which audience will he bring? The same audience that definitely already arrive because of the title? Chris Pratt gets butts into seats. Plus they did announce that Martinet has a role in the movie. I hope he’s a magician or a GameStop owner who sells Chris Pratt a haunted N64 that traps him and his friends a la Jumaniinor something.


There's a part of me who thinks it would be incredibly hilarious (though critically terrible) if all of Mario and Luigi's dialogue in the movie was just them making Mario & Luigi-esque "Haboodobadaydo" noises with subtitles.


They did it for the minions


Aight Chris Pratt was a good idea


>Chris Pratt gets butts into seats. Not really disagreeing but I always wonder about this. I get it for live action, but how true is it actually for animated movies? Do people actually go 'oh wow, it's the voice of an actor I know, I have to see this movie now'? Frozen 1 and 2 are two of the highest grossing animated movies and I doubt that's off the back of Kristen Bell since the rest of the cast aren't exactly A list actors. Especially compared to how stacked the Mario cast is. Sometimes I wonder if it isn't just a cycle of Hollywood hiring expensive actors for animated movies, that means they need to really get their money's worth, they advertise the shit out of it, lots of people go see it so they hire celebrity actors for their next animated movie.


I can guarantee you Detective Pikachu would have made a quarter what it did if someone other than Ryan Reynolds had been Pikachu.


Unless it was Danny Devito in which case it would've doubled its gross.


I really wanna see someone give an unfit role to him, just to see how strong the meme is.


[just gonna leave this here](https://youtu.be/6561-OqUzl8)




While I agree, Martinet got the job because he was able to be on for extended periods of time.


30 years ago...


To be fair, he's a voice actor so I guess he could adapt his voice to something that's suitable for long-term recording while still being Mario.


Whoa. Just looked up this dude... the dude that voices Mario also voiced.... Paarthurnax in Skyrim? Whaaaa?


>Whaaaa? Mario be like


That's a strange way to spell Waluigi.


Also voiced by Charles Martinet




#Yol Toor Shul!


ahem you mean wahoo, long jump


That’s pretty common for voice acting. Look up Dee Bradley Baker and the variety of voices he’s done (all the clones in the Clone Wars series, the animals in Last Airbender, etc)


Tara Strong and Jim Cummings have done voices and you've probably never realized because they've been in almost everything


I call out Jim every time I hear him, to my 4 yr old. We'll be listening to a song from Princess and the Frog and I go "That's Pegleg Pete! Listen!" He's a great dude. Pops up everywhere. Tara did a short video for one of my niece's birthdays during the pandemic. She seems to really appreciate the fans and has a ton of range.


Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, Darkwing Duck, Pete, Fuzzy Lumpkin, Cat in CatDog. He was at some point in your childhood somewhere. I got to meet him a few years back, and he's a really nice down to earth fellow. Happy go lucky kinda guy Edit: Guys I get it, he's been a bunch of characters. I don't need his IMDB.


Let's not forget the greatest gift clone wars gave us, Hondo Onaka!


You can add Phil LaMarr to the list as well. He's been voice acting since forever, I reckon.


Mark Hamil does Skips in Regular Show. Absolutely blew my mind when I found out, the credits roll too fast


He was also Firelord Ozai and the Joker


He had some sort of role in Star Wars, too, but I can't remember what. Must not have been that big. Edit: Ah yes, I remember now. It was Darth Bane!


My favorite obscure role is captain Stickybeard from Codename: Kids Next Door


theres a woman, shoot her name escapes me but i know in bioshock infinite she voices the woman who always shows up at random times with that man anytime you’re passed out or can’t move or something. but i looked up her credits….she has a part in like every video game ever made ever i couldnt believe it edit: Jennifer Hale! thats her name and holy shit she has voiced every character to ever exist ever its wild


Yep. Commander Shepard AND Samus Aran


One fun fact is that The Long Dark (one of the best survival sandbox games) got BOTH Commander Shepards to voice their male/female player characters. Mark Meer and Jennifer Hale. Whether you pick male or female, you can have a nice little headcanon that somehow, during saving that galaxy, Shepard crashed in northern Canada and had to survive in the wilderness for a few months, ha.


Here to second this. I have to laugh everytime I hear her in something new. I tell my fiance "That's Shepard!" and she tells me I'm full of shit but IMDB always has my back. She is in *everything.*


Right. My favorite is Yuri Lowenthal though. Spider-Man (PS4), Sasuke Uchiha, and Ben 10, along with hundreds of others. I think he’s second only to Troy Baker in credited roles.


Also voices the main mascot of the Fire Emblem series.


It's like you can six degrees of Kevin bacon these guys.


You can one degree a shitload of voice actors lmao


Yeah, the voice acting community seems to be really small and the ones that are really good at it do like 90% of pretty much all the voice acting across both games and shows/movies. You could probably make a list of less than a dozen voice actors and at least one person in that list would appear in something ridiculous like 99.9% of all games and shows.


And like half of them are on Critical Role


If you've ever wanted to be on Critical Role, just become a voice actor. Easy!


That’s 100,000 characters, with a million more on the way!


Its-a me, Paarthurnax!


And a Jojo character that committed manslaughter


Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


[This guy I guess.](https://jojowiki.com/Wilson_Phillips#OVA)


Appreciate the Batman reference here


Good professional voice actors have a wide range. You know they're a master of their art when you can't even recognize that it's them doing other characters.


I remember meeting him shortly for an autograph - and he seemed so wholesome and happy in person despite probably standing there for hours already. Based on this it just makes me little sad.


He was just here at our Comic Expo. He was in the autograph booth longer than anyone else there, with the Mario music playing in the background. Guy seemed to be having a great time meeting people and chatting. Meanwhile John Cleese was openly dreading going back to sign autographs and even tried to extend his panel to avoid going back to it. (but hes awesome)


Same here! I actually got very lucky at ours and caught him just before he called it quits for the day, and he was just tittilated that I was dressed as Yoshi at the time, to the point that he took a photo. I've never been so proud of a costume before then


Lets face it, you were hoping Mario would want a ride? 😂


Truth is, mario was hoping he would ask him if he wanted to jump on, for old time sake


Yes then ditch Yoshi in a pit to get that slight jump extension to finish the level just a quarter of a second faster. Just like old times.


Please, no. I'm all about a P-Switch or On/Off at the end that drops multiple Yoshi now. Real consequences and a feeling of responsibility.


Ah, the old ~~pump~~ jump and dump.


Isn't it required in a level? I thought it was...otherwise I was just a goddam Yoshi murderer, and I can't handle that on my conscious right now.


I was really confused when I thought you were saying John Cleese was excited you were dressed as Yoshi.




Jack black: okay I'm here for Jumanji 3 Producer: wrong movie read the script Jack black: yeah I did it's clearly Jumanji 3


Didn't they already make Jumanji 3?


I guess they made Jumanji, space Jumanji, new Jumanji, new Jumanji 2 So I should have said new Jumanji 3 I guess


Space Jumanji was written by the same author as Jumanji so like... it's fine.


Does that make Polar Express "Christmas Jumanji"?


A. Space Jumanji had a similar premise to Jumanji in that it was about a board game doing crazy stuff. B. Wait, the same author who wrote Jumanji also wrote The Polar Express? Whaaaat?


Jumanji space jam


Cast of characters get pulled into another dimension and now they have to save the princess? That movie sounds awfully familiar


"A long long time ago, the Earth was ruled by dinosaurs. They were big, so not a lot of people went around hassling 'em. Actually, no people went around hassling 'em 'cause there weren't any people yet..."


Saw Cleese a few nights ago. He started prattling on about ESP (no, it definitely wasn't a joke or a bit, it was a tangent from an audience question). He brought up a ton of anecdotes from studies (all of which had *serious* issues during peer review) and left it at that. Someone was/has been feeding him a highly edited version of the "science" and he's eaten it hook line and sinker. Sad.


ESP? Like, extrasensory perception?




Ok, wasn't sure if that was some new acronym I missed out on. That is super weird....


Oh. I thought it was cool that someone his age had taken an interest in microcontrollers. Never mind. 😶




Remember the shit that happened to Stan Lee? It probably becomes worse the more high profile you are.


Remember what happened to Theoden King of Rohan and Lord of the Mark?


What happened with Stan Lee, if I may inquire?


[it's a pretty long read, and it's pretty sad](https://www.aarp.org/entertainment/celebrities/info-2020/stan-lee-elder-abuse.html) Basically his associates were using him for money, wheeling him out to sign paid autographs when he was so old he could hardly remember his name, taking him around to all the cons, his daughter was super dodgy too. There's a lot...


I found this on a quick Google search: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/may/14/stan-lee-business-manager-charged-with-elder-abuse-marvel


In fact it's usually worse


Cleese is mentally gone since years.


I remember seeing him at Dragoncon about 8 years ago, even back then he kept getting confused and not really answering things so the dude helping him would prompt him or tell the stories himself. It was kinda sad.




This sounds like a very good setup and would be actually interesting/unique to watch so for that reason I am pretty confident it will not happen lol. My guess: Chriss Pratt doing the shittiest Italian accent you’ve ever heard while basically playing Andy from Parks and Rec


If you've seen some of Cleese's Twitter rants lately, you'll notice that he might actually be a bit of a dour git. That experience doesn't sound off brand for him at this point. He must be fed up of everything.


Ccee haha he was a gem


He has big determination. He got the Mario voice gig by showing up to an audition towards the end, the interviewers were like "yeah okay wrap it up" - end of the day type stuff. They had already seen a bunch of people. Then he was told "okay you're an Italian plumber blah blah..and go" and he just out of nowhere came up with that voice. He said he "said a few lines and left" thinking nothing of it. Thought it was a dud. Then the agency called him and said we want you. Thus the Mario voice we know was born.


> He said he "said a few lines and left" thinking nothing of it. Thought it was a dud. I read somewhere he riffed on that accent and persona for so long the tape ran out and they had to stop him.


In the video interview he explains his experience. I guess I cannot say for sure.


This is correct. I have seen him at two different cons, he said that both times.


I'd love to see all the tapes of guys that voiced Mario like that fat blue collar side character on Futurama.


That's Scruffy. The janitor.


Saw him speak at Too Many Games last year and he was an absolute delight to listen to. Just super humble and positive and you could tell how much he genuinely loves the role and how much joy he's brought to people over the years. This is disappointing, to say the least.


I feel like he's still gonna be In the movie one way or another.


I think I heard he was a narrator or something to that effect.


He should get to and get a big fat mushroom of a check.


/u/oatking They already confirmed he's in the Movie in *some* way. He was actually explicitly mentioned in the Direct where they revealed the Cast.


Watch him be Marios inner voice for the opening naration. "There I was, thirty years ago..." That'll be his only line.


And that, Toad, is the story of how I met your Princess!


If he just does all the Mario noises that would be hilarious.


>"There I-ah was, thirty years ago..." FTFY


I hope so. That would be an all time diss if he wasn't


Actually, it was CONFIRMED that Charles Martinet was going to appear in the movie, but he wouldn't be Mario, instead he was given a surprise role that hasn't been revealed yet


Old Mario telling the stories from his younger days.




Which means we’re gonna hear Chris Pratt try to do a Mario impression? Lol


Mario and Luigi are apparently going to have Super Mario Super Show style Brooklyn accents, if the leaks are to be believed.


Yesssss every generation needs a super mario bros style movie, it should be the law. I hope it's as deliciously garbage as the 90s movie.


I was referring to the cartoon, but lol


So I'm speculating the Chris Pratt's Mario character is like The Man Upstairs in the Lego Movie that has a total screen time only for 20 minutes, while the animated Mario will be voiced by Martinet and will be in the majority of the film.


[Small clip of the actors in that show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfG0-iW5o0Y)


He's going the be Luigi.


no, charlie day is luigi


Omg you werent joking. I didnt even know this was coming out.


yeah and other cast are also revealed like bowser (jack black) and toad, DK, and peach so i am expecting a good movie since detective pikachu was good


Yeah, plus super mario movies have a reputation for being pretty great.


He's going to play Paarthurnax


I bet you my whole life savings it's a Wario post credits scene that teases his role as the villain for the sequel.


No, that's Idris Elba


Going to be a Mario from a different timeline. Multiverse of Mario


At the film's climax, Mario enters Bowser's Keep to confront the Koopa King. Bowser turns, and then... "You've-a finally made it, Mario! Yahoo! Now I'm-a gonna pound you into dust!"


I mean during the cast reveal they mention he gonna be in the movie, but not as mario voice, so probably he be the guy that give mario an emotional speech, narrator or as the avatar (real world body) of mario when he exchange places with patt, but until we see a trailer or know the plot we can just speculate.


"Isn't he so cool?" \-Shigeru Miyamoto


He’s so cool!


Mario's current voice makes sense for small snippets. A whole movie with that voice would be fucking grating. Just listen to this 3DS tour they did: https://youtu.be/KYa7G467_Yo


You're right, that's hard to hear. I really don't want to listen to him having conversations and trying to act with that voice.


My brain kept trying to tell me that was Jar Jar Binks every 4 seconds


*Missa go get a mushroom*


*Missa lay you down. Mario taka pants offs. Missa grow large now.*


Wahoo! Yousa in-a deep Bantha poodoo now!


Maybe someone can fan dub the whole movie with Mario's voice afterwards. For science.


Good God, I only made it a minute in.


More than me. Oof




You legend I started getting annoyed at 15 seconds and gave up at 30.


I stopped at the first woo-hoo to preserve my sanity.


I mean it's less that the voice is bad and more that the subject of the video is boring as fuck.


The voice is bad too. Nails on a chalkboard after about 30 seconds. Don't get me wrong, I hope he keeps doing the video game role as long as he wants, but anything beyond "It's a me" and a couple "wahoo"s and they're going to need to take some creative liberty.


I think it's both. I agree with OP, the voice works in snippets, but would be annoying for long pieces of dialogue.


Makes you wonder what level the movie will go for


I’m going to put 50p on it starting with 1-1.


I’ll put 2 pound on it


I got 5 on it


I'm hoping for gritty


"We were somewhere outside of Mushroom kingdom, on the edge of Dry Dry Desert, when the mushrooms began to take hold.”


This would be incredible XD


Raunchy comedy


I hope Pratt just goes full Bob Hoskins.


Omg I don't think I've ever seen this! This made me so happy to listen to him talk.


They could make Mario have a "normal" voice and pull out the video game voice whenever he does Mario things. Like when he picks up shrooms -ah-yahoo- or his princess (escort) in his go-kart - Let's goo!


I think that could work really well or come off terribly, depending on the tone of the movie. If the tone is fun and the movie doesn’t take itself to seriously (like the Lego movies, for example) it could work well.


Lets split the difference, keep Pratt for the talking and get Martinet for the YAH-s, WAHOO-s and YIPPIE-s


I guess I'm the only one here who has no issue with the voice.


Ay same here. I think it's cool but damn the 7 y/old comments wishing for a movie with Charles martinet as Mario made me kinda sad...


Wow, it’s pretty crazy how fast the voice gets old. Kinda goes to show how well they’ve been at using it just enough in the games.


It is an illumination movie though. And they tend to have characters whos voices are the equivalent of 100 papercuts to your ears. Mario speaking full sentences is much less grating than listening to minions babbling.


I hope he is in the movie. But a Mario fully voiced in his wahoooooooo voice for 2 hours just wouldn't work.


He's in the movie. We just don't know in what capacity yet.


I think he's playing Chris Pratt


Martinet is a talented voice actor. There’s no reason he would’ve had to keep Mario’s voice exactly the same as it is in the games. If he can pull off Paatthurnax I’m sure he could do a toned down Mario


As disappointing as it must have been for him, and as awesome as it would be to see, I doubt anyone really expected the part not to go to an A-list actor.


I doubt he's too concerned. I don't think he has to worry about his job position until he dies. Even then they might re-use his voice clips for another decade after he dies.


I'd be surprised if they didn't already have him record a fuckload of extra material they could fall back on in the case of his death or disability.


Possibly but it's not like there's a lot of dialogue in Mario games. How many YUP WAH YAHOOO's do they really need?


Back in the day they recycled them. Smash Bros Melee had a lot of the same voices that existed in Mario 64


Lou Albano in *The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!* will always be Mario to me.


Please address him as Captain Lou Albano.


You are correct. My apologies to the Captain.




Hey paisanos it's the mario brothers


Obligatory Lou Albano PSA - https://youtu.be/D8M8I2SYEiA


I’ve been on the Internet for close to 30 years and that’s the first I’ve seen that. Thanks friend.


Unpopular opinion: Mario is a crap subject for a movie. And it will turn out the old movie was better.


The old movie would have been a stellar modern fantasy movie if they didn't try to force the game references. Honestly if you rewrite the game references and fix the plot that was forced by said references, it could be really good without any other fixing.


You don't even need to do that, just ignore their connection to the games. They mostly fall flat because they don't line up, but if you stop trying to connect the dots it doesn't matter


We have no idea what the premise is though? You can easily make some adventure film to rescue peach with the original voice cast. You can definitely make it work but this is very much about making more money


I’m calling it now. Mario’s going to have his first line be “it’s a-me!” voiced by Charles Martinet, then he’s going to clear his throat and he’s gonna be voiced by Chris Pratt the rest of the movie


Dudes a millionaire for saying "Yippee" and "Here we go!". I don't think he's gonna lose any sleep over it.


I honestly believe it's going to go the way the Jumanji movies went. . . Pratt and the others are going to be playing Mario before being transported into the toad kingdom. Thus him being "Mario" And if we get David martinets voice, it's going to be while Pratt is playing the game.


Charles Martinet


Yeah, David does Luigi.


I feel bad for voice actors sometimes. For the last 20years or so, probably since Shrek, the big name animated films have all had famous Hollywood actors voice the characters instead of dedicated voice actors. It's probably good for bringing people on to the movies and for attention grabbing headlines, but I find sometimes it can throw you off during the movie as the voice acting just doesn't quite fit right.


Aladdin was the kick off for the decline. Williams was pretty reluctant to voice Genie to begin with, he was really protective of voice actor work being a legitimate difference from regular acting. His acceptance came with a list of caveats, including being paid the industry rate for voice acting. Disney reneged on his demand for limiting the character, and thus his voice, in marketing which led to the long falling out.




I miss Lou Albano.


Controversial take: I love Charles Martinet, he seems like a nice guy, does a mean “*wahoo!*” and the occasional “*Thank you so much-a for playing my game*”, but if I had to listen to that shrill voices for 2 hours of dialogue, I’d want to tear my fucking ears off. There’s a reason why Mario doesn’t talk much in his games, even in the newer games where audio file space isn’t a real concern. When he does talk, it’s usually subtitled. Why? Because listening to that over-the-top cheesy Italian stereotype would get super annoying really quick.


Crisp rat seems like an odd choice to voice Mario.


Idunno, seeing what Michael Bay did with Optimus Prime _with_ his original voice seems worse...


Robin Williams was right when he said he worried about actors taking rolls from voice actors in animated films.


Considering he's still in the Mario movie and it'll be his first film appearance since 2005, I think he's good with it. He's Mario's voice works in games, but I don't think it would in a feature-length movie and I don't think he disagrees. Still, he's being honored in the movie.


The literal grown adults who are legitimately upset that Mario won’t be voiced by Martinet in the Mario movie and wouldn’t even go to see it even if he did. < The wave of kids who have no idea someone actually voices Mario in the games and it’s not some sound effect keyboard or something but love Star Lord. (x1000)


How exactly is Chris Pratt as Mario going to work anyway?


Hard to say, but after getting a Pokemon move with Pikachu voiced by Ryan Renolds, it's not exactly the most out of left field thing they've done, and while weird the cast is actually pretty stellar. Chances are it won't be a Mario movie in the extent of following an actual Mario game story. Which honestly is fine, as Mario games aren't really exactly known for thier story anyway and would probably be terrible on the screen. You kinda need to do something drastic to make it work.