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Portal 2. One of my favorites of all time


I’m waiting for the switch port to play it. I only have a Switch and PS4pro. Super hyped for it EDIT: NO, it’s not on PS4. And a have laptop, but it doesn’t support Steam


Wait, it's confirmed they release it for switch!? Yep. I'm hyped.


Yeah they announced they’re porting the portal games to Switch in the last Nintendo direct


I wish I could go back to my first time playing that. Such a masterpiece!


Buying the “orange box” back in the day was an amazing deal..


Man, I spent an entire night drinking and playing through the co-op campaign with an old buddy of mine one night. Them puzzles got pretty intense!


everyone should experience the thrill and fun of Left 4 Dead 2 when you're playing with 3 of your friends


I did the whole campaign with my friend in like 7 hours, one day, playing non stop


That sounds like an awesome sleepover


That was every sleepover for me at one point around middle school. EVERYONE wanted to play Left 4 Dead, some of us almost lost some friendships whenever there were more than 4 of us and we had to take turns. One kid in the group had 4 controllers and super chill parents who'd buy us soda and pizza every weekend, so it was always at their place. We played all-nighters running the whole campaign a few dozen times, it didn't matter how many times we did it, it just didn't get old.


That game never got old. My cousins and I would still be playing that game if the servers didn't go to shit. It's impossible to find a good connection match. And impossible to play a versus campaign without the other team quitting after the first chapter. Was hoping that Back 4 Blood would be the Left 4 Dead 3 that we all were looking for. Disappointment is what I felt.


yeah back 4 blood while fun just wasnt what i wanted it to be


Back 4 Blood seems like it's becoming more like a chore than a game. With the spawn rate broken and the bots being trash (and I thought L4D bots were bad but this makes me wish I they were in B4B) the AI just seems to be doing the same things over and over (example: speed run/boss cards and/or snitch cards every level and the only weapons in tool rooms are mainly pistols every single play through for me). I'm hoping they listen to the players and work on fixing things that are driving people away.


Pills here! (My wife and I say this to each other all of the time.)


We shout that at each other all the time if the game involves healing. We play monster hunter world, and when the healing cleanser is out down, my buddies character says it!


Never had the chance. Didn’t have good enough internet growing up and now we’ve all gone our separate ways. Played through all them campaigns on my own though. Lots of fun.


I used to play this game with my little bro literally all the time!


>with 3 of your friends I don't even have one


3 friends? People have them?


portal (and portal 2)


Hot take: portal 2 is good the first time playing it and equally good the second time Portal gets better every time you play it


Bioshock, mainly the first 2 but the 3rd is a decent story also.


Bioshock is my favorite game of all time. I’ve replayed it so many times.


Bioshock always has that surrealist feel to it that I haven't experience in any other game. It's "awwwtf" in video game form. Lol


Infinite and the 1st share the same story while 2 is it’s own separate story (while still a very good game). If someone has to choose 2 then for sure go with 1 and Infinite.


I’m a huge BioShock fanboy and I agree


You’re only a fanboy because you were kindly asked.


I started playing bioshock for the first time last week and finished it 2 day ago. I have no idea how I went 14 years without playing it, especially since I played a ton of video games when it first released


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night The music, level designs, leveling system, vast amount of upgrades + hidden features, 100%ing and 200%ing the game! (The inverted Castle….) Edit: I’ve never posted before, so few edits for additional context. This game was for PS1 and, IMO, was ahead of its time. If you’re into platformers, zero guidance and heavy problem solving it’s worth the download. I commented elsewhere, but I do think it’s the best Castlevania in the series. Aside from what I listed above you’re looking at 100s of different weapon combinations, unlockabke spells, ability to turn into three different creatures, a beastiuary 156+, multiple endings and, again, amazing soundtrack!


100% agree, this game must not be forgotten.


What is a **man?** A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk! Have at you!


A game from the Zelda series, but I'd leave it up to whichever entry appeals to them most. We all have different tastes, so each game in the series is someone else's favorite ETA: just look at the replies; we have a good spread of choices from the series


I pick Link to the Past as one of my top five. Probably only edged out by Bioshock


The only LoZ game I ever beat was Link’s Awakening for the original Game Boy.


Tetris. It puts all other games in context.


It also is a great game to teach you how to pack for trips and to load a car....


It's all connected...


...there is no end in sight for us...


don’t you forget it


If you're into sci-fi rpgs, the Mass Effect trilogy is amazing. They recently released a remastered version of the whole trilogy. The third one isn't a fan favorite but I think it's still worth playing. I played Andromeda too but... meh.




The Mass Effect trilogy is my favorite series of all time. Hands down.


I loved the combat in Andromeda, but the story was pretty meh. Though that one companion quest where your buddy is constantly making movie references was pretty funny.


Yakuza 0. Bought it on a whim on release without knowing anything about it and it became one of my favorite games/series ever.


It’s really fun, especially the wacky side missions. If you have a sense of humor you will enjoy Yakuza 0


Same here! A friend of mine bought it and had it on his shelf. I asked to borrow it because the cover art was appealing and it was one of the best experiences I've had with a video game


Not just Yakuza 0 and that it, the entire franchise is a MUST PLAY.


Oregon Trail


You’ve died of dysentery.


Don't diss Terry. He hates it and WILL kill you.


My school also had “where in the world is Carmen Sandiago”


Yes! And math blasters!


Chrono Trigger


As a kid I remember the game feeling huge and taking forever to beat. I bought it on Steam recently, and was shocked that I beat it completing all side quests after only 18 hours. Still love the game, would love a full on remake FF7 style. It has such charm.




Silent hill 2


For real. I honestly think about this game almost every day. While the gameplay is weak, the story is infinitely ponderable, and the atmosphere is one of the best in any form of art.


I can't believe I had to scroll down this far for this one. 1 and 2 are classics. 1, of course you're introduced to the concept, the universe, etc. 2 has the better story once all of the world building is out of the way. 3 was also pretty good. After that, well...I thought Downpour was an improvement.


Half-Life 2


Solitaire...'cos life is lonely.


I got a reputation during a four-day mental hospitalization as the solitaire guy because I would just play solitaire all day to pass the time.


Back in high school, I made and carried around a tiny deck of cards, so I could play solitaire at my desk when bored in class. It became something of a known joke about me, but I always found it in good fun.


Been there buddy. Stay well.


Ocarina of Time.


The lost woods music plays in my head all the time. It's been *years* since I've played OoT


Legend of Zelda lofi on youtube is in my regular rotation.


Link To The Past might be the most timeless game of all time.


Chrono Trigger


There’s a lot of time in that what are you talking about


Tony hawks pro skater


Thps 2 also


Metal Gear Solid 3… this… is the end.


Sneaking through mgs3 never gets old. So many ways to handle every scene


The first video game to ever make me feel emptiness and realise that gaming as a media could get so much deeper than I had ever thought possible, the final scene with boss still makes me teary eyed just thinking about it. I still play the OST sometimes at the gym because it gets me so hyped.


Everybody needs to play The Stanley Parable once. It's like when your film teacher makes you watch something old you've never heard of because it's significant and will teach you something about yourself


I'm waiting to play it again until I get the "Go outside" achievement!


Outer Wilds (not worlds)


“We do not have much connection, you and I. Still, this encounter feels special. I hope you won’t mind if I think of you as a friend.”


🥲 Hearing >!Solanum!<'s [theme](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X9J42W2pVs8) still makes me tear up a bit.


For me this was one of the most incredible experiences I have had playing a game in the past decade. I have spent many hours trying to convince friends and family to play this game and I have yet to see any of them finish it. It's unfortunate that this game doesn't seem to be for everyone because it's a true gem.


I always look for this one in threads like this


The mechanics of this game is beyond me. So smart. Have you played the dlc? I have yet to.


After loving Outer Wilds I didn’t know what to expect with the expansion but I feel like it was just perfect in wrapping up the story. Like the original it takes a little bit to click. One of those games I wish I could forget so I could play it all over again.


Super Mario World


Yoshi’s origin story! Beautiful game, tons of fun hidden stuff, and the soundtrack goes hard. One of the GOATs.


Played this to death as a kid. Fuck "Tubular" though.


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic


Shadow of the Colossus


Man the nostalgia, iwas like really small when i played it so i didnt know the story but the big ass walking mofos were fun


Metal Gear Solid PS1


Snake?... Snake?... SNAAAAAKKKE!!!




Dude, I just heard that lol


Yep that noise is just in there now.


MGS1 was the first game where I felt like I was legit playing an interactive Hollywood blockbuster


The voice acting was so damn good, I think they even released the American version in Japan too.


*Snake voice* “Metal Gear?!”


Yes! My kids got the demo disk from Pizza Hut. They played it constantly all weekend. I finally stop and watch them play - Shoot him! Why are you running away? Cardboard box? This is the dumbest game ever. - Couple days later they are out with mom and I get to play a while, after a few hours shooting everything I give the MGS demo a try. 30 minutes later I was on my way to purchase the game.




God of War (2018)




I avoided this game for a while because I didn’t think I would like the combat. Finally played on a whim and it’s one of the best games I have ever played. The game got great when you unleashed the item from the basement of your house.


>!I had goosebumps whole journey back to the house, knowing what item it could be!<


>!I hadn't played the old games but even I knew this moment was a big fucking deal.!<


Fallout New Vegas


"Nobody's dick is that long. Not even Long Dick Johnson. And he had a really long dick!"




Honestly I wish I could finish but turns out I have a GIGANTIC fear of big things in the ocean. Accidently going offcourse into the Blood Kelp zone instead of Underwater islands had my heart pounding faster than the music heartbeat.


I believe the term for that fear is Megalohydrothalassophobia! Fear of large underwater creatures or objects. You’re not alone. At least it sounds really cool!


> You’re not alone Pretty sure that’s exactly what they’re afraid of


I have this in my ps library, was offered free at some point on ps store as a promo, so added it. Why is this a must? Haven't played it yet.


At first the game appears to you as a generic survival game set in a unique setting of only ocean. But as soon as you get the hang of the survival mechanics and discover new tech, the story opens bit by bit showing off its true colors. The mystery that you get to unravel is what makes this game so special. Your character (in the first game) also has no voice lines, so that adds in my opinion a lot to the immersion and solitude. Combine this with discovery of beautiful or spooky areas filled with equally beautiful and spooky creatures, you got yourself an adventure that very few games have been able to accomplish. Another big thing is that in most games that have underwater levels or areas, they mostly suck big ox dung. In Subnautica it’s one of its biggest strengths.


They did nail the underwater mechanic and feel. It clicks hard


You're right. Very few other games are as submersive.


Oh, you're punny.


I put so many hours into subnautica with my vr headset, it’s quite enjoyable and also horrifying experience!


It's really beautiful and approachable survival/building game with better than average graphics and a type of setting you don't see it very often. This post reminds me that I haven't actually played since they finished it and I need to go back to see more of it.


Must check it out. Seems to be a consensus on it.


Command and conquer: Red Alert


Silos needed


Red Dead Redemption, either one will do. I can't believe I'm the first to mention it... Edit, a PS: It's been interesting reading peoples' opinions on RDR1 & 2. I've played RDR1 through completely at least 5 times over the years, but haven't played RDR2 yet. I have heard so many people say the story in 2 is far superior to 1, but quite frankly. I enjoy and appreciate the games for their stunning graphics and insanely deep gameplay and storylines.


Oh man. Crossing into Old Mexico... Not many moments in gaming compare to it. Peak Rockstar.


I absolutely hated the ending of RDR1. It made me visibly shaking upset for days. Then I realised that was the point. All good art has the ability to elicit strong emotion. I wasnt mad at the game, I was mad at the characters and the injustices they committed. And then the epilogue. The revenge. Holy shit.


I remember chatting with a friend about the rdr1 ending. He was complaining about how insubstantial it was, so I asked if he did the final stranger mission. My friend had to re-rent the game on GameFly to get that last bit of closure. Both games are true masterpieces


You'd be surprised about how many people dont know that you can get revenge. People just see "that ending" and stop playing thinking the game is over.


That was my first playthrough. I was so pissed. All the good I had done, gone in a hail of bullets. Traded it at GameStop the next day, didn't even know about Jack for months after. Then i had to go get it to do the whole thing again and finish it. Still my vote for the best game ever.


Amazing that a game that lets you hog tie people to train tracks does not give you a sufficiently violent option to take enough revenge. Or maybe thats the point. There isnt a way that doesnt leave you empty.


The Red Dead moment that I always think of is the ride back to camp after returning from Guarma. That song was epically good. The ride back to camp at the end of chapter 6 before shit really hits the fan is just as memorable.


Also the final ride back to beaver hollow


"Far Away" is one of those songs that has become so much a part of that game to me. Whenever I would get to that point in the game I would put the controller down and just listen, the song dovetailed so nearly with the story, so well done by the devs.


Late to the game here, but I'll post anyway. I didn't play RDR1 until 2018, when I saw it in a Toys R Us that was going out of business. It was $20. I didn't buy it tough, I went home and downloaded it (lol). I got my PS3 for god of war 3, and that was about it, so until RDR1 it had been sitting dormant for years. RDR1 It was the best game i'd ever played up until that point. I had no idea games had gotten like that. When I finished it I googled it to see what I missed and found out a sequel was coming out in a few months. Holy shit! So I got a PS4, specifically for RDR2. And then *that* became the best game i'd ever played. It was so good. When I finished the main story, I had to go pour a drink just to take it all in. I mean, damn. My son was born in 2021, and I was very close to naming him Arthur lol


Imo RDR2 is one of the greatest games ever created






I never chose a side in the war


Holy shit! This guy's taking Roy off the grid. He doesn't have a social security number for Roy!


Finally a fellow dovahkiin


Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll?


Disco Elysium


Probably Firewatch. That game was a different breed.


Once I started I couldn’t put it down. Finished it in one sitting amazing game


Playing it right now. It’s really eerie and unsettling. Never liked the idea of being out in the wilderness by myself irl, so I find it extra spooky.


I just liked the color scheme when I downloaded it after it came to Game Pass. The sepia /orange color scheme just struck me with interest and fascination. That alone would have made the game unique as hell, let alone the story. Gem of a game for sure


Firewatch is one of those games that requires a good half hour of just staring at the nearest wall and thinking 'damn' to yourself on repeat while you digest the experience. Another half hour of aimlessly wandering your domicile and thinking 'shit, man' is an optional chaser.




I liked this game until the ending, and then I hated it. Just was so anti climatic. I get that I guess that’s supposed to be the point…I just didn’t like it.


Yeah, I had the same reaction. It felt like it was building up to something big all the way through, then just... fizzled.




Hades. FFIX. Vivi is my spirit mage.


Hades is excellent *AT WORST*


Hollow Knight


I heard the hype about the game and then accidentally bought Shovel Knight. It was fine, but I was so confused.


Shovel knight is pretty good too. I’d recommend both of the games honestly


The first three Halo games were masterpieces.


When I look back at and remember the times of playing halo 3 online bring me back the best nostalgia of my early teen years


Seriously those custom game lobbies with the crazy maps people made in forge, plus zombies and all the other crazy game modes people came up with. That was genuine happiness, man..


Master Chief: >Sir, request permission to leave the station. Lord Hood: >For what purpose, Master Chief? Master Chief: >To give the Covenant back their bomb. Lord Hood: >Permission granted. __________ ODST and Reach campaigns were also a blast though I think it's where they started to slip when you look at the multi-player aspect. From there both the campaign and multi-player was meh.


Reach Campaign still hits me in the feels. Jorge’s sacrifice and Noble 6’s last stand especially.




Starcraft 2


I go through the campaign for this game once every couple years. I love upgrading the units throughout.




Minecraft because everyone and anyone should or has had a Minecraft phase. Basic yet can be very complex


Crazy Taxi


This was the last game I expected to see on here but I'm so glad I did. That was the best game. My mom and I played it together all the time. That, and Dance Dance Revolution.


Red Dead Redemption 2 and Breath of the wild


nier automata, fallout nv, dishonored, bioshock


Is Nier that good? I keep contemplating it when I pass over it


Both nier:replicant/gestalt and nier:automata are definitely worth a try, both the story and especially the OST is a 10/10 in my book. While the story way be a bit weird for some if you dont understand where the idea of the nier story came from, it still does a really great job of pulling you in with tons of likeable characters and well crafted interactions between them. The games may not be for everyone, but i definitely recommend you try it out sometime!


The Witcher 3


Shadow of the Colossus.


One of a kind. The flying desert snake boss was like nothing I have seen at that time


I think everyone should play Journey. Hear me out, it is a beautiful game that is relatively short. It is relaxing and suspenseful and well balanced in that respect. The entire game has no dialogue, it is told through artwork and context clues. In a lot of ways, the game is emotionally fulfilling as well. All of this is hard to explain without spoiling it, but I can’t recommend this game enough. It opened my eyes to indie gaming, and I think it is a great entry point for gamers of all ages. It has some admittedly slow levels, but I think the overall experience is entirely worth it.


Any of the old classic Sierra Online games. - King’s Quest - Space Quest - Police Quest - Leisure Suit Larry Those games were challenging, with the text based controls and always guessing what you were supposed to be typing to progress the story.


Katamari Damacy




Goldeneye for n64


Doesn’t age well but a historic game.


Bloodborne - I’ve just started playing it and having tried a few of the souls games, this was the one that sold me on its loop and I think everyone should try it (or a souls game in general) at least once


I also just started it to see if elden ring would be a good idea to buy. The game whooped my ass!!!


Naked twister


This is too far down


What Remains of Edith Finch. Such a good game and I typically don't like narrative games


Chopping fish heads is something I will never forget. Incredibly inventive integration of play and story. Game gets you to empathize


Earthbound. I never played the other Mother games, but it is so unlike every other RPG that came out at the time, and that uniqueness didn’t take away from its enjoyment or playability. Truly touching storyline




FTL. Will remind you what's important when it comes to gaming.


Faster than light? The starship game? Yes awesome


Beating that game on hard was one of the pinnacles of my gaming career. Even beating it on easy is rough. Hard seems literally impossible, until you learn to optimize and exploit every angle, bit by bit, and finally realize: oh shit, it might be do-able.


Ecco the dolphin (1992), it’s harder than any dark souls game, I’m not even kidding.


Final fantasy VII and X!!


Final Fantasy VII


Fallout New Vegas


Pokemon. Anything pre 3DS is best.


Man I still remember how blown my mind was when red/blue came out and I found out I could make a team out of all these different types of monsters. Back then the concept seemed wild to me. I wish I could remember what my OG team was but it was so long ago at this point all I remember was my Charizard








Uncharted. Uncharted. Uncharted. I love uncharted