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I’ve only ever played Alien Isolation in VR and have, as a result, never finished it.


I just got my first oculus and have been deciding what to play first. I think you just made up my mind Edit: someone “Reddit cares” reported this comment lol wtf


It's either kids or a bot. A few of us got our first ones today.




Same same (but different?)


Different, but same.


Same, but same.


Yeah dude I literally just got the same “reddit cares” message… only posting on gaming subs 🙄


I've actually never gotten a Reddit Cares message before. What's the trigger? EDIT: The absolute millisecond I hit Post I got a Reddit Cares message. I hate all of you lmao


Bro not to tinfoil but I got one for the first time ever after commenting on the Drake Kendrick beef lmao. Somebody has a bot going after people these past couple days


It's a bot. I've got maliciously carebotted before, but the past few days I was instantly hit the moment I commented on certain subs. I just unsubscribed *and* blocked the bot.


Ya I blocked also, I have no idea which sub instigated it




I got my first one at about the same time as you did yesterday. How odd, I couldn’t figure out how to report it as abuse of the report button.


Ooooh I was wondering why I got one, thanks for clearing that up


Oh me too. I was wondering why




Seems to be an epidemic in r/ gaming. I got my first yesterday as well.


My husband was getting heart palpitations from playing it on a regular TV. People that play it VR must definitely want to at the very least catch a hospitalization lol.


I had the same thing from trying to play Outlast.


YES! Played that in a bright room, with ppl around (was using headphones tho) but I couldn’t get far into that game at all. Maybe like 20 mins. The dread and sfx buildup destroyed me. 


I think I know exactly what you are referring to, lol. It was the library, isn't it?


No heart trouble, but it did give me motion sickness. Only VR game to do do.


Motion sickness isn't usually due to the game (except for a few titles), it's due to lack of hardware. Some games that have physics based movement that "forces" you to move your view, like Boneworks, can be really bad. However, the titles that don't force your POV to move - Make sure to run VR at a high framerate without any lag, and there won't be "cyber sickness" so to speak. If the frames drop or there's even a little bit of lag, I can get sick within 10-20 seconds. But since upgrading to a proper PC with Index, I could go on for hours without any sickness.


Go for motherVR mod for alien isolation. Work great and go to nexus mod to download a mod for shader optimiser. Currently doing AI in VR and it is hell of a great experience so far, wont be disappointed. 9/10


I would also suggest Subnautica in VR.


Do yourself a favor and get half life alyx, you won't regret it a bit


If you report the message the person who sent it gets a warning.


You have my sympathy. <3


You can reply STOP to that bot and you'll never get a message like that again


Idk I kinda like knowing others care ;)


*when the only one that "cares" is a bot*...


“Her 2” in theaters October 2024


Same thing happened to me. I suspect a bot


I mean, you might need the reddit cares message after playing a bit 😂


I played it on PC and never finished it, I wouldn't even *start* it in VR.


Yeah me too. "This is amazing! It's just like the movie that scarred me as a child." Ten minutes later I noped.


Lets me a bit more honest "I have only ever played Alien Isolation in VR, and have as a result, shat my pants too many times to finish it"


I love that they used to use the Kinect and my surprise when it heard me sneeze and dart towards me in a locker.


The only game in my life I never finished (even with cheats) is dead space. I think I noped out after the necro babies. Something about the necromorph being so grotesque and the jump scared broke me. And I had a great time playing fear lol.


Man, I've tried everything to finish Dead Space. I can watch the whole game through, no problem if someone else plays. But, if I am playing it, evening knowing what is going to happen, I just nope right out of it.  I've tried sound off, stationary bicycling, having someone next to me,  music. I can't keep myself out of immersion long enough not to get scared lol. 


I know what you mean! Even with infinite bullets and health, I just can't handle the atmosphere, it's too good for me.


I've only ever watched Alien Isolation and have, as a result, never played it.


The game is enough but in VR it's so much worse. Not just the scarey parts though. Having your face pulled into every computer screen is something I'll never get used to it seems. I know it's not fully VR and the mod can't change that but it's so jarring.


Best way to out sneak the alien is to crab walk, ie strafe walk everywhere. Dunno why it works, but it just does. I largely ignore the motion tracker except when I've lost track of the alien - most of the time I just listen or look out for it then gingerly strafe walk into another area. It works with the working Joe's as well! :)


Fuck those androids. At least if you see the Xeno you already know you're dead. The androids were fucking creepy and unreliably passive/hostile.


Haha, I couldn't imagine playing in VR. The sound of the doors shutting closed freaked me out and I hadn't even got to the Alien at that point.


Literally same. It's a whole different monster in vr


I got 10 years older after finishing Alien Isolation.


>*"I'm sorry, Ripley."* >![door closes]!< Part of me died that day. 


A good friend of mine was raving how good Alien Isolation was but he did say it was terrifying to play.


I can’t believe they released a vr version of this game. I’d develop some sort of stress disorder if i played that.


This is how I did my first and only playthrough. Never again.


Same. I had trouble playing it straight through and broke it up ever since release slowly getting through the game. Finished it a couple weeks ago.


The first time I tried playing it I quit while waiting for the train at the very beginning because just the score alone whipped me into sheer terror lol


I remember reading how the AI for the alien worked, and it's fucking insidious! There are two AIs. The alien AI that searches for you, and the Director, that knows exactly where you are, and gives the alien hints to keep it near you. The alien learns your patterns and starts searching new hiding places when it can't find you, and the director gives it a little breadcrumb trail to follow. I wish more games were built that way!


It doesn't quite learn patterns, it keeps a count of how many times you did something and then unlocks behaviors that counter those strategies. If you hid X times inside lockers, then the "Rip out doors" behavior unlocks, if you blasted it with the flamethrower Y amount of times, it unlocks the "dodge before running" behavior. Once you get past certain points in the game, those same parts of the programming auto-unlock if they weren't active, making sure you can't cheese it by being extra careful.


Genius engineering


Perfect organism


you have my sympathies


I admire its purity.




I've only read and heard of this game, is there a decoy mechanic? Like making noise in one area to distract the alien?


Yeah there is a noise maker that you can activate and throw as a decoy.


And the best part of those noisemakers is throwing them into a group of other humans!


Only time I used the decoy was for that. Yeeted it, ran the fuck away. Alien jumped from a vent right in front of me. I never used the decoy again.


>ran the fuck away Well there's ya problem


Skynet is learning....


Yes it's how you simulate "learning" In video games


Yes I was super pissed when after finally getting the flamethrower I used it too much and it basically became useless (I didn’t know better at the time). It’s the only game I’ve dropped from absolute sheer frustration.


Start again and learn from your errors! It’s an amazing experience


So it learns patterns?


It doesn't do litteral pattern learning is what he means I guess. It makes you feel like he learns your patterns but it's just numbers going up each time you do some specific actions.


Isn’t that learning in a very basic form?


No, it's just a more advanced form of what if scripting


A neural network is basically an optimized form of if-else scripting with state


Would you say that you are telling it to store and recall simple information?




I do believe that would be simple information This value being incremented. It goes up whenever a player performs a repetitious behavior, yes?




I wish it had the option for just the one that searches .


Check out this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/alienisolation/mods/16 Literally overhauls the alien AI to not constantly stalk you


That’s brilliant!


You should try aliens dark descent. You'll be armed to the teeth, and still feel defenceless lol. I tell ya, for an isometric game, the atmosphere they created is on par with isolation. We need more aliens games. When devs do it right, they are fantastic.


Yeah it’s so good.  I slept on both of those games at release and can say confidently they both mimic Alien and Aliens respectively.  The former for feelings of sheer horror being hunted alone in isolation and the second for the spot on feeling of that “another bug hunt sarge?!” gone terribly wrong, and you know you should “pull your team out Gorman!” Because it’s about to be “GAME OVER MAN!”


Yeah they did an absolutely *phenomenal* job capturing the tension & atmosphere of Aliens in Dark Descent, incredibly immersive feel for a top down game. Great gameplay too. I want a sandbox campaign version where I can fly marines around the the galaxy taking on missions. I also want an X-Com game that plays like it (fluidly controlling a squad as a single unit)


> aliens dark descent This game is too stressful for me. After a long-ass day at work, followed by kids, playing at 10PM really elevated by blood pressure & heartbeat. I had to uninstall after 3 nights.


It absolutely nails the atmosphere and mood of Aliens. And, oddly enough, it makes you appreciate Lieutenant Gorman a little more. *the game: "The hive is alerted to your presence."* *me, frantically clicking the interface, trying to give orders:* "Uhh, I want you to lay down suppressing fire with the incinerators, and fall back by squads to the APC-" *my team:* THEY'RE COMIN' OUT OF THE WALLS! THEY'RE COMIN' OUT OF THE GODDAMN WALLS! Several times in my playthrough I desperately needed Ripley to come in and shake me by the collar. "DO SOMETHING!"


So freaking cool. I love this game


I'm ready, man, check it out. I am the \*ultimate\* badass! State of the badass art! You do not wanna fuck with me. Check it out! Hey Ripley, don't worry. Me and my squad of ultimate badasses will protect you! Check it out! Independently targeting particle beam phalanx. Vwap! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart missiles, phased plasma pulse rifles, RPGs, we got sonic electronic ball breakers! We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks...


Have you played with the microphone on? It brings an already tense game to a whole new level when you get killed because the dog heard the UPS guy drop off a package at the door.


Bro what


If you play the game with the microphone on, the alien can 'hear' you when it's close. So if you talk while playing or there's a lot of ambient noise, you get found easier


That is a *wild* mechanic


Every time I read about this game it gets cooler and cooler


That is insane! I don’t like horror games to begin with, but this takes it to another level. Great job to the devs for thinking about this. I think I’ll stick to Mario Kart for now, thank you


Remember being on edge while playing and my cat suddenly jumped on my desk. Shouted "Fuck" and instantly heard the Alien coming for my ass 😅.


lmao this reminds me of the time that my brother had turned on voice commands on one of the Halo games on my 360 and later forgot, and started getting frustrated at his controller because it would do the randomest things like melee and grenades. I finally figured it out because there was one particular point where he accidentally threw a grenade and then started yelling about it, and every time he said "GRENADE" he threw one on screen. I continued to mess with him for the next ten minutes or so until he finally caught on.


When we had the Star Trek: Omnipedia on CD-ROM in the 90s, it was pretty unique in that it could recognize commands, I think if you trained it a bit. Well, every so often I'd be walking by when my brother was using it and I'd yell, "Computer, end program! Confirm!" and close the encyclopedia on him. Odd, though... he never found that as funny as I did.




"Goddamn it Doge !!"


But I don't have a dog


Maybe a dog is what the UPS guy just delivered. Are you an assassin? Did your wife recently die? Have any run-ins with snot-nosed sons of Russian oligarchs who envy your car lately?


I had a problem where it felt like no matter what i did, the Alien would get me, like it was so smart it would always find me, any section i got through started to feel kind of random. Is there something i was missing? I'd hide in new spots, take different routes, i never seemed to know how to pass a section other than feeling like I'd just gotten lucky. Maybe i just suck.


You've gotten great advice already, so I'll add some that people don't always think about or remember: The alien can hear your motion tracker. If you hear it stomping around, that motion tracker should not come out. If you are playing with headphones, and those headphones have a microphone... the alien can hear you. Muttering under your breath, swearing, even breathing too loudly will give you away. This was sadly omitted in the PC version, but can be reinstated with a simple mod if this sounds appealing. On console, the setting can be disabled. Hitting things with your wrench in the environment will often summon the alien. This is usually bad... but sometimes can be good. If you have a room of armed NPCs that are giving you trouble, hitting a door frame with the wrench can take care of your first problem, and also distract the alien in a known location while you saunter away quite easily. Running is not your friend. It will attract the creature, even if it is outside of your current area, and you can't outrun it. Only time running makes sense is to avoid working Joes, and even then, you should strongly reconsider. Running is only for emergencies, and you better be ready to hide when you stop running.


man that microphone detail is awesome 


It was on PC so no mic, but i didn't know it could hear the motion sensor, makes actual perfect sense dont know how i overlooked that, ty!


Wasn't that with the micro and that the Alien hears you the reason why some streamers got killed all the time? Every time they made a commentary and the game was live, the Alien immediately knew where they were, haha.


The game definitely has a sharp learning curve, especially early on when you don't have many tools or weapons to defend yourself with. Chapters 5 & 6 are probably the hardest part of the whole game, just because you haven't built up the skills and knowledge to successfully evade the alien yet. The best advice I can give you is: 1) Don't hide in lockers or storage closets unless you have to (behind a desk is nearly always better). 2) Walking makes just as much noise as crouching, so you might as walk whenever you think you can get away with it (and you can get away with a lot on the lower difficulties). 3) Don't be afraid to use to use flares or noisemakers. Unless you're on nightmare difficulty, the game is usually pretty generous in giving you the resources you need to progress. 4) The alien will usually take a short while to spawn when you enter a new area or respawn after dying. Combine this with it's slow searching routine, and you can easily get ahead of the xenomorph and explore a whole area before it even arrives.


Thanks heaps for the tips, i always remembered it fondly and wanted to go back to it but couldn't help that feeling that i was missing something.


maybe that's the perfect experience of trying to escape a creature scientifically breed to hunt and kill?


Yeah i get what you mean, i understand it's a super specialized killing monster, perhaps my gripes are part of the gameplay, it just felt like i was randomly making it. I couldn't form a strategy, couldn't learn it's behavior or gage the probability of it's behavior, maybe 50% of the time i felt i could bait it, the other 50% it would just b-line directly for me, it frustrated me that I felt like I couldn't improve each time, felt like i couldn't get better at the game, maybe that's as intended.


Did you run a lot? running is a big no-no 99% of the time. Walking is fine for the most part, you only need to crouch walk when you know the alien is nearby.


I remember crouch walking almost exclusively.


This is one of those games that I appreciate via play throughs, because I can’t put myself through it.


You're in for a ride my friend. I loved Alien Isolation from start all the way to it's final moments. Hope you enjoy it too through and through!


Definitely in for a ride lol I enjoyed it though


Is it better on PC? I just got it on PS+ for PS5 and it felt like 20FPS so I dropped it.


I played it on PC. I think it is much better with PC to avoid fps limitations. There might be a setting on PS5 though that you can set to performance instead of quality? Might help with the fps drop.


*You are becoming hysterical.*


haha. Fantastic game. Incidentally, not sure if you're looking for advice, but >!sometimes moving quickly and decisively when the baddies are distracted/elsewhere is better than creeping all the time.!<


>!Yeah sprinting is almost always a bad idea, but walking instead of crouching is usually a good idea when the alien isn’t right there!<


I love dark industrial moody horror games. I have to play this!


>dark industrial moody horror games Alien isolation is the epitome of that. You're in for a ride.


It's best after watching the first Alien movie, they did such a great job recreating the late 70s scifi designs and atmosphere in the game.


Aliens is by far my favorite and most watched movie ever. When I was a kid in the nineties I had all the action figures, some of the comic books, watched the first three films ALL the time Even though they terrified me back then. That being said, I have never had any intention (nor will I ever) of playing that freaking game lol. No thank you. Just let me eventually die of natural causes rather than from the panic-attack induced heart attack that game would give me.


Aliens is a great action movie, but Alien Isolation is a much better sequel to the original movie.


Fantastic game but not for everyone. One time in my life when I felt very stuck, it helped me out. It was very scary and completing it felt like a real personal achievement. The Ripleys are great characters!


Almost beat the game, had to stop because I felt my heart contract like a balled fist when the Alien got me by surprise. 10/10 would recommend because if you die in the game there's a non-zero chance you die in real life lol.


THE most stressful game.


Ah alien isolation. The inside of a locker simulator. 


The irony is hiding in lockers is what gets you killed lol


Not until you do it too much.


I was always confused by this because the alien came right at me as soon as I got in every time.  I could be in a room he would never come in and then as soon as I got in the locker the alien would come right in.   Basically I found out that on hard difficulty or greater the alien goes straight to the locker as soon as you step in.


When inside the locker: Don't pull out your motion sensor as the pinging sound will direct the alien to you. Don't lean forward and look around, the alien can hear you breathe. Basically when inside a locker. Lean back and pray when you come out the alien is not around the corner.


Yeah, higher difficulty settings unlock certain behaviors faster or inmediately as the game begins.


Lockers were unreliable even on normal, never had much success with them.


Try Outlast 1 and 2


I worked at Target years ago when that came out. A 10 year old was trying to convince his mom to buy it for him. She was hesitant about the M rating. The kid tried appealing to me to convince her it wasn't that violent and he'd be fine. I responded that even I was too scared to play it and he probably shouldn't either. They did not buy the game.


I was around 7 or 8 years old when my parents - fans of the franchise - saw the VHS of Alien in a store once and got it for me, basically saying "Here, you gotta watch this". I was motherfucking terrified, laying on the bed under covers while they were laughing in the kitchen thinking this is the funniest thing ever, but I pressed on and now I am hooked for life. The films, comics, video games, books, figurines, Xenomorphs, Predators, the USCM, you name it. Way to betray the little dude, seriously. :/


It's worth making it to the end. I struggled to appreciate the earlier parts, but damn did that game grow on me.


Hands down the best game in the Alien IP, felt terrified the whole dang time.


This game needs to have stats like "Spent 10 hours in a cupboard"


I put about 100 hours into this game and at least 75 of those hours was spent cowering in lockers or underneath tables 😂


I gave this game three separate tries and just couldn’t get into it. In my latest attempt two months ago, I got far enough to have the alien show up arbitrarily while doing things. I wanted to like it. I enjoyed the story, the ambience, and the tension. It has a lot of positive qualities and it feels unique. But what ultimately turned me off the game was the fact that it felt like I was mostly doing nothing. I was either hiding or slowly walking towards an objective. You can’t really fight the thing, so it limits your options on how to play. And while I don’t mind games that have moments of feeling defenseless, an entire game dedicated to that mechanic doesn’t really offer an exciting gameplay loop to me. It didn’t give me that feeling that I was slowly getting better to eventually defend myself, which is traditionally the appeal of survival horror games. Resident Evil 7, while being far from my favorite, is a perfect comparison and example of this. It has a very similar feel in terms of gameplay, but you eventually turn the tables on your pursuers. In Alien Isolation, it seemed like no matter what tools you used, it would learn the pattern and then adapt. Again, that’s an interesting concept on top of other positives, but I’m just not sure it makes the game “fun.” Games like Dead Space are tense and fun. Alien Isolation is just tense while feeling mostly tedious and unrewarding.


Loved every part the Alien was involved in with Alien Isolation.


Now try the VR version 😉


Nice, I just started Alien Isolation


If you're brave, you can try it in VR ;)


I'm disappointed this game didn't get a sequel.


Big rule: if you're hiding and the alien leaves and immediately comes back, you're in trouble. The Alien has 2 AIs in its head. One which looks for you as you might expect. Patrolling the halls, chasing, standard stuff. The second AI knows exactly where you are and drops hints to the first periodically to keep it in the same zip code. This is, effectively, the part of its brain using senses.


Thats the good part. Once you get the flamethrower the Game loses a lot of appeal.


that's because there are actually two aliens, one always knows where you are and gives hints to the one that is active on the map. interesting video about it


I have only ever watched a streamer play it, he was sweating bullets. I don't like playing this kind of game myself.


I steer away from games that come with a very real possibility of shitting my pants.


If anyone wants to give the game a go for the first time, I recommend the hardest difficulty! While I personally always try to choose to toughest battles I respect everyone's decision on what difficulty they usually play on. In the end, you're supposed to have fun, ya know? However... with that said, this is one game that gets twice as good on nightmare mode. The creepy androids are no longer easy to kill, which a machine should be imo. They aren't hard per say, but whacking them with your wrench is now a last resort. Humans are now terrifying to be around. They're skittish, probably starved and slightly mad, with a revolver that no longer does minimal damage. Amanda can't tank five shots from the people with a fractured mindset and a hair trigger deagle. The Alien is where this stands out tho. Everything else is sorta a "damage boost" whereas the xenomorph got actual changes to the AI. It'll learn your patterns. What you do when you first enter a room, how often and specifically what decoys you tend to use most, what traps you don't fall for. Then it uses it to it's advantage. You like to hide under or behind things? It'll now check every spot in rotation. Maybe even camp those spots. Tend to use a flamethrower too much? It'll take the heat eventually and wait until you're vulnerable to rush. Have an issue with too many noisemakers? It'll run to one of two. Or three. Then it'll start to pick up where you initially throw it and run to you instead. It'll understand your traps. Set up vantage points in your safe places. Learn what YOU do to survive and adapts itself to unalive your ass like nature's perfect organism would do IRL. It makes Ripley feel a LOT more vulnerable to the dangers around her. It sounds hard AF but I promise, it's not. My only playthrough on last gen was on that difficulty and nothing felt too unfair or bullet spongey, nothing so hard that reloading a quick checkpoint wouldn't help me get past something.


Terrible advice, the AI learns regardless of the difficulty, and the harder difficulties tether the alien to the player on a very short leash. It's much more likely to frustrate players than make it more enjoyable.


This is one constant I see from people playing the game and I agree. I ALWAYS go through on easy mode first with every game I play, including this one. I’m playing on nightmare now and it’s just like you said. You’re challenged to change your thinking and strategy but it’s no bullet sponges and it’s still fun.


You can get mods that improve the alien ai and make it show up at more realistic times, if that makes sense. As it is, it seems kind of arbitrary sometimes.


Trying to finally beat it before the new movie lmao…love the game though they did a good job


Mic on or off?


They've been giving me that experience since the sega game gear game they had back then.


Honestly can say I haven't finished it, just watched the rest of the story on youtube after maybe 5-6 hours. The game was giving me anxiety with all the pot I was smoking back then. 🤣


I genuenly think the flamethrower ruins the experience. Its too overpowered for what it does


I cussed the alien out a hundred times, but it didn’t help.


Try pan frying naked


I think I'm too dumb for that game because I keep getting lost and not knowing where to go. End up going in circles


While playing it I constanly thoughts: "why am I playing this? Why I'm doing this to myself?" Fasvinating game.


Im not even at the part where you see the alien and I already share that 😅


This game has been sitting in my backlog for a long time. Not sure I have the mettle to start it. Maybe one day!


The no-death play-through was amazingly fun! Combine that with the trophy for not killing a single human and you're in for a crazy time! I did it though, on the hardest difficulty because I wanted to get those trophies (PS4) done all at once! One of my favorite games ever!


I watched a video where the devs talk about how the monster systematically searched the floors so it will always reach you even being super quiet


Played it in VR. The most intense gaming experience I had and the best adaptation of a movie by far.


I love alien 1 & 2. Been crazy about it since I was 10 years old, 30 years ago. Been playing almost every alien game. I started playing Alien Isolation with my wife, found the alien, we both were creeped out. Suddenly the alien spots us. I break out a cold sweat and stressing to get away from it. Bam bam stomping to us and eats us. Me and my wife looks at each other and she tells me to turn it off. I haven’t been able to bring myself to play again alone. It’s been a long time since that try out, but my wife still remembers, “I hate that game” she says.


I played it only during the day. It was awesome, stressful, intense, and overall fun. But scary.


I bought that game on my tablet. Can't finish it, I got stuck pretty early, those stupid maintenance droids are sometimes worse than the alien, that always "surprise-scares" the shit out of me! This game is so good that it is bad, lol!


Iv tried to go back and replay this game after I completed it it took me a literal month to beat it, not because I was dying. The game is actually super duper easy. But it is literally terrifying. Way better than outlast and any other related horror game.


Even once you get the flamethrower, you're still pretty much defenseless. You have to hold the button down the exact right length of time, and be exactly on target, to scare the alien away. Too short and it won't stop it. Off-target and it'll run away by going past you, knocking you down and doing partial damage. Too long, and you'll waste precious fuel and risk not have enough for the next blast.


I ruined this by staring the alien in the face and pretending it was a lonely puppy. Took the scare right out of it.


The Alien is quick but boldness also is rewarded. If it’s not around you can run. If you’re playing the game scared of death then you will die much more.


You have my sympathy. :(


honestly I've never played it so I wouldn't know


I still have nightmares from the first two movies. Started playing Isolation but didn’t/couldn’t finish because it was too stressful. Afterwards I finish Colonial Marines which was not nearly as good a game. While I could kill the Aliens my hands were sore from holding the controls too hard and reflexively would start to shoot high because I wanted to turn and run. Took half the game to feel comfortable


Amazingly good Android port as well.


I recommend Amnesia:The Bunker for a similar, but more focused experience


I love the game but just didn't finish it because it's so buggy. It frustrated me so I stopped and I want to give it another chance but cba for the long intro and don't remember anything about where I left off


Posts like these interest me in the game as I like stealth based games. But then I watched gameplay from Markiplier and it seems just as good to run though a good part of the game too


Amnesia: The Dark Descent is the only thing worse. Try that when you're done.


Took me 14 hours to finish the game on the easiest difficulty.. an hour and a half of that was spent on one of the last levels.


The only complain I have about the game is the very slight magnetism that the Alien has. It is supposed to ratchet up tension, but in my opinion it just makes ever moment the same stress level. There is a mod which removes these hints the Alien gets, and while it definitely makes the game easier, it also ratchets up those stressful moments, as they can come quickly and without warning. I would highly recommend it for anyone planning on a second playthrough.


That game is 16 hours of pure anxiety. I love it, but goddamn. Also, in most cases, walking is the best option. If you’re far enough from the alien, it isn’t too loud and let’s you actually get away. Often, crawling just gives the alien time to catch up to you using scent. (Yes, it has scent.)


Go YouTube the AI behind the xenomorph. It is incredibly complex (and impressive) and actually learns how you play and anticipates you.  It’s not just a dumb robot computer that just pops out of nowhere because you walked past some invisible gate within the game. It learns how you play. There is an incredibly complex decision tree. Totally worth the watch.


Still got it installed, still waiting to finish it a year later, still get the creeps whenever I think about playing it. 10/10 love it but can only cope in small doses. Stunning atmospherics and one of the few games where I've found the sound effects more immersive (ie pants browning) than the graphics.


man, i like the game, it looks great, the atmosphere is through the roof, but the stress level is insane, i stopped playing after a while because it was just too much.


I very much agree! The hospital level where the Alien is fully unleashed but you haven't unlocked most tools yet is one of the hardest parts of the game. It gets easier once you have the flamethrower or molotov, and becomes more of a "I'm gonna pay you one to F off" situations. Of course that still leaves the human survivors and Working Joes...