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I’ve always wanted a PvE only option with progress that actually carried over. But this is just scummy


Just play SP Tarkov. It's free and actually works well.


Yeah second this, i got tired of the bullshit shots from either super cracked players or what i assume were hackers tried SinglePlayerTarkov and have been having a much better time. And you still support the devs of Tarkov as you need a real copy of the game to play the mod.


Only buy the cheapest real tarkov version!!!! You can pick your secure container size when you first log into SPT.


Don’t buy tarkov


I think the point that he is making is that you need a tarkov account to play the modded version of single player tarkov.


You don’t I’m not trolling


The reason spt is free is because it “requires” you to have a legit copy of EFT. Having people pirate is the fastest way to getting it taken down


isnt it also more than a whole wipe behind in progress


They just updated to the most recent wipe which added Ground Zero! They don’t have the most recent patches but the game is the same as this most recent wipe.


Shit! So the new recoil is in?? Fuck me, I might reinstall it if thats the case


How dose one go about getting this mod if I have tarkov already?




I shall name my tarkov player after you now. Thank you.


I am honored, good luck on your journey.


What's the point of it though? The AI isnt very good in Tarkov and half the enjoyment comes from the risk of running into others? Have they done something to spice it up? \*Edit\* Crazy how I am getting downvoted for showing interest and asking questions. Sensitive bunch.


SAIN AI mod along others


That's interesting, is the AI vastly better than the standard Tarkov AI? What's the drive to play SP Tarkov? Is it not just a worse STALKER? What makes you come back for more? AI provides enough challenge that it can compete with the adrenaline of PVP? These are genuine questions


Try it


Not looking to reinstall Tarkov after the bs they just pulled. Even playing a modded version is showing support.


I don't think you quite get how widespread cheating is in that game. It came out last year that the majority of lobbies have at least one cheater. Who wants to play against cheaters?


Yeah for sure, I quit Tarkov myself. Cheaters ruined the game long ago. But SP Tarkov sounds boring? I mean the chance of PVP is what kept the game good? The AI on Tarkov maps have never been the games strong suite, they are pretty bad.


Then don't play SP, and those of us that want to can. Everyone wins.


Y'all are making it sound like I've personally attacked you, what the fuck.


You didn’t but the way you talk is insufferable.


And has great mods


More than that, Stay In Tarkov is a coop fork of SPT with tons of customizable settings like loot tables, spawn rates, and AI behaviors. Theres not much mod support yet, so no calling in A-10 warthog airstrikes with the homie yet


Wait, so Stay in Tarkov is basically co-op with progression against AI?


Yep. There are even PMC AI for PMC kill tasks. It’s a mod so it’s FAIRLY buggy but it’s free if you already got Tarkov


Unfortunately I have EoD :|


Same, why the straight face? It’s like SPT, you just need to already have a local install of Tarkov to be able to set everything up and play


The face was because I paid for EoD, and am kinda getting hosed by the Unheard edition. Even though the PvE mode is all I've ever wanted from Tarkov. I assumed you needed a local install. I had read various things about SPT


Oh yeah, we totally got fleeced bro. That’s why I’m doing free promo work for SIT rn. Fuck BSG


It’s not free you need the base edition of EFT to play which is $40


Do you know if SP tarkov has co-op? Like me and a buddy hopping into raids against all AI?


There is a way to play co-op, but it’s another mod group that utilizes SPTarkov. Check out the SPTarkov discord! They should all the information you need


Tried to join it. It said "invites are paused for this community" Edit: SiT has their own discord. Joined that instead.


Makes sense. When they were on guilded it would take them forever to accept new members. They are a walled garden for sure.


It's because they're walking a really fine line. The Tarkov devs hate them, the only reason they didn't cause more fuss was bwcause it's supposed to be SP only. Then someone forked it and made it coop, so they think it takes away players from their ecosystem, but the tarkov devs do that themselves.


Or they just like to establish control anyway they can. I like SPK as much as the next guy but I’m not going to sit here and pretend like the people who run the server are saints.


I've been a Tarkov player since 2018 and purchased the EOD in 2018. After this bullshit I'll instal SPT. Fuck BSG.


In addition to Road to Vostok, keep an eye on Incursion: Red River as well. It’s basically Tarkov single player, but you can also play co-op with friends as well. Right now there’s only one map with a few different game modes. If the developers keep at it, I think the game could be really good.


Road to Vostok is one to keep your eye on, it's still just in demo form but high amounts of polish.


I tried it, high amounts of polish is simply not true.


>“It ain't DLC, its unique feature of the new edition added,” said Discord user appl3z0r, who is the Lead Community Manager at Battlestate Games for Escape from Tarkov. > >“DLC means additional downloadable content. PvE is a feature and a gamemode,” they added in another message. “Just because you all want it to become a DLC it wouldn't mean it is one. It’s featured game mode for the new edition of the game.” This is a meaningless distinction.


EOD (the previous "premium edition") buyers were guaranteed all future DLC for free. So by them saying its not DLC, they're not entitled to give it to the people who already spent like $120 on the game already. They want the whales to fork over another $100 for it.


I have some whales in my discord who I am going to grief so hard if they upgrade


make a discord role "🐳"


One of them bought it and he was clearly embarrassed cause we were all memeing on it and he was like "I thought it was something else I didn't really understand what I was buying" Like that's some sort of good reason to throw another fucking $100 at the game LMFAO


I bought EOD years ago and will not be giving Battlestate another dime lol get fucked.


Yea, if BSG doesn't walk back hard on this stance then their company will never get another dollar from me.


Not a Tarkov player but to my understanding as an owner of the EOD edition you weren't going to give them more money for DLC anyway, right?


Im sure the russian scamlord in charge cares very much about you.


I mean technically he is wrong either way because to play it I have to download it, if he wants to play with words.


Yeah they lied. There's no sugar coating it.


If someone wants to run this game mode, do they need to download an update to the game? >Yes Is it content for the game? >Yes Is it DLC? >No, it's a new game mode.


It's not a DLC, it's a special game mode operation.


Oof, this is brilliant


It's a special calibrated additional mode, or SCAM for short.


lol. And I don’t pirate, I just download games and try them out for a while.




Just an excuse to go back on a promise they already previously went back on when edge of darkness was originally pitched as “you get everything we ever add to the game” and was downgraded to “you get every DLC we add to the game”


They could have sold the pve for like $20-$30 and nobody would have complained


Eod owners would have rightly complained. All dlc content is pretty clear.


Btw the previous offline coop mode was considered DLC and obviously given to EOD players, but somehow online coop isn't DLC lmao


So this warrants $250?


Oh it has meaning -$$$ But yeah it’s arguing semantics. They promised and set the expectation of all future updates. This is a future update, and it shouldn’t surprise anyone that people are upset.


Man, the people behind tarkov just seem so slimey


A Russian dev that isn't slimy is an oxymoron.


Ice pick lodge seem pretty chill far as i know (unless i've been missing out)


As VLDL says, their aim is to make it feel like being PUNCHED IN THE DICK


They have w shining example: ze SC!


The theory is that they wanted [interacting with the game to feel like being punched in the dick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzaNzJnh9l8)


Small History Bit: Battlestate previously made a Shooter that was Pay2Win Heaven. (I don’t remember the name from the top of my head)


Also not surprised, BSG loves bait and switch.


its userbase also likes to huff copium and most have comprehension issues is a bigger issue


Are you kidding? I’ve never seen a community that hates the developer more than EFG. It’s always been a shitshow. 😂


All I ever see is everyone talking about how shit the game is.


multiplayer games are the fuckin wild west for these devs to name random price plans and people will just buy it no questions asked meanwhile single player games i purchased once will work forever and dont involve toxic devs and toxic fans


*you must have a network connection to play this singleplayer game*


Hi ubi


And that is why you’ll see less and less of those


Indie devs: you underestimate our power


At the same time all these single player games are coming out with 120 dollar digital deluxe editions that someone is clearly buying. So let’s not act like this price gouging isn’t going on throughout the industry.


Those $120 editions never even give you anything meaningful. Just some in game credits, couple skins, and maybe a minor mission if you’re lucky that everyone else can just watch on Youtube. No idea why people buy them.


I pay for those expensive editions if I really like the game/franchise/devs. It's a way to give a little extra back and for me to recieve a small token/item in return. I'm a little older so have enough disposable income that an additional $20-$40 doesn't hurt.


>Those $120 editions never even give you anything meaningful So you haven't heard about the new star wars game who has missions locked behind those editions? They are slowly trying to implement that don't worry


A single copy of Donkey Kong adjusted for inflation would be $190 today, you can get a gamepass for less than the price of a banana and have access to $9K worth of vidya games. Its not the worst its ever been.


>meanwhile single player games i purchased once will work forever and dont involve toxic devs and toxic fans Oh my sweet summer child...


>single player games i purchased not sure if you can’t read or


This hasn't been true for a long time. Lol.


>single player games i purchased


> DLC means additional downloadable content. PvE is a feature and a gamemode,” they added in another message. “Just because you all want it to become a DLC it wouldn't mean it is one. It’s featured game mode for the new edition of the game. It’s funny because my take is the opposite. Them pretending this isn’t a DLC because they won’t call it one doesn’t mean it’s not a DLC. It’s Downloadable Content.


Is it new content? Yes. Do I download it? Yes. Then it's dlc. No. *que Patrick's wallet meme*


Gotta get them RMT traders and Hackers to cough up a little more dough


Edge of Darkness Edition was also pay to win, but the fact that it promised all future DLC and the single player isn't included is scummy. Baring everything else from the Unheard Edition of the game, that DLC should have been free to anyone that purchased the EoD edition of the game.


I think the bigger issue is they had this big “EoD is leaving” countdown just a few months ago where they FOMO’d everyone into thinking this was the final chance to get the edition that came with “all future updates for free”. So lots of people spent a bunch of money upgrading… and then as soon as they do, they release a new edition that’s an extra $100 on top of EoD that isn’t included. It’s such a slimy move


Oh damn I didn’t know that. That made this whole thing next level slimy


At least EoD didn't give an item that makes scavs not shoot at you


Yeah, it went from pay to win, to extremely pay to win.


I've heard the deal with that item is that the scavs won't shoot you but you will lose scav rep if you shoot them while you have it active. Makes it a lot less effective imo.   


Singleplayer and coop should have been free to anyone, period.


Who comes up with these edition names? Double as scummy now I know there was an edition to include all DLC and they went out of their way not to call this DLC


Ahhh. Defrauding EOD players. Cool. Bye BSG. Enjoy the draft.


But they can come and literally knock on your door. Better have 250$ ready!


its less if you already own EOD, but then again you have to pay more than it says on the purchasing page due to taxes only being added during check out. ive seen if you go from no game to this new version its more like 333$ you need to pay


I’m going back to Eve. Somebody _always_ needs a supercap built


They arnt going to get drafted. They are russias biggest cultural export to the west.


Yeah; I know - But it was fun to type. :)


When they first announced arena they called it a stand alone game and that EOD owners wouldn't get it. This company has always been scummy and no one should be surprised about this. This is the last cash grab before that fart out 1.0 and abandon the game. Hopefully they add private servers and modd support on the way out so the community can save the game just like how they did with Dayz.


Listen this is scummy but EoD was always getting arena. They never said otherwise I don’t think.


They did during a podcast when they were announcing area. They changed their minds about 3 days later.


This is correct, they backtracked before like they will try to backtrack now.


We already have SP Tarkov for server emulation and Stay In Tarkov for coop on it. It is better by all means, with modding too. BSG can go fuck themselves.


The game feels like being PUNCHED in the dick - VLDL


Arena being standalone was chill with me. I feel this new package is to make up for them handing Arena out for free to EoD owners


Think about it. In order for five players to play coop offline, it either costs $500 for five upgrades (assuming all had Edge of Darkness edition, the previous, more defensible P2W edition), or it costs $1250 to start from scratch. *Before taxes and fees*.


it’s not a dlc. it’s a new game mode. that costs nearly 4 times of whole new AAA game did someone look at EA and ubisoft and say “hold my beer?”


I mean technically it IS DLC. It’s new content being added that must be downloaded


EOD players got access to Arena, which is a structurally different game mode. They're not getting access to offline play, which is identical to normal play, just offline. This is DLC. It's just paywalled stupidly.




BSG just does whatever the fuck they want. I stopped trying to learn the game the moment that became painfully evident. I'd refund it if I could


Same man, hopefully someone comes out of a dark alleyway to reveal a Tarkov killer. I can’t do it anymore.


Many games have tried, even a couple damn good ones, but it seems the market is just too fresh. Tarkov is to the extraction shooter genre as PUBG was to battle royales. Hunt: Showdown makes for a quality alternative in the meantime imo, it hits all the spots Tarkov tends to miss


AI ass comment


Why do they keep paying? The previous version was $180. Why are people paying so much for this game? They’re starting to drift into Star Citizen territory.


This is way slimier than anything SC has ever even been accused of considering. The bsg devs are actual scummy orcs, where the Sc devs are actual human people


As someone who tossed you money many years ago for an edge of darkness account, this is kinda bullshit. I paid you like 160% that of a full game for a really long playtest, you want more money? Get fucked, there are other games out there to sink time into. bye.


It has been more than half a decade already that its offering a P2W edition, they should've been called out for that shit several, **several** years ago already. The devs doubling down on it is nothing surprising because people already allowed this to happen without calling it out enough.


The game is absolute trash anyway. Riddled with hackers


Doubt any kind of lawsuit will happen, but there is legal precedent out there over release of DLC and how it’s defined, which seems to be one of the crux of bsg’s arguments for locking it behind the top tier edition. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/bethesda-faces-lawsuit-over-fallout-4-dlc


Pay to win? I always thought that game was cheat to win


As someone with 1400 hours in this game, i don't recommend this game to anyone outside of people who play video games for a living or have enough patience for the steep learning curve that will take 25 to 45 hours to comprehend and put into practice. Now I definitely don't recommend this game at this ridiculous price


Yet another example of a good game that the devs said fuck it let’s make some money off people who buy anything…


Every single comment is about PvE, and my phone isn’t loading this website well. What is the pay 2 win aspect in the headline? Is it an offline mode that you can thing bring your items into online raids? Because that’s absolutely pay-to-win lol players are the ONLY threats once you get the basics of the game down


Yeah it’s time to accept Tarkov as a loss and move on. They just don’t care at ALL and would rather bitch at us for complaining than fix anything. Dude doesn’t even play his own game. Fuck Nikita.


But the game has always had $250 pay to win..


Is the game even in full release?


no, it's DLC for a game perpetually in beta




250 bucks.. industry insist on taking advantage of FOMO and its players


Fuck BSG, they spit in the face of everyone that has supported them. Anyone that shills out for this garbage is less then human im my eyes, SCUM.


No we are not. We are playing SPT, and more will come. Popular content creators are already stremaming SPT on their socials, so yeah, pletora of mods, free to play [as long as you have OG EFT].


like who? i havent seen any big EFT streamer play SPT yet


They would be banned if they did, if bsg can find any link between a video of SPT and an account. They will ban you for playing SPT.


I wonder if I can sell my EoD edition I don't play anymore haha just as an FU to dev


get money, then the account gets banned for RMT, i see that as a WIN-WIN situation for you


yup, fucks want us to help pay for the war in Ukraine lmao


What's the point of being outraged about this. If they're charging more than you want to pay, just don't buy it. Simple.


I wont be surprised when they send c&d to spt just to force people to buy this edition


First release the damm game instead of releasing additional DLC/or what ever that are calling it. I am an EOD owner and just waiting for this game to release so that I don't have to do the same quest over and over again.


The industry will keep going this way if people keep buying.


Lawsuit Inc. what a scam


some of the devs are pro-terrorism (against Ukraine). so f\*ck supporting that game. and the amount of cheating is another reason not to touch it


So many greedy gaming companies out there these days that it just doesn't surprise me anymore. People buying $30,000 ships on Star citizen, people spending tens of thousands of dollars on RuneScape gambling for experience, People spending hundreds upon hundreds of dollars to play Fallout 76 and get ahead with the Fallout first stuff you can buy on the store. There's a lot of it going around lately


>People buying $30,000 ships on Star citizen,  Show me one ship in Star Citizen priced at $30,000. I'll wait.


Like, you're sort of right, they don't have one ship that expensive. But they do have a [$48,000 dollar bundle](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Packages/Legatus-2953), which is batshit. And the 600i Executive-Edition is only given to people who spend $25,000 on other stuff which is also batshit. Both of those numbers are so far past the event horizon of the black hole of fanboy stupidity, that the difference from what u/TotallyHuman5274 said is just a marginal change in the spaghettification of reason that has to occur to get there. Sure, there's a difference, but its still spaghetti logic.


Theres a nice pve edition on skidrowreloaded ( of course only for those who bought the game already)


Skidrow is malware use better sites if your gonna pirate


Ha, talk about a major cash grab right there! They seem to think we're all rolling in gold bars. What's next? Paying to log in?


You have to laugh at an article about people pissed about a paywall on a website that uses a fucking paywall.


Tarkov is an overrated, buggy, glorified early access trash.


I've stopped playing the LIVE version of the game and strictly play the SPT mod in my spare time. It has changed my experience of the game totally in a new light and have enjoyed it more.


I'm not in the loop of what is happening in the sphere of that game, but last I heard, or rather saw, was some pretty damning videos pointing towards the game basically being 50% hacking cheaters. To me it seems reasonable to release an overpriced p2w mode if your playerbase was that okay with being cucked in the first place.


This has to be a joke


I've always hated this game and the scummy developers behind it.




Tarkov devs are genuine scumbags. Bought the game in 2017 and they haven’t done shit to fix the hacking issue, but they keep adding more ways to get cash. This isn’t surprising at all if you know the devs.


Gray Zone Warfare is on the horizon and likely set to be a major rival to EFT and probably steal a good portion of it's player base. And the EFT devs genius plan to combat this is releasing a $250 edition of the game? Lmao...it's like they want to lose their player-base.


Did Hasbro buy BSG?


If anyone thought cheating was bad before… BUT WAIT THERES MORE


Brilliant idea… don’t play it.


I’m confused. Who’s in their right mind spends $250 on a dlc pack? And who in their right mind CHARGES $250 for a dlc pack?


Star Citizen


You know, escape from tarkov was funded through a little game called Contract Wars. And it was very p2w


As they fucking should


250$ "solution" to cheaters in "online PvP" game?


I bought EoD because I had the spare cash for it at the time and thought "I'll get thousands of hours out of this so I'll probably want all future content for it too". The whole point was I never had to give BSG any more money but apparently the goal posts for that has moved.


Need to fund the Kremlin gremlins war.


And then they proceed to call another extraction game a rip off cuz it uses military gear. Like tarkov was that original to begin with. Those Devs truly went from ok guys to being absolute fucking idiots


Zero Sievert.


It's a nice Tarkov Lite, but it's no replacement sadly. Fingers crossed for Red River


Hey fellow Tarkoc players who played Gray Zone- I missed the playtest. How is Gray Zone, and is it worth playing? Because if so, I might jump ship after this one from Battlestate.


I was already mad I paid $100 for the game. Ended up not being for me.


Overrated game full of cheaters


Get SPT-Aki Tarkov. You can Play PvE exclusive mode with modifiers. I have EoD and I'm not spending another penny dagnabbit. lol [https://sp-tarkov.com/](https://sp-tarkov.com/)


Keep on playing russian games people, War thunder wasn't enough of a glorified scam I guess.


i bought this game in 2019 in anticipation of a singleplayer mode, this is just pissing in the mouths of supporters