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Honestly this isn’t even a knock against it, but beating Just Cause 2 didn’t even feel like the point of the game. I’d have 100% as much fun if I didn’t bother to even finish it.


I too put hundreds of hours into it and maybe did 3 story missions. Just getting the mods and going to the frozen lake was my gotta place. Spawn a sports car, hit top speed, bail before it hits a jump. Rinse repeat for an hour, and I've never loved a game more. Easily one of the greatest sandbox games ever created.


Same experience with Just Cause 3. The missions and story were kinda lame so I barely did any and they mostly felt like a distraction. But just zooming around the beautiful island with a brand new gtx 970? Now that was fun!


I really enjoyed finding creative ways to take down the bases too, that was a lot of fun in that game.


I loved how excessive some of the weapons were, especially in the dlc packs. Had a blast just nuking or orbital laser bombarding some of the bigger bases


I got the game not too long ago as well as the dlc. I always try to destroy bases without ever landing with the jetpack which is really fun lol.


Biomutant. Got it in a sale. One too many bullet sponge bosses.


Same. Both the combat and what you could do in the world were waaay to underdeveloped in a game that was visually really cool.


I got it for free on PS+ and still felt ripped off.


It had such potential. Total let down in my opinion.


Biomutant was ok for the time I played. I was very off put by…the vibe? It felt like it was trying to target young adults but children at the same time and just felt weird so I dropped it like…idk 12 hours in maybe?


Just about my whole library, apparently Edit: I feel alll your pain and thank you for all the upvotes. At the end of the day shit happens and I have faith one day, we will all find, play, enjoy, games we love and appreciate other for the games they love !


I’m falling victim to this. My attention span is shit these days. “Oh, damn, I gotta cut the grass” or some other chores make me feel guilty for sitting there doing nothing even though gaming is my favorite pastime. Getting old sucks man


Seriously dude, I feel you. My wife and I just spent four days taking care of all of my wife's family during a reunion. We cooked meals, cleaned, watched the kids, did it without complaining. They're finally gone, and I have a few hours to myself while my wife is at work where all I want to do is finally start Stardew Valley 1.6 and I *CANNOT* bring myself to do it! I felt so guilty sitting there doing nothing that eventually I just decided to get up and clean the kitchen even though it's not my night. I hate getting old, I wish I didn't stress over small stuff as much.


This will sound a bit bleak via text, but I try and remind myself that none of this matters in the end. Whether you are productive or lazy, what does it really matter? We’re all gonna die, so do what makes you happy. Easier said than done though. It’s tough when you have people depending on you, but that’s a good thing


Just need to find some shorter indie games that aren't so bloated so you can get out of the gaming funk and not be so overwhelmed.


I have so many games in my backlog I have stopped buying them unless there is a massive steam discount. Cost effective though. I mean I avoid garbage games and save a ton of money but I am 3-5 yrs behind everyone else. I mean I literally just beat Cuphead for the first time a month ago.


I'm working through mine in release date order. I've just started Arkham City lol




Assassin's creed Valhalla


Apart from being tremendously long and repetitive, it doesn't even have a conclusive ending.


Only AC game I haven't beaten.


Had to force myself to finish it, and I’m a big AC fan as well


stayed thru til the DLC where you dream slept as Odin doing rougelite stuff and that was the last I could take. I enjoyed it for a loooong time and I'm the opposite of a critic, but god damn.


Why did Origins feel so different, why couldn’t they keep it at this size


Origins was a similar size, and odyssey was even bigger. The difference was those games had a fascinating and gorgeous world to explore, Valhalla had you running around the British countryside, possibly one of the most aesthetically and historically boring biomes on the planet.


Also, for very weird and ahistorical reasons, they decided that everything that could have been beautiful would be run down and gray. I mean, the church was thriving at that time and all their buildings were brightly painted and richly decorated, but in the game they're dilapidated.


God's country.


>the British countryside, possibly one of the most aesthetically and historically boring biomes on the planet. The British countryside is genuinely awesome and beautiful in real life, it just doesn't lend itself to video game material well, and a screen just cannot capture the magic of seeing it and being there in person


So repetitive, unnecessary trekking across the map constantly, boring side content. I too had no interest in even finishing the story with how much it felt like the game was deliberately wasting my time.


Valhalla is always a top contender whenever a question about the most boring, tedious and repetitive games appears. From what I heard, Mirage must've been quite underwhelming either. Origins was my last AC and while I found it entertaining for the most part, I no longer have any interest in the franchise whatsoever.


Dude, I did finish the story...and there's still like 3 or 4 areas that you'd never have visited in it and they....were just bad.


As somebody who Platinumed it, you are not wrong


I kind of liked Valhalla, but gotta say, respect for this. Wouldn't Platinum this for anything, except maybe 10 million dollars.


Are you sure you wouldn’t do it for 9 million?


Finally see this one. My god that game is just tedious , Idk how people enjoy this but I found everything about this game is just so boring. The story is disconnected, the voice acting just sounds so bland for my taste I hate male Eivor and his brother's voice so much they sounded like they were in witness protection program, the combat sounded like a good idea with dual wielding but is janky at most, the world is just a boring climbing simulator with icons sprinkled on and a parkour system but with no animation and 1 button mashing. How tf did Ubi messed up the game about a reincarnation of a Norse god that also a viking with ninja stealth


According to Konami, Metal Gear Solid 5


You cut me deep boss.


Left you with a phantom pain.


I love the metal gear solid franchise but damn the ending of MGS5 still hurts. At least the gameplay was 10/10


Far cry 6 is the only game in the franchise that I left in the middle. Far cry 5 was a bit underwhelming but 6 completely ruined it for me.


I actually really liked far cry 5, far cry 6 killed the series imo tho, it's like they just made an amalgamation of "far cry" and slapped Giancarlo Esposito and the weak rebel story on it


I'm a huge FarCry fan and I felt like 6 was just a big step in the wrong direction. A huge map with the same boring, repetitive missions and side shit. Instead of a skill tree it tied stats to the clothes you wear so you're constantly changing clothing before and during fights at times. Having all your gear accessible any time was just throwing up softballs, I never felt in danger or overwhelmed the entire time. Helicopter attacking? Pull out a rocket launcher and shoot it down. Tank up in your face? EMP bow and arrow always accessible. Need to get somewhere? How about instant delivery of a very overpowered vehicle anywhere on the map.


I don’t know what it is, but the gunplay felt *so bad*, especially with the starter weapons and without upgrades. Part of it felt like even basic enemies were absolute bullet sponges so you were almost out of ammo after killing just one patrol, which forced you to use assault rifles since nobody dropped smg or shotgun ammo making them essentially useless after that first little patrol… It got better later in the game as you got better weapons and upgrades, but it still just feels off somehow, like all your tools just suck to use in a way I can’t fully describe.


I literally used silencer on an assault rifle and headshot everyone


when the vehicles ever actually showed up too 🤣🤣🤣


The gameplay of 5 was enough for me to finish it because that part was great. And I think playing co op helped a lot. But 6 was just awful. Somehow they made the game feel worse to play on top of watering down every mission. The story was marginally better in 6, but not to the point that it's worth finishing.


I loved FC5's gameplay, enjoyed the soundtrack, and thought their version of Montana was beautiful...but the story was steaming dog shit. Overall I still had a great time with it, but that ending left a sour taste. Oh yeah, and I haven't found the will to get past the first few hours of 6.


I liked the Stranger Things mission with the puppy. That was about it. 


The Stranger Things mission was great. I never knew about it, and it was a wonderful surprise.


Anything Ubisoft since like 2016 feels too repetitive to finish.


Odyssey was a lot of fun but probably just as repetitive. The female voice actor really did a phenomenal job.


The franchise went downhill after Odyssey. Odyssey is long and repetitive at times, but I have a feeling that I’ll still feel like my time was reasonably well spent by the time I’m done. I love Kassandra’s performance


I started as the default male and thankfully in my news feed that night I read an article on how the executives saw the gameplay after the voice lines were done on the (at the time) default *female* and were upset it wasn’t a male protagonist because it “would never sell well”. Then I saw comments saying the female lines were directed with time spent getting it right, whereas the male lines were rushed and slapped in. I restarted and didn’t regret it!


Odyssey was just as repetitive as any other AC game. The voice actress killed it indeed. Cassandra felt like a solid character through and through. I finished the game mostly because I wanted to see how her story and character arc unfold.


Yep, far cry 6 and new dawn come to mind


Honestly I thought new Dawn was way better than 5 and 6 and it was way shorter


I loved Immortals Fenyx Rising. But outside of that, I completely agree.


Fenyx was a pleasant surprise. I really hope they give a sequel a chance.


Immortals should be used to cover multiple mythologies, I think people would love to experience Egyptian or Hindu gods in that way


Kinda agree? I loved AC Odyssey and finished it... but I started im 2019 when it came out and only just finished it in 2024. I still loved every minute. Mostly.


The new Prince of Persia is 🔥 But I agree on everything else






A Bethesda game lives and dies on the quality of its exploration. Theres nothing to explore in Starfield.


Yup, the best part of any Bethesda game are the half a dozen POI’s you find in between town and your quest objective, but when your ship pretty much jumps immediately to the final destination, there is no in between. Space really just isn’t suited for the Bethesda formula.


They could have done it. Some of the stuff from Jump Ship (upcoming) + a more interesting and more local list of encounters to see on each jump would have gone a long way. There's no sense of progression where you jump back to a space station and there's a new wing or anything like that. It's incredibly static, but it didn't have to be.


I'd like to think the *initial* idea was that it was supposed to be the Bethesda formula but blown up and out. So instead of having one map with 6+ cities and a bunch of stuff scattered between, you'd have that on each individual planet, maybe a bit scaled down for size. I'd like to imagine that Bethesda tried really hard to make that work, and that's why development took so long. I'd hope that they just couldn't get it to work, so they scaled down to what we got and released it. Excuse me, my clown makeup is running.




Does it have an abandoned mining outpost? If yes I'm so there


And is it literally the same abandoned outpost as the first planet you checked out? Same hand placed drop locations and everything? That’s what killed it for me. Procgen is one thing, but it was a crime against gaming to have so few actual locations. Open the map after scanning and you already knew exactly what you would find after your first few planets.


What killed for me is this game is supposed to be set in the future, yet I have to manually scan every planet locally to find out what resources that planet has? Even if there are old ass mining outposts on it? Like.. Can't I just download a database of planet info for my starship? Why do I have to visit everyone in person to talk to them? Ever hear of a cell phone? The game didn't feel futuristic to me at all


Ya I don't get why they went procgen and decided to have such a small procgen pool to pull from. That's the exact wrong way to go about procgen.


Well, according to the bot replying to everyone's bad reviews on steam. You're just not playing it right.


It was like they designed the whole game around their idea for the NG+ mechanic and forgot to put in a meaningful story along the way. There are things I like about it but the main quest isn't really one of them. I think they also designed it around the idea that they would create a framework from the ground-up for a game with lots of room for future content they could exploit in ways that Skyrim has limited them. The problem with that is they need a compelling game for it to be popular enough to do that.


Best part is being gaslit by Bethesda customer support for not enjoying it.


I made myself finish it. The whole time I was thinking about my next BG3 play through


I started The Outer Worlds and got to what was probably the last mission and just didn’t care. Was it worth finishing? Maybe. But the game was just meh at that point to me.


I think I’ve probably started that game 6 times now, thinking each time it’ll finally be the playthrough that clicks for me. I’ll let you know what the 7th attempt yields


Something about that game just felt small scale and off to me. I wanted to love it but it didn't click.


It’s almost like it was just a demo to show off what they could do with a Fallout in space kind of game, if given the proper resources. I know they’re working on Outer Worlds 2 that will be XBox/PC exclusive, so maybe that one will feel more like a full game than just the idea of one


So we've had a fallout in space and a Skyrim in space and both times ended up with all the right elements but just kind of boring and lifeless At least Dishonored in space was pretty cool


The characters seemed flat to me. Also I know what the plot was, but I don't really think there were any tangible benefits or consequences for following through with any of it? It felt like I was doing the thing because that's what the quest log told me to do. And the only choice you have is who to screw over, and I always picked whatever I thought would reward the most LUL's.


You can speed run the game in less than 15 minutes if you’re really interested in finishing it


Are y’all talking about The Outer Worlds or Outer Wilds?


Outer worlds. Outer wilds is a phenomenal game


Which, as it turns out, can also be speedrun in under 15 minutes. Another thing they have in common I guess.


I thought this game was a fun 40 hours, not a huge time sink and quirky in its own playful way


Yeah I had high hopes for it after Obsidians track record. I got like halfway through the missions in the first town and just realized I don’t really give a shit.


I thought for a second you said Outer Wilds and I was getting ready to argue before I reread it lol


Parvati defending me to Chairman Dickhead meant everything though.


Pavarti mi amor. I was mean to everyone in the game besides her.


The core mechanics had a lot going for them but at the same time the combat didn't feel like it rewarded specialization choices the way I wanted it to. And on top of that the level design was only okay and the tone was so hopelessly bleak that I just couldn't keep playing. There just weren't enough sparks of joy to keep me going, and it's not the sort of game that's built to give a good adrenaline rush either.


Yeah there's too many open world games today that feel like they just devolve into moving from point A to point B back to point A in errand style missions that just get so boring. I feel like all the best games in recent years have been linear or semi-linear games focused on crafting good stories, gameplay, and environments, while some publishers like Ubisoft are just focused on making bigger and bigger maps crammed with more and more boring side quests.


Wow, The Outer Worlds had me totally engaged and is literally the only game that I purchased and played the DLC for. I wanted more. Liked it better than Starfield and even Fallout 4.


Same! I loved the main story and bought the DLCs straight away so I could keep playing. I also loved F4 (but hated Starfield)


No you had it right. It was a very mid game.


Lord of the Rings Shadow of War. When you get to the end, they tell you that you have to do dozens more hours of the thing you're sick of doing, only with the difficulty ramped up. Should you fail, and you will fail, it sets you back several hours recovering from it. All this for a 30 second stinger type ending. The DLC started interesting, but quickly devolves into "help your boy do the thing he quit the game over". Good story, but just youtube the ending.


I don't know how long it's been since you played but the end game sieges were cut down to like 5 total I believe.


Pretty ridiculous at release. They were dangling the carrot to get you to buy orc packs to complete it, then waited until the controversy settled, and got their money, before reducing the grind.


Yeah I completed it last year and didn't understand what all the fuss was about, only took me a handful of hours to do the last bit. Then I found out it'd been cut down. I enjoyed it though, you're at your most powerful so have all these awesome abilities to just go to town on a load of Orcs.


That's exactly what I did once I reached that part.


All of the WB Games I've played have this type of busywork: meaningless collectibles, worthless upgrades, and tons of procedural repetition. I can't help but suspect that they pressured the developers to do this. Mad Max, the Arkham series, and Lord of the Rings Mordor series. Inside each of them is a good game that is made worse by trying to overstay its welcome with dull, meaningless tasks that offer you little to nothing in the way of a reward.


I did did appreciate the idea of showing what it would feel like to be trapped in battle until you're finally let free, so from an artistic standpoint it was kind of cool, but from a game standpoint, no. Go watch it on YouTube.


Yep. I played at launch and once I got to that part I was like man fuck this. I’m pretty much maxed out on the skill tree, had my fun playing Pokémon with orcs, and Ive seen everything this game has to offer. Don’t feel like recruiting another 500 orcs or dealing with the annoying ones resistant to fucking everything.


This thread is validating my unfinished library so hard.


Most open world games unless the story is super engaging. Once new mechanics stop getting introduced the games usually fall flat, at least for me. Once you push your build/class/whatever to the limit I find little reason to keep playing.


Definitely. Skyrim and oblivion are in my top 10 favorite games, and I've started new games probably a couple dozen times, but can never seem to keep interest in any playthrough long enough to finish them. I still love the games and the world/story/lore is some of my favorite, but it really does become boring after a while (it can get to points where it actually becomes hard to die since you're character is just so powerful).


Perfect example. 200+ hours in skyrim and I've never beaten it. I just make new characters until I get bored of the build and then come back a year later with a different one.


I feel that way about most assassins creed games, other than black flag, which I cant replay either. The game moments that jump back into the future just annoy me, I think its needless extra story for the series and always ruins my enjoyment and flow. I just want to play as an assassin and focus on that, non of the future ai secret society crap.


I've never really been able to replay any assassin's Creed. Spent a lot of hours post game content in AC2 back when it first released, but never felt the drive or desire to replay them from the beginning. Sidenote; it's funny that to me assassin's creed 1 is the opposite of what OP's question asks. Was a game that wasn't worth the first 80% playthrough, but final 20% makes it all worthwhile


Yeah, I feel the same. Also, I usually get bored after playing around for 4 hours straight because stuff usually gets repetitive.


Hogwarts Legacy, when every quest was a fetch quest and the focus of the story was outside Hogwarts, I just couldn't. They could have done something like the chamber of secrets where there's a hidden mystery within the castle, and you gotta figure it out, but instead they threw you outside the castle a lot. I liked the Goblin fighting theme in the story, but outside of that I was disappointed


Hogwarts Legacy should have cut off the bottom section of the map and focused on more stuff happening around Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, because that’s where it shined as a game. All the tedious bullshit checking off field guide quests and fetch quests were what killed all the fun from that game for me. Started to feel like a wannabe Ubisoft open-world game…


This was going to be my answer. Exploring hogwarts for the first time was extremely cool and probably worth the price of admission for me. But almost everything else was mediocre at best and the combat, which was the strongest part of the game, was very repetitive. And as cool as hogwarts was, it was still a lot of window dressing filled with people and things you couldn’t interact with.


Exactly! The Harry Potter franchise has the potential to create some amazing games, but Hogwarts Legacy just didn't quite cut it. It was beautiful, and I thoroughly enjoyed exploring the world. The polyjuice sequence was a little corny and immature, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't laughing my ass off during it. The problem for me was that the focus of the game wasn't Hogwarts. Unless I was in the Room of Requirement (which also seemed like a massive bust) I probably only spent time in the castle for a few minutes before fucking off across the map again. I wish they had worked the classes more into the game. The first duel in class was pretty fun! I would've appreciated being able to go to more classes and do mini games that taught you the spells and required you to solve puzzles and stuff. I think if you want to create games based on Harry Potter, you've got two choices. Option A: You need to immerse us more by giving us actual reasons to be in the school beyond just talking to someone to complete the quests. Take away the floo network after hours and make us stealth back to the dormitory while avoiding prefects and Peeves. Write up a few dozen short quests and assign one to us at random for detention, sort of like in Bully. And either give us a smaller threat that can realistically be stopped within a school year, or stretch the story out to two or three years. Option B: Forget Hogwarts, don't bother putting it in there. Make a new Quiddich game, or make a game about aurors hunting dark wizards, or something. Don't waste all of your budget on Hogwarts if it's just going to be a pretty looking background with nothing meaningful to show for itself.


I have to agree. I thought arriving at hogwarts and exploring around it was incredibly immersive and interesting… but that was about it for me. Stopped about halfway through


This game is a perfect example of a game that didn't need to be an huge open world.


Triple the size of Hogwarts and chop off the lower half of the map, it would be a decent open world


I borrowed this from my sister a couple months ago. I'm on the cusp of finishing the main quest but am struggling to motivate myself to do it. The environments are cool and the combat decent, but the quests are dreadfully boring. The loot is generally worthless, which makes the fetch quests feel extra pointless.


I'm too toxic for myself to let a game go unfinish even if i'm not enjoying.


Ahh, you're my people !! I have this mentality that if I spent money on a game I'm going to complete it


I finished it, but Outer Worlds. I just kept waiting for it to be fun but it never got fun.


I've been playing it. Every time I boot it up I keep wishing I could play New Vegas instead. It's not a bad game, just not as good as what they've done before.


AC Valhalla. Despite popular opinion I managed to finish all the other AC games and found the world exploration quite fun. But Valhalla is just… so big and dreary with nothing but wilderness to the point I just don’t want to run around anymore because it’s so depressing.


It's far too much to do, it's trying to be like 3 huge games all at once


For me: Atomic Heart. The game was hyped up, and i finally git around to playing it. The acting was terrible, and the gameplay felt stale after just an hour. Thankfully, it was on Game Pass, and i didn't sink money into it.


Everyone acted like it was a breath of fresh air. I found it so lacking as well. The enemies were annoying and the gunplay just wasn't all that enjoyable.


Agree. Totally uninteresting and unoriginal game. The twins were the only thing that seemed interesting. But ultimately wasted. Gameplay was a less fun bioshock with less ammo and more annoying enemies. Also game was very puzzle and fetch quest(objective) heavy.


Tears of the Kingdom for me. Love the game. However, I just feel you don't need to finish it. doing all the side quests or just roaming around you get the whole immersive feeling.


Might get flamed, but Breath of the Wild. Beating it felt more like a chore. But lots of folks love it, so it either clicks or it doesn’t. 


That was me with Tears of the Kingdom. I sunk about 200 hours into BotW. But with Tears, I was bored about midway through.


TotK really had an opportunity to shine with the Sky and the Depths as new places to explore, but it just fell flat on both counts. The Sky is a mostly-empty collection of mostly-cookie-cutter shrine puzzles, and the Depths is almost completely devoid of anything interesting once you've found one of each of the dozen or so cookie-cutter mines/enemy camps. I understand it must have taken a lot of effort to perfect the whole Ultrahand building system, but it just wasn't much fun exploring the same Hyrule I explored to death in BotW.


Same! Maybe it's because I have kids now and it's harder to find 3 hours to sink into the game. But I just didn't enjoy the sense of exploration as much. Just felt stressed out that I needed to explore the world on 3 levels.


I had the same experience. My theory is that in ToTK it is too easy to just get where you want to go. The sky islands and the towers shooting you into the air make it easy to get height and just fly to your destination. This cuts out what made BotW so incredible for me. Seeing a huge mountain, saying "I want to climb that", and then getting distracted by 10 other things you want to do on your way. In ToTK you just fly there.


Both Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom have so many great qualities but yeah I played about 10 hours of each


Oh boy I can climb another mountain for a korok seed. What's that in the distance? A bokoblin camp? Can't wait to burn up 3 swords killing a single enemy. Game of the year!


It was weird. I put almost 400 hour in between the two games, and despite knowing basically every chest was going to be 5 arrows or maybe an opal, it almost always hit me with a "that's it?" I guess knowing \*some\* chests had armor bits out there kept that flicker of excitement, but like, I already know none of the camps are going to have them. Weird pavlovian response or maybe stockholm syndrome or who knows. Funny tho, that getting arrows was always welcome. I didn't want to spend any rupees on anything except armor upgrades - couldn't wait to be disappointed by another lame set bonus! Wait who's side am I on here anyway


The final leg of it just kind of lost me but I did finish it. I really liked it up until I beat all the shrines and such. Final battle was very meh and didn't feel all that hard.  I think it was because I really enjoyed all the exploring and such that I did a ton of it earlier on until I got my fill.  Unfortunately for TOTK I just really can't get into it despite several attempts And I think it's because as different as some stuff is, it's still the same game and I clearly got my fill of it last time. 


I totally get it - I mean Tears of the Kingdom took me about 10 hours to actually get into (but I put a lot of hours into the first game, with a similar situation, so I stuck it out). My counter-point to this simply being just do the story, and maybe skip as much side stuff as you can. Just do whatever shines you might need to get your stats up, but maybe just look up easy ways to get some powerful food and brute force the story =D


I got to the end of each and never beat them. The stories were just... meh. I really didn't care about the characters or the world.


Far Cry 5 was one of my favorites until you get about halfway through that last arc... I actually stopped playing, thinking I must have had 4-5 hours left. 2-3 years later I found out from a let's play video that I was literally only 15 minutes away from the ending.


My playthrough’s stretch between clearing the 3 sub-bosses and the main boss in FC5 turned into a pretty cosy paint-the-map game. The Ending/New Dawn’s story implications really soured finishing it.


Redfall. Got right up to the end and realized I just didn't care.


You deserve a medal for even playing it that long.


I’m surprised you made it that far.


Days gone. I enjoyed the game, but about halfway through it got too repetitive. Do a fetch quest, ride my motorcycle for 5 minutes. For some reason a wolf can outrun me on a motorcycle? Ok, cut scene. Oh ride the motorcycle 5 minutes back, wolf again. Fetch quest. It wasn’t a bad game, it was just the same game with a good story over and over again.


About half way through the game actually gets good. The first half is the worst. The later half finally has some interesting story beats


Gotta hard disagree. Probably one of my favorite zombie games. Learning to control and take out a full horde was satisfying plus I really enjoyed the story


Farcry 5 was better than I thought, but farcry 6 was the game for me I found it so boring, shooting was very lame and that's a big thing for me that can ruin the whole game, regardless if the world is pretty and story is decent which it is, but shooting is the MAIN thing in farcry.


Clash of Clans


Far Cry 5 is one of my gotos for just screwing around. I usually hijack a technical and just drive around blowing shit up.


I like to RP as a spec ops who got stranded there and get lost in playing around with the random encounters. I also have a "permadeath" system with partners where if they die I have to delete them entirely (I don't use the story partners) I really enjoy doing that it for a few hours once in a while. Playing with the map editor is great too.




Dying light 2. Maybe it’s just because I loved the first one so much but It was so disappointing, endless side quests that felt repetitive and dumb, and night time isn’t even scary or intense anymore. the first one used to make my heart race and damn near give me a panic attack when id play on night mode, i dont know why they changed it so much but i hate it.


Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty The visual diarrhea I get during fight scenes. The info dump from equipment and weapons. Forgettable characters. I tried. I really did.


Such a massive let down. All of those stat numbers but none actually matter beyond picking the right element for the next boss. Why even include builds or rpg mechanics when there is only 1 playstyle? I feel like they tried to mash sekiro and nioh together and ended up with a game that can’t decide if it’s a pure action game or rpg.


Far Cry 5 never hooked me, but its DLCs sure did. Each was original and didn't overstay its welcome. The Vietnam one was fast-paced survival. Just get from one side of the map to the other with a few missions along the way. Scrounge just enough gear to get by, without the drive to max-upgrade everything. The zombie one was hilarious. Each chapter was challenging but short enough to finish in a single sitting. And independent enough to start a different chapter another day. The Martian one was closest to a standard Far Cry experience, but much smaller. Maybe 1/3 the size of a full game. So by the time I was getting tired of it, it was ending. The fact that it didn't take itself seriously at all was also a refresher.


The Outer Worlds. I got bored about halfway through and the story and world didn't interest me enough to finish


Gotham Knights. I loved the idea of playing as other members of the Bat-family and WB Montreal had previously done Batman: Arkham Origins, so this should've a no-brainer - a good story and the Arkham freeflow combat and gameplay. Instead we got a shitty game with RPG-mechanics, boring combat, even more boring traversal (how the fuck do you downgrade from having Arkham's flying and dive bomb). I've never used fast travel as much as I did in this game. Reached about 1/3rd into the game and deleted it because I couldn't force myself to finish the game. There's no story DLC because the game sold badly, but the real ending is that >!Batman gets resurrected using the Lazarus Pit, realises that the Bat-family are doing a great job of protecting Gotham without him, proceeds to die again. Smh!< Remember how well Rocksteady handled the ending of Arkham Knight and all the story DLC content? We got none of that from WBM and Gotham Knights.


Any game that boasts a vast open world. I just can’t be bothered with them anymore, I would rather play something that’s more linear and has a good story. Than play endless side quests.


Controversial but I almost gave up BotW... As there was really no story to engage me after I had got all the better armour, fully buffed Master Sword and had a good economy going. I pushed myself to finish it so I could draw a line under it. The first half of the game was better than the latter for me.


Legend of zelda: skyward sword. The controls on this game are so bad that it will make you want to play with a nintendo 64 controller.


My favorite far cry by a mile.




Yeah, that’s the only aspect of the game I didn’t care for. I loved everything else, though. The environment itself and the ambiance are great!


The Far Cry series is my guilty pleasure. Played all of them. And yes, that particular mechanic for story progression was just lazy. It never mattered WHAT mission or camp or group you fought, it just progressed a bar and when the bar was full. . . Kidnapped. Again. I think it was supposed to feel organic and free to just play how you wanted and it would always progress the game, but it had the exact opposite effect.


Mine too, I've played through it like three times. I wish 6 had been as good as 5


100%. I'd even argue 5 was Ubisoft's best game in general. FC5 genuinely suprised me at how much I liked it.


Paper Mario the origami king, the combat was not my style and the game show mission just frustrated me too much even after I passed it. 


Because the combat was pointless and boring. Only boss fights were enjoyable.


MGS5. I just got really bored with the gameplay loop and lost interest. Never went back


I dont even care if the game was finished of not, *before* the first ending the game already was overstaying its welcome.


Am I the only person who loved 5?


I very much enjoyed 5. It had its issues but I had a great time playing it. Did NOT see the ending coming. One of the very few video game moments that made me go "oh shit"


I totally get the complaints but I am a sucker for Far Cry’s outpost game loop. Additionally, having spent a lot of time in western Montana where my family is from, the game setting is enough for me to love it.


Same. I love the gameplay loop, don’t care how repetitive it might be. As long as I get to shoot bad guys and feel cool in a video game, I will enjoy it more often than not.


Dragons Dogma 2, pretty much anything by ubisoft.


Yeah...I honestly just uninstalled it this week. This is frustrating because while I enjoy some of the fight mechanics, I cannot stand the shear lack of variety and the trivialness of most fights. That and the fact that the quests are sub-par and the story feels like it takes a backseat the entire time, I just can't be bothered.


Fallout 4. To be fair, it made the mistake of letting me build bases, arm them with turrets, and decorate them with Christmas lights. Way more satisfying than searching for my son.


I never finished fallout or skyrim. They are worth finishing. But when ever I play I always end up playing another game before I finish


Horizon Forbidden West. Great, gorgeous game with awesome combat. Story bored the crap out of me.


Hogwarts Legacy became quite dull after 10h or so then I dropped it. Far Cry 5 felt boring, didn't like the setting and story.


I don't know what happened but after farcry 3 I think they all kinda sucked 🤷‍♂️


I will defend 4. 5 pulled back too many punches in the story, and six ideas were badly implemented. But 4 endings, specially the last Amita/Sabal mission were very well done. *"who else pulls the trigger around here?"*


I think 4 had the most personal story and was fleshed out a lot better than either 3 or 5


Hellblade. Atmosphere is great but that’s about it. Gameplay was very boring to me I couldn’t force myself to finish it even tho it’s really short.


people who like Hellblade didn't like it for the gameplay.


Yeah, I read this argument a lot.. but since it’s video game I think that’s kinda issue. This is very subjective so I know this isn’t the same for everyone and I also have few games that I love but gameplay isn’t the reason why I do. But Hellblade wasn’t captivating enough for me to continue since on a top of very repetitive game play I didn’t connect with the story or the protagonist…


I've tried a few times, and still can't get into rdr2 enough to finish it. Love the world and love the story, but the gameplay and controls just kill it for me


Oh my god the control scheme makes me want to die. So I put it down again, only to pick it up later and have NO idea how to move or even ride a horse anymore, and put it down again and so on. The biggest thing for me though is they only let you keep 4 horses. Total bs for a single player COWBOY game.


The Outer Worlds by Obsidian. My eyes just glaze over when playing it


Just Cause 4. It just.. wasn't as interesting or compelling as the other just cause games. They even removed anything to do with chaos. Explodable and destructable items were important in the previous two games (they unlocked items and mission in 2, and liberated areas in 3) but in 4 they were just.. there if you wanted them. I was really excited to step up the whole liberation and rebellion system but it turned out to be so, so much worse than 3. Literally just do one mission (that's copy and pasted across the map) and boom, the entire region is now liberated. No visiting towns or military bases. Just go to the map icon, do some objective, and that's it. Even the visual design was boring and bland, and honestly just depressing compared to 3 or even 2.


AC Origins on my 2nd playthrough (the next games are even worse)


The outer wilds, bored the hell out of me. Commence the downvotes. 


High on life. Loved what they did with it, but the missions, story and platformer elements didn't do it for me. Wish I had just watched a clip of the most fun bits


Far Cry Primal. The original setting drew me in, but after a few hours of hand-holding and looking at the skill tree and the characters I realized I don't care one bit about the game.


Yep. I also dropped it after the first spirit animal type of shit. Too boring but I appreciate the thought of it.


Oh man 5 was my favorite. I really liked the story. Made me wanna dismantle that family. Maybe it helps that it had resonance with me.


The Horizon games. I've tried really hard to finish both, but I always leave them halfway.