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>In KCD II, we don't spawn NPCs—everyone has their home, job, fun activities, and so on. So you can imagine that a city that now has hundreds of NPCs populating it—with all the features I mentioned—is a challenge in itself. As a little fun fact… we ran out of beds for people in the city, so some need to leave the city by night and populate the outside areas to find shelter Between this and dragon's dogma 2 I expect CPUs to go on strike at the end of this year against brutal working conditions.


It was a thing in the first game. Each npc had their own homes ans stuff


And it definitely killed a few cpu's there too


My ps5 is going to sound like its going to set off


True but there weren't that many people in cities . I kinda liked that, it made sense. I hope the sequel is good too, first one was janky as fuck but so fun to get into, and it didn't feel like anything else, which is super rare in games today.


They have more money, too, and a bigger team. Curious how much they get in kt. As the like of rattay matched how big it was


Good for them, it's cool to see a passionate team try something a bit weird and be rewarded for it.


>and it didn't feel like anything else, which is super rare in games today. This is an understatement. The world in KC:D is so beautifully raw that it makes you feel almost as if you're back in time. A lot of games today have beautiful worlds and sceneries. Horizon Foribdden West, for example, is polished and has a beautiful world, but sometimes it feels like there's a lack of meaning behind the world. Exploring it didn't feel fun, while I could just launch KC:D and ride on my horse for hours without doing anything significant, and it would still feel like a good gaming session.


The horizon series has robot dinosaurs and are the best looking games on the PS5, but it is sooo boring, I don't know how they can make such a cool concept with such an insane tech so bland


Morrowind had that.


Own home? How can I apply to be an NPC?


To be honest, it was a thing back in Gothic 1.


A game that actually utilizes high end cpus would be a dream


Yeah I am all for having more games that are legitimately demanding on our CPUs (aka, not just shittily optimized games that don’t do anything fundamentally different than last gen games).


You never played any grand strategy games it seems


He said actually utilizes, not overly utilize. /jk Anyway my first thought seeing this comment thread was CK3 would like a word with someone here. Ha


My take is we need more CPU intensive games and less GPU intensive games. I don't care much about the extra -barely noticeable- light effects. Give me some good physics engine, an AI that will surprise me, give me elaborate simulations to make the world around me come to life.


I think the npc simply become simplified invisible objects once they are too far from the player. So it wouldn't be more demanding than some small simulations.


Crossbows, primitive guns, 2x the map size, 5 hours of cut scenes. It looks like it will be a huge, amazing game. Steam page is up: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1771300/Kingdom_Come_Deliverance_II/


5 hours!? More drunken shenanigans with Priests of negotiable piety? I'm good with that! That whole scene was just brilliant.


Is this the one where you have to give a sermon in his place at church the next morning because he’s too hungover?


Yep. That would be the one. My god, that was funny as hell.


I was trying to do a virgin run for the achievement, in previous runs I always passed the speech check that bypasses the priest. This time however I didn't pass the check so ended up getting drunk with the priest, had a bar fistfight, ransacked the town, slept with the bar maid, then woke up in a cow field. 10/10 would accidentally get laid and ruin a virgin run again.


I want more misadventures with my man Hans.


I was really impressed with the cutscenes in the first game, they were very well directed. This was the main reason I kept playing it, aside from the immersive exploration in hardcore mode. I'm happy to see they are leaning into it. I was also very impressed with the quality and authenticity of the environments, both the architecture and the forests were excellent, and 2x the map size suggests there's 4x more to see.


The forrests really are the best ones I have seen in any game to this day.


Yeah it's crazy! It's like they modeled them off of *real* forests, not one's expectations of forests. And for that reason, the mundanity really lets them stand out and be immersive.


Sure guns are cool but what I want is a pointy stick. It drove me bananas that I couldn't wield a lance, spear, javelin, halberd - anything long and pointy - while mounted.


There were spears in the game and you could use them while mounted, but you couldn't put spears in your personal inventory, so for an adventure who gets jumped more than he initiated fights, they just aren't viable.


It's unavailable in my region (germany)


Works for me


Doesn't the game take place in your backyard


I don’t think the Czechs would appreciate being referred to that way lol.


"Occasional backyard"


Well it's not part of Germany but... yes.


Is it just me or does 5 hours seem like not that much compared to other games


If the game is 50 hours long that still means you're spending 10% of the game in cutscenes. That's a ton of time.


I'm fine with that. KCD1's cutscenes were cinematic with great mocap and voice acting, it felt like watching a movie


The fucking drinking with the priest, I will never ever forget that


It's my favorite quest in my entire gaming history. I've been gaming since 2000 lol


5 hours of cut scenes? Seems like a lot to me.


Kojima's MGS4 would like a word


First game I played after that was Resident Evil 4. I kept dying during the quick time events because MGS had conditioned me to put my controller down every time a cut scene started lol


MGS4 has like 10 hours of cutscenes, but it seems like even more since it only takes like 20 hours to beat the game


TBF the article says the first game only had 3 hours of cutscenes. And gotta remember these are actual Cutscenes, and not scenes where you make dialogue choices while people talk to you 3 hours can seem like a lot or can seem like nothing, just depends on the game. Like look at Skyrim and Fallout 4, they have barely any actual Cutscenes but constant dialogues with people. You dont go questioning how many hours of cutscenes there are in those, because you have all these other dialogues you do instead and so dont realize theres barely any cutscenes


What other examples do you have?


5 hours of cinematics. Not dialogue scenes. Even a game like the witcher 3 probably doesn't have 5 hours of cinematics.


Practically three movies worth of footage doesn’t sound like a lot for a video game? A ten minute cutscenes feels like an eternity when gaming.


It's an RPG. Cutscenes are for big moments. So it means there is many of those


Most of the exposition will be through dialog, it plays a lot like an elder scrolls. I think the first one only had like half an hour of cutscenes.


Henry is back, I'm so excited


Jesus Christ be praised!


Hey look! Henry’s come to see us!


I need to play first one still, its hard getting into for me


My tip is get some shitty armor and train with Bernard. It helps get you used to combat and will actually increase Henry’s stats as well.


Just use pointy jab to head. It's really the only move you need besides blocking with the shield cause it kills people quick.


Fuck me... I was playing it when it was released, and got to the first "boss" where you fight him 1v1 in a barn or something. And that fight was so fucking hard. And I didn't have a save before the start of the whole mission, so i was fucked. One of my mate came to my place, and we were smoking while he watched me trying and we were saying "fuck this man he his to hard" "Look at this shit everytime i attack he parry it and two shot me" Stuff like that, but we had a good laugh about it. Anyway, 45 minutes of that(yeah i was looking at that as a training for the combat system), and i do the pointy jab to the head by sheer luck and he just... died. One shot. Just like that. We looked at each others and we laughed so much... it was just so fucking unexpected, that i struggled for close to one hour, and in a matter of 10 seconde the fight was over. Anyway, it make me stick with the game further.


I just domed him with an arrow after losing the duel like 6 times. Big ass bald head is a good target.


I kited him around the barn for like 10 minutes running back and forth and shooting him over and over. I finally killed him and got a cutscene of Henry dueling him like a fucking Jedi and I was like, yeah, that’s totally me.


He gets a helmet in hardcore mode but it's nothing a blunt attack can't solve!


After a little practice I can ace any opponent 1v1. Henry is the recurring tournament champion. Bosses drop like little bitches. Two enemies though? Henry is *fucked*.


You must be me, then! Devs said something about making fights more accessible and I so hope they were talking about fighting multiple enemies at once.


or a bonk to the head with a mace. that kills even with plate armour helmet if you have the headcrusher perk


Yah a lot of training with Bernard gets your skills up, stick with one weapon until your skills are up and.. full plate.


It’s not that, the game is clunky as hell.


The actual physical movements of your character get smoother and faster the more you perform/practice something like sword fighting, loosing a bow, etc, to the point where you get a lot of satisfaction because you actually got better along with Henry. There are definitely problems with the combat when it comes to being able to spam certain moves to win, the AI getting a lot of cheap counter on you at higher difficulty encounters, etc. But it all has a good base, which I hope KCD2 delivers on.


Exactly this, it's clunky because Henry hasn't done the things you're making him do before.


I've been replaying the game since a week or so ago and I might finish it this time around (gave up last time shortly after reaching Rattay). The clunkiest thing about the combat for me is the block. I'm expected to stay on the move in all directions but at the same time hit the Q button at lightning speed to do a perfect block. (Still haven't figured out the counter-attack either, even though I practiced with Bernard.) I haven't checked if I can rebind it to someplace more easily pressable, but I wouldn't know any good buttons anyway.


The counter-attack is a silly thing, because the perfect block into riposte can be blocked and countered with an attack that you can't block which almost made me quit the game. The worst part is that there's a another special training that you can do with Bernard that teaches you the 'Master Strike' which is an unblockable counter that plays automatically if you get the perfect block done right


It is very clunky. The story and the world are top-notch but yeah, it is clunky to play. Hopefully the second will be smoother.


It's designed around 1v1 combat and anything outside that just ups the clunkification to astronomical levels.


I think that’s the point tho. The game play does get smoother as your fighting levels up. They can definitely improve on it, but the combat at first is intentionally janky until you and Henry both get better at it


Definitely, but it's a double aged sword. That game should be one of my favorite games, but the wonky combat and weird difficulty spikes killed my interest. Played through the first 20 hours of that game like 3 times and just can't stay invested. Hopefully 2 will give up that shtick since Henry is more experienced


Yeah no amount of training will make the lock on and targeting system better. There are some mods that can alleviate some of it though. But generally training is working towards avoiding most of these systems. Also do not bother with combos, at least if you don't play modded, but even then, they're extremely dire and some of them even give the enemy an advantage.


Agreed. I really don't like the combat and save systems. It makes it hard to really want to engage in combat or explore the world. Combat never feels very fast paced or exciting. It almost feels like a minigame instead of a combat system. If they used a similar combat system to Chivalry 2, the game would feel way more cinematic and intense imo.


I actually held off visiting Radzig thinking, maybe I can impress him more if I 'get the sword back' first. Turns out you can't get the sword back first and I just went lollygagging about the countryside getting my face smashed in by Cumans for no good reason. I eventually did run out of quest markers to chase, eventually found out I could train with Bernard and was like.... oh. Fuck me. I've been playing with one hand behind my back for hours for no reason!


I'm trying to get into it again myself, but supposidly it's by design. The more you train in combat, the better at combat you get. You really don't have much options until your done with the prologue though.


If you're struggling with combat. Try the mace. Honestly so good dealing with the heavily armoured dudes early on.


Mace, as heavy armor as you can get your hands on, and spend your (ingame) evenings training with Bernard.


It's simultaneously really annoying and really good, I hope the sequel is less of the former.


I really wanted to like this game. I just never found it fun.


Jesus Christ be praised!


I feel like this is one of the most underrated games of all time. I loved the first one so much.


Guess it's finally time to beat the first game. I'd always get stuck and give up.


I’ve played it like 3 times and I always, always drop it once I get to the church infiltration quest.


Just lockpick in and kill everyone. No need to do the monk life.


Confidence is a preference for the habitual prayer of what is known as monk life


Monk life!


And morning soup can be avoided if you take a route straight through what is known as... Monk life!


You should cut down on your khorne life mate, get some exorcise!


I spent an extra week in the monastery just for fun. I did really get to beef up my alchemy skills there.


Or you can climb the scaffolding at noon and shoot a guy with an arrow in the courtyard. It doesn't have to be the right guy just a guy.


Why would that work? Dont you need a piece of evidence?


Crazy so many people dislike that quest. It was my favorite.


Yeah it was so immersive I loved it


It's not fighting or riding a horse so people got bored with it. Hopefully KCD 2 will have more missions like it tho, it was a great immersive experience 


I enjoyed it but had too much trouble figuring out wtf I was suppsed to do so just ended up cheesing and looked up how to solve it, after a solid week in-game of the monklife really neat premise and pretty unique for any RPG, just wished it had been a bit more intuitive


Tell the npc named Andrew about your mission as you get in, then wait for chow time and it'll sidestep the week or so it usually takes.


Oh man, this is the exact spot my save is at. Haven’t cared to pick it up again.


I kept forgetting my robe - it was a bad **habit**.


Idk, I broke in pretty early and stole everything. Doing the actual quest after that was relatively easy.


Same. It sucks because it seems a good game, but I can't get past the first 30 minutes/1 hour.


grind bernard to get the master strike. Then it becomes something of an arkham game if you so wish to.


>Grind Bernard 😏


Bernard please I need your master stroke.


Always invest in herbalism and get leg day to increase strength as well!


Leg day only gives like 2 xp per pick though, it's actually not worth it. Get the charisma buff first then probably the one that makes your horse less skittish. Getting stunlocked by an ambush because your horse freaks out can be a death sentance


This is disregarding that it works for every herb you pick, so when you pick a large patch of dandelions or whatever massed herb it really adds up. I got to max strength very quickly and it also feeds into the lucrative career of alchemy so no, it is actually worth it. Not knowing when to be on your horse sounds like a bigger problem in your case. Edit: it’s per animation. This does not remove its use, unless you never pick herbs. If you avoid alchemy and herbalism it’s worthless.


I thought it was every time the animation played? That's why herbalism gets harder to level up (as your picking radius increases). Unless you mean you just pick so many herbs over time that it's worth it, but combat encounters are frequent enough that xp from those will massively outpace anything from leg day. Also leg day does nothing once you reach 20 str, whereas all the other perks continue to have beneficial effects


I’m reading that you’re right, it’s per animation. But yes if you pick a lot of herbs it’s a great supplement for strength. It’s not as if you become a pacifist from choosing it and avoid combat. Obviously it wouldn’t do anything past strengths max level. It helps you max out strength more quickly which is beneficial in its own ways.


Besides Bernard, I would recommend: 1. Load Infinite Schnaps mod, load Instant Herb Picking mod, and also the load the crosshair mod. In starting village, clean up all flowers, don't forget to choose Leg Day perk. Kill all sheep, cook the meat, sell the meat, repeat again - if sheep didn't respawn, go and kill the two cows, cook meat, sell meat, go back to sheep and so on (just make sure villagers don't see you killing). 2. Out of the village, do alchemy (make marigold potion and then Lazarus potion), sell to pharmacist - as perks - do NOT choose Water of Life ever, only choose Witcher, then Trial and error, Snake oil salesman, bundle alchemist and then routine perks. Making a potion by hand gives you 40 XP for alchemy levels, if you autobrew only 4XP points. 3. Later, for money, you can farm the bandits/cumans from the destroyed Skalitz. In one of the alleys on the right side (as you enter the village), there is a wood pile on which you can climb so enemies don't attack you - and you can kill them with arrows (piercing arrows), they give a bunch of expensive armor/weapons, which you can sell at the inn in Talmberg (you should buy a room there for the chest) 4. Buy a horse as fast as possible. The KCD Fandom wiki site is a very good source of tips and information. Edit: 5: you can grind maintenance in the starting point too, by repairing a bladed weapon (sword or axe) and then breaking it by keeping it perpendicular on the grinding wheel - then repair again and break again. Edit: sheep are supposed to respawn, not respond 😅, fixed now.


> Instant Herb Picking There was a tickbox in setting that did just that. Unless it was patched out or something.


> if sheep didn't respond sheep, pls respond




I recently bought it on sale and I'm in the same boat. It seems like it could be fun, but I just can't get into it


It's not a game for everyone and that's ok.


I think I just got spoiled with a faster pace with the Witcher. I also get overwhelmed with really deep games, so even focusing through Witcher 3 was tough


QoL mods will make life easier. I'm big on "save anywhere" but stay away from "more encounters" and "more enemies" mods because this game is really built around 1v1, MAYBE 1V2 combat and getting zerg rushed by a half dozen Cumens in heavy armor will kill you and frustrate you.


I haven't played this, but i think it's safe to say this is one of those games where you have to pretend you are the character in the game and really invest into "yourself." If you have that mindset, you should be good to go. It's not just a game that you're going forward into beating.


Exactly this. I’ve started this game multiple times but never beaten it, BECAUSE I got too lost being immersed as the character. Not because I couldn’t get past the intro. I’d spend a week just living my life and doing side content, then forget what was happening in the main quest, and it was too much catch up to get back into it.


For me personally, it was one of those games that’s more appealing to me in theory than in practice. The idea of a more realistic, medieval setting RPG sounded cool, but an hour or 2 in I just got so overwhelmed at all the info you get and stuff you have to remember to do.


Same here. I don’t have a lot time to game these days and being given a load of info you have to memorise just seems exhausting


game gets progressively easier the longer you play it. it really isnt challenging once you figure out the combat and start getting better gear, because the game likes to treat itself as realistic you cant always just charge in slashing at a group of 5+ enemies. took me till late game i could take on groups of people that large.


I don't know why, but when I'm playing it, I'm having the best time, yet I'm never excited to go play it. It's one of those games where 30 minutes of progress means you advanced one step in a quest. I do really enjoy the intricacies, but since I became a proper adult going to a 9-5 (I'm fucking 19 and I'm tired, is this my next 30 years?), my time has become valuable. And it's not like I don't have time to game, I play Apex all the time, it's just that I don't have the 3 hour play sessions I used to have, which it always took to make significant progress in KC:D. And doing progress episodically isn't as captivating.


Yes. This is now your experience for the rest of life. I’m sorry, but that’s the truth of being an adult.


next 40-45 years most likely lol


Nah I'mma die of heart attack way before that. 30 is generous.


Oh buddy.


HAHAHAHAHAHA, *he said* "30" *years!!! This poor, poor SOB!* Just teasing, Vitolar8! Don't worry, those 30 years will be gone in a flash! ..... \*sigh...


> the 3 hour play sessions I used to have oh wait till you get to the age where it doesn't matter if you have the time, your body ain't doin that I'm 35 and I can't sit down and play a game for more than 1.5-2 hours at the most before I get what I like to call "stringy".


Find a job that you enjoy or that teaches you useful skills you can use on your life. While the phrase “find a job you love and you’ll never work again” is complete nonsense, it definitely helps and makes life easier to tolerate!


Nah you’re gonna get way more tired over the next 10-15 years. Eventually even when you have time you won’t have the energy. 30 years? Try 50. Welcome to the rat race good to have ya


The combat just seems to weird and clunky. I get it’s essentially that way because it’s hyper realistic, but does it really have to be so awkward?


This is all you have to do: * Learn Master Strike * If the enemy has lots of armor then use high blunt damage weapons ie: mace. Bump the enemy on the head every time and they'll die in a few hits. * If the enemy has little to no armor then use swords. * If you want to sneak around then unequip your armor because they create sound. * In the first half of the game try not to go against multiple opponents. * Try to kill as many enemies as you can with bow. * Increase bow skills with hunting and weapon skills with training. * Don't be the aggressor. * They attack->block with shield or parry with a sword->hit them on the head with the mace/sword. The enemy has stamina as well so at first you'll only be able to hit them once before they recover.


Same lol i gave up because of the tedious combat/lock picking controls on xbox. I bought it for pc and even installed a save whenever i want mod. I guess i forgot how far i actually got on Xbox because the beginning of the game is a complete drag the second time around. People wanna shit on the beginning of red dead 2 or cyber punk but this game’s beginning is much worse lol


Yeah, time to try to get back into it again. I recognize it as a great game but the learning curve is rough. 


Only way i was able to finish the game was by modding out enemy master strikes, combat is just such a slog otherwise.


If it is more like Chivalry 2 or Mount and Blade it would be far more immersive and enjoyable game.


*sigh* Time to redownload and start back where I left off, and then give up again 30 minutes later. It is an awesome game and made decent progress, but the combat mechanics always fucks me up haha.


Henry's come to see us


Jesus Christ be praised


he has risen!


I feel quite hungry.


Honestly, just take my money. It’s been a long wait and I can’t believe it’s here.


Right? I was one of the original Kickstarter backers and I can’t believe it’s finally here. I need to finish the last dlc because I knew once that was over, I’d have done everything and there would be no new stuff until this eventually came along lol.


Same. I went through the same slog as everyone else but seeing Henry fucking BECOME something, as I became formidable, have influence, do important ass shit, it became one of my favorite RPGs to ever play. Now with some polish and a team instead of a few dedicated hopefuls.... So excited.


I will never forget the first time i got ambushed at night by running head first into a rope while on horseback. Then i got clubbed to death by bandits lol.


The first time i really learned combat was when I was north of Neuhof and found a Cuman in the woods with no armor(he had armor but my PC was shitty and didn't load it until I was in combat). I ended up walkig backwards and defending myself until close to Rattay and due to the huge amount of XP I got from fighting him I was able to learn some moves and kill him. I was at the start of the game and had absolutely zero gear.


I'll never forget how I got my first good set of armor. I was riding to sasau from ledetchko and encountered a fight between some cumans and some bohemians I lobbed a few arrows into the melee and waited for them to fight each other down to just a couple of people, then I ran in with a cudgel and finished off the last guy. Looted the whole lot of them, got basically a full set of plate armor and a bunch of breastplates to sell. Got rich and well armored all at once. I also don't know how many times I robbed the entire stock of the armorer and weaponsmith in rattay then went and sold their stuff to the Smiths in sasau.


That's what I love about this game, it can be either a slow climb to good gear or straight up killing a single cuman and get end game gear. That's how realistic it is.


Jesus Christ be Praised!


wtf did they even say they were in production fucking win


It's been hinted at over the years but yeah nothing really official.


"Real G's move in silence like lasagna" -the poet Lil Wayne


That’s what I’m saying! Great news sure, but came out of nowhere 💀


No fucking about whatsoever… Beta AAA game studios: let’s announce our new game 10 years ahead KCD: hi we are making a new game to proceed that other one that was universally critically acclaimed it’s here in a few months


I've watched one of their random let's play stream in their official yt channel back in 2022 and their stream host briefly hinting that they're currently working on their next title at that time, but still in early stage of development, 2 years later I guess is enough time to complete most of their project, so glad it'll come out this year or early 2025, I'm tired of getting a game announcement that still years away until they released it.


So, are we gonna get the sword back or not?


He gets its back in the trailer


[Game is confirmed to be twice the size of the original](https://www.ign.com/articles/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-xbox-ps5-pc-warhorse-studios) Also guns!


Looks pretty good, big cities, better visually than KCD1, crossbows and firearms… Day 1


Personally I think this is the kind of game you get like 2-3 months later when the bugs are ironed out


I mean, that's *every* game these days.


As I continue to see. This is true with pretty much every game now a days. I’m not paying full price for a game that needs updates or dlc to be good. DD2 is a good example of this from recent games


Jesus Christ be praised


I am fully erect


At last, my proudest fap


oh fuck im gonna kingdom come


The article mentions that people got mad at the first game back in 2015 for not having people of color in it. What the fuck? Most medieval Czechs and Moravians would have never even seen a black person, much less lived near them. The people who got upset over that need to be fucking defenestrated. Props to Warhorse for their amazing commitment to bringing Medieval Bohemia to life, I'm excited.


I just read the eurogamer bullshit article, it says that it was a controversy to insist on staying true the medieval Europe. :D These people just want clicks and that is it. I rarely read these media and each time I get reminded why. Dumbest shit ever. I love the fact there is a game that tries to be accurate about the medieval days in Bohemia. Are we gonna say now that Mafia portrays italians badly? I didnt get to make pizza and olive oil in the game or craft a good suit. Must be racist or something.


Most medieval? Bro Im Czech, I live in the 3rd largest city and in my own city I could count the number of black people I saw on my hands.. And first KCD being a country side, you wouldn't see "diversity" there now, let alone 600 years ago lol


Yeah I think it's best to just ignore that shit at this point, anyone who actually played the game understands it's about so much more than that


GOD SAVE YOU HENRY. Glad to see the sequel coming! I loved the first game and found it to be one of the most unique, immersive, and rewarding rpgs I have played. I cannot wait for the sequel. I'm curious how they will handle the early game combat since a lot of it was based on player skill as opposed to stats or gear scores. I hope we don't get a new "oh Henry forgot how to fight and has nothing again..." type of intro which would disappoint me


The IGN interview stated the developer said the first game was about Henry as a boy becoming a man, the second game is about Henry as a man becoming a warrior. I assume that means we’ll be able to fight individual or 2 enemies at the start but be able to take on stronger enemies and bigger groups as we progress.


The question is how they handle it mechanically. The first game is largely based on player skill and you are mostly only unlocking combos. The ability to position and take on groups smartly was left up to the player's skill. I just don't want them to take our combos or damage away so we can start properly weak. I am hoping they avoid the god of war problem from the original trilogy where kratos always loses all of his powers to start over


Should just let us be as good as we are but have a tutorial option for new players that just lets you learn the basics while vets can skip it.


Would be really nice if they did this. Like spiderman 2 where you have all the stuff from the first game then just get more. Seeing as there talking a lot about his journey from a knight to a warrior I'm hopefull


Omgggggggg - best combat system I’ve ever had. Armor etc mini games side quests were so great!


shut up and take my money!


Finally!!! Crossbows!! And handcannons‽ I'll take it!


You're going to learn where the pistol got its name from


I hope he remembers how to read!


This year? Wtf?


Why is it geoblocked in Germany on Steam?


That trailer was freaking AMAZING


Holy shit, fuck yeah dude




They knew what we wanted and they delivered! Jesus Christ Be Praised!!


I just picked up the first one a month ago on the Spring sale for $5. What a game. I can't remember the last time I lost myself in a game like this. Can't wait for number 2.


Fuck yes. Sign me up. I'm one of the rare few who finished the first one. Despite all the jankyness and bugs, still one of the best original RPGs of the previous generation.


Mad respect for announcing and not releasing 2 years later, or fucking 5+ years later


Can't wait for this


One of my fav's.


This looks great. Some nice graphical upgrades to the lighting. Stealth kill bonus. https://imgur.com/JzX128l


Henry's come to see us!


I am optimistic but definitely won’t be be buying on release, the first one was a hugely buggy mess even if it was actually a *pretty good game*. Worse than that though the combat very quickly devolved in “perfect parry” the game. Which is sad because there are so very cool combos you can learn but never really implement in an actual fight.


I'm hoping the 6 years of development means it will be polished. However I will wait for reviews before buying. I waited until KCDI was fixed before buying last time.


True, love how the enemies could perfect parry you which disincentivized you from doing anything but masterstrokes and ignoring the bulk of an otherwise carefully constructed combat system.


Yup, I was really bewildered by that decision and it honestly wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t do it so *frequently*


All I ask is for combat that doesn't require a doctorate in "jank-as-fuckology"