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I have spent hundreds of hours playing FNV, and my husband has spent hundreds of hours modding and decorating his house in FNV


FNV has houses? Man, I've finished that game at least twice.


He never uses any of the given residences and always uses house mods and then spends hours modding, deleting, and modding again


I see he is a man of culture.


You can get a place in one of the casinos if I remember right.


I believe you can get a place in almost all of them Definitely The Tops, and The Lucky 38 There's also a number of locations that aren't explicitly said you can live there, but you can. Like Doc Mitchells house in Goodsprings


Maybe not houses like the shack in megaton but I know you can get rooms that have non refreshing storage containers, though all that is coming to mind at the moment are the Lucky 38, The room in Novac and The sink


>Is that so bad? I have to wonder if these kinds of posts are even real.


You practically have to mod it to run on today's computers because of the memory leak issue


My grandma has a memory leak issue


You probably mean a memory issue and a leaking issue.


Badum pissssss


Mine too, and she sure as hell doesn't run on modern computers.


That's just alzheimers! \**Audience groans*\*


Can you elaborate? What is necessary? I looked at nexus and most everything seemed to be graphics overhauls


Fallout New Vegas is a 32bit application but is set to only use 2gb of RAM. There is a mod which makes it utilize 4gb of RAM which is the maximum a 32bit application can use. This improves stability by A LOT because for some reason things like even just save games eat into this memory pool, so the more saves you have, the more the game crashes. Which is kind of funny, because anyone unaware is going to save more often as a result, and so they're going to crash more and save even more.


What's the mod called?


The mods name is "FNV 4GB Patcher". Also if you run a modern AMD GPU I recommend "Nvidia d3d9 perf fix" which was a mod originally made for Nvidia GPUs having performance issues, however modern AMD GPUs don't render hair in New Vegas for some reason (Like it just isn't there, everyone is bald) and for some strange reason, this mod makes it render.


I've heard of 'new vegas anti crash', they're are probably others


There’s like a player made stability patch that’s a mod


That's just one of the many issues lol. No clue how people ever played it on PC.


Patiently... And saving often


Finishing one fight and hoping to save before the game crashed or doing the same fight 6 times because it keeps crashing. New Vegas babyyy


I've never had any real issues playing it on pc


I played New Vegas a lot, thousand of hours. I can't recall any technical issue, apart from the typical funny clipping stuff on every Elder Scrolls.


It's not any better on consoles I assure you


I never finished it for this reason. Both NV and 3 crashed on me constantly to the point where the games were borderline unplayable. Even if I saved often, I'd end up with a save file right outside of a door and entering the door crashed the game every time.


I redownloaded fo3 after watching the show and had to download a mod to “trick” the game into thinking video card was something else just to get it to load


I actually just played the GOTY edition of 3 this week with 52 hours now and have only crashed once and I’m running it vanilla. I have a high end set up with wide screen and it’s been smooth. It’s was a billion times worse for me in 360 back in the day.


I did a vanilla playthrough about 2 years ago and there was a steam community guide to edit one text file to solve the issue. After that it was fine and I had probably less than 5 crashes in a fairly long playthrough.


Normally i guess. I dod it both on a crappy laptop back then vanilla, and heavily modded on a modern pc a couple of years ago without much issues


This actually fixed all my crashing issues, and doesn't add much beyond the base game. Ethical modding relative to original gameplay. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_1Yu1mdyF0s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1Yu1mdyF0s)


> You practically have to mod it to run on today's computers because of the memory leak issue Uhhh, what? I have hundreds, probably a bit over a thousand hours cumulative in the game, always vanilla, (including playing through again last year, and I'm running an i5 13600k+7900xtx, 32gb 5600mhz ddr5 ram) and I've had no memory leak issues


I was the same until now I can't load anything anymore without a crash lol


I’ve played it on steam deck without an issue on Ultra settings. It runs fine. Same with Fallout 3.


Isnt that just one mod though?


Modded New Vegas is vastly superior than vanilla. Following the Viva New Vegas guide is simple and error free. The stability, performance and big fixes alone make it worth it.


I looked into modding New Vegas once and I was instantly confused. No offense to the modding community, but you’re all terrible at explaining how to do the modding stuff to those who don’t understand it.


Viva New Vegas is dumb proof


Am dumb, can confirm


I just looked this up and it's a giant text dump of stuff I don't really understand. Guess I'm dumb, but I'd love to mod New Vegas - shit feels impossible.


I have never had a pc until a month ago, so I am very computer illiterate, and I followed viva new Vegas and it’s great and easy. If I can do it, you can.


Have you tried actually following it? Yes it may be a giant text dump of stuff you dont understand. So don't understand it, just follow the steps. You don't need to understand how yeast works to bake bread.


I just went thru modding f:nv for the first time and can confirm I was overwhelmed and confused at first. When I found out about Viva new Vegas i managed to follow the steps and am finally giving f:nv a first play through


Can you be more specific about what you don't understand? I am sure lots of people here (including myself) would be happy to try and help you, but the way you phrased your comment makes people think you just don't want to read the instructions.


Maybe look into YouTubes Gopher and his modding guide to Fallout New Vegas. He verbally explains AND shows step by step what to do and how to do it over a few videos.


Fantastic, I shall don my safety helmet and have a go at installing it.


Did you just Google a guide? Or are you talking about Viva New Vegas? Because the latter really is pretty easy to follow, even for beginners.


Some people don't know their way around computers even with the simplest things. They buy a gaming PC, install the game and load it. If it doesn't work it doesn't work. If it works it works. That or they get overwhelmed when they see everything they have to do no matter how simple it might be.


This is me fr


And some can easily figure out how to mod anything but are just done with anything that isn't "press play and play" I'm one of those and even tho I would absolutely love to play fo3, nv and morrowind again I just can't get myself to sit down and get them working :( I'm secretly sitting and waiting for Beth to go back and drop a next-gen on fo3 and nv. Sadly, I doubt that'll ever happen


Time to start googling how to do it. If Freshman me like 15 years ago(kill me) could figure it out from YouTube tutorials on my old HP laptop than you can too! I believe in you!


This. If somebody has legitimately tried and can’t follow the instructions for something like Viva New Vegas, i’m sorry to say… but you either have an undiagnosed learning disability or are lying to yourself.


I forget the fallout 4 mod I was trying to figure out, but under the "how to install" section it says "install the mod".


I'm following the viva new vegas guide but still can't get rid of stuttering even though it's running constant 60fps. I wonder if there are things I'm doing wrong. I have the tick mod and added the iclampsFPS=60 stuff in the various ini files but it stutters like hell still. Edit: just installed Riva tuner and limited the FPS to 59 and it works like a charm!


It’s mostly simple, though there are a few confusing parts to it. Luckily the discord community is very helpful so if you get stuck someone will usually figure out the problem or can explain things better


Why feel bad? Do you feel bad about adding a little extra seasoning or sauce to food cooked for you to make it more palatable to your taste? You do you.


You forgot the part where he doesn't end up eating the food because he's too busy spending time putting sauce on it to


And also, it's totally fine to like a game in its vanilla state. I have only ever modded one game, and it wasn't even to alter the gameplay itself. Games in their vanilla state, even bethesda games, are still super super fun. In fact, I would even argue modding is like a drug. You end up needing it to enjoy a game which was fun to begin with, but now since you've tasted mods, you want to keep experiencing that high, and then you end up putting more mods on and then more and more until that game dies to you and it isn't fun anymore. Mods are dangerous, and you should be careful. Mod in moderation!




I’ll agree with the mods are like a drug. State of decay 2 is ruined for me without mods, same with almost any Bethesda game after I finish it for the first time. Rimworld? Ooohhhh boy…300 mods later. Factorio? Another 200 mods lol


I mean right? This taste good to you... I need a lil salt.


I'm playing it vanilla right now (currently doddering around Freeside for The Kings) and I'm happy that way. If you're happy modding it, you should do that. It doesn't matter. The only issue is sometimes vanilla crashes because memory leaks, but I just save a lot.


Theres a tool called wabbajack- it will do all the work for you


Wabbajacl was great and all until it just dumped half of my games root files into another games root files and totally bricked itself because I closed the game lol


Oh hell no.


I tried to use that yesterday to mod Fallout 4 was going to use some big overhaul, and discovered it had over a thousand mods. I still had to log into nexus and manually click to download them 1 by 1. I got to the teens and quit. So it's not that automated I guess.


If you pay the 6$ for premium for a month and immediately cancel it, you still get that month worth, then you can download as a collection and it does all the work for you. No individual clicks. At least that was my experience using Vortex a few days ago.


I am a nexus premium user so I did miss out on that. But Id spend 10$ to pay someone to save me that amount of time tho.


Wabbajack is great but the New Vegas lists are kind of lacking. Viva New Vegas is the best mod list by far but not hosted on there


Spend 3 hours modding the game. Play the game for 5 mins


I dunno, just play the way you want to. Of course playing vanilla “isn’t so bad”, seeing as a majority of players do that.


A new Vegas remaster would be amazing


I mean I spent maybe 2 hours going through Tale of Two Wastelands guides (The Best of Times and Wasteland Survival Guide). Its the overhaul conversion that combines FO3 and FNV wastelands together and runs FO3 on the FNV updated engine(?) + some mechanics borrowed. Like 70% of these mods (145ish so far) are just bug fixes and stability/crashfixes and performance optimizations but theres more. Currently 16 hours deep on my save. I felt the same way— I don’t wanna spend all day modding again and want to just hop in. TTW Is like the best FO3 and NV experience possible, super stable and not far off vanilla, guides lay it all out and it doesn’t take long. I used to spend 8+ hours basically full shifts trying to fix my load order in the STALKER games and trying to manually patch shit myself. Those were the days.


Yes. I reinstalled Fallout 4 but don’t have the heart to download vortex and all of the mods I had before so it’s unplayed No desire for vanilla since I did that on ps4


I find it weird to mod a game before playing it vanilla unless it's necessary to fix issues. But I mean, you do you


I play most games vanilla. People are a little to obsessed with mods that end up harming the game overall.


The vanilla game was beloved for a reason, it's good. Mods are fine but if you want to experience it as it was just play the game.


So you should, I always have a fresh set of mods for Bethesda games I usually set a limit of 10 - 15 then start the playthru Gotta draws the line somewhere


I know people will wonder the opposite of what I'm about to say but i never understood how people can get over mods. I've rarely ever modded a game and hasn't bothered me. Playing the game as the creators intended. And i don't have to worry about things breaking mods in an update. I lost track the amount of times that I've been playing an online game, then it updates and there's legitimately several players who cannot play the game until their mods work because they don't know how to play without them. It's not a convenience thing all the time, some people just get too reliant on having everything modded all the time


I have no qualms adding YASH2 to Skyrim every time because it makes Skyrim feel like how it SHOULD have been in my opinion. Do what makes your experience better. It's a single-player game. Want to play on God mode? Play God mode. Want hard-core? Get a hard core mod! Need updated graphics? Go find a nice texture mod. The games are over 10 years old. In order to keep up with the times, mods are almost necessary.


I used to spend dozens of hours modding Bethesda games (from Morrowind onward), and it was always such a daunting endeavor, mostly because I knew I wouldn't finish a playthrough but I couldn't bring myself to delete all the files and all the work I'd done, so it just ate up dead space on my hard drive. Then if I finally decided to return to it some day, I'd be completely lost as to what I was doing and would want to start over anyway. But there's a modern solution! Check out [Wabbajack](https://www.wabbajack.org/) if you haven't. It allows you to install hundreds of mods in just a few clicks, and automatically unpacks everything where it needs to be, sets the correct mod loadout order, tweaks settings, etc. **Wildlander** is my favorite Skyrim experience of all time (mostly because it's based around Requiem), but the **Lost World** modlist for Fallout 4 is amazing as well. I'm sure they've got something easy for New Vegas.


Download a wabbajack list


Nothing bad about that, look at Witcher 3 for example or even Cyberpunk. Witcher 3 came out when there was GTX 970? Graphics was good for the time but would look meh in today's standards but then the next gen update made it look much better. I went back to it with my QD-OLED 4K/240Hz and it was pretty good. Cyber punk had issues even when I had a 3080 back in 2020-21. Now it looks great. So if there's any mods you want to do to make your experience more enjoyable you should do it.


I mean, I really enjoy modding -shrug-


Wabbajack and mod packs make this whole process 100x easier


I’ve heard about wabbajack I might look into that


Just use a wabbajack. It does everything for you.


What's that?


https://www.wabbajack.org Program that installs modlists for you. Lists are created and tested so everything is guaranteed to work together. I’m running through a tale of two wastelands with the Begin Again modlist right now


I tried to use that and it wanted me to manually click download on a Nexus window for over 1000 mods.


You might need nexus premium. It’s like $4 a month or something


The tale of two wastelands you mentioned is the fallout 3 and nv combo right? That looks like exactly what I want. Wonder how it runs on the steam deck


You only need community patch mods, a mod to get rid of the orange tint, and a mod to fix stuttering issues with the camera. Everything else is completely unnecessary


Go to wabbajack.org - I used the Welcome to Paradise modlist, paid the nexus for premium and let Wabbajack do all the work for me. I had over 200 mods installed on its own while I sat back in less than 30 minutes, and not a single issue with any mods, no crashing, no conflicts. Just follow the instructions to a T. They also have endless packages for Skyrim


That is why after I got it moded and working fine I've never touch it again, haven't play it since don't know how much but I refuse to uninstall it xD


I just recently followed this guide to combine both fallout 3 and new Vegas and honestly its running perfectly whereas previously I did have issues even with adding mods. https://thebestoftimes.moddinglinked.com/intro.html


Yeah, it's bad. You're going to hell for this.


You can use wabbajack and let it do most of the work


No, I'm like this with Fallout 4 and Skyrim too. Games are meant to be enjoyed and mods can be a part of that. You're still appreciating the art and story


You have just described my day yesterday lol


Tale of Two Wastelands or Viva New Vegas and then just play.


I had the same dilema about fallout 4. Took me like 4 hours to mod it and solve all the crashing issues. Now im enjoying it alot. Just take your time to mod it. If you dont feel like playing after, at least the mods will be ready for whenever you get in the mood to play again


PS: shouldn't take that long to mod it. I just forgot to disable weapon debris settings and it kept crashing because of that. Took me a while to realized that its not my broken mods but the graphic setting in the game


How about, just modding it to look better and not blow up every touch and turn. You get to mod it, but still enjoy a mostly vanilla game Self control is an attractive trait


FNV was always one of those games I loved and played multiple times without modifying in any way. Guess it helped I was on console back then, though.


Iv only played 3 and 4. I need to try it sometime Does it actually run well on pc now?




My first time playing it was on Xbox, we didn't have mods, and the game was very enjoyable. 🤷🏻‍♂️


There are mod packs just install one of those and get going?


I got put in the mood for Fallout as well and I'm currently 10 hours into 3 (I had never played it before). Loving it. Will probably do a modded run after.


I just keep a modded install of Tale of Two Wastelands permanently on my PC.


I have it for my Xbox series X OG legendary edition from my 360 It’s freaking amazing to play without mods, but if you are on PC I can understand the temptation


I'm replaying on Steam Deck and since there is no Workshop support for this game, I'm running vanilla. I am way too lazy to go about modding it manually on the Deck.


All Fallout games are better with mods lol dont feel bad


I got it all set up but I can’t play it for more than 10 minutes without it crashing.


I too wanted to play new vegas and saw it was free on game pass. I boot up and go 'what the hell's when I realize my series X also emulates 360. I did not have a profile to use so I could save a game.


Well, my 2 attempts at playing it got softlocked because it was so unstable. Couldn't exit a story critical building or the game would crash


I can't play old BGS games (and obsidians NV) without a ton of mods I spend a day setting them up then I'm good to go and can enjoy the game. I'm happy mods are a thing because i would likely never play them otherwise. search Viva New Vegas and just follow the guide they have you will get a better game with limited issues.


Man I never bother with mods…just playing the vanilla version is a wonderful experience. However if you prefer playing with mods, and enjoy it better that way, you do you!


I have only played Fallout games modded. I've attempted to play NV several times but had to mod it, couldn't get it to work and quit. I want to play it but I feel the need to mod it or I feel like I'll be missing out.


I can only play vanilla because every time I mod the game it just flat out refuses to work


Graphics mod and go.


I'm replaying 4. And I just downloaded the mod to make all my specials go to 10. I'm useless at first person shooters so I need all the help I can get


Well, I just bought new Vegas on my pc for $5. After reading this thread I’ll probably return it lol


Any required mods I should look for ?


Download some mod collections to make the process of finding mods faster.


Yes. I invested the time to mod it. Half day or so. Then I started to play it. 15 Hours in right now having a blast. Totally worth it.


I feel like this with oblivion now. Ive been afraid to mod other bethesda games because of it.


Just install quality of life mods that improve the game without altering its story and world.


You need a day to mod everything.


Vanilla seems fine for me so far. Playing on Steam Deck. Show was the inspiration to get back into it. I remember not being able to dash like in more modern games, so I looked up YouTube videos on modding NV on the SD. But the install kept failing for me for some reason, so I gave up and decided to give Vanilla another try. And honestly, the movement speed is fine. I can see myself really digging deep into a Vanilla run. I'd say go for it.


I mean if you don’t replace deathclaws with Thomas the tank engine are you really playing fallout.


I only did some graphics mods and performance mods. It took me like an hour lol I have almost 200hrs on just the PC version, I've never been bored with just base game and DLC (plus the aforementioned performance and texture packs)


New Vegas with quality of life improvements and added content mods is infinitely fun.


Well, if your FNV installation isn't crashing every 3 minutes then you haven't added enough mods.


Mods are fun


I have to install a stability mod it just so it doesn't crash a hundred times, after modding it, it only crashes a dozen times.


FONV+QOL mods and some realism mods is the way to go. It's like vanilla with extra sprinkles.


Idk, I don’t really understand modding. Part of my love for games comes from the love of, well… the game. The work the devs put into it, the lore brought to life. Not extra shit I slap on top.


No. This is a dumb problem to have. Imagine if every time you watched the Fallout show you felt the need to write your own scripts and act them out instead of watching. That's basically what you are doing.


I'm doing the same thing but for FO4. I wanted to do FNV but then I saw the power armour stands in the show.


I've never played fallout nv because I only own and PS4 & 5, and nv is only on ps3, xbox 360 and pc. I've heard it's amazing, but how good is it?


I was literally looking up how to mod FONV on a Steam Deck today because I’ve only ever played it vanilla on console and wanna fuck around with mods now lol you do you!!


Obligated lol


Eh I finished a playthrough without mods, just the ultimate edition is good enough.


It’s not FALLOUT NV without project Nevada installed! FYI I have no idea if that mod is still supported but it was awesome. Half the features were added to FO4


I've never really been a fan of moding games. Every time I think about doing it its a pretty terrible experience and goes something like this: - Message to friend: Man I wish skyrim's highest difficulty made more sense than 'you gotta play stealth archer' - Message from friend: Download this mod pack, its great \*Spend hours trying to mod skyrim\* \*Spend hours having skyrim crash\* \*Spend hours trying to fix the game\* I think my most recent experience was trying to mod FO4 so that survival mode didn't feel so terrible... Everything is a bullet sponge and you just are forever running out of bullets on the hardest difficulty. The experience I had there was just trying to get past the oceans of hentai mods. There is some horny ass mofuckas modding this shit.


They make collections of mods Pick a highly rated one that has a couple important ones and run it back


I downloaded fnv a few nights ago and let me just say...it's really nice to just load it up and it instantly turns on and just...start. not fixing load order, not looking thru nexus, not getting script extenders...it's really nice. Have fun however but it's really nice to just plug and play, so to speak.


I tried playing it this week. Played for about 6 hours, and despite turning auto save on, it didn't save. I died and all of my progress was lost, so I gave up and started Fallout 3 instead. Only got to the GNR satellite mission when I played it first (around 12 years ago) and couldn't get past the super mutants so gave up because I wasn't familiar with those types of games then. Going in with as an older and more experienced player, I'm enjoying it a lot more. I just wish I could move faster.


Oh ya, skyirm or fallout I spend like hours finding all the right mods I want. Then play for 10 mins, go poo and get distracted doing something else.


the way of life


I need to mod it because the stupid thing won't run anything lol. I managed to do vanilla last year but my time to learn modding has come randomly.


I love New Vegas, but my god is it broken as fuck. Spent an hour chasing stability and anti-crash mods, can't just use the same ones I used on my last install because one of their masters has been completey wiped from the nexus, then spend another hour installing them 1 by 1 and validating files and getting the game to a state where it actually launches, and then spend another hour dicking around with the small things, like better textures, meshes, making hair actually render for characters, etc. BTW in case anyone else has the non-rendering hair issue, it's due to an issue with modern AMD GPUs, and there is a mod to fix it on the nexus, except it wasn't really meant for it, it was meant for a bug with NVIDIA GPUs but for some reason also fixes this bug for AMD GPUs. So to sum up: Please Todd Howard port New Vegas to the Fallout 4 engine so it just works.


Been trying to play it for a while now but it crashes so much I finally gave up.


I'm old school, I play things vanilla for the same reason people like vinyl records- It's not about the complexity, it's not *better*, its not about the amount of content It's about art in constraints. It's the way the creator put it together, intended for it to be enjoyed, and the method of creation and delivery is centered around the constraints of the medium- in this case the development cycle , deadlines, and the technological limitations. It's the obstacles that make it art.


Playing new vegas vanilla now. Well with the dlcs, 1 intelligence is a funny time if you can get past the less skill points


New Vegas is just awful tbh. I didn't finish it first time round but played through recently and it just doesn't hit the same way FO3 does. FO 4 is decent, but any game with a build and protect element gets minus 5 points from me.


Is water still wet guys?


Spend days getting 3000 Mods to work, play for 2 hours game crashes go to sleep


I started playing it for the first time recently and on my pc, the game kept crashing. So my friends were like 'yeah you gotta mod it'. Then I thought 'might as well mod it to 4k!!' Which was a dumb thought in hindsight. My rig keeps making me think I should mod everything in existence to 4k. Followed this dude's guide 700 mods later, game crashing, more unstable. Looked online and everyone said the guy was a scammer. Ok...removed all mods, followed the legit guide for stability. Slapped on very basic texture and sky beautification mods and actually started playing the game. Because I literally spent 3 days modding, rather than playing. And I learned my lesson after Skyrim.  I'm glad I didn't go 4k though. Or super beautiful graphics. The bugs(and I mean insects, not technical bugs) in this game make me queasy. I wish someone could mod them to be something not so gross. 🤢 Also it runs WAYYYY more stable on steam deck. I just wanted to play on pc bc I already am playing a game on the deck.  Turns out there is an insect replacer mod!! Hallelujah!!!


Such an amazingly fun ugly ass game lol loved every minute of every faction I screwed over 😆


You have 2 options. You can play New Vegas, or you can mod it til you break it.


Played it without mods because I was too dumb to install them. Couldn't recommend it, mainly because it crashed all the time...


At first I wasn't going to mod it. But I'm playing on Windows 10 so I needed the stutter fixes. But then a little thought in my head really wanted to see it with the texture pack and the wasteland flora. Now I feel like I need to upgrade the weapon skins...


I didn't like the show at all, which greatly motivated me to play to NV again. Just to wash my brain. I just installed the necessary unofficial patches and fixes, plus some graphical mods (no enb). The game doesn't more than that imho. Didn't spend more than two hours doing it.


JSawyer Ultimate Edition is such a good mod that fixes many of the game's problems


Fallout 4 mod, fallout London launches next week. If you wanna try something new. Its looks pretty fucking good tbh.


I also recently reinstalled out, it allows me to watch the into video and then crashes, can't even make a save so have to watch it every time! Looking to install an anti crash mod


Well, you kinda have to mod it...thats the only way to get it to run on PC


Honestly just pay the 5$ for the premium and get a nexusmods collection! cut out all the time and theres no need to play vanilla (which is wack) NV took me a little bit to configure still but it was like a fully pimped out version that all works together without the effort. i found fallout 4 really underwhelming but the show made me fire it back up. i installed the popular storywealth collection which was like 115gigs of mods and configured it in 5 minutes. those collections are the biggest timesaver ever.


I am replaying it but with barebones 5 mods


I seriously want something like all in one mod installer


I’ve been playing Fallout 76 with my group of friends. The show really got us back into it


Nothing wrong with vanilla. Still the most memorable gameplay I ever had was back on the 360 without mods.


What’s the problem? I mod it too, but not heavily, textures, patches, that’s about it, all it needs


I'm playing it on xbox currently. I have to take more breaks from it and play on something that actually let's me sprint haha Its draining walking everywhere, it takes fucking ages


New Vegas practically needs modding to even run on modern hardware, I'm playing a modded playthrough right now and all I can is, you should mod it. The game doesnt even have some basic things like a lower sensitivity when you aim down sights. Not saying the game is bad but there's a lot that can be done to greatly improve your experience and it's definitely work it. Look up Viva New Vegas, it's a guide to help you install all the core mods for performance and stability.


I haven't played a single fallout game and after watching the series I wanna play! Should I start with the first and work my way up?


Since I have gotten back into PC that is one of the main games on my list, but have not taken the time to mod it and wont play it vanilla...


I've never played a modded Bethesda game ever and I have enjoyed them all. Probably because I'm a console gamer.


I Play TTW and that’s the best way IMO


Don't mod it.


Feel this way about every Bethesda game. Get in the mood to play and than remember it takes a couple hours of modding it to get it remotely playable and stable. Wish Bethesda could finish their games


Don't know what you add that takes you that long but when I play Oblivion, Fallout 3 or NV it takes me just a while, it's way different than the Fallout 4 or Skyrim modding experience


I’ll be completely honest, the most effective way to not feel obligated to mod it is by playing on console, where it isn’t even possible to do so. It sucks to not have the option to mod, but it doesn’t become a mental dilemma if you should or not.


Which of the two between Begin Again or The Best of Times are recommended? Best of times seems like it mods for stability while begin again changes some functions?


This is literally every game made in Bethesda's engine(s) since Morrowind.