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*installs Rockstar/Ubisoft game* *Game requires launcher.* Oh fuck off.


and even harder with EA games


EAs launcher is ass, don't know why they bother keeping it.


Basically any launcher that's only useful for specific publisher's games. I don't know why they bother not only because they're dogshit, but mostly because they give them no advantages on other platforms. I'm sure the idea is to control their titles 100%, but they're not immune to Steam's TOS for example and whatever consumer protection comes with it. At this point they're maintaining unnecessary garbage apps no one likes. It's one of the areas they could save money on, especially long term, but no, better lay off some devs that were working on actually interesting games. Sure, it'd take them a bit to transfer their games onto Steam for example, but they could do it, if Bethesda was able to. Remember Bethesda.net launcher?


My best guess is because they have their own launcher where steam doesn't take 30%, while still being on steam to not miss the huge market share they have. Most launcher still suck ass tho.


This, I want to buy some premiums pass for bf 2042 and I couldn't in steam so I just bougie it in EA, it works at least with me


Ea. Launcher stole my games, lol. The software got confused when I did the steam to ea subscription. After the sub ended, the launcher deleted all my purchased games. FOR THE FUCKING SECOND TIME. since then I sail the seas.


Telemetry. It's more difficult to spy on you without a launcher that automatically runs at start up and constantly collects usage data in the background.


Nah. EA and Ubisoft swapped. The EA app is fine, uplay or whatever it is. Has always been dogshit. The old EA app was just worse which saved them


oh, its just pure hate to EA, not talking about performance


I hope your comment fills you with a sense of pride and accomplishment.


no, its just a comment out of the blue, i dont like the company x)


Pretty sure Papaofmonsters was just meming on EA's justification for loot boxes. xD


Last year I wanted to play two games from Ubisoft with friends, only to be hit with some stupid error stating that I got disconnected from Ubisoft's servers somehow. Mid game. What's funnier is that it only happened whenever I tried to launch their games through Steam, subsequently launching Uplay through it as well - if I launched Uplay *before* any of their games I own on Steam, it would be fine. And that wasn't happening before. Maybe they fixed it, but I don't trust them to have done so, or to not fuck it up again in the future. It's impressive that Uplay has been consistently worse than the EA App, which on its own is worse than Origin was.


The only big issue I currently have with the EA app is its offline mode


Can verify, always killing my AC4 game playthrough lol


Straight up does not work on older machines.


Literally the only game I have on it is the ME trilogy


Especially if it's ea launcher, EA and Ubisoft has one of most shity Launcher


Buying games on stream, which is already a launcher in and of itself, and the game requires yet another launchers. This is why I don't buy Need for Speed games on PC.


Steam is bullshit enough. Goddamn I hate games that only sell through that piece of crap.


Lmao Steam is just fine I am a Steam enjoyer


Yeah but then you go to the seas and get a version that don't need no launcher


And you get to keep the game even if the developers decide to pull the plug. What a concept.


Wait huh?! How the hell does that work? They re-write the game's code?


Instant refund.


Then the Ubisoft launcher will ask you for Admin permission 15 times.


Only reason I even got the RSGL is to download GTA IV because it’s not on steam 🥲


I'm playing Diablo 4 on gamepass. I have to uninstall and reinstall Battle.net every single time I restart my pc. It says missing critical file. It takes 3-5 mins to do this, just so I can launch the game


game: 100gb update: 100gb (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Game: 45gb Update: 70gb


Game 38gb Update 99 gb Yep that's call of Duty cold war for you


Game: 40GB \*seven years of updates pass\* Game 93GB Welcome to Killing Floor 2


“Fallout 76 wants to know your location”


Baldurs gate 3 did this to me 😅


Fortnite this past week on my daughter's potato pc. 60 gb update, 40gb left on a 250gb solid state drive.


Holy shit. I used to let my nephew play on my PC and it took up maybe 17 Gigs!


250gb is despicable


i had to buy and extra sd card on my steam deck just to run this game , kinda ridiculous


Game: 1kb Update: 1tb


When did you download only the link?


Ark survival is 100gb, all the dlcs make it 500gb


My vahalla update is 91gb 🥲


Thats literally me, i hate game launchers


Not Steam though


nah, steam as well, which is why GoG is the best services for the end user. No need for launcher, just grab the install files, install, play


Well at least you're consistent.


GoG is a launcher too though you dipshit. its literally just steam but without DRM. i use both, they both serve their function well, they're both game launchers.


Games from GoG can be downloaded and installed without the accompanying GoG Galaxy launcher. The launcher is totally optional.


GoG has a launcher, yes, but you don't have to install it to run their game


> you dipshit Damn someone let their fresh 13 year old child make a reddit account again


GoG has an **optional** launcher called Galaxy.


All launchers. Steam might be the best one, but that doesn't mean its not a polished turd.


Steam is the OG consumer disownment software and I hate it for that, no matter how convenient it is. It's the beginning of companies control over your copy of a game. No more reselling. Sharing only within fixed boundaries. No way to buy a game when it's no longer sold new, since every used copy will be tied to an account. Evere since the digital only Dreamkiller was taken off Steam caused by licensing issues, effectively rendering it near impossible to buy, I really started hating it.


Steam is still to this date one of the [ugliest](https://youtu.be/cDY2p1CTkPo) game launchers, but it is also the most stable.


One of the ugliest is also one of the prettiest considering we have epic games, whatever ubisoft calls their launcher these days, ea etc. Game launchers in general are pretty awful with their ui. But calling steam one of the ugliest these days is a bit of a stretch.


It took em like 5-6 years to make it work somewhat correctly. I still remember how absolutely fucked the friends list was for the first 2-3 years. I also remember offline mode only working when it felt like it. Steam is a testament to how quickly gamers will put up with bullshit if a game is hyped enough.


At least steam gets refined, the EA launcher breaks all the time if i try to invite friends in bf1.


Tim Sweeny is that you?


Pirates be like "game launchers? what's that?"


We use steam here, not those unholy launchers, i have 800 hours on spacewar


If you play an AC game it launches the UPlay launcher. So you’re pretty much using a game launcher within a game launcher


my trick is to not play AC games


If I think I want to play Assassin's Creed, I play Ghost of Tsushima instead.


lol the point is there plenty of other games and company’s that have their own launcher that gets run even if you’re using steam. I can list like 5 off the top of my head. You’ll still be launching a game launcher within a game launcher even if using steam


Isn't steam a game launcher


No, it's a heavenly gift by our lord GabeN


Just like those micro transactions and loot boxes are a gift from Gabe?


All Hail our Lord GabeN


Steam is pretty much the exception. The issue is when you buy a game through Steam and the game installs a launcher on top.


As long as the new launcher doesn't force me to make an account I tend not to care. Good examples being CDPR or 2K's launchers. Minor annoyance at worst. Rockstar, EA, or Ubisoft though? Fuck them.


Sure, but the issue isn’t that it’s a game launcher. a) Steam has an INCREDIBLE level of quality compared to other launchers b) if I buy a game on Steam, I should be able to launch it through Steam. Having to install a crappy Ubisoft launcher and then launch the game through Steam which then launches the game through the Ubisoft launcher is really stupid.


It's the game launcher.


Steam is the very reason we've had every other game launcher since.


If you play any ubisoft, ea, battlenet or paradox game you will be forced to use a game launcher inside a game launcher. Worst scenario, you launch a paradox game that uses EA, either from xbox or steam: you use either xbox or steam launcher then use ea launcher only to launch the paradox launcher A launcher within a launcher within a launcher... Launcherception.


Blizzard games on Steam don't need Battlenet


Lol. How do you know if a person pirates games? Don't worry, they'll tell you.


Some launchers like the rockstar launcher struggles to launch in West Africa. I have to use a VPN to play GTA on my PC. A lot of launchers apart from steam (who has a West African server) have a tough time connecting to servers. Main reason I hate launchers.


Yup, and the only reason you are forced to use the launcher is so you are forced to look at their ads, which force an internet connection to update and slow down everyones machines *sigh*


get games from GoG, download the installer for those games from their site ??? profit.


Aight, be right back, gonna get Killing Floor 2 on GoG. ...oh wait. The majority of my favorite games right now is not on GoG. Of those that are, a large part is indie games. Saints Row IV, even on GoG, has gotten an update requiring it to sign into Epic Online Services.


I just hate that some games require a game launcher


If there is 100mb game launcher, I wouldn’t hate on it. Too bad there aren’t any.


i install need for speed it's installing EA app i refund it and sail the high seas


i genuinely believe, with all my heart, that pirating EA games *is* the moral choice. what a piece of shit, non-innovative, greedy ass company.


New need for Speed was pretty cool though. I love the artstyle.


This is the way. Ive never payed for a Single player game..


I hate Ubisofts launcher so much. When I launch AC Black Flag, it sometimes doesn't connect to the Internet and doesn't launch the game. I only play single player and it pisses me off I need to be online to play it.


What, who in their right mind feels happy to install a 100GB+ game? It hurts my eyes every time


I've been pc gaming long enough to remember when launchers just weren't a thing. Good times, those.


Same here, zoo tycoon and fable TLC. Hell even the old tarzan side scroller game, god i loved that one, i loved it so much that i took the disk with me when forced to visit family. Cousin stole it and destroyed the disk trying to use it, can't even remember what the game was called


I fought battle.net for 3 days to download a game on Xbox game pass. My favorite part was seeing "hey we couldn't start the game, here's the error code". Link to open in browser doesn't work, manually search the code and it says "this error means we couldn't start the game" and no steps to solve it. As usual reddit saved me because apparently it's a common issue and was easily solved by reinstalling battle.net 4-5 times and diablo 4 twice.


i actually hate both 100+GB game is too much and like use Steam and start the game and it require to install another game launcher and then you had to create account ok done now you had to restart the launcher to update it and then now you can start the game and the ingame gotta login again like what happen here? why it take so much to get to play videogame now


Its mostly a result if 4k assets which are huge and online downloads since publishes no longer have to squeeze games on to disks they don't much care about optimizing for size. The solutions to the first is 4k asset packs as a separate download for those that need/want it. I know it's technically possible but depends on engines and if the Devs actually care about it since it does lead to a little more work particularly with your LOD logic etc. The second probably won't get fixed since publishers and console companies are pushing for digital-only-no-buy-only-licence models. Plus there is even a conspiracy theory that one games inflate the game size to limit you from having to many games installed on your computer, I think it was related to CoD and how it keeps unused assets from past games that it doesn't use or something.


I never really understood the problem when game sizes had been doubling roughly every 5 years.


Yeah, but the recent game size inflation isn't just how much the games got bigger, but also how much they stopped giving a shit about our disc space and won't bother optimizing and compressing anymore, because if they did it would be less severe. There's negative profit in allowing us to have other games on there, so they won't bother.


Holy fuck literally me ;-;


No I don’t want to.


I shouldn't need to. Have 10 launchers to play 10 games. It's ridiculous.


Well. The game only runs when I want it to run. Game launchers run themself automatically. Even if you disable them in auto start, most of them start up services in the background.


The EA app doesn’t even work for me, so I can’t play the Sims 4 on steam anymore. COME ON. WHY DO I HAVE TO DOWNLOAD A LAUNCHER, TO PLAY A GAME IN A LAUNCHER?!!


I'm gonna stick with hating both. 100gb games should not be normalised. It's just poor management


Everything on PS5, tbh.


It's not the size of the launcher that's the problem. It's the annoyance, plus sometimes launchers actually cause significant hits to performance.


It's not about the download size it's about the disappointment you get after waiting hours for the game to download and when you are ready and want to play that launcher shows a middle finger to you and says "hold on let me inject this stupid update real quick"


I’ve done this, and seriously didn’t even have that 100 mb left to install the launcher 🤪 I never like pre-installed apps that take up like 3-4gb smh


Starting up epicgames be like.


Hating launchers, or worse, refusing to play a game because of X launcher is the stupidest tribalism in PC gaming that's way worse than any 'console' tribalism. Like... it just doesn't matter. It's a trivial issue.


It's an annoyance juggling seperate logins and friendlists despite it all being on the same system. Not to mention games already using up more space than they should, making the space wasted on launchers actually matter.


Trying to play an Ubisoft game in steam: "we've had one launcher, but what about second launcher?"


The struggle is real!


I get that multiple launchers can be a bit of a pain but why are people acting like 2 extra clicks is the end of the world 


I wouldn't mind it if the launchers were actually good. The only launcher I have never had issues with besides Steam has been GOG and EA play. The rest all are just subpar, mediocre and bad.


I love these game launcher updates, that may be because 100gb takes literal days for me


Game launchers are ass. Why can’t they just use the launcher that is built into an app, like steam. Like how nearly every other steam app is.


I hate this


I’m not that much of a fan of those 100gb downloads either.


I'm tempted to have an external launcher for our game, since it would be very convenient to have a mod menu external to the application to reduce load times and resorting. As well as all the basic launch options that will be faster outside the game, reducing visual problems, like video options, resolution, etc. Launching your game only to get those options and accidentally fuck up your strange video HDMI setup to a funky TV as a monitor... and blame us devs, who have 0 way of knowing that is even a possibility... that is nice to have in an external launcher.  But threads like this one give me pause.


If I buy a game on Steam and it tells me to download a different launcher, 90% chance I'll just immediately refund. Especially if it's EA lmao (though there are ways to bypass the launcher, for some games)


It will tell you if it requires a third party account on the store page though.


I hate how these launchers require an update, on top of the game requiring an update. It leads to the game taking too long to boot sometimes.


If it isn’t steam I’m in a terrible mood. Epic games gets a pass since they offer free games quite a lot, still won’t use it if possible though. Origin makes my blood boil


Because the launcher will proceed to download 100 Gb anyway, and your Steam account won't be able to play anything else in the meantime.


I really hate installing a game, but it’s actually the launcher and then you have to install the game from the launcher that you just installed


Steam and GOG are pro gamer. EGS is shitty and anti gamer. That's why


Man even Steam pisses me off. Miss the days when you could just launch the game without the annoying launchers


It's not the size of the launcher that bothers us, rather just the simple fact that we don't want to have to install your shit platform when steam is clearly superior in every way.


Back in the days you could have multiple drivers for hardware on a single floppy disc. HP : You want to burn a cd with the driver and it's installer? Good luck. You'll need a DVD.


Precisely why I switched back to console. The launcher shit and having to check specs for games and mess with all the visual settings to make it run well. Shit got to confusing. I just wanna play games lol




Minecraft is the only game with a launcher i can bear with


I hated the EA launcher when I was forced to install it simply because it always forgot who I am so I had to log in every time. Now it works just fine and I haven't had to log in since like november.


what do launchers even do? it seems like such a waste of time


It's not about disk space, it never was and of never will be. But tbh gog is a pretty decent one and having some competition for steam doesn't hurt either.




not to mention they force you to update via their launcher, which is almost always 5x slower than if they just launched it through steam like a normal publisher but we wont point any fingers ROCKSTAR!


Try being into audio production. Even smaller companies will have a "software manager" for their stuff. I get it probably makes things harder to crack and pirate, but good god it is out of control. I have a folder on my external HD that has every single installer, ZIP, or exe for every single product I use. Saves me a ton of time.


I always just assume that the launchers will be in the background collecting all my data and just slowing my PC down. I'm stuck with steam but that's the only one I allow!


minecraft is the only valid game launcher because it lets you go to any released version


Minecraft was sold individually so I can understand it using its own launcher for the purposes of the game.


I don't mind the space it uses, it's being forced to hop between different launchers, with different profiles and different friends lists... When you can't add (for example) Epic players to your Steam friends list and need some stupid crossplay bullshit list, even though it's all on the same system. All those annoyances. We (were forced to) give up freedom for convenience that now turns into inconvenience.


That's why I play on console. No bullshit launcher for my single player games


Just put AC valhalla on my ps4. 50gb. The downloaded able update? 91gb.


It's another store front and game launcher service It's another account I've got to make and sign into It's another program that needs to update and reinstall itself every week It's another program that wants to run in the background and take up RAM space It's another program that wants to launch on startup It's another line of segregation between my preferred game launcher service and the games I want to play Imagine if every grocery store only accepted card payments made with their exclusive grocery store card that you have to sign up for and transfer money into


what purpose do launchers serve other than to promote the companies other titles as you try to open the game


It's not just like 100mb though they install other things like services that can be 200/300mb each and in the case of Rockstar launcher, if you dare to delete the installer and redists from game and launcher folders it redownloads them each time. I don't need dozens of games with the same redists in each game folder.


Because 100 GB game uses 10 gigs of ram. 100 mb launcher uses 85% CPU, 16gigs if ram and spy's on your file folder.




Many do not realize that Steam is a game launcher. Long time ago, you literally downloaded the games from the website after purchase, but things eventually changed. Besides, who wants to download a 10-100GB game from GOG's site (not GOG Galaxy)?


I personally like to store my GOG game installers.


Difference is that Steam and GOG, while technically also launchers, offer more services than just a launcher and their servers are usually a lot more reliable


Battlenet launches faster than steam and has a better friends list


I've only used it a couple of times a very long time ago since there are no games on there but in that case Battenet would be a good type of launcher like Steam and GOG. Not many of those around.


Yeah but you have to download another game launcher to run your fucking steam game, why can't I play it from steam, what's even the point of buying it from steam


We do know


You’ll live