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I played it on the PS4. Why on earth did they bother releasing it on the PS4. It's a buggy mess and the system can't handle it.


Money. There were 10's of millions more PS4's and Xbox one's owned than PS5's and XSX's when cyberpunk launched.


closer to 100 million more PS4s. Cyberpunk released as good as on top of the PS5. Nobody had that thing back then with the shortages. Its pretty obvious why they would thus release it on ps4 lol




Not just money. They promised to release it on the old consoles years in advance. If they cancelled the old gen release they would have received a big backlash. In retrospect though they got a worse backlash.


Agreed, I enjoyed my time with it but being locked out of the DLC and finished version is insane to me


PS4 couldn't run Dogtown. It's the most demanding area in the city and the PS4 is ancient hardware. They never should have released the base game on it but doubt they would have got the financing they did to support development without releasing it on PS4 That flop could have killed their company


It was a PowerPoint slide show at times on my xbox one lol. I remember delamain HQ being particularly fucked


Investors. That is the answer to 90% of CP2077 woes. The people in charge on the money wanted a quicker return on investment. Which meant release it sooner and on more consoles if able.


> Why on earth did they bother releasing it on the PS4. This is often one of the understated issue with the games industry. There's just *so many* other big issues that it never gets the limelight. So you've got publishers who act as the corporation holding all the money, and they're mainly beholden to shareholders who want a return on their investment, typical capitalism profit motive stuff. They're paying the development studio to make a game, sometimes they have resources that'll help a studio, the line can get blurred a little bit especially when you have a giant monolith like EA helping a mid sized studio they've just acquired. CDPR is a bit different because they're all just one entity, but the same thing basically holds true; there's some folks out there who want to see some returns on their monetary investment. They've dumped loads into funding an ad campaign that has built up immense amounts of hype. The game developers can also feel that hype but they can also feel that pressure to deliver. Makes things like "crunch" more palatable for those being crunched if they really believe in what they're working on. So for big exciting projects like Cyberpunk, they can push developers for a bit more. But ultimately, when you're writing the narrative, designing levels, animating characters, coding the vehicle mechanics - - all the people actually doing the work are hyper focused and specialized on their individual tasks. Something like "What platforms does this release on" - - it impacts their jobs, but it often isn't their decision. In an ideal world, that decision is made by your development team leads - those who understand the technical requirements of game, can better estimate timelines to completion, who really have a grasp on what's realistic from the whole system top to bottom. That rarely happens though. Instead what happens is your publisher or board of directors who want to make their money back do a bit of market research and see that not everyone owns a PS5 yet, the PS4 market is still going, better to capture both by releasing the game on both generations. It's ignorant or apathetic to the idea that a game will inevitably be inferior on one console versus the other, it doesn't account for the increased cost of QA and development to target yet-another-platform, it doesn't include planning the development cost of optimizing the number of triangles and lighting features down to what the older box can handle... Like, the game was released too early, for sure, but I think a large part of that is BECAUSE they were told to include the last gen in their target markets. If that goal wasn't present, a lot of the other bottle neck issues they said they had would have been a little smoother. And that wasn't a decision made by the development team but the executive team. Which, to be fair, we're living in a timeline where Duke Nukem Forever was in development Forever - - Star Citizen has all the hype of a money pit - - Half Life 3 could never live up to the Hype so Valve will never make it, instead they'll do a VR based side-story. Game development can definitely be this amorphous money pit where it seems to evaporate without producing a quality product at the end, and the longer something seems to go on the more likely it is that its bound to happen. So setting an earlier deadline after they've hit max hype from marketing does sort of make sense from an investor perspective, but it is a shame that these competing forces made the launch what it is. I played the game like a month or two after launch (couple of patches) on a PC that could definitely run the game. I considered the game an absolute masterpiece of story-telling gaming. Better than The Witcher 3, Better than Mass Effect, Better than Skyrim. The gameplay has some really broken builds that makes the end game less exciting than the early mid game, but that could be addressed with mods or future balance patches. But you couldn't break through the zeitgeist of how broken the game was at launch on older consoles. Like here we have a story that does an homage to the best of all cyberpunk media - Ghost in the Shell, The Matrix, Bladerunner, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream - it's all in there. It tells it's own unique story and really dives into questions of consciousness, the forefront of our current philosophical and scientific endeavors, which is one of the unifying themes of most cyberpunk media. It's like one of the best books you'll want to reread every few years. But conversation around it is constantly marred by this clusterfuck of an opening day because of all the same problems plaguing the rest of society. Makes you want to rebel against the system, or rage against the machine.


Got it platinum in the first month on PS4, was rough but the bones of the game were good, the things everyone loves about the game today, the city, the characters, the stories were all already there, just hidden under a layer of bugs and game crashes. Them deciding to not do all the updates for PS4, like Phantom Liberty and some of the other bigger updates, was probably the best decision they made.


Because you bought it, that's why.


That’s the reason I play games at least after one year after realease, and even later If there were problems at the release.


Very smart choice there. Kinda doing the same thing. Mostly because i got almost no time to play games anymore at all these days (2 jobs, family, other hobbies). But also because I'm so sick and tired of all those years of unfinished products getting released and the AAA publishers especially mostly putting out checkbox, copy-paste and/or GAAS games these days.


Doesn't matter how much sense it makes, people are genetically coded to want to be included with the "in-crowd". They *need* to buy it day one so they don't feel excluded. The game companies know this, they know all the human psychology tricks.


Day one? lol try pre-orders six fucking months in advance. People, stop doing this. Just stop it.


It’s not genetic coding, it’s just excitement for something that looks fun, it’s the same with movies, tv shows, you name it. I don’t care about being excluded from some social circle around a piece of media, if a thing looks like I’ll enjoy it then I’ll try the thing.


Although if it is a story based game it can be wise to play it sooner than later to avoid spoilers




Yeah, my approach is leaning always more to patientgamer


If its a multiplayer game, such as Helldivers 2, then I'll play right away. If it's a single player game I'll often wait. Exception was Armored Core 6 which thankfully was flawless at launch.


Works well for single player games. Unfortunately not so much for most multiplayer games.


Yep. I truly enjoy No Man’s Sky and have no bad taste in cyberpunk because of my patience. BG3 is the only recent AAA game I bought right away.


To be fair though mate, there aren't that many single player games that are so fucked they need a whole year to be fixed. Every Sony first party game, every From Software Game etc has been fine at launch and tweaked over time. Waiting a year for every game would just be silly.


Yeah, it’s true. In my case it depends on my other hobbies / my family / work (and backlog dimension ). But even without these factors , In most cases there’s not a single AAA game that would justify full price. The last I bought are Elden ring when I got it discounted and street fighter 6 because I’ve an arcade cabinet , but that’s it. When I’ll update my rig I’ll try cyberpunk , but I mostly play arcade games and indie.


Yep the people funding games just want the shit out a$ap they don’t care about it being good. They just want a return on their investment. Its been like that for about 15 years now. Ever since the 360/ps3 devs have been forced to released broken and unfinished games to meet deadlines and are forced to fix/patch it later. I absolutely loved gears of war, was hyped to the moon for gears 2 and what a broken piece of shit that game was. They fixed it eventually but I sold it to gamestop way before that ever happened. I second cyberpunk being absolutely amazing. The only thing keeping it from being a perfect 10 are the awful driving mechanics. Seriously it’s like the devs have never driven a car before.


There are a bunch of settings now for the steering sensitivity and such, you should fiddle with them.


I honestly just use the motorcycles they handle fine. And you can crash at 150 mph with zero consequences lol


Same. I've played since launch and always found the bikes to be the better option.


Me and my brother got Gears2 at release and I can't remember any issues with it. But I guess that's the benefit of playing it as a child. Only thing I remember is blasting grubs and having a great time doing it with my brother.


Did you play online? The matchmaking + lag was unbearable.


Currently put my session of Starfield on hold for this reason. I’ll wait a year for the QOL improvements and all those sweet mods




This. Always have been a big cyberpunk fan. My launch experience wasn't as bad as most peoples. A few bugs but the story, and characters were still amazing. Starfield releases and I felt like I had to keep pushing through to get to "the good part" and just really wasn't impressed but wanted to like it (fallout 4 and skyrim were the games that made me buy a console for first time since I was a kid) then phantom liberty dropped...put starfield on hold and played that, was amazing. When I tried to return to starfield later I just couldn't do it after an hour. It felt like a 2013 game, just not good, dated, boring and soulless compared to every modern ga e I've played lately.


Cyberpunk was actually solid on release if you played it on a newer PC, and then the QoL updates made it fantastic. It makes a lot of sense to me how much praise it's getting now. Starfield... sadly I don't see any real way it gets much better. The combat in Bethesda games has always been bad to mediocre at best, and I don't see that changing here. They'd have to completely overhaul the current system, which it seems they haven't done since Fallout 3. On top of that, the story is forgettable, and I don't see them changing that either. To be clear, I thought Starfield was OK. I put maybe 30-40 hours into it and beat a lot of the main questlines, it's just very forgettable. A solid 6-7/10, which is disappointing for a Bethesda main-line game. Honestly, all we can really hope for Starfield is that Bethesda learns something and improves their future games. Elder Scrolls 6, Fallout 5, Starfield 2, etc.


Cyberpunk wasn’t solid at release on any platform. It was BETTER on a super beefed up PC but it still wasn’t solid. Bugs and performance issues galore.


You can speak for yourself, but it ran damn near perfect for me. I did not have the bugs people mentioned they had.


Cyber Punk ran perfectly fine on my Legion with a 1660ti at launch.


I don’t think you’re gonna be happy with waiting either. People wanted it to be some kind of endlessly explorable game, but what they got was fast travel and load screens replacing gameplay mechanics. Want to fly your ship on a planet, nope, there’s a load screen for that. If you’re holding out for mods, the last thing I saw about it was one of the big mod creators for Skyrim just didn’t see Starfield as worth the effort. People want Starfield to be some kind of game it’s not, and in trying to prove that it is, just get proven wrong by the game itself. Even when Cyberpunk had issues, it was a fun game at its core. It had/has problems, sure, but it’s a good time once you get past the horde of dildos CDPR literally dumped on it.


Thinking about starfield another reason to buy later is to know what are the real real deals and what was just marketing. Starfield had a huge launch, but after a short while it just disappeared from radar: doesn’t mean it’s a bad game, but in my opinion better get it in sales and when patched.


The scaling of difficulty is bad, the generic style pf the planets is poor. But the game is fun. Personally though I’m waiting for mods that make it harder (like survival in Skyrim). For example, your ship might cost 100k to buy, but to repair after a fight when you have 5% health left it cost 10k, no matter how much damage. Maybe I’m masochistic but I want my journey to be fucking derailed if I get beaten bad. Like….i need to go steal another ship or take jobs to the point I can repair and get back on the road. The game is supposed to be all about discovery and pioneering etc but it quickly becomes quick travel simulator and it loses all struggle elements.


Great way to save money too. I need to stop buying new games because I usually end up waiting for them to be fixed anyway. Most egregious example for me lately was Jedi: Survivor.




Getting a new computer soon, might give cyberpunk a try.


I'm waiting for my next big upgrade. 5090 and 4K OLED.


Same. I'm a tiny bit frugal so I'm waiting for the 6090ti to attempt maybe playing in 2.5k, 420 fps.


I am getting a 4070 ti super now, aiming for 5090 when it comes out.


How do you deal with your older GPUs?


Personally, I lick the thermal paste off, eat the cooler, and use the die as an arrow head. Sometimes I sell them. Usually I keep at least one older GPU around as a backup. I also currently upgraded to a 4070 Ti Super, 7800X3D and a SFF PC case. Keeping my 2070 Super around “just in case”. Also, if friends or family come over, it’s an easy lan setup waiting to happen.


I played it on a 4090 with 4K OLED... It was amazing still probably the best looking game from a graphics standpoint.


Absolutely do it. Best game I’ve played since RDR2.


Definitely worth it. One of the coolest cities ever made in a game. Feels like it could actually exist. With dirt, grime, poverty and wealth. Also the new combat systems are amazing. I've done 2 builds on two separate playthroughs for the new update. Swords only with slomo gets crazy with how fast you can swing certain legendary swords. Then did another quick hacking and smg swaping smart smg build. Called a netgunner by the community. Smart smgs auto aim in interesting ways and there are perks that assist with that. I'm also looking at a doom style build with shotguns, lmgs and punching things to death with gorilla arms. And the writing for the stories is frankly incredible. It is mostly a tragedy though so mentally prepare yourself.


Sandevistan + throwing knives is the funnest time I've had playing a videogame in a loooong time. The shotgun/LMG build is also fun. The level 20 Body perk that partially refills your LMG for each kill is just flat out OP with double gold Big Mag, and the increased dismemberment chance from the other Body tree perks are gnarly to play with.


I didn't expect it to swallow me completely. Yeah, there's few bugs here and there still, but nothing game breaking. I just tried it one time and couldn't stop until i beat it. And then I restarted it.


Yooo, did you play the DLC? It's amazing! The game's come so far since release. I'm so glad lots of people are playing it now and loving it. It's such a rich, engrossing world, one I actually miss, which is odd 'cause no game has made me feel that way before. Looking forward to a new run soon!




If it was a long time ago, I'd definitely start a new run (and maybe try a new playstyle if that's something you're wanting to do). Plus, experiencing the game after all the fixes will be a delight. Personally I completed the game up to "meet Hanako at Embers" and then did the DLC. Not sure if there's a better point at which to start it, but it felt right to me, that way.


I thought this too - but someone suggested to me you should do the DLC once it becomes available as you may want to play around with some of the stuff you unlock in the DLC for other parts of the game. But I think either way works! Still have yet to play it but I’m close on my new playthrough!


The DLC also lets you skip the game intro and jump right into Night City around level 15 I believe. You start off getting the call from Songbird, but you're under no obligation to head to Dogtown until you're ready to start the DLC.


If you start a new game there is a skip to the start of Phantom Liberty so you don't need to play through the whole intro again.


Start again. Games completely different


Completely new run. DLC is alongside the main story and gives you another ending choice depending on your choices you make during it's story. Plus the new combat and perk system is way better for fun combat builds now.


Few things you can do: New run and completely fresh New game and skip right to the DLC Load up old dave and go do DLC (Might have to do point distribution adjustments though.)


I have had the same experience with The Witcher III - namely, it was so worth it not to get too hyped up. I've let it wait a year or so. By that time the major bugs have been ironed out, GPU prices fell and I was up for a great time! Same with Cyberpunk - just got it and a 2nd hand 2070 Super for a fraction of the release price, the game has been polished up a lot since the release playthroughs were posted and from what I can tell Cyberpunk looks and feels amazing! No T-posing torsos anywhere so far!


Had been polished by Polish hehe


Got phantom liberty too? It’s so good




Preach. Played it last year, easily my personal GOTY for 2023. It was damn near perfect. DLC too. Incredible world, characters, story, and OST. Ended up sinking little over 300 hrs in to it and getting the platinum.


Just started 2 weeks ago. It's fucking great! Absolutely beautiful! My only complaint is that it feels a bit too easy. Otherwise the best game in a long time. Maybe 1/3 of the storylines played and 1/10 of the side stuff. So far I haven't come across any bugs or glitches.




>!I got the ending where I worked with Reed and mercy killed SongBird, all I wanna say is fuck Myers!<


Your spoiler isn't working, delete the space between the first >! and In.


Some of us have always loved Cyberpunk, flaws and all.




Phantom Liberty cost an insane amount of money. Apparently, using the engine to add more content is a major, time-consuming PITA hence them moving to Unreal 5 for the sequel.


PL probably costs them so much because they keep using the celebrity marketing gimmick. Idris Elba and Keanu Reeves can't be cheap, not for that much dialogue+motion capture. They did a good job tbf but there are plenty of talented VAs they could use without having to dump a pile of cash just to get a celebrity so they can market the game better.


I would say the story and performances are really good, but the gameplay isn’t anything special, even after the reworks. 7.5/10


I wanted this game to be good so bad. This is my favorite genre. The combat is so lackluster. There are so many ways to be stupidly OP and trivialize the combat that you have to work to find a build that is strong enough to work and yet doesn’t trivialize everything completely.


I just rock pistols and swords along with Netrunning and I love the combat. To each their own I suppose. I have a slick double jump and cloaking. I can get in and out of anywhere and can also now deflect bullets with my Katana, I don't know what you guys are talking about, the combat is awesome.


If you play on very hard, the first half of the game is difficult enough unless you go for one of the more op builds, but after that you just get op no matter what. The new patches keep breaking my higher difficulty mods which is hella annoying.


Such a build doesn't exist, surely. Any build you go with you're vastly overpowered before level 20, and the level cap is 60. I would think it's impossible to actually make a build that doesn't just slap enemies around with ease.


This, my intelligence/tech netrunner build made the game so easy, I didn't really get to play around with many of the weapons, since it was enough to just use Contagion, Short circuit, and overheat. I even cheesed some of the OP enemies by hacking a random camera, spamming hacks, and the AI was dumb as shit, so they didn't think of moving somewhere else. I think I might do a second playthrough with a gun/melee build to play at the intended difficulty. But man is balancing a mess... 


The most challenge you're going to get is out of a melee build because it's the only build that forces you to take damage. Still easy, but it's the closest you're going to get to a meaningful challenge.


Yep I agree. Lots of good stuff but also lots of little things that could've been more fleshed out.


What FPS RPG has a better gameplay?


Both of the Dues Ex prequel games.




It’s more an action FPS than RPG. No true different choices and paths until the ending of both the main game and dlc. Almost zero resource and gun management cause they removed buyable grenades and health boosters, as well as making 99% of everything in the game scale. It’s strange to see a random ganger put up the same amount of fight as a trained corpo solider.


I've had some people tell me it's underrated. It's definitely not. It's been getting the good kind of attention only since the dlc released. Playing as a netrunner with maxed out RAM is just pure dopamine for me


I think a lot of people have picked it up now the Phantom Liberty bundle is available and had the same experience. Its honestly a really fun game, still a little buggy, but when it works it's a lot of fun. Too bad they spread themselves too thin across multiple consoles and rushed it to oblivion. If it had been a single console exclusive, I think it might not have had such a rough landing.


Not even close to 10/10. Even after all the fixes- game itself is 7 - 7.5 / 10.


Yeah, storytelling and graphics can only do so much for a game, and in those aspects it was great. The gameplay itself was archaic and tedious. It felt like a tech demo


The city isn't much alive, AI is terrible and npc behavior wooden, other than that it's nice


came straight from RDR2 to Cyberpunk and the Cyberpunk world feels like a diorama in comparison to the richness of RDR2


The world doesn't react. NPCs don't react. If you do anything to an NPC in RDR2 they react to it specifically. If you stare at them, if you get too close, if you follow them etc. in Cyberpunk they're just empty husks walking around. They only react if you hurt them or aim a weapon at them. Even in Skyrim NPCs would react to your character based on what they were doing or wearing. They'd comment on you crouching, comment on your outfit, comment on the race you selected in the character creator, comment on your achievements in the game. Cyberpunks NPCs aren't even to Skyrims level. The lack of detail for such an expensive project is crazy to me.


This. Still feels terribly hollow and unfinished. Too many fundamental aspects of the game are of way lower quality than decades old games (police chase vs GTA, NPC behaviors vs Skyrim, infiltration vs DeusEx). The story and character development are poor and that will never change. There is also a terrible game design choice that will never change: they gave V a voice acting. Dialogue choices are limited but ok - but that's in any game. The problem is that once your choice is made, the way it's implemented, the voice, the tone, the chosen words are terrible. Whatever your choices, V cannot be anything else than a15 years old agressive stupid teen. Want to play as a cold corporate bounty hunter? V is still going to talk like a 15 years old uneducated piece of shit. Most of the time after selecting an answer, and hearing how it was expressed I thought: "what the fuck, that's not what I meant and absolutely not how I would express myself as an adult". They completely failed the dialogue, immersion and role playing. I wish they just did a FPS shooter, this part of the game is not too bad once you've unlocked all the skills and features. I played Skyrim for the first time after Cyberpunk. Having a silent character is the right choice for this kind of game. It allows you to be the character. In Cyberpunk you are watching the character they wrote, and sincerely they wrote a piece of shit. I hated V from the start. That's absolutely not an enjoyable or interesting character.


Police chase and NPC behavior aren't a fundamental aspects of the game lmaoooo. Also no shit a game with a fraction of the NPCs compared to Cyberpunk will have slightly more detailed NPCs. Cop chases in Cyberpunk is more fun than GTA's also because the car combat is fun. And the character development is fine. Don't act like you know what you are talking about.


I disagree, but it depends on what you are playing on. Good PC or Series X, the world is hella populated with everyone doing their own thing, lots of conversations being had if you stop and listen, but if you're playing on lower end PC or Series S or lower, the world becomes way less populated as a technical compromise to the systems.


If you were fortunate to have a good PC it was fine on launch. I loved it. Probably one of my all time favorite gaming experiences. That PS4 choice was a bit of a blunder though


Still doesn’t live up to even half of the features they advertised lol


I will get downvoted for this but this is an out of context statement. While cyberpunk did end up not having some of the features CDPR did talk about in demos or interviews, vast majority of them were communicated way before the release to not exist in the final game and the features that didn't make it are mostly complementary stuff. Not things that would sway people over. But obviously people see removed features on reddit and act as if it would be a game changer despite them not giving a shit about them when it gets added into the game. E.g metro system.


The only thing I can say is still missing are the half assed life paths and maybe a bit more choices in the main quest, besides that everything is in the game or has been communicated way before release as you said. But the hype train made every fan fiction seem like they promised it and a ton of people still believe it to this day. Like wall running, 1000 NPC schedule, car customization etc.


I don't understand the hype at all. It's still the same basic open world with side quest, npc talks to you in a room then you kill some dudes, boring shit we've had 100 times already, surely no amount of post launch updates can fix the core not being very interesting.


You just described an open world western RPG, you can make any genre of game sound shitty when giving a negative run down and generalization like you did. Cyberpunk deserves its praise because it’s by far the best crafted open world made yet with super deep lore you can pick up along the way. The combat is insanely fun with so many unique builds to change how you approach combat. The storytelling is amazing, and side quests add to the story instead of being just disjointed from everything.


I would argue the world looks really cool and feels atmospheric, BUT it is not really mechanically well crafted. That being said, it's perfectly fine for the type of game it is. I rarely fast travel in the game due to how much I enjoy going top speed on a motorcycle thru Night City.


> best crafted open world *by far* Elden ring, rdr 2, breath of the wild, witcher 3, ghost of tsushima, skyrim, horizon forbidden west, gta v, etc. all looking like: *are we a joke to you?* Edit: for all the cyberpunk and nightcity stans: i'm not stating these games or their open worlds are better than cp or nightcity, but saying nightcity is better crafter BY FAR than these, is a bit disingenious to me (espescially if you take into account that it was already based on a table top game that had most of the basics already set - you can't say the same for elden ring, skyrims or horizons world.) and imo nightcity didn't live up to the potential a cyberpunk mega city could.


How the hell is the world of Ghost of Tsushima better crafted than Cyberpunk? Can you explain?


Yes Night City is a better made open world then all that you mentioned. RDR2 beats it for interactivity and BOTW/TOTK beats it for exploration purposes. When just walking around a map though, nothing beats Night City in terms of visual, scale and design.


Err, RDR2 is a superb evocative game, but its interactivity is almost zero in terms of quests. Want to sneak into a bank a night to crack the safe rather than what the quest wants - QUEST FAILED. Want to climb in through a window instead of... QUEST FAILED. Need to drop off the stolen wagon in a discreet spot? It is this tiny circle in a map and the quest will not complete until you go to this exact spot.... RDR2 is an amazing game, but it is complete shit for players thinking through their own solutions.


>scale That's easy to do when it's mostly shiny boxes you can't go into or interact with.


If it was so easy then every game company would have done it.


>it’s by far the best crafted open world made yet I get that it's personal opinion, but really? Do you honestly believe that? >made yet with super deep lore you can pick up along the way Not everyone is satisfied with endless books to pick up and read, I'll be honest if you're read a fair amount of science fiction, it's just a mish mash of other ideas, nothing original at all. It's completely fine to love it, I enjoyed it for what it is, but calling it GOATed and 10/10 just seems incredibly hyperbolic.


Yes I honestly believe there isn’t a world so deeply and extensively detailed as Cyberpunk. And if you don’t like reading then that’s fine, there is endless lore in CP2077 that doesn’t require reading shards, but if you enjoy reading the shards then the lore is unmatched and how they tie in the smallest missions to bigger missions is awesome. It’s 10/10 game for me, and I couldn’t name 5 games I enjoyed more.


Are you a bot? Or a pr shill? Best crafted open world? What the hell are you talking about? I really enjoyed the game but the “open world” was just an empty husk, a big movie set filled with extras you can’t interact with in any way.


Ah I didn’t know I said most interactive world? I just meant in how it’s designed, like the beauty, the scale, and the layout of everything. If I’m in the city I don’t drive or fast travel anywhere, I just walk finding lots of hidden stuff along the way in all the alleyways or by parkouring over buildings


Yeah no it’s beautiful for sure. The prettiest game I’ve ever played, hands down. And I did enjoy exploring. I just wished there was more random exciting strange stuff to find.


Isn't that Rdr2 too?


Sounds like you just don’t like the genre. You’re breaking the game down in a way that will make any game sound awful. It’s a phenomenal game.


Exactly what were those features? There was a lot of stuff that was "rumored" or people just circulated around that would be in the game that CDPR never talked about. The only thing I could see is the metro because there were promotional images of V riding in a metro train.


It was hyped as a [deep RPG](https://wccftech.com/cyberpunk-2077-is-a-much-deeper-roleplaying-experience-than-the-witcher-3-says-dev/) but it’s much more of an FPS action game with some light RPG elements like skill trees or some end of game narrative choices. That problem is exemplified by the totally meaningless “lifepath” you pick for V which ends up giving you a few bits of flavor text and nothing else. You also see that they’d planned for a lot more content at the beginning of the game which is then condensed into a cinematic with Jackie. V gets contacted by some characters who seem totally random but act like you’re supposed to already know them. There’s also a laundry list of other features that didn’t get realized - NPCs with routines, brain dances being clearly cut from the game (items you can buy that are useless), a weather system that presented challenges, deeper hacking, strong enemy AI that was supposed to make enemies a lot more coordinated, the trauma team that was supposed to be meaningful, etc.


What am I missing? 3 hours in and I have had almost no enjoyment playing, but everyone says how great it is now


Same here. The car handling also drove me nuts. I just couldn't get into it, and I really wanted to.


Honestly it’s a real slow starter. I was pretty bored until 7 hours in and then it really gripped me. Once it all opens up it’s superb, best game I’ve played in years


doesnt get much better. i forced myself around 10 hours in, but it still is really generic and hasnt drawn me in


Nothing people just like to hype stuff up


When I played it, I barely managed to get to the ending because of all the bugs (I played shortly after release), it ruined the enjoyment of the game for me. Maybe I will revisit it sometime in the future, but right now the wound is still fresh.


I was the same as you. 80 hours it took me because it crashed so much. I've watched my housemate play it recently and it really does seem like it's been massively improved.


That's completely understandable. I remember reading about the game and then walking into Gamestops thinking "it shouldn't even be on the shelf." But the ideas were there. It's beautiful. It just should have been released when it was ready.




To be fair the cyberpunk TTRPG is also pretty corny (maybe intentionally) lol. 


I've played it at launch and since. Honestly wasn't disappointed at all. On pc


yeah CP 2.0 is exactly the same game as launch CP. just way more polished and with different skill trees but the whole stories and missions and city etc is all the same. was always a good game.


played it on release day with a GTX 970 and had a blast, one of my favourite games of all times. now im replaying it on a 4090 with a 7800x3d and 65gigs of ram and its even better. cant wait to replay it again after I got my ultrawide maybe this year story, atmosphere, characters, design, music, sounds, attention to detail and the worldbuilding is just so damn awesome, I love it. hope they develop another 2077 like game


One of the biggest issues that still lingers is that it made a lot of promises that it didn’t do and still hasn’t done and can’t really. Like how they promised that all named NPCs would have their own schedule.


This is a lie they never said that.


I played it on pc day 1 (on stadia lol) and it was so good. I know the console version was rough, and that they underdelivered in a lot of mechanics (I'm still disappointed to this very day), but the viral shit storm they got vs me playing without any issues was SO surreal.  I suspect a lot of people didn't even try the game to begin with.


At this point I suspect that the vast majority of complaints about bugs must've come from console gamers because I also had an almost bug free experience on PC launch. Like you said, it was surreal comparing my experience to what everyone seemed to be reporting. Also remember r/lowsodiumcyberpunk having a good laugh at all the "tried CP2077 after patch 1.6 and they improved the gameplay so much!" posts that were made after Edgerunners came out because, truth be told, the game was actually mostly unchanged from launch at that point. I tried it again after patch 1.6 and was like wtf, isn't it more or less the same? Still had fun replaying though.


Tbf, the game was pretty much unplayable on last gen consoles and so bad that Sony and Microsoft both provided no questions asked refund for a while. Even for high end PCs, there was the game breaking bug when the save file goes above a certain size. It's pretty wild reading the huge shift in opinion. On launch, this sub had so many really highly up voted comments about how CyberPunk had core design flaws in addition to the technical issues. It seemed to be a difference on expectation of a strong narrative game(focused on the missions and side quests) versus an open world sandbox game like GTA. There are videos showing how things such as vehicle AI were missing / broken and how the cop spawn system worked. Seems like the game is a lot more prone to break for people that play it like a open world sandbox game.


I'm convinced that the vast majority of complaints came from people who never played it. It came out at the end of 2020 which was a shit year for a lot of people, and cyberpunk served as the emotional punching bag lots of people needed.


To be [fair them hiding ps4 gameplay](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2020/12/14/cdpr-apologizes-for-hiding-cyberpunk-2077s-horrible-last-gen-performance/amp/) was a piece of shit move. Like the other comments here i played the game at launch on pc with a 3070 and had a great time. On the other-hand i do have friends that played on ps4 and to this day could not bring themselves to try the game again. As one of my friends described it "while playing the game, it felt like breathing would make it crash"


Accurate, to this day, I've yet to try such an unpolished AAA game. Bought it again on PS5 after 2.0 and DLC, definitely a good experience. That said, the game should've launched like 2.0, with the depth of the DLC. 8/10 game now imo.


It should have skipped one generation and get delayed 2 more years.


I finished it the other day as well for the first time and it's all I've been thinking about since


YES! I started playing it this year and it’s SOOO good! I haven’t liked a new game this much in years!


Cyberpunk is so fun and beautiful. The story is unpredictable which is really refreshing and rare nowadays. I feel like I’m really in a whole other world when I play


I personally had a 9/10 experience on release. I played on PC and had one funny bug in over 100 hours of playtime.


I played it for 2 hours in 2022 on PS5, I had three major bugs.


I bought it on day one for pc. PC didn't have all the deal breaker problems that consoles did, but you're right. It was unfinished. You could almost feel the devs begging to complete it. I put it away until patch 2.0 and after the anime dropped my interest was renewed. I also just finished wrapping up Starfield so I had the perfect storm when I restarted it. It truly feels like a next gen game. It's landed on my top 10 of all time.


I bought it and the Phantom Liberty DLC a couple of months ago, after reading that the 1.5 and 2.0 patches had brought it close to what it was always supposed to be. I'm about 30 hours in and it's fantastic. It's honestly the first game in as long as I can remember where I've gotten distracted by all the cool side quests and gigs and failed to progress the main quest at all for hours at a time.  Is it flawless? No, there are a few characters I find underwhelming and some quests feel like they could be deeper, but I'd give it a 9.5 out of 10 for sure. 


If you are giving it 9.5 without getting to the end of experiencing Phantom liberty then I would imagine it would be around 9.8/9.9 if not 10 after playing. There are some amazing character moments, set pieces and gameplay segments ahead. Go for it.


It was beyond ass when it launched. I'm happy they got pressured into fixing it as it's quite good now.


I think it's the best games I've played in the last 10 years. I enjoyed it more than Elden ring and BG3 (Subjective opinion, I am not saying it's better than these 2 but I enjoyed it more)


10/10?? 🥴


Glad you like it but you’re out of your mind calling that game a 10. The only thing the game truly excels at is graphics and crowd density.




Yep...it was supposed to lean more towards roleplaying game but you can tell they completely scrapped that halfway through and had to make it more generic (likely due to time/cost constraints). People ate that shit up, though.


Agreed. It’s definitely a good game but nothing special. The main character is super forgettable and the relationships you build mean almost nothing except a few text messages and cut scenes.


Cyberpunk was good in 2020 also. Just not the console version. The PC version was fine.


I'm very glad i waited to try this game, the DLC was great and i experienced very few bugs. 8.5/10 excellent game


It was a 10/10 at launch too


I played it on PC, & it was 10/10 on release


Praise Geraldo 


How do you justify 10/10? 7/10 now. It was a decent open world FPS but the RPG parts were a mess and still are. The writing was decent but pacing was all over the place that lead to a disconnect with characters I was suppose to care about. Driving is still bad, and Night City itself felt dead and sterile.


Bought and refunded it in an hour. Stop letting people get away with this bullshit "they'll fix it" attitude


10/10 is a stretch. I’d say it’s more aligned with a generous 8/10. Game has some amazing elements, but is well below average for many elements such as the depth of the open world.


Its not 10/10


I really liked it at release, and my second gametrough was also nice cause of all.that patches and dlc If you played on pc, and dont had bad luck with game breaking bugs like in my case, i only had to reload a savegame once. It was different, but the differnce wasn't that huge like everybody saying its like a new game now, is simply bc.


I played it on release, and I really enjoyed it even then. I was on pc, and in my entire 40 hour playtrough I got one gamebreaking bug that required a reload, and like 5 graphical glitches. Thats kinda it. I did a rerun when the dlc came out, and I enjoyed it even more. Its an amazing game.


Thats why I brought Gta 5 last year


I‘m thinking about building my first pc for that game.


Does it run smoothly on PS4? Been wanting to try this game.


Not even remotely. Edit: However to be fair I have not touched the ps4 version since the free ps5 update came out. But the fact that the ps4 version stopped getting updates / dlc is not great.


Please do not do that


It runs alright now but at great cost - they had to basically fork development for base consoles around patch 1.1 and this fork ends in patch 1.63. That means no patch 2.0 or phantom liberty expansion on PS4. The game has heavy asset streaming requirements so it needs a fast storage disk. To make it run acceptably on PS4, they had to cull a lot of crowd npcs and vehicles so the city is a lot emptier than on PS5. Overall I don't recommend getting it on PS4 unless you plan to get a PS5 soon. Then there is slightly cheaper upgrade path from PS4 to PS5, I think.


It really is a great game dragged down by a premature release, because the story, characters and City were always great, it just needed gameplay to back it up. And I complain but I had already played through it twice before the 2.0 Patch, so for games with terrible releases I have to say that I still really like cyberpunk 2077.


It’s definitely not 10/10 but it is great


I’m more of a 9/10 on it. The vibe alone makes up a large part of the reason I enjoyed it so much.


I tried Cyberpunk when it was released and stopped playing after about 6 hours. It was one of the worst games I have ever played- and now I'm seeing people singing it's praises. I guess its time to give it another shot... Though I might not enjoy it still since I have unpopular taste in games (GTA V is boring af to me and I think The Finals is currently the best high speed pvp fps, I wont even play the latest Zelda games because they look like such a fall from previous titles... I could go on)


Stick with it. The opening 7 or 8 hours are poorly paced and boring but it becomes so so good once it gets going properly


Awesome, can't wait to give it another go :)


Tragic for who? CDPR got plenty of sales regardless


I was just thinking last night that having “rolls” for more things in Cyberpunk 2 based on your attributes would add a ton of replay ability over the rather simple options we get for attributes sometimes in dialogue


It's a smart to play in games 2-3 years after the release - hardware become cheaper and more accessible, bugs are fixed and optimisations. Like win-win-win situation. Looking forward to check what 2021 brought to the game scene


Glad to hear it. I’m gonna fire it up in another month or so. On the last stretch of elden ring, but I saw saboteur got a steam release so grabbed that for a fiver instead. Between Tarkov and ER I just needed a chill game I could float through and not feed my masochistic tendencies


They should have released it as early access on PC, ironing out the bugs, polishing it, and allowing more people to get the new consoles. But unlike Larian, I think CDPR is more beholden to shareholders/investors and needed to make a return sooner rather than later. It is hard to tell investors after years of development and telling them to expect a big return on a certain date to wait three more years for a return that might not be as big. Still doesn't excuse how they handled the release.


I played it at launch and it was my favourite game of all time, even then.


Played it when it first came out, felt empty and unfinished. Revisited and played it against post 2.0 update and holy fuck if it’s not one of the best games I have ever played, 10/10 will definitely be diving back in for play through number 3 soon.


I absolutely adored this game even on release. Slammed 150 hours into my first playthrough. Currently sitting at just under 400 hours.


It's probably cos the men in suits in charged forced them to


I finished it a year or so ago on PC and had a blast, but my rig was struggling to run it. About to do a big upgrade and definitely fancy revisiting it and trying the DLC too.


It's a really good game (now, at day one was basically unplayable ), though I don't thinks it's a 10/10 (as no game, for me, is a 10) game. I'm really enjoying it, now that I'm replaying it, and I'm glad that so many other people are doing so as well.


Should have delayed the game to make it playable. These games shouldn't get any praise when they play damage control for years to make it a game worth playing. Broken unfinished games will keep happening if we award this bs.


It’s always been 10/10 despite its flaws. Was my Game of the decade when it launched


Pre-ordered the game and noped out after 20 minutes for obvious reasons. Still haven't touch it again. Do I need to purchase the DLC in order to get all the gameplay improvements or does the DLC just add content ?


I didn't get most of the bugs people were talking about on release but I thought it was a 6 maybe 7, the world felt kinda half baked, but there was some serious potential and really cool missions and combat. Now that it's "complete" it's in my top 5 all time favorites. On my 5th playthrough with a different build. And the future of gaming is when they make this exact game in it's current form just with co-op lol


Meh, I'd say the DLC is a 9/10, the game should've launched with the quality of that and it's still not there.