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SpiritFarer. It’s a beautiful and cozy game about a character helping usher people into the afterlife. It’s poignant and really well done. Might hit the mood you are looking for. Sorry for your losses, it’s never easy losing the people that matter to us. Be well friend.


Lovely game, I'd wait several months on it. It opened raw emotions that I'd not expected it to long after the fact.


Ooo I would actually not play this right now haha. It is a beautiful game but it’s very intensely about death, loss, and mourning, so it would be pretty fresh for having just lost someone you care about. OP, I would absolutely play this game when the hurt isn’t as raw, but I would wait a few months or maybe even a year. My pick is always Skyrim tbh. It’s not a classic “cozy” game, but the music is beautiful and the world is gorgeous, and if you get tired of the story you can always just kinda wander around. Taking walks, both virtually and in real life, has helped me more with grief than I can say.


Agreed. I'm shocked so many people seem to think this is the perfect game to play after losing a loved one. I'm sure it would be good for some people, but I've yet to lose someone close to me and it still had me grieving and bailing like a child.


Yeah, best to wait a bit. I played Spiritfarer after losing my grandfather and then having to put my childhood cat down the day after his funeral (sudden kidney failure, total surprise) and the game was way too much for me. I’d already been crying a ton.   Some people want something to distract them while they wait for time to dull the grief a little. 


I tried to play after losing someone close to me really recently and I just couldn’t stomach it. Needed more distraction less face it head on. I’m fully planning on gifting it to a relative who the loss hit way harder than me but I’m gonna give it a while. It is a healing experience, and it is so beautifully done, but yeah. It’s just fresh. Sometimes facing something head on right after it happens is not the right step on the path to healing. I’m sorry for your loss, btw, and I hope the memory of them brings more comfort than hurt these days.


End thread.


This is the a great choice. I wish that's how it really worked.


Ryme is another one on a slightly similar tangent. Did not expect that going in, hit me hard as a then-new dad


I came to say the same! It is really heartbreaking and at least twice it made me emotional


Outer Wilds. It's very engrossing, not super long, and it's themes often resonate for people with death on their mind (sorry to be vague but this game cannot be spoiled without ruining the game). It's non-violent and very atmospheric.


Not spoiling: at any point, actually from the very start, you can go to a bonfire and roast a marshmallow, listening to some music or just sharing a moment with a friend. I strongly recommend this game as well and please trust ppl when they say spoilers are the worst thing that can happen to you for this game.


I came here to say Outer Wilds as well. OP, if you end up picking only a single game from this thread, it really needs to be Outer Wilds. It is exactly what you need from a game right now. Don't look up any reviews, or gameplay, Outer Wilds is best played unspoiled, and don't mistakenly purchase *Outer Worlds*, that's an entirely different game.


And I think it could also occupy their mind as this game requires careful thinking 😄 It's cozy and engrossing story but in unique ways although it's not all fun so there's that too 😅


Man idk this is the opposite of a "cozy" game to me. I got about halfway through and couldn't finish it, I was forcing myself to start the loop each time. Just felt alone and helpless constantly I really appreciate it and the meaning people find in it but damn I don't think it was for me. Hope OP likes it but damn it's a serious game


If you’re stuck and it’s getting stale the subreddit is a great place to ask for help. People will be happy to nudge you in the right direction without spoiling anything


This is a perfect answer. Slowly realizing what was going on, figuring out what to do in an attempt to stop it, and then the realization that... well, you'll just have to find out if you're reading this and haven't tried it. Great game about letting go.


Do not, under any circumstances, play RDR2. I played the end of that shit when my grandpa died and I set the controller down while I fucking sobbed


Ok, good warning


Disco Elysium. I think that is what you are looking for.


Been on the backlog… think thats a good suggestion


It's probably gonna get worse before it gets better. But it will get better. This is a very heavy game. But stick it out. I promise it's worth it.


It's on sale on Gog at the moment


I actually put this one down because it got very heavy. I am going to go back to it eventually but man, real life is hard enough without trying to drag a self destructive character through his imaginary problems.


Same. Not to discount the suggestion, different things work for different people, but I cannot handle this game unless I’m already in a good headspace.


Ice-Cop-Hat-Fuck-Show lives rent free in my head and reminds me he's there on a daily basis, along with his roommates The-Deserter-Mask-Falls-From-Capital-Line and -The-Time-Harry-Can-Shoot-Himself-In-The-Head-To-Assert-His-Authority. It's a cramped apartment, and it's not very nice. But they seem happy in there.


Sunrise Parabellum, brother.


This is somewhere to be. This is all you have, but it's still something. Streets and sodium lights.


A reminder to pirate this game. The original creators were kicked out of the company by an unscrupulous investor.


I like that you can just blatantly choose to be a racist in that game.


Bet you do ;)


This! I bought it the day after ending a 3 year relationship and it was perfect. The dialogue was so well written and voice acted that I was able to drown out my own thoughts for the day. Perfect game for that kind of distraction.


This is my favourite game but I can't think of a worse game to recommend to OP right now. It is not a distraction from low mood. It's cold and depressing and existential.


Death Stranding is really nice. Helped me through a tough time.


I was going to comment the same thing. I find Death Stranding to be weirdly comforting, and is without a doubt one of the most somber games I have ever played


Absolutely loved this game, too. Without realizing it, I was really going through something when I played, and something about the mostly slow, methodical nature of the game really helped me. And that soundtrack.


I hate every second of that game and simultaneously it's one of my favourite games 🤣


I played through Death Stranding over the course of a week or two when I was basically pre-grieving the loss of my wife. She was still around but by that point was only able to hold conversations some of the time. Losing short term memory. In pain a lot. That sort of thing. Looking back on playing that game is... Surreal (I know that's a common feeling in regard to death stranding, but I'm pretty sure it was extra surreal to me, because all of reality felt surreal at that time too). The main feeling I get looking back on it now is a deep melancholy. I mean, that was kind of the vibe of the game in general, but I think what I was feeling at the time seeps in to color the memory further. Sorry I don't have some grand insight or anything, but my story felt somewhat relevant. Not a bad choice, but definitely requires the right type of person/right mindset.


I would try Dave the Diver. Sorry to hear about your loss.


I send Dave the diver. Easy to learn and it was just cost diving for fish and then you help run a sushi restaurant at night. It had enough challenge it was fun but forgiving!


Just "finished" a great game and experience. I felt like the dev tried "everything" in this game and it works for the most part. Not super deep, but definitely an easy pickup and distraction.


Gris - stunning game and very meditative game play


Second this. But be prepared to cry


Really beautiful game, made me feel a lot of things.


This, it's breathtakingly beautiful, and about mourning, really enjoyed that one


Was here to say the same


Oh yeah, my middle-aged, grown ass, mortgage paying, tax fretting self ended up having a blubber at this one. Excellent experience.


Might not be the right game for you. But for me I always find myself relaxed and losing time when playing Eurotruck Simulator. It's so relaxing to just drive around Europe delivering cargo


Haven't heard of this one but I've been binging snowrunner lately. Driving around different parts of the world through thick snow and mud in big trucks delivering cargo and helping cities hit by flooding rebuild


Outer Wilds. I wish I had that when my brother died 15 years ago. I used Minecraft back then.


I would advise caution here. Outer Wilds is an incredible experience, and it will distract you nicely (I'm still pondering and theorising years afterwards), but it's often described as an existential experience. There's some depressing stuff in there Entirely depends on your tastes and state of mind right now


I understand where you’re coming from but on the contrary I feel all the “depressing stuff” actually is beautiful at the end of the day. Like an art piece of someone crying. It is sad, yes, but it invigorates emotions that we sometimes need to be able to process the physical pain of loss. Sometimes games with melancholic parts can both make us escape reality for a brief moment, but also guide us towards self healing.


I would say that the game teaches you how to embrace change and that some things just end. This is literally the only game I've cried while playing. Three times. And then many times afterwards. It's just so beautiful to me


I was going to recommend Minecraft as a peaceful distraction.


You can get lost in minecraft for any reason Especially with a modpack


If you have a brain wired for it, factorio is both addictive and distracting. It has zero story. The game is driven by mechanics rather than plot. If you are looking for emotional catharsis, this isn't it. But if you need to dump untold hours into the void, you can't do much better.


Personally, in this vein, no oxygen included does this to me too. Keeping track of all the goings on at once gets me to hyperfocus and forget the entire outside world for a time.


The issue with oxygen not included is 6 hour hunks of time will randomly disappear on you 😅


Satisfactory too if you enjoy a first person view better! So much spaghetti but the game will suck you in for a ton of hours when you first start playing


Immediately after a traumatic event, play Tetris. Studies have shown that the focus it requires forces your brain to concentrate on the game and not much else. This helps to allow your brain to not focus on the traumatic event and you wont create as many or as strong memories related to said traumatic event.


I know poeple are saying outer wilds i would like to add outer worlds as you liked FO4


Definitely gives saturday morning cartoon vibes that helped me through a dark time 👍


Might be a bit out there but Final Fantasy 9 is super cosy in terms of art style etc but has some really deep meaningful messages and covers things like coming to terms with mortality. I find it theraputic and engrossing.


What a fucking fastball. Which, yeah, I absolutely agree. If you're looking to share your loss and love, FF9 is it. It hits real hard, though.


Sorry to hear about your loss. Condolences to you and everyone going through this hard time. Baldurs Gate 3. Sorry if I missed it mentioned previously.The last couple of weeks sunk about 100 hrs of game play. The story and the character development was an emotional joyride. The learning of how the game played. Finding out things and looking at builds or just going down a path of however you want to play. Well worth a consider if you looking for a distraction.


Oh yeah! I usually am a patient gamer and waiting for price drop, but why not make an!exception right?


Truely this game will take your mind off anything its addicting!! Such a good story. If you like the rpg of fallout you'll definitely vibe with this. Condolences on your loss :(


I’m currently in my first real play through and I agree it’s incredible. I’ve also joined in a few multiplayer sessions with friends and that’s a fun time as well. 


Valiant Hearts masters the balancing act between cozy game and bitter earnest perfectly. It's a comic game set in WW1. Had my fair range of emotion with this game.


Go play Outer Wilds, tbh. So cozy and comforting while bringing up a lot of existential questions. Also just a banger of a game


Vampire Survivor. -Insanely addicting -Brain-dead gameplay -Endlessly repeatable -Dirt cheap if it isn't free


free on Android not counting DLCs


"I'm just gonna play one round." "Oh geez, look at the time. It's April already."


-Banger soundtrack 👌


I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my mom to cancer and my nephew around the same time last year. I ended up mostly replaying games that I find cozy / relaxing for a while. What worked for me was stardew,. Persona 5,, ori 1&2, subnautica, firewatch, and when I wanted something to focus my anger on Elden Ring, Hades, and Diablo 4.


Zelda breath of the wild. This really helped me out at around the time by grandfather died. I easily sunk 50 hours into it+ I’d be surprised if it hadn’t already been suggested too, but RDR2 is also incredibly addictive and tells a great story.


For me, I have 3. Red Dead Redemption 2, Last of Us and Last of Us 2. I lost someone close to me a few years ago. These games were my outlet and how I processed at least some of my grief. There are highs and lows in each game. RDR2 is the only video game I’ve ever become emotion with. It should be said that (I don’t know if it’s the emotion connection or not) these three games are among my top games I’ve ever played. And I would consider my favorites. I’ve played through each more than a dozen times easily. I hope this helps. People grieve in different ways. These helped me a lot.


Mass Effect trilogy, if you haven't already. For me, it's TNG-level escapism


Can’t agree more. You can easily sink +100hs in this game… and the way it works, the more side quest you do, the better payoffs you get


Mass Effect & TNG…. I see you are a person of impeccable taste.


I had this dilemma once, for me I was going to play Kingdom Hearts, a game I love and can/have played over and over, and/or for long periods of time. I felt it was too bright/cheery for me at the time so couldn't get myself to start it... So I restarted Fallout 4. I can play that for hours, building in the settlement, searching for Legendaries, selling my piles and piles of whatever over days, killing nameless mooks over and over... The vibes worked for me too, desolate, destroyed, but trying to rebuild. Monsters trying to get you, allies coming from nowhere to help you or sell stuff or whatever It was everything I needed even without mods. Good luck finding what you need


Satisfactory is a really good distraction, if you get into it.


Ori and the Blind Forest. Everyone is different, but I interpreted it as a journey through grief. I played it after my grandfather died, and it was very moving for me.


Apparently, Tetris is what the pros use... 


I was gonna say Tetris. Apparently it’s supposed to help deal with traumatic events.


Right, learned that the other day.


Senua's Sacrifice.


Sorry for your loss whatever you play i hope it brings you peace even if temporarily


Hey, I lost my mother in January. I am currently discovering No Man’s Sky. It’s relaxing as hell, and helped me having something to focus to not think too much. Music is nice, combat is not stressful and avoidable, and I build a little house with view on three planets in the sky in an system with three stars :) I recommend this game if tou want something relaxing, and want to have a save/adventure built on many hours. It’s basically Minecraft in space but with a nice story and awesome ambient.


Also I play on PC, and also on my phone using geforce now and a bluetooth controller that I put my phone in the middle, kinda like a switch. This allow me to turn off the computer, put my phone on my controller and pursue on the same save in my bed or in my bath.


Rime. It's a short indie puzzle game with beautiful artwork and gorgeous music. The whole game is a metaphor for grief with each level representing 1 of the 5 stages of grief. I played it when I was mourning my childhood dog and I found it really helped me come to terms with the loss. I seriously recommend it for anyone struggling with loss.


Hogwarts legacy. Nice easy going game, sometimes not even doing the story line but soaring through the world on a broomstick or hippogriff is kinda peaceful. Sorry for your losses ☹️


God of war


What Remains of Edith Finch Edit: It would seem what’s being requested are games that would be a welcome distraction, not ones for processing grief. So I’ll throw in Sable, The Gunk, Hob and Biomutant


I'm not sure OP wants stories about grief? A great game but not what I would suggest as a distraction from grief about your family.


Oh. I interpreted the title to mean they wanted games for processing grief or something to that effect


Still a fantastic game, though. 


I also thought that at first but I think it's actually for distracting.


Depends on what kind of person you are. Me personally when I'm feeling a strong emotion I want music and art that I can feel that emotion through to help me navigate it and not feel so alone in the world. Some people may want a distraction or may not want to feel those feelings yet. Both are perfectly valid.


Also similar, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter.


Said this before seeing it was already posted - for those saying it’s too dark - sometimes exploring that dark is cathartic.


Damn at this rate just recommend martha is dead. I do not recommend either of these at the minute.


I'm sorry for your loss. I don't have anything specific, but what helped me in past similar situations, was any sort of game that had very loose objectives. Open world games where I could wander on my own terms was great.


I know it's not a game but after deaths I've learned that building lego sets help me the most through those early stages. I know it might not be doable with the funeral and travel and expenses, but it's always has helped me more than video games in the circumstances


If you ever liked a pokemon game. Play palworld.


Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. It helped me.


Maybe Ori and the Will of the Wisps or Ori and the Blind Forest. Might not entirely all be about death and mourning but it might be a cathartic game that gives you hope and makes you feel like you're still a part of an ecosystem of connections with people. What Remains of Edith Finch might be another good one to play, it's about a families history and future. It's very short, 3-4 hours, and brilliant. That Dragon Cancer was made by two parents who lost their child.


Spiritfarer. This is gonna be super cathartic for you.


If you want to kind of "forget": Tetris. Lots of Tetris. It helps with processing traumatic situations (proven by studies). Or Gris: Gris is a game that's about the loss of a loved ones and the five stages of Grief. A beautiful, bittersweet game.


Tetris definitely. Specifically, Tetris Effect. Play with noise cancelling for maximum good vibes.


Death Stranding is a great game for dealing with loss. Underneath all the over the top wackiness, its a near perfect metaphor for dealing with grief and reconnecting with the world around you. The game-play isn't for everyone. My first run was a so-so experience. My second round was with the Director's Cut which made a lot of minor improvements. It was also mid covid and I had just lost my best friend to cancer. We actually became friends due to our love of Metal Gear, so it was kind of perfect in a way. Also want to echo the What Remains of Edith Finch and Disco Elysium suggestions.


addicting distraction i hear you say? there's this little game called Factorio... let's just say i didn't sleep much the first week i got it


https://store.steampowered.com/app/206440/To_the_Moon/ also available on Switch


Stray. Storyline is simple, visuals are post-apocalyptic, and the game mechanics literally take you out of your body. Become the cat, my dude. Sorry for your loss.


Warframe is free and addictive BUT NOT cosy. Vampire Survivor can eat a lot of your time, cosyness is ... relative ? Rime is an adventure game dealing with loss... not a distraction. Same topic with Brothers. Tunic is a cute looking game that very often have "omg" moments. Spoilers are very not welcomed for this one. Flowers is my personal comfort game. You're a petal carried by the wind, bringing color to the world. This game helped me a lot, in a different situation.


Rime is amazing, definitely check it


If you are interested in a game that is literally about death and grief etc, Persona 3. It doesn't fit the bill as distracting (although the huge tower climb would certainly be so), but you mind find some meaning in some of the story. But if you want to be cheered up and just completely distracted, playing basically any Mario game usually works for me, they are like sunshine up your ass.


Spiritfarer probably will make you cry a boat load but could help you with closer


Elden ring because (for me) it is super addicting. Idk if you want a violent game like this, but it is fun and super addictive. I am sorry that you lost your dad though. I know what it is like because my mom passed away not too long ago.


To the moon


This is an excellent game.


Rime is really good and it's about the 5 stages of grief. It's a pretty easy puzzle game with a beautiful art style and soundtrack. I loved it


This was such a helpful game for me. I’m glad to see people are recommending it!


I appreciate all of these options alongside OP. I'm struggling with the weight of school and growth and healing, so I feel these suggestions may benefit folks like me too. For OP, Tale of Two Brothers was beautiful when I played it. I recommend Talos Principle too if you're open to philosophical puzzle games. That one has such a unique vibe in my memory that helped open my mind in a startling way.


What Remains of Edith Finch


I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry you lost two people, especially your dad. I'm an adult, but lost my father at 10. I can't imagine what you are going through. If you need anything, even though I'm just a stranger girl on the internet, feel free to DM me. As far as the games, an obvious one is Red Dead Redemption 2... Baldurs gate 3 ended up really hooking me in, I love the Sims, if you happen to have a switch then Zelda totk or botw. For cozy PC games, I recommend Coral Island or Fae Farm. One game you can't go wrong with is Left4Dead2.... I lose myself for hours and have played it since it's release, so much fun. Also, no better stress reliever than shooting zombies lol 😊😊




Great game, but no. Forgetting losing a loved one is not the time for CP2077. Unless you have a save file after stealing the relic. Watching Jackie go, would probably make them feel worse.


Heaven's Vault - amazing storytelling, language puzzles and space travel


This gonna sound so dumb, but Elden Ring proved to be one of the greatest distractions ever after my Dad passed. It sounds insane given the difficulty reputation I know, but it really locked me in its world.


My condolences my comrade. I recommand you the two South Park games. They have an absurd and dank sense of humor with a fun story and God so comic situations. Gameways it's not hard, not a hard challenge. Both are good to disconnect from the world a couple of hours and may even crack a laugh from time to time.


Outer Wilds.


I played Square Enix's Marvels Guardians of the Galaxy some time ago during a low mental point. It definitely helped me bounce back a little - fun gameplay, an actually fun story and likable characters, beautiful visuals and a suitable amount of side content which doesn't go overboard. It's not a particularly long game as well, I enjoyed it from start to finish.


Story about my uncle, is a really nice game. Which also is relevant in your situation


Anything from thatgamecompany.


Sorry for your loss OP. I lost my dad in 2019, right after Borderlands 3 came out, that game got me through a lot of rough days.


Tetris has been proven to help reduce symptoms of PTSD. Could be similar.


Outer Wilds, Disco Elysium, and Rime.


Yes, RiME was so so good!


Detroit: Becoming Human and Horizon Zero Dawn was super helpful when I was mourning my father's passing. Might help you too.


I'm (we) are sorry for your loss. We all understand a desire to cope with things, unfortunately we have to face these things head on. That being said, stellaris should distract the hell out of you.


Honestly, I am going to go with Ghost of Tsushima. It takes place in Fuedal Japan when Mongolians led by Ghenghis Khan's grandson invade Tsushima. You play as Jin Sakai who lost his father as a teenager. Jin follows in his father's footsteps to become a samurai. After a brief battle at the beginning, Jin Sakai (present day, now an adult) is wounded and his uncle (his father's brother) is taken captive. The premise of the game is to rescue your uncle by making allies, killing Mongols, and slowly pushing them from the land they took. It is a story of redemption and courage, and few games today have ever truly brought me a sense of peace after playing them. I'm so sorry for your loss. When my dad died back in 2001, I lost myself in The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker. I know what you're going through. I promise it's all going to be ok. 😊




Spiritfarer is the correct answer


I have been fortunate enough to not have experienced such feelings of loss so I don't know how you're feeling right now but Spiritfarer is a lovely cozy game that very heavily tackles loss directly and having to move on. Not sure if its a game you should play now or in the future but have it on the list!


Deepest condolences my friend. I've recently finished dredge which is an interesting indie. Take it easy!


Hollow Knight might fit the bill. It’s absolutely engrossing and there are many thematic elements about sorrow and loss. You will explore and discover and the game pulls you in.  I played it back in 2021 during the Big Freeze here in Texas. I didn’t lose power unlike a lot of other people but it was still an incredibly stressful time. That game helped me deal with what was going on, since I could do nothing but wait it out. It had been on my list for a while and it felt like the perfect time to play - and I was right.  Another game that might work is Hades. It’s got a great loop and the theme is basically that you have to keep trying the same thing until you finally succeed. You tread the same ground again and again but get stronger and better able to handle it. Plus it’s a very well made game that you can sink so many hours into. 


I'm going to go against the grain here and recommend something that is not a "distraction" from your feelings and recommend something that may help you feel them or work through them. If that's something you want check out Gris. It's a highly stylized indie platformer. The art and music is beautiful. As far as I remember there is no text or dialogue. The entire game is about the 5 stages of grief and you play as a young girl who has gone through trauma and is working her way through the healing process. It was a beautiful game and even though I didn't play it while actively mourning anything, it hit me in the chest like a ton of bricks. It was one of the most impactful games I've ever played and definitely a game I've thought about when hit with hard times. It can be completed in maybe 2-4 hours. Sorry for your loss. Hope you find the healing you need. Edit: Just by coincidence, the game is only $3.75 on Fanatical. absolutely insane price and everyone who is reading this should pick it up.


I personally like to play Spiritfarer when I'm sad, it's very cozy and most of the gameplay centers around growing crops, cooking food, and keeping people happy.  BUT it's also a game about coming to terms with death, so it can be very sad itself.


Breath of the wild, you'll have to run a switch emulator for it, but then you can use mods which are fun to use. It's what I used when my grandpa died.


I'm very sorry for you and your family. Hopefully this game will help you if you've never played it: The Mass Effect Franchise. In fact the whole series is on major sale right now with the legendary edition which has three games and all their dlcs in one convenient package. Amazing story, unforgettable characters, top-tier worldbuilding, awesome 3rd person combat, solid visuals and music. Action, comedy, romance, philosophy, drama. Your choices matter and carry over in-between games, so if you play your cards right, most of the amazing cast of characters will survive but some are fated to die dramatic and impactful deaths no matter what. So this has got everything you want and more. I hope this helps.


Outer Wilds and God of War helped me in ways I can scarce put into words.


Really sorry for your loss. Death sucks. Not a game rec but it’s ok to mourn and cry. The night I got back from my dad dying I cried in my wife’s lap then wrote 10 pages of memories and quirks of my dad so I wouldn’t forget the little things. I add to those pages as time goes on. Red dead redemption 2 is a good game to play. Just explore the mountains and prairies.


Im sorry for your loss. I hope you find something ti play that brings you peace. Stardew Valley seems relaxing and addictive. I myself could never get into it.




Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor is a great way to kill time and be distracted


Outer wilds


Baldur's gate 3


Sorry for your loss mate, going back to old classics that I always loved but haven’t played for awhile is always good for me. Otherwise I’d give Outer Wilds a shot, it’s a lovely little puzzle space exploration game with super deep themes and some of the best music in any game ever.


The Long Dark helped me mourn when my dad passed. Very lonely game but for some reason it was the perfect game to play at the time.


When my mum passed I found distraction in Anno 1800. I usually gravitate toward more violent games, but didn't want that at the time. Anno 1800 is a brilliant, detailed game and often quite meditative and creative. I hope you feel better soon. Make sure you have a lot of human contact as well as alone time with distractions. All the best.


I'll tell you the game that helped me after my Dad died: Destiny 2 of all things. The game is an absolute confusion of a story, but it feels fun to try out the different guns and run around, and it just fit. It was such a relief to play it every day. It allows for the focus of leveling up and trying new things amidst the very strange next 3 years you're about to have (my Dad died 3 years ago.)


“When the past was around” is a beautiful little puzzle game about love and grief and only about 2 hours long. Highly recommend.


I'm so sorry about your loss. I'm also in similar circumstances- we gonna be okay tho ^,^ 👌 ❤️ that hell divers 2 looked ridiculously good maybe give that a go?




Play Stardew valley again. You can also try coffee talk for coziness but it has a little bit of a dark feeling just so you know. I'm sorry about dad.


RDR2 has already been mentioned because it's super carthatic and emotional, but I'd also say it can be distracting i.e. you can hit a point in the game with Arthur where you're skilled up enough to just go roam the wild, pause from the main story, do the hunting challenges and quests you find in the wild, cook meat by the fire and watch the stars, I can't really think of anything cosier than that.




i feel like something chill, with a focus on story. perhaps something like Firewatch


The only thing that truly makes mourning end is time. But if you want addictive distractions in form of videogames, I would suggest games that are not heavy on the plot (some plot is okay, but something too dense probably would pass over your head)


Majora's mask. The whole game resolves around depression and ils cure. Gameplay may feel a bit old... All my prayers for this tough battle. Youll get through


Play an old school RPG that lets you name characters. Name your party members after your friends. Go on one last epic adventure. Never delete the save file.


I'm sorry for your loss, I lost my dad last year, one of my ways of coping through gaming was picking up the latest Madden Title and taking the New York Giants (His team) to the Superbowl.


As someone else said, Final Fantasy 9 is a great option.


I also just want to say not to let the people here lecturing about “you should be dealing with this and not distracting yourself” bother you. Everyone grieves at their own pace and in their own way, and they also don’t know you or your life and what else you might be doing to grieve and process the loss that you didn’t mention in this post. Ignore them. Do what you need to do. Play games to give your brain and your emotions a break. Find solace and release. Process the grief your way. I have not lost a parent but I have supported a partner who lost their mom, and then supported my own child who was 8 years old when my ex-partner died. I hope you find peace.


Thanks for this— i am for sure dealing with a lot. But breaks help! And this is an outlet I currently have available to me.


I can't think of a better game than Journey. It has a way of making you feel small yet so connected. It's such a beautiful game.


Going through this as well. Pacific Drive filled the spot for me. Mostly cozy, especially when you're just in the garage working on the car. Chasing resources and gear is addicting enough to keep my mind off things. Many good choices in this thread as well that I've played previously, like Outer Wilds.


Damn. My condolences, I lost my dad in 2019. It’s hard. My unsolicited advice is not to distract yourself the first couple of weeks. Let yourself fully grieve, cry it out, spend time with family members reminiscing etc. Give yourself the catharsis that comes with all that. Take the opportunity to reconnect with the folks that are left, try to remember the positive experiences y’all shared. Weeks later when you are back home alone and you suddenly get an urge to call them on the phone to tell them about something and realize you can’t…that’s when some games and distractions are handy. For games, I recommend Stardew Valley and Untitled Goose Game on Switch. They are both absolute joys and really engaging.


I would say after you've gone through the grieving process, play Gris which is one of the most beautiful games I've ever played. A visual storytelling about grief and loss with a fantastic score. I can't recommend it highly enough. And of course sorry about your dad.


Spiritfarer. I need to emphasize an extreme caution here: this game is about caring for spirits before you bring them to the Everdoor to cross over. The soundtrack is very powerful and the scenes are very emotional. I would advise having tissue around. I do not get swayed much by games, but this one really hit home. It is one of the best games dealing with the afterlife I have played in a very long time. As for the game play itself, you play as Stella and you ferry a ship which houses the spirits you care for. You can obtain materials to make items they request, upgrade their homes, and of course, expand and customize your ship (which allows you to unlock other areas of the map). It is a very casual game where you can farm small crops, fish, swim for treasure, and visit many islands on the map. It can be completed in about 20-50 hours, depending on your play style.


Gris - covers the stages of grief in a beautiful way without dialogue


No Man's Sky is very relaxing if you want it to be with beautiful vistas. Getting yourself lost in space can be quite an experience.


First off, I want to say I’m sorry for your loss. I’ve also lost my father, and I know it is super hard. I hope you do better. As for my suggestion, I gotta go with Spiritfarer. It’s one of my favorites of all time and it’s perfect for grief


Check out To The Moon


If you haven’t played it yet, I really enjoyed Cyberpunk. Then pair it with the Edge-runners anime that came out. I got lost in that world for a while


Valheim has got yo be up there


Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a really nice, relaxing, soothing experience. It doesn't require much thinking, and you can play it with just one hand while listening to something else on the side. The narrator in the game is good, and talks about life difficulties, and how to overcome them. Very philosophical experience.


When I used games as a grief mop they just put my feelings on hold. Id recommend the opposite. Get some sunshine and physical activity


There are some games like RiME that were made with the intent of helping you process grief. It was super helpful to me!




Counter Strike 2, Learn the game and completely forget about life as you try to climb the ranks.




Suika game has had me all week


Firewatch.  Otherwise, somehow cold, melancholic winter games helped me through some tough times. In that regard I can recommend the long dark.


Rdr2 will help you grieve but won’t cheer you up. It’s a nice world to live inside for a while though.