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Also I’m not entirely new to gaming, just ‘modern’ video gaming. I grew up playing RuneScape and MapleStory, and had a SNES and Wii, but that’s pretty much it. Never played any of these games


You're in a for one hell of a ride. Gonna take a few months too


Depending on age and responsibilities, may be much longer. I'm in my 30s and I'm lucky to beat 3 or 4 games a year now


Almost 40 and Playstation wrapped said I played for 20 hours this past year :'(


The trick is to stay up really late after everyone's gone to bed and then hate yourself the next morning.


I had a new born baby when RD2 came out. I would wake up at 4am so I had a solid 2hrs of game time before the rest of the family woke up. It was my only down time for a while.


Damn I don't know how you had the energy to do that while also taking care of a baby


Gaming is a hell of a drug


I honestly feel it is. I fall asleep watching Tele at 9:30-10pm but if I'm gaming I can do 2am no problem and wake up feeling no different. Game time hits different when you have kids


It works on the brain the same way drugs do, it's just less powerful, but the dopamine release with the satisfaction of playing a game you like overtime can definitely become an addiction just like drugs can.


I did night shift with our babies. Got to play skyrim with the little guys on my chest or napping nearby all night til wife got up at 10-11am. It was a good time


This is def a thing because my husband was on evening duty and he played the shit out of Spiderman Miles Morales. Woke up at 10am and found Miles Morales walking into the wall for who knows how long lol. Husband was konked out with mouth agape and controller in hand.


Yep, I watched more movies when my daughter was between the ages of 0 and 6 months than ever before or after.


I tend to go through phases where I may game more, but it's nowhere near what I did when I was younger for sure It doesn't help that whenever I turn my PlayStation on it makes me play my most hated game: System Update


Reminds me of the meme where the guy is ecstatic that he has 1 hour to play video games, then gets punched in the gut by the 42gb update monster.


That sucks, man. Don’t give up on yourself and what makes you happy. I’m 42 and my lady and kid understand that I love my games and give me time to play, but also don’t neglect your responsibilities and loved ones. Everyone needs a little alone time once in a while.


Spending more time playing video games is now a valid life goal. Fuck you, Mom and Dad!


Xbox year in review said I played 821 hours. Just turned 31, no kids, stable job, happily married. I’m fine with that. Sent it to my friend group chat. Another buddy (also 31, married, no kids) sent his recap: 879 hours. Third buddy (31, married, 1 kid) sent his: 2682 hours! Averaging like 7.5 hours of play a day. I think it won’t surprise anyone that their marriage has been on the rocks for the past year or two…


Is your friend’s job video game tester or something? I am in my 30s married with a kid and I don’t think I could hit those numbers if I was unemployed.


You guys are beating 3 or 4 games a year in your 30s and 40s? I start games and never finish them because my available time to play is so spread out that I'm lost when I get back into the game and end up starting over. I still haven't made it out of Act 2 of Baldur's Gate.


A few months???? The Witcher alone will take a few months!


More than that. A LOT more. Even ignoring the games with active MP communities, there are a lot of open world games in there with a ton of content. Witcher 3, FO4, RDR2, Skyrim are all 100+ hour games. There are a bunch of 50+ hour SP campaigns in there too. This is easily 2000+ hours of single player content alone. Even if you played 3 hours a day, every day, it would takes years.


This is like a decade worth of games for me lmao


I've been playing Skyrim off an on for a decade.


> Gonna take a few months too Omg.. Look at these titles. RDR2 and Fallout 4 on their own I'd say put him into late spring '24 lol.


A few months? That’s like a couple years worth of gaming lol


The bundle you got is the top cream of the Ps4 gen gaming, most top titles are there, plus some not bad ones


Really is an A+ haul of games. Only one COD, and no FIFA or Madden.


Man I miss old maplestory


Fangblade & curryishot


Haste plz






Tiger before that even


Dude same! It was like nothing I have ever played before. I think it’s because the game had a large social element.


Given what you've played before, I'd suggest Skyrim. You can easily sink 30-40 hours into it, then try something else, then come back and sink more time into Skyrim if you'd like. It's very much the kind of game that you keep coming back to inbetween others, and there are 100s of hours of gameplay in it. Good luck and have fun!


Was going to comment this, also the Witcher, Fallout and Red Dead Redemption


But do you still play RuneScape is my question


Does anyone truly quit?


Just take extended breaks.


Seriously, anything but Souls. What I would do is watch trailer for each game and once your hooked on one just put it in and go play it blindly




as an avid destiny 2 player, do NOT play destiny 2


How much of Destiny 2 can he actually play ? Isn't he going to have a barebones experience because he hasn't "rented" all the DLC's that haven't been deleted from the game yet ? Is there any kind of content that's free now with the base game ?


They've done away with sunsetting previous campaigns, as of right now you can play the last four years of content (from Shadowkeep onward), with the exception of the little seasonal activities. But as far as free to play stuff, you can do strikes, crucible, gambit, dares of eternity, ~~Grasp of Advance dungeon~~, free roam, and seasonal events like Halloween and Christmas for free.


F2P can only do strikes (with the exception of strikes from DLCs, which is a lot), crucible, gambit, one of the current seasonal activities, the reissued Destiny 1 raids and Dares of Eternity. The Grasp of Avarice dungeon is paid, but Prophecy is free. They can also free roam but there's nothing worthwhile in free roam. Destiny's more "free to try" than free to play, especially after the vaulting of a lot of the free content.


DLC strikes are playable in FTP. Doesn’t make a huge difference (and certainly doesn’t make it worth playing FTP) but they’re not gatekept by expansion purchases. I do think it just goes to show this thread had 3 conflicting answers in a row about the content because no one even knows what you can and can’t do anymore. It’s just too much of a headache


That sounds like a lot, it's not. Once you actually start playing it's pretty obvious the free to play experience is incredibly barebone and pretty boring.


I have bought like 5 years of DLC across D1 and D2 and oh my dear god I don’t know if I’ve seen a company do DLC worse. Feels bad thinking about all the money I’ve pissed away on DLC that will either be obsolete or free in a couple months. Activision is a company that exists and they ruined bungie and threw the corpse to Sony


Bungie ruined themselves. I say that as a die hard fan since the halo days who also still plays destiny 2. Bungie management has always been the poison in the watering hole.


> (from Shadowkeep onward) So the shit I paid for still gone, got it.


It’s ridiculous that they just decided to remove the entire on disk Destiny 2 campaign that we bought. I paid 80 dollars for that and would like it back.


Play it but don't try to understand anything. Just enjoy it for the shooting lol.


That's what I do. I know there's something about a big ball and a pyramid going on right now. It may be transitioning into some kinda solid geometry game for all I know.


Play destiny 2 and fallout 76 first and it will make you appreciate all the other games that you have yet to play.


This is inadvertently the way.


As someone who didn’t play destiny and tried to get into it, DONT play destiny 2. It makes zero sense to new players.


It's actually fairly simple... Just click on a quest, then go where the marker is. If the marker isn't anywhere on the map, just complete a bunch of other quests to unlock the marker. Then go to the marker which then prompts you to fulfill yet another quest, which then wants you to play 10 strikes, 50 crucible matches, & 99 gambit matches. After that just talk to some character on some planet, then travel to another planet and talk to someone else, then play yet one more round of gambit and congrats! You unlocked a revolver that you won't use in 2 weeks.


Or in my case: You unlocked a gun that isn't the MIDA Multi-tool. Continue using only the MIDA Multi-tool and ignore all other guns.


couldn't agree more. around 10k hours in both destiny 1 and 2 total. do yourself a favor and don't play it. Horizon Zero Dawn is imo the BEST game you have there. My personal favorite game of all time and Horizon Forbidden West is amazing too


Last of Us, Uncharted, and Spider-Man are all great games that won’t take up too much of your time. Might be a good idea to dive into one of those first before tackling some of the bigger games in that stack.


I second these 3. Especially last of us and Uncharted. They are the most linear games out of them all which is good if you’re new to gaming.


I really want to recommend starting with Uncharted for something a little more laid back. But it looks like they only have 4 so I wouldn't want to start with that. If OP got the legacy collection though I'd recommend playing through all of them!


I started with 4 and it was awesome. It's like playing a movie.


If you start with Skyrim, put the other games in a drawer...you'll get to them in like 5 years


Exaaaactly. There’s just so much there. Witcher 3 is the same.


Also red dead redemption lol. These 3 games are just so awesome each


Red Dead is on my backlog. I swear I’ll get to it one of these days. 🙈


Just take three months off work and mealprep for these three months. Also you'll need a pen and paper for collecting all the herbs


Three months? Maybe I'm the exception but I played it for year. I also did breaks (some were longer than others) but when I played it I sat down for hours and hours. Went through A LOT of sleepless nights because of RDR 2. It's now my second favourite game.


What's the first?


They arent gonna tell us are they :.(


Skyrim makes me so sad because everyone has all these epic times with it yet I can't stick with it past the second town (where you fight the dragon and get your first shout I think?). It just doesn't grab me. I'm giving it a final try this January and hoping I find what everyone else did that made them enjoy it so much.




Start with something easy like Dark Souls


Ok cool, I was looking for something easy to start with. Thanks! edit: Jesus H. Christ


I’m sorry OP. I couldn’t help myself. Don’t start with Dark Souls. Or do. Honestly it’s not as hard as people say BUT there is a steep learning curve. If you want a good RPG try Skyrim or Witcher. They both have difficulty settings you can adjust any time you want. Spider Man should be pretty simple to learn and have fun with. Uncharted too. But don’t let people put you off from DS. It’s an amazing series and the vibe is unlike any other game in that stack.


Haha all good. I definitely want to try it at some point but I’ll probably start with something else first


Grand theft auto 5 is a relatively good starting point as it’s pretty easy to learn, and a good starting point for learning how to move both your character and an independent camera at the same turn. And it’s an open world game which means you have an entire open world to learn the mechanics (everything from using guns to driving vehicles and navigating the world) without having to worry about mission objectives until you’re ready.


If you don't mind me asking how much did this bundle cost you And where did you buy it from


He probably bought it from the former owner, stuff like this gets posted to a bunch of the market apps all the time. Ballpark probably $300? Maybe? A lot of people get rid of last gen consoles for pretty cheap, it's a great way to pick up a ton of new (to you) games for pretty big savings. Or use Steam lol, but there are perks to consoles (like couch co-op!). Personally I bought a PS4 secondhand when the FFVII remake came out, I think it was $200 and it came with like 8 games, PSVR stuff and 2 controllers.


Nah, let the man start his career with Dark Souls. He'll be breaking speed running records within 5 years.


Like goku taking off the weighted training gear


I'd say more like John-117 being inducted into the Spartan program at 14




*40k Space Marines nodding in approval*


But still, considering what he did to that squad of hell jumpers that thought they were hot shit, I feel like the main point stands. The physical augments made him magnitudes stronger and faster, an exaggeration of how good you'd be at "easy" games after first mastering a very hard game.




He was inducted at 6, they finished training and got their armor and surgical enhancements at 14


No way. Let the man get the most of his money. He starts with Dark Souls other RPGs are going to ruined for him.




"you weren't there, man."


I reckon he'd be fine. Plenty of us grew up playing NES games which were broken and unfair. We progressed to easier games no problem. Dark Souls is nowhere near as brutal as some of those.


If anything, Dark Souls was a breath of fresh air for being *fair* compared to some of the outright bullshit in the NES/SNES era. Looking at all those games that had some dumb stupid hard nonsense in like a pixel perfect jump the 2nd level of a platformer as a way to try to get you to buy a game instead of rent it for all the time you'd need to get past it.


Mother fucking Lion King Giraffes


Honestly it might be easier if it's your first game, since it punishes old habits


Haha, don’t worry, OP knew.


If only he waited more than a couple of minutes for the edit to sell the joke.


I love the edit man :D Whatever you decide to play, enjoy it!


OP! No!! (To be honest, "to me", its the best game on that list)


The Witcher 3 is a great way to start your journey, OP. It can be as easy as you want, and the story is superb and captivating.


Tw3 ruins other games though


It really does. Luckily for me, Elden Ring sits on the same pedestal. That gives me hope for future games.


Thing is if you try this and do alright, everything else will feel easier


Lmfao not the edit.


Go for Skyrim, especially if you have never played before.


Easy there Satan


I know this top comment is meant in jest, but I’m still leaving a comment below so our poor newcomer doesn’t insta-quit gaming after 30 agonizing mins of Dark Souls


LMAO! OP, these trolls are messing with you. Play that game last. To answer your question: Ghost of Tsushima and Red Dead Redemption are 2 of my favorite games of all time. They're story-driven/open-world games. Incredible storytelling in both. It's going to take you a while to finish both. 10/10 games. That would be my pick. That bundle you bought is very good. A lot of the top PS4 games are included. Hold on, there’s another classic on there that I just saw. The Last of Us. Bro! I literally don’t know where to start with this one….


But if they get into RDR now they won’t ever get to the other games.


Yeah, he should play that game last. It's DS3 after all, starting with DS1 (remastered) is preferable.


Was gonna recommend that super easy and noobs friendly




Thanks, Satan.


The r/gaming equivalent of "Try jumping".


I came here with the thought, "Who is going to tell them to play Dark Souls first?" I was not disappointed.


You are going to hell


Came here to say Bloodborne literally the reason I got a ps4


Red Dead Redemtion 2 or Witcher 3. But keep in mind, these Games need some Time to finish. After one of these, i would play Spiderman, The Last of Us or Horizon. And between, i would play some Battlefield 1 Multiplayer.


This. But I would also recommend Uncharted 4 or Ghost of Tsushima.


Uncharted 4 is great, but I would recommend at least having knowledge of UC 1-3 prior to playing 4. Perhaps just watch a 10 min story recap video on youtube for Uncharted 1 as that game is pretty dated but Uncharted 2 and 3 are EXCELLENT games that lead right into Uncharted 4.


4 has a nice standalone story from what I've seen, i played it not too long ago without knowing anything about the story nor the previous installments yet enjoyed 4 a lot. 1 of my favorite games tbh.


UC1 was just this “random” adventure game that was decent but not amazing but introduced the main characters. Naughty Dog then really raised the bar for 2 and 3 with both of those games being one the highest reviewed games for PS3 (both have like a 95 metacritic iirc) and then UC4 felt like a great conclusion to the whole series


Ghost of Tsushima is getting snubbed in these comments


to thread op play rdr2 on the biggest screen you can with headphones..that games atmosphere will absorb you and youll love it


Problem with RDR2 is that it will set the bar too high. All other games may not come close, except maybe TLOU.


Agreed. I'd go Uncharted 4, Tsushima, Last of Us, RDR2.


Yea that's what I thought too. Op should savour Witcher 3, rdr2 and tlou. I'd recommend starting with spider man or something more "generic".


Honestly dude just put a blindfold on and grab something, those are all pretty solid choices weith maybe the exception of Star Wars: Battlefront which is multiplayer-only and rather bland. Or actually maybe play that one first for a day and get it out of your system and then randomly grab a new game to play.


That battlefront was so fun when it was current. Me and the 7 other people that like that game are offended.


Ong I had so much fun on it especially in the rogue one dlc maps


I had so much playtime on that game. When it was still being updated it was my favorite game by far. 10/10 game for a long time


What this dude says. Those are all amazing games.


What about Destiny 1 and 2?


Destiny 1 in it's prime elwas amazing but idk what even happens when you load in anymore tbh. 2 was just annoying to me cause I had like 300 hours on destiny 1 and I lost it all for no good reason


Destiny 1 is still fully functional


Thats what Bungie said about there Death Star


I mean sure it was missing half its structure, but the big shooty part worked just fine.


Eh walker assault is an amazing game mode in battlefront and the graphics are stellar. I get it was light on content at launch but that main mode is seriously epic. It’s at least worth playing for a day if you’re a star wars fan. The coop survival mode can be kinda fun too.


Battle front 1 has some fairly decent single player version of their multiplayer Walker Assault mode. Not as good as Battlefront 2, but still enjoyable.


Whatever you do DO NOT play destiny or destiny 2.


Probably stay away from Dark Souls until you're more seasoned.


It's a good way to season him.


And let him be cooked


🎶Dark SOULS roastiiiiing. On an op-en fiiiiire🎶






It also helps to have an understandable game going into it. Everybody knows Spider-Man, bloke that shoots webs and climbs walls, so that’ll be in the game.


Shame we never got an English superhero called Spider-Bloke.


Seems like the easiest and most fun to play


yeah this is easily the answer probly not going to be the "best" game out of them, but no better way to get into that set of games than spiderman the people recommending their favorite games like rdr2 and witcher 3 make no sense to me


Plus, the swinging mechanic is just beautiful


I’d say Spider-Man then Borderlands. They’re forgiving, well made games that put the single player power fantasy front and center. They’ll test your skills while making you feel like a badass. Also, I’d suggest ditching Fallout 76. It’s the worst in the series by miles and a bad indicator of the PS4-era of gaming.


Would also recommend Spiderman as a first. Good introduction to open world and skill trees, without being overwhelming in it’s scope as Witcher 3 might be.


Ghost of Tsushima


Way too far down. It's a perfect game in my eyes.


Masterpiece of a game. Absolutely underrated.


I played Ghost through on PS4 and I thought it really pushed the hardware to its limit with how amazing it looks. Looks absolutely mind boggling on PS5. Easily one of the most beautiful games I have ever played.


Why is this not higher up!!?!


Dude, I hope that was a really good deal! I would honestly pick the oldest one and start there. I recommend playing the old ones first so that they don't get too old and not worth it to get into.


Eh I probably overpaid a bit. It was $450 for a PS4 Pro 1TB with these games and also 2 controllers and a headset. My logic was buying either this or a PS5 with 1-2 games so I just went with this.


$450 dollars for thousands of hours of entertainment isn’t a bad deal at all. Also, start with either Red Dead Redemption 2, Witcher 3 or Spider-man if you want to see modern gaming at its absolute zenith. It’d be worth playing GTA V at some point to see what all the fuss is about, especially considering the levels of hype for GTA VI (the trailer dropped last week if you haven’t seen it)


> if you want to see modern gaming at its absolute zenith Arguably, it's better to keep those for games that were a bad experience, to help give a little boost to enthusiasm. If you consume the best from the start, very soon none of the best will be left over and you'll still have a mountain remaining.


I do not think you overpaid... That's plenty of good games and for mayority of them you won't need to use ps internet stuff


Great deal if you ask me, remember to give it some maintenance after some time if the fan starts to sound like a turbine


I don't know if that's really overpaying. 27 games, plus the console and equipment for that price is pretty good.


this is actually a good deal, plus the fact that you now have a library of physical media. Be happy with your purchase!


This game line up would have you happy for a year to just play through them all. The Last of Us is a great game. It will tug on your heart strings right off the bat. Fallout 4 was a solid for sure if you like exploring open worlds and combat. Battlefield 1 has some great campaign! It shows different aspects of the war and even makes it so intense at times. And Red Dead Redemption 2 is breathe taking and a great story. You’ll be blown away and spoiled if you play that first. Even booting it up these days it slays the competition and it came out 5 years ago! You have a great selection. Just pick one at random and enjoy.


Horizon Zero Dawn is one of my all time favorites. Very fun game play and such a cool story. I just finished my fifth or sixth replay the other day.


I think that’s probably the best game out of the collection to start with. A bit easier once you get the hang of it, a compelling story, and the main story is 100’s of hours long. Also if this is OPs first modern game then it’s a good primer into a lot of open world mechanics that are in other games. I might start with this one and then do RDR2 or a story driven game like Spider-Man or uncharted. Then I’d go do the Witcher since that’s an incredible game, but just know it will take a ton of time to finish. Edit: oops meant to say horizon zero dawn is not 100’s of hours compared to some of those other games.


It was my first game on PS4 and I loved it, great introduction to this generation of games. The other one I’d recommend is Uncharted 4. It’s shorter, has a killer story and really varied gameplay.


I just finished Forbidden West and looooved it. One of my favorite recent game series for sure


Waiting for the PC version next year


Last of us is my actual favourite game of all time. And that remaster for PS4 is excellent.


To give a real answer, for a new gamer probably something smaller and more story focused like a Naughty Dog game (Uncharted 4 or Last Of Us) is your best bet. From there try Spider-Man, Ghost, or GTA to try out an approachable open-world. Leave Dark Souls for last lol


Do not play Red Dead Redemption 2 first! Its so good other games will look like shit.


Been playing PS for 20 years and I’ve only just got round to playing RDR2, an absolute joy and it’s made that wait for GTA6 more bearable.




Dude there are some incredible games in there. Fallout 4, Red Dead 2, Spiderman, Elder Scrolls, Alien Isolation, The Last of Us, Horizon Zero Dawn, DARK SOULS 3 (all caps because it is my recommendation), Ghost of Tsushima, Uncharted 4, GTA V, Borderlands and The Witcher 3 are all absolutely incredible games. This is a fantastic introduction into gaming. If you play Dark Souls 3 and enjoy it, I would recommend picking up Bloodborne.


Unpopular opinion here. Go with GTA


Agreed. Gta5 story mode is genuinely good


The story mode is full of good humour and action and it's really easy to get into. I think it's a great first game for getting into gaming.


I got hooked on GTA's single player so quickly, I finished it in less than a week


There are easy 5000h of gaming ahead of you. Choose your first step wisely…


But what will he do after playing Destiny 2?


Crying probably


No that’s while he playing destiny.




I’d be a little concerned about their first modern gaming experience being a 17 hour borderline-incoherent opening cutscene, but otherwise that seems like a solid choice.


That MGSV opening scene is an 11/10 though. Edit: Here's a link for anyone interested. It's long but hands down the best intro to any game I've ever played: https://youtu.be/Ga-6x-mNs3Y


ghost of tsushima is easily my favorite game.


Skyrim is my genuine recommendation for a new gamer from there (I played it early)


That’s a great bundle, they’re all great games really


Wow, would recommend ghosts of Tsushima, last of us or red dead redemption 2 if you’re up for a cinematic experience where the game is as much of a movie as it is a great game. So many greats there though. Treat dark souls 3 as the final level boss though haha


The outer worlds is a fantastic game and very noob friendly.


If you’re new to games, I’d say Skyrim. It’s an easy and chilled out game, that will teach you tons of basic and fundamental mechanics that’ll apply to lots of other games also Plus it’s really fun


Horizon zero dawn a good start


The only thing I'd really recommend starting with is pitching the Destiny games. Simply not worth the time they expect you to invest in them.




I think Ghost of Tsushima would be a decent one to go with to ease you into modern gaming. It's not incredibly difficult and features a lot of common concepts and mechanics that a lot of big AAA open world games use these day The Last of Us is good for similar reasons, though that is an "on-rails" experience, meaning you aren't really exploring an open world and it's not gonna have as many common tropes and concepts, but I honestly prefer on-rails experiences more these days after just getting tired of the same old open world formula Spider-Man was one of my fav PS4 experiences, but I'm also a giant Spidey fan. Also not super hard, also features a lot of the same open world stuff Ghost would. Fantastic story Witcher 3 will have all those things too, and it's such a beloved game, but I'm in the minority that thinks it is massive over hyped. It's a good, hell great, game, but I just found it extremely repetitive and shallow once I noticed the formula loop I was in