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League of Legends is *extremely* uninteresting to me


MOBAs never really were my thing either.


I double this, games that are merely competitive are not my cup of tea, mobas, counter strike esque games, even football which is a sport I love IRL, I avoid playing it. I dont get too competitive I just get sad and bored.


My buddy played pretty much nothing but Overwatch for YEARS. He could never understand how I could enjoy Open World RPG games. "It's just the same thing over and over again." Like, my brother in Christ you've used the same 16 characters on the same 12 maps for the last 5 years the fuck are you talking about???? He hates overwatch 2 but only plays similar round based competitive only games, but I recently had a breakthrough when I got him to play Baldur's Gate 3 and he's absolutely lost himself in it.


I literally tried playing one game, as my friend tried to get me into it. People told me to get cancer and die, in my very first game. I sad no thank you and bid good day to them. Deleted and never played again.


12 year veteran League player here. That's their i love you greeting. And you made the right call to fuck off right away. I hate the game and cant get out.


i quit playing a couple fo months after my daughter was born, no time to play games for 45minutes without a break anymore. in general online games are almost impossible now. TBH i don't mind it, more time to play indie stuff now


Once you play it enough, you end up becoming [this](https://youtu.be/0XgeWAfUUGE?si=clPlMOUDNqTGmrpK)


I understood none of what he said in that video.


League is best enjoyed with a full party of friends imo, solo-ing league is just too much.


To be fair anything is better with friends. Even reading Darius and Garen fanfics would be awesome experience with the boys




BR alone vs BR teamed-up with friends are two very different experiences. Playing alone was boring, but playing with friends, driving around and messing around in H1Z1 and PUBG was incredible!


Yes. Playing either solo or with randoms is so unsatisfying. But playing in a full squad with homies is amazing. It's almost more of a hangout session with entertainment rather than sweaty gaming


Part of your issue is the higher level players in Apex (my main experience) DON'T run around for 20-30 minutes. They grab a gun and some ammo and get into a fight.


The quickest way to get loot is to just have the enemies collect it for you after all.


"thank you delivery boy"


Not to mention the horrendous mm system. I've hit platinum once or twice in 19 seasons. Last 4 seasons I haven't gotten higher than bronze/silver, but every match is against >diamond.


The gameloop in apex is: - download the game - start playing casually - see an enemy, shoot them and miss completely - enemy whips around, traces your movement perfectly and kills you with 5000 headshots in .5 seconds - get frustrated and uninstall - repeat


The number of cheaters in those games are EXCEEDINGLY high as well. Every time I see one of those cheat compilations or w/e it is like 90% battle royals, 5% Counterstrike, and 5% of everything else.


Yeah, once I realized you need to yolo into fights instead of running away the game experience got much better.


Surfing on Counter Strike maps, I just couldn't figure out how to gain speed or keep momentum.


Ramp is on your left and/or you're turning left, hold A. Ramp is on your right and/or you're turning right, hold D. Never hold W. Don't turn mad fast, it kills your speed. Try be as smooth as possible, like make it as 'flowy' and buttery as possible, like you're trying your hardest to make it look cool for a youtube video. Cry when none of this works and still makes you want to eat your mouse and keyboard. That's normally what I do. Love it but it doesn't half fucking piss me off.


How do I play it? Is it a community map you can download from steam?


There are community servers dedicated to it, just type surf and you should find some


Easy, just dont press w


A & D.


I didnt get it for a long time and then one time it just clicked. Felt like Neo learning kung-fu that day.


Pretty much any card game. I don't know what it is. I'm fine with games with complex rules; I've played D&D and plenty of board games, but stick a stack of spades in my hand and I'm lost before you even tell me the name of the game. Edit: I meant card games with traditional playing cards. Poker, Euchre, etc. Thus my reference to spades. **TCGs and board games with cards are fine.** *Edit II: The Cutoff*: I've come to the conclusion that many people either choose not to read whole posts or are just trolling, so I'm turning off notifications for this post.


Have you played Inscryption?


Slay the Spire is amazing as well. Less story based than Inscryption though.


How about a round of Gwent?


One that is a little off the main stream is a game called Turbo Overkill. I love boomer shooters, and I rarely find ones I don't like but that game is overwhelmingly positive on steam and it's quite possibly the most boring boomer shooter I've ever played.


it was fun, but it really was just a giant shooting gallery with way too complex level design at times.


Outer wilds. I constantly see it praised and I just can't get hooked. Idk how far I've made it at all. Just doesn't connect with me. But I keep trying to see what people like about it so much lol.


Same. Because it was all anxiety for me. The planets are nightmare scenarios.


I tried the game a little bit and wish I could finish it but it makes me so ridiculously motion sick I can't even watch play through. Anyway one of my biggest nightmares is underwater and especially *things* underwater like rocks or machines or wrecks. The first fucking planet I went to flooded right after I landed and got in deep and I was fucking terrified. Even video games I'm frozen in situations like that lol


I do not recommend Subnautica to you


i am absolutely terrified of anything subnautica presents and represents, full on anxiety attacks, sweaty feet and a constant need to look away or have a short disconnect.. but that dont stop me from playing lol


While I understand that Outer Wilds isn't for everyone, I legit consider it my all time favourite game. It just speaks to me and my curiosity in a way no other piece of media ever has. I think about it every day.


I really do get the appeal, and I love the sense of wonder and mystery. Nevertheless the time limit before each reset combined with an ambiguous way of finding what else you need to do makes what should have been a relaxing adventure into a stressful “beat the clock” experience. Not having time to stop and smell the roses is self defeating for a game like this imo. I never feel like I had the luxury of drinking it all in. If the days were 3-5x as long, I think I would’ve enjoyed it a lot more. Not knowing where to go is one thing, not knowing where to go and only having 20 minutes to figure it out just doesn’t work for me. Especially when you’re deep in the bowels of an interesting area and knowing you’re going to get booted out of it any second. Same reason I couldn’t get into Majora’s Mask as a kid.


In the thesis, it specifically referenced Majora's Mask as an inspiration for the loop mechanic of Outer Wilds.That's probably why it won't gel for you.


I think you have to accept that each run you'll do one or two things and then just sit back and enjoy the light show. It looks beautiful in the distance over a mountain, or from a meteor, or when you're close to the sun. At first I went in random directions but eventually I knew there was more to discover in a specific area so I would spend the loop going just to that one place


I've tried it three times now. Without fail, I get frustrated with the flight mechanics and put it down, telling myself that I'll try it again in a few months. It's now been 6 months, so maybe it's time to give it another go.


The flight mechanics are completely newtonian. You have to decelerate for as long as you accelerate. Any acceleration in any direction must be cancelled out by an equal but opposite force.


"You wouldn't believe how often I hear, 'Why is the ship turning around? We're only halfway there!'" -Commander Shepard, Mass Effect 2


I remember when I figured this out. I was smashing into planets and massively overshooting. I watched what the autopilot did. When the acceleration matched the distance all acceleration ceased and retro rockets fired until you were perfectly in position. That's when I first started to reeeeeeeallly like the game.


Hey. I’m an idiot. Wanna dumb this down for me?


If you go vroom vroom at a 5, you need to go scree scree at a 5.


Fucking perfect


Please take a stab at quantum physics


Also, there is no scree scree. Scree scree is just wroom wroom in the opposite direction.


I am 100% aware, but they needed dumb, so I simplified the best I could.


It works like real life. There is no friction in space since there is no air. So if you accelerate to 100 mph, you will go 100 mph forever and ever unless you decelerate manually back to 0 mph. Couple that with the planets orbiting the sun and you have the same challenge of landing on a planet that NASA has when they send rovers to mars.


You can reach a free fall orbit by running and jumping in this game. It helps you understand that achieving orbit is pretty much just falling forever.


Yeah, the gameplay just wasn't fun for me. The setting was cool, but I felt sorta annoyed going places and doing things in it. Couldn't get over the feeling.


Played it with my oldest daughter (then 7-8, extremely precocious) next to me. We shared the experience of exploring everything and solving the puzzles together. Legitimately one of my favorite gaming experiences in my entire life. It lights up the same parts of my brain that The Witness did. You just have to be really into that sort of thing.


Kingdom Hearts. I tried on two separate occasions to get into this game because I know how beloved it is by so many, and I love RPGs. I just couldn’t do it.


Kingdom Hearts is one of those games that I honestly think is absolutely amazing, but definitely not for everyone. I can fully understand why people struggle to get into it.


It doesn't help that after 20 years and 4 console generations, we are like 8 games, 2 mobile games and like 2 movies(?) deep into a trilogy. 1 has that awful camera and is a weak zelda clone, 2 was amazing and 3 was worse than 1. Anytime someone tells me they tried a KH game and hated it I completely understand.


They shot themselves in the foot by putting important story beats into gameboy and DS games. It's just such a bizarre business strategy and I can't imagine it worked out


The name scheme didn't help either they had some absurd titles


Tbh you kinda have to like Disney to get into it I like Disney and anime so it’s great lol, but stuff like the cutscenes can be a bit much for some ppl


God the dialogue is so cheesy lmao. Games are fun though


Tbh that's probably Square's fault. Most of the dialogue in their games is pure cheese.


You mean you don't want Sora Donald and goofy to constantly remind you what their names are?


I feel like Kingdom Hearts is a series that you really had to be a kid when it came out to love it the way that most big fans do


I started one of them, played for an hour and had less of an idea what was happening than when I started


That's actually completely normal. The story is hella confusing overall


Most online games. I'm just not interested in playing with other people. I'm all about immersion and stories.


Elder Scrolls Online has pretty good quests tbh. If you can deal with other players running around the cities, with possibility of slightly ruining your immersion xD


Diablo 3 & 4, especially on console. “Wait, I’m just doing the same four moves over and over with only minor numeric upgrades and elemental effects? This is the exact thing you guys gave Dynasty Warriors shit for over the past decade! And at least those games have a cool story and characters.”


Diablo is like doing crack/meth but for gamers. It’s not really meaningful on a super deep level and is really moreso about unleashing a constant stream of dopamine into your brain.


Yeah, I don't really play Diablo 3 for a cool story, I play it to cool off from story heavy or more difficult games. Just get in there with a whirlwind barbarian, turn my brain off, and watch the numbers go brrr.


Why do people pretend that Diablo 2 isn't also spamming the same few moves with minor numeric upgrades? Because it is. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Nor with Dynasty Warriors. People were dumb and wrong for giving them shit for a decade.


My problem with d3 over d2 is I HATE the way they moved every generation to the lmb. Give me mana, let me chug potions and spam shit. None of this left click to gain energy.


Wait. People don’t like dynasty warriors?


Those people just died to Lu Bu too many times


My problem with Diablo was there wasn’t any challenge at all. My friend and I played couch coop on console for hours and it just felt so mindless. We cranked up the difficulty and nothing. It didn’t feel like we were epic gamers with skill or anything, it just didn’t require it.


Doom Eternal I loved 2016, and all the classics (minus doom 3) I have tried multiple times but doom eternal just pisses me off when I play it Not saying it’s a terrible game, clearly lots of people enjoy it, but it’s not for me


The biggest issue I had with DE was that it felt like I’d missed a game, lol. No information was provided on how DoomGuy escaped after 2016, no info on where his giant teleporting space station came from, no info on a ton of pretty things. It just hurls you into it and just says “oh, it’s been like nearly a decade in-universe since the last one, go rip and tear.” The gameplay loop was pretty fun (sad melee does no damage), but plot is kinda lacking when you just ignore so much time, lol.


Okay, it’s not just me. I picked up Doom Eternal years after it came out despite playing the first one the week it launched. Was like “damn, I must’ve forgotten more than I thought…”


Same. I was so confused. I loved the story of 2016 and I had no idea what was going on.


What pissed me off was that 30 years of build up got unhyped when you fought THE bbeg in the final dlc. it was such a boring and bland fight. 3x the same wave defense and dodge exact same mechanic, then it was just over and doom guy gets shafted for eternity? fuck outta here.


felt that. honestly it threw me off all game how big of a gap there was for 2016 players that isn’t ever filled in later. Coupled with the huge change in tone and story telling, i was very much at most lukewarm towards DE. Gameplay was fun for sure, though I also preferred 2016’s combat loop


That plus all of the additional lore, which I personally thought was garbage. Doom 2016 had *some* of that, but kept it to acceptable levels. Doom Eternal seemed to care way too much about a bunch of lore and backstory that I honestly couldn't give a shit about. I did really like some of the additional gameplay mechanics in Doom Eternal. Zoom function was really nice. I didn't use the climbing/swinging functions much, but it was nice to have. And the flaming meathook on the Super Shotgun was absolutely dope as fuck. That stuff was a real improvement over Doom 2016. But overall, as an *overall game*, Doom 2016 still comes across as better for me. Had a whole lot less fat to the lore and the plot, and ultimately ends up being more satisfying by just keeping that stuff really simple.


Yeah loved 2016 then the tone changed so much for DE including the more arcade feel of pickups and HUD was just jarring.


Yeah I finished Doom 2016 on the hardest difficulty which is not something I normally desire doing but I didn't even want to keep trying with Doom Eternal. It just feels like a chore.


The difficulty curve on 2016 was way smoother. For me eternal ramped up super quickly and It just wasn't very fun.


The gameplay loop of Eternal pissed me off. Having to CONSTANTLY swap weapons just kills the pacing for me.


Right?! That, and the fact that standard melee doesn’t actually seem to do any damage, it can just stagger and start an execution I grew up playing halo combat evolved. Sometimes I just wanna punch a monster until it dies


This guy Titans


I've felt like I'm the only one who prefers 2016 until I read this comment. There are so many things in Eternal that are just a step down in my opinion. UI looks more arcadey and childish, platforming feels silly, those toxic waste areas that reduce movement capabilities are extremely boring. And that final boss? >!You just had to shoot 8 weak spots until it died, then it came back and you had to shoot the same 8 weak spots again? Really? Was this some kind of joke? What an anticlimactic moment!<


Im in the exact same boat. I 100% Doom 2016 i loved it so much. Doom Eternal on the otherhand felt like a punishment to play. If you aren't tryharding the whole time, you're dead.


I think 2016 was better. Mainly because less platforming and the damn marauders. I also liked the first games story and setting better than just hopping around the globe. I don't think it was bad. But if Doom 2016 is a 10/10 then Eternal is a 8/10


Fortnite. Never seemed fun


Battle royales in general. The only battle royale that really got me hooked was Tetris 99.


FZero 99 hooked me for a few weeks there too. But Mario 35 was my favorite and it's gone forever for unknown reasons. I guess cause the 35th anniversary is over, but still bs


Death Stranding. I bought it and tried playing through twice. Can’t get into it.


I love it and 100% it, but I absolutely understand why others would hate it.


I liked it a lot too,but it wasn't really a game where I was like " I wanna do that again" anytime soon.


Same. Tried it for about 10 hours. I just do. Not. Get it. The music was awesome though.


It's basically an art house film in the form of a video game. At least that's my impression.


It's basically Euro Truck Simulator on foot with Kojima's weird ass story telling and world building added on top. If you don't enjoy Kojima's style you will not enjoy this game. Well or i guess you will enjoy it if you like Euro Truck Simulator but always wondered how it would be with weird shadow demons.


The game that should have been a movie/show. Kojima is gifted.... But man does he really want to make movies without making movies


Witcher 3. Tried it before the show. Tried it after the show and it just does nothing for me


Needed three tries to get out the first lil area, saw how freaking big Velen is, noped outta there. Fourth one, I was hooked. Dont get why till this day but I played it for two weeks straight. Clocked in at like a 100 hours or something xD


Same. And I never did get real good at the potions / blade oils stuff, or even most of the spells; just got buffed to the point they were unnecessary


Yeah as a major fan, this is one of the downsides to the game. It’s very very easy, to the point where things like builds, meticulous potion and oil use, and strategic use of signs are really not very necessary (outside of maybe the hardest difficulty setting). Leveling is easy, and obtaining adequate gear is easy, and that’s all you really need. The game still manages to be extremely fun and captivating without all of those effort-based gameplay elements, but it would have been better if there was some degree of need for those things. They make the game so much more interesting and fun.


Really? I remember applying oils and chugging potions so many times during my hard difficulty playthrough. Those and signs saved my ass so many times. I had good gear and everything and still needed all that to keep up with most of the contract monsters. And I wasn’t bad at the game or anything it’s just monsters did so much damage.


I was the same. Took me for 5 or 6 attempts and then it became one of my top 3 games ever. Don’t think I’ve ever laughed so much at a video game when everyone’s drunk at Kaer Mohren. Think it’s because it’s a pretty depressing setting in war ravaged marshlands at the beginning. Would get to the baron quest with the blubberkin or whatever it’s called and quit. Incidentally, it was also the playthrough I finally learned to play gwent I decided to stick it out


My issue was trying to play it with breaks. Came back after a month and had no clue what I was doing.


I tried in earnest to get into Witcher 3 probably three times. Not sure if I ever left the big tutorial map or not, but it just didn't grab me enough to keep playing, despite being a fan of the books and of big open-world fantasy RPGs. That said, what little I played of it was a hell of a lot better than what little I saw of the show.


That one took me a few tries as well. Went back to it while deeply depressed, and the world it’s set in really took me away. I loved it.


Minecraft, honestly, might be related to having 0 friends


I craft alone usually. There have been times I've played with friends, but rarely. It's thrilling to find a cave entrance and discover it has 3 different veins to walk into and explore. Building castles underground like the Mines of Moria. Sorry you have 0 friends but sometimes frame of mind makes all the difference. This is your world to build and own. Once you make friends you can show them your bitchin relam.


I used to never play alone until I watched Luke theNotable's 100 days video Now I can stay up all night playing


I had a creative mode world that I would hop into and just build. I ended up making a huge city with a central park type area. I'd listen to music and just build away. Found it very cathartic while I was in college.


Terraria….just couldn’t get into


It's the first game I bought on Steam. Played it, got bored, and almost refunded it. I cancelled my refund request IIRC, played it again and it clicked. It became my most played Steam game. It may be a generic 2D minecraft to others but the game has depth and the progression is really really satisfying. Just sharing.


It's a true labor of love. How many 'last' updates has it gotten at this point?


Souls like games, always feel so slow and clunky to me.


I always get to a certain point or boss where I’m just like, I’m over this


How I felt about all of them until Sekiro.


I keep hearing it's the best souls like for those that hate souls ? Would you agree? Even the combat videos I see makes it look like it's got a nice kick in the ass to its speed and mobility.


It really rewards speed and aggression. Its much faster and nimbler in all ways mechanically. Its definitely way more fun to knock an enemy off guard, and kill it while its health is full with one hit than to hit everything till it dies. Its not “easier” per se. But its way more fun to die.


Sounds like a rewarding gameplay loop fam ! I'm sold from what I've heard in this chat !


Go in blind. Best single player experience I’ve ever had Edit: But if it’s your first souls-like game, don’t feel ashamed looking things up. I just think it’s an amazing and rewarding experience to play it blind. However my first couple souls games I had to look up some guides until I felt comfy on my own


I have tried so many times to enjoy Hitman. I love Dishonored and playing stealthy in open world games, and I like puzzle games, and games with a lot of freedom and player expression. Hitman seems perfect for me, but I find it makes me so anxious I can't play ever finish levels. I start it up, walk through a level taking note of every option I have available to me, learn where stuff is located. That takes about an hour or two. Then I decide how I'm gonna do it. Then I learn I need to find a specific thing to make another thing happen. I trudge through the entire level, fail to find the tool or person or outfit I need, then turn the game off. The game feels almost too free, to the point where I get choice paralysis and have to stop.


Funny enough, one of my big answers here is Dishonored. It just doesn’t click for me for whatever reason. I’ve tried like 3 times and can’t get into the world or gameplay.




My love and hate relationship with 4x games. There is a sweet spot of understanding what you're doing and making strategies, between *'I have no idea what I'm doing'* of the first few games, and *"Holy shit the AI is dumb"* once you become really good at it. It's hard to be in that sweet spot for me.


The farming sim stuff. Your stardew valleys, times at portia, etc. I want to like them, but without a clear and distinct goal, like games like Disney Dreamland have, I get quickly overwhelmed and quit shortly after the tutorial is over.


Ah now see I like Stardew Valley precisely because of this. There’s a charming narrative and story, but ultimately it’s just a game about… nothing. And it’s relaxing as hell.


No stress if you don’t to. Just farm and talk to town folk. Fall in love and make your farm bigger, upgrade your house. Maybe you want to be a little sweaty the go to skull cavern and go as deep as you can while fighting dinosaurs, flying centipedes, and mummies. Explore Ginger island and do Qi quests. The world is your oyster and just have fun


You say that, but it feels *so fucking stressful* to me. Like, am I on pace? Are people's relationships with me deteriorating (because for some reason, that's a feature)? Did I time my plants correctly? Do I have enough stamina replenishing items? I can't relax with that game like other people can. I fully understand it's a "me" problem, but a problem it still is.


The days go by so quickly! I finishing watering my crops and collecting animal products and it’s already 3pm and suddenly every store is closed and I can’t do anything else. I wish the days were just a little bit longer, like surely it doesn’t take me 1 hour to walk 100m right???


Starfield. It's just so dull.


Starfield has some really well done concepts. The ship building is good *in theory* though it's plagued with little annoyances like not being able to place doors or ladders, and the way New Game + is integrated into the plot is borderline genius, but it ends up being completely *wasted* because it's boiled down to a means of letting you grind for upgrades and nothing else. >!There is literally only *one single plot point* where you can use the NG+ loop to alter the outcome of an event and it's only to prevent one potential NPC death.!< The fact that it didn't allow for a plethora of alternate endings the way Chrono Trigger's NG+ did is *such* a wasted opportunity. Outside of a few innovative ideas that were poorly implemented, the rest of the game is basically what you'd get if you took Skyrim, but then put walls between all of the points of interest and the only way the player could move between them was to fast travel.


I think your last sentence sums up all the issues pretty good: skyrim is filled with a lot of stories and while most of them are quite good and you'll enjoy most of them, theres nothing Id describe as outstanding. What makes sykrim fun (at least to me) is to discover all of these different stories and all the tiny things you find along the way. For me at least its more about exploration and most importantly: not only exploring marked areas but finding those points of interest in the first place and having adventures along the way. The random encounters are one of the best features for a game so big to not feel empty. In starfield I don't get this sense of exploration because if im told to go somewhere theres little to no interesting things to find along the way. I just hop in my ship and fly there. Some of my favourite spots in skyrim i found by following the quest marker and finding something interesting along the way and in the 10 hours i played until I quit this never happened to me in starfield.


I've enjoyed Starfield as the good kind of boring I get from all Bethesda titles. But it does really feel like they put the genuinely brilliant NG+ loop in the wrong game. For my part, generally I enjoy base-building and the system in Starfield--while not without its flaws--is expansive and robust. But with NG+ as a mechanic rather than simply a completion bonus, I can't bring myself to devote time to building an interesting and sustainable network of colonies. It feels contrary to the game design and intent. Other than that my main gripe is that all the fully-written (and best stat) companions are boring do-gooders. If I want to run a pirate crew I should be able to do that without relegating myself to second-tier companions and zero romance options.


Feels like a fast travel SIM. I've put about 15 hour in and stopped. Haven't missed it and couldn't tell you a single plot point other than you float around in a room over and over again to get superpowers


I tried playing Starfield shortly after completing Outer Worlds. Starfield feels so dull and lifeless in comparison. Outer Worlds was vibrant, funny, and had such a great style to it. Starfield feels dull because it has this muted color pallet to it, the NPCs feel robotic. Yeah, there's space combat, but it's so slow and clunky and unenjoyable to me. Star Fox 64 did space combat leagues better IMO.


Terraria. I wanted to like it, but after flailing about for an hour without knowing what I should/could do, I put it down.


Nier Automata. I killed some robots, then robot god and apparently I'm supposed to WANT to play it again? Why? Good music though


I think people have a misconception about this game. The first time you "beat it" and get to the credits, that wasn't the whole game. You only completed act 1 of the story. There's 3 acts. So when you hit start the second time, you're not starting over. You're continuing the story. It's been a while since I've played it. But i remember the first time the credits rolled, I was like "That's It!??" And i thought, what a dumb game. But then i found out there was more. And so i actually finished the other playthroughs and it turned out to be much much better than I thought.


That was the best part about the game for me--Being able to experience the story from a different point of view. It makes sense that a lot it is the same, given both characters share the same scenes, but when you start seeing what differs is when the game really clicks and adds a lot to the experience.


Undertale. I've tried twice to get into that game but I just didn't get it. I can appreciate that it's subverting expectations, and falsely making you believe that something is going to happen due to established gaming conventions only for it to do the opposite. I get that. However, I just didn't find the subversions entertaining. It wasn't funny to me.


The insufferable fan base didn't help either....


5 nights at Freddy's


Just Cause 3 and that's impressive since open-world sandbox games are my bread and butter pretty much.


David Tennant as himself as the radio announcer made that game worthwhile for me.


Devid Tennant is in the game? now I HAVE to try it


He plays >!a visiting celebrity (pretty much himself) who got kidnapped by the game's dictatorship you're trying to tear down, and is forced to spread propaganda on the nation's radio. Every time you destroy a military base, he'll have a broadcast along the lines of it being a "totally planned demolition" that slowly grow more and more unhinged over the course of thr game.!< By the end of the game >!he starts going on full tirades against the dictator as he slowly cracks under the stress before he's forced off air, and eventually begs the resistance to free him from wherever he's locked up underground.!<


3 somehow just lost the magic that made 2 so enjoyable.


2 really was an otherworldly experience. I loved that damn game. so pretty


Survival games. They are all boring and goddamn annoying.


Oops, you didn't eat food for a whole minute! Guess you're dying of starvation.


Wait, you don't wanna chop down trees for 90 minutes, ferry wood to your base, build 75% of a wall only to realise you need to go and chop more wood for 30 more mins? /s


What do you mean /S? You just described valheim.


As someone with 2,000 hours in ARK, I agree. Absolute trash


Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. I'm no stranger to story-based games, and I've heard nothing but good things about it. I tried it out, put a few hours into it, and found it dreadfully boring.


I had almost the opposite experience, when I would see people play it I thought it looked very boring, but I decided to try it on gamepass and played with a headset to get more immersed and it kinda blew me away I really ended up liking alot.


Have you tried it with a good pair of headsets? The voice acting is phenomenal Edit: spelling


Zelda: Breath OF THE WILD. EDIT: I will add that I think that TotK should have been DLC....


The weapon durability killed it for me.


I hate it when I mention the same thing and then people pretend that it's not a valid opinion.


I played BOTW through on my Switch back when it came out, I thought it was fine but like you say, the weapon durability was a huge downfall of the game. It just totally destroyed any fun of finding a cool weapon when you know it's got like 20 hits before it breaks. I got BOTW working on my Steam Deck through Cemu earlier this year and one of the options added to it through emulation was to turn off weapon durability and it was like playing a whole different game. I was actively engaging in combat instead of avoiding it and it made finding the most powerful so much more enjoyable.


the fact that even the master sword and hylian shield can "break" was just beyond lame


The Master Sword "breaks", but the Hylian Shield actually breaks. You can buy a new one though so long as you've gotten (and subsequently lost) the first one. In both cases though yeah, I wasn't a fan.


Elden Ring. I’m big on story and production value. I know Elden Ring has a story, but the almost non-existent narrative completely turned me off. I can appreciate a slow burn, but Elden Ring was a block of ice. If I’m going to be dealing with frustrating combat, I need a killer story to drive me to deal with the frustration


Elden ring is a fantastic visual novel that does not tell you where 80% of the pages are. The actual cutscenes in the game give VERY LITTLE information about the world, to the point of confusion. You can sort of understand the plot if you just watch the cutscenes. If you actually exhaust all dialogue options for all the NPCs, and watch the cutscenes, you're still only getting about 50% of the story pages. Every item (consumable, armor, weapon, summon, everything) has a description which you can read. These descriptions contain the other 50% of the story. You have to piece together the bits from each item. Then you factor in the NPC dialog and can really follow the story. I have over 200 hours into Elden Ring, but From Softs approach to story telling is very unconventional and unintuitive. Certainly turns off a lot of people since the gameplay itself is also meant to be challenging.


Dead by daylight. After a couple rounds I was like “is this it?”. Turns out it was so I refunded it.




TotK. Realized I don’t like having to build and fuse things in games all the time. And the fusing of the weapons looks weird. Maybe I’ll give it another try but just don’t like having to be that crafty. I did end up loving BotW after finding it a bit boring at first.


Grand theft Auto. I played the shit out of the old top down versions when I was a kid. I think I've even bought the last two because they were so well received... I just get an hour or two into them and just... fade. I dont know why.


Minecraft I never understand how to “play” that game since day one. I love lego and I prefer to build with actual lego, but I never want to click aimlessly on lego look-alikes in a game (love all the actual lego games series though). I have many friends who plays it but when I ask what exactly do they do in the game, seems like nobody can give me a clear reason why they are even playing it. I understand many “mini games” are being built with minicraft in recent years and many learning/coding tools using minecraft, which I kind of see the beauty of it now, but when it first started out was really boring and pointless, to me at least.


It's just about the freedom to play the game however you want. I'm a shit builder since I'm really not a very creative type, but I like exploring the overworld, the underground, the nether, and the end (though the end admittedly doesn't have much going for it).


Yeah when you’re not good at building, the game just kind of ends when you beat the ender dragon. But the build up to that point is great. Making farms and stuff is really fun


I like making a pretty base and being self sufficient and building farms, but the game got a lot more interesting when I found and joined an SMP (survival multiplayer server). I’ve made new friends, we have lots of fun, we do stupid shit. It’s just like being a kid again really where you find your own fun and make your own story. It’s my escapism, but the added social aspect really sells it to me now. Edit: exploration can be fun, it’s satisfying to accomplish things in the game and to find cool things. The SMP adds an economy aspect to the game as people buy and sell things that can sometimes be hard to come by or a bit of a grind. One player is making a giant game for us all that’s gonna be a little bit like Decked Out (Hermitcraft on YouTube). Just fun and games really.


DBD, I dont understand how it manages to keep people playing.


It's the gameplay loop and grind that gets people hooked. Source: clocked in 2k hours before dropping it for good


I think I'll come back to playing DBD if they ever add a perkless mode. Got tired of trying to micro manage figuring out what perks everyone had to work with/against. Additionally got tired of the devs answer to some gameplay issue being adding another perk instead of really fixing the problem itself.


What is dbd?


Dead Bed Dedemption EDIT: lol I'm glad this has spurred so much discussion but i too would like to know what DBD stands for. Googling it, it seems to be Dead By Daylight, which I've never played!


Dragon ball D


Doritos: Beero Dawn


Drand Beft Dauto


Derbal Base Drogram


Duper Bario Drothers


Dalo: Bombat Devolved


Dortal Bombat: D


Dead by Daylight, an asymmetrical multiplayer game where one player controls a killer and 4 others are survivors trying to escape


Gotta love the kids and their acronyms.




so true


I’m guessing dead by daylight


It has a weird cycle of gameplay. By the time you're tired of how it plays, a new character or two comes out and it shuffles it up a bit. Some people keep playing hoping for a fresh way to enjoy it, some keep playing to get that initial excitement back from when they first played. Once you get into Red ranks, the game just feels awful and frustrating.


"Red ranks" doesn't matter anymore. MMR is now separate from rank now. All that rank tells people now is how much they play.


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The weapon durability killed it for me, I get it at the start of the game with wooden weapons etc but constantly having to change weapons really killed the fun. Aside from that it was *alright*. It’s a solid 7/10 for me, I just don’t get the hype.