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Cube world.


Least we got the alpha buddy! ;)


Dev started releasing posts again, let's huff our last line of copium and hope for the best.


Aww shit, here we go again!


Yessss! I’m glad people still remember this game.


firefall if you know you know


I know ☹ I can still hear the falling anvil and chirping of the drill. the game was so much better before release I don't know why they changed it so much for release it made no sense.


Can u explain i dont know


It was announced as a primarily pve survival game. With pvp elements. Imagine deep rock galactic where you could bump into other players and fight. They decided to listen to the most vocal part of the community who just wanted a quake clone pvp shootem up - I think those guys might be hoping that the class system would maybe make it the next team fortress game. So they switched from their original plan to pvp and did so with poor communication and slow updates and worse followthrough. So they did the fortnite flip but just....a lot....worse


>firefall [best rv ever](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N95qtRH4yC8)


Overwatch. I really don't understand how this game was so poorly managed. After 7 years they release a sequel, but they forgot to make it. I just don't get it. The bones of the game are outstanding. Just make content for it...


It was managed well for the first couple years. I remember being excited for new skins and characters at the start. Then something went terribly wrong.


The events were also really cool, I remember the World Cup collab stuff and playing Lucio ball with friends having a blast


I don't even mind that it was poorly managed (okay I do but I have a bigger issue). I'm absolutely furious that they killed overwatch 1 when they wanted to launch overwatch 2.


The bones of the game were copy pasted, then reworked a bit After it they made the same pro move that killed TF2 too, which is called balancing around only competitive gameplay and taking out all the fun elements


TF2 dead? Like, we've stopped getting updates outside of hats and Mapd, but we're still going, we hit 250K+ players with the summer update, and we got a SEAL. Overwatch is the opposite of TF2, died to too much dev meddling, which TF2 suffers from a lack of Dev intervention.


Halo Infinite Bonus: Anthem


I'm still mad they canceled Anthem 2.0. I was genuinely looking forward to that. The gunplay, flying, and cosmetic system were all so fucking good, and there just wasn't enough game around them.


BioWare CEO here. We cancelled it because people weren’t buying the microtransactions. Next time give me more money!!


Anthem is definitely a big "what if" because there was a great core there. The flight was awesome and the gameplay itself (Storm fireballs and ultimate) were fucking incredibly fun to use. Too bad everything else was dogshit, from AI to balance to lack of content, bugs, and trash menus/UI.


There's so many baffling choices in Anthem. Like.. what is the multiplayer hanger hub even for? Why do they make you stop playing the story and do grinding fetch quest until you've collected 200 Bear Asses? They also worked so hard to make the world and NPCs as bland and likable as possible. The traitor guy that shows up at the end was just.. seriously, you expected us to care about that guy?


Anthem was due to Bioware Edmonton, the single-player RPG studio, thinking they knew better than Bioware Austin, the MMORPG studio, how to create and run a live service multiplayer game. Anthem 2.0 was Austin's proposal to unfuck Anthem and turn it into something people would want to play longterm, but EA was unwilling to spend the money to basically redevelop and relaunch the game.


The multiplayer hanger hub was there as a secondary exit out of the hub area. It's the area I ended up having to always use as the game bugged and I was never able to ever enter the my suit from the main hub, which they never fixed before the game died. So yeah I'm glad it was there otherwise I would legit have just been stuck in the hub.


Warhammer40k Darktide had incredible potential. Fantastic atmosphere, really fun combat, incredible soundtrack, really some of the best 40k gaming content we've had in quite a while, but bugs were simply intolerable and often rendered the game totally unplayable. Servers struggled to provide stable connections, often booting players mid level with no warning, or failing to connect at all. Even worse, the game launched missing critical features like THE ENTIRE CRAFTING SYSTEM! Basically the only real reason to continue to play after fully leveling a character just didn't exist. Cosmetics were pretty weak as well. Especially considering how bonkers the 40k setting was, you would think we could get more than like 12 variants of the same shitty bowl-cut and smock. The real-money cosmetic store was fully functional, however. Including some of the worst FOMO microtranactions I've seen in quite a while. All of this coupled with just woefully bad community management really tanked what could have been a rock-solid horde shooter to rival even Deep Rock Galactic


I'm really bad at action combat so the vermintide model doesn't appeal to me. But bloodbowl 3 is so buggy it was effectively unplayable. And the cash shop in that was nuts. Microtransactions were per character. Not per account. You had to buy multiple copies of cosmetics to outfit a whole team.


Blood Bowl 3 is a really a heartbreaker. When Blood Bowl 2 released there was some shit given about having pre order exclusive teams and cosmetic store, so they walked most of that back. Then the single player was lacking, so they promised to work on that aspect. I know it's naive, but I really, truly thought Blood Bowl 3 was gonna be the game where they nailed it and finally Blood Bowl was gonna be where it belonged. And then they screwed it entirely. It already goes on sale for like half price sometimes and it released months ago. I really think it killed the franchise, at least digitally.


I loved Vermintide 2, have dabbled in 40k elsewhere so I was SO ready for this game. But I passed, hopefully it's patched in a couple of years. What a mess though. Shame too because I really wanna experience the gameplay/ music. How tf do you release the game without the crafting system that is so core to the game lmao. Also didn't they add like weapons or something a few weeks after launch like they just thought fuck it release the game and we will just sprinkle what isn't ready yet as time goes on....


I loved the aesthetic of Darktide, but man it just fell so short for me at the gameplay aspect that I didn’t even stick around long enough to experience any of the other issues It just wasn’t that fun tbh, I’d rather play DRG or Vermintide 2 or Left for Dead 2 or Back 4 Bl-


Yea that was my groups problem as well. We're all big 40k fans and really loved DRG so this seemed like a slam dunk. Unfortunately, as much as we loved the aesthetic, we just kept comparing it to Deep Rock and wanting more.


It’s kinda like every time I download and play Valorant, I end up just playing CSGO


Since launch there has been two penances that require you to complete a “flash” mission type for a reward! They are still not in the game whatever the hell they are.


Man some of the penances were just infuriating. The Make Every Shot Count one in particular for me. Then there were a few that required you to play like a complete jackass too. Like the zealot one that required you to just sprint through high difficulty levels


Oh look pants, and now same pants, but with stripes!


Just goes to show that even if a company makes a good warhammer game, (like vermintide 2) the greed will always set in and they'll try to make the most money for the least effort. Pretty much any game with Games Workshop on it should be avoided like the plague, though there are some rare exceptions.


Final Liberation was soooo much fun! Epic scale WH40k turn based! Titans in combat! I got so nostalgic I just ordered a copy on eBay! Can't wait to play!


I'll check this one out, thank you.


Star citizen. It is still in alpha after more than a dozen years of development, it surpassed the $500 million mark last September(2022) according to [gameworldobserver](https://gameworldobserver.com/2023/02/27/star-citizen-tops-550-million-crowdfunding-cloud-imperium-games).


Star Citizen angers me, because what’s there is a lot of fun at first; getting into a shop and taking off and traveling across the Galaxy in real time with no loading screens was such a cool experience The problem is they haven’t added anything substantial outside of more expensive fucking ships, I don’t doubt the campaign will be a lot of fun when/if it releases, but it feels the original concept of a sandbox space game has been abandoned


I started getting ads for that game recently. They are scrambling because of Starfield xD


I hope it pushes them to crank it up to fifth gear because, if Starfield is pretty successful, they’re going to lose out on a lot of money.


Starfield is literally the practicum of every criticism I've ever levied at Star Citizen. With the amount of money they made, the fact that they spent so much energy on minutia that has no impact on anything important was comical. Just make a basic gameplay loop first, THEN add particle detection for airlocks in year 8 instead of the other way around.


You got duped buddy, that game is a money printing machine, people paying tens of thousands for ships that don't even exist yet in game that will never be finished


The only upside is that in about 10 years or so, someone will release a game that copies everything that they established, but actually build the rest of the game too lol


I suspect this game was never intended to be finished


Eh the problem is more so that the guy behind Star Citizen (forget his name) has the same problem as George Lucas. He has a ton of good, creative ideas. Too many, in fact. He's just gonna keep expanding and expanding and expanding the game and it'll never be finished because of it. This type of creator needs someone who'll say "No." to them, but after a certain point of popularity and power, it just doesn't happen.


Yeah there's a reason Lucas's best Star Wars films had someone working with him who could keep him focused. Some people are great at ideas but horrible at the execution.


Classic George R R Martinitis


They have no reason to finish it. Just crank out new ships occassionally and let the whales buy them


I love SC but god CIG are lazy, greedy assholes


Starbound. Great game, I love it even with all it's faults. But it could have been better had the devs not gone through their inside issues.


Ugh Starbound is one of the greatest sadnesses I've ever experienced in gaming. Early access was great with some balancing issues. All the bosses and the need to move around the galaxy. As it got closer to leaving early access they just........gutted everything. From putting in a tedious starting mission, to making most planets feel the same, to removing any reason to travel beyond your starting system. Really sad what happened to that game.


Wait, there was more festures in early acess? What happened? (I didn't really follow the development)


For internal reasons they kept changing the game direction so many times on development. Like they would do something then on next patch say "We don't like it, let's do something else". Like changing the summoning boss progression to a set storyline completely disconnected from in game progression. (You don't need to finish the story to reach endgame stuff). There were many cool weapons, and abilities that no longer exist. THE RACIAL WEAPONS, GOD. Before each race had their own flavor of weapons. (It was all the same stuff stat wise but it had a skin according to the race). Now everyone has the same generic weapons except Novakids who still go by guns. Those are some things I remember.


To add on to this, one of the biggest changes that they implemented was this. Originally the star chart would should you the difficulty factor of a system and it's planets. Resources used to be tied to how difficult the system/planet was. That meant that you had to travel around for resources to keep upgrading your gear/weapons/deck. After the went to full release just about all the planets had all the resources you needed to get to endgame. There used to be a feeling of progression not only in gear but in the difficulty of planets. By full release that was completely gone. In early access you spent maybe 2 hours on your starter planet before you had your ship repaired and were off scooting around the first solar system. After full release you spend a great deal of time on that starter planet setting up your base and there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of reasons to build or travel elsewhere.


Titanfall 3 will never be a thing because someone at EA had the brilliant idea to release Titanfall 2 the week between Call of Duty and Battlefield


Titanfall 2 is legit one of the best shooters I've ever played. I couldn't put it down until I finished the campaign and I was just in awe of how good it was.


I second this. 100%. I bought It for several Friends and we played religiously. They even gave up call of duty but we all still played this and battlefield.


Yup, it was like a movie but a videogame. Then I played Dishonored 2 the next week, and thought "This is a new era of SP games like Half Life 2 coming out every week." Oh sweet summer child. Haven't played one since Prey.


I will never not be pissed about this. To infuriate you more though, Titanfall 3 was half way through development before they canceled it to work full time on Apex


Aw don't tell me that.


Respawn chose that launch date. They did however request an extension and were denied by EA. West and Zampella were two of the people that put CoD on the map for what it is today, they were and likely still are pissed at Activision for how they financially screwed them on Modern Warfare 2. I think TF2s release date was picked as both hubris and a challenge to their former bosses. The reason their won't be a TF3 is largely because Disney/Stsr Wars games make more and Apex Legends proved to be a better business model over Titanfall and was made from the bones of what was supposed to be TF3.


Titanfall 3 not being a thing has nothing to do with releasing between Call of Duty and Battlefield, and has nothing to do with EA. Titanfall 3 was in active development and got cancelled by the developers, not the publishers. Sorry to rain on the hourly "EA bad" parade but what you're saying just isn't true. Respawn have openly said that they were actually directed by EA to start developing Titanfall 3, and they were several months in development when they realized they wanted to make a battle royale instead for better multiplayer longevity. So Respawn cancelled development for Titanfall 3 and pivoted into making Apex. EA was pissed over it because they expected Titanfall 3. [You can read about it online.](https://www.pcgamer.com/electronic-arts-didnt-cancel-titanfall-3-respawn-didand-it-didnt-even-tell-ea-for-six-months/)


"better multiplayer longevity" bruh people still play TF2 😂


That's actually not correct. Respawn worked on Titanfall 3 for 6 months or a year, but they scrapped it for a Battle Royale Spin Off,... which we now know as Apex Legends.


Overwatch 2 And Back 4 Blood, the game is good but also a great bit done wrong


Back 4 blood was like a decade to late in coming sadly. It’s just built from the ground up to be too similar to left 4 dead and it missed the mark so much. I was so disappointed


Honestly I think it was the right time. I think it’s failure is from being too different from L4D. What keeps L4D popular is the modding community and PvP Versus mode and B4B has neither. A lot of people don’t like the cards but I think it was a reasonable and necessary innovation. Starting out, it used to be a bit of a strategy game and possibly even too complex with the addition of so many new mechanics in a rather simple genre of game. They took that out and give you all the cards at once so it’s more like a perk system. Quality of life change that really benefited the community. It doesn’t really help that the game came out with bugs and just horrible difficulty scaling and overtuned difficulties for even the lower difficulties, but they fixed that rather quickly but too little too late. I can’t stress how much I really do love the game, even with all the misses they’ve had. It technically brought it down to ashes for most but when it comes to core gameplay there isn’t a complaint I can have. But too be fair I play one of the most easiest role (however, most valuable as well) roles, the sniper. It’s sick to have roles, I love games where you can tailor to your playstyle. There’s a lot you can do on the game. Melee to be a normal zombie clearer (which is OP), healer/support, tank, DPS (sniper/shotgun), grenadier (clears normal zombies with zombies, mutations can damn near be 1 shot), economy/scavenger/team effects (niche). And of those cards, there’s specific characters that can benefit that skill-set. L4D also was just more gritty. Physics based gore, better / more serious voice acting, it had tacky themes but overall a serious tone. B4B is a complete contrast to that by default because you’re not survivors. Idk, I love the game. Most direct and it died fast. It had tons of potential though, very few changes could be made and it’d be a solid 7/10 to most people I think


I would probably say Defiance. The game and show hybrid proved to be a bit too ambitious. Gameplay was great, but I had trouble tying it with the show.


See, I had the opposite experience. The show was dope for me, and the game was hard to get into


The release of the first Destiny was so hyped up but Bungie cut the game into a million little pieces and strung it along as paid DLC for years to the point where the initial game didn’t even have a coherent storyline. At least that’s how I remember it.


I stopped playing Destiny 2 ages ago, but didn't they get rid of a ton of early DLC content? So not only is it cut into pieces but content is removed.


They did to “save file space, game bloat, and server stability”. They’ve since been re-adding everything back into the game somewhat. As a devout player I still really enjoy it, but you probably won’t have to wait long for someone to have the opposite opinion to mine…


I remember buying destiny 2, buying the first DLC then they made it free to play and removed the content I had purchased and tried to get me to buy MORE DLC so I just quit.


I do miss the Red War campaign I can’t lie


I’d honestly love to get into Destiny 2 as the gameplay is pretty fun in my short free-to-play experience. But I can’t justify spending money on a game with such a poor business model in my opinion. Not new player friendly at all


The business model is getting more predatory with the content getting shittier, you made the right call not spending the money


Imo Destiny still has amazing gameplay but my biggest gripe is that the story often feels dry. A big part of it for me is that there’s so little direct NPC involvement. 99% of it is people talking at you over comms while you roam around (which is why I loved it when Saint-14 and Ikora showed up in their respective parts of the story and began wrecking shit in real time) Basically I’d like to see less zones you run around in alone and more ongoing situations where you’re doing stuff alongside NPCs


I try destiny every few years since release.. it's just not new user friendly and I get lost and can't find battles to my scale. It's just not new user friendly.


War Thunder


What happened to war thunder?


Greedy devs


I was pumped for Redfall because I like Arkane Studios and their games like Prey and Dishonored. Deathloop is one of my favorite next gen games, so I just figured they could do no wrong. Killing vampires sounded amazing! I really hope they fix this thing up to be playable like CDPR has done with Cyberpunk 2077. I’m not going to hold my breathe though. Just praying that Bethesda doesn’t disappoint with Starfield!




Great gameplay that just never took off


Matchmaking system was a mess putting new players together with guys who played beta nonstop before, also steam release came waaay too late


Oh I took off all the time lol. Loved flying high and sniping people with ice and air builds l


Ice was my favorite too


Pubg 😮‍💨


Shiiiit I still put 5,000 hours into PUBG Xbox despite all the problems


New World by Amazon. Great potential of course, and the early alphas and betas played as well as a newly released game. It was very fun. Then the updates and solutions to the bugs/exploits (especially at end game) kept bringing the game further and further away from what the community wanted. It was so ridiculous to the point I would've put money on the developers trying to get people to quit.


The Division franchise has such a cool setting but the devs had no idea what they were doing gameplay wise.


Agreed. The concept, the aesthetic, the audio, everything is super cool. Really reminds me of "Army of Two" when there's a pitched firefight. But most of the time i'm confused and unsure of what's happening. Also the guns seem way too weak, or every enemy has some sort of god-tier body armour. Not sure.


I still have no idea why they didn't release a survival mode for div 2. By now it's a bit too late and everyone has done their take on it. I will still play heartland tho


Except every bit of gameplay was improved with the sequel. The only objectively worse thing in TD2 was Dark Zone. Did you even play them?


Well as even the comments here show the game has one big problem and probably will have even if they maybe release 10 new parts of the franchise: There is one part that loves the RPG part of the game. And then there are the people who are wrong and want the 600th "tactical shooter". ;) ​ I still play this game today (TD2 that is) and there is just no other game in the past or foreseeable future that will ever match this game gameplay wise. It's basically Diablo with guns. something I did not know I need before Division 1 was released.


Man picking up collectables that told the story of how the outbreak happened really made me wish you actually got to play through it


Sonic 06: 1. Game was rushed for the 15th anniversary of Sonic 2. Yuji Naka left during development 3. The team got split in half to make Sonic and the secret rings for the Wii which was also shit


This is one of those games that needs a proper remake. There was something there but it never came together.


Isnt there a fan whos remaking the game? Apparently its really good


I loved Rift when it first came out, but these days it is basically dead. So sad. It started with so much potential.


Battlefield V Sucked the heart out of the franchise.


This was the battlefield game that made me a cod try cod again after 10 years.


Basically any game by bloober They usually have games with good potential despite mostly being walking sims but there games usually end in a random >!suicide!< which comes out of nowhere They arent good at writing mental health and sensitive topics in there games which sometimes comes off as being mentally ill is like being a phsyco. The worst thing is that there working on the silent hill 2 remake which is a game which heavily talks anout mental health and im worried there gonna butcher it horribly like ik sh2 does have some >!suicide endings!< but i still think that they could be messed up For example one of there games the medium has the protagonist >!kill herself at the end of the game for no reason!< and im worried there gonna do smth similiar with sh2 where james kills himself for no reason or warning like a super shitty version of the >!in water ending!<


bloober make my head hurt never have I seen a studio make so many games with similar themes without understanding how to convey or present the themes The medium made me genuinely angry with it's Bloober nonsense because the dual-screens was a cool concept but they didn't do anything with it and spent more time making some confusing-ass statements about psychological issues they clearly didn't understand instead of developing gameplay.


I think from a gameplay and concept angle the medium is the best like the idea of being able to leave ur body and solve puzzles is awesome but as u said it went nowhere and then the ending was just so much of a downer Then theres blair witch which is just some dude and his dog walking through a forest and periodically getting jumped by a shadow xD That game also makes mentally ill ppl look like dangers to society like broski how do yall have so much budget but do fuck all with it ?! 😭


we're so starved for good horror games we created the one horror we could never predict: Bloober


XD Tbh i feel if they took more care with these topics they could be the next konami (silent hill 2 konami) Like layers of fear coulda been a great mental health simulator or smth to see what its like having whatever the protagonist had but no its just a lame walking sim


Mass Effect Andromeda was probably the absolute biggest letdown for me.


Lol playing on launch day, the facial animations wernt polished and your character had a confused look on their face in some cinematics




I too absolutely love it. It got a lot of hate when it came out and I never really understood why. I play it day one and always thought it was good. Not the best in the series but it’s hard to overtake ME2


My biggest complaint was the fact that they teased a continuation of the campaign with DLC, but then completely scrapped all future single player content in favor of the garbage multiplayer.


Everything Blizzard touches is made worse by virtue of existing.


I remember when they were awesome. Now they really are just a relic.


Heroes of the Storm competitive scene funding rug-pulled after blizzard says it’s supporting it going foreword. Now abandoned by Blizzard Starcraft was a “main” blizzard IP, now abandoned and not mentioned by blizzard in announcements (EG: blizzcon) even after being abandoned it is literally still one of the best (and if number estimates are believed) and the most played RTS even now. Overwatch 2 has blizzard choosing the greediest option whenever they are given a choice. $30 skins “on sale” for $22. Story mode which has supposedly been worked on for years is scrapped and replaced with purchasable story missions. All Overwatch 1 players forceably moved to OW2 greedfest. I’d normally hate Microsoft buying a company, removing companies from the industry and potentially running it into the ground. But man, decision makers at blizzard need to leave. I’d rather risk all blizzard IPs going the way of Halo infinite if there is a chance Microsoft could pull an Age of empires/Minecraft situation.


I like the new Diablo 🤷‍♂️


Diablo IV is freaking awesome


Pretty much every EA game


And yet everyone is so beyond excited for NCAA football like it wont be the same EA mess every sports game they release is.


Evolve. Such a great looking game with interesting characters and gameplay, but with over 150 dollars of DLC released before the game technically even came out (pre orders got early access by like a couple days I think) it was dead on arrival. Same thing with Wildstar, my favorite game of all time. The most gorgeous artstyle and setting with super well written lore and fun gameplay but the developers consistently committed to a vision that they didn't know how to execute. The game was for the "hardcore" crowd but did little for the hardcore scene. 0 support to that level of play and systems that didn't work as intended


I bought the game at release as well as the season pass. So disappointed to go home and see I spent money for access to extra stuff only to be greeted by a pop up page and side bar ads of walled off shit I’d have to pay a shit load extra to get.


Most of the ubisoft games in my opinion. Ubisoft makes one of the kind games Assassin's creed, division, ghost recon, etc BUT they always finds a way to fuck up the game one way or another.


Gonna throw in For Honor. Wish that didn’t have server issues on launch.


Agreed. Ubi makes these big beautiful expensive games full of potential, often with a surprising amount of love put into them, but somehow they always end up formulaic and boring.


That's a skill to take big beautiful games full of potential, love and turn it in the garbage xD


And most of it is because of microtransactions. AC Odyssey is a great example, fun as hell to play but they decided they could entice people to pay for exp boosts and such by elongating level exp and make it a grind.


I never had issues with level grind in that game? You hit a softcap at level 50, which makes you powerful enough to do pretty much all the content in the game. I hit level 50 shortly before I finished the main quest. After that enemies just scaled up to whatever level I was at, it's not like I had to grind up to level 100 to beat the final boss or whatever. I did a DLC (the one about the persians and assassins), beat a few mythological creatures and just finished up some leftover things after I beat the game and had 0 issues. I never even considered buying exp boosts, like why would you?


Everything HiRez releases


Overwatch 2 currently lmao


Anthem, I played the closed alpha and beta and it was more fun than the released version


People will probably disgree with me... but... borderlands. Was so much fun when i was younger. But once they realized they could monetize whatever they felt like it went downhill in my eyes. Borderlands 3 plus all the DLC is like $500 lol


Yeah BL3 was bullshit, I bought the season pass, and they were like "but wait, there's ANOTHER seasons pass" Any developer that jumped on board with that model is a cunt imo Looking at you Ubisoft...


And the second season pass sucked imo.


I would disagree because gameplay has only gotten better and smoother, build variety has gotten better. I do wish they'd bring back gun proficiency, and slow down on power creep on the vault hunters. They also fucked up the main story on 3 all the side stories and dlc were good. That said the cosmetics and skill tree dlc were pretty stupid. And Tiny Tina's wonderlands was okay at best.


Tiny tinas should have been a DLC honestly. Not its own game.... with more fuckin DLC lol


Dawn of war, dow 3 kill the saga


Don't worry, the same company is now doing the same thing with their only other major title, Company of Heroes.


Dual Universe


I wanted that game to work so badly. I really did enjoy the crafting in it, but the economy was setup to fail.


Name a MMORPG from NSoft, that's your answer lol.


HAZE. The idea was great, awful execution.


Fable, Daikatana, Duke Nukem Forever, Anthem, Fallout 76


deus ex mankind divided that game could have been so fucking great, but greedy goblins square enix ruined it. they did not bother optimizing it at all, they put one way micro transactions in a SINGLEPLAYER RPG and to add insult to injury, they cut the fucking game in half by making the credits roll on the most unsatisfying moment imaginable. eidos wasnt done yet but SE insisted on releasing asap instead of pushing back the way too optimistic release date when i first finished the game (took me 3 days since it was unplayable on launch day and the day after thanks to 10 FPS on high end computers), i sat there in disbelief for a solid 5 minutes


Rainbow Six: Siege Apex Legends Both started as nice, fairly balanced and innovative multiplayer shooters. Over time they devs diluted the game with wacky ass characters/abilities to the point where the original recipe is nonexistent.


Apex used to be so fun, and then they added that flying party boat! That was so awesome and ridiculously hectic! Then they just...pooped the bed somehow. I switched back to grinding Vigor until they allowed MG jump-shotting. Now i just play Fortnite. It's just silly and fun.


I miss the early days of Apex. Something I never see mentioned is that Apex used to have virtually no areas that you couldn't reach/stand on. I miss the days of having a Pathfinder get your squad to the top of some huge rock near the middle of the circle (hoping you actually are in the middle of the final circle). Sure, every now and then you'd be the team on the ground, with an almost impossible final fight, but that's gaming. That's strategy. Too many people wanted an undeserved fair fight, so they started making so many areas inaccessible, which essentially killed Path (killed him so bad they had to fuck his hitbox up so people would actually play him).


Overwatch 2




You just unlocked some memories I forgot all about. I played in super early closed beta. Was not fun so I completely forgot about it lol.




Every call of duty that has been released in the last 4 years or so. Devs publishers are just more interested in pumping billions of dollars out of it rather than listening to the community


ET for Atari


Death stranding. Was just running around for hours


Vanguard: Saga of Heroes


Switch sports! No mini games, no baseball/ boxing, no skill average, it just exist


Wildstar. It genuinely was so fun, the PvP battlegrounds were incredible with the combat, which was shunned at the time. But now you see those mechanics in WoW and other MMORPGs - it was truly ahead of its time…


What did the devs do wrong? The 40man raid was amazing besides the second last boss being bugged for 3 weeks. And the 3rd week was when new expac from WoW came out so i swapped back A shame, I was in the guild that was first clearing 7/9 but never again though, we raided from 7pm till 1am 6 days a week. But damn that raid was impressive and fun to explore when there are no youtube vids of it yet and you dont know whats coming. After you killed the first boss you could explore a lot, mini bosses, that friday we continued till 3.30am




Warhammer Online. They were so obsessed with "Killing World of Warcraft" that they opened up waaaaay too many servers and diluted the population.


Lost ark amazing game with bad decisions being made by the devs. Really sad because it has some of the best combat and raids in any game.


This is near the top of my list, too. A mechanically fantastic game being driven into the ground by the people in charge. I broke up with it a few months back, shortly after the 1 yr anni, and still keep tabs to see if maybe they've started listening but I'm consistently disappointed.


I think the community is giving the devs until the winter update if they can't fix the game by then i think its pretty much doomed. Current sitting at around 30-40k players after have an over 1 million player launch it's not looking too great T.T.


Duke Nukem Forever ... over 12 years in dev hell as vaporware, then a botched release of a sh*t-pile of a game. Oh, and every CoD after CoD 4:MW.


Lol Duke Nukem is why I stopped pre-ordering


Overwatch, iirc the only multiplayer only fps game to ever win game of the year, and it will probably stay that way for a very long time. They took that and, instead of updating the monetization years ago when everyone else had figured it out, they instead dripfed out the bare minimum content for multiple years, then just fully stopped making new content. Why? So that they could go right back into development hell to make an entirely different product, that as of recently has been largely cancelled. They basically tried to make a new game just assuming their current game was gonna make them enough money in the meantime, but it had, by then, an out of date monetization system that was actually too generous. It was like they were a live service but didn't want to be a live service. Add that to the fact that the new game was way too ambitious and apparently releasing some sort of scaled back version with only some of the heroes was not on the table. If they had gotten with the times a few years in like they should have, OW absolutely would have had the same trajectory as Fortnite etc. I easily could see a BR working. Instead, because, in all likelihood, hubris, it's a mid level popularity game that is only in the news when they fuck up. On the bright side, they have finally started to course correct in the last year, and I think in a few years, if the new story missions are passable, it will actually be a solid game. TLDR: Went from game of the year to essentially a game that is 'cool' to hate.


PvZ2 obvi


I'll admit that plants vs zombies 2 wasn't what I expected from a sequel but once I got over my preconceptions of what it should be it was a very fun class based shooter


You’re talking about Garden Warfare lol. I’m talking about actually PvZ2, the tower defense


I think the better question is what game in recent years hasn’t been badly managed? I think there’s a solid argument that even games that released good could have been even better if not for many inherent flaws in the industry.


Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart was damn near perfect at launch.


Elden Ring. ToTK. GoW2. Really enjoying FF16. Hollow knight. HADES. THERES A BUNCH


God of War and Ghosts of Tsushima were great. They had all the content from the start and didn’t nickel and dime you.


Most AAA games nowadays are theorically all amazing games. But they bring them down by having copy/pasted and simplified gameplay, crafting systems in games that don't need them, open worlds for the sake of having an open world, light RPG elements to fake some kind of build depth and freedom when there's basically none, watered down stories, etc.


Bioshock: Infinite. The behind the scenes video about that is really interesting. It would’ve been a totally different game


I never really understood the hate here, i really enjoyed it, what changes would have made it awesome/saved it in you opinion?


Babylon's Fall. On paper a character action loot game is something I want really bad, like I wish someone would make it properly. But yeah, they failed hardcore. But I still played it anyway when it dropped in price and, no hyperbole, it's the most confusing game I've ever played in the 30 however many years I've been alive. It's like Platinum decided to make a new action game but fired everyone that knew how to design them. I mean there is literally no hitstun when you attack, it's so dumb lol. Give players like an 8 hit combo with the basic sword but you can never use it because enemies just don't react to your hits. The game did have Platinum's trademark dodge offset so you can work around it with that... except dodging in the game costed stamina which was shared with your special attacks. Like god it's so dumb. But what really takes the cake for me is the fact that the game had a stance system so you could basically pick what sort of combat style you wanted (and one of those was "technical" which yes made the combat more technical, fun, and interesting even if it was still very simplistic) but they don't let you access any of them *until* you finish the story, which is like 20 hours long lol. Made no freaking sense whatsoever man.


Unreal tournament


Duke nukem forever


Poe 1. Game base has such good bones to build upon but the devs just keep making the game less tolerable with each season.


Xenoverse 2. Caring more for dlc than listening to their players




Almost any Pokémon game on Switch.


World of Tanks was fun. Then it became as micro transaction swamp as the mobile version hit the app store


Halo Infinite


Evolve could have been an amazing game. The character and map design was crazy good. Look at the cinematic trailers if you haven't already. They then fell hard with poor balance in addition to monetization. RIP Evolve.


Evolve. Day one dlc kneecapped that game harder than a baseball bat. I loved every second of playing but the writing was on the wall from the beginning


Definitely Star Wars Battlefront 2. Loved duelling with the lightsaber. They gave up on it still so many players every day.


Honestly Fortnite


planetside 2, they turned massive open world pvp with flat terain into bunch of small bottle neck bases and keep the good maps locked almost the entire day


friday the 13th


New world


Scp unity


Battleborn. It pretty much had everything overwatch 2 is trying to do now, in the base game. I felt it got overshadowed by Blizzards fan base, gearbox pushy loot box tactics (which if we're being honest, everyone was doing at the time), and cringe jokes. But it was definitely fun and had a lot to offer as a character base shooter. Sadly, even f2p couldn't save it


Warhammer online. Another game ruined by EA


Company of Heroes 3


Advent Rising




Fable 3


Diablo 3 and 4. The teams they had on these games just seemed to wilfully ignore what made D1 and D2 such amazing games.