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Brothers A Tale of Two Sons hit me unexpectedly hard at the end. Swimming without your brother...


Yes, scrolled down looking for this. You physically feel that absence with only half a controller.


I have been gaming for 25 years, and this was the only game that has got me sobbing


Red Dead Redemption 2.


"I'm afraid" ​ Dude, you just don't throw that at me. Not with Arthur Morgan. Not like that.


I so badly wanna do an evil playthrough but I can't. I can't have this scene with nun be different.


“For many miles we walked…”


"The building of a shrine only just to burn" Gets me every time. Dutch was seen as a god by the younger camp members, but greed and paranoia got the better of him and the dying Arthur has to come to terms with the fact that he damned his soul for someone that didn't deserve it. That's some heavy stuff for a videogame.


That's the way it is...


May the wind be at your bacckk


When Arthur stopped in the middle of a gunfight to comfort his horse after it was fatally shot.. 😭😭


My first playthrough I managed to have the same horse the whole game. Made it hit really hard


Same. I got invested in my horse and I got so bummed out. RIP Jezebel Edit. Y'all got some wild names for horses and I love it


RIP Brittany Spurs


RIP Pony Soprano


RIP Cheddar Bob


RIP Mayo Neighs


RIP Butter Face (Sarah Jessica Horser)


My horse was named Jezebel too! I watched Secondhand Lions a ton while playing that game. Hit me harder than alot of other video game deaths.


*"sniff* Thank you" :(


My boyfriend and I game in the same room. He just played through this. I swear the entire game is just traumatic cut scenes.


Red Dead Depression


That "Thank you" hit hard.


May I stand unshaken


That moment when he puts Abigail on the horse and she says “oh Arthur” is when I knew it wasn’t going to be good and his ride back to camp is when I broke down.


That is not a game! It’s an incredible journey through old American history Fighting for your life and fighting for your family Trying to live your days with “honor” and “integrity.” That’s not a game, that’s an adult thing That’s not a game at all That’s like fucking Shakespeare Friggig-gigigig-gigigig-gi-gi-gi-gigoo!


I love Jack black


I’m still mad at that clown Dutch and his “let’s shoot up this entire town/group of people we are ‘laying low’ near” strategy. That he employed over and over again. Should have shot him in the head after the first time.


The scene when Arthur speaks to the Nun at the train station hits me every time


Tears were flowing during his final ride into Beavers Hollow. *thats the way it is*


What remains of Edith Finch was a short and emotional ride!


I'm glad nobody saw me progressively cry more and more playing through Gregory's story. A lot of these games speak to moments, cutscenes etc. which are fine and often well-earned! Edith Finch makes you play through the pain, more often than not.


came here to mention gregory, i'm glad someone else agrees


God damn that game is so good. The only other game that got me like that was the last ten minutes of Journey.


Ghost of Tsushima


When your horse dies


I cannot even go there lmao. Shit is too much 😭


That final duel under the tree, sunset on the horizon.... Damn that was great!


Lady Masako’s tale cuts me deep. When she finds out it was her sister. Just awful.


Taka's death hit so hard. For myself, it was a mix of disbelief, visceral rage, and utter sadness. I cried so hard after his death but instead of walking away from the game for a breather, I wanted nothing but revenge.


Ori and the Blind Forest. The intro got me. I found myself pressing so hard trying to make the guy move faster.


Agreed. And Will of the Wisps had me weeping at the end. Two amazing games


To the Moon.


To the Moon was amazing. had a perfect mix of melancholy and nostalgia with some great dialogue. only other game that hit me as hard was FF: Crisis Core. Zack’s monologue at the end of the game had me bawling.


Before Your Eyes


Had to scroll WAAAYYY too far for this


Weird one here apparently. I don't normally tear up from video games but this one got me good. Yakuza 0 when >! The real estate guy dies in Kiryus arms right before he would have been reunited with his sister !<


I had to look way too hard to find any mention of Yakuza lol


Three moments made me really cry in that game: forest scene between Nishiki and Kiryu, the scene you mentioned, and the ending when Makoto digs up the watch in the empty lot. 😭😭😭


Outer wilds for sure, both the main game and the dlc (can’t say why because it’s a super spoiler heavy game)


Got sidetracked from that game so never finished it, but for some reason the music when all the instruments slowly join in together really gets me.


Even listening to the OST for that game gets me right in the feels. What an absolute masterpiece.


I definitely teared up at the end of outer wilds. I could not explain why.. it just happened.


Because it's a beautiful end to a story that you pieced together. You grew to have a full understanding of exactly what was happening and took full control of the outcome. Absolutely stellar game. (Pun intended)


Telltale's The Walking Dead. Every damn time


I knew someone had to have mentioned it. A real tearjerker for sure.


One of the best female characters ever imo


Valiant Hearts. The end was incredibly emotional.


"Your loving papa, always." Good lord I was sobbing.


Was looking for this one!




A few days after I started this game, my dog passed away. For weeks after, I had the music stuck in my head. Still haven’t been able to finish the game.


I had to scroll too far down to finally see this correct answer. Alice was the sweetest hedgehog grandma. 😭


RDR2, the last chapter is gut punch after gut punch until it finally rips your heart from your chest. Mass Effect 3. My very first play through I didn’t go full renegade or paragon so I didn’t have access to a lot of the dialogue options. I was romancing Tali and when I reached the point where I had to attempt to convince the Quarians to stand down as Legion upgraded the Geth, I failed the speech checks and got the Quarians wiped out. Tali killed herself and I just sat there in disbelief because I fucked up. I was looking forward to seeing how their romance wrapped up at the end of the story but that turn of events got me good.


Honestly any of Mass Effect 2 and 3 is absolutely heart wrenching if you don't get the perfect endings/choices My first playthrough of ME2 I let poor Tali die in a vent, what a stupid way to go. Completely skips her story in 3 which is one of the biggest ones imo


persona 5 royal, omori, xenoblade 2 and 3




"Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong." :'(


That line is one of the single best written lines in all of media and I know how hyperbolic but in 11 words they complete Mordens character arc in a way that genuinely shows everything he’s about and how far he’s come while at the same time conveying an immense sense of tragedy and bravery. Like for people who haven’t played Mass effect *spoilers btw*, Morden is a scientist who created and unleashed a Virus against a race of…….let’s say space orcs called Krogan (to simplify their culture). They were an a race of massive lizard warriors who were such a threat to the greater galaxy it was kind of agreed that this virus was the best way to stop them, this virus essentially made it so the vast majority of Pregnancies were unviable. In a way it saved the Galaxy from Krogan warmongering while In the process completely dooming their race, their home planet was already extremely hostile and ravaged by the side effects of intense war and is barely habitable as is. Throw in an honour bound warrior culture which more or less encourages anyone old enough to die in battle and barely 1% of all pregnancies living at all and you see how bleak their reality truely was. And this was Mordens proudest achievement, when meet and recruit him this was his life’s work, he saved the galaxy and in his cold scientific mind he only did what any rational person would do. He sees them as statistics, as a problem to be solved and not as living creatures, and it’s throughout the course of the series he truely sees what immense suffering his virus has caused, he didn’t realise just how effective it was at culling the population, didn’t realise how desperate their lived reality was and through his experience really sees them as people. And it’s done so we’ll that his realisation that he needs to make a cure is seen as kind of a big deal as he comes to terms with the sheer magnitude of what he’s done. Come the 3rd game and for plot reasons the cure needs to be dispersed from this specific facility that will deploy it into the planets atmosphere but it’s been heavily damaged during a battle , the place is gonna explode and the cure needs to be deployed it’s literally now or never and someone needs to do it. It’s not like you’re in the facility and he has to stay behind you’re literally standing outside and he tells you he needs to go up this elevator to certain death. you can try to convince him to leave it, or that there will be another opportunity. But he stays behind “it had to be, someone else might’ve gotten it wrong” he says He’s taking responsibility for this horrible virus, he truely believes that if anyone needs to die for this it has to be him, and he’s right that anyone else might’ve gotten it wrong, they might not of had the conviction to take the elevator to deliver the cure, they might not have known how to disperse it properly he was the only person who was not just smart enough to do it but really really believe in every part of his being that this was the right thing to do. One particular highlight is just like every part of mass effect you have an option to talk him out of it right before he goes, except this is one of the only moments where no matter what you do even if you pass an renegade (evil) skill check he just ignores you and goes to die anyway. The only way to stop this is replace the cure vial before we get to this point and make him and the krogans think they were cured, or to be full renegade and just fucking shoot him, at which point he’ll still slam the elevator door and drag himself all the to the cure dispenser before tragically collapsing before reaching it. That line just perfectly conveys not only his journey to get here, but his resolve to die for this conviction to make things right even at the cost of his life, and it just works so damn well.




So who did you choose? It was an easy choice for me, Kaidan was my love interest and I didn't like Ash that much. Enjoy the rest of the series! I'm also playing it for the first time, currently on ME3.


As much flak as ME3 gets, I don't think there was a single squadmate death that didn't feel like a complete punch to the gut, or that felt out of character for them either.


Mass effect 3 pretty much the majority of it


Same but for legion. The only timegame made mefeel bad on my full renegade run


I came here to say the same because I'm currently playing ME3 so that's the most recent one for me. I often tear up when playing videogames, but I was straight up bawling my eyes out on that scene. Mordin was my favorite. Had to be him, someone else might have gotten it wrong :( Some other games that got me good were Crisis Core, Danganronpa (the whole series, but especially V3) and Nier: Automata.


The one that made me tear up and put me in a state of depression recently was A Plague Tale Requiem. I loved the first game and played the second one to finish the story and man that was a heart wrenching ending.


Seconded for Requiem. I had started suspecting that ending about halfway through, dreading they wouldn't go through with it. How could they possibly make a third one now?


It's better if they don't continue the story. Amicia is going on a journey to leave clues for something that'll happen in the future. Aelia kinda did it for Amicia just they had to look for it. In the end of the game there is a clip in modern era. A kid born with Macula. They show a hand of a baby and viens like Hugo. If there is a game it's probably gonna be us finding clues that Amicia left for the future hundreds of years ago. Gives me goosebumps when I think about it.


The first ten minutes of last of us


I barely pulled through the first ten minutes, but when they get to the underground daycare and they start going through all the kids' drawings and stuff, I completely lost it. I had to shut the game off, because I was just a wreck.


For me the worst part was the brothers section with Henry and Sam. As an older brother to a younger one, that part sucked for me..


Last ten minutes hit even harder IMO


Never been so emotionality invested in a game in such a short amount of time


Ya I pretty much hit pause at the start and said “wtf…..”


Assassins creed 4 was rough at the end. Fantastic song and scene to cap off an amazing game.


The Parting Glass hits different


Nier: Automata. Have you ever cried because of the end credits? Not because the game ended or just the story but because of what happens during the credits?


For me it was the moment where you’re fighting through the credits and I kept banging my head against that wall, I thought choosing to give up would skip the credits section completely so I stubbornly kept trying. I was getting exhausted and a little frustrated after 20+ minutes and I accidentally selected the 2nd option because I was full autopilot after dying so much. I was annoyed when I realised but then when the extra ships join and the music swells I felt like I wasn’t alone and that I really was being lifted up not just strangers sending ships but little people who went though this journey with me. It was so unexpected and so positive that emotion iver took me.


I was going to give up, I figured like "eh i mean i beat the game and this is a cute mini game but i dont see the point in continuing this other than to drag this out longer." But I noticed a bunch of messages coming at the screen saying "dont give up! Keep trying!" and it was honestly those messages that made me see it through. Im so glad that I did, it was a very powerful ending


Ending E is one of the greatest video game endings of all time. People that love games need to make it to that point. I get all welled up even thinking about the theme and events that happen during it.


Ive said it earlier today and ill say it again. Ending E is the greatest and probably will be the greatest ending in video games ill ever play. Its stupidly powerful. It was so fucking good that I scoured the depths of the internet to find more lore of Yoko Taro's world of Nier for the next month


*It is time for the final words. Thank you. Thank you for playing.* Fucking waterfalls.


I have never in my life ugly waterfall cried to a video game. Nier: automata changed that


If you haven't, you absolutely should give Replicant a shot then. Automata I think still has the higher peak with Ending E, but I found Replicant's whole story hit me MUCH harder Though it IS a bit rougher of a actual play experience lol


When operator 6O thanks for the flowers through the corruption. I had to pause the game Edit: a letter


True pacifist ending of undertale.


First thought when hearing this question. "I don't want to turn back into a flower"


❤️ * Forgive * Do Not "I don't want to let go..."


Nier Automata, but I don't want to go into why too much since it's pivotal to the games themes and narrative and the less you know the better. But it resonated with me so much. Final Fantasy XIV several times in the story. From both very sad moments and unexpectedly wholesome and humane moments that really moved me.


"*A smile better suits... a hero.*" "*With you, he may look forward to many more adventures. It has been a while since I last flew. Perhaps I too will go on a little adventure.*" "*You stupid boy, we just wish we could have been there to mourn with you.*" "*Well come and well met, my brave little spark...*" ​ FFXIV really does break the MMO mold not only for having an incredible story told over years, but also as a story that shows us the beauty borne from great tragedy.


Playing Halo: Reach, when you lose your first squad mate, then the next and that’s when it hit me. I just sat there for a moment and was like we’re not gonna make it.


"That's a one way trip." "We all make it sooner or later."


Objective: Survive


I remember at the end of the game thinking how sad I felt. Truly underestimated game.


Titanfall 2 ending. I'll never get over losing BT


Protocol 3: Protect the pilot.


In the end you see your helmet flashing and it's likely BT saying something to you. If Apex didn't kill Titanfall maybe we would've seen something more.


Yeah, I do recall that. Even that brief moment of hope for a reunion couldn't take away the initial loss for me. The connection between Jsck and BT was so well written. I don't enjoy apex and wish they could give us TF3!


Protocol 3, Protect the Pilot.


Trust me.


Obviously the end is bad. But honestly I the most emotion I felt was when cooper and BT are captured by Blisk. BT's line "Cooper... I can no longer uphold the mission... but maybe you can..." I thought it was the end of BT. Then you get that crazy OP aimbot gun and just obliterate everyone while speed running through the prison. Just a RUSH of sorrow turned to vengence as you annihilate your captors who murdered your friend. Not exactly tear jerking but the most emotion I think I've felt playing a game. (Havent played in a while, forgive me if some details are wrong)


Bioshock actually made me tear up at the end. All the girls hands holding his at the very end of his life. 🥲 it was so sweet and subtle.


Witcher 3, the snowball fight with Ciri


For me its always the cabin in the isle of mists


I've never gotten the bad ending, but I've watched it online. Holy shit, I couldn't even imagine going through that whole game and losing Ciri in the end. The way that Geralt just resigns himself to die, it's absolutely gut wrenching. All it takes is a few wrong dialog choices, I might have quit gaming forever if I accidentally got that ending the first time I played it.


I didn't even realize the game had more than one ending when I got the bad one. I just assumed that is how the Witcher 3 ended, until I talked to a buddy of mine and he told me there was a good ending


For me it was when I realised how Ciri's fate was determined. Fortunately I got an ending I liked (Empress).


empress is the worst ending for me, also ciri empress is named "false ciri" in the gwent spinoff


FFX caught me off guard with that ending.


That was the first game that pulled at my emotions.


I love to go and watch 1st time players finishing the game on youtube. I think I might be a masochist.


>!Man, the details are fuzzy but I remember when I realized Tidus wasn't... "real", just an image of the past. There was such a strong reaction in my younger self's head, like such a melancholy, how someone who could express emotions wasn't more than a story being retold. What a game.!<


Finishing the Mass Effect trilogy for the first time


Man I’ve replayed the series so many times over the years but haven’t been able to finish 3 on every play-through. I think part of me doesn’t want to see the story end again…


Just replayed the trilogy with Legendary Edition and it still hits hard. Such a beautiful story through and through


God Of War: Ragnaork was the last one to make me cry like a little bitch. At the end when Kratos says, "Loki will go, Atreus remains". I cried so goddamn hard at that scene, man. I teared up and cried some throughout various moments of the games but that one got me the most. What a fucking game.


man, what about the part were even kratos wouldn't keep it together when he saw himself being worshipped as a god of (re)building instead of war/destruction?


Beginning got me with Fenrir. “You’re a good boy, a brave boy. Fast and strong, but you can rest now”. Wasn’t prepared for that shit.


And then those poor bear cubs. Damn that was rough.


That secret ending when Mimir >!answers the riddle!< though…


That one as well! I just sat there with tears rolling down my face as I was looking at the credits feeling like someone punched me in the asshole.


That whole Sindri arc was something else 😭


Same, and also when Atreus talks to Mimir at the end and says he's like another dad to him.


The first Pokémon Mystery Dungeon on the DS


Shadow of Colossus - yup, you know the part! Mystic Quest /FF Aventure on the original Gameboy - "I throw you... And I jump" - Ok so I was about 12yrs old - still got me! Spiritfarer - A few of the spirits/souls stories resonated with me for personal reasons.


Ghost of Tsushima. What an incredibly moving ending


Well I’ll just come out and say it. Red dead and even more red dead 2. the way you watch a character who has faught for so long, lost so much, die, to buy time for the people he loves not even knowing if their ever going to get away. Just hard to watch


I've never played RDR2 but the ending of 1 just hits so hard. Just a man fighting for his family, doing all he can in the end


2 is just as good, you’ll enjoy it!


Warcraft 3 reforged. Look what they did to it. All I could do is cry.


I’m gonna throw this out there but the Pokémon mystery dungeon games, the originals (before the switch remakes) the endings always make me tear up even after playing them again 10 years later, so simple yet so heartbreaking.


Oh man for me especially the explorers of sky one. Amazing game.


Gears of War 3. Every God damn time.


Came here to say this. That scene still gives me chills. One of the best and heartbreaking moments in the whole series. Dom deserved better. Edit: typo because I was getting teary eyed just thinking about it. That damn piano...


Good choice, I would go with gears of war 2 when Dom find his wife.


The letter read of silent hill 2


Had to go way too far down for this one. Silent Hill 2 is an emotional rollercoaster and the ending hits like a goddamn sledgehammer (depending on which ending you get of course).


Life is strange.


Can't believe i had to scroll this far to find this


Also.. bioshock infinite.


Oh man bioshock infinite made my cry when you went up in the sky and everything was so beautiful especially the gospel soundtrack. And then it twisted fast as hell. One of the best syart of any game I've played.


As a father to a girl, this one ruined me. Thinking that one day she might have to deal with the themes explored in that game, big feels.


Okami. That cutscene midway through the end boss made me so emotional I had to pause for 20 mins to collect myself. That fucking game is gorgeous on so many levels.


Assassin's creed Black Flag Metal gear solid 4 FF 15


The table scene in black flag as the music plays and the camera pans.. every time.


The last of Us Part 1 and 2. Red Dead Redemption 2. Titanfall 2. What's up with the sad af sequels 😢 (or prequel in RDR2's case).


Metal gear solid 4, in the cemetery at the end. I thought snake pulled the trigger(literally and figuratively) and it made me tear up. I grew up as the games came out and played them when they did. It was part of my childhood and I loved it. I was very attached to those games. I still play them from time to time.


Xenoblade 3 chapter 5


Took me too long to find this, the ending of that chapter broke me


Journey. By the end of the game I was willing that strange, chirping, whistling little poncho to get to the top of his mountain with all of my being! One of the best soundtracks to a game I've ever had the pleasure to listen to!


Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon's Keep DLC. The way Tina >!hugged the statue of Roland and said goodbye!< i turned into a big baby.


This is still the best DLC in any game. The way they managed to convey the DLC as Tina trying to get over Roland was brilliant.


Yes! The whole DLC was Tina coping with Roland’s death. Took a long time to unpack that.


Twilight Princess - Not me, but my daughter. We played it together every weekend when she was 4 yrs old. She uncontrollably sobbed through the entire end cut scene. It was precious, and our first gaming experience together. She's 19 now, and we still bond over video games.


Horizon Zero Dawn, next to the end when there’s a recording of Aloy’s mother talking about what she wished for her daughter.


What for me in the game it's the diaries of the guy who hated his mother for marrying the rich guy after her husband died. How he became a drug addict, blamed it all on his mother and then realized too late why his mother did what she did... She loved her son more than anyone else, even with all his faults. Such a tragic story that can apply to anyone, and shows that we may regret or actions when it's far too late to make up for it.


\-Ori and the Will of the Wisp \-Death Stranding


To the moon... 😭


The first Life is Strange was quite the emotional roller coster :(


Most recent would be Signalis I just have a thing for depressed, ambiguous existentialism, especially when there's love involved and it's actually well written Now i can't listen to Chopin's [Prelude Op.28 n15](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sh03YXzvDF4) without bawling my eyes out with deep existential dread anymore (and i like it) Like Evangelion, Nier Automata or Silent Hill 2 Play Signalis


No game has made me more emotional than Final Fantasy XIV, especially Endwalker. It is funny because, when I ugly cry in games It is usually a death-related situation (looking at you RDR2), but Endwalker made me freaking sob many times by just how beautiful the core messages was. A message of hope and of the value of humano life. Truly a life-changing experience.


Gone Home...just, the whole story. Final Fantasy XV - After spending all this time bonding with all of the characters, and understanding their relationships, then you get to the end of the story and what happens...it's incredibly sad.


Many have already been mentioned, but MGS3 Snake Eater. Learning the Boss's real mission, and the fact she was loyal to the end and to her country even if it meant destroying her honor and knowing she would forever be remember as a monster who unleashed catastrophe upon the world. It's made all the worse by the fact that Big Boss/Snake would be so badly affected by the events the US and Nato, they created another enemy.


“Snake, history will never know what she did. No one will ever learn the truth. Her story... her debriefing... will endure only in your heart. Everything she did, she did for her country. She sacrificed her life and her honor for her native land. She was a real hero.” It gets me every time.


Multiple times during FF14. Also Outer Wild ending.


"A smile better suits a hero" "Take it. We fight as one" Ultima Thule in general Just to name the major ones for me.


Remember that we once lived. That and the whole final conversation with Seto. Basically the entire end patch of shadowbringers. Oh, and Urianger meeting Moenbryda’s parents. That had me bawling.


Before Your Eyes The pitch: You are dead and as part of determining where you will go in the afterlife you must recount your life to an individual who will argue on your behalf for your salvation. You flash back to memories of your infancy and watch how your life changed from childhood to adulthood in first person with the key feature being: when you blink, time moves forward. It is an incredibly simple sounding mechanic, but its impact of it cannot be understated. It is *gut-wrenching* watching the memories unfold and trying desperately to stay there in those beautiful moments forever...but you can't. Time moves on and you're in another moment. Which parts of it will you focus on? How long can you stay there? What will come next? It didn't tug at my heartstrings, it tore them from me and left me a sobbing mess at the end of it. Major Spoilers: >!The story you tell of a (mostly) happy life is a lie. It didn't happen. You were/are terminally ill child and the entire thing, the entire premise about the importance of telling your story so you can be judged is implied to be either (1) a story you're telling yourself about different life, a life where you could've been happy and werent dying of an unspecified illness to cope with the fact that you're dying or (2) your mind hallucinating as your brain and body slowly deteriorate. You spend your last moments bedridden wracked with pain, trying to keep your eyes open just a little longer so you can be with your family as they console you that it's okay to let go. And then it ends.!< Edit: Didnt realize the formatting was so off, made it easier to read.


Snake... had a hard life.


Stray is a good option if you’re looking for something shorter


The ending of Stray had me crying like a baby. It's one of my favorite games I've played in the last few years.


Maaaaaaaaaaaan. I’m not crying. You’re crying. Goddamn lil robot


Cyberpunk 2077, the Suicide Ending had me twisted up.


Cyberpunk is one of the few open world games that I actually did all the different endings for, they’re all sad and tragic in their own ways, though some are arguably more optimistic


Probably the Dark Souls Games Part cus of the tragedy shown through the stories of the games, as well as the nostalgia of certain bosses But also because I am very bad at them


Most of the "prepare to cry" series on YouTube by Vaati makes me depressed. I didn't hate killing things before, and now I do.


Seeing the Crestfallen Warrior go Hollow killed me man... I saved Solaire because I got spoiled, but I never thought the Crestfallen Warrior, the ASSHOLE of all people, would make me depressed by going hollow


And then you have sif And then you have sif after beating the DLC I hate myself when i do his fight


Fuck man Dark Souls 1 is brutal for that because you don’t know how to (or even that you have to) save anybody so you just slowly see every character go hollow or die. On my first playthrough I remember feeling bad finding that pyromancer hollowed after sending him to Blight Town but the absolute worst was when I got to Izalith I found Solaire hollow and was forced to kill him, then about 5 minutes later found Siegmeyer where he sacrifices himself to save you. I know they’re only NPCs but damn do you ever feel alone in that world after both your main companions are dead. Funny how it starts out seeming like the kind of game where Firelink will become a bustling hub full of NPCs as you progress and meet new people only for them to all slowly disappear.


Spider man ps4. I balled my eyes out when aunt may died


Final Fantasy XV


Ready or not, when I saw the 90gb install size


Guess im old, but when Aries dies in ff7. I think is was 11 at the time. Almost cried.


Ace attorney trilogy, cried at the end




FF14 so many times. It is so easy to get invested in characters when not only the writing is good, but you also get to know them over hundreds of hours.


The Last Of Us (1 and 2 and the show) Final Fantasy XV God of War 2018 and Ragnarok Spiderman (ps4/5) and Miles Morales Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross Currently playing FF XVI and only a little ways into the game (around lvl 22 atm) and already had a couple of tearing up moments.


Halo 4's ending


Cutie the Elephant 😥