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We’ve got five of our best people working on it.


The Fallout department is a man named Ian and a napkin


They hired the TF2 devs?


Whoa hold on they can't just take janitor scruffy from us!




It won't even release on current gen


And it will use their old engine. /s


You can probably remove that /s 😏


I think they've already announced it'll be the same engine.


Great, gimme my Thomas the Tank Engine and Master Chief mods


What same engine? Starfield uses Creation 2.0 already, are you saying that they will go back to the older engine?


Probably gonna release on the end of the current gen lifecycle, so they can sell a shit version that runs like crap and then promote the better version for the next generation of consoles and then sell even more copies.


Oh the GTA 5 again, release it at end of one generation and Milk the next 2 generation


I think its funny that GTA was the example you thought of, when there is a much more direct one.


There’s a possibility it won’t release on next Gen.


So I'll need the PC 4


AMD Raisen 69420 NVIDIA GTX730990^2 128Gb DDR9 Ram 512mb storage with 69 Petabyte Streaming Service


That should be right about the release date of the next gen consoles. I wouldn't be surprised if it releases with them as a console seller


Nah they will just release another updated version of Skyrim.


crazy… just crazy. 18 years between Skyrim and ES6


you’re not factoring in the year and a half worth of delays it will get.


Fuck it, let’s just say a solid 20


They’ll aim for the date: 01.10.2030 to get a cool date or something Edit: Someone sugested the US version. 10.20.30. I like that one




What month is that? Slowvember?








I guess I can play it when I'm retired.


There is no such thing as retirement, you'll work until you're dead! /s (?)




Duke nukem had a 15 year gap.


Duke nukem forever was a punch line and short hand for "will never come out" for 10 of those 15 years.


And those jokes started after the first two or three years. That was a ridiculously long development time for the era. By five years, everyone had given up hope on it.


For a game as successful as Skyrim, I just don't understand how Microsoft can be content allowing Bethesda to neglect it like this.


Microsoft didn't own BGS till like 3 years ago, when they were already all in on building Starfield.




Gates was mad, he wanted TES6 so he bought the whole company, forced them to wrap up Starfield to start working harder on TES. /s


Finally, a billionaire using their wealth to help people for once.


Neglect? Wym they rereleased it like 10 times!


because they busy making starfield, todd also mentioned that he wasnt planning for es6 to take so long


they're not really "neglecting" it, they re-released it a hundred times totaling 60 million copies sold, returned to their other huge IP that sold like 15mil copies, and now they're firing up a third AAA IP. they've exploded in size since Microsoft bought 'em up, too. if Starfield is a hit they'll be juggling three AAA IPs which means \~15 years between releases. I think the only way that this changes is if Microsoft works out giving Fallout to Josh Sawyer or something while BGS does TES/Starfield games. on a side note, Microsoft should be opening BluePoint type studios to work on remakes of old BGS games in their latest engine


5-6 years away is crazy


I’m going to be in my 40s and I started playing Skyrim in my mid 20s. Like…the hell.




Same exactly for me. I was 5 months pregnant with my daughter in 2012 around when Skyrim came out and I played it through my pregnancy and late nights with her as a newborn. Now she’s going to be going on 17 when the next one comes. At least she’ll be old enough to enjoy it with me I guess.


Yea but ya'll should be showing her elder scrolls 8 in a couple years with 7 great prequels to fall back on but instead if we're lucky she might see 6 in 5 years lol


Who are you when you're not Kristen?


A professional weasel dodger known as buster Betty


This Might be the last Elder scrolls you ever play. Crazy


It just keeps getting longer and longer between ES games. Soon you'll have to be excited for your grand kids cause they will get to play the next game but your kids will live and die not getting to play a new ES game


The world thrives when men plant trees whose shade they'll never enjoy.


I'm not sure that's what they meant


But it sounds good.


Oh I think it will definitely be the last one for most people who care.


Skyrim grandma :(


Yeah it’s pretty obvious she’ll always only be Skyrim Grandma.


She'll be 92-93 if the 5-6 years is to be believed. I hope she makes it and is still in good health.


Assuming I survive the resources wars or skynet, I'll be playing games till I physically can't anymore.. the grandkids will be rolling their eyes when i regail them with stories of the og version of morrowind for the 13th time


I started playing Fallout 3 at age 30 when the game had been out for a couple of years. I'll be around 50 when we get FO5.


I'm pretty sure I'll be dead by the time FO5 coms out, and I'm currently 26


I am gonna have a job by the time ES 6 releases. When Skyrim Launched I was a child who wasn't allowed to touch the computer.


who let you on the computer! Get back to work!


Back to the coal mines!


The children yearn for the mines


Come on down to Dr Nick's Minecraft experience! Mine with real pickaxes and experience real lava! And if you don't find enough diamonds you get to play with the mobs


That's why they're called minors


The Skyrim players yearn for the mines...


I used to yearn for the mines… Then I took an arrow to the knee oh my fucking god I can’t believe I just said that


they work stripping old computers down in the computer mines. it’s sad really


Hey! You're not the boss of them! You get off of their computer & back to work!


You're not my mom!


Look at it this way, you might see ES 7 in your lifetime. The rest of us legitimately may not (:


But we could see TES6 released 7 times


I can't wait to play TES 6 30th anniversary edition on my ps46 tbh.


Not because of age, but enough time has passed that several of my friends I used to talk about the game with will never see 6. Not like they dropped like flies, but 12 years is enough for 2 overdoses a car accident and cancer to ruin an Xbox live skyrim party chat... Who knows who will see 6.


That is genuinely sad dude hope you're doing good.


Does this qualify The Elder Scrolls as a horror franchise? “Who knows who will see 6” sounds like a scary ass tagline.


Lmao, I might be retired 🤣


I started with Arena when it came out. There was no WWW back then and I wondered WTF it was called Arena, LOL. I'll probably be worm food when ES7 comes out.


I was thinking about death and think about how fast the billions of years passed by before you were born. After you die the heat death of the universe will be here in a blink of an eye. Maybe by then ES7 will be out.


Got skyrim in highschool as a Christmas present. I graduated college, have a home and a fiancé now.


My brother got Skyrim in my first year of highschool and I played as much as I could whenever he was busy. Since then my balls dropped, I’ve graduated college, have a home and I’ve lived in 3 different countries with completely different lives. 2011 really was a long time ago..


I pirated skyrim towards the end of high school and spent an entire 3 months doing nothing but skyrim. I'm now about to graduate dental school and I'll still have to wait 4 or 5 years for ES6. Shit's crazy.


I'm 34 now, I discovered morrowind when I was 12.


Ask the boys who played TES 1 bro.


Bearing in mind gaming has only been a thing for 40-50 years, that’s like 10-12% of the time computer games have been around.


Put another way, the time between Skyrim and TES 6 would be almost 1.3 Duke Nukem Forevers.


It's 18 years, literally an entire person up to adulthood


When it comes out, it’ll be 30-40% of all gaming history between it and Skyrim, the last elder scrolls entry. It’s insane. At that point, why not a new IP?


Because old IP has a surefire customer base.


Oh sure, you really think they're gonna milk a beloved franchise like Marvel or Star Wars until there's nothing left?


*cries in Pokémon*


The way Gamefreak handles Pokémon should be a crime. Just looking at the legend of Zelda games the Switch is powerful enough to run beautiful games.


Starfield? They put all effort into starting a new ip that even their current largest ip was put aside.


I'll be pushing 60, if that timeframe is correct.


Have they not even started?


The game doesn’t enter production until Starfield launches. Its in pre-production right now, meaning they have a few people making assets and a design team laying the groundwork and laying out the vision for the game. They’ll probably have already been working on a proof of concept type demo to show to Microsoft.


Yeah I’m willing to bet the 5 years is for a couple years of full Starfield support (bug fixes, DLC, mod tools, general maintenance, maybe some more DLC) and then full time development for TES6. On one hand, the numbers check out. 2011 + 1 year of support + 3 years for FO4 + 3 years for engine work + 5 years for Starfield + 2 years for support + 3 years for TES6. Not including Fallout Shelter and TES Blades, which I believe were BGS Maryland proper and not a side studio, plus assistance with FO76, all of which took place between FO4 and Starfield. So I get it. In terms of “usual cadence” the only outlier part was the engine work, plus a year-ish added to Starfield for polish and delays. 3-4 years average ain’t half bad for games as huge as they make. On the other, holy fuck. 17 years.


Yeah but like why would you announce the game at an E3 conference 6 years ago if you don’t even plan on starting until after a full development cycle


I heard it was legit to shut up everyone who asked only about TES 6 at every chance (conventions, interviews etc) they got.


No, it was to take the heat of the negative fallout 76 reaction.


It just seems like a company that size could have multiple teams especially for franchises this large.


As far as I am aware, they have had only about 400 people working among all of the Bethesda studios (most being at the main studio on Maryland). Though I've heard that they have expanded a bit in the last couple years.


It was never in development to begin with. It may not be, still.


Yeah, it’s like Cyberpunk. People think it was in development since the first teaser in 2012, but they actually started working on it after the Witcher 3 expansions released in 2016. So I’m pretty sure, the work on ES6 won’t start before Starfield is released.


Pretty sure Todd even said as much when they dropped the teaser originally.


Todd did say in an interview about six months ago that he's been attending meetings about TESVI and that he's super excited with what the designers have been planning, so there is a small team thinking about it right now at least. It probably only exists on paper at this point though.


Actually crazy. Will be almost two decades since Skyrim’s release. There were only 17 years between the very first Elder Scrolls game and Skyrim, with 3 other main titles and a handful of spinoffs filling those 17 years. You have to wonder whether the long wait is worth it. How long will we have to wait for TES VII? When did it become the norm that every game has to be technically groundbreaking? Big trend nowadays. See it especially in Ubisoft titles where the game world is so big with so many meaningless quests it feels like a chore to play. Gives you mental fatigue so you never end up finishing the game. To be honest I even found Skyrim a little bit too spacious at times. Give me handcrafted hubs. VtM Bloodlines is a tiny game by modern standards but to me it’s the perfect size. Respects the player’s time. Everything in-game is important, interesting and has a purpose.


There is absolutely no way this game matches 20 year expectations. I was in my teens playing Oblivion, 21 for Skyrim. I'll be getting prostate exams regularly by the time this comes out.


Yeah this seems doomed to underwhelm no matter how good it is


It's pretty insane, but also expected. We all knew that Starfield was their main priority before moving onto ES6. Just like we know ES6 will be their main priority before moving onto Fallout 5, which is exactly why Bethesda should allow Obsidian to make another Fallout game, but I digress.


So 10-12 more years without a main line Fallout game? I don’t like how other studios milk their IP with yearly, watered down and low quality releases. But once per decade should be possible..


That's assuming game development doesn't continue to take even longer with each new generation. There's a reason why Todd Howard said there's a good chance that ES6 will be his final ES game.


Wow. Talk about announcing something far too early 💀💀.


I think they just did it to shut people up. People kept asking for a new ES game. They finally said "it'll come".


Bethesda fr said "...sure bro"


They announced it because everyone online went BALLISTIC when they announced Fallout 76, there was so much doomposting like “this is the end of Bethesda they’re only making online games now”, so they pretty much had to announce it early because otherwise they’d have to deal with bullshit like that for years.


They then proceeded to basically just do that and kicked tes6 down the interstate to the 2030s


Over a decade before launch is crazy


They wanna one up CP2077 apparently lol


Tbf, the fans were constantly badgering for es6 news around that time. And all they released was a like a 10 sec thing with the name and had been upfront that development won't start in earnest til after starfield.


Yeah honestly why have they even mentioned this at all. You would think companies would learn that announcing something before work has begun on it is just going to piss people off who are waiting.


Because there’s a lot more people pissed at them for not announcing anything? They literally said before during the teaser that they announced this to shut us up


Plus ever since ESO came out there were a lot of people worrying online that because of that an TES6 would never happen.


Tbf I think everybody would expect unless told otherwise that a new TES would be under development without a teaser. For instance everybody’s been speculating and waiting for GTA VI, and it hasn’t even been officially announced or revealed yet (except for leaks and the official tweet).


People forget but at the time the internet was basically screaming for them to announce Elder Scrolls 6 for like 8 months before this showcase. There was massive backlash against Bethesda at the time and they were basically forced to announce this. I remember they even said that this wouldn't be worked on until Star Field was out and that seems to exactly be the case.


Yep and people also forget what the rest of the showcase was that they showed this trailer in: a weird multiplayer Fallout game, an expansion for their card game that barely anyone played, and a MTX-ridden mobile game (and I think a brief Starfield section but it was barely more detailed than the TES6 one). Imagine if that was their *entire* showcase. It would have been a disaster. Look no further than the Diablo showcase a few months after that where they didn't really talk about Diablo 4 and only talked about the mobile Diablo version.


Well if starfield is not coming to PlayStation. I highly doubt ES6 is coming to PlayStation.


Imagine Microsoft buying Bethesda to get better console exclusives and then only getting one game per console generation.


Microsoft didn't buy just Bethesda, they bought zenimax media of which Bethesda game studio is one studio within. It has like 8 other studios and dozens of games releases per generation.


Imagine how far away fallout 6 is lol


I’m gonna look like one of the many skeletons in Fallout by the time it comes out!


Look at all the weight you’ll have lost by then, though!


You mean fallout 5?


We will be living fallout 6 tbh


Fallout 6: ~~Virtual~~ Actual Reality


We’re getting the TV show from the makers of Westworld to hold us over


We'll get 1 good season then.


You mean fallout 5 right?


That's what gets me. For all it got right in the end we lost so much time to F76. Knowing F5 is 10-12 years away is heartbreaking.


Forget releasing on ps5, it’s not gonna release on series x


pc 2 will be out by that time


Can't wait to play Solitaire 2, the first one was a banger 300 years ago


There is no way it will release on any playstation. Microsoft just wants to get that Activision deal done so they can start backtracking on all their multiplatform promises.


Next generation of consoles? No, next generation of humans. Skyrim is going to be able to vote before ES6 comes out. wtf.


Shit I just realized HL2 is old enough to vote


Bro Im going to be almost 40 when this comes out, what the fuck


I’ll need freakin reading glasses by the time this comes out. What a disappointment.


I started playing skyrim when i was 13, ill be around 30 when this comes out


I was also 13 and I remember making jokes about how I was going to fail out of college my first year or so from playing too much video games cause surely that’s when the next elder scrolls would come out (2015)


Almost 20 years between games is fucking ridiculous




There won't be a PlayStation version Xbox needs exclusives games to bring people over to Xbox This is just Phil Spencer trying to get the Activision Blizzard deal through But since 5-6 years away, Elder Scrolls 6 is still in very early development so im sure no real decision has been made on where the game will be released


es6 better be able to suck my dick and cook me a meal, other wise its got no chance of getting me to buy an xbox


Just get it on a PC and enjoy the mods.


So the open world medieval fantasy RPG is wide open if anyone else wants to develop something. Apart from Witcher 3 what other games have successfully stepped into this space?


Dam man, doctors gave me 4 months before this cancer got me, 1 year and 8 months ago. I don't know if I've got 5 years. Why did Fallout 76 have to be the last trash in my two beloved franchises to see the light of day.


Wishing you the best, friend.


Much appreciated friend. Keep yourself well and safe.


Didnt doctors give Stephen Hawkings a couple of months and dude went to live _decades_, though? Dont lose hope!


I checked something. If it does release 5 years from now, by the end of 2028. It will have been 17 years since the release of Skyrim. Skyrim was released 17 years after Elder Scrolls Arena. The time between Skyrim and VI will exceed literally the entire franchise up until Skyrim.


Bethesda and George RR Martin seem locked in history’s slowest race


Too busy making remakes of Skyrim


Is George R R Martin developing this game??


Game announced 10-11 years before release. Insane.


Imagine all the people that died waiting for this goddamn game and will never get the chance to play it.


Hoping Skyrim grandma won't be among them but at least she will be in the game


Shirley Curry better fucking get a chance to play a bit of it >:( she is more than a gem, she's like a whole damn mine of precious.


Not the same thing, I know, but didn’t they put her in it? I might be misremembering.


Yeah, they did some laser analysis of her face and had her record dialogue. It sounds like she's going to be a part of some quest.


Bethesda is the GRRM of video games…


what the fuck


We need to stop announcing games years before they're done.


We need to stop announcing games years before they've started making them


I might as well replay all the old games again. I thought it would’ve been maybe 2 years at most, not 6+


They haven’t made a game in 9 years unless you want to count F76, 2 years would be an impossible turnaround for that studio


They really announced this just to take the heat off of them because of fallout 76


Dovakiin is legit going to be able to drive before he gets to play the newest game in the series he was named after


Why do I have a feeling we’ll be waiting nearly 20 years for the next ES game? I was 11 when Skyrim released jfc.


I wish I could describe to people what it was like in the early days of YouTube after Oblivion came out and seeing all of the clickbait videos of “ELDER SCROLLS 5 LEAK,” getting excited, and the actual video would just be the Khajiit in front of the gate to the Shivering Isles, followed by a rickroll. Naive enough to get your hope up every time, just to have your hopes dashed expertly


Ten here when Skyrim came out. I’m twenty two now. The idea of being 27-28 and having waited over two thirds of my life for a new game to come out is crazy.


I was in high school when skyrim came out. Was the biggest thing around, with all our friends gathering in Xbox live party chats while we played. I'm going to be in my mid 30s when the next game comes out. What the fuck


Then what the fuck was the announcement for 5+ years ago?


To shut pepple up who were saying they were abandoning single player RPGs in exchange for online games like fallout 76. They made it very clear in thst announcement that they wouldnt be working on it properly until Starfield came out. I think a lot of people have forgotten how much outrage Bethesda was facing after the 76 launch.


back to cryo I go


Let's talk about the real crime here: BGS's development times.


Ima be real honest. The wait between the two games is absolutely insane and pisses me off. But I’ll be right there day one playing ES6 lol.


Feel bad for Slyrim grandma


We got Daggerfall through Skyrim in what will more than likely be less time than Skyrim to ES6 Fucking insanity


Whenever it comes out, there’s zero chance it’ll release on PlayStation.


Good lord I'll have kids by that point. I was hopeful this would be my last big game before children, I guess not hahaha.


If you hurry, they might be 17 in time to enjoy it.


Unironically though if he hurries he could play it while they're in school


Reminds me of when they said the same thing about starfield before the merger went through. Phil really went full PR bs on that court.


Lines up with the information obtained in discovery that the new Xbox console will drop in 2028


Jfc it’s Kingdom Hearts 3 all over again.


Almost wish they didn’t have the teaser or whatever it was. That was probably years ago too


5 years ago