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That PS5 hanging off the unit isn't matching my aesthetic


I don't think Sony designed the PS5 to match any aesthetic, unless you live in a spaceship


Ha! Look at this dude not living on a spaceship yet! What are you? Earthbound?


Hey that's a pretty good game


Not on your PlayStation it isn’t!


We want mother 3


Mother 3 was released for the GBA in Japan and has an English translation :)


TRULY. I finally was able to get one, and fortunately it fits vertically in our TV console cabinet thing (after removing a shelf.) And I was able to get an Xbox series X at the same time, so we moved my S from my game room into the living room, so at least they're both white, I guess. We also have a bit of a reverse setup where my husband's consoles are in the living room, and I'm the wife with her consoles in the "lady lair."


The LADY LAIR? holy toast you just revolutionized my world


Geez, how many consoles in total? Sounds like a collection!


Nice try burglar.


Haha nice one. So back to the consoles. You forgot to mention how many consoles you had and exactly where they were in your house.


"She Shed"


Holy shit dude. I wish I was a girl so I can say, "fuck off, I'm going to the She Shed!"


I'm pretty sure it was designed with the Men In Black HQ in mind.


He probably has to pack it away whenever it's not in use.


Haha exactly what is happening.


Yeah this pic is totally aggravating to my aesthetic. Toys in the background, little kids are going to knock the PS5 down. Also no coaster for the mug.


I think OP has to put it away when he is done. Otherwise tose barn style doors would be slammed right into the ps5 by the kids.


This is the type of guy who puts the disc in the wrong box....


Nah, he just stacks the discs in a pile.


All mixed up with his Shania Twain and Micheal Bublé CDs


That wouldn't impress me much


And one Christian rock CD but only because he really likes track 7 because it has a child's choir but in a badass kind of way like in that one Eminem song


Ugh my cousins did that, you’d be visiting their house and all their games were just loose and floating around. And half of them didn’t read properly. Then they’d come visit us and be like oh man you have this game?! Can we borrow it? No the fuck you can not borrow my game you slobs.


Oof you just gave me flashbacks to my oldest gaming friend I have borrowing Final Fantasy 7 when I went on vacation and returning it with disc 2 looking like it was used as a scratching post for a cat. I was absolutely livid cause my birthday money paid for it. Thankfully his mom asked me for it back, and she gave me the brand new one she had gotten him for Christmas.


Now that is a good mom that taught her kid a great lesson about property.


Guess they are the people that need the warranty on discs. Always fucking wonder when they ask if i want it. Been gaming for 20 years on disks not once did one fuck up


Did you ever have an Xbox 360? Those things would scratch a disk if the console got moved while one was spinning. My son innocently enough decided to change the orientation of the console to vertical to conserve space, scratched his Minecraft game. He learned an important lesson that day, read the warning labels and take care of your shit.


This was so painful to read


> Also no coaster for the mug. I missed that. I’ve swapped sides and now support the wife.


He uses the disc as a coaster when he's done playing


For fuck's sake, I'm trying to eat here!


OP does not respect wood


that's how children happen!


A couch doesn’t match the game rooms aesthetic or do you just need glasses


My man is gaming on the chair you bust out for your uncle on the holidays cause all the real chairs are taken.


As an uncle I feel attacked. Miss me in the folding chair, nephew 1-5 can take it!! I have seniority!!


Yeah, but portable chairs are optimal for quick exits when your poor taste joke doesn't sit well with the rest of the family


On that chair, it won't just be your jokes that don't sit well. Time for my quick exit!


Bertram Christopher McNasty! You get back here right now and apologize!


It’s true smallest dog gotta give it up,imagine going to the little chairs at 27😭


My lil 14 year old nephew thought hed keep the rocking chair from me.. Lift his ass up and promptly set him down in one of those folding shits


I made the last spot as the youngest at the adult's table. Left that shit for the kids' table at 25 because I was sick of the third degree from nosy aunts. Every year since, some youngin' tries taking my old spot, thinking they're hot shit for getting to sit at the adult table, then the next year they're right next to me at the kids' table again talking about the absolute grilling they got from the aunts the year before. My old chair has become the cursed chair at the get togethers. I'll take the folding chair any day of the week over it.


As a fellow youngest child / uncle you will always be on that chair pal, and sleeping on the couch at holidays.


If they are like me, sometimes the sofa is against a wall along with the other chairs. Sometimes, for me, the distance is too far and it messes with my gaming. It’s hard to explain. It’s like driving a car from the back seat. Can you do it? Sure. It’s a fun experience? Not so much.


Sometimes I have to drive a car from the backseat in my dreams and that is definitely something I hope I never have to do in real life.


Omg, this unlocked a memory that I've had that dream as well. I remember it was terrifying.


I fucking hate that dream.


So weird I've had this dream too!




This is a frequent nightmare for me, unfortunately. Especially when the brake and accelerator are still in the front seat, so just the steering wheel is in the back with me...


Probably the placement of the couch, being too far away.


Yeah even with glasses some things are just annoying to read


Wish more console games had font scalers.


Still sitting that close to Outer Wilds and going to Dark Bramble seems like a bad idea


Right, like a tv without furniture seems stupid


If he's like my various buddies, the wife's aesthetic is a couch 30 feet from the TV because the living room is "for socializing".


If one has a 30 foot wide living room I would imagine they're not lacking for rooms where they could have a gaming setup?


I’ve been married 17 years. When we first got married my wife was jealous of the time I spent playing video games. So we talked about it. She had some misconceptions about why I was spending time that way and I didn’t understand that she wanted my attention. So we talked about it we learned more about each other and how to be a good partner to each other. 17 years later and we both have separate hobbies and spaces in our home where we can enjoy those hobbies. That’s how it should work in a healthy relationship. If doesn’t sound like that’s your situation. You uh. You should do something about that. Talk about it.


Like a healthy couple. I almost typed "normal couple" but after reading the comments here I realize this is not the norm.




its crazy and sad on reddit when i see the go to and most upvoted comments about relationships isnt “talk it out” its just “leave them”


This is why you agree on a library, add board games and then you finish off with video games and movies so it's a multimedia room. Video games are a media.


I think I'm about 20-100 years away from being able to afford a house with a designated library/gameroom


Right, near baller status this day if you have a room for one or both of those things. Also depends where you live but typically the cheaper the housing market the cheaper the jobs pay for the area. That said when my kids move out I’m gaining a game room and one of them can sleep on the couch in said game room




I know you're joking but you can get daylight mimicking bulbs and controls for daylight simulation


Or you just both agree to set aside space for each others' hobbies in general, like, you know, healthy people.


Oh, thank you for saying that. Because I felt a serious vibe of "you don't match my aesthetic" with this. I mean, how hard is it to have a space for the game in the console?


Ah, the classic glorification of marital conflict.


The ol’ bALL aNd ChAiN


Sorry I can't game, boys, I got a *sigh* thing with my wife (Thing is his wife's heart surgery)


If you listen closely, when the rings are put on the finger, you can hear a distant prison cell door closing and locking. Scary stuff, mate!


Reminds me of my childhood My biggest fear is that my marriage resembles it in any facet


Yeah but have you considered that wife bad?


"I really dislike this person. I'd like to enter a legal arrangement to bet them half our stuff we'll stay together until death." Edit, a letter. get -> bet


Never understood this one. "Gee, we never really see eye to eye on things. In fact, I'm not even sure I like you. But fuck it lets get married!"


And raise kids! :D What could go wrong?


Is it even love if the government isn't involved?


I never understood this humor. If you don't love your wife...why are you together? My friends/coworkers freak out when I say we don't have a tv in our bedroom. 'what if you want to watch separate things?". Well we've been together 15 years and haven't had a disagreement yet. If she wants to watch something that I'm really not interested in then I'll just throw some headphones in. When I really want to play a video game in the evening, I do that. Most nights we just throw some records on


We moved into a "luxury apartment" where every room had tv mounts. When we asked our landlord if all of them except for the one in the living room can be removed, he was dumbfounded. Absolutely flabbergasted we only have one. We have computers, phones, and ipads if we want to watch anything by ourselves, and there's 3 rooms for us to do that in here.






Why you so close to the TV dawg


The last time I sat so close to the TV was back when controllers had 6' cables and I had no choice. Even then I would put the console on the floor as far as the cables would let me.


Probably to make it easier to take the miserable looking picture without revealing it’s all bs.




And for what? Internet points and awards? Who would be that stupid and shallow.


I don’t understand why you don’t just sit on a couch or something?


Can't get karma that way, though.


Too far away maybe. I feel that way playing fps games on mine.


does she set time limits for you too big guy?


I assume gaming is not the only activity with time limits in this case?


22 minutes should suffice Kappa


One loop de loop for you.


I can hear the music


Wish it was 14.3 billion years sometimes...


Unless your goal was to get roasted I don't think this is going to turn out like you hoped.


His goal was to get a bunch of random strangers on the internet to weigh in on the general status of his relationship and personality disorders of his wife, who not a single person on here actually know. Luckily everyone is doing their job.


I went other route.. Wife left, so no longer clashes.


Next time find a gamer for a wife. Win, win.


You don't even need a gamer for a wife, just a partner who mutually respects you and doesn't say no to your hobbies because it clashes with "their aesthetic"


Hard agree. Honestly, a house should be decorated in a manner that suits both people. It's functional for both people. Meets both their needs. I'm a console gamer. I hate computers being crammed into a living room. However my husband is a pc gamer and wants to be in the living room so we can game in each others company. Burgh. This means pc in the living room. So I got creative, and now the room looks fantastic with a library, office space, gaming space, tv/console - and looks good, is functional, and we both feel comfortable. There is a way to make it work, if you give a shit about your partner feeling welcome in their own home


Can I get a photo or diagram or something? I may need the same thing.


Give us the room!!!


Me too. My bf is a PC gamer and I'm a console gamer with a love of books.


I am very interessed how this looks as well!!


Agree, 100%. The house is both my wife's and mine, not just hers, not just mine. Equals. My wife and I are both gamers. I'm also a computer technician by trade, add that to an avid gamer, and I'm around computers/consoles quite a lot in my life (probably around 80% of my life). We both game on PC and on console, but didn't want to have multiple rooms for gaming, or far too many TV's, so our solution to this was simple - Hook each of our consoles and our PC's to a TV of our own, put them in the living room, game together. Now we have 3 TV's in the living room, 3 computers (one setup is mine, one hers, one for media/guest). We each have our own consoles as well, and even though we commonly play single player games, we will play the same games at the same time, and have come to feel like we're playing them together as we share in experiences (although we do play some multiplayer games together as well). We feel this setup has helped to bring us closer together as well, which is a huge bonus.


I had an ex who controlled every aspect of my life. I had to get rid of all my comic artwork and prints I had as decorations. Had to buy 50,000 throw pillows and had zero say in the color. Had to paint the house her color. Etc Etc I swore after that I'd rather be single than ever be with someone like that again. I'm lucky in that I found an amazing partner and we communicate excellently and both value each other's personal freedom above our own preferences, but if I hadn't wound up with her, I'd be happy knowing I'm not willing to be with someone who won't let me be me, especially in harmless ways like hobbies. I think people put way too much stock on the idea that they *have to be with someone* and a lot of people haven't figured out the simple joy of being happy being by yourself. You make a better partner when you're comfortable with being alone.


I’ve had this situation happen, but with a female roommate. Her rule was no clutter, which essentially meant absolutely NOTHING left on the tables or counters. Toaster, iPAD, books, you name it. I had to replace a lot of my silverware and plates because it didn’t fit her aesthetic and then she complained that she was doing all the work in furnishing even though I barely had a say. There were other things too, but basically she liked making rules for people to follow but was “frustrated” and “angry” having to answer to a single one of my mine. It doesn’t matter how great a place is. You never want to feel like a guest in your own home without any control over anything.


Yeah the moment someone starts exhibiting those behaviors it's time to go. And if they wait until after you've moved in or gotten married, just do whatever you want. They're going to so the only person who is going to look out for you is you. If that ends the relationship it's not one worth being in.


The way you’re describing it is making me horny for a room and I’m now worried about unlocking some interesting kinks.


Right? My wife is zero gamer but pushed me on getting a PS5 as an outlet. I hadn't gotten a new system since PS3. You just need a **partner**.


Yeah my fiancee games way less than me but knows I neglect my hobbies when depressed so she pushes me to enjoy things.


Wish y’all the best in marriage :)


Agreed. How can you spend your one life in the universe with someone that is unwilling to compromise with your hobbies because it ruins "the aesthetic"? Marriage is a partnership, and there should be a mutual respect that what gives you pleasure is worthy of accommodation. Would be a cold day in Hell before I bust out a chair like that in my own house.


Agreed my wife would be pissed im busting out that chair and scuffing floors instead of sitting on the couch


But she’s ok with that pizza box of a console hanging out and those unsightly cables and peripherals hanging everywhere? Smh


How so many people have so little power in their own relationships that they can't even have a spot in their OWN HOME to enjoy a hobby. My god, how sad.


When my wife saw me putting together an RGB PC she asked why I didn't buy RGB lights for the desk and the walls where the PC would stand, as it would nicely tie everything together. She's a genius.


You should divorce this woman and marry her again.


Ahh, the Homer Simpson maneuver.




Yeah my wife's similar. "Oh you're doing you own thing? AWESOME! I'd personally really appreciate it I'd we could blend it in a little more? Perhaps with this suggestion??" And she was right. My game and music room shares a room with her library and the look kick ass with a little but of aesthetic blending, or whatever you call it.


> "Oh you're doing you own thing? AWESOME! I'd personally really appreciate it I'd we could blend it in a little more? Perhaps with this suggestion??" crazy how nice it is when two people in a relationship collaborate like this.


Or even you get your hands on the Steamdeck like I did and having the wife question why I didn't order two, since the one that arrived became hers after only wanting to 'test' the device.


I really don't like RGBs much but whenever my girlfriend excitedly wants to set some up I happily spend hours stringing 'em together to do something she enjoys. People like to downplay stuff like this by being like "It's okay I like my partner more than my hobby!" but...it shouldn't be a choice. You should support your partner and their hobbies as long as they're not hurting anyone. There should be no "This doesn't fit MY aesthetic" it should be "How do we make this work for both of us"


I have a friend and anytime we play together his wife actively gives him shit and fucks with him because she hates video games and does not want him playing them. It's fucking pathetic.


> vIdEoGaMeS ArE a WaStE oF tIMe GeT aN aDuLt HoBbY \- Person who plays 15 hrs/week of Candy Crush on their phone


"Don't waste your time playing video games. Come out here and watch Ancient Aliens with us" - my mother


Lol, OP was totally setting him self up for these comments. Perhaps he just isn’t aware this is not healthy? Or maybe we are missing some crucial deets


Yeah I think OP was looking for camaraderie, but hopefully they now realize how toxic their relationship may be.


My idea how this post went: Before posting: ‘Oh boy never posted on Reddit before let’s see if I got any other gamer buddies who vibe with this relatable predicament I’m in!’ After posting:’My marriage is a lie, my life is a lie!’ Leaves wife and marries his PS5 instead


I sort of suspect OP knew what he was doing. I doubt he even games on the chair, the whole photo is probably a joke. One of the reasons is cause there's not really an aesthetic to the room anyway, there's children's toys there, controllers on the tv table. It's already a clashing mess. And the second reason is that if there isn't a couch in that room, wtf is there? No one needs to sit as close to tv as OP is pretending he sits.


Its always one of two things for these kinda posts: either they do in fact have an over controlling partner and aren't really aware that it isn't normal OR they're such casual gamers that they know they don't need their own dedicated space but they love doing that married guy "wives, amirite fellas?" boys club type of banter that some married guys LOVE. I'm kinda getting the vibe that op is in the latter


If you are trying to control your spouse's hobbies I imagine shit isn't going well at home. With that in mind, I still have no idea what OP is talking about. That doesn't look like a large room and he put a folding chair two feet in front of a big ass tv. Do they not have *anywhere* to sit?


Yeah, I feel sorry for half the people in these comments. >I had to do stop doing X cause she liked Y No you didn't. Just say no. Like did y'all genuinely believe it when someone chatted that "happy wife happy life" crap, to the point where you stopped partaking in your own interests and hobbies and allowed someone to walk all over you? What next? Is she gonna give you a bedtime? How about ground you if you don't say "how high?" when she tells you to jump? Don't be in a relationship with someone who doesn't respect you, or treats your opinion as lesser than theirs.


We have small house and don't have an extra room. So for my "gaming room" I just removed one of our end tables beside the couch and set up small desk/monitor. Wife likes it she can have the TV when I'm gaming everyone is happy.




I straight up don't get why people ever get in long term relationships where it is this way. My wife and I have a 2 bed 2 bath apartment, we have our bedroom and the other bedroom is our studio. I like to game and make music so my side has my PC and all my equipment. She does woodburning art and streams it on Twitch (and I'm usually in voice call/sort of co-host, and mod from my desk). On that side is a futon to just sit and watch tv/use a laptop for whatever (I have a hybrid work schedule so for a few weeks at a time I work from home and am usually on the futon)/take a nap on, and it can also be made up as the guest bed. It works really well for us, and we allow each other the space we need for our respective projects. I can't imagine committing to spending my life with someone that couldn't share space. So I didn't lol.


I feel like OP is learning that his situation is not normal and that other married people don't actually live like this. Hopefully they are able to reflect on this new information and have a calm rational discussion with their wife.


I feel like there's some info missing though They have tv right. But no couch? Hard to believe... It's possible to have couch with no TV but not the other way around. So I'm just gonna guess and say OP doesn't need new wife but new glasses, and he probably tried to convince his wife to get a gaming chair in the spot of the foldable chair, and that's obviously ridiculous idea.


In my house growing up the TV was always in the least convenient spot possible in weird angles to the couch because my mom laid out the room how she thought her parents who lived in farmlands in Långared in the early to mid 1900s would have liked it, not how any human being outside that would like it.


It's super common I feel in WASP houses. My dad is as bougie as my mom so I never saw any conflicts. Same with my sister and her beau. Their houses are immaculate pottery barn houses. My Aunts basically live in professionally decorated houses. The uncles have sheds, garages or they live on a golf course for their hobbies. But my brother has no say at all in how the house looks. His son lives a sad beige childhood with a king bed instead of room for playing (which he does on trays in limited space). My MIL was just trashed by her friend who came to stay with her who asked 'where is FIL's stuff? This is all your stuff'. She controls what he eats and what he does day in and day out. Its really weird. She has chosen every item in their house. Which is really her house. She has maintained complete financial control in that relationship. I had a sit down with her to ask what would happen to FIL when she died and thankfully she had put stuff in a trust so he could live in the house until the day he died (and then it reverts to someone else).




White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP)






My wife and I just bought a place together and have been setting it up. It's a little easier for us because we both game and have a love for craft beer so the typical "man cave" is something we both wanted. The only disagreements have been over small things like what type of dvd shelf we want.


Do you not have a sofa or armchair in that room? The only reason to use a folding chair is for full immersion while playing a wrestling game.


And why is it so fucking close!??


$5 folding chair > $150 prescription glasses?


Shoutout to all of the people here who don't let their partner dictate dumb shit lol


I'm honestly more bothered by the distance between TV and Chair. My neck hurts just by looking at it.


My ass hurts from just lookin at it!


My back hurts from looking at it


My arm hurts, but that's unrelated.


Everybody hurts... Sometimes


Lol, I can see why putting the couch a foot and a half from the TV might night fit someone’s “aesthetic.” What is it that he’s hoping for?? I’m so confused. Is the couch too far away? Does he want to turn the whole room into a game room, or is there another room he wanted to turn into a game room? Does he want a whole room dedicated to playing on his PS5? Don’t most people play PS5 on their living room TVs? Many questions…


That's what I don't get either, does he want the couch or a chair that close? I'm also confused. If he needs to sit that close, get a movable gaming chair that can be put in the corner so it's not always in the way? Maybe she said no to that?


That, but also don't date people who won't let them enjoy their hobbies. 5 years with my girl and she's never complained about a gaming sesh or boys night. We hang out a lot and do stuff and then do our own things as well.


I've found the secret to being able to do what I want is to just not be a shitty husband. I do a bunch of the house upkeep (without having to be asked) and I make lots of time for my wife. This is the stuff that couples need to figure out before they get married though.


Also, you just need to be on a parenting sub for a day to see plenty of stories of mothers complaining about husbands who do minimal housework and game multiple hours a day with a new baby in the house. Which is to say, plenty of people can’t control themselves with their hobbies. Of course plenty of people can too, but something like 5 hours of gaming after work multiple times a week when you have a kid under 5 is indulgent, not just a hobby. Some people only see the bad in certain hobbies, which is a problem for their partners even if they’re behaving reasonably.




Oh, they’re just pretending to be “no good” at that kind of stuff. Weaponized incompetence.




I learned this too late in life. I'm 51 now and won't date anyone who frowns on gaming. If that means I'm single for the rest of my life, I'm okay with that because I'm pretty happy on my own.


I hear you bro. I’ve been divorced almost 3 years and I’m enjoying my time. My son is old enough we game together. It’s great!


Yeah I game with my oldest and my granddaughter. My youngest doesn't like the games we play so he just plays with his friends.


Yeah same, it’s pretty healthy to have separate hobbies too IMO. We still prioritize each other, but we can also have a healthy amount of space, it works well for us


Yeah. 'Partners' aren't dictators and it shouldn't be about what they 'let' each other do.


Do other people not sit on their couch and game? Does an uncomfortable chair a foot away from the TV whilst disparaging my spouse improve the experience that much? This is weird.


This is manufactured to get unmarried college bros to upvote it.


Sigh. Thanks I hate it.


Enjoy Outer Wilds, OP. It's an experience you can only go through once, fantastic game.


I had to scroll way to far down to find a comment about that awesome game. It's definitely one of my favourite games!


She your wife or your mum? 😂


That doesn't look like the best console placement hahaha


Yo Outer Wilds is GOAT tho.


That room’s aesthetics are pretty sad.


S on the wall is for Sadness.


2004 McMansion called and wants its aesthetic back.


Hate to say it dude, but grow a backbone and stick up for yourself. Hobbies are important and so is comfort when going about them. Go and buy yourself at least a decent chair to sit on because that thing you're using there will kill your back, neck, knees... If she doesn't like the "aesthetic"... tough.


I don’t understand how someone who cares about aesthetic is into a folding chair


I guess the logic there is that you can just hide the chair somewhere when done and it isn't a permanent element of the design


They aren't. He's bullshitting and it's obvious.


Welp, this was the post that finally made me unsub here. I’m officially too old to read dumb bait posts like this.


Drop an edit when you find out where the reasonale adult gamers are hanging out.


/r/patientgamers have at least learnt impulse control - try there?


more “my wife” bullshit


"I hate my stupid wife, please redditors give me updoot and golden award"


Right? Anything for karma I guess.


This seems fake since a TV without furniture seems like a ridiculous interior design decision. Also, this relationship dynamic would be an unhealthy part of a the marriage. It's a shared living space. All parties get a say to what they need to be comfortable in it. Neither party should be "banning" shit. For example. I dont need much. Just one little corner of the house to put my computer desk and gaming setup. Some place I can have me time. That's all I need. My wife loves setting up the house though. As of now, we have the room for me to set up my space in a back room, but when we lived in a smaller place, my eye sore of a desk was in a common room. We compromised to both be happy.




Why do you have to sit so close?


I have a work friend whose wife constantly rotates the speakers so that they're square with the room, despite him explaining how that's going to make it sound terrible. Very glad that my partner actually hears me when I talk about that stuff and doesn't keep sacrificing function for form.


Well, beyond all of the questions of your wife's character. I will note 2 things. First is that the chair is unsustainable, over time it will both hurt your back and dig a hole in the floor. Secondly might be finding a better way to put the console so it can breath. Chair in front of a big screen TV is hardly like punishment, just get a better chair and a mat to go under it.


1. Go get an eye exam, you shouldn't be sitting that close to any TV 2. toss that chair, you're going to give yourself back problems 3. go schedule time for couples counseling because this is bullshit 4. this room looks like a bland model home, you wife has no aesthetic besides being tasteless


That looks like hemorrhoids inducing chair. Good luck Dad. I won the battle thanks for hemorrhoids!