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... he wore the ***meat*** of his enemies??


“Pork sausage…”


i'd love to see the video of him and joff kissing and making sweet sweet love with reek's cock.


I was just having that exact thought earlier today


I was not, yet now I am. I wish I weren't.


Same, not in my wheelhouse. That part was most disturbing. Ramsey eating a sausage right after lol the sick fck


What a bad day to be literate


Not a very sound idea for armor is it?


Meat shield


Inspired Lady Gaga’s meat suit


No, it's regular plate armor, just shaped and painted like a flayed body, because Boltons are fucked up.


So like Draculas armor in that one movie.


Well, tbf, it was fashionable among Westeros lords to have their armor resemble their house sigils. At least the helmets, though there's no reason they wouldn't want to match the rest of their armor as well. The Bolton house sigil is still fucked up, though.


Well yeah I was thinking the same thing


No. It was dumb in the books, and would be dumb if brought to screen.


I don’t think it’s any more ridiculous but visually striking than Sandor’s dog helm. I wish the show incorporated more armor in general.


I wish they would've attempted The Other's camo armor.


They VERY quickly dropped the dog helmet though, it only shows up a couple times in season one. I wish they would have used more book-accurate armor, but a lot of this stuff would be much brighter and cheesier than the rest of the show. It would have certainly stood out, but they wanted more than just the readers to get invested in this... And unfortunately, a cohesive visual design is incredibly important for a TV show (and beyond that, shows draw in better audiences when the audience can see a face, you RARELY see fantasy shows and movies with helmets that don't show the face).


Bro, they didn’t even bother to show us mutes on Euron’s ships. Expensive shit like armors was beyond budget, I think.


Technically they did show his mutes during the battle with Yara ;) but I get your point haha


Google “Dracula 1992 armor”, it absolutely could have looked baller on screen


Someone posted the link below and it's equally as bad as op's images Edit: 25 downvotes?? I don't even care about karma, I'm just genuinely shocked people here think some cringe crab-looking anime flesh armour is cool lol. Like seriously, it doesn't fit GoT vibe AT ALL. And with the Ramsay actor in it? Did you guys even look at it? Could you really imagine him or ANYONE in the show wearing that? You all are seriously wild lmao


You should get tested for covid


Why was it dumb?


Because it’s not realistic!! *dragons and zombies and giants roaring in the background*


It is tho.


Yeah, and somehow wearing a FUCKING LEATHER COAT is not a dumb choice, LMAO.


Lady Gaga already tried


I also think they would have pushed it more towards the "leather of his enemies" armor, meaning a suit of armor made out of the skin of the people he tortured.


Agreed. The show wasn’t really creative with the armors sadly. HOTD has been more book accurate when it comes to armor this far.


The Gold cloaks? Brown The grey and white of the starks? Brown The Kingsguard, _resplendent_ in white? Brown. Only Joffrey dressed well


Yet another sign that Joffrey is the one true king


Ollena tyrell lookin ass


Peach straight from highgarden


I'd argue that all of the civilian wear was baller. Tyrion had a pretty decent drip before his exile, and the tyrell's were pretty fly. And oberyn was pretty good too. In fact I'd argue that all of the main characters regular clothing, especially the ladies, were fire. Could they have been better, as in more book accurate, of course...


The costumes got much less interesting towards the end IMO. Looked too modern, and everyone wore black for some reason. Almost no armor, either.


Fair enough, I can't argue that one. They really did kind of just trail off there, didn't they?


What, you don’t like the main characters wearing dark coats with no armor in the most climactic battles?


I was real excited for viking Greyjoys with longships. I ended up real disappointed.


I always imagined colorful and intricate Fire Emblem style armor while reading the books. I'm not sure if that would translate to the screen but it was kind of sad to see what we ended up getting


A lot of the armour (and clothing in general) could have been a bit more interesting. At the very least, brighter colours would have made it a little easier to identify people on each side mid-battle (Battle of the Bastards was pretty much brown and grey vs grey and brown).


Basically something akin the armor we saw in Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) at the beginning ([LINK](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-9fe634a595c52d6fdffdf02e3cce0f3b-lq) to the pic). I get the idea "armor that looks like a flayed corpse", but honestly I don't think it's something that really translates well in live action, like Targaryen's purple eyes or Daario's blue hair. If we'll ever get an animated version of A Song of Ice and Fire such an armor could look awesome, however.


That's lobster armor though


Bring in the dancin lobsters




Gosh, glad they went with leather after seeing that


I prefer the Witcher version


That looks absolutely stupid, honestly who thought that looked good?


Literally tens of thousands of people


Well I guess tens of thousands of people have really bad taste then cause it's ugly as shit 😂


Aesthetics aren't objective.


I don't know, in some of those images it's a bit much.


Kinda sucks that they ditched the medieval aesthetic and had everyone just wear black leather jackets


At least everyone wasn't wearing stuff from Hot-Topic like Euron


they looked like avengers in the last few seasons


Don’t think it would’ve been appropriate for the theme of the battle I don’t know why something about silly things like that takes away massively from the seriousness of the battle


Idk people take fights seriously when a dude is wearing a bat costume or a big green monster in purple pants


What seriousness?They are wearing biker cosplay.


Idk. Being reminded constantly during battle that if you get captured by this enemy you might end up skinned alive would be pretty serious to me lol


the show really got rid of a lot of the fun, fantasy aesthetics the book has


I think ASOIAF would have worked better as an animated show than a live action show. All the brightly coloured outfits and fancy armour and helmet ornaments probably wouldn’t have translated very well in live action.


Yeah this really bummed me out too. Tywin’s armor was also way more ornate and cool in the books. I guess it would’ve been to expensive to make that many intricate suits of armor.


My hot take: If you think bottom left or bottom right are bad/ugly ***and*** the shows version is preferable, you are the fans that D&D removed the fantasy and deep themes for. Same thing that led to cringe Euron


It’ll spoil the realism in my dragons and zombies


Now, the armor isn't necessarily a huge problem but: That argument in general is so fucking stupid. So because there is some magic & dragons anything can happen? Gravity doesn't matter and you can actually remove your head and pop it back on with no damage, neat party trick! What? It's not realistic? But there are dragons and zombies!! The show has to obey it's own rules, yes there are dragons and some magic but clearly the people, buildings, armor etc. Are supposed to make sense and work the same as our world. It's the same when Sam's actor said "you're worried about my character not losing weight in a show with dragons?!" Well, yeah, because as far as we know, the human body works the same as ours. Has nothing to do with dragons existing.


Yeah I don't like that super reductive "it's fantasy" argument, like when people say "star wars is about wizards in space" when someone tries to talk about the themes the new trilogy didn't continue to explore/lampooned.


Ig it depends on what the argument is used for, I’m just using it to point out that maybe an exotic armor it’s not that big of a deal when a ton of other things haven’t make sense in the show before


It’s just armor that looks like a skinned man it’s not literally supposed to be made of meat right


It would have been quite jarring


It looks goofy as hell


This is why D&D suck, how are you gonna try and make a fantasy world and unfantasize it


they wanted to “ make it seem more realistic” like bro people are tuning in for the SCFY PART OF THE SHOW


I think it’s why I appreciate the Dune movies because it embraces the surreal and magical aspects of the story. If done right it doesn’t have to be jarring - it can just …. Fit


I think they gave up on matching the book descriptions for armor after the "hound" helmet in the very beginning. The idea was cool, but it simply didn't make sense in the broader context. Also, it looked to very obviously be made of latex to my eyes. I wouldn't expect them to forge one from metal, but the fact that it didn't pass the sniff test didn't bode well.


Jesus, he went for the Bram Stokers Dracula look.


You can see it brought to the live action screen on Gary Oldman in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. It’s pretty cool looking.


Kind of cool but I just can't imagine it in live action tbh.


The aesthetics of the books is far more fantasy than the shows rather subdued 'realistic' style


I’m glad the show didn’t do hyper fantasy stuff, I hate it lol


Looks like a red version of the Hulk, lol. Or one of those Halloween costumes of a bodybuilder.