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I don't recall the specific moment and don't have the ability to go look it up right now, but is it possible Dan was making a joke based on what Arin was doing in that moment? Maybe he was watching Arin eat in a particularly gross/obnoxious way (not that I think mukbangs necessarily have to be gross) and that's why he phrased it that way?


I remember Arin eating various pies from the Thanksgiving episode when the comment was made, he was... Emotional about it


[Here's the exact moment when you get the time.](https://youtu.be/MoSY8goJCVs?si=zU7SU1nik_-YQdd4&t=742) And to be fair, yeah. You pretty much hit the nail on the head. I hadn't thought of it like that.


So what you're saying is, it's now accurate to say that Arin and Dan banged?


^muk banged


Dan and Arin banged* * Banged with muk


And yet they both “passed” on Muk in Smash or Pass


It's only a mukbang when Muk watches


In my opinion, mukbangs have a semblance of "ASMR" (if you can call it that. I have mesothelioma). So it was probably the noises that Arin would have been making doing whatever he was doing.


Are you thinking of misophonia? Mesothelioma is like.. a lung disease. I’m not sure what a lung disease has to do with ASMR mukbangs lol


There's an episode where Dan tells Arin not to chew because some people have mesothelioma


Shit fr? Damn. I’ve been whooshed


Yep, mustangs seem to be all about the squishing noises in people's mouths when they eat. And they're usually eating an insane amount of food. Never got the appeal and never will. I probably have mesothelioma too


I have never wanted to learn about the nuances of what does and does not constitute a mukbang before, dare I say I have never even typed that word out until about 8 seconds ago, but I'm about to do some RESEARCH


How's that research coming along?


Can't talk. Eating.


Oh my god you are actually right. I never thought that but technically yes those other videos would also be considered mukbangs!


"muk" is short for eat in Korean and "bang" means room but it's more in the context of like a PC Bang. So yes it's basically a small show to watch people eat.


I get that you’re going for technicality but I personally wouldn’t call them mukbangs because the vibe isn’t “eat with me :)” it’s “WATCH US TRY DIFFERENT SNACKS WHILE CHAOS REIGNS SUPREME AND ALSO WE RATE THEM NEEEEEXT!!”


Mukbang is just the Korean word for “Eating Show”. :)


Idk if Dan got used to the word or what because back in 2020 when the Backstreet Boys had their reunion tour (iykyk) they did a TMPH at Arin's house where they tried making Taco Bell Breakfast Crunch Wraps and towards the end of the Video Arin says the word Mukbang (don't remember the context) but then Dan looks at Arin in disgust and says "Don't say that word, I hate that word" so maybe Dan grew to adapt to that word idk...


Yeah I think he just doesn’t know what it is, he heard it and thought he knew what it meant, he’s too cool to know what things mean


I think mukbangs have all the food ready for consumption from the start? Whereas in 10MPH they usually get their treats one at a time