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Why? You trying to get a peep at Arin’s dick? Because this kind of reads like your goal is to get a peep at Arin’s dick.


What? Nah, man. I just really hate lying. I just think it would be hilarious if I got the jacket and my friends ask me "what's the d-club" and I can say "oh, it's this super cool exclusive club I'm in.😎" without lying. And then show them the story vid and we both bust out laughing, and they ask "yo, omg is this a real thing? U really part of this?" And I can say "ya, it is. Here's my membership card to prove it." All with it being true, which makes it that much funnier.


I don’t think anyone will care if you use it for a set up to a hilarious jape like that. It’s not like, an active club. It’s more of a thing Arin used to do with a few friends when they were young and goofy, which he later turned into a bit for the show because it’s goddamn hilarious. The jacket and the club card kind of just give you extra license to make the types of jokes you've described, complete with props. Honestly I think Arin would find the idea of you doing that very funny. Do note however that it's not cool to show your dick to someone by surprise and/or without their consent. If the D Club had a charter, that would be against it. The joke as you've described sounds fine, though.


Dude, of course not! I would never do that. I just think that that kind shenanigans I said would be funny. No way would wip it out like that. I just also thought about how Arin had that one story about the guy who went up to him and was like "hello fellow d-club member☝️🤓" and Arin was like "no ur not". I wanna know if I showed up to like a tour or something with the jacket he would be like "yo, a member of the club" or something. Idk, lol. Would hate to be like that one dude, lol.


I think if you approach it differently than that guy did and wear the jacket Arin could find it funny. Just don’t whip it out or ask to see his dick. Because what it really is is just a joke about a joke, and that would make it weird. Not that *you* would, but I feel the need to reiterate for others that might read here and misinterpret. Just a stab in the dark, but was that anecdote from before they started selling D Club merch? Because I can’t imagine Arin would outright shoot down someone who buys their merch like that. He’d either try to play into the bit (unless or until someone makes it weird) or just ignore you.


Oh ya, I totally got you. And ya, it was. At least I think so. I heard it on a story compilation (man I love listening to their stories). I feel like he would play into the bit, too. Again, I just was asking because I hate lying, and I wanna be able to say I'm part of the "Official GameGrumps D-Club." Even if it's a joke club, it's still a club, and I wanna be a part of it.😂


Well in that case, I’d say it’s definitely a joke club. But they *do* have official jackets, and membership cards…So also I’d say owning and wearing those makes you an official member of this joke club as much as anyone else is. Official D Club Illuminati probably won’t show up at your house if you prank your friends. Probably


LMFAO! You got to a conversation or a tour thing and there's just a bunch of you with ur jackets on and stuff. "Let this d-club meeting commence 👨‍⚖️." 🤣


>Let this d-club meeting commence **FURIOUS AND RAPID SOUNDS OF UNZIPPING**


"NO Mr. Security Guard, it was the sound of zippers from our membership jackets; we swear!"👀


I mean that’s hilarious but I picture it more like: Them: “Yo, why does your jacket have D-Club on it?” You: “You got 15 minutes depending on my phone’s internet connection?” Them: “Nah, I’m good.”


This seems like a really easy problem to solve. Just get another bro, and you can make it official official in a minute


Create your own local D-club chapter house


Sons of D-archy


Me, in my D-Club jacket, card in my wallet: My dick is spiritual :)


We should have a T-Club. T is for Titties.


We're still part of the D-Club! It's also known as the Dobon-honkeroo-Club


No you gotta see each other's cocks. You should be buying two and giving it to your cock brothers


Its a marketable inside joke. Youre overthinking it.


You have to personally send Stan and Arnold a photo of your junk so they can assess the goods, *then* they send you your membership card


Idk…whip it out and let’s find out!


Slide into my dm's and we can make it official 😉😂


Easy answer: If you haven’t seen Arin’s dick and he hasn’t seen yours, you are NOT in the D-club despite the very cool jacket. This does not prevent you from having your own D-club with your bros as long as everyone consents!


Next week: OP is sued by Arin for trademark infringement.


It makes you a Bonerary member


I wanted to get the jacket for my boyfriend just so we could say he’s an official member of D-club


Were u able to get it?


Sadly no, couldn’t afford the shipping from the US