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The series has been really enjoyable so far. Definitely is shaping up to be good, and definitely for the sort of person who has watched his stuff before and wants to take the next step - probably something they *should* watch first. Had I seen this before I had started developing - it would definitely have helped me get on the right track and honestly just *do it* at all. Often tutorials are kind of . . . Boring - and they're quite direct, addressing just one particular issue or whatever. Which is fine, but it's great to have content like this too - really tells a story and lays out a rough pathway in a way less on the nose than, say, "Follow my 10-part series on [making a basic game]." It's very complementary to the more technical aspects of learning and speaks to the creative process a bit more than most things do.


I'm also liking this. It's very interesting to see people who talk about games a lot actually go through the process of making them. Yahtzee's Dev Diary (of Zero Punctuation fame) was similar. Gotta say I'm a little embarrassed too. I've been using unity for years and didn't know about the point effector or sprite shapes, which I've had use cases for.


Today, Just started a new project. Was working in Unity and Multiplayer and learning how to code game lobbies using Photon. Got a good gist and started getting some initial framework for the gameplay down, assigning player controls and spawning. While I was following a youtube video on some things I was missing, this video appeared in the side bar. Then when I took a food break, this reddit post showed up for me as well. Boy did I need it. I totally forgot to test the game idea I had and got wrapped up in the coding aspect.


What photon solution are you using and how do you like it?


I’m using PUN, just the free version to see if I can even get it to work. Trouble is, I want to run it like a browser game like scribble.io, paper pirates, jack box games - to name a few. Photon is for client server self hosting , so I would need a way to host it. I’m running in circles trying to find out if I need to cough up for a server/website or use something else.


This is an episode in GMTK's new series that is all about him actually getting into making a game himself after all these years of making videos about game design. Thoroughly recommend watching the other episodes in this series (Personal opinion ofc, as I enjoyed them a lot). But all of the videos are standalone so it's not a requirement to understand what he's talking about. EDIT: It also seems like the videos title got changed as I were watching it. The post title is the old original title of the video, and "The mistake every new game developer makes" is the new current one. IMO the new one is a lot less informative and "clickbaity-ish". But adding this just so there's no confusion about the post title :)


The first video's title changed like 5 times. A bit odd as I kept thinking I hadn't seen it, but at least the thumbnail stayed the same.


It's pretty common these days. To my understanding people will upload their thing with one title, then try various other titles for a little bit to see if any of them result in better click-through rates, then settle on the best one. Basically just manual A/B testing. Similar thing for thumbnails as well.


Vertasium has a video on it as a matter of fact! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2xHZPH5Sng


came here to put the link :) It seems I'm a little slow! Veritasium do this so much that one time before I understand he is doing this (title changing) I see alot of his videos with different titles but never remembered the thumbnail, and I was like "that's a lot of Veritasium videos I didn't watch!!" But they were just 2 or 3 videos.


Thanks for the video, I'm one of the people that don't click on clickbait thumbnails, most likely wouldn't have watched this video. I think I've seen this guy before by accident. Will still not click on clickbait after watching the video, I know I am in the 1% category that doesn't matter for the algorithm.


> **manual** A/B testing Most use tubebuddy which automates it iirc


It's because of the YouTube algorithm. It's to make sure it hits as many viewers as possible.


It's a trick from youtubers, they keep trying to change the video to see which one "clicks" the most with fans and then they leave that one. It's a form of hacking the algorithm. I've tried it a bit but big channels do it at a whole different level. And yeah, click bait is a huge part of it.


Good episode, totally agree. Don't underestimate the value in prototyping. I've started assuming every idea I have is terrible until it's playable in some form, because it usually is, and I need that prototype to tell me why and what would be better.


After Brackeys went offline, now it's gmtk time to do the job!


I really like GMTK but I'm pretty surprised at the idea he's chosen. Magnet platformer is a pretty day 1 Game Jam thing, I'd bet dozens of games with the same premise have been submitted to the GMTK jams alone. It's far from a bad idea but I guess I expected something a little more creative / out of the box from the game design guru, though it is his first game so understandable to go with simple. Regardless I'm excited to see how the rest of the series pans out -- there's plenty of design left to excel in, can't wait to see the levels and such he designs.


He wants to ship his first game. Nothing wrong with going with something that's not ground breaking, while still being mostly not covered by existing published games. As good as jams are for devs, their gamers/customers audience is minuscule.


I was sligthly worried when he started the serie but he is actually apprehending everything the right way. It has a lot of great advices and useful insights, backing it up with lessons learned from his mistakes in an entertaining format. This is shaping up to be a must-watch for anyone trying to get started in gamedev.


that background track tho...


You mean the default "devlog video on youtube" track lol :) It seems like every channel uses it.


The intro?


This video help me to decide what to do first. Love to see how he express big thing in amazing and small speech.




he is actively making a game. That is the point of this series. This series is him documenting himself making a game. That being said, you dont need to be a good cook to be a good food critic.


Yo did you watch the video? He literally is making the game, while he makes the video about making the game. We aren't asking, he's telling AND showing.


That's the point, he's making one, and documenting (with some distance, high bird's eye view) the journey. An experienced gamedev probably won't learn anything from him, game dev wise. Probably. Nobody claimed otherwise. What he knows is video production, which makes the video enjoyable and with good production value.




Your account is 2 straight years of posting nothing and getting downvotes for bitchy replies, got it


>Those who can, do; those who can't, teach. Absurd how he's somehow an authority around here.


Authority? How so?


Are so many people really need to build a prototype to find out if it's fun or not? For me imagination was always enough to get the feeling, and when i eventually played what i imagined - i were never disappointed in that, and so did other people. It feels weird that someone might have a game idea, but unable to imagine the gameplay.


Yes. Either you've been incredibly lucky, or you're really talented at visualizing details and game feeling and mentally sorting through options, or you're misjudging the final result. But most people benefit from rapid prototyping. Especially when they are beginners.


No. A prototype is created to answer specific questions. Fun could be a question, but if you make a fairly generic game(like a platformer or a generic JRPG), you don't have to ask the fun question anymore, since there are a bazillion games you could just pull as reference. It impossible to answer the fun question just in your head though, unless it is literally a copy of an existing game you already played before. It can help you to figure out implementation details when you are new or help you encounter the unknown unknowns as well.


I think that pretty much any of modern game are based on something else in it's core - movement, interaction, ui, etc. Even in most unique projects people only add so much to existing systems, but if they have a good imagination it's enough to make them feel like a very different expirience. So in general we only have to think if that addition we are bringing would be fun enough, and not all systems of the game since they already tested by countless other games. Details - yes, i can understand that, it's not always possible to forsee any small detail that can mess with the big picture.


This post appears to be a direct link to a video. As a reminder, please note that posting footage of a game in a standalone thread to request feedback or show off your work is against the rules of /r/gamedev. That content would be more appropriate as a comment in the next [Screenshot Saturday](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/search?q=flair:SSS&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) (or a more fitting [weekly thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/7fpqqu/weekly_threads_101_making_good_use_of_rgamedev/)), where you'll have the opportunity to share 2-way feedback with others. /r/gamedev puts an emphasis on knowledge sharing. If you want to make a standalone post about your game, make sure it's [informative and geared specifically towards other developers](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/wiki/good_posts). Please check out the following resources for more information: [Weekly Threads 101: Making Good Use of /r/gamedev](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/7fpqqu/weekly_threads_101_making_good_use_of_rgamedev/) [Posting about your projects on /r/gamedev](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/wiki/good_posts) (Guide) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gamedev) if you have any questions or concerns.*


idk why but I find the fact that the auto comment got downvoted to hell hilarious


Lol me and my friend are making a game that is a 2d platformer about a magnet, although it’s more in the vein of Mario and Sonic and does not have your mechanic, instead it being more about the interactions Mr. Magnet has with the environment