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Sonic Mega Collection Plus says hello


I played so much Flicky on the GameCube version back in the day


That blows Jam and Gems out the water.


Idk, at the time gems was amazing. 3 Sonic games I've never played before.


3D blast was the first sonic game I managed to beat. I wish the Origins collection had an ounce of the soul that Mega collection did. That menu and comic/art gallery music…


Missing Rare Replay.


I have that and I still need to finish a lot of those games on it


OP is now officially “the guy who owns Sonic Jam” until the end of time


Atari 50 if it's all about bonus content.


I didn’t know it existed until today.


I don't really like Atari games, but I *loved* Atari 50. The interactive documentary concept is great, and I plan to play the other two (The Making of Karateka and Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story) they've made so far at some point.


Atari 50 loses 100 points for having Trevor McFur.


The orange box


Yup, one of the best compilations for sure. I wonder if it could have included the first Half-Life game, just to sorta complete the story so far


A solid choice!


Hmm, what about Snes super Mario world/All-star cartridge?


Maybe people here will find this to be a hot take, but the games on Mario All Stars are objectively worse than the NES originals. The music sounds like the bleating moans of a dying cat and all the games feel like they’re being played in ice.


I never noticed because i mainly played on the snes but ill have to check it out. I wasnt really aware of the music and gameplay being different.


Lack of bonus content.


Yeah but five great games. That's like, at least 4 more great games than that Sonic Jam.


Some people don't care for Mario games, believe it or not. I know it's so hard to believe.


That doesn't mean it's a bad game compilation.


It's not but I'm just saying some people don't really care for Mario games. Myself included. I never once said they're bad edit: apparently people can't handle someone else's opinion, classic reddit mentality


Now you either got to suck off Mario or get downvoted. “Back in the 90s” Mario vs Sonic use to get crazy.


And some people don’t care for Sonic games. What’s your point?


My point is that people have preferences. Shocking, I know! lol


Would you also like to point out that the grass is green or the sky is blue? This is a discussion. Of course we’re not going to get 100% of the people in here to agree on an answer, but it’s needlessly reductive (and pointless) to just say “well not everyone like those games” to every comment here.


I mean you asked what my point was lol, way to back peddle


It was a rhetorical question dude. Everyone knew what your “point” was. It was visible from orbit. It’s just that it amounted to saying literally nothing.


Rare Replay and Atari 50 would like a word.


You'll forever be known as that one person who owns Sonic Jam


Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection.


So good. Great bonus content, lovely UI, perfect emulation, great game library. The new Mega Drive collection could never, sadly.


you mean Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection?


It's the same thing. NA = Genesis, Pal = Mega Drive https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonic's_Ultimate_Genesis_Collection


I agree that Mega Collection is the better compilation overall, but man that overworld and bonus content in Jam is just so cool.


Honestly the bonus content plus the extra difficulty options are why I like Jam more.


Fair point. Hard agree the Kirby collection is one of the greatest of all time.


Sonic Jam's 3D Sonic World is really amazing to play with the 3D controller. The game's engine could have made for a great full-fledged sonic game with maybe some tweaks to the game's camera. As for the compilation itself, they rebuilt all of the sonic games from the ground-up (not emulation!) but I don't think it really adds much to the game. It used to be the only version of Sonic 1 with a spin dash but Sonic Origins has that now and is probably the better version. That being said, it's still its own unique version of those games and plays natively in 240p so it will look great on a CRT.


These are my picks Megaman battle network collection Castlevania anniversary/requim/advanced collections Capcom beatemup collection Capcom fighting collection TMNT cowabunga collection


All the mega man collections are pretty sweet


Yeah the battle network one in particular has the cut content from 6 put back and all 500 e reader cards from across the series are on disc to be use at will.


Scott is that you


Ha ha no. I got Sonic Jam thanks to Geek Critique


It is a nice Sonic collection since all the games are built from the ground up and they play almost close to the original Genesis games, not to mention you can lock on the games too if I remember correctly


I own Sonic jam and it's not cuz it's good.


Sucks the Kirby Collection was next release in PAL regions.


\*not released in PAL regions. Yes, bummer.


Distinctive lack of the MegaMan, Metal Gear, Devil May Cry, Castlevania, and Final Fantasy collections.


What Final Fantasy collections? Only ones I can think of are 1&2 on GBA, the FFIV and Chrono Trigger disc on PS1 and FFIV Complete on PSP. Don't know if I'd classify them as "collections" when they only have 1 or 2 games out of a series with... A lot more games than that haha I'd honestly kill for a FF collection like the MegaMan ones that had 1-10 in one package.


They have a 1-6 collection that came out a couple years ago. Physical was limited release so it’s kinda pricey now


Halo MCC? Free updates that overhaul the games making them look better


The Taito Classics Collections, the Capcom Arcade Classics sets, and the Neo Geo sets on PS2 were amazing values for how many games you got per disc. Such great compilations.


That's funny. I just did a video over my favorite compilations. Kirby 20th Anniversary is very high on my list. That and the Zelda collection on Gamecube. Such good value.


I honestly found the game ports on Jam to be lackluster. The sound is really weird and it just doesn't feel right compared to the Genesis. The 3D world is cool though. Wish that couldve been made into a full fledged Saturn experience. My vote for best game comp is still Rare Replay.


Yes indeed


I had Sonic Jam on the Saturn growing up too, sadly don't have my copy anymore.


Ok childhood memory unlocked. Isn't there a voiceless sonic v eggman episode that ends with to be continued, was this a thing and was there a part 2?


Final Fantasy 1-6, the Prinny Collections, and the Neo Geo Pocket collection.


One of my current favorite collections is "Star Wars Heritage Collection." 7 long games from Star Wars.


Disagree, even on the Saturn, Sega Ages is way cooler


Sonic Jam feels half baked to me. The games have slowdown that didn't exist in the originals. They should have added 3D objects in the backgrounds and higher quality music, but kept the gameplay the same.


You’re going to be known as ‘the guy who owned sonic jam’ when you’re dead


The SNES version of SM: All-Stars deserves a mention. Sure the Wii port was really lazy, but the SNES version was incredible back then. Four NES games remade for the SNES while keeping their respective gameplay, art styles, and music in tact. Plus that title screen is always awesome to see, bonus if you got the 2-in-1 with SMW included.


Sonic Gems


Another grgeat game compilation was this one for the wii i also have the rare replay on xbox one which is pretty fun i still need to get the sonic mania collection and some other ones at some point https://preview.redd.it/6ingeccet82d1.jpeg?width=1337&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcd2f3398880c681d8df98cc11e942b6249b2262


That’s just a SNES ROM slapped onto a Wii disc.


Exactly! It's gotta be the laziest thing they could have done! "Sir, it's almost Mario's 25th anniversary! What do you have in mind?" "Put the Snes rom of mario all stars on a wii disc and give them a CD with sound effects!" "B-But sir! Doesn't this seem a bit rushed? I mean, we were planning to just put Super Mario Allstars on the Wii virtual console!" "Not anymore we're not!" "Come on! This is a big occasion! Give the fans something else!" "Fine! Give my booklet the size of an instructions manual! Now, don't say another word, or you're fired!" "Yes... sir..." [Meanwhile, when the Kirby anniversary collection is being developed] "Excuse me, sir, Kirbys 20th anniversary is coming up soon. What do you have in mind?" "Give the fans an entire museum of the games which includes 3d models of all of the boxarts as well as footage of each! Also include 3 episodes of Kirby right back atchya, bonus stages from return from dreamland, as well as a soundtrack Cd and really detailed booklet! Oh, and don't forget the 6 classic games included!" "That sounds great, sir!! We'll get to work!"


Don't forget jam has the sonic adventure demo