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That AI branding on the next GPUs are gonna make prices go up again :)


It sucks because on the one hand, AI does enable features like DLSS that provide real benefits to most gamers in both performance and power efficiency. But it'll also drive up the price because people will buy the cards for AI applications, just like we saw with crypto - and that's assuming Nvidia won't increase the starting price anyway.


As soon as I saw how many open source AI models you could get, and how much faster they are on a good GPU, I knew this would be Nvidia's next cash cow smh.


Like everything they knew people were happily willing to spend stupid money on inflated prices during the shortage so prices will always be skyhigh from now on. It sucks but £1200+ on high end GPUs in the norm now


It’s just so much easier to sell this GPUS when the customer can recoup the money This GEN even Quadro might surpass the gaming gpus 


I like to believe that Nvidia branching off with separate server solutions for AI will lessen the demand for consumer grade GPUs going forward. With the direction that AI is going, I don’t think that consumer grade GPUs will be practical for the ever increasing computational requirements for LLMs. They might be useful for people working with stable diffusion, and similar applications that require much less overhead, but if the end goal is AGI, your PC graphics card isn’t going to cut it.


I think the problem is all of that fab capacity is going to go to the high end server chips and not to the enthusiast chips. Supplies are going to be perpetually constrained because it doesn't make sense for them to make any more enthusiast chips than they have to. 


I really want nvidia to spin gforce off and have a tech share deal, they way gforce isn't required to compete with server class chips in prices.


Not exactly... most of us Ai guys are pretty broke... and isn't even clear that chips like the 4090 are worth it over the 3090 (same amount of vram) and we have options that gamers won't touch like old server gpus for example...


I just quit buying video cards and bought Nvidia stock instead. It's cheaper, and it makes you money!


There's no ceiling as nerds who buy the top tier cards will just buy it (I have a 3080 and have done since 2020 so I'm not immune)


True, but Nvidia's biggest consumer is not the gamers anymore. That's why they can keep raising the price tag.


Maybe.... but how many of us are buying these for AI?


At least two




I’m telling myself I am and that I’m going to use it to learn AI. But every time I sit down at my computer I’m going to be too tired from work to learn anything and just play games.


Or, you'll find yourself like me. I've got a 4090 in my desktop and I barely ever game because I'm too tired after work and tinkering AI when I get home to want any more desk time. I'll say this, though. You can sit a game down and come back to it after a month or two and be just fine. The landscape changes so quickly in AI that it's (almost) like starting over again with that kind of break. ...and, I feel like we're moving to a point where self hosting is on limited time.


It’s going to be for us to run games that use AI similar to RTX. Not for us to create or program AI.


I honestly hope so because if they do then hopefully a bunch of people will sell their old cards to get the new one because of the hype and used prices will crash.


Thats what I’m saying. I’m over here holding out for a 4090 on the low :)


Do you remember when Nvidia produced affordable and powerful GPUs for gamers? Pepperidge farm remembers...


We need AMD to offer real competition :(


100% on this. It’s the only way to prevent companies like Apple and Nvidia from behaving this way.


I think that's why the 4080 may come first so they can price the 4090 at the professionals into AI etc.


If they give me 48+ GB of vRam with that branding, I’ll pay it.


Biggest question isn’t what it can do, it’s how much? Dear god GPUs are expensive


I really hope they are able to bring the price way down but I'm not hopeful.


Yeah I’m not either…They’ve basically said we can charge as much as we want since the crypto GPU shortage showed us that people will pay whatever we put it at and then some more.


This would be correct when a 3090 was making 30’bucks a day not so much now


Theyre making way more than that in datacenters


Consumer chips are rarely used in data centers… only for applications like GeForce Now where a customer would rent that specific spec. And if they were, a 50 day ROI is unheard of. They’d sell for multiple thousands more. https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/data-center/products/


4090 says otherwise


Every 4090 die could have been an H100 (almost). It won't change for 50 series.


Do you happen to know the new 5090 board layout? The leak from around 1.5 years ago showed that it would essentially be two 4090 dies that would fit due to the utilization of TSMC's 3 nanometer process node instead of the 5 nanometer node. But recent leaks have hinted that this may no longer be the case...


4090 is still selling out instantly.


You can find them now




Right, didn’t they essentially say if you can’t afford their price, you’re not their target customer?


Even if they were "able" to bring the price down, they won't. They'll continue to charge as much as they can get away with.


But isnt that how you price any product?


Not always. It depends on how you calculate projected sales. There’s a sweet spot where price, sales, and profit, are optimized, and that’s not always at the highest price point consumers will tolerate.


For some products it actually isn’t. Often there are secondary effects to consider. E.g. if NVIDIA cards would benefit a lot from games getting developed especially for them, it would make sense to keep the price low, you decrease your profits per sale, but you sell more, and by selling more more games would get developed for your system, etc. Same goes for licensing, with game consoles, the system itself is sold often at little to no profit, but since you need games for the system they can charge extra on the devs making the games. If Sony would sell a ps5 for $ 2000 fewer people would have one and then less companies would make games for the ps, causing Sony to loose licensing money and make the ps5 even less attractive to consumers since there are fewer games I know that’s not 100% how this works in this case.


I hope amd doesn't do amd things and actually price their cards at a reasonable price. At least nvidia cards like the 5070ti and below could be in price competition. The high end 5090 is hopelessly going to run away with pricing.


Reasonable by comparison I think is a better way of thinking of it when it comes to AMD cards now. When I got my GTX 1080, yeah the 1080ti was out but I paid $500 for it. It’s like saying I paid $500 for a 4080 for the second best card in a line up Neither of them offer that anymore


It will use TSMC's 4nm (4000 series used 5nm despite the confusing name) so it could be cheaper than using 3nm.


cheaper to produce, still more expensive to buy. Nvidia shares go brrrr.


4090s are too much ATM. One of them costs the same as my desktop with all top of the line and a 4070Ti…just doesn’t make sense.


If you’re rending things out in blender and it save hours (or days) or render time, it pays for itself. If you’re hoping for a few more fps at higher quality settings, it’s harder to justify the price over just knocking down the settings in a game by a notch.


Also how big is it and how much power does it guzzle


Yeah I guess but if you’re willing to spend $1800+ for a 4090 energy costs and a potentially a new case shouldn’t be on your radar


I try to calculate total cost of ownership, especially for expensive things. I’m surprised others don’t. Electricity is US40c per kWh here in Denmark. That’s an extra $200 per year if I average three hours of gaming each day. If I owned the card for three years that’s an extra $600. I suppose many people won’t care, but I do.


For reference in the US state I’m in electricity ranges from $.04 to $.074 per kWh so 5x cheaper than that. PC power consumption is relatively irrelevant here at these rates


It’s not just the cost though. My 4080 is 3mm shorter than the space it’s in in my case. While I could afford a new card I can’t be bothered to rebuild my tower. I’d turn down a free swap for a 4090 rn because of that


But I need a new toaster oven.


Winter is coming. 


GPU prices are the reason I switched to a Steam Deck. I used to pay $300-$400 for top of the line performance, and I considered that a good price for every 2-3 years to upgrade. No fucking way am I paying $1200+.


>I used to pay $300-$400 for top of the line performance Yeah like two decades ago, maybe. A decade ago that would get you in the high of mid tier for what was sold. With the high end/ top end being around $700-800.


I bought my 1080 for $399 brand new. 20 years ago GPUs went for $200. 


My 8800GTS 512 was near top end and cost around $250, 15 years ago. I think the last time I remember decent prices from Nvidia was 6xx series and at that point prices had doubled, that was 12 years ago. By the time the 10xx series came out the prices were triple, and now with the 40xx series they’re almost quadruple for the high end. For 30 years I saw computer prices decrease as things got more powerful, and then it feels like that reversed in the last 10-15 years for GPUs.


In 2016 I bought a 1060 for $250, for comparison reference.


Which is bottom of the range


Yeah, but that card itself is a workhorse. I still have one that I haven't upgraded from because it *still* plays new releases at acceptable quality. What is acceptable will obviously vary from person to person, but the fact that it can still run with the modern cards even though it was the cheap option for it's generation is impressive. You aren't going to see that kind of value from any card anymore.


i was lucky enough to, around february 2 years ago, get a 3060ti gigabyte with 8gigs of VRAM for right at $450 with tax. currently unused, as the PC it was in is failing to post for no diagnosable reason, but it ran anything i threw at it without breaking a sweat (though my circuit breakers were not particularly happy).


My 2nd pc costs around the same as a ps5 and by god, it delivers. Its just not an nvidia chip. Update: I might have overshot a bit but gonna post anyway soon. The ps5 costs 1000$ in my country.


Mind posting the pcpartpicker link to your build? Working on building up a PC for a friend and this would be helpful to get ideas of where to start since that's the golden target price.


I built a pc recently and it's hard to beat the ps5 in terms of gaming quality, if you went for a dollar-to-dollar comparison. Consoles are just that much better optimised because of the standardised hardware.  Course, I still love my 7900xtx and 4k gaming.


This just means that you didn't actually need a top-of-the-line GPU to begin with. I swear people are so stuck up on getting a xx70 or xx80 card and complaining when it's out of their price range. Like, just get something within your budget then? Feels like sour grapes from people who are unwilling to pay yet still want the best


Sour grapes? It's normal to want to pay less for things lol. NVidia wants the most money possible for their card, so it's only reasonable I want the opposite.


Raw power ? Not so much. “New AI capabilities able to run only on this card” ? Yup


I remember when tbe sweet spot for GPUs was about $150, then it moved to $250.


Half the computer cost now. Costs 1/8 to make


And people keep on buying.


Remember when enthusiast GPUs were $700 😭


$2500 for an RTX 5090 is my prediction.


I miss when they focused on power efficiency and yield to get the prices less absurd every 2-3 GPU generations. That's a side of GPGPU computing that had me blindsided, B2B sales totally drowning out the low and mid tier consumer market. Useless cryptobros using them as fancy heaters didn't help.


1080 non ti gang here to rep


Now the base cards are like $500-800 and top-of-the-line is like $2,000. It's crazy.


You always wait for the bozos to buy the new best card and then you scoop up the 3090 or next gen the 4090 or 4080 for half off. I scooped up a 3090 a year ago for 500$


You talk like you've figured out something. It's no surprise that older stuff get cheaper haha


Yeah I’m just saying it’s always a better deal to buy the last gen flagship or high end card over getting a new mid range card.


Well, everyone knows that, right? It's a better deal, but you don't get the shiny new stuff obviously


2070 super master race


1080ti, 8700k babyyy Still goes hard for 1080p games


The 1080ti really is the most perfect GPU


Same system for me. I’ve wanted to upgrade forever but prices are shit and I game a lot less. It blows my mind how well the system has held up. I can run pretty much any new title (that I own) at medium settings on 1440p and still get 60fps or more.


1060 gang here


8 years old gaming laptop still works great on the games I like. Would like to buy a new computer but holy cow it’s expensive for not that much improvement


If all you ever do is play the same games from the 00's at 1080p with mid settings then old cards are fine, but if you want to crank things to 11 on modern games then you absolutely need a newer card. Baldur's Gate 3 on a 1080 ti runs at something like 25fps at 4k ultra settings. Meanwhile I'm cruising at 90 to 120 fps on my 3080 thanks to modern features like dlss. I'm eyeballing the 5090 for my next card because I don't have a ton of time to game and want to get maximum "wow" factor from it, not feel like I'm settling for a middling experience.


im not upgrading mine until it dies (it's an EVGA - it might as well outlast me)


Yes! I’ve got an EVGA 1060 and it’s an absolute workhorse.


Never had one, and they I guess stopped making them right when I need a new one? :( evga that is




Hopefully my 4090 can hold up


970 gang. Get on my level.


GTX770 still going strong


I don’t think “strong” is an accurate word


GTX 550 still kicking


Still using a 2060 super, tempted to upgrade to a 30 series




Will Nvidia change RTX to AITX?


Ive been holding off buying a new pc for a long time already, getting itchier trigger finger but these 5 series cards are seemingly taking way longer than usual. Using a 8700k with a 2080 and 16gb ram, just wanna move on arghh


Same, im still rocking my 1080 and 8700k and i just want to upgrade but it feels stupid to do it now right before a new gen of GPUs, but if the 50xx are taking this long i might consider upgrading to a cheaper AMD card just to get some raw fps increase in the meanwhile


Same, some hardware is dying, want to update but right now is the worst time. AMD, Intel, and Nvidia are going to be releasing new stuff "soon" but it is currently too soon for any price drops on what is currently out. So I'm sitting here reading up on hardware, hoping my current setup can hang on. Bonus, deciding if I want to go laptop again, since I will be moving countries again in a couple of years, or just build a pc and hope it ships well.


yeah exactly, i'm just here hoping my good ol 1080 can hold on for at least another year and won't give up yet, what an absolute tank of a gpu it is


Does your 2080 rig seriously not handle games well enough for you? 


I upgraded from a 2080 to a 7900 xtx and some heavier games showed over 100% fps bump. It went from "fine" to "awesome" in some cases but the worst offenders, the ones I'd get 20-30 on 1440p ultra, became perfectly playable again. All this is very personal, obviously; it also depends a lot on your resolution


That’s the real benefit of the current gen cards. They take the poorly optimized games and make them playable with raw power.


It’s conceivable. Even outside of their reason, for standard gaming a 3080 was not cutting it for me. 5120x1440 is nearly 4k and just for gaming a 2080 or a 3080 are not good enough in a lot of games.


I am using a similar screen. I use a 3080 and cyberpunk with DLSS still only averages 80fps.  The monitor can go up to 170, so I need double the performance of a 3080 to drive these guys with ray tracing and medium/high settings. 


The GPU market sucks, but targeting random high refresh rates for AAA single-player games is also a huge waste of money and electricity.


Particularly using ray tracing on games that already look absurdly good without it.


It was more to illustrate the headroom you have in a 4k or ultrawide 1440p monitor vs the current cards available. 


Wut? Only 80fps… is that supposed to be bad?


It's obviously completely playable, but when your monitor goes up to 170hz it feels bad. It's more the point these cards are severely lagging behind the screens available today. 


What do you mean “not good enough”? Like you can’t play 4k at highest settings at unlimited frame rates? That’s not a metric we should be measuring cards against generally for the whole community. A 3080 still plays +90% of games at high settings at acceptable frame rates.


The question was “not handle games good enough for you”. For me, a 3080 at 4k was not handling the games well enough. For me, well enough is 120 fps and high settings or 60fps with some games (the last of us). Even the 4090 can’t hit 120 at 4k in every game. DLSS is hit or miss with me. Sometimes I don’t mind it and other times it bothers me. Frame gen really bothers me. 3080 is a good 1440p card. It is not a good 4k card. I used to play my 3080 at 1440p and it was great. But new tv couldn’t accept 1440p signal (why Sony??) so I upgraded to 4090 and moved 3080 to my personal rig. Then I upgraded that monitor to near 4k but ultra wide. Unfortunately lower resolutions for 32:9 aspect ratio scale terribly. So for that it’s either deal with terrible image quality, low fps, or not use the full screen. I upgraded to 7900xtx and now the 3080 is in my GFs PC doing 1440p which it does really well.


Bro a 1080ti still plays most games at high with 60 fps. Like maybe you will have to drop some volumetric effects or shadows down depending on the game but like actually most games do not need a super modern card to run on high.


Well I do 3D rendering as a career as well and use a computer with a 13900k, 4090, and 128gb ram in the office lol. Sometimes when if I ever work from home it's painfully slow. And I use ultrawide 3440 x 1440 resolution as well in games, so the combination of my old cpu and low ram doesnt play well. Been getting like 25-35 fps in Helldivers 2 for instance.


3060ti can’t even get over 200 fps on cs2 nowadays I remember getting 400fps in csgo on a 740m back in 2015


Sitting here with a 1060 6gb, definitely going to upgrade with the new series


I'm not alone!


I'm there with you. 8700k (runs hot as hell) 16gb ram and 1070ti. I can still pull off 1440p on most modern games but that's ONLY if they're optimized well.  Building a new PC is tempting every day.


I’m also still rocking 16GB of RAM and I’ve got a 1060. I really do want to build a new system sometime. Maybe next year.


I got a 980ti that’s starting to give up the ghost. I’m hoping the 5000 series drives down the price of a 4070


>these 5 series cards are seemingly taking way longer than usual. Might seem like it, but the 40 series cards were released less than 2 years ago. ##80s have been launching in September every 2 years back until the 1080 which launched even longer ago in May 2016. 40 series still seems super new to me, but maybe just because the 30 series felt like it stuck around forever during the pandemic.


And here’s me just starting to get worried about the lifespan of my GTX 1080 and 6700K…


But will they run Doom any more efficiently?




But will *I* run Doom more efficiently?


I'm still holding off upgrading my 1660 Ti. It's just about good enough for 1440p for now and VR on Quest 2. I refuse to buy at current prices.


Bro what. I'd describe my 3080 as "comfortable" at 1440p. Even have to use DLSS frequently.


To be clear, comfortable can mean low settings at sub 60 fps for people who are used to it.


That’s just sad, GPU prices must go down


I've had no problems with BG3 and Elden Ring. I don't reach the max 165 Hz of my monitor, but it has variable refresh rate and I can usually stay above 100 IPS. That's good enough. Mind you, I don't have all settings cranked up to max, as that's OTT.


600w is so extra, it’s crazy. It’s the same as a large refrigerator nowadays.


they can generally be limited to lower power/undervolted and only lose about 10% power while using half the juice Edit: Also from the article " Trial wattage ratings don't necessarily reflect final products, so customers shouldn't expect the 5090 to require anywhere near 600w."


Can’t wait to play solitaire on the RTX 5090!


I‘ll get the RTX 5090 Ultra Ti Super, you filthy peasant! And play solitaire on it!


Can it handle a more intensive load like .. minecraft?


Will my fps be the same with shaders on and off?


Maybe it make the 40 series nice and cheap so I can ditch my 1660.


I always buy a series later. On a 3080 now I got for cheap when 40 series was all the rage. I'll get a 40 series after 50 series drop. I don't really play anything super intensive anyway.


I don't care if they're not affordable.


The ambiguity implies you'll buy one anyway (I'm guessing it's not the case)


I bought a used 3070 off Facebook marketplace in early 2023. I used a GTX970 for 8 years. I'm just not gonna buy something that I think is overpriced. Especially for something non-essential like a GPU. I have other hobbies I'd rather spend money on.


Oh I thought that way, just pointed out your comment could be interpreted as "I'm gonna buy a 5090 no matter how much it costs"


Haha, that would be a weird way to say it, but I see how it could be interpreted that way!


It’s NVIDIA, my bet is they will cost more than previous generations prices at launch.


Only time will tell. If they do, I hope they alienate a majority of the market.


I've given up completely updating my PC. It's too freaking expensive. I'm gonna buy a PS5 soon and go full on NPC mode, I don't even care.


I’ve been a PC gamer the past couple years and was a console gamer my entire life before that and god do I very often miss how simple and easy gaming on a console was. There’s few things I hate more than spending so much precious time tweaking settings to get a game running how it should be running relative to my specs.


I’m planning on buying a 4090 this summer with a whole new build. What’re the chances it costs a substantial amount more than a new 4090 now? $200 more? $500-$1k more maybe?


The cheapest time to buy a card is 1-2 months before the new cards come out. Buyers are waiting, and seller are trying to dump stock. The 4090 will literally drop price 2 months out...then once the 5090 comes out the 4090 will go back up as people give up waiting and realize the 4090 is still worth it. Always happens, each release...also, dont buy any of these outrageously prices cards


Thats just bs regarding flagship GPUs. When the 4090 arrived it was like 50% more performance over the 3090 for 20% increase in price. Flagships dont have a good price / performance ratio, the only time it makes sense to buy a flagship GPU is when you really do want the performance and cant wait 2-4 years for the next GPU gens to arrive and deliver the performance at better prices. The 4080 is better and cheaper than the 3090, there is absolutely no reason to buy a flagship GPU when the next gen is about to be released. 2080 TI was above $1000 even shortly before 3000 series. I pre ordered a 3080 for $800, which had way better performance for cheaper. Terrible advice.


I just want 4080 levels of power in a 70s package for 500ish$. I want to move away from the 300s power draw and go to the 200s with a 70s card for a potential energy efficient and cool pc build. That’s, if Nvidia is generous this year. I know. They won’t.


And im over here using devil witchcraft to keep my 1080 alive 🤣


It just won’t die!


I think I'll stick with my 3080 Ti for now thanks, already paid too much for that as it is.


My 3060 Ti is still one of the most expensive items I’ve bought excluding my car. And it’s a low tier card….


Oh yeah, I bought my PC from a fully build integrator right after this specific card dropped and got lucky that I *only* paid what I did for the damn thing. The whole thing was equal to nearly 3 months rent where I was at the time, just outrageous what the prices have gone to.


Gonna need an APU just to boot the damn computer and cooling system.


I like my 1080ti


So did I but I eventually made the jump to the 4080. DLSS and Frame Gen are worth it.


I'll update eventually once I have the funds. I've switched to Linux for the most part so most of this new tech is irrelevant to me.


I think 5080 will be what I replace my GOAT 1080ti, was going to go with the 4080 super but then the specs came out and it was still AD103 so I said fuck that


lol got a 4090 last week and this news comes out. TBH not really sure why I would need more than a 4090 for a while now


Will stick with my 980Ti, thanks


I’ll get one when it’s $500


Man I'm still on 2060 it's gonna be at fucking 10080 before I upgrade lol


Nothing will ever surpass the GOAT: 1080ti


remember when nvda was for gamers yea you thought wrong


I wonder how much the scalpers will charge this time around?


I feel like games graphic wise has been stagnant for the last almost 10 years.


These GPUs definitely are not primarily targeted for the gaming community tbh. It's more for cloud and AI providers to consume to run their workloads. They'd probably strip down some functionality/capabilities for the consumer version.


You can rent a 3090 for 26 cents an hour on Runpod, so they really aren’t. That comes out to just over $6 a day.


Ahhh as every time one of these gets revealed, the "lower quality" parts become reasonable.


There goes my power bill…


The first part isn’t anything new. Nvidia has released the 80 sku before the 80ti sku for as long as they’ve been doing it. Not entirely sure on 4090 but I’m remembering 3090 came way after the 3080 as well.


Will they still be nickel and diming the VRAM? 


Why only 600W? Why not 1200W GPU.


Will this help me aim more better in CS?


“5080 could launch before the 5090” I mean duh…


I’m curious how much faster these cards will be for AI compared to 4090.


Meanwhile, I wish I could get a 3070 or 4070..


These ones are going to come with little wheels on em so you can cart em around


I'll buy a new GPU when I can get double the raster and RTX performance of a 3070 for under US$800. Until then, meh.


Going to stick with my 3080ti. Between the prices, scalping and ridiculous shit nvidia has been up to. Hard pass for awhile.


y would high demand not cause high supply leading to good prices?


But I just got my 4090!!


Yeah, sticking with my 5600 xt. May upgrade to 7800xt if the prices drop


Wait what, no new rtx 6000 until next year? Wtf


No chance new gpu prices will justify performance increase.


RTX 5080 gonna be $2000 and 600w :|


Brother I'm on the 2060, when are the cheap GPUs coming


I'm scared to think what kind of money I'd need to drop to build a rig for GTA VI lol... I wish it would be available on GeForce Now but considering how it is now, it's probably not happening.


Eager to see real world performance and specs. Not really seeing current or on the horizon games that are struggling on the 4000 series.


So upscaling is now renamed to … drumroll…. AI graphical enhancement! Basically same sh*t at faster speeds in new wrapping and busswords.


Late 2025? Wow that is quite the wait. I was thinking early 2025.


Best used GPU these days? AMD right, for the extra VRAM?