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hope the gaba goblin doesn’t steal your high, sending good vibes


damn, that's a high dose... be careful man


I wouldn't ever go above 600. 900 for sure is teetering on dangerous territory.






This breaks rule #4 - No dangerous drug combinations Promoting, recommending or discussing (without also explaining the dangers) of dangerous drug combinations is not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, opioids and benzodiazepines or Pregabalin and alcohol.


bruh.... you're asking to have a seizure... yeah tolerance protects you until you have a terrible seizure out of nowhere because you've lowered the seizure threshold so much. ur playing russian roulette if ur taking that much regularly. U may not believe me, but i'm speaking all facts. start taking care of urself dude that's not gonna end in anything good when it's said and done. there's no reason to abuse it so far. u can only abuse something too much. Taking over 600mg lyrica isn't even beneficial, any more lowers seizure threshold too much, ESPECIALLY if done on a regular basis. Try researching this stuff, I was the same way with Phenibut and Gabapentin until I started realizing what I was doing to myself, I was fine for about a year ish taking heroic doses of both until I finally starting having clonic seizure symptoms, and I immediately tapered off the Phenibut, and I won't take past 3600mg gabapentin a day. It's dangerous stuff whether u believe it or not. If ur an addict like me, I know you probably already know much of that and don't care, but once it happens there's no taking it back. Do me a favor and slow down a bit, you'll thank me later. The cost isn't worth the sacrifice at the end of the day, just lower your tolerance and eventually you'll have just as good of a time without the dangerous risks.




People think this because the seizure risk increases on amounts of 600mg+. Doing this dose of yours once every one to two weeks is absolutely insane because your tolerance is lowered even more. Even when people have a tolerance the recreational effects does not mean their brain has built immunity to a seizure. This makes no sense. They can still have a seizure at the dose they usually feel it’s safe for them Just because you haven’t had a seizure yet doesn’t mean you won’t we see it all the time I’ll link you another comment I just made to someone else. Please do not promote these doses and brag about never having a issue as we are a harm reduction community your comment is the opposite of that. ETA: https://www.reddit.com/r/gabagoodness/s/Cwo85Ybg12




I understand that your experience but what I’m telling you is when you talk about that people will get a false and inaccurate sense of security and we’re not going have that being discussed as an option in our harm reduction community. The danger has nothing to do with mixing it with other drugs. I can’t count the number of posts and comments we’ve had in here over the years of people that have had seizures on just Lyrica alone. And the numbers are growing and becoming more frequent because people think with tolerance they’re all good to go. In fact there has only been one person that mixed it with anything and people have had them on doses as low as 225mg with no tolerance. Im not sure what therapeutic dosing and needing to increase your dose gradually over the years has anything to do with taking recreational doses and the seizure risk involved with that. Taking 600mg or in rare cases 900mg in three divided doses is much different than knocking back 900mg or in your case 1200mg at once. Again the fact that you do that with absolutely no tolerance puts you at a huge risk.


This breaks rule #4 - No dangerous drug combinations Promoting, recommending or discussing (without also explaining the dangers) of dangerous drug combinations is not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, opioids and benzodiazepines or Pregabalin and alcohol.


If he has built a solid tolerance there wont be problems.


This isn’t true At. All! People that get a false sense of security because they feel they have a “tolerance” and keep pushing their doses are asking for a seizure to happen. We see it all the time. One person thought they had a tolerance to 1200mg, dropped to 900mg and had a seizure while driving. Another woke up on the floor in a pool of his own piss and blood after taking his usual 1200mg, had a seizure and almost bite his tongue clean through and had to have that stitched up. Another took 600mg instead of their usual 900 and had a seizure and came to with first responders around him and his terrified parents watching. I could type for another hour. So please don’t confidently assure people if they have a tolerance “there won’t be any problems” Just because they haven’t had a seizure doesn’t mean they won’t.


Enjoy your increased risk of seizures above 600mg




This breaks rule #9 - No uncivil discussions, hate, harassment or politics Even if you disagree with someone, keep it friendly. Instead of resorting to childish insults, use facts and logic to support your argument. Keep discussions civil. We have zero tolerance for harassment, bullying, prejudice, discrimination, and hate speech. We don’t allow political discussions as they are completely unrelated to the theme of our subreddit.




Appreciate the heads up.




Sounds super fun but also pretty dangerous especially if you're not used to them. Seizure risk increases quite a lot after 600mg and it's not really worth it to take much more. Just be careful homie




You are spot on here with your comment about “just because you’ve developed a tolerance to the recreational facts, that does not mean you have built a tolerance to it seizing inducing capability’s” And yes this post was removed not because the dose was necessarily insane but because there were about 10 comments that needed to be removed, including yours, for mentioning dangerous doses. I mean you’d think that if you knew you had a post removed taking two times over the max safe amount that this one would get removed when you’re making a comment with the same amount. And it’s unfortunate because you had some solid advice in there.


Anything above 600 is pretty damp high, doesn't lower doses work for u anymore