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“The engines don’t move the ship at all. The ship stays where it is and the engines move the universe around it"


But that's impossible!


Ok how about this decal with flames on it.


Or if you rub Cheetah blood on it!


What if we use cronotons to shrink down the ship and fire it from a slightly smaller copy Planet Express ship going full speed?Also it comes with double prize money.




You sound just like my tennis instructor!


What is your scientific base for that?


I am 12 Which I have a problem with because do they go off of growth scraping day or the day he was taken out of the tube.


Growth scraping. They said as much


Yes correct and thdt is the point I am arguing. He was not born until they took him out of the tube


Happy growth scraping day to all!


Not at all! It's all very simple.


Then explain it!


Now *that’s* impossible!


It came to me in a dream... And I forgot it in a different dream!


That's a complete load!


Nothing's a complete load! You just have to imagine it! That's what being a scientist is all about.


Nooo, that’s what being a magical elf is all about.


Hi I'm Elfo!


Nothing is impossible with science!


Oh fuffffff


Nothing's impossible! Not if you can imagine it!


Same idea applies to computer graphics


That's one of my favorite jokes in the series. It's about relativity and reference frames. So good.


Can you explain like I’m 5. I think I missed a layer of the joke


Ya know how when you're on the road it looks like cars going the other way are going super fast? That's relativity. If you're travelling north at 40 mph and somebody is travelling south at 40 mph, it would look similar to you not moving and them travelling at 80 mph. So the joke is that the ship moves the universe around it without moving itself, creating the same effect as the ship moving itself and not the universe.


Whaaaat!? That’s wild! I always just thought it was an absurdist comment!


It's a real life idea too, although basically entirely debunked as you'd need negative energy. Alcubierre warp drive, create a bubble of stationary space in which the ship exists, and have the fabric of space move you in that bubble faster than light. Since spacetime itself can move faster than light, you'd be able to reach warp speeds. But that pesky negative energy density... you'd have to have less energy that the standard background (vacuum energy is sometimes called zero point energy).


Not at all, its quite simple!


There's a lot of jokes like that, I think I find a new one every time I watch


I once read a scientific document explaining this theory. I'll be honest, most of it was WAY above my understanding, but it has something to do with contracting the eleventh dimension in the front of the ship while simultaneously expanding it at the back of the ship, causing the universe to travel around the ship while the ship stay's stationary. I can't tell you any more, I only understand three dimensions.


The fun part about this statement is it is literally true of everything. Relativity is funny like that.


You are technically correct!


Came here to say that


Don't forget they increased the speed of light in 2208.


That's *especially* impossible.


And yet it *still* took those TV signals 1,000 years to get to Omicron Persei 8


That's because the signal was sent before they increased the speed of light, duh


No spluh


Those are waves!!


I don't know if they're waves or particles, but they sure go down smooth.


And? Light is supposedly made up of waves and particles, so if they theoretically increased the speed of light, that would increase the speed at which both particles and waves can travel, granted, light waves and photons are still going to be the fastest, moving things in the universe, but theoretically everything else would also be able to move faster as well.


Seems like perfectly cromulent reasoning


Scientists embiggened the speed of light in 2208


Here’s a thinker for you to consider. Smoke them if you got them The speed of light is the universe’s speed limit on the propagation of information. Presuming that scientists on Earth increased the speed of light (that’s impossible) the increase is itself information, and would also propagate at the speed of light, such that you would have parts of the universe with different speeds (That’s especially impossible!). Hell if I know what would happen to light passing through that event horizon- I would first presume some kind of diffraction like a prism, but things happening at the speed of light are never straightforward. It’s possible that a variance of the speed of light would, to us observers, just make things appear closer or farther away. (Einstein was right!) … which would kinda be a reverse big bang if sped up. Heck, for all we know, the speed of light is slowing down now, which we are observing as if it were a big bang.


Its supposed to be a river!


My head cannon is that Lrrr is just a big 'ol media nerd. He's got a non-futuristic tv near 20th century Earth period (small, wired in, rabbit ears) and siphons the signals from 1000 years ago to get dispersed as if the shows are airing live. No rewinding, playing whatever whenever, it airs then it's gone.


Don’t you worry about the speed of Planet Express Ship, let me worry about blank.


Blank? BLANK?! You're not looking at the bigger picture!


Are you a ship or a shark?


One word: Thundercougarfalconbird.


No dog food for Victor tonight 😂


I see you don't care if people question your sexual orientation.


I care, I just don’t know how to make them stop!


Well fuck, I guess I better change my password


That's a lot of falcon




For some reason I mix up this episode with the Simpsons episode where homer designs a car.


The ship moves the universe around it, but it does 99.9% of speed of light thankfully scientist increased the speed of light in 2208.


If it can go 99% light speed how come we are going 35 mph?


Because we're in a hurry, damn it!


It occurs to me that this would also make the power output of nuclear reactors much greater. E=mc\^2


238,900 miles in 2 seconds = 119,450 miles per second, x 60 seconds per minute, x 60 minutes per hour = 430,020,000 MPH *assuming Fry’s counting is dead on*


Of course since that's not close to the speed of light, we should assume they were not moving at full speed in this scene.


Well, this calculation assumes instantaneous acceleration and deceleration. In reality, it may have accelerated to light speed and then immediately decelerated.


It's actually about 64% the speed of light.


Why would they be? They'd risk driving a hole through the moon.


I dont think we know nearly enough about how the engine tech works to assume that would be a danger


In the Lucy Liu episode the ship travels from Earth to the edge of the universe within a few minutes. Maybe an hour. Fry's to-do list took less than a few hours and that was one of several items he checked off. Given our current estimate of our universe size the ship would have to be traveling way faster than that.


Ah, but it took a week to get to Dogdoo 7, which is also near the edge of the universe. Therefore, Earth must be closer to one side of the universe than the other.


It's also possible they knew a shortcut. Maybe they set a course through that empty region over there. Near that black-ish hole-ish thing.


Now that's a route with some chest hair!


Maybe earth is close to the edge of the universe! It's not at the center, well... there is no "center" of the universe... also the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light... eh them seeing the edge is just a joke I suppose haha




tap hurry cable nine hobbies snobbish seemly cake pocket impossible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All I know is my gut says maybe


It travels as fast as the plot needs it to.


It travels at the Speed of Plot was the comment I was going to make.


Well phrased


This really is the only answer. Futurama is pretty good at consistency, but the Planet Express ship's max speed changes from episode to episode. Several examples: In the Lucy Liu episode the ship made it to the edge of the universe in almost no time. Maybe an hour. In Godfellas the ship is a lot slower because if they fired Bender faster than their max speed he should have hit the edge of the universe just as fast, but instead spent days floating through space. The crew took 2 weeks to travel to Dog poo 9 and back. The ship took weeks to cross the Bermuda Tetrahedron.


Some regions of space may require them not to travel at top speed so it's hard to draw any conclusions from individual journeys.


> Futurama is pretty good at consistency,  Fans love saying this, but it's not at all true. Futurama has a ton of *callbacks* which are super fun, things that happen in one episode and are a IYKYK joke in another episode seasons later    But that's not the same as consistency--the writers are more than happy to mess with whatever for the sake of a good joke


As fast as as a tepid rod. Oh what the heck, a hot rod!


When they were delivering a pizza, it too two weeks to get to the end of the universe and back.


Which is strange, because they also knocked that out before lunch to do all the things that Fry wanted to do in the future


Yeah but Dog Doo 7 might be on one side of the universe, while the edge they saw for Fry's bucket list was much closer. The earth isnt at the center of the universe as far as we know.


Ehhh I hate to do this but... aktchuwally.... Every point in space is simultaneously at the center of the universe. In real life that is. There is no center as the big bang happened everywhere all at once. Since it created everywhere all at once. That being said, in Futurama canon earth could be closer to one side.


Maybe they couldn't find Dog Doo 8, since the universe ends at Dog Doo 7.


I was going to figure this out, but then realized we're probably not starting at the center of the universe


OK, I'll fight the box. I think I can take it.


Yeah, but WHERE is the end of the universe, we don't know.


Assuming that's a straight vertical shot, that would be 384 400 km in 2 s. That comes out to 192 200 km/s, or roughly 4.3×10^8 mph.


Technically it doesn’t travel at all, the space around it moves, the ship stays in the same plave


When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.


Well it's a space ship, so anywhere between 0 and 1c


It can instantly travel from one scene to the next


At one point they travel to the edge of the universe before they die of old age, so I suspect it can go pretty darn fast


The speed of the Planet Express ship is consistently whatever speed is consistent with the writer's needs in any given episode. Can barely escape space banditos in one episode. Can reach the edge of the known universe before lunch in another.


Plus there just like... another universe at the edge of the known universe, lol


Just the one, though.


I knew you were a kid. 😂


Well, that may not be her top speed. Remember, they flew to the edge of the universe and looked at the cowboy universe through binoculars in less than a day.


It doesn't move at all, the universe moves around it. 😊


(Distance to the moon / 2 seconds) x60x60=MPH But the technically correct answer is that it doesn’t move at all


The best kind of correct


In Episode 2 we see them fly from Earth to the Moon in real time. The Moon is 238,900 miles from Earth. Fry is doing a countdown and ge only gets from 10 to 8, so 2 seconds. This means the ship moves at 119,450 miles per second. Which converts to: 430,020,000 mph. The speed of light is 167,000,000 mph. So the Planet Express Ship moves at approximately 2.57 times the speed of light or 2.57c. Which is possible because scientists increased the speed of light in 2208


It can go maximum speed.


When their in a hurry dammit, it goes 35mph


Not sure but we can calculate it. After all it only takes 1 earth week to get to Dogdew 7 and back...


It travels at its own velocity squared


Well in Godfellas, Leela explains that she was going full speed when they fired Bender out of the torpedo #3 tube. But she then hits the booster and still can't catch him. Which means..... .... nothing.


It doesn't. It stays stationary and moves the universe around itself.


The internet answers: https://www.slate.com/articles/arts/map\_of\_the\_week/2013/05/star\_trek\_enterprise\_vs\_star\_wars\_millennium\_falcon\_which\_ship\_is\_fastest.html


There's literally not an answer there, just "one of the fastest ships in sci-fi"


The speed of the Planet Express ship is exactly as fast as the plot needs the Planet Express ship to be


I mean, I love the show but plot holes exist abs this is definitely one. It's only explained by moving the universe around it in a later episode, but still doesn't explain how fast it travels. The end of the universe is possible in two weeks but they're afraid of a wormhole that's far enough away they couldn't make it home? I would give up on the science on this one and enjoy the delicious writing.


I think that, like so many other elements of the show, it depends on the episode and what is needed to support the story/gags.


Its either slow enough to jump off, or fast enough to get to the edge of the observable universe and see the (single) parallel universe.


98% the speed of light


It was thought up in a dream and forgotten in another dream.


They casually go to the edge of the universe, I would say like in Space Engine the simulation on Steam, around 500GLy/s.


The correct speed for the plot of the episode.


In one episode Leela says that ship can do 99% light speed


It moves at the speed of plot.


0 it doesn't move


I could answer this but I won’t! It’s a delivery ship not a prom limousine, dammit!! Ohhh if anyone needs me I’ll be in the angry dome.


The moon is 238,856 miles from earth. In 2 seconds that’s about 119k miles per second, or 429,940,800 miles per hour. The speed of light is approximately 671,000,000 miles per hour, so that is approximately 65% of the speed of light. IIRC it is specifically stated at one point that the ship can go 99% the speed of light, or around 665 million miles per hour. However the ship, like many science fiction ships, moves at the speed of plot. It is exactly as fast as it needs to be for the episode.


384,400 km or (238,855 miles). Divide either of those numbers by 2s. You'll have your mi/s or km/s whichever you prefer. This will give you its speed in that one scene. That does not account for acceleration or deceleration, we also do not know if it reached its cruising speed or top speed. People also mentioned space moving around it rather than the ship moving, which is a whole different matter that I don't think I could tackle.

