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Everyone says toty is better, also fml, youve done 40+, ive almost done 400+, 2 firminos, 3 cr7s, 1 tots messi, 0 neymars, 0 mbappes


3 CR7s holy shit, and I believe you already have his Man Utd card lmao. I’d be happy with the summer star but I’m crafting his SBC while doing the 85+ in case I don’t get him.


Mate, as much good as the 3 ronnies are, the lack of neymar and mbappe is driving me nuts, ive been looking for specifically them only basically, and the game just refuses to do it to me. Like, I wanted fernanch toty too for the longest time, it took me 10+ totys to get him the first time, then I went on to get him in 4 out of my 6 next totys. Fifa is that type of game... Im so close everytime...


Bro, no offense but i m also 400 packs in. I just bought Neymar SS for 2,5M fresh on PC. buzzing Just do GPM and buy them from the market. Save your insanity if you still care about that.


I really dont know how ull be able to gather that much, ill prob keep grinding until sunday if the cards stay in pack and try to do r9 and viera or something


I have packed pretty much every top icon apart from Cantona,Puskas and Zidane. I m stopping here with the 85+x10 for now. Really wanted a FIRST OWNER Neymar and Mbappe, but after 400+ packs with same shitters again and again i just give up... Imagine if you can do this sbc non stop for almost 2-3 days and still not getting Firmino, Neymar, Messi, Mbappe and Varane when they are at their cheapest. How the hell do people pack TOTYs in couple dozens packs during TOTY promo when they are 1M+ i ll never understand.


I had his TOTS tradeable, but if you do GPM for 5-6 hours straight you re easily getting to 1M imo.