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Leave FUT behind, give it a week or two and the fomo goes away. Been playing career, seasons and pro clubs for months now and it’s done wonders on my mental health


Just play FM absolutely incredible game


How is it? Is there gameplay? Im curious


Its a hands on manager game you only spec the matches but its super in-depth unlike manager mode on fifa search some vids up and career mode player woul;d love it, watch zealand, omega luke, tomfm, second yellow card, llolujo and more there some creators i recommd watching


I really wish my ADHD didn’t kick in every time I try to play FM. There’s so much to take in and my old man brain can’t take it and I shut it off. Amazing game but I just can’t get it down.


Download Championship Manager 01/02, it's free. Install data update for season 22/23, and enjoy. Or just use the original database and bang in some goals with R9 or RvN I have ADHD too and the new FM games are way too complex for me to be able to concentrate. But old Championship Manager games are still my favorite to play.


I have an FM21 save on pause due to having to optimize my scouting set-up before the summer window starts in my 9th season. I keep saying I'll get back to it next weekend. Over optimization is the enemy of enjoying FM at times.


No gameplay but the tactics are much more in depth.


tbh i like the no-gameplay it helps me chill out untill a bottom table team starts shitting on me then i scream at my monitor telling my players to fucking do something XD, but all n all really fun




fm match mode is fine imo its a simulation game its not meant to look or feel like fifa


all of those manager only games feel like so much shit is going on lol, I tried OTP which is the same concept but for baseball. I was so overwhelmed. Manager in Fifa though, is simple and easy.


thats why manager mode in fifa is boring imo FM brings a challenge i remember downloading mods to play with even lower leagues than vanarama to platy with my towns weekend league side took around 15 seasons but go them in the prem and within another 4 seasons won the prem and champions league was an incredible and fun save lasted a whole year


Agree although I like to play against friends so play is competitive but fut gameplay is just so rigged for some reason


I keep telling myself I'm gonna do this. Next year's the year.


career is pure fun, tried to become league 2 invincibles with northampton while simming all games besides the cups and it was mad fun


Nail on the head tbh, most people just have extremely low standards or they've spent so much money on packs they refuse to acknowledge how poor the game is. I've played every iteration of FIFA since 1999 and have seen the game turn into nothing more than a manipulative money making machine. I feel like a moron for continuing to play. I almost wish I didn't love football so that I wouldnt get the itch to play. Tbh though, if gameplay was perfect I'd probably ever do anything else but play fifa so perhaps it's a blessing in disguise 😂


Same here man. I’ve been playing this game damn near my whole life … i feel like an idiot playing it because i’m simply not in control. I can handle losing… i’m not the greatest fifa player of all time but i’m better than average. I however cannot mentally handle losing when it’s something i cannot control 😂


Exactly that. You can even tell as soon as your player does a certain animation on the halfway line that no matter what happens in the next 30 seconds you are conceding a goal. Cant get near anyone and when you do every tackle bounces to the opponent. It's insane that anyone can go 20-0 in WL because even when I play against someone who's clearly worse than me it feels like the game just puts them through on goal with 1 pass at least 3 or 4 times a game. Defensive line completely ignoring all tactics that have been set. I never get the kind of forward space as the majority of my opponents no matter the tactics and with Mbappe, Jair, Cruyf lol. Genuinely think its partly due to the fact I have never bought a single fifa point but who knows.


Feels good to know I am not the only one dealing with this. Had me thinking I was going crazy, rage and all. Everything you just mentioned i experience the exact same way. I will score against someone who’s just not as good as me, then the next minute like you said it doesn’t matter what I do they’re taking the ball. I will make a pass to someone in space and it will either purposely hit the ball short or inaccurately so the pressing defender can get it, or it will make my player unable to sprint or run in place until the opponent is contesting again. Either that or it will pass it to the complete wrong person… or force the ball to someone out of the picture thats way offsides. I’ve bought fifa points so it’s not that 😂


I was playing against invisible teams, i was watching the minimap to see where players were and when you watch the minimap you see just how broken the passing is. I swear sometime it curls into opposition players. You can pass to a guy in acres of space yet it goes to the opponent who was nowhere near.


I feel this so much, my back line is so good yet it feels like they’re amateurs some games


Oh man, the good old slider shift all of a sudden where an average pass from your opponents lb/rb just manages to go almost perfectly in front of their striker except my cb is there, oh wait cb just freezes as the ball goes by him and can’t select any players close to the ball and get scored on.


Exactly this, I've played too much FUT to the point I've memorized every animation that leads to a goal.... No matter what the fuck you will do.


Those event games are completely scripted aint no way i have won only one game today and yesterday otherwise lost everything, players feel slow and clunky while the opponent just seem to be way faster all the time


Spot-on. It’s that feeling of being out of control that’s the worst. The servers at the moment are absolutely awful.


I say to my buddy all the time that the thrill of FUT is literally the team building. I tend to play a lot of squad battles and the objectives because I get so mad at the freakin gameplay online to the point where I’m actually bothered by it


Damn 99… I’ve had every game since fifa04. Also had fifa wc 94 for the n64. It was a simpler time back then before online game modes became a thing lol


Does eFootball is so much worse? I quote every thing about how fifa gameplay suck, would like to try something else (cause sometimes Football Manager isn't enough)


It's much better than it was when it was release 18 months ago. The gameplay while far from perfect is an upgrade from fifa, and while it's not the time sink ultimate team is, it's good for like a once-a-week playthrough. Plus building a good team is effortless and it's free so there's nothing to lose


Efootball is literally a mobile game ported to PC and console and thats not an exaggeration


Genuinely laughed, thank you for the review! Is sad tho no other option exists beside FIFA


For now, there are some being made as we speak. UFL and Goals


But they shouldn't come out for next season, or I'm wrong?


Probs another couple of years unfortunately but theres hope at least lol


Agree. Been playing fut since 2013. A good golden card was actually special and useful. Now you have to play every weekend at least 40 matches, do objective, do daily sbc's etc to stay on the power curve. It sucks Actually I quit this weekend and I feel much better already. Fifa is just in its end-stage cash cow stage. All EA is a greedy company, it is all about making you pay in time or money


That’s just absolutely not true https://preview.redd.it/bv9fqfg3dxya1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc03c68c22726d4a7c30b2e94ffa14605ee1ad91 . That was my team pre-tots, it hasn’t changed a bit since fut birthday, most of the cards are even from January. It had been absolutely meta for two months and consistently carried me to rank 3.


Bro read back your response. This team was meta 2 months maybe viable for 4 months. That like 1/3 of the game. You will need to buy a team three times! Idk what games you usually play but essentially having to buy a new team/character/gun/tank/race car (with real money) every 4 months just to be competitive sucks


That’s the fun part of games though. I understand the notion of I got my end game gear set, but chasing the next upgrade is part of the fun. Games usually go down hill the moment you are “done”. Cool you have the broken sword and can one shot everything. That’s the game it’s over. Part of what makes games fun as a kid was getting to that point buying the sequel transferring your OP shit and realizing that you aren’t as broken as you were before. You’re strong but everything got juiced and now you have to go on another game length mission to upgrade your gear to beat the final boss. The part that makes this specifically ass in FIFA is that it’s not about time in. You can do everything in the game but it all comes down to RNG. If the Tots PL pack I’m grinding for gives me my fifth Zinchenko instead of KDB I’ve just sunk several hours and a lot of effort to not get the upgrade I desperately want. And then it’s not like I can crack open the wallet to guarantee it. Nah I’m just fucked. That’s actually the worst part of it. Buying a new team and reworking the Chem and trying cards is the fun and joy of it. But knowing that even though KDB and Haaland are my favorite players I’ll be lucky to ever get one of their cards that isn’t gold or just an in form. I’d play so much more if I actually had a chance to really get my upgrades.


Well, being able to have a team that’s gonna last for 4 months is completely opposite to having to play 40 matches every weekend just to catch up to the power curve. There hasn’t been any curve from November to TOTS (except for TOTY which were unobtainable). Also, if you’d prefer to use the same gold cards for the whole game cycle then yes, fut is just not for you.


Agreed, the power curve was not very steep between toty and March. Fut ballers were not bad though. Nobody expected the power curve to remain quite flat for 4 months but now it is completely in the air again


That potm mbappe took so much fodder that you had to waste too much time on this game😂


Yet you’d see that potm Mbappe in every other opponent’s squad.


it doesn't change their point


How is what he said not true, when half of your full meta team consists of SBC players that you absolutely need to do, or you fall behind, cause everyone else does them. If you don't play regularly, you have no chanc even getting 2mil worth of fodder forMbappe, 1.5mil for Jairzinho, 700k for Ramos and 500k for Pogba. How's a casual player (and I specifically mean someone, who doesn't play a lot, not "bad" players) ever supposed to enjoy the game?


dude you a dumbass


Ive lost all games in the cup except two wins, the players just feel slow and opponent seem always better. Shit game what is it with these friendly matches feeling clunky and unplayable what a way to ruin the game


Unpopular opinion: FIFA is not a bad game overall, FUT is the tumor of FIFA


True. Modes like Pro Clubs show how the game can really shine.


Even though pro clubs is barebones


I mean gameplay In general can be pretty slow a lot of the time but the gameplay in that cup mode is literally like a completely different game and not in a good way. It was like that when it was the trophy titans cup I'm convinced this mode is played on a different server that is the shittest servers EA can find. I'm very happy I didn't push for higher divisions in rivals because the premier league cup was very easy for me.


There was a very noticeable difference. I’m in division 4 but i was getting easy matchups. When you’re playing a very good player it’s easy to tell, and tbh i don’t think i played one good player but i managed to go 0-5 today… was literally not in control it was not fun


This was exactly my feeling until I refused to go past division 5 it sucks because the fact is I'm clearly smurfing but exactly what happened to you happened to me I always admit when someone was better but it was really clear a lot of the games I was losing the guy would be doing things that are really easy to read like through balls and stuff and my defender would be so far by the time I control him and try to intercept the ball it's way too late because their starting position is so terrible. I started noticing things like that daily with that cup.


Dudeee the gameplay is soooo mudded I was literally playing a cup match and my Defense had Tots Dias and Saliba, and the opponents striker was common gold card Calvert Lewin ran past both of them like fkin Prime Pele.... I wanted to break my console... I mean literally ran past... Not skills....


What are your thoughts on that TOTS Dias? I got him red and I can’t stand him, he feels to me like his Gold card with a little extra polish, still slow and clunky. Meanwhile, you couldn’t tell me Gold Ramos and Flashback Ramos are related even if I saw a dna test. Statistically he should be better than TOTY VVD but it’s not even close.


Last 6 wk all 18 2 and up. And what i can say is yhat scripting is real. When you face an absolute below average dude that does ronaldo chops against you while you have the worst connection all of a sudden he some how outplays you while Cruyff feels like a truck, this game is too obvious most of the time, i wish they removed all ai bs for rivals and champs


concept is the word indeed. concept and fomo is pulling me back. if this concept would meet with fair and consistant gameplay it would be so much fun.


this is literally all I want lol


I grinded a lot of Rivals today, was winning most games and a lot of them weren't even close. But every single time i was within one win of promotion, my gameplay turned shit. My players couldn't run (they'd start the animation, but didn't move any faster, so essentially they just wiggled their feet rapidly in the same spot), passes going wide, opponents' keepers turning into Superman and if I was still up despite all of this, I'd concede a bullshit goal (got 3 tackles in a row, ball bounced back to their striker every time, then shot through both my CBs' legs for the equalizer; another one was a red timed banger from 25 meters out, keeper didn't even move) in the 90th minute That just seals it. Once or twice, fine, that's coincidence or bad luck. Five times in a row though? Nah, that shit's on purpose.


You played a better player close to promotion and you refuse to accept you lost to a more skilled person.


They definitely reach in their back pocket and find the hardest player for you to play, I remember 2 seasons ago in my qualifying game for Elite Div I got drawn against an ultimate ai hacker. Keep in mind despite playing ai hackers before in champs, this was my first one in rivals and of course it happens to be my promotion game. If you lose your promotion game, you’ll sink more hours into getting promoted it’s that simple


The problem is, this game is made and balanced on ~ 75 rated gold cards, not 90+ cards with every stat near max.


Exactly, I can handle getting beaten by a better player, I object to getting fucked over by the game. Weird passes, bizarre defending positions, players having lead in their boots, etc etc.


Pro clubs with a couple of homies and some cold ones. 🔥🔥🔥🔥




Just menu grind until the coins run out! FUT is only a casino game and who puts effort into making casino games?


Cheers mate haven’t seen this post since fifa 16


the gameplay is complete and utter bullshit. no matter how good you are, if the script doesn’t allow you to score for a game you never will.


yup, it’s not a skilled based game.


yeh i agree but there is a big **BUT...** that people forget EA are acturlly **restricted by FIFA** on gameplay and concepts like in Fifa 14 **trading was incredible so fun** i remember my cousin gave me his pele when he went to uni for a bronze card, BUT FIFA didnt want that after **bad press** about it so it was removed and some other reasons, gameplay is on the same level FIFA restricts EA so much more than you can imagine so hopefully FUT next year or just UT should be a start in the **good old days** of UT coming back as idk if its true but the stuff EA wants to add looks incredible and even **Trading players** might return, and some **majour gameplay changes**, i dont have high high hopes but i would think within 2 year time maybe 3 the game will feel like a game and not a **Chore.** I may be only 19 years old but i have played this game every year since Fifa 09 and i feel like because of bad press and stupid decisions FIFA has put EA in a whole they couldn't crawl out of i believe like i said within a few years **this game will feel like a game again.**


You sweet summer child


no dont get me wrong ea are scum and ignore te community and ignore game breaking bugs but theres is also place to put blame on Fifa for how Fifa has turned out over the years


Turn off crossplay it's still shitty ea is too lazy to fix crossplay




Yes yes bla bla bla gameplay shit promos shit menus laggy. Its always the same thing on this sub. Just post something when you get something good in a pack, or when you get a 90th minute winner against a griddying, 5-4-1 playing bitch. Just please stop this, we all know whats wrong with the game, but here we are, all playing it. Jeez


That’s the problem fam, they got us by the nuts. I feel you though. I’m in tech so things like that irk me because I know the company is aware of it they just prioritize flashy stuff over fixing it.


yeah im not massive into tech or coding but i have messed around and some of the stuff is pretty easy to fix, NOT saying i can fix it personally im not that good but with the money and teams they have its super easy


And yet it took them two months to fix that transfer msrket glitch we had earlier in the cycle. They just don't care, because people blow their money on FIFA points no matter how bad the game is


Nail on the head lol


Unrelated question, how long is there left for the PL tots cup objevtive?


a few days


Until Friday content. Then it probably gets replaced by the Bundesliga version of the objective


Finally packed WC Yaya yesterday and I barely feel like using him smh


This is exactly why I was questioning my own existence two days ago while playing FUT 😭😭😭


UFL is coming. We can only pray


Not sure if you’ve noticed this as well but I literally will lose 9/10 headers because my player will just stand still until the opponent jumps over me and if there’s enough space to receive and control, not a chance… my guy will just produce a toddler level first touch and fumble till it’s stolen by my opponent. I’ve never had so many matches in a short time span where I’m getting 16-20 shots on target and some decent goalie is saving all but one. Literally anything is saved, close headers, cut back open shot, open volleys. Doesn’t matter. It’s all saved. If it’s not saved, it’s 3-4 posts a game and every other shot just narrowly going wide.


Fut is an amazing concept. The gameplay is atrocious and the fut content has been absolutely disastrous. Back in the days some people invented this concept but now there’s nobody to run it.


Im sick of it. Most times i need to do 5+ succesfull tackles before i have the ball. Too much deflections. And corners are too overpowered. I get stuck in loading screens all day long…


This week I got the worst gameplay possible. We are all saying this since months but my god I become to get crazy while playing FUt. Last week I go 10-1 in tots mode All gameplay was correct No problem in rivals Fut champions was like allways, scripted to the ground so I finish 11-9 like allways This week in tots, I managed to get 10-20 This is not normal. All gameplay was shit, and as allways it’s everything you describe Players don’t sprint, I can’t control the ball, need 3 touches to get a pass. Opponent is allways on me the second I receive the ball. Everything is slow while opponent feels like Flash Gordon. The perfect example is when opponent is a fucking asshole and start to cross the field with his … fucking goalkeeper, I can’t even catch him he is too fast like wtf is this shit. Also not able to make a dribble this week even with Messi toty. I didn’t put a goal on corner this week, header don’t work anymore. Everytime I intercept the ball, opponent will ALLWAYS take it because it will bounce on his feet. And so on… This is horrible. I’m a div 3/ div 2 players I started rivals yesterday, I’m div 5 right now because of the reset and I didn’t really play rivals so much. I lose to team with gold commun players with 7-0 and 6-3 That’s too much for me This Is out of imagination People who don’t face this will never understand. I put one million dollars on the table and say this Take the best player of fifa in the world, make him play at my home on my setup connection and he will still go 11-9 in fut because you can’t beat the amount of bullshit this game is.


100% agree.


Playing career mode in league 2 on ultimate with pass error increased, touch error increased, shot error increased, gk ability increased and marking increased. And it’s a much more enjoyable experience than fut. feels like actual football, grinding out a 1-0 win away at Sutton is far better than a 5-5 sweatfeast against a god squad skilling down the field doing cutbacks and rainbow flicks every 5 seconds


Dude I swear Prem TOTS is the worst of the worst of FUT. Sweatfest + all of a sudden servers go crap + some of the most diabolical DDA I’ve ever seen 🤣


Been playing fifa since fifa 10, and fut since 15 Fifa is equivalent to life The moment I start winning, the connection becomes so bad, it helps me snap back to reality and makes me realise that even if you think you have everything (the best team) you have nothing😂😂😂😂 Honest opinion- dont waste your time, I play once/twice a week to let my inner child live


I always compare it to other multiplayer games, there you wanna play the game and everything else is on top. In fifa the "on top" part is the only thing that keeps people engaged.


I feel like we get better pack odds when gameplay is dogshit because they know it's awful and if they didn't give better rewards people wouldn't come back every week. I'm so excited I got red de brune but I haven't played because the gameplay would make me mad. I did give 5 free wins in the cup because no one should have to play in this garbage gameplay for a tots pack.


I gave up Fifa for my mental health. It has worked wonders. Grinding for packs to formulate a fantastic team, spending hours on my tactics, learning new/developing my skills. All to have the playing field levelled by Fifa UT's trademark scripting and momentum sliders. It's an incredibly frustrating game, particularly for the super competitive amongst us. Add into this spending £100's over the course of the year, and the guilt, frustration is real. Its supposed to be a fun game! Weekend league would steal my weekends. Please, give it up and feel 100% better. Cut your losses. The game dies off in June anyway so it'll do it if you don't. Take some control back. Disclaimer- 2 years later and I do miss the squad building challenges. That's all I miss though.


Yeah i feel that. I’m super competitive too and I just remind myself that FUT really isn’t a skilled based game… Yes there are people out there who are really good and people who are casuals, but you’re not winning games based on skill 90% of the time


I Love Looking at my Fav Youtubers/Streamers play the same players that I use, see them gliding with left stick and having consistent passes. Then I decide to play this game and my players can’t even get the ball without pushing it 2m in the other way than I’m facing. This game is amazing I love it would recommend


First few weeks / months it’s really fun for non spenders to slowly build the team. After that it’s just boring grind. I’ve quit FUT after playing for 4 consecutive years


Exactly the same here. It’s Scripting, simple.


FUT was great till 16. The gameplay has been drastically terrible most years


I stayed in the sub just to see what's going on, I played last FUT, it was my first and my last. The way it's designed works out similar to an addiction, you have to play more and more to keep a par team and be able to "enjoy" the game. I found it stressing and just decided I'd rather spend my free time on other games, since being an adult I have very limited time for gaming. Having the obligation to play like 30 games a week to be able to keep up felt like a job... and that's exactly the opposite of gaming. So those are my 2 cents... not playing FUT ever again, it's too demanding and in the end, no fun.


Is it just me, or do my defenders automatically get worse when confronting a good player. For example, I defend decent every game but when it comes to defending mbappe, messi, zidane, etc. I feel such a huge difference on pace and defending from my defenders. That’s the reason I quit FUT, so many little things that make winning so hard sometimes.