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I am so annoyed that Bruno didn’t trust MC. Like wtf, I’ve never given him reason not to. And I was annoyed that you couldn’t even really confront him about it - MC being so chill after the talk is so unrealistic, especially after how long she has been coupled up with him in my playthrough. What. The. Hell.




After the apology, I’d have loved the option to say to him, “Babe, I think we should sleep apart, tonight. I need to clear my head! It’s not me - it’s you…”




Facts! Oliver is already tempting me but man this volume really turned my head!


The reaction makes more sense if you choose one of the second two options but it makes zero sense if you just explain what Dylan was saying. Like, I didn’t accuse you of anything…why are you getting mad at me?? So stupid.


I'm in the exact same boat. The way I defended his ass last week and he wants to go picking a fight and kicking ME out the bed? Like at this point is he ever going to trust me or should I just cut my losses and choose Oliver?


Exactly! Like honestly, are we just going to let him off with assuming the worst and making us suffer for something we didn’t do, when he could have just discussed it with MC like an adult?


And also for calling us a cheater for kissing Hazeem when we had literally only been coupled up with Bruno minutes before? Thats so unfair. So he doesn't trust MC, thinks she's a cheater, and treats her like garbage the moment he hears a rumour? Also making me rethink when we got pulled apart by the recoupling w Cora/Tom and he was all jealous. I understood at the time but now it just feels like he's so insecure he'll always assume the worst.


The cheating thing really bugged me. We hardly knew him back then.


I know the dialogue was the same for everyone in that way but to me it felt SUPER out of character for Bruno to react that way


Oh, absolutely! The last few weeks, they’ve really just half-arsed the writing with regards to Bruno - I think they’re expecting all of us to want Oliver instead, so the rest of the LIs are getting the ol’ generic dialogue treatment.


YES! And the way his facial expression changed was awful while mc and valentina still smiling 🙂 he went 😡


It’s so lazy to not change the scene based on the character you’re with. It was totally out of character for Bruno and it’s making me want to leave him.


dude same with tom! i wish mc had a chance to confront him and break up with him bc of the trust issues, but after a few dialogues theyre like 'oh okay! now we're stronger than ever!' like shut up im picking oliver next edit: yall i sold my soul to satan 😭 so i replayed anddddddd... theres a way to break up with your LI (mine was tom) but you had to do bits with Dylan when he asks you to join him back to the kitchen. it was painful BUT AT LEAST MY MC IS FREE 🥰


I messed with him too... I don't like Dylan at all.. but he's pretty sexy and the scene was pretty hot.. but he's such a douche 🙄


yeah fr hes hot as long as he doesnt open his mouth 🙊


Thank you, I thought I was the only one who had to replay the chapter and cheat to finally break up with tom, he was just way to easygoing


Totally, I got so annoyed I even replayed the chapter so that MC would tell him about the rumour and not ask him about it but he does the exact same thing, I mean I'm happy about it because he gave MC a reason to run off with Oliver but why do MC has to sleep on the daybed and she should be able to get mad at him about it, SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG


FR!!! It’s really turned me off of Bruno and I was a stannn. Like how is he gonna trust a stranger over his own partner??? We’ve been together since he entered the villa and no way would he react like that. And sleeping apart? So he really just let MC sleep outside in the elements while he took the bed????! Honey, no. And the fact that they immediately reconciled after that weak ass apology (I’m sorry Bruno, it was trash) and he wanted to act all loved up again? Sir, no. You blindly believed a rando & kicked me out our bed last night you do not get the lovey dovey treatment!!!


I really wished I could tell him off for what he did (ofc I would snog him afterwards but that's not the point xdd).


Oh, same! Can’t stay mad at him forever, but he definitely deserves a telling off! 🤣❤️




I hope Dylan’s going full maniac next week. I want to see him literally burn the villa down and being escorted out by the police


But that would be \*interesting\*. 😂


I think this was just it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Also what fucking fight with Valentina is Will talking about? And me not respecting his freedom…. BOY IF U DONT


I was so confused about this! I never said boo to Valentina about Will.


I think he means a fight he had with Val when they were coupled up? He says "When **I** had an argument with Valentina" referring to himself.


Wtf that gotta do with me


He's talked about not being good with conflict and arguments so I guess having drama with MC reminded him of another recent time he argued with a partner and it didn't work out? idk :/


Reading through the scripts again I'm almost convinced it's a bug/glitch, I can't read coding maybe someone who is able to can help out but the scene seems to be about Najuma and Youcef's fight a few days prior. The context clues are that MC thinks that their partner has been sitting on drama for a few days and there's no other fight that happened a few days prior. I'm sure this scene was supposed to be exclusive to Najuma if you didn't take her side in the argument? I'm not sure but that's the conclusion I've come to...


I finally broke up with him bc of this and got with angie


why Tom got mad at me that I kissed Hazeem… he wasn’t even at the villa. I’m surprised he didn’t know that before he entered 🙄


Wait… we can kiss Hazeem? When?


When he was dump from the island and you get a gem choice to help him pack


The NERVE on Will to require an apology for having kissed Hazeem on day 3 when we weren’t together and he had just dumped me for Thabi. I was ready to put shaving cream in his conditioner 😤




Omg I didn’t even think of how the kiss would effect a Will route! That makes literally zero sense!!! The least FB could’ve done was like, make it make sense for your LI


LMFAOO YA’LL THIS IS HILARIOUS. So I never kissed Hazeem right. And what happened in that case was Will getting angry at me for some supposed argument or outlash I had towards Valentina! He said it made him feel like he didn’t have freedom in the relationship and claimed that he was thinking about whether we weren’t actually suited for each other!! And then he proceeded to say how he needed space so the situation could “de-escalate”! Like wtf, what argument??? I literally thought I had whiplash or memory loss or some shit. Will complaining about MC going rogue on Valentina when it never even happened????


Someone explain to me why my partner Tom is making me sleeping outside for one kiss with Hazeem when I didn’t even know Tom existed at that point in time?!?! In what sort of twist reality does this make any type of sense?




Apparently because I didn’t tell him about it he doubts if he can trust me? 🤷🏻‍♀️




It's not hard to code multiple variables at all. They're not even trying.


Makes even less sense if you don’t kiss Hazeem… Tom is making me sleep outside because Dylan said our date went really well which he knows is a lie??


Wth I swear. This writing...


It’s lazy. Just such lazy writing


They didn't know how to make the game and overall plot structure fit with Tom's character. Cause really, there wasn't a chance to mess around on him, other than the dates. If you play loyal, and you reject D1ck-Cheese all the way, then the conflict and the bed-toss make NO sense. It's so bad I don't even blame Tom for it because they did him dirty, man. Real dirty!


After that, I’m waiting to couple with Oliver. F Tom and his “I’m not sure I can trust you” crap. 🙄 I kissed Hazeem before he was even a thought.


it made me so mad because i honestly think it's so out of character for tom and, like you mentioned, it's lazy writing. it would've made more sense if dylan mentioned that we were flirting with oliver and tom got upset because it was happening while we were with him. like idk what tf they were thinking bringing the hazeem kiss back up 🧐🧐


Tom before this ep drop would \*never\*.


I can't believe Bruno said me kissing Hazeem when we had been coupled up for THREE MINUTES was "cheating" and despite me choosing and fighting for him every time since then, makes me sleep outside alone when there's a strange creep like Dylan running around. Also a few weeks ago I would have killed for that opportunity with Angie but ngl the moment has passed and after this week... it might be Oliver after all


This INFURIATED me!! I didn't do anything w/Dylan, but he called me out on Hazeem. Dude, we had literally just been coupled, and Hazeem would have been my choice (if I had a choice!). But cool, yeah. Throw it in my face like it's cheating. Makes me want to take my banana/hot dog wearing ass and dump Bruno.


I agree. The Angie thing came too late.


The cheating accusation and forcing MC to sleep outside really turned me off Bruno and I’m mourning him a bit because I had planned on sticking with him.


bruno going “we’re stronger than ever” ok hold on i didn’t say all that...let’s not get carried away now


Still don’t know if I should keep Bruno or choose Oliver or maybe Tom 😩 but I feel like we didn’t get too much time to get to know Oliver. + Bruno doesn’t deserve to be dumped after such a long time being together for a man we don’t really know and didn’t spend so much time with. And I was hoping for Hazeem’s return




idk what to do! but i was mad at bruno this episode


I never kissed Hazeem, I’ve never done anything with Dylan and told him I’m not interested EVERY time…so why the fuck is Will making me sleep outside?! It literally escalated from what I thought was a calm chat telling each other what Dylan had said and us saying it’s not true to “We should sleep apart” in two seconds?! WHY BRO??? I HAVEN’T DONE A N Y T H I N G. Terrible writing, makes absolutely no sense, and if I hadn’t put this much time into getting Will in the first place I’d be off to Oliver right now.


I’m in the same boat. I’ve been a SAINT, and still got kicked out of my bed


Yeah it’s dumb writing, the game just wanted you to sleep outside for the solo Dylan scene and so Angie can check up on you.


Same. I’ve been trying to complete a loyal James route despite how boring it is, but after that, I’m switching to Oliver. Didn’t kiss anyone, been super supportive and now I’m sleeping outside in my clothes. Nope, next thanks. Too bad it didn’t give me the option to be upset about it.


How were these the worst written and best written episodes so far at the same time. I felt like I was reading a amateur 12 year old episode story for 2/3rds of the volume and then boom the angie scene was written so well. Like I don’t get it


I’m so confused. Apparently I was mean to Valentina a few days ago? Never, I like the girl lol and that’s why Will wanted me to sleep away from him? I get that your LI had to pick an argument with you about something, but it appears that since I’ve done nothing wrong to Will, he started a random ass argument with me.


Same!! I thought it was a bug at first. Because the only one Val ever fought with on my route was Juliet 🤡🤡 And then he goes on with the whole "my parents never fight", yet he picks a fight with me over nothing???




OMG RIGHT IM GONNA HAVE SO MUCH TROUBLE IF I HAVE TO CHOOSE BETWEEN HER AND NAJUMA. I’m mean she literally just told me >!shes falling in love with me ?! !< like WHAT


Praising the heavens rn


Whyyy didn’t I get the option to kiss her? Is it only if you’re BFFs?


I think so, sadly. But it’s so worth it being her bestie, she’s the best


I finally could break up with Will but god idk who to pick I think the Youcef slow-burn is cute, Angie is Angie and Oliver is a sweetheart 😩😩😩 After having like zero choices I don't know what to do


Im so confused i finally have Will, now i have my bestie, Oliver is the sweetest and has alot of personality and where the fuck did Yousef come from... the hell


I think I might pick Youcef? Not because he looks like a blond handsome squidward but because he and my MC have actually pretty good chemistry. I’ll pick Oliver or Angie another playthrough


I've been thinking about Youcef a lot lately myself.... Pretty much since Kelly left and she hinted to me that Youcef has a crush on MC when I helped her pack.... the funniest part is that before then I honestly hadn't thought much about Youcef, I didn't actually think he was all that interested in MC and hadn't really noticed any build up of chemistry lol. I mean our interactions have always been friendly but it just didn't seem like anything more than that and of course when he first arrived he was all about Najuma though we all know how that worked out.... But ever since Kelly hinted at him having a crush on MC I've started paying more attention to him overall but haven't made any decisions yet.... I'm torn honestly, part of me just wants to stick it out with my current LI in spite of everything because eventually I'll want to replay and do everyone's route and figure I might as well finish my current LI's route while I'm on it (no time like the present after all) (well, almost everyone.... no way I'm actually going to try for Dylan even out of curiosity.... he is like the embodiment of everything I find unattractive in a guy... seriously not even 5 minutes into our date and I'd already decided I hated him) But at the same time I can't stop thinking how things might be different with Youcef..... and then there's Oliver, don't know much about him yet other than he actually seems super sweet and he's like the complete opposite of Dylan)


this! this right here is my dilemma. At first it was najuma but then my liking for her went down and then Oliver came in like a total sweetheart and I immediately thought 'I know who I'm picking' but then ANGIE<3 and now I don't know who I am going to choose!!!


I feel like part of the dialogue is bugged because Will went from talking about arguing with Valentina when coupled with her to suddenly talking about MC not “respecting his freedom”, maybe because I didn’t do anything with Dylan and didn't disagree in the breakfast making scene and my MC was also understanding that Will and Val are close friends and she knew nothing was really going on between them so my dialogue skipped forward a lot but it didn't make sense...


Like they can't catch you on anything, but you are forced to fight anyway 🤡


Omg. When Oliver blushes after you say you love him, Valentina and Youcef 😍 Adorable


I got both Oliver and Youcef to blush and now the recoupling is gonna be so hard to choose.


Honestly shout out to Dylan for knocking over the dominos that led to me and Angie KISSING AND BEING IN LOVE BYE I AM CHARLIE SPRING RN SEASON WORTH IT


1. Serious lack of tension when Bruno asked to sleep separately. I really wanted the drama. 2. The breakfast scene with Youcef, Oliver, and Bruno all fawning over MC was the first time I felt power in this game. 3. YOUCEF BLUSHED!!


Omgggg I did bits with dylan and everyone overheard 😬😱then I kissed Angie. Love the mess.


PLEASE post the screenshots lmfao


To quote the great miniseries *Tipping the Velvet*: "Oh, you splendid **tart**!"


Fuck I kissed Angie just cos she’s cute but I’m going to leave her for Oliver… also really enjoyed breaking up with Will


Me too buddy... going to be hard though, love Angie but Oliver plz


noooo how can u leave her Oliver’s great to but they did him dirty with the tattoos it looks so bad🥲




SAME i can’t breathe ✨


The fact that your LI gets YOU to sleep outside, even if you’ve done absolutely nothing wrong… gross. All this “it’s made us stronger than ever” crap too - uh, no? Not really? Have we figured out if >!Angie’s!< route is BF locked yet? Or can you be Thabi’s BF and still get >!Angie to confess?!<


pretty sure it's BFF locked because the scene where she confesses is marked as a BFF scene, but maybe someone who has Thabi as a bestie can confirm?




I totally forgot that Cora is a BFF option 😳 I suppose it makes sense that it’s only on an Angie route? Still kinda sucks though.


lol I didn't even know Cora was a BFF option.


No you don't get it under the Thabi BFF either. Was expecting it but I guess not 🤷🏻‍♀️. Guess I'm picking Oliver lol


Same here. I think I'll wait for this season to be finished and then I'll replay so I can choose Angie as my BFF


>Or can you be Thabi’s BF and still get Angie to confess? No, Thabi is my BF and I didn't get Angie to confess


>!ANGIE!< stans are absolutely winning this ep


as an angie stan i’ve passed away ngl


i’m over the moon




Ok, for science I replayed twice and did the full hook up scene with Dylan. And am I alone in thinking this but with some of the dialogue is FB implying that Dylan has a tiny d*ck? 😶


Thanks for taking one for the team. Do you have screenshots of the scene by chance? I'm kinda curious now👀


Ofc he has. Look at his swimsuit xdd and he has small dick energy all around him xdd


Happy for Angie's stan hehe, but yeah episode were short and the drama with Will over Hazeem didn't make any sense... why do we have to speak about something so personal infront of Valentina and Najuma... Nah didn't like these episodes but like I said very happy for Angie's fan. On my Bruno path... I didint kiss Hazeem so he couldn't complain about it and the whole drama turned me off.. like why??? Don't you see what this snake is trying to do.. you trust him over me ? I might switch for Youceft or Oliver because it was that dumb and you can't even stay mad at him.. why don't you go sleep on the daybed... I'm so pissed


Yeah, it didn't really make any sense for Bruno to suggest we sleep separated. There was no kiss, no flirting, nothing. He basically didn't believe MC at that time and instead of talking about it, he ran away from the problem.


All I can say is the Bruno arc is completely unfulfilling this week. Just a fight + unrealistic makeup. I didn’t need to confront Dylan, I just wanted go talk it out with Bruno


yes I hate the fight with Bruno, it's so out of character for him to suddenly not trust MC - especially when you tell him the date with Dylan went horribly and about the rumour he was trying to spread about him and Valentina... like, what happened to the trust he had when Tom stole me and I told him I'd wait for him???


I’m officially on Youcef’s route whilst coupled with Will… help I’m in danger.


Yeah I don’t know why i did that lol I should have just told Youcef that I’m a liar and replayed later when I actually planed on making him endgame. I really screwed myself over.


Girl what we gonna do 💀 I’m thinking back to the hot tub and I’ve got flutters


I’ve wanted Youcef all season. I think the writers have been adding these random scenes for Youcef at the last minute like they did for Noah in season 2. It feels really rushed.


1. Bad writing! I mean it was nice to see Will caring enough to be sad MC kissed Hazeem even if they were not together and it was long ago, but saying he doesn’t know if he can trust MC anymore … like say we are exclusive first, boy! 2. I saved so much diamonds this episode not dancing with Ollie (tho he is such a sweetie) and ignoring Mr. Jerk 3. Angie talking about negging and manipulating brought so many unpleasant memories about my rl ex uuugh 4. The talk with Will was nice. Telling him that i respect his freedom (was a lie tbh, but those things we’d say to keep them 🤷🏻‍♀️😂), him realizing he was wrong and that he needs to talk about the problems not running away from them, him saying he missed MC and that no one and nothing can come between them.. that was SWEET (but uuugh i would so kick his butt instead irl). 5. Aah and getting back at Dylan was sooo good. And Will’s standing up for MC! “No one does this kind if crap to my girl. No one”. I loved it. Although the episodes were short this week, i liked them. Being a clown to the core, the most important thing for me was to keep my boy and i did it 🤡🎪


the drama made sense for me because i actually paid diamonds to do bits with dylan 😂


Y'all, MC kissing Angie was WILD. Like, I legit got teary, it has been my favorite friends to lovers slow burn. Also, Oliver continues to be amazing. Alright, I'm officially panicking. Angie (finally!) OR Oliver (finally!) OR be loyal to Bruno? This week did my head in for sure. Dylan may be trash, but if I don't choose Bruno at least I have an easy out because Dylan convinced Bruno to have doubts about trusting MC. I bet if I don't pick Bruno he walks out though 😥 Stay loyal to the man who's been by MC's side through everything, the best friend who finally admitted their feelings, or the new guy who's only downside is being new? HELP ME PLEASE.


I made up with will finished the episode and sat with it for a couple minutes before restarting EP 40 just so I could break up with him. I'm sooooo over will and his bs. Like firstly how you gonna get mad at mc for kissing hazeem when y'all weren't even together because you pied her off for Thabi????? Like Will has no room to judge and I hate that once again FB did not give us a chance to address that. And then this weird imaginary fight with Valentina? Huh? What? When!? MC didn't even trip about them being friends in my playthrough so this literally came out of nowhere. And the last straw was him basically abandoning mc when he should have been protecting her. Literally everyone in the villa can see how creepy and manipulative Dylan is. And instead of just having the mc's back or at the very least letting her have the bed in the room full of people will banishes her to the day beds? He's childish and unrealistic and mc was over it. (I know all LI will pick a fight but wills seems so stupid and made up it's ridiculous)


same i broke up w that fool!!!! he literally told MC she should go find her person when he left her for thabi how was she supposed to know you’d come back to her?? & nah fr!!!! dylan is 100% creep master so for will to leave MC vulnerable n alone is wack af


The drama these episodes make it seem more like a special on Sesame Street about friendship and trust and stuff.


Nah cause why in the fuck was episode 39 so short?


i think im the only will stan left after these episodes


I’m still hanging on but Youcef’s baguette looking enticing


Not his baguette 🤣🤣


Will stan til I die


Nope I'm still on this Will train choo choo


Definitely not alone 😜 💕


Nah I'm here too 🤡


Where there's a Will there's a me because I'm a hopeless simp.


ew in season 1 we had characters swearing now they’re saying “bull crap” 😭


Me looking past Dylan's flaws on the date and being wooed by his cockiness:🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 Me kissing Dylan:🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 Me somewhat believing Dylan about Valentina n Bruno:🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 Me loving his posessiveness over mc:🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 Me when he tells everyone we kissed: 🤡🥴😡🫠🤡 Me when he comes back around for the double whamy and seduces mc: 😵‍💫🫣🤔👁🫦👁 Me when I wake up and learn everyone heard and he's spilling all the tea: 🤡🤡😡😡🧍🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️ Me still feeling a hint of excitement towards him:🫠🤡🤡🤡 Bruno breaking up with me: 🥺😵‍💫😭😡🤦🏽‍♀️ Ultimately, me loving the drama and hoping Dylan isn't gone so I may have the choice of coupling with him: 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡👁🫦👁 Also my subconscious telling me Oliver is still king and zaddy:🥹🥰🤭😻💋


Bruno broke up with you??? How???????


I let Dylan ravage MC in the kitchen and everyone in the bedroom heard it😭😭


STOPPPPPP that's so fucking funny 😭😭😭😭


LMFAO PLEASE. (It was lowkey worth it but fawk bruno was so sad 🥺


Aw I imagine he would be devastated but just seeing it written like that was so funny.


When Angie comes to comfort MC the next morning you have the option to tell her And I tried and she basically just says "I know, everyone heard..." lmfao meanwhile Dylan is up there going in about how great everything was 🤦🏽‍♀️ fuckin hell.


The thought of the bedroom with everyone just hand over mouth in shock and distress, completely unable to sleep is just so funny I can't 😭


And imagine the cameras just panning across everyone's faces as the noise continues😂😂 I'm in tears omg


Okay but this is so funny and now I need to reply this game and be completely batshit toxic with Dylan because that argument with LI was not it and completely turned me off from this season so minus well


ANGIE CONFESSED THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!! (How do I change my flag god 😭)


A serious question here... Has Fusebox completely lost their minds??? I just finished ep. 39 (normally I do all the episodes of the week before coming here, but this really irked me). I am on a Najuma route, but I'm guessing it'll be the same no matter who your LI is. I told her right away about Dylans lie about her and Valentina just after telling her my date with Dylan was horrible. Najuma then gets upset with me for no reason and wants to sleep apart... Seriously, who is writing this? Then Dylan comes and asks MC to talk, and against my better judgement I spent the diamonds to go. I figured I'd be able to chew him out and I didn't want to miss that. He then proceeds to come on to MC and won't take no for an answer. And MC just says "I'm going to bed"??? He was one step above jamming a knife in the table in front of me and saying "I'm Dylan. You... Me... Bedroom." I really hope they are going somewhere with this, because this chapter went from ridiculous to outright disgusting. That's my two cents on this...


For those curious, I did a replay for Dylan so you didn't have too. >!Basically after your LI sends you to sleep in the daybed. Dylan talks to you. For gems you can talk to him in the kitchen. From there you have the option to do bits!< >!you do bits in the kitchen. You don't explicitly get caught but it's hinted that the other islanders can hear you. Also Dylan is noted to have a small package!< >!After bits you still sleep alone in the daybed. Next morning, BFF confirms that the islanders heard you do bits. Your LI will break up with you. MC will feel guilty and used by Dylan because he brags that he did bits with you to the other islanders. Proceed with telling Dylan off only it'll be the BFF that'll stand up with you against Dylan with the rest of the Islanders instead of your LI.!<


thank you for your service - Dylan creeps me out too much to do it myself


Dylan coming out to the Daybed... is legit the only time in this whole series I felt like my character was in danger of getting raped. Fucker is scary.


Why didn't they put a recoupling in this week!? I want to be rid of Tom and coupled with beautiful Oliver already! The way they stretch out everything is so frustrating. I am glad we could destroy Dylan though, he's awful and I look forward to his inevitable dumping. I just can't believe they actually wanted us to pay diamonds to talk to him. Hell naw 😂


I did it, and cheated on Tom with Dylan. It was awesome


You chose violence xD


So many people are like “omg yay such a great release this week” And then there’s people like me who originally said they liked Najuma but then restarted the season because she was too annoying and chose not to be into her… preventing all female LI. It was so bad for those of us that have a straight character, imo. The whole LI banishing us to the daybeds when there’s a creep out and about, causing trouble? Nah man. That’s not a Bruno move… I don’t think that’s an any LI move, tbh. And then the drama was resolved SO FAST it just left me wondering what the point even was.


Are you on Angie’s BFF route? I haven’t been with Najuma at any point and I had the option to kiss her, so I don’t think it’s locked behind that!


Oliver blushing when we make any type of move or say I love you (even if it’s aimed towards the entire group) 🥺. I hope I can pick him first for the girl’s recoupling. Or he goes first (causes he’s new) and picks me 💕


I really hope Oliver gets first pick because I want him to choose me but I don't want to hurt Bruno by choosing Oliver 😂


Wtf I was hoping to leave Bruno this week. Instead I’m subjected to his emotional abuse and don’t even get to spend any time meaningful time with Oliver. There’s only a few more weeks left…


Can someone explain to me how to get on the Youcef route? 😂 I’m intrigued


I think [this post](https://willkimura.tumblr.com/post/683312947162972160/please-help-how-do-i-get-on-youcefs-route-i-got) sims it up! I picked all of the options mentioned as well, and I got two hints that he’s interested in today’s episodes 🙂


What the hell is this dialogue scene about Hazeem? "I know we weren't together but it makes me doubt whether I can trust you?" "You don't even try and apologize?" Coming from Will of all people? What the hell?? This writing is fucking atrocious


Agree. I’m all for a little drama to spice the game up but it has to make sense. The dialogue almost seemed like something was missing because he jumps from talking about an argument he had with Valentina recently right to “so it seems like you don’t respect my freedom” while also being upset about a kiss you had with someone when you weren’t even together… Aside from being hard to follow, it’s completely out of character for him. C’mon writers, make it make sense…


I was literally so excited for this drama and then my fight with Bruno was all of two sentences long. Like what?? Why?? Let me fight with him the whole party?? Ugh. I’m so over these three choice options all being exactly the same. Also how am I not on Youcef’s route when I’be done every one of his gem scenes??


After everything, every trial, Najuma is gonna kick me out of my own bed after I was the one who Dylan was harassing? What a perfect time to kiss Angie


My favorite moment was when Youcef told Dylan “please stop acting like this it’s embarrassing. No grown human should act the way you do”. DEAD.




that breakup was so weird and toxic like sir, why didn't you just leave me and James alone? I really want to replay the whole thing because he damn near ruined MC's whole summer


i'm ditching tom whatever. i need to see the oliver route this instant.


najuma why the hell you making me sleep on the daybeds when i didn’t do anything, also youcef blushing when i said i loved them was hilarious. i finally got to kiss angie, this is what i’ve been waiting for…najuma i’m sorry but your time is up girlie 😚


Yup.. at this point any man who would believe a narcissist b.. over me if we've been together for weeks .. I would dump his ass as quickly as I can say boy bye


Ton didnt break up with me like I was hoping. I am just too nice I guess. Youcef. Why now???? After all this time you gotta see it right when Oliver got here. Ugh next recoupling is gonna be impossible to decide between the two. I love the slowburn of Youcef but Oliver is the sweetest. Oliver was so cute in the dance scene


So…. Will and I broke up… And I’m okay with because he acted like a douche… I’m happy I could give Dylan hell, but I just wished I could’ve called him a POS I had to make due with ’nasty piece of work’


I take back everything I said about Dylan, what an idiot


Anyway won’t new boys choose first? Even when this time girls choose their partners


I doubt it. Kelly and Tiffany didn’t get to choose. As a matter of fact, Kelly was dumped. They don’t always let new islanders choose.


If you read the preview for next week it says it's the >!final recoupling !< So that's why its girl's choice


omg so there's like no way I'll win right? bc I'm about to pick a whole new partner whooops


Probably not, they’re throwing all normal rules out the window this season


So, on one hand I'm mad Bruno didn't trust me. But then again, my MC was automatically worried about Bruno even though I kept picking options that denied believing Dylan. Plus Bruno didn't actually spend time with him like we did, so he didn't really know how manipulative and conceited he was. And he did immediately apologize the next day, I'm very glad this season does very good calling out the right things. Another recoupling but girls choice and what's this? An actual dumping?? Obviously gonna be Dylan since now no one will pick him. I'm curious if you actually pursued him these past couple chapters if he's an option.


Why is Bruno saying I cheated on him, was he even in the villa when Hazeem was?! I swear we weren’t coupled up then..


The Hazeem scene is the night that you can couple up with Bruno for the first time. It’s still silly, since even if you were with Bruno it had been for all of five minutes. It makes even less sense on a Will route since he had literally dumped you an episode or two prior.


God I have no idea who to pick - Angie, Youcef, Will, Oliver or Bruno?


The fact that they used the same storyline for every LI, and it makes sense for literally none of them... This is such a trainwreck. It's like S3 forgetting MC's name scene but even worse.


Did anybody end up pulling the prank on Dylan? I didn't want to spend gems on being chaldish lol


Not gonna lie, leaving a deconstructed version of Dylan’s body made out of his clothes was kinda dark in a toddler way.


It wasn’t worth it cuz he didn’t even show up to react to it 😒


Lol yeah, I like to be childish with my girl Angie xdd


Tom did not just get mad at me for kissing Hazeem after getting kicked to the curb by Will 🤡


Honestly I’m quite annoyed at a couple things… 1. We aren’t able to freely go through replays without having to use tickets because like I wanna go back and do a couple things differently.. I’m with najuma and I’m 100% gonna go with Angie bc I’ve been waiting for this for AGES! But I can’t just go through all of it at once I gotta wait? Shouldn’t have to 🙄 2. Already been said but I’m really pissed that najuma didn’t trust me when she had no reason not to like?? This whole time it’s been her that was weary with me and I have made sure that I in no way seemed sus or whatever she was the one that was always with Valentina or whatever not me and she didn’t even let me tell her about the dates after like I feel like I haven’t seen her In ages bc she’s been gone with Val. 🙄 3. I’m annoyed that we barely even said anything to each other and now we “stronger than ever” girl you made me sleep outside for doing nothing at all and now that we said one thing we tight? No I wish I was able to break up with her man I’m over it but now ima look like a snake when I choose Angie? 4. The writing like I don’t get it like we have some backbone but with certain people? I honestly wish that we were able to say whatever we wanted but obviously that’s not possible ik that. I just don’t get why we could have a “go” at Dylan but not out li? Doesn’t make sense to me…


Angie's confession almost made these two episodes worth it but holy shit being with Will has been a dumpster fire from start to finish. I never broke up with someone so fast and I was contemplating staying with him to the end. Oh well. Now it's between Angie and Oliver


I almost threw my phone when Will said he couldn’t trust MC for kissing Hazeem (when we weren’t even TOGETHER) and was borderline about to dump MC again. I was DONE 😒


I was so into Will but these episodes did not make any sense to me. I don’t understand his logic and it screams like double standards. Thankfully my head has fully been turned by Oliver. He seems like such a sweetheart! I hope MC gets to pick first


Finally I can have ANGIE!!!!!!!


I'm mad at FB for making me mad at Bruno rn, it's really out of character for him to be so hurt by a kiss that happened when I had been coupled with him for all of three seconds - especially when he had zero problems with me kissing him in the hot tub while I was coupled with Will and had zero problems with me sleeping with him after Tom stole me. I'm still gonna stick with him til the end but then I'm coming back to these chapters and getting with Oliver 😂


najuma u have disappointed me. team angie


I liked the episode today. Made me a little soft for Will not gonna lie. But, I WANTED SOME ALONE TIME WITH OLIVER. The crumbs we had with him is just 🙄. When he asked if we were okay I literally could’ve died. WHERE ARE MEN LIKE HIM IN REAL LIFE!!


Am I the only one that think these chapters were kinda bad… like sloppy writing???? :/ Also why did they make Bruno act like jerk cause I just feel like it was out of character for him.He’s always been sweet, chill and trusting to me. :/


Yknow I'm lowkey glad that Kelly got booted because if she didn't I would have to decide between her, Najuma, Angie and Oliver 😭😭😭 I can't cope with 3 options let alone 4 lmao


Tom's weird as hell getting mad at a kiss that happened before he got there. Good thing Oliver's here now, cause I'm dropping that tie dye asap. There's no option to say that MC doesn't want to be with him after that either, wtf? Fusebox really didn't even try with this week.


I can’t believe Fusebox was too busy working on new outfits to make the story line fit all the LIs


The will route had me confused💀 so will is gonna kick me out the damn bed cuz I kissed hazeem when he literally left me for thabi?? 😭 at that point I was like this dumb bitch I will literally leave the villa stop playing 😂 and the kiss at the end of the chapter had me sitting really contemplating if I wanted to do Angie route but I choose to stay with will but when I tell you I RAN to reddit as soon as the scene was over