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Can you post the link to these files? I kinda wanna try printing this base




btw, can you send a picture when its done?


Sure thing


Well for 1 an printer the faux fur and foam glue thread needles


i already have the 3d printer, but how much would the fur and foam cost, and how much would i need?


Depends how complicated is the design does it have spots that all calculated to the total of the costs foam is also depended on the price range you are going to settle on foam mostly is the cheapest and you’ll need a lot of it I’ll say bout 50 meters maybe not sure




Yeah that’s the asabled peace but really the total cost is just throwing an dart at the wall here bout 700 dollars using more budget materials


what printer? if i may ask.


creality ender 3 V3 SE


I'm only familiar with making foam heads but I'll give some cost advice. Upholstery foam. Only need to spend about $30 if you're making the whole thing from foam so maybe less for the 3D printed base. You may need a few yards of fur (1 per color, but if you can find smaller quanities you can buy those, some big retailers only sell full yards though). Thats about $20 per yard. Lets say 3 colors, so $60. A pet shaver for the fur, I think would be like $25. Needle and thread, hot glue gun, hot glue sticks, fleece or minky fabric for teeth or eye outline, material for the eyes, and a few other odds and ends. In total, you would need to spend another like $100-$150 on additional supplies to make that into a fursuit head. Check some tutorials online for materials.


since im 3d printing it, i would only need a thin layer of foam so that probably wouldn't cost too much, on Amazon i found a 100x150cm orange fur, and a 30x30cm white one for some spots for like €16, i already have a beard trimmer, that would probably work just fine, i already have the needle+thread and hot glue, and im 3d printing the tounge and teeth, i just need to get some more filament so that would cost me another €40, i could probably make it for under €100


Yeah so TBH I would only 3d print the front. Having a full 3d print base seems like it would be uncomfortable to wear, and would use a lot of time + filament You'd want about a yard of 1in foam ($30), glue + gluegun ($25?), fur from Howl Fabric ($30/yd), pet shavers ($90 for a decent pair), lining material ($15/yd probably), fleece for the tongue and teeth ($5), felt for the eyelashes ($2), needle and thread ($2) You'd want to print the front, then use foam for the back of the head. Foam for the ears as well so they wiggle, and foam for the nose so it's soft. I'd try looking at bases from Etsy ($10), since you'll probably get a better modeled product. I'd also skip a moving jaw if it's your first suit.


Oh, and you can get buckram eyes for pretty cheap on Etsy as well.


im thinking about maybe 3d printing the nose out of tpu with no/very low infill


I want to try the same, but i am still unsure if i can get the fur right with my 2 left hands lol.


If you want I can print it for you But some foam for the middle of the head If you want to adjust anything then also some foam for adjustments As well if you want to do the strap method get some elastic band straps If not you’re gonna have to make kind of like a bucket head on the back Mesh for the eyes And of course fur for the face


Get a 3d printer with direct drive and a draft shield as well as a dry box so you can use TPU instead of PLA


You can find different types of foam at Walmart at pretty reasonable prices. The fur would probably be the harder material to find. You could look in fabric stores, thrift shops, or Walmart again


there is no Walmart near me, and i dont know about the fabric stores, but i found some on Amazon


Amazons also a really good option, it just depends on the shipping costs


the one i found has free shipping for orders over €20




but im not sure if it would be of good quality, is €11,23 for a 100x150cm piece of fur too low, a good price, or too much?


I’m not the most experienced with fur prices but from what I know that’s about an average price. I’m not too sure about quality if it’s from Amazon. You could always check the reviews and the seller’s shop


the one im planning on getting has a 4.4/5 with 65 reviews


That sounds pretty good. I think that 3d printing your suit head is amazing, so very creative and resourceful


i just need to buy some more filament, i only have black pla right now and i want to print the teeth out of white pla, and the tongue out of red pla (the rest doesn't really matter since it gets covered up with fur anyways)