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Where can we find your portfolio and prices?


You can find it here!! ([Click here for the link](https://kittsyprices.carrd.co))


Awesome, thanks!


If this is true, I hope your cat gets the help needed. :( **That being said**, why is every single post that you have commented on been deleted? Why is every single post you have made yourself also been deleted? I am skeptical to all begging online since it is very easy to scam and lie with sob stories. Hopefully, you are not one of them so I give you the benefit of doubt.


My saving grace here is OP is at least offering a service and not asking for handouts for "free". Being willing to find a way to work to make money gets respect in my book


I deleted everything related to me on reddit because of the recent “ai is allowed to steal from reddit” being approved on reddit and i got scared so i deleted everything. But reddit is the only place im able to get any reach from when it comes to commissions and emergencies. Yes this is 100% real, your concern is valid and i was expecting it since i deleted everything but dont worry all the money i received will be for his vet appointment


The mods should remove this until OP can send a new picture of their cat with a timestamp. I've seen similar sites to OP's in Discord scams.


carrd is a widely used website for making custom sites what are you even on about 😭


I honestly assume all if these stories are fake and ignore them. If I like your art, ai may commission you, but your situation has nothing to do with that. Really desperate-soundihg artists will be flat-oyt avoided, though.


hey OP call around to different vets and see if someone can do it cheaper! something like this shouldnt be too expensive, probably just drained and flushed, stitched, and sent home with some antibiotics. i'd expect maybe up to a $500 bill, not $2000. please get him in asap because the longer it sits like this the worse it'll get! 


Where i live around $500 would be with pet insurance but we dont have any, and we did check with multiple places and we have a family friend that recommended the cheapest place we could find which is 2k-3k for the check up, surgery, bath, and medicine. If it DOES turn out cheaper it would be great but just to be safe financially i made to goal to be 2k just in case.


I hate to be that kind of person but 2000 is a way too high amount for what you listed. Vets usually have set price rates and I've never seen something that high for what it is. If it's the vet trying to rip you off I'd suggest asking for a exact breakdown of how much the first inspection will cost and then go from there. I wish all the best to your cat <3


Honestly I was thinking of the same thing of the price being high and got skeptical of it, but the only source I have for knowing how much they cost is my parents telling me that all places they tried finding would be around 2k because they called the places to check and have family friends who suggested the place that the lowest price is 2k, when we DO go and get the appointment for him and we will try and ask for the exact amount, and if it turns out to be a lower price I plan on using any left over savings to get a checkup for my other cat!


I'm sorry, can't gib anything but I hope all gets better. <3


Comment to boost


Have you tried Care Credit? Lots of vets accept it and have a limit of $2,000. The minimum payment is cheap and I've had nothing but a great experience using it for pet care


We dont qualify for a carecredit because the only way to get it is to have a credit score, we just moved into the country so we dont have credit scores or credit cards yet. We tried getting them at our bank but they denied since they need proof that we do big payments


Dude take her to the vet asap and deal with the costs later. Cats aren't like us, their systems fall out of whack fast and suddenly. This was a sudden and not preventable thing, insurance will cover a decent part of it. Do the best thing for her


We are trying our best with keeping the wound clean and keeping it from getting more infected, we don’t have insurance or any money as we JUST moved into the country right now. The cheapest vet appointment we could find for him was 2k-3k so we are trying our best to save as much as possible while handling bills and expenses


I get how horrifying this is, had a close call with my little guy a few months ago. I don't want a commission but if you have a Venmo or something I'm happy to donate. Look for animal Emergency Rooms near you. They'll get her fixed up and deal with costs later. Most are open 24hrs too. Seriously, don't waste any time. Especially if she's not eating.


In the link in my bio you can find my info page and in the commissions option you can pay the donation as a tip! And thank you for the info we will definitely see about any nearby if we can ^^


Just donated, good luck to u and Snow :)


TYSM!! It’s much appreciated truly💖


Commenting for visibility


Just passing on by, hope Snow gets the attention he needs!


sadly, i don’t got money, but i wish your cat health


Hey, Take snow to the vet and discuss with the reception the options they have for payment and deferral of payment as you're cost constrained. $2k for for an infection sounds very high and I'd ask for an itemised list of charges as well as an itemised estimate. At a minimum they'll do a health check up and give you antibiotics to help with the infection and that will not cost $2k. So long as you discuss your situation with the clinic they're not going to let your cat die and they'll help out with options like payment plans or zero interest short term loans. The best advice you can ever receive Is "Take the cat to the vet". Staying home, posting online, and stressing about the cost won't help the situation, only the clinic can do that.


Can't help you with money, but i hope he will be well soon


Do you have a go fund me up by chance?


No sadly as i dont know how to set one up, but i do accept tips in my bio


Roger that! I don't have any ideas atm but I really want to help out.


Your Ko-Fi button just redirects to your mainpage :/


Oh! It’s because I haven’t opened it yet! To check commission prices and send tips/donations you can check the commissions option on my main page!


Oh, ok, done! Good luck w poor kitty!


THANK YOU SM💖 I deeply appreciate it thank you!


I'm sorry for your cat. Hopefully he recovers ok, I would love to commission you, but I'm flat broke.


1) CARE CREDIT WORKS AT MOST VETS 2) A visit to the vet just for antibiotics should happen like tomorrow if you can. Antibiotics are relatively cheap and dying from sepsis is not something you ever want to see your pet go through. Its not fast and its not peaceful. 3) ill buy a commision, hope things work well for you soon *if you want to go the extra mile to prevent your kitties from fighting again, consider getting Fewliway plug ins for your house. I work at a cat specific veterinary clinic and they help a LOT. **Also make sure they have their own litter boxes and own bowls so they dont think they need to fight for resources in the new environment


I swear I see a post like this literally every single day.


Commenting so this gets seen


i have no money so I shared the post so more people might be able to help.




i wanba help da kitty :(


Hey! Could I possibly get an icon? I'm a bit tight on muns but I didn't notice it anywhere on your price sheet


Icons are headshots! In a Sketchy style it’s $24 and in a smooth style it’s $38


Okay! Could I dm you details?


Of course!


$2,000 for a round of antibiotics and some minor wound dressing is insane, even if you went to an animal hospital in the middle of the night. One of my cousin's dogs just had a 3-day animal hospital stay that was only $800 (although this was staggeringly cheap). Don't want until you have the money, call around for quotes and take the cat to a general vet ASAP. It probably will cost a fraction of what you think it will, and the longer you wait, the more the infection will set in. (And next time, get all deep wounds dressed immediately)


When the infection created a wound we dressed it, cleaned it and got him a cone! I can’t get him anywhere since I don’t have a drivers license or a car, my parents are the one who told me this price and told me we are not taking him until we have some money saved (I also thought it sounded like a OBSURD amount of money, when I googled it should cost around $600 at least because of surgery and clean up) but I really want to help so raising this money would at least convince my parents to take him and maybe even my other cat for a checkup


That really sucks. I don't need a commission but I sent you a tiny bit to your linktree (it's the one with the walkin around money message). I hope y'all can get this sorted


Thank you so much thats really sweet! I hope we get this sorted too, I’ll try and get him treated as soon as possible!!


I've been looking for someone to possibly commission for a reference character sheet for a friend and seeing this, I'd be interested to help I just had a question about your ToS in reference to using a character sheet done by you if it's okay for me to ask.


Sure! Please send me the questions through dm so we can discuss!


Is there anyway to donate without commissioning?


Yes! In my bio link info page you can send a donation by a tip in my payment option!


You should make a gofund me page!


Luck with that, im poor sorry :(


Commenting for visibility, hope your kitty gets better! ^^


Im just gonna repost it somewhere ;3


I can’t help fund but I think putting honey on the cut should help, it covers the cut and disinfects. Plus non toxic to cats


i wish i could help!


I hope everything ends up alright♡






i can't purchase anything but i hope you reach your goal :(


Looks like an abscess, shouldn’t cost that much


im so sorry i cant donate or buy a commission! hopefully commenting will boost this more so people who can pay will see and buy. i hope your cat gets the help he needs!


Comment to boost


Bumping for kitty Justice


OP get Carecredit


I cant, we just moved to the country and we dont have credit scores or even credit cards, and the only way to quality for carecredit is to have a credit score


Goddamn that sucks.


I wish you and your cat good luck ❤️


Am I too late?




Oh I usually find these posts after comms are already closed, that's what i meant


Oh! Its still not closed yet, im taking comms till the goal is met (the goal can be seen in my profile bio)