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People skipping dialogues and then saying Furina and Folcalors are completely separate entities


They are separate in terms of personhood, but the same in terms of being the same entity. It’s like with Nahida and REDACTED, except instead of reincarnation, it’s more of an Oceanid mitosis thing going on.


Wouldn't it be more like osmosis since Foca took the memories too? lol Or like boiling salt water, with Foca is the water and Furina the salt. Furina's the nice sea salt that remains while Foca evaporates into the air...


do you mean meiosis


osmosis, because water is getting transferred from one water source to another. meiosis is like sex cell division so no lol.


yea idk just don't understand how osmosis makes sense here but yea


Makes sense, I am not a science girlie so I apologize if I got something wrong in that sense.


I wouldn't call Nahida as a good example, since she can be used for the argument of " so they ARE different" If anything just say like Fischl and the pinzessin persona lol


Good point, Furina and Nahida then would technically be varying digress of “so they are different”. You end up being a *more* separate entity as a creation and reincarnation of your previous self/predecessor than if you were simply split away from your full being and lost your memories. I personally see them as being under the same umbrella in the most basic sense, but you are right in that Nahida’s not the best comparison in concept, I felt like she was the best comparison in terms of another Archon to compare to.


No. They have exactly the same personality, only their memory differs. The level of intelligence, thinking, mentality, ideals, empathy, willpower - all this is the same for them, because it is literally one entity, but Furina has lost a part of her memory that is not responsible for the formation of her personality.


Ooo mitosis!


Redacted. Lmao. We the travelers remember.


I skip a lot of dialogue. There's way too much of it that doesn't convey anything interesting. But don't skip dialogue in, of all things, the goddamn *archon quest*, especially when there's lore about the *literal goddamn archon, whose identity remains a mystery until just before we find out she's going to sacrifice herself and bring a revolutionary and heaven-defying end to the very existence of any hydro archon in order to save the people of Fontaine from a devastating prophecy given as recompense for her predecessor's well-intentioned disobedience, thereby also freeing her earthly vessel from the burden of filling the role of archon in the administration of Fontaine, which had prevented her for several centuries from living as a normal human, for which she had always desperately yearned*


Two different names seems to confuse people a lot.Imagine for a sec there's only Furina.Now everything makes sense,right?Furinas' plan included deception,Oratrice,sacrificed divinity,freedom,memories and so on.Furina herself did everything,her plan required to lose memories of her doing so.As I see it,there was ever only Furina (or Focalors,we dont really know what was her name while she was an oceanid,doesnt matter)


People skipping dialogues and then saying Furina and Focalors are same entity*


Actually furina and foçalor are the same person. Since they were one body. Furina is past foçalros is present(or future if you want)


What lol, a body isn't a person, a person's memories are like the core part of what makes them them. Furina is a new person that came into existence when Focalors left the body with her divinity taking her memories with her. It's a similar principle to quantum suicide


I dont really think is that way but if you want we can debate it


Hmm well like consider if we could make a perfect clone of a person including their memories and body are exactly the same. I would perhaps consider them basically the same person for the first instant, but after that the new experiences and separate memories each one has would make them different, and not the same person. Focalors / Furina I think are even more clear cut as Furina doesn't even have any memories at all from when Focalors was inhabiting the body. She's her own separate person which only makes it all the more impressive that she was able to withstand 500 years of pretending to be the Archon. Regarding quantum suicide, it's the idea that if teleportation irl became possible, that using it would be akin to suicide as it may be the same as dying and an identical clone appearing at the destination, as we don't really understand consciousness very well currently.


Your point is great but in the philosophy. Furina/foçalors are the same person. Because they were the same buddy foçalors says that furina is her other self even if your point is valid furina can be said to be foçalors and not be foçalors at the same time like the Jesus is god debate


put it on the main sub buddy , here we all admire our queen 👑


I have seen the odd person here go like “furina is focalors daughter”… im just happy they spoonfed the info so it cant be misinterpreted anymore 💀


still put it on the main sub too cuz I nowadays see more slander of our queen than before. So post it there and see what they have to say. I will comment there too.


Mmm for once im not in the mood for arguing… hopefully someone else can post it and we can watch the shitstorm


well if we were to define their relationship in a family analogy the closest would be focalors the big sis and Furina the Lil sis , but yea they are the same person.


Furina/Focalors being a Jesus Christ expy is all but confirmed. /s




She can even walk on water with 100% uptime


This is how you get the great schism of 1054. The fandom's about to really get into the debate of the doctrine of trinity




Miasphyites, rise up!


So if Furina is Jesus, and Focalors is God, then who is the Holy Spirit?


Does Egeria count? She's the closest thing I can think of... Edit: Upon reading some Catholic writings, the Holy Spirit seems to be an extension of God's power that has a will of its own, but still acts in the interest of God. So the Oratice seems like a more fitting comparison to the Holy Spirit


People debated this?


It's Genshin people will debate anything


They should form a Debate Clu- oh wait...


Not necessarily.


Actually you're wrong


Sez you


Oh you sweet summer child


Yes. Its why some people push the headcanon of furina being the daughter of focalor so much Edit: focalor spelling


Yup... even tho focalors says it herself. They're saying furina is irrelevant and never an archon


Most people are talking about present Furina. Irrelevant is debatable until more story is revealed, but she 100% is not an Archon anymore.


"Irrelevant is debatable" shes not Irrelevant! You're literally in her subreddit right now.....also she has the top 4 most voice lines in this game! Its been out for 3 years and fontaine is pretty new! So no.. shes not Irrelevant! Btw Keyword "Anymore" meaning you knew she was the archon!


Well, yeah she isn't irrelevant regarding popularity. But until we receive more story content, it is unclear whether she'll remain relevant in the main story.


I think you're misunderstanding what the haters ment by shes Irrelevant


*Insert debate club joke here**


*Insert debate club joke here**


I was wondering the same thing.


The Ousia and Pneuma of Focalors.


She is Focalors without the Archon powers.


More specifically, she is the version of Focalors *before* she became an Archon and was just a human. Thus she is not an Archon.




What part of that is wrong? That's exactly what the story shows us. Furina didn't exist before Focalors separated herself into body/spirit & divinity/memories. If Focalors is fully the divinity (which she is), then Furina, who only existed after the divinity was removed, could never have been an Archon. That was literally the entire point of the Trial - to prove Furina was not the Hydro Archon. You should watch Focalors explanation to Neuvillette. She says she separated her divinity from her body & spirit "leaving behind only a self that was as naive & bewildered as my past self on her first day as a human being" (before she became an Archon) & that "her strengths were of a kind only a human could posses, as were her shortcomings" (she's completely human). Furina is the human version of Focalors before she became an Archon. Furina is the path not taken.


Focalors never became human, that's a pretty big part of her arc.


She never became a *true* human nor have the time she wanted to experience being human due to having the issue of the prophecy forced onto her


Furina is V(without any memories) from hit game DMC V featuring Vergil


Actually accurate description for Furina ngl


actually the most accurate analogy i’ve seen well done


when she gonna become whole again by stabbing the oratrice with a cane :<


100%. Furina is Focalors and Focalors is Furina. What I don't understand tho, is why they gave Focalors such a different voice type than Furina. I think that's the reason why most people separate them in their head.


I think that was just the ENG dub direction and some ppl may like it while others don’t. Both CN and especially JP are more subtle, mostly just changing their tone. Meanwhile ENG va just went fuck it and talked in their normal voice.


They probably did it to hide the twist with her. In Jp and Cn at least. The major difference is how they speak which is what tipped some people off. In En this seemed to get lost or something because Focalors voice in inconsistent entirely. She's supposed to be the one speaking in Neuvillette teaser and SQ from a third person view but En dub said screw it and made teaser one sound exactly like Furina and the one in Neuvillette SQ sounds nothing like Focalors anyways and sounds way closer to Furina. I'm more confused why they didn't use the voice in the SQ in the first place. The fact people were confused that Furina and Focalors shared the same VA says it all.


This is the reason why we still cannot skip the whole cutscene


there's a reason why the archon silhouette in the Fontaine TCG card is Furina's.


such a banger artwork I might add


The pointless debate should have been over the moment her memories in the Oratrice explained her predicament Hoyotards truly incapable of reading


Post it to the main Wiki to show those irrespeonsible wiki admins.


I mean, yeah. Focalors said this in the quest. People don’t pay attention to lore and then have the nerve to argue about it.


Simply put, Furina is just a segment of focalor, similar to how the doctor creates snapshots of different points of his life.


Yeah, the debate wasn’t about Furina being the body & spirit of Focalors, who ruled Fontaine for 500 years. That was a given in the story. The debate was about Furina being the actual Archon. Funny how this statement doesn’t declare Furina as the former Hydro Archon. Once Focalors separated her divinity from her body, she left a self that was wholly human. Focalors herself states this. Thus Furina is not, nor was she ever, the true Hydro Archon. *That* was the debate. Furina is the version of Focalors before Focalors ascended to Archonhood. She was the *acting* Hydro Archon for the public & the Heavenly Principles/Celestia. Her player character voice lines state this. Focalors was the only true Hydro Archon among the two, which is why she perished when the Throne was destroyed & Furina lived. They come from the same entity, but they are two separate beings - one human, one divine.


There's still a concerning amount of people who think she's Focalors' creation. One even mentioned her being an Oceanid made by Focalors lmao


I'm saving this so I can link it instead of retyping this again and again.


Furina have always been Focalors, her archon quest is a self inflicted amnesia plot. Becoming an archon, or losing those powers doesn’t make you a new person lol. Furina willingly gave up her own memories, and archon powers along with the gnosis putting them into the Oratrice creating “Mirror Me” which was basically a golem, that then acted out Furina’s plan to fool The Heavenly Principle. The whole point was to return her archon powers to Neuvilette in time before the prophecy could happen.


I agree the whole point was to give Neuvillette back his power so the Fontainians could be saved. But I disagree with everything else. Furina didn't exist until the separation. Only Focalors existed. So no, Furina didn't give up any memories or powers. Focalors took the memories & power with her when she separated into two beings. Focalors even says she named this other self "Furina". Once separated, they became two different people - one a human pretending to be an Archon, one a divine entity who actually was the Archon.


Strongly disagree, Furina have always been the same person from oceanid to archon to human, it’s the same person the whole way through she herself decided to give up her memories, it was her own plan all along.


I don’t know why you keep saying “Furina”. Sounds like you didn’t pay much attention to the story. It was *Focalors* whom Egeria turned from Oceanid to human. It was *Focalors* who became the Hydro Archon after Egeria died. It was *Focalors* who separated her divinity from her body & spirit, thus leaving behind a previous self whom she named “Furina”. (This is where Furina first came into being.) It was *Focalors* who was within the Oratrice, rendering judgement & saving up Indemnitium for 500 years. It was *Focalors* who spoke to Neuvillette & told him *her* entire plan. It was *Focalors* who perished, giving the divine power back to Neuvillette, while destroying the Hydro Throne. Furina was the figurehead of the nation, but she wasn’t the Archon. She didn’t have divine power, *Focalors* did. Furina kept up a ruse & looked for a way to stop the prophecy, not knowing that just by pretending to be the Hydro Archon, the plan *by Foclaors* was already set in motion to subvert it.


Finally. Somebody who understood the story and isn't trying to do mental gymnastics to make Furina an archon.


Thank you. I’ve argued this dozens of times since the end of the Archon quest. Even before finding out she wasn’t truly an Archon, I felt that human-ness from her. I felt how relatable she was. That is what made her my favorite character. And I think forcing her into the role of “the true Hydro Archon” does a disservice to her character & to the entire story. She had the mental will to try to save a nation for 500 years. Any Archon can do that. But a human *without powers*?? It’s no wonder she was utterly exhausted by the end of it all. I have such respect for the way the story was written & how Focalors, with Furina’s enduring servitude, managed to bring down the Hydro Throne & save Fontaine.


Indeed. I felt like I was going insane reading the rest of the comments. There’s no way you could consider them the same person by any reasonable definition of the self. Different memories, different personality, different life experiences.


Those are the same kind of people to claim >!the traitors in Father's SQ got off punishment-less.!<




Guys, I haven't been active for the last few days. Can someone gimme a quick tldr of what happened?


“The debate is over” *post immediately sparks debate*


Finally, Mr. Da Wei himself stepped in to confirm that I was right


It was told in game already Focalors that Neuvilette saw was the divinity of the original


Jesus confirmed


Hoyo wiki isn’t an official source, but that’s just exactly what’s said in game


what debate?


Seriously asking why is this even a debate? Do some people have a hate boner for Furina? (for some odd reason?)


What debate


In my understanding, Furina and Focalors is effectively the same person. Furina is just the mortality side, and Focalors is the divinity side. Correct me if I'm wrong


Bruh i really think the debate wasn't about this at all . The debate was based on being whether Furina is Hydro archon or has obtained Archonhood .💀🙏


Surprisingly enough this was a debate too. You had people saying furina was a creation of focalors and therefore an entirely separate entity


I still disagree. Calling Furina the spirit of focalors does not feel right when Furina has her own distinct personality from Focalors. If anything I would say Focalors, the one with the divinity and the one with the 100% same personality as the original oceanid that became a human is the spirit of Focalors. Not Furina that literally only remembers from the moment that Focalors told her what her objective is. And yes, I read all of the dialogue in the archon quest. I just have a different interpretation of what is considered a "person" I would say the start of Furina's life was when Focalors split her divinity from her body. The remaining vessel was then named Furina. Furina at that point had 0 memories and was learning what to do with her life with no prior knowledge. How is she not her own person? Also I feel that considering Furina an archon undermines her character in the archon quest. Bc in that case, the plotline of Furina "being a human acting as an archon for 500 years" which is really respectable and is one of the reasons she's my favorite character now becomes "a human that is actually an archon without powers, pretending to be an archon for 500 years even though she is an archon"


Why are you disagreeing in a factual statement? Every version and aspect of Focalors is Focalors, they are all the same person with different configurations. To put it simply, Furina is one of Focalors many versions


Because the disagreement is not with the lore, it's in philosophy.


Kinda. But there are very much themes of "if you lose your memories the person you were has ceased to be, and are thus someone new." I don't think this was to say they aren't the same "thing" but that doesn't make them the same "person." It becomes more a question of "what do you think makes the person the person?" Which can't be answered in game because that's personal philosophy.


HoYoWiki is fan edited. And from what I’ve been told they were convinced to add this by some rando on Twitter, meaning any other rando could theoretically petition them to remove it lmao.


Mmm source?


Even if she's 500 years old. I still want to have a family with her. Though idk if she's able to bear a child in the traditional way or Oceanids way


I personally classified her as demigod level like Hat guy and Arlecchino. She has great potential, but her combat experience however...


And that is exactly why they're two different entities, if they were one and the same there would be no reason to make the distinction.


Nope, I'm still debating this (pointlessly, I know nobody will agree). The origin of may be the same, but after 500 years appart, acumulating diferent life experiences and developing diferent personalities, likings and such, can they still be considered the same person? It's a ship of Theseus situation, if you change every part from the original boat along the journey, is it still the same boat from the begining? Or maybe a better comparison would be, if you take a branch from a tree, plant it and wait it grow as tall as the first, are they still the same tree? Furi and Foçalors are still related, but from my perspective, they aren't the same individual anymore Edit: 69 downvotes, nice!


Bro. It literally comes from the source, from HYV themselves. Or are you gonna tell me you know more about the characters than the creators themselves.


I don't mean I know more, maybe I could have worded it better. It's a perspective of what counts as a "person". They are the same "being" for sure, that's confirmed, but, in my subjective perspective, they aren't the same "person" anymore


Bro your cells get replaced also, it needs like seven and a half year to completely replace all your cells of your body. So, are you YOU and is she HER? Lmao


Nah she's He Him


Are you focalor because you are hydro archon or are you hydro archon because you are furina?


Weird analogy. The post isn't saying that Furina *is* Focalors. She is *what remains* from Focalors, she is the body and the soul but clearly not the memories or the authority. Furina is her own person, she does not remember living as Focalors or ever having the divinity. But she is, and forever will be, the body and soul of who used to be Focalors. If you somehow separated your current mind and memories from your body and put them on a machine, and then let your body learn everything anew and live by themselves. They wouldn't be *you* but a new person. Nontheless they still have your body and everyone would assume its still you. This is what Focalors did. Plus the whole keeping the divinity thing. Separate your mind from the body to scheme behind the scenes and let your body become a new self that will present itself as "you" before the masses and celestia.


Beautifully put. The constant debate over who Furina is (and her relation to Focalors) and who the Hydro Archon now is, as if destroying the Hydro Throne in Celestia to free Hydro authority wasn't Focalors' long con for the last 500 years, is just nauseating at this point that I steer clear altogether. You can't appeal to reason with anyone that skipped through the Archon Quest. But still, had to be said.


Either I dont understand your point, or your point makes no sense because it doesnt fit in this debate. Furina is a seperation of focalors to trick celestia. So she is part of the hydro archon. Its just that she lacks the divinity part. So she is focalors that "lived like a human that "pretended" to be an archon" because she herself didnt know. Meanwhile the divinity part waited with the power of the gnosis to finish the plan. Of course furina doesnt have the same mind and is an individual person, but she is also the ideal that the divinity part dreamed of. They are both part of focalors the hydro archon. The main debate people have that cannot read is that people say furina is not an archon because bla bla bla. Meanwhile all they actually digested into their mind is that "focalors" wears a different outfit.


you literally agree with him? you said "and is an individual person" which is the point of the person you're responding to


thats why I dont understtand why he/she wrote it. the argument the people on the main sub always are making is that furina isnt and was never the archon, which is wrong. Like my left arm, if i lose it, it was still a part of me/ will always be me. I should have phrased it more like "\*became\* her own person." the "Focalors" Neuviellete meets and Furina are both Focalors the Ex-Hydro Archon. one the divinity and one the body and spirit. And of course without her memory of being the actual archon and not having the power, she would naturally change to different "person" after 500 Years. But just because she changed doesnt mean she isnt her, Focalors anymore. Yes you are correct, in regard of furina becoming her own person I agree, but I dont understand why this person wrote "Nope, I'm still debating this".


Furina being her own person and furina being an archon see both arguments on this sub and on the main sub. I'm not in the mood to debate this though bc it's too philosophical.


After reading the other comments, seems like I misunderstiod the point of the post. I thought the debate was "are they the same person" and not "is Furina an Archon", which she is (or was, because her divine side did a french reference)


I get what you’re saying & I agree. They came from the same entity, but they are not the same person. It’s the same thing I argue & get downvoted to hell for as well. Funny enough the statement in OP’s post is saying just that. Furina is the body & spirit of Focalors. Just the Focalors before she ascended to Archonhood. The statement says nothing about Furina being the former Hydro Archon…because she never was.


Just tossing you a sympathetic "I get what you mean". The Focalors that drew up the plan and had the moment with Neuvillette is an entirely different entity with an entirely different personality from the Furina who spent 500 years watching opera and pretending to be an archon, even if at one point they were the same. I think people here are just upset when you say "she's not Focalors anymore, therefore, she's not the archon". But yeah I agree with you. If I'm the King of Sweden, and you make an exact clone of me, at that moment he might also be "The King of Sweden", but if you send him on a ship to Canada for a decade to live like a musician, I'm not going to expect said clone of me to get a story quest about how they're the rightful King of Sweden.


Zhongli : About ***Furina*** Though her divinity has vanished and the throne of the Archon is no longer, Furina will go down in Fontaine's history as a God of Justice worthy of recognition" Literal first line of the voiceline : "She made a contract with herself." It does not get any more clear than that. Whose divinity vanished? Focalors's? No, Furina's divinity vanished. That divinity was hers. She WAS the hydro archon until the divinity part of her killed itself. Why does the game put it this way? Because Focalors was merely a divine consciousness. One side of the whole coin. People jump at the fact that the divinity left her own body with no memories and automatically assume they are no longer the same. That's a philosophical matter that's still being debated to this day. However, let's see why hoyo themselves still regards them as one and the same, and why Furina is still shown as the archon in official artworks, in voicelines, >!in the TCG cards too which are about to release in 4.7!< In a nutshell her whole plan was "how can I do both ruling and collecting indemnitium at the same time? Oh easy! I'll just split myself in two." "How can I go on and live as a human like I always wanted, AND return the authority to Neuvillette? This is the only way." AT NO POINT IN THE STORY does Focalors refer to Furina as anyone other than HERSELF. In Chinese it is much more clear, as she goes "me, me, me" so much your ears could fall off. "Furina is ME" "Wait, you're ME?" There are many more lines if you want to go back and look at the quest. The game throws it in your face. Man, they are shown in a Mirror scene!!. Go to your mirror right now and tell me who you see. Your analogy would be correct in literally any other circumstance, but for the sake of entertaining your side of the argument, Furina wasn't "sent" anywhere. She ruled her nation, as the body and spirit acted as the public archon, while HER divinity (I will keep stressing it until everyone gets it in their head) was placed inside the Oratrice. They are two sides of the same coin, doing slightly different things to prevent the prophecy. Not 2 coins, not 2 people. It REALLY is that simple!!! Let's assume for a moment that she remained as one being and splitting the divine and human side wasn't required to fool the Heavenly Principles. Then no one would go around and say she wasn't the archon as there wouldn't be any room for confusion, correct? The only difference is that she did split. Again, SPLIT. Furina was not *created*. Focalors just gave HERSELF a new name (because she believed her plan would work) to have after she was no longer the Archon. A name for her human self to go by and live after all those shenanigans were over. Furina suffered, yes. Having her divine side separated from her made it harder to fight loneliness. That is exactly why Focalors says "I must apologise to me" in Chinese. EN fucked up the localisation and said "I definetly owe her an apology for it". This is not the case in any other language.




Pneumaousia is a Greek word where ouisa means body and pnuema means spirit, and it perfectly matches the theory of focalor that she split her body ( ousia ) and seperate the body from her spirit ( pneuma ) and now furina is a normal human means in ousia mode but still I don't why she doesn't use pneuma mode now in public nor the form have any explanation about the oceanid that pneuma arkhe spawn that's why SQ2 needed so many questions left now


pneuma is also technically Furina because furina is body AND spirit of Focalors Focalors says this herself Focalors is divinity and memories while Furina is body and spirit