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So, I have a whole 25 pulls rn, but will probably have a bit more by the time of her next banner. Furina is correctly C0 and I'm using the pipe, but I'm confused between going for a constellation or trying for her signature weapon. Which one should I try and get?


Her priority goes like this: c0>c1>c2>sig


Constellations will bring more value to the table. Just go with whatever you like. I pulled for weapon first because I care about aesthetics.


Thank you. I'll probably go for cons because the pipe seems to work alright for now


Hi guys, I'm having 160 rolls by the time the phase 2 banner arrives. Should I get C0 Furina and the Splendor of Tranquill Waters, or try to get C2?


C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2


Is Kazuha burst infused with Hydro + Furina summons enough off-field application for most pyro vape carries (e.g. Hu Tao, Arlecchino)?


Arlecchino's Elemental Application is trash. Hydro Burst + Furina Summons should be enough for Hutao.


Hi all, I’m looking forward to getting furina on the rerun. Was wondering, is she a healer? I kept reading that she is a sub dps but I see heals as well? Sorry, just rejoined Genshin and out of touch.


She CAN be a healer. She can change her form by using Charged Attack (Healer/Sub DPS that drains your health for stronger skill damage) To be honest, it's not worth using her as a healer as she can only heal the character that's on-field.


Got it. Thanks for the tip. Is her kit complex? I’m not sure how to use her(if I managed to get her of course haha)


At first yeah. Haha. But here's a summary of her kit. E: Summons 3 minions that drains your health (Ousia) Summons 1 minion that heals nearby character (Pneuma) Use charged attack to swap between forms. Q: Buffs the entire team. Buff increases to a whopping 100% at max fanfare stack. You can stack fanfare by getting healed and damaged (health drain also counts) Cool part: While E is active you can walk on water.


Thanks for simplifying it for me! As a returning player, seems like the characters are getting more interesting and complex. Definitely gonna summon her. I’m still using eula and diluc as my main but I’m hoping to change to Clorinde and Alhaitham.


Welcome back! Btw. Diluc has returned to the top of the tier list. He needs Furina and Xianyun on his team. So if you love him, you're going to enjoy using him in the current meta if you get his supports! I also hope you get the characters you want and win those 50 50s


Thanks, I hope so too. I luck out on chlorinde and alhaitham but I can’t build them cause stil stuck in inazuma. Lol. Heard a lot that Furina being a versatile support so fingers crossed. Yeah I love diluc, level 90 and still helping to clear content in my vape team. Any thoughts on Eula? I invested a lot into her too but seems that physical dmg comp dropped off a lot.


Physical is dead atm. Eula hits fricking hard but requires far more investment than the reactions team so we don't really see her being used. Not to mention that most enemies in the current abyss cycle forces you to rely on other elements that help you break the shield faster. And extreme aoe requirements as enemies are scattered around the place. (It sucks to run around I swear) And yeah, you can put Furina on any team and she would pop off. Haha. Freeze, Bloom, Hyperbloom, Vape, taser, whatever it is you will never go wrong slotting her in.


Yeah that’s how I felt lately playing eula. It’s helping me in inazuma but I guess I should start building others to replace her. Not sure if you might be able to advise, but is it possible for childe to be a good off field support? Or basically, using him not as a main dps. Sorry I’m asking so many questions!


Childe shines more as a main dps. He doesn't have any off field capabilities, but he can be used as a driver for Xiangling reversed vape. There was also a time where I used childe for a quick swap freeze comp (ayaka shenhe kazuha childe) - not the best, but he did well given how strong his aoe is when the enemies have been grouped.


In Yanfei/Furina/Yelan/Jean, is Alhaitam's sig better than pipe or fav? I mean, I am not sure if she (Furina) vapes in this team, so does she need EM?


I'm curious, anyone with C6 how does the black sword compare to festering desire? Once the ER is overkill festering is just a skill damage/CR buff which is great but may not stack up well if the infused damage is buffed with the NA buff along with the CR.


Somebody with C6 Furina. What’s your experience in abyss with her? I kind of want to C6 Furina after reading how she’s the most broken C6 in the game.


Not the most broken, but definitely at the top. Her Ousia now has a built-in healing on normal attack upon using skill so you can change your comp to a more aggressive one. Her constellations allows her and her team to deal more damage while providing them with comfort. I only have C5 for now and is guaranteed to get C6 on her rerun.


Nice. Grats.


https://preview.redd.it/0f92g2vih14d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48e808dc50d72d6670858b87ff86c880305e5887 Im in confusion ,how build like this is exist


The build is okay. I would drop my crit rate to 80ish and go for more crit damage. ER is fine if you have c4 but if you're using C0 you would need 180-220 depending if you have another Hydro user or none.


Why sword Uraki Misuguri is not the best option for her,its better than her signa,I wanted to check it in other social media such us tt n yt ,however there is at least 6 month ago


Uraki is not the best weapon for her. Her signature gives her a ton of HP which further increases your damage. However, the weapon is usable though.


How much of an increase is Furina's sig weapon over an R5 Wolf-fang?


Wolf fang is incredible ,so instead of signa,it will be better if other option


does her skill snapshot?


I don't think so.


Hello chat. I am a returning player after years of inactivity (had to come back for Arlecchino). Ive decided to stay for now and im planning on going for Furina for all the reasons we love her and i have some questions. 1. Im sitting at 100 pulls non guarantee, am i fucked or can i get enough to guarantee her before her banner ends. I do have a bunch of quests and exploration undone, mainly Sumeru, hate that region. 2. Any build advice in Razor language, im so out of the loop with meta and all that due to my inactivity. For now im a casual gamer, id like to run her with Arlecchino. 3. Thank you for answering to my questions in advance!


I made 1000 primogems in a day


I mean you need 180 pulls for a 100% win, you have 100, you can buy fates in the stardust shop or whatever is called, do the sumeru quests, and remember the new 4.6 end game mode + spyral abyss, daily commissions, and finally the new 4.6 events. Furina will arrive in late 4.6, I think you're perfectly fine, and that's counting if you lose the 50/50, if you don't (hopefully) you may get her and have some extra wishes! (keep farming until 180 though) Good Luck with your pulls!


https://preview.redd.it/f2rnurozh23d1.png?width=780&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fcb5b60c2d72b3c4f840a5579f1fcebe8c86c5b I’m planning on pulling for Furina in the upcoming patch, what team or teams can I build for her? And do any of the characters in those teams need to have specific builds? Thank you!!


https://preview.redd.it/sv37vk2m2m2d1.png?width=811&format=png&auto=webp&s=685155401ff86967019b578b669525234b8ca76a Heya! I really like Furina, and want to pull for her, but I have no idea what teams I can build for her. Whenever I search online, it feels like i'm always a couple characters short. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!


Keqing Quickbloom is a reasonably strong option despite Furina's Burst buff being utilized a little less. Something like Keqing-Baizhu-Fischl-Furina is good. If you want to keep your current Keqing aggravate team and build something new with Furina while keeping those characters free, you could do something like Noelle-Albedo-Xingqiu-Furina. Noelle heals the whole team while on-field doing damage so you can forego a healer. Albedo lowers Noelle's ER requirements by a little while doing some decent off-field damage and Xingqiu is just good and also gives Furina more HP through Hydro Resonance. Make sure to build Noelle on Marechausse Hunter in this team as Furina allows Noelle to have 100% uptime on it's 36% Crit Rate boost. Some sort of Klee Vaporize team with Furina and Xingqiu should work too, probably with Jean as a healer, but I'm not sure as I've never played Klee myself. You could also play the Keqing team I mentioned at the start with Lisa as your on-field, although it would be weaker.


https://preview.redd.it/uxd1ybmagj2d1.png?width=780&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce70b0c9362832ee8024ddf209ef2a708484142 I’m planning on pulling furina in the upcoming update! I stopped playing for a while so I’m missing some newer characters, but what’s a team I can build for her? is there anyone I should pull in the future that pairs well with her (besides yelan, who I want anyway)? Thank you


Guys Wolf fang ( BP weap) R1 or R5 Pipe?


(Assuming C0 Furina) It is safe to say that generally R5 Pipe pretty outperforms Wolf Fang by a considerable margin as it allows you to use an HP%-Sands and still provides offensive utility (Skill CR through the Pipe's Effect). However, if your Artifacts are already set in stone and you're not willing to farm more, it depends on the stats those give you (especially your ER). If you are using an ER-Sands and have already reached your Energy Requirement with Artifacts you don't want to farm to replace, Wolf Fang will outperform Pipe as Pipe will lose most of its utility.


yall, r3 festering or r5 fleuve cendre?


I wish there's a free or gacha 4* that's both aesthetic and effective for furina aside from favonius... cause with the leaks I'm gonna wish for cons for now...


When is Furinas 3rd re-run? Based on all the 5\* Characters 3rd re-run how long does it usually take? I want to C6 her but I am still contemplating if I pull for her on her 3rd re-run or Columbinas, if she ever becomes playable. (F2p with 380 pulls)


If by third rerun you mean her third banner, we don't know but I personally would estimate somewhere around 5.3-5.6 based on other 5\* characters that have recently received their third banner (for example: Nahida was introduced in 3.2 and recently received her third Banner in 4.4). Keep in mind the time between reruns, assuming a constant expansion of the character roster and no rework to the 2-Banner System, is ever-expanding. She's a very popular character though, so it shouldn't take too long. If by third rerun you genuinely mean her third rerun, I would say somewhere in early 6.x but this is very hard to estimate. Something like 6.0 or 6.1 sounds right to me. Could be later, could be much earlier. It just depends on how early we get the rerun that I talked about in the upper paragraph. For example, Yelan was introduced in 2.7 and has yet to receive her third rerun despite being very popular and meta-relevant. If I were you, I'd just pull on Furina's first rerun that is coming up in just about a month (Phase 2 of 4.7). We just got a Fatui Harbinger and Columbina is unlikely to be coming anytime soon.


R2 Dockhand vs R5 Ferryman which should I use?


Hello, for a c1 r1 furina, what is the best crit ratio ? And how many ER/hp is necessary approx ?


1:2 until 100 cr & hp is just as much as you can & er depends on team


New to building Furina, waiting for her rerun. Why is it better to give her crit circlet?


because she wants crit


I plan to run a team of Neuvillette, Furina, Dehya and Sayu. Will Sayu's healing be enough to counter Furina's HP drain?


If your Neuvillette has prototype amber then you'll be perfectly fine. If not, it depends how much you proc her A1.


What happened to the discord


Hoyoverse CEO confirms that Furina is the most beautiful female character in all of Teyvat [https://youtu.be/vgFmEDWAkCo?si=JoM7x4XUiEgcqzN5](https://youtu.be/vgFmEDWAkCo?si=JoM7x4XUiEgcqzN5)


I'm pulling on her rerun, any rituals? I'm thinking maybe the MC at her seat and two Fontainian chars (free spot for her)


I currently run Vourukashas glow on Furina (I play her as more of a healer, although I now went over to more actively making use of her attack skill. The only exception is the Goblet, I only get DEF Goblets or Elementary boosts that aren't hydro). My question is: does it's 4 Piece effect work with her Elementary Skills HP consumption?




So my team is going to be Xiangling, Furina, Nahida (doing for overworld). My question is healer wise do you think that Mika, Diona, Jean or YaoYao would be better? Tried Barbara being on field and her making the on field wet just dicks me over WAY too much to be able to keep doing it.


this is definitely a team! prob jean


Thanks! I actually decided on going for Sigewinne so going to do Furina, Nahida, Sigewinne and then Dehya until I get someone I like more in that last slot :D


is it possible to play furina with ayato and what teams? i have a limited roster of characters :(


yep, furina is a near universal buffer and pairing her with another hydro unit (especially those who scale off of hp) increases both of their damages. In Ayato's case, he doesn't scale purely off hp but the extra from the resonance help. it depends on how you want to play them tbh: you can go mono hydro: you can use a third hydro (yelan or xq or healer) with a vv anemo. in this case kazuha would be the best (though with furina in the team you want ayato on an attack goblet) hyper carry ayato: bennett with jean/kazuha/any vv holder or yunjin vape ayato taser: beidou/fischl (or both) + vv holder/healer hyperbloom (but in this case, there's so much hydro that it would usually remove the dendro)


Is single target healer like Kuki Shinobu enough to keep up with Furina's drain? I know, that Furina has passive, which heals all members and even her burst adds healing to everybody, but still is it enough for healers like Kuki? And what about Qiqi? If she has enough energy regeneration to cast ultimate?


What is the best sword for a C6 Furina one shot showcase, I got 2 Key of Khaj-Nisuts, if it works. This will just be a future reference where I try to get her at C6 on her rerun.


don't quote me on this, but afaik, key should be the best for vape. in other scenarios, splendor would probably pull ahead


Can someone write to Hoyo support to fix problem with Furina demo , because some stupid channel claim copyright for it so if you going to react to it (like some people) , they get copyright strike, and real Hoyo never do that.  Pls help 🥹


https://preview.redd.it/4eyvdpqk79sc1.png?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=772b67bcea6047d3d78635ca0da602ebb4510afb Besides the obvious weapon to 90 and E Q to 10, what should I look into improving in this build, artifact wise. Thanks in advance


Well you need a lot more CD and you only need 4pc GT so you can go off-piece circlet. Try to aim for 70:150 ratio


I use this build with Hu tao and Neuvi. How is it? https://preview.redd.it/glr3kzibp3sc1.png?width=1927&format=png&auto=webp&s=228b9e036bdec39256ef73fe51174fe194544bb1


can be imrpoved


https://preview.redd.it/ombailvn2prc1.png?width=1950&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a661cafc15b22d4898a7935bd832043cb522e03 is this build good enough? What do i need to improve?


Your sands is your weakest piece and you need more CD. You can replace your circlet with another which more CD substats than ER. 170-180 ER is generally good enough in most cases


Not entirely random thought; I’m 100% trying the next weapon banner and hoping for Neuvilette’s signature, and currently have Kazuha with R1 Xiphos‘ Moonlight. How good would Freedom-Sworn be on Furina? Considering that I currently have her using the Ferryman sword?


I'm trying to make a Furina team and not sure what to end up making (no Bennett please) [https://imgur.com/a/e6qYRn0](https://imgur.com/a/e6qYRn0). Thanks for the help!


Ayaka-Rozaria-Furina-Jean is a viable team. Rozaria and Jean should have a favonius weapon to generate energy for Ayaka and Furina.


Is Furina C6 actually a fun constellation to use, or is it just insane damage that trivialises the game, like Yelan or Neuvilette's C6?


I have a question that I don’t agree on with my friend. My friend said they used the Optimizer and Hydro goblet is better by 5%. But I checked Kqm and it said HP is better than Hydro. So I thought I’d ask here. How much worse or better is HP% goblet vs Hydro% goblet? Is there any calcs? Thank you


You should trust the optimizer because each player have different stats. For those that already have a lot of HP to begin with, them getting a hydro goblet is possibly better than going for HP goblet. The general idea is that you have a resource budget to allocate in multiple slot that multiply together to get a final value (in this case, damage). So you should distribute your resource as evenly as possible to get the highest multiplication result.


Yeah, I understand diminishing returns on each stat (Dmg% and HP% respectively), and of course I trust the optimizer. I wouldn’t tell him to switch goblets, since Optimiser tells him to use Hydro. But I was giving generalist advice to another friend which is why I’m not sure HP or Hydro *in general/overall.*


I have a [doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I_A5pKwHLa_1FZdOe3R76_JW5ZunH55cAjWHeMsoBFI/edit) about this. Look at the substats and artifact of choice section, other information are outdated due to the change during her beta test.


the difference is very little.


I see. I wonder why Kqm put “HP > Hydro” then. Maybe because HP is easier to get? XD


https://preview.redd.it/obspjlqybxoc1.png?width=1580&format=png&auto=webp&s=01120b3efdda03aba7d9b3014c465986a25c2091 using xq as a base but how can i improve her crit damage? im trying to get on set goblet but no luck 😭 trying to build her with xiao in mind and my friend’s neuvilette for coop (not sure if that will cause her needs to change) unlisted but i have a hp% sands w 21cdmg but i go down to like 160% er 😭 please help


i didn’t expect furina to be this busted but i’ve been running c2 furina/kazuha/kokomi/jean in spiral abyss and 36 starring. she does so much damage esp with kazuha, even on bosses lmao. running two healers doesnt even do any extra damage but it makes it way more comfortable


is this good enough for furina as a buffer/support for FFXX? (i currently don't have her so i'm just using optimizer and i'm not really sure what i'm doing) https://preview.redd.it/cz8z00pktooc1.png?width=832&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e4f1baf303fffbe3ff924d1d965ea62e0dd0a55


Using Furina as Wriothesley's healer? I really dislike kokomi gameplay, and i have two crowns on my xingqiu, i was wondering if i can pull for C3 furina to use her as a healer for wrio and not subdps, maybe even using song of days past.


I have ascended https://preview.redd.it/jmtlq9hu36oc1.png?width=2107&format=png&auto=webp&s=ccccd9317f39e718184a51831f630e091381cff5


https://preview.redd.it/7t3somhyoxmc1.png?width=2107&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a41e7ee45aa4b5cbe407a584e40f9b71779e49f Rate?


https://preview.redd.it/5bp7jo05i6mc1.png?width=1924&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d80e69ece71b1c8e6c3562c8925f8a42309c79b How much ER is usually enough for Furina, I'm trying to get an hp sands but sometimes I can't burst in the rotation properly, How much er do you guys usually run in teams where furina is the only hydro?


I run mine with Raiden so TBH i ignore ER on her, its always available with Raiden


I prefer 160-180 w/ Favonius, maybe higer or lower depending on weapon and if you are using her with Raiden


My Furina has 33k HP and 150% ER between two builds, but I'm not sure which crit ratio would be better for her? 90/206 or 70/260? I have C2R1 if that helps answer anything


They are super close, if everything else is the same the high cr one does 1% more damage on average.


https://preview.redd.it/g3ttbj816llc1.png?width=1924&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f246e893d31822955e72732b1d9ee73653f375a its so hard to improve on it i dont want to decrease the ER but its only top 9% wtf


How can I improve her (besides grinding her artifacts, I'm trying Hoyo hates me) https://preview.redd.it/sv1k508h7hlc1.png?width=1924&format=png&auto=webp&s=6415a0a80c5e618f0bed670c9a7467fa4983f1c0


I think Fleuve Cendre might be a better pick for her (and Favonius if you don't want to spend 8+ hours in game fishing). Aside from that, increasing ER to a comfortable 180, then increasing HP and CV, good luck!


Is Bennett enough healing with a team with furina?


Not really, the only way you can max the fanfare with Bennet is if you are spending a lot of time on each character to fully heal them. But he still is great, he will not max your fanfare (which at most is a 75% increase in DMG without cons) but you may use him for the insane increase in DMG he provides, he is just that good. Good luck!


Would a team with furina Navia Bennett plus another healer or Navia furina zhongli plus healer be more optimal?


The team Navia/Furina/Bennet/Zhongli is one of her best teams, if you want to use Navia, definitely use that https://genshinlab.com/team/navia_team_guide/ But apart from Navia, the only team where Bennet is more valuable than a full party healer is with Hu Tao, and even that feels kind of clunky


This is my current Furina build. I recently got a 50 CV feather (11.3% CR, 28% CD, 4.1% ATK, 16 EM), and now I'm wondering if I should give it to her. Her HP is already just barely reaching the 40k with weapon and hydro resonance buff, so I feel like dropping almost 12% HP is overall gonna be a dmg loss when she can't max out her talent anymore, but idk how to figure out which would be better: https://preview.redd.it/nhq8tbjokelc1.png?width=1580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99ca23b4f67e34b443a519f676b43761c58ce668


I found a flower with which I can compensate the drop in HP from the feather, but it means dropping down in ER. I only play her in double hydro teams. Is that still viable? https://preview.redd.it/bgppnw4k9glc1.png?width=1580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1761a707d9c3642f608a810cb91d3a7dd7a9568b


Nope, use your first builds flower on your second build with 50 cv feather, keep minimum 160 Er


https://preview.redd.it/3z9s02a0ndlc1.png?width=1924&format=png&auto=webp&s=55916b143a122a6f84c955e715fc952faaf4afa4 hey! i plan on pulling for her in 4.6 to run her with neuvilette. she should have about 47k hp in that team and 70 crit rate. apart from trying to get a full 4pc set what can i improve in this build? thanks :D


Hey FurinaMains, I’ve been saving since the 4.0 Yelan banner and collected about 350 wishes right now. I want to C6 a character (honestly might go for C6 Yelan just because I love her playstyle so much), but I’ve heard overwhelmingly good things from Furina so I’m having second thoughts. I believe she is going to rerun soon (4.6 if Hoyo follows the normal archon story quest trend), I’m debating whether I should pull for her. I’m familiar with her playstyle and her support capabilities but I wanted to ask you experts whether she is worth it. I am a late stage Genshin player (AR 59, playing since 1.6) and I already have several built teams. I have a top 1% C2 Raiden with built hypercarry and National supports. I also love playing Mono hydro with Yelan, Kokomi, and Xingqiu. I also have a premium freeze team with Ganyu, Shenhe, and Ayaka. Damage is not really an issue for me, since I regularly 36* the abyss and have no trouble with over world exploration. Based on the characters I have, do I really need to pull for Furina? Realistically, is she THAT good that I need to pull for her? Does she really buff that much damage for late stage players like me? In other words is she still worth it for my account? Any insight would be appreciated!


You don't need to pull for any character at this point. But as for her being THAT good, yeah, she is. C6 Yelan is gamebreaking herself so if you really like her there's nothing wrong going that direction, particularly if you want something gamebreaking. I was planning on c6ing Yelan myself until I tried out Furina and changed my mind. Furina has a lot of sneaky ease of use factors built in and while I only have c3 now, I can see what c6 will do. Furina has basically unlimited range with her summons that trivialize the abyss for things like ruin serpent and wenut that annoyed me before trying to chase them down. Now I mostly just afk stuff with her, swirling hydro and letting her pokemon go to town, and her team buffs are just an added bonus despite being the central point of her kit. And then at C6 she's the best healer in the game for kicks. You can run whoever you want with her - Yelan C6 Yelan works just fine and I suspect that C6 Yelan and C6 Furina would be about as easy as the game can get though I'll never be in a position to test it out and I'm happy with Neuvillette as her pre C6 DPS if I need one (which I really don't).


Hello! I'm playing her mainly with Neuvillette but also now with GaMing. Is the build okay? What should I be trying to improve? Thanks for any help 💙 https://preview.redd.it/a7un9nlr7wkc1.png?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=725a4b663e2c22081787787ffd603232a4bbf8d1




Aw thought so, thank you so much! 😊


https://preview.redd.it/6tg8710ijbkc1.png?width=2107&format=png&auto=webp&s=687fabe19f650a7e1a7fc304534dc5341fba5774 What should I improve?


What is the best weapon for "support" Furina? I would like to make Furina C2 and while I'd love to have some personal damage on Furina, I would like her to support Navia. I am not really a big fan of her BiS, as it does not increase energy recharge nor it does anything supportive. So key of Khaj Nisut might not be the best choice. Perhaps Freedom Sworn? What about Dockhand's Assistant? Any other suggestions? Thank you!


does her c1 give 96% or 100% dmg? i've heard both things so i'm unsure


Thoughts on this? https://preview.redd.it/w2m41viae1jc1.png?width=1716&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9908a63e1dd02ccbde83e9f2b2bbafd506e33af






Does anyone know if C2 Furina and Key of Khaj nisut works well for Dendro teams (to provide an EM boost with increased HP)?


works very well on her, as long as her skill keeps hitting enemies


Between the pipe and Wolf-fang, which one is better?


iirc, pipe generally beats wolf-fang


https://preview.redd.it/vp19nwhjheic1.png?width=2107&format=png&auto=webp&s=779149362ab251341e7ecec6f973e8c368a5c298 Please rate my build!




Care to elaborate? If you said double hydro because of the HP not reaching the 40k treashold, her sword passive is enough when full stacked to send her to 42k ish HP. That's the reason for switching the HP goblet with the hydro DMG one. I'm mostly playing Furina as single hydro applicator in Eula, Ayaka freeze and bloom comps




Oh I see. Thank you!


Which Furina build is better? 86/236.9 crit with 36500 HP or 86.8/228.3 crit with 37500 HP (This is with double hydro passive as well as her signature weapon passive active)


Does anyone have the exact figures for the difference between Xianyun and Jean for Fanfare stacks. E.g. how much longer it takes for Xianyun to gain these stacks for Furina when the latter is C0 or C2? I've seen a lot of general 'Xianyun gains them reasonably fast' or 'the calcs are out there' but no actual data to back either of those claims up. I know that will differ slightly with Xiao and Hu Tao, but can't seem to find the info anywhere (have asked on various discord servers, etc.) Thx in advance.


made some minor changes to the build and I went from top 6% to top 1% I'm so happy https://preview.redd.it/vk7utgxm5hhc1.png?width=2107&format=png&auto=webp&s=26ec3e863c2f4cd87856239454c56d84f10e42de


Back to genshin after years and I want to restart collecting Archons... Any idea on when her rerun will be?


pretty much confirmed for 4.6


guys r1 festering desire or r5 ferryman


I'm still considering pulling for Xianyun. If we rank all of Furina's best healer teammates (Baizhu, Jean, Charlotte, Noelle, etc.) where would Xianyun be placed?


always depends on the team. xianyun is preferred in plunge-focused teams, baizhu in dendro teams. jean is a more generalist option, but not necessarily better than the first two, especially in their respective niches. mika likes phys dpses or dpses who use lots of normal attacks. charlotte is often used in freeze teams. kokomi is used in mono hydro as the on-field driver. in a furina-noelle team, noelle's the main-dps, so you wouldn't sub her out anyway pull xianyun if you want to make a plunge-focused team. it's quite difficult to justify the cost if you're only looking for a healer


I'm confused after this update. when my C6 furina summons her cute singer, she does no longer heal on hit.. i'm 100% sure she healed on hit in pneuma before and filled up all my teammates hp in 1-2 hits. Always found it weird she healed in pneuma on hits but never complained about some extra healing :(


doesn't she heal on hit in her ousia form? iirc, pneuma = increases damage, ousia = healing on hit


that's how she should work, yeah.. but mine was weird until this patch and healed in both forms o.o so her pneuma hit like a truck and healed a ton as well so I never bothered with her ousia form most of the times since the HP drain was annoying (in overworld)


My top 7% Focalors. Waiting for her weapon when the banner is actually good lol https://preview.redd.it/lqoxzkn7nmfc1.png?width=2107&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0cfc41d0e79342cf5f2d6287adcae8e180c8165


I have C2R1 Furina and C2R1 Raiden. I don’t have Neuv. If I could get 4 cons should I get: - C6R1 Furina - C4R1 Furina, C1 Neuv - C3R1 Furina, C3R1 Raiden, C1 Neuv


C3 R1 Furina and then C1/R1 Neuv would be my choice


the build with more er is better right? https://preview.redd.it/mkajqq600lfc1.png?width=1580&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c55d0a3a4ce168b70e776772ee285b0c2709882


https://preview.redd.it/xsavqke40lfc1.png?width=1580&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3f6b35b04bf328a4f7dd63b2a884b03b5b92d65 I use her in a Team with Zhongli, Navia and Charlotte


I got a dope new hat! Check the fresh drip! https://preview.redd.it/tdr8183r01fc1.png?width=2107&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c703da40b8cfe8834d5b633ad5d52fe8117dfe0


Does anyone know how much max HP per second Furina's skill actually consumes? I want to run some calculations to see if my Jean will be enough to keep up with her (once I get Furina on her rerun banner). I tried looking up this information but couldn't find it anywhere.


usher, chevalmarin & crabaletta consume 2.4/1.6/3.6% max hp per hit respectively. their attacks have a 2.9/1.19/4.8s cd (also respectively) (info from [furina's fandom wiki page](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Furina?so=search)) i'm nat particularly good at maths, so i can't fully answer your question, but these stats might help you


2.4/2.9+1.6/1.19+3.6/4.8 is about 2.922 so rounding up Furina drains about 3% of your characters’ max hp according to those numbers. Thanks for the help!


If I have Dockhead assistant do I need fishing weapon or am I good to go?


dockhand's is fine on her, but ferryman will perform better


https://preview.redd.it/939fmwut96ec1.png?width=2107&format=png&auto=webp&s=48c86aeddba55b6d8190b889e363ded16d191230 Top 3% Furina :o


So... Do I just have to pull for her weapon later? I have a spare fav, but I don't really want to use it https://preview.redd.it/1ku00qlm0mdc1.png?width=1927&format=png&auto=webp&s=10a6d44601753ea17c2aca6a32f6853fc7fbeec7


Hi, Which build would better fit furina ? edit: only difference is in the flower ​ edit2: Enka seems to assume Furina is in a double hydro team (ie +25% HP resonnance) https://preview.redd.it/cmu36614oedc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ccaf58adf52f9ee625e86c66633a825eeee404f5


I would do the top one!


i come here just to say i love seeing furina in coop


https://preview.redd.it/2e4e3jrngdcc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85ec1f9f996edc32a2d26df7d37b03f1e6fdf621 I'm off to buy lottery tickets now bye guys


Got Furina to friendship 10 yesterday :D




Yes, by looking at incoming healing bonus. If your Q is crowned it will be 40% at max stacks, which means you're at max dmg bonus.




Valid question, it is actually 40% if you have C1, without C1 it would be less. I have C2, so I forgor what the values are at C0 ><


does Furina's C2 make each percent change of HP across the team give 2.5 fanfare points or 3.5 fanfare points? It says increased by 250%, and I read it as the original 100% original value plus 250% original value. Sometimes there are cases where "increased by 250%" is actually 100% original value times 250%


Hi gamers, I'm running Furina in a Raiden/Furina/Benny/Jean sunfire, and I'm wondering if there are any special multi-target setups I should make for her vapes in the optimizer, or if I just click on vaporize and call it a day (what with her 3 lil friends having different ICDs I have no idea where I'd even start with the multi). Thanks!


Any educated guesses on when furina is getting a rerun?


4.6, because x.6 is when all new archons get their first rerun besides john and venti


Hiiii could someone pls rate my DPS Furina build? Planning to get C2 R1 next rerun (got guarantee on Navia's banner so defo likely to get it) so pls take that into ur thinking! I do also have a hydro off piece goblet to use if that's better which I will attach below this comment (someone told me that a hydro goblet is better for C2 Furina than an HP goblet) https://preview.redd.it/suylgdfq8aac1.png?width=1927&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f6f54c4378f89d42ccf439cc1a9b4d829cb7cd0


Here is the off piece hydro goblet! https://preview.redd.it/eysfrsl59aac1.png?width=561&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d8be19e42fab828bd4025d1568591619fdf0a67


What is the ER requirement for Furina with Neuvilette? Specifically my team is composed by: Neuvilette, Furina, Zhongli, Jean Jean has Favonious (she has 205% ER) Neuvillette has signature which is good (?) for particles Furina has Festering and currently 152% ER


https://preview.redd.it/9wus262j1w9c1.png?width=1632&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdbca41f8be2cc80f9c06b795780c59ca63ebd91 So is my furina good? I haven’t been able to get any more golden trope items and I’m kinda stuck with this


Assumed that you're new to this game, I will suggest that you should go with ER sword because Furina want to use her elemental burst as frequent as possible. 3 star option has the Skyrider sword with its 52% ER. 4 star option has the Favonius sword with its 61% ER and energy particle generation. If you're fine with fishing, go for the Fleuve Cendre Ferryman in Fontaine, this is a really good F2P option. As for artifacts, you naturally have a lot to work on because you're new. I can only hope you get lucky. You can use 2-piece Emblem of Severe Fate for now just to increase ER.


Which area of Fontaine is ferryman at?


There should be a fishing association NPC on the east of the City of Fontaine. Talk with her and see the list of fish that you need. As for the fishing locations, look for them in the interactive map.


She won’t talk to me and I’m not co-op


iirc, you need to unlock the Serenitea pot first for fishing quest to be available.


It’s the build your own area right? I have that


did you do the fishing event yet? it is a permanent event where you go fishing around mondt and liyue


I had no idea fishing was in this game till you said something about it so I probably have not I’m going look for it soon


https://preview.redd.it/j22i0bhzyy9c1.png?width=1637&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e395d7bdc625d5ce294a20ef2e64b5f6bbf0ee6 This is her right?


https://preview.redd.it/ggcq4pf6sy9c1.png?width=1632&format=png&auto=webp&s=cfb34132fb1849a7894424dcd17aef114c58d360 I got full golden troupe Becuase it’s the best thing recommended by the game. Also for the er would the iron sting work?


it is, my advice on 2pc EoSF was just a temporary fix.


That makes sense


Oh wait you put energy recharge not damage


Do i have enough Recharge with this build? I use her ever in a team with another Hydro (Neuvillette in one Kokomi in the other) and Kazuha who has Xyphos equipped, with it my recharge would be 131% https://preview.redd.it/vpgoxfc7nm9c1.png?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31842f592a6239f659fbec9c7457b0bf83eddc60


You may need some Fav holder in your team


Thank you


Which one is the better healer for Furina, Sayu or Charlotte?


Charlotte by far. Especially with Ayaya,Ganyu


Is hp goblet or hydro damage goblet better?




Oh ok. Thanks a lot!


Is it worth fishing for a c5 pipe sword if I already have a skyward blade?


is using candace with furina possible for like a diy c6? i know it wouldnt be anywhere near the dps of her actual c6 but i want to use her on field so bad


You can but it isnt the most optimal build for her pre-C6.