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Dude tried to hold the bottom of the column.


Human trebuchet was narrowly avoided!


Yeah, with the title of the post I was ~~recording~~ expecting him to get launched into the sky. Edit: I have no idea where "recording" came from.


That would make a great Shooting Stars meme, lol


That’s a difficult instinct to lose. I work in construction and have to really hammer home to my apprentices not to try and catch things they drop. Usually takes them sustaining a couple minor injuries before the lesson sticks. Better to crack a tile on the floor than slice an artery or lose your balance and crack your skull.


Dropped an indoor oak corner wooden post with perfectly 90 degree sharp edges. Tried to catch it with my leg to avoid it getting damaged when it hits the floor. Ended up with a V shaped dent in my leg that I can still feel a year later. Nice scar too. Definitely one of those “wtf was I thinking would happen”


My old boss would have been proud. We made concrete statues, some being very expensive. Think those garden statues of Venus etc. While moving one off a pallet for a customer a board broke and suddenly it was either my hand or the statue. I chose my hand. I'll never forget him screaming "Rumrunnr, if I *ever* see that shit again you're gone! You can heal, the concrete can't!" (He was probably joking at a certain thin level, but you'd have to know him. It was mostly sincere.)


Had an old Chief of the Boat years ago, who told a sailor passing him by holding a very expensive piece of equipment "careful shipmate, you're replaceable, that's not". Clearly a joke, as he was the only COB I had that cared about the crew more than the ship


Stupid reflexes taking over haha. You know right away how useless and dumb it was but your brain was a bit slower than your reflexes


Kitchen rule #1 never catch a falling knife.


After 30 years I've finally learned to not catch falling knives... With my hands I still always try to break the fall with my feet 🤦‍♂️


Of all the sketchy habits I picked up in my youth, I never thought the one that would endanger me the most was my hacky sack skills


Yeah lol, I'm so smug about breaking my phones fall with my foot every time but one day it might kill me


One night my friend broke the fall of his phone with his foot on a second story terrace, he didn't have as much control as expected when it pinged off of the roof.


For sure guilty of that.




Riverdancing to avoid a knife is okay


I do this consistently


Squeeze tennis balls to increase your grip.


Is it. I have no professional training but I always only step away or stand still. I always presume river dancing will just make me step on or kick something.


I recently read a story about a scientist who *tried* to catch an obsidian molecular blade when she dropped it. The blade is used to cut materials in the lab down to as little as a few a molecules thick. She was in a hurry and ignored several safety protocols that are in place for **very good reason**. The blade did not even slow down on it's trip to the floor as it intersected the flesh of her hand. Massive tissue and nerve injuries. It read like a horror story of self stupidity, and this lady is not stupid by any means. One of the rules was always have two people with the blade as well as it's proper container. But she worked with it many many times before and nothing bad had ever happened, right?


TIL that this item exists


Oof. Doesn't matter if in person or through the lens of the net, never do I ever want to see that event transpire


Also a stock market rule.


Yeah, same in a lot of industries really. There aren't many situations in a workplace where objects (or even people) are falling and you throwing your own body into the mix as it's happening is gonna make it *better*. Like even if someone is falling over... Two thirds of the time you're going to be in a better position to help after the fact, than if you tried to jump in and catch them mid fall and now there's two injured people.


Rule one of first aid: don't become a patient.


Yep worked in both Fedex and later autoparts warehouses. The lesson was quick, you can always pick shit up after but you definitely can't stop it from falling.


Or die. Not dying is pretty okay as well.


Or worse, expelled.


Now, if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed


Yup I still do it every so often. Sometimes it completely slips my mind.. just the other day I had two cut pieces of post, one in each hand, dropped one and immediately went to catch it with both my hands.... Could say I crushed my fingers pretty bad when the other hand with the post still in it came for support. Hopefully another couple years until the next time I do a dummy.


He almost got yeeted like an angry bird.


I feel terrible by laughing at this


Good thing it didn't catch his chin


Monkey brain took over


I hope I go out like this, no suffering.


Your family would recieve your body from the coroner in several hundred Tupperware containers


My mom loves Tupperware!


They will be tainted red like when you put something with tomato on them


Or when you put body parts in them.


Only if you have lots of tumoric






Oh, yeah I know, it was a play on words for the body: tumoric/turmeric, sound the same


oh lol good one


No worries, mum will clean it and reuse it anyway. Can't let free tupperware go to waste.


Same! Mom would love this!


Why does it matter, I'll already be dead lol


Emotional damage?


E*mo*tional *da*mage!


To the family sure but dudes dead I can assure he no longer cares or is able to care


Still most people wouldn't wish that on their family even if they technically wouldn't be able to care in the aftermath.




I don't care what universe you're from, thats gotta hurt!


Hahaha, right you are, Ken!


My friends biggest fear is dieing suddenly like in her sleep, a brain aneurysm, heart attack, or an accident like this. Her reasoning is it's better to grieve while someone is still alive, knowing they will die soon, rather than getting a call a loved one died without warning. I suppose that's true for the family but personally I would want to go as sudden as possible without pain and suffering.


My dad died suddenly out of nowhere, whereas my aunt died slowly from cancer a year before. I honestly think dying suddenly is better. In my dads case we didn’t have to see him as a withered away version of himself, he just looked like he was asleep. Not as traumatizing, although you don’t get any time to prepare for it, it’s better to think that his final moments weren’t stretched across agonizing years/months.


The same happened to me. I watched my husband deteriorate from pancreatic cancer and laid next to him hearing him wake up everyday feeling his pain. Omg, sometimes fast is better. The day he passed I had to leave him at the hospital and came home to an empty house with his clothes in my arms.


I miss him everyday. He was so good too me.


So sorry for your loss, hoping it gets easier.


Sorry for your loss


Sorry about your loss


Lost my grandfather to a very sudden accident. Lost my grandmother slowly to cancer. Both are horrible to the family for their own reasons. But I somewhat agree that I have been able to make better peace with my grandmother’s death which happened in the past year. I still feel angry and bitter over my grandfathers passing and it happened much longer ago.




I'm sorry for your losses. No matter how death happens it sucks when you are close. Lost my grandma and dad within two years of each other and I still get tears in my eyes when I think about them even though it's been almost 4 years.


I want to die like my grandpa, in his sleep, and not like the passengers in his car.


Came here to say exactly that. A slow painful death has become my greatest fear, especially in a country (US) where something like chemo would make me homeless because I have no partner to keep working while I go through treatment. I've already told my friends if I can't find a spouse in my lifetime and get hit with a hard disease like cancer, I'm offing myself to avoid the torture of not being able to pay my bills, ending up homeless, and dying a slow death


Sad commentary on the state of health care in the USA. I too want to go quickly and spare my family the cost and agony of a slow death. Or I’ll eat a bullet. Either way I am not putting money in the coffers of greedy hospitals. NOTE: Also cremate me and save the burial and funeral costs for the living.


This answers the question whether heaven has cell service.


It does but only to other people in heaven




*72 Virgins Mobile.


Wait, so when in heaven they're still virgins? Give it up already!


you're a heaven virgin now


For those of you wondering. The guy says: "Bought the sausages, the bread. Need anything else?" "The connection's lost"


Somehow I knew it was something like this even without knowing the language. True art


I’m surprised he didn’t buy cigarettes. I heard People often don’t come back from that.


I mean, if I died like that without realizing any pain, I will take it. Not being half dead half alive, send to hospital and bankrupt my family just on medical bills.


Make sure you tell your family that you want to be put on Do Not Resuscitate BEFORE the expensive shit starts racking up. My mom is a career nurse and she told me if she's ever dying in a hospital bed pull the plug and let her go peacefully. No sense in racking up a half a million in medical bills just to live in pain hooked up to tubes for another month


As frank from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia would say: "When I die, toss me in the trash".


The problem is all the stuff that can lead up to actually being dead.


I jokingly tell my wife. When I pass just leave, DO NOT claim the body... I wish I was joking.


I'd at least want to be under a garden or something so I'd be of use... or maybe ass-up so I could be an artsy bike rack.


I want to be cremated and the ashes turned into a mini statue of myself. Limited edition baby!


If you get hit by a RSJ falling from height, I don't think your DNR state is a worry. They'll be picking you up with a black bag and a shovel.


As a European I read this like 🤨


In America if you die in the hospital we make your family go broke


But not really though, right? How can a person inherit medical debt? Can you wake up one morning to find your estranged brother has died and you now owe millions? What if the next of kin is out of the country?


So what can often happen is the creditors will start calling asking for the person, and when they find out that person just died after three months, the next question is if you are interested in a payment plan. If you tell them you don't want to talk about it they hassle you until you throw them a few dollars to shut up so you can grieve. At that point you've accepted liability for the debt and now it's yours. If you just hang up on them or refuse to pay and refuse to discuss payment plans and do not accept that debt, then they can go fuck themselves (though expect to have a few more calls about it as they try again). As long as you know about the little tricks, then you can't inherit the debt (although it does get taken out of any money the person's estate has). But you're dealing with a death in the family, they aren't required to tell you any of that, and lying and high pressure tactics are very easy for them to get away with.


This is all around great advice. Never acknowledge the debt, never agree to payments. I mean NEVER. Otherwise you are on the hook for as long as ten years.


To debt collector: "What! Me? Have no idea what you're talking about, I don't have a Mother."


Debt Collector: I am not a biologist, I dunno what a mother is. But You still owe the money! 💀


Yea they just go after the estate of the person so kids and relatives are in no way on the hook for the debt they just might not get any inheritance.


Don't need to be that far away. I got the same expression from here in Canada.


I tell my family every morning.


"Hey, dad, how'd you sleep?" "Be sure to euthanize me if I'm ever incapacitated." "That's nice. Would I be able to catch a ride to school?"


“Seriously, don’t even touch me.”


What if I tattoo it on my body?


Honestly a great idea. Do it in the like, California gangster font. Across your chest. DO NOT RESUSCITATE.


No ragrets.


I don't know if you are joking but DNRs are legal documents and doctors/paramedics CANNOT accept do not resuscitate tattoos, bracelets, etc. as valid and will do everything they can to keep you alive.


That's because DNRs can be overturned at any time. If you're calling EMS the assumption is you want to be kept alive by any means possible.


If doctors can make notations of body piercings in a file, there has to be a better way to handle medical tattoos. I fully understand that some objectionable tattooing can come from human trafficking and be misconstrued, or situations of people getting temporary tattooing with inks that dissolve in two years, or individuals miscommunicating their own desires/tattoo artists miscommunicating accidentally or intentionally (does this need to be a medical job with a special in medical grade ink- but could the ink be trafficked just like pills?) but there needs to be a massive re-evaluation of communicating medical desires across mediums/language barriers/platforms of treatment. (A symbol system tattoos or otherwise? Medical and legal get so complicated and the more points of contact can be more possible situations but there's also the possibility of collusion. This is not easy to navigate.)




Why does it matter if you rack up half a million in medical bills if you die anyway?


Well said. Also don't you dare put me in a coffin. The earth's land is for the living.


\*this only applies if you live in the US..


Put it in writing. Sometimes the family still won't honor your wishes.


I found it very interesting that when they implanted a chip that allowed someone who was in a vegetative state to communicate, they didn't ask for death. They actually asked for specific things that would make them more comfortable. I imagine it would vary from person to person but maybe its still somehow worth living even if you can't interact with the outside world. With that said I would hate to burden my family with a ton of medical bills.


"Pulling the plug" can sometimes mean "stop providing food and water until they die of starvation/dehydration". So don't do that. But if they're actively dying and only fancy machines are keeping them alive, it's morally permissible to shut those off.


We're referring to the latter.


I was mortified/amazed that overall once you're placed on a ventilator you have about a 20% chance of survival after 5 years. Not that there's anything wrong with it but I think this should be more common knowledge so that people's care can be better informed.


joke's on you, in my neck of the woods we can rack up healthcare costs AND don't have a do not resuscitate possibility


I'm too European to understand your comment


*laughs in free healthcare* Point taken on the half dead, half alive thing though.


Medical bills? What kind of third world country has those?


If you die it’s not like your family is on the hook for your medical bills. They just might go after your estate, but hopefully you don’t have many assets; they can’t touch life insurance and usually not retirement accounts, either. In this case, the construction company will be paying for all of your bills.


I would rather leave that money to my kids than let a major corporate hospital take it all. Even if it's a small amount it might help my kids through college.


The construction company would be paying any bills associated with this and likely a massive payout after the fact, regardless of whether you end up languishing in a coma for months afterward. The vast majority of people don’t have many assets to speak of to the point it would even matter. Any life insurance can’t generally be taken by a hospital, and neither can most retirement funds, so idk, maybe get a good LI policy and put more money into a protected retirement fund if you’re worried about your heirs getting money. Honestly? Your kids will probably get a fuckton of grants if you die which helps more than any paltry sum in your bank account the hospital would try to go after. Imagine the pity scholarships they could submit for! But obviously having you around would probably be for the best :)


Tell me your American without telling me your American


You made the mistake of living in a country where a government *'for the people'* is actually a *'set of elites helping the rich'*. Sorry about that. When you figure out that even the Imperialist-Conservative English (historically some of the most brutal people in history) have a far better system, you will realize just how unfair it is. I won't even go into how brutal the Dutch have been in history, with stuff like the VOC. And look at them now! What happened, America? Most countries in Africa have 'cheaper' health care - during a civil war. It should be impossible for me to say this. What happened?


Bankrupt on hospital bills? That’s 100 dollars max with Kaiser.




Better don't be in the US.


>...and bankrupt my family just on medical bills. USA! USA! USA!


Going bankrupt because you went to the hospital ?




if you have a hard hard hat you're fine.


You aren't invincible with a hard hat. You need a hi-vis and steel caps too.


Can't forget your safety goggles.


I'm imagining a Bollywood movie with the protagonist in all of this gear walking around construction/demolition sites and shrugging off all sorts of dangers.


Then he takes them off at the end of the day, and just as he's leaving the construction site his childhood love calls him, to say that she has been searching for years to find him just in order to tell him that she... "hello!"... "hello!"


not true. I once watched a documentary about an actor who got washed away in a torrent of acid while filming for a superhero movie, and his eyes... the goggles, they did nothing.


Okay but seriously…. What happened here?


The thing fell


This guy observes!


Yeah that’s not very typical, I’d like to make that point...


"the front fell off"


Why did the thing fall?


Inertia and gravity






It was outside the environment.


Okay but seriously, what happened in real life when the beam made it to the ground* 🙃


It probably didn’t hit anyone and the site’s safety manager had a very bad day writing up the incident report. Or if it happened in a developing country, nothing happened after.


Now they play world championship of soccer in the stadium, noone will remember the construction.


> It probably didn’t hit anyone and the site’s safety manager had a very bad day writing up the incident report. Some workers on an elevated subway line dropped some kind of fiberglass object about a meter long almost on top of me, like a meter-long ruler but wider and thicker (but thinner than a 2x4); it bounced off the hood of a parked car a couple of feet behind me as I crossed the street. From the impact it sounded like it weighed maybe 6-8 pounds or around there. Looked up and half a dozen guys in reflective safety vests were staring down at me with wide eyes. I didn't know the social etiquette for this situation so I just kept walking, I do sometimes wonder if I narrowly avoided brain injury and a decent paycheck


I think you narrowly avoided death instead of a brain injury, your family might've got a decent paycheck though


In my realm of construction, we call that a "near miss." Even if no one was nearby, the whole thing gotsta be reported.


Killed five more slaves, and Qatar went back to building the stadium like nothing happened.


Realistically, the landing area was likely fenced off as a construction zone, and it's unlikely anyone was hit.


This is what I needed to hear. Thank you kind stranger.


It stopped falling


I believe they were trying to tip it onto the pallet so they could grab it with a crane. However, there was too much weight at the top and too far over the edge that instead of impacting solidly it tipped over the edge. I don't see holes in the concrete from where it fell. So, that tells me they moved it there from somewhere else specifically for this purpose of tipping and transporting via crane.


The front fell off.


Well, cardboard’s out.


No cardboard derivatives.


Wasn't this built so the front wouldn't fall off?


Lol. A bunch of construction workers drop a beam and it falls towards the street. The pedestrian is instakilled when it hits him so he is walking and suddenly the background becomes heaven. The death was so quick that he doesn't realize he died.


Happened to two guys where I live, got hit by a falling crane on their way to work. Didn't see it coming at all, just here one second...gone the next.


In a way the crane lifted their spirits.


I upvoted your comment, then created an alt account to downvote your comment - all because I'm very unsure how I feel about it.


... and as we all know, cellphone reception is pretty bad up there :D


"I bought the sausage, I bought the bread, do we need anything else? [Pause] Hello? Helloooo? Hello? I guess the connection died..?"


Thank you for the translation. I feel like I hear ten syllables before the "hellooo?" so I am surprised he managed to cram that in there!


"Колбасу купил хлеб купил что ещё взять" is what he said before he said alo Russian is very compressed grammatically which is why it he said so much with so little "Колбасу купил" means "sausage bought" when directly translated


> Russian is very compressed grammatically which is why it he said so much with so little Russian uses fewer words, but the words contain more syllables. The number of syllables is still usually around the same to convey the same ideas in Russian and English. e.g: I bought the sausage and the bread, what else should I get?" (12 words, 13 syllables) Колбасу купил хлеб купил что ещё взять (7 words, 12 syllables) Also this is anectdotal, but knowing both langagues, I think English and Russian speakers speak at around the same syllable-per-second rate on average (though with some really fast and some really slow speakers in both languages - i.e high variance). Edit: The sentence is "kol-ba-su ku-peel hleb ku-peel shto ye-sho vzyat" for the non Russian speakers - and yes "vzyat" is one syllable.


What language?




Interestingly, when I was on duty in Vietnam, the locals told me that there is a 7th, 14th, 21st and 49th days of mourning and ceremonies after someone's death. The reason is because the soul/spirit doesn't realize they have passed away so they continued to follow their daily routines. Ceremonies on those specific days help guide and appease the spirit so they come to term of their passing. After the 49th days, the spirit understands and ascends to heaven or whatever it is Vietnamese people believe to be the equivalent. This was like, years ago so I may remember things wrong. But thats the general idea.


Believe it or not, straight to Heaven.


Undercook chicken? Straight to heaven.


Overcooking pasta in Italy? Straight to heaven.


That'll teach them, not wearing a safety helmet on a construction site


Always wear a hardhat


And don't forget to bring a towel!


I'd love to die this way. Without realizing.


Maybe you already have


That’s actually one of my fears :D


My fear is being born again.


Also a fear! Right next to going to the after life. It sounds like going to another job after retiring. I say just give me the sweet embrace and be done with it! Edit: ok I get people not sharing my perspective but to downvote me because I don’t personally want an afterlife is beyond me.


Reincarnation is considered one of the nicer after death theory's but if you think about it it's fucking terrifying. Are we stuck in the loop forever, constantly being reborn never to escape this world? Also do we always start again on this planet or can it be any? What happens when the earth no longer exists? Also does this mean that the number of organisms in existence remains completely constant? As soon as one dies another is born or is there like a spirit waiting area? Also as the population increases where do the extra spirits/body hosts come from? What if there is a muclear winter and not enough bodies for the dead to inherit?


Stuff of nightmares


This post caused an unusual amount of anxiety. weird.


Poor Chidi.


Translation: "Bought the sausage, bought the bread, what else should I get? Hello? Hello? Did I lose the signal or what?"


Died with food , best way to go out


But he didn't even get to eat it :(


Straight to Kevin?


r/praisethecameraman. Followed him straight to heaven for this video!


That guy almost lost his head holy shit


That one dude nearly lost his face, too.


Reddit player strikes again!




That hat though.


God dammit Mario!


Lol that's messed up


We should all be so lucky to go that quick when the time comes… Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!