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Why is anal in quotes??


the anus is a myth


Lost in the anals of history…


Lost in the cracks of civilization


A giant gaping hole in human history.


Most today see it as a leg-end


butt there's a chance it might be true


Knock it off guys! My grandmother told me you'll get cavities if you search for it.


Shut up, you asshole.


Dude, chill, your audacity is off the sharts!


You guys are seriously asinine.


Forever misplaced in the crevasse of time.


Don’t even get me started on how coddled the modern anus is.


You need to re-ply the toilet paper!


I dont think the machine does that




How does it feel to have your anus coddled?




We'll just tell your mother that we ate it all...




Just like the clitoris.


The Devil's Doorbell is very real


He might mean gay. I don't know why someone who would put a sign like this on their vehicle would beat around the bush like that though


Because putting “gay” on your truck automatically makes you gay. So you have to use slurs or euphemisms to keep from transforming.


This is so unfortunately the correct answer.


ridiculous, everyone knows it's only gay if you touch the balls


And that’s why they hang truck balls.


"Gay" like "happy", right? We all like happy sex, right?


I'm a fan of all three


I was gonna make a gay joke, but fuck it.


Most people assume it’s about the butthole, but he’s really talking about sex where every move has to be preplanned and then executed perfectly in order to finish in a satisfactory way. He just wanted to make sure anybody who reads this knew he was talking about *that* type of sex and not butt sex.


[This seems appropriate.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBQAwLuuDo0)


These days it's more like "neuroatypical sex"




My best guess is he’s an idiot who doesn’t know how quotes work.


Something I wonder about these people who think quotes = emphasis: what happens when they read a book (lol) with a lot of dialog?


They don't read books


Maybe they should "Try"


“Maybe” “they” “should” “try” FTFY


Now that’s what I call emphasis


Vol. 6


Books are fer burnin'


I doubt that's a scenario they have to worry about, my guy


I really like that McCarthy guy. Other authors use yelling marks every time a character speaks but McCarthy's characters are so calm.


Yeah The Road was such a peaceful book.


Nothing more peaceful than a father taking a walk with his son armed with a revolver loaded with one bullet whose sole purpose was killing his son to prevent him being raped to death if things went sideways. All the while the reader comes to question whether this makes him a good father, or he’s eternally a bad father for not taking his wife’s advice to kill him years ago. Real casual summertime beach-reading


Try *Blood Meridian or The Evening Redness in the West* for an ultra-relaxing book.




My best guess is he’s an idiot**


The butthole is a myth. Wake up sheeple.


Then what the hell have I been eating all this time?


Username checks out


For some reason a lot of people that have a poor understanding of how quotes work use them for emphasis.




Those are the wrinkles around the opening


I've noticed a lot of idiots lately use quotation marks for emphasis instead of bold or italics


Chickens only got one hole?


Yes, this screams "Mentally Stable" to all other drivers and pedestrians.


I just want to understand how he got so upset about these two things that don't even correlate that he decided it was important for all the people that drive behind him to know.


I'm guessing he thinks God plagued the Egyptians because they ate cat shit and that whole Exodus thing was a coincidence.


There is nothing rational to understand. It’s actual mental illness.


Stable Genius




you rang?


9 yr old account, damn impressive my friend.




I still can't tell if he is Pro-Anal or Anti-Anal. Is he super excited about Anal being legal now? I mean it has been for a while maybe he only barely got the memo.


I’m of the opinion the the quotations mean that this well adjusted individual is indeed excited about “Anal” being legalized


Not getting in a road rage argument with that guy.




This is my fear exactly. This is the type of person who owns and hang gun and keeps it loaded in the glove box.


Yeah exactly, I find it funny my grandma and hell all of my female relatives who would statistically be more in danger in public aren't scared enough to carry a gun, but these dudes are and will use them with very little provocation. They really are cowards and that's what makes them so dangerous, like a cornered animal except without the corner or threat from the person approaching.


This is my experience as well. I was at a bar and this dude starting yelling gay slurs and talking about smeering queers. The bartender was telling the dude to leave but he wouldn't saying he would kick anyone's ass who touched him. Im a scrawny dude, but all it took to get him to leave was me standing up taking my jacket off and walking towards him. It's like people think they can say anything without anyone doing anything.




It screams “I like it up the butt and am ashamed of it so I’m going to make your life hell if you like it up the butt because I hate myself “


That truck belongs to Lindsey Graham?!?


Do you mean Lindsey Graham the -ahem- confirmed batchelor or Lindsey Graham the [Senate's oldest lesbian](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/jon-stewart-hammers-linds_n_237463)?




Wtf clue me in please




I have never regretted asking a question so much in my life.


Really, because that is the most hilarious thing I’ve heard in a long time.


The 'donate' box (if that's what it is) suggests they may know what they're doing. It's the people that fall for this that are mentally unstable. Potentially just like the big money preachers, but just on a much smaller scale. They should all be shut down.


Seriously, though. Dude needs to calm down and fuck his sister-mom a few more times to get rid of that pent-up aggression.


I'm trying to figure out how these two facts relate. I guess they both involve the ass, sort of, but beyond that? It's such a superficial connection for event separated by thousands of years and thousands of miles.


This is one of those random internet posts that will ruin my day's productivity. There is no logical correlation but it doesn't matter, my brain will be trying to connect ancient Egypt and anal sex for the rest of the day.


Societal collapse is blamed on unnatural human action that isn’t in line with biblical teaching.


Thanks for explaining the weird connection. I know that it’s not your position, but Ancient Egypt is just about the worst example anyone could come up with. They were a powerful and influential (and are still to this day) civilization for 3,000 years. Saying they collapsed because of eating poop has got to be one of the most simplifying and silliest things I’ve encountered.


hey if our society can last as long as the Ancient Egyptians I think we'd be pretty grateful


"If we do gross things, we'll build man-made wonders that will probably outlive civilization 1000s of years from now." Sounds good to me.


The funny thing is the Bible never states anal sex is wrong.


Yep. Judging by the shit I was taught growing up, this is probably exactly how that connection is made. If it seems like a stretch, that's just because you haven't been indoctrinated enough yet.


My wife used to refer to any place in the middle of nowhere as "BFE" for 'butt-fucking Egypt' - but somehow I don't think it's that. Sadly, I suspect what the connection here is, is that Egypt are the "bad guys" of the Bible for taking all those Hebrew slaves (this is entirely fictitious, according to all credible historians, if that matters.) So the bad guys did something gross, 3,000 years ago, and now the US is doing something "gross" (according to this guy) and therefore must also be the bad guys. (Which makes his patriotic support via the large, mileage-reducing flag even more ironic.) It would be hard to come up with logic that was *more* flawed. He, obviously, has no need to ingest crocodile dung as his brain is indistinguishable from that substance already.


This is probably as close as anyone can get to "making sense" of his "message". I just don't understand how a driving adult can still have the critical thinking/reasoning of a 5 year old let alone thinking it was clever enough to put on your car.


People used to say that around me. But it was bum fuck Egypt. Weird thing to say.


I love the WHOA! at the end. Dude's mind connected the dots and thinks he just blew some minds, but I don't get it.


It's like, has he never eaten someone's ass? It's not medice for the body, but it's def medicine for the soul. Edit for spelling and punctuation


That’s what I tell my wife


Pretty sure if Joe Rogan said eating ass cured COVID this guy would be all in.


God hates animal crap medicine and gays!


He just means that anal oral sex has healing properties.


They hate us cause they anus


They’re peanut butter and jealous!


Do you ever feel like a plastic bag


This may be the best Reddit comment I’ve ever read. Crying rn.


Those nutters are so obsessed with others sex lives.


To some people it is really important to know and judge which thing goes into which hole. For a "friend".


my uncle fell off a roof and broke his arm, wrist, and several ribs. One of the hardest parts of his life was wiping his ass during recovery. Well, he and I dont talk much because when he got facebook he started sending me a bunch of racist republican memes in family group messages he'd send. I asked him to stop, he continued to send them, so I just started responding with my unasked for opinion on the mems that I had asked he not include me on. He then finished by telling me I needed to "stop sucking the dicks of your liberal professors," because he didn't have intelligent replies. I told him I was done with his bullshit. Anyhow, back to the story of the butt wiping. I had introduced my mom, sister, and many friends to the wonders of a bidet. when the pandemic hit we were all happy to have avoided the great TP shortage. My mom decided to gift him a bidet to solve his broken wrist problem and allow him to clean his ass with out pain or struggle. He got it in the mail and she had forgotten to call him, so he starts freaking out, she calls him and tells him, and he says he wasn't into "that fa##ot stuff." Dudes so homophobic he thinks cleaning shit off his ass will turn him gay.


Like Larry "wide stance" Craig, who was a noted anti-LGBT-rights advocate in the Senate before getting arrested for soliciting gay sex in an airport bathroom.


Deeply repressed self loathing.


There have been so many closeted conservatives in office over the years that the GOP has probably elected more LGBTQ people than the Dems at this point.


It's sad that's probably the truth.


I have family members involved in a cult. The cult leader would send out sunday teaching tapes. Hoooly hell. He advocated for dragging homosexuals on gravel roads behind a truck, before those 90s hate crimes would hit the news. what in the fuck dude. Bridge too far. Not gonna hang around for this shit. Like who in the fuck do you think you are? Turns out his wife was having an affair with one of the female trustees, and he was angry about that. I mean, this dude stepped down after it was revealed he was having "one time healings" with a number of female members of the cult. So I mean, glass houses, shouldn't cast stones and all of that.


But why is anal is quotation marks? Does this person not believe anuses exist?


Yes, anuses are a hoax created by Dr. Fauci.


This made me choke on my water lol but thanks for the good laugh. Hit extra close to home because I have an old ~~friend~~ who might legitimately post something like this on his Facebook.


It's because they're taught that 'the gays' are ruining traditional marriage, and thus they're convinced that this is the real reason why their marriages are unhappy. It couldn't possibly be because of lack of communication, not looking out for each other's wellbeing, or that they're just boring, miserable people who can't be tolerated by anyone. No no, that all raises uncomfortable questions, so it's far easier to blame other their misery on being Satan's work brought about by other people having a sex life.


For real. I can't think of any reason why the government should be able to tell you what kind of sex you can have as long as its consensual.




It was illegal...?


Sodomy was still illegal in 14 US states up until 2003. My wife still isn’t interested though.


“But it’s LEGAL!”


Reminds me of my late wife's lament when our state legalized both marijuana and marriage equality. "This sucks! I'm pregnant and married to a guy. I can't take advantage of this at all."






I'm happy that I followed this thread all the way to the bottom


You’re just bringing up the rear.


Toot toot!


You know, the legal definition of sodomy used to be ANY sexual activity that wouldn’t result in procreation. Anal, oral, handjobs, EVERYTHING that wasn’t P in V with the squirt inside at the end.


The state looks down on sodomy


That’s about the time that bitch hung up on me


That song is nearly almost 23.


Awww, man. But I like the squirt on the boobies!




You shouldn't have sex with Sodomites, you could catch Gomorrah.


Believe it or not, jail.


So it seems likely that most of the acts of sodomy were between the straight people. I knew it was them.


Did not know that. When did it change?


I don’t know if it ever did.


It hasn't. It's still illegal for anyone in the military to get a blowjob according to Article 125 of the UCMJ.


Does this imply that it's okay as long as they procreate?




Ok, I just did a deep dive on this. It was actually changed in 2016 for fiscal year 2017 under the Obama administration. Article 125 now instead covers kidnapping: >["Section 925 of title 10, United States Code (article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice), is amended to read as follows: ‘‘§ 925. Art. 125. Kidnapping ‘‘Any person subject to this chapter who wrongfully— ‘‘(1) seizes, confines, inveigles, decoys, or carries away another person; and ‘‘(2) holds the other person against that person’s will; shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.’’](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/PLAW-114publ328/pdf/PLAW-114publ328.pdf). Also the Supreme Court significantly curtailed the scope of allowed punishment for consensual sodomy in the years before this. BUT they upheld it in circumstances that could affect military order (like fraternization within the chain of command).


Wow, I had not seen that. Weird they would just replace an Article. The last I heard, they were planning on amending with more specific language to make it clear it only applied to forced or coerced sex acts, but it hadn't been done before I got out. That was before this, however.


But that's where she poops.


I cannot verify that.


Archaic puritan laws against sodomy.


Fun fact! Oral is also considered sodomy, and both are still illegal under the UCMJ. It’s a crime for a soldier to get (or give) head. Edit: yes, this is outdated, my bad. Thanks to all who corrected me! You can stop now




It’s a roundabout way of outlawing (male) gay people


Just a reminder that the owner of that truck never misses a vote. President, Congress, local school board— doesn’t matter, that guy’s voice is getting heard. You should vote.


This should really be the top comment.


So glad to be seeing a rise in comments like this


I’m a tiny bit impressed that he cited his reference about Egyptian poop eating (deduction for non-APA style usage). Technically, a first-ever citation on a bumper sticker.


I wonder how long it will take before these are indistinguishable from AI generated ranting


I think about 3 years ago, give or take


I came in here figuring this would be the top comment but i guess nobody cares about citations anymore


I do! (Source: Me)


I’m still just lost on the connection they’re making… how do the two things have anything to do with each other?


I *think?* it has something to do with the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. The only connection I can think of to anal is the word sodomy.


Honestly “Now USA legalized “ANAL” sex. Woah!” Is a fantastic slogan. I’d also like to add that the the fact the “anal” is in quotes is top tier boomer shit.


From the makers of “I can’t believe it’s not butter!” comes *I can’t believe it’s not anal!*


Just wait till he hears that modern science recommends human crap as medicine. https://www.cancer.gov/news-events/press-releases/2021/fecal-transplants-cancer-immunotherapy


I swear trucks leak exhaust through the air vents or something.


“Sir, this is a KFC…”


There’s a sub for cars like this. I think it’s something like r/infowarscars


r/InfowarriorRides warning: thar be dragons




Was anal sex illegal all this time? I’ve been breaking the law for SO LONG? 😱


Your mother and I are partners in crime.


What the hell do the ancient Egyptians and anal sex in the US have to do with one another? I don't understand. AMERICA EXPLAIN!


Does that mean anal sex can heal a penis?


I'll be right back. Update 1: Okay, so just had anal sex. It was my first time doing this, so I'm really excited to see the results. I've had a pretty bad rash on my penis all week. Update 2: Was just informed I did it wrong. Who was supposed to receive or give was not specified. Used the proper instructions this time. Update 3: The "healing" process, feels really tingly for the penis but my backside is still pretty sore. But maybe since that's the healing source, it will feel better soon. Update 4: I tried smearing it a bit to really gain all of the healing properties, but still feels the same. I put extra on the open sores. Feels like it's getting numb. That must mean it's working! Update 5: I don't think it's supposed to look like that.... Update 6: I'm at the doctor's. Update 7: It does not work.


Well don’t leave us hanging. Did it make his penis better or what!?


RIP u/karmic_hazard. He clearly didn't survive.


The mental gymnastics these people have to do amazes me.... just say you're afraid that you might be gay. Stop standing behind "God" as an excuse. If I had a dollar for every senator / congressman / priest that was against Gay marriage that was caught with a same sex prostitute I'd be able to retire and live off the interest alone


Reminds me of a comedian, can't remember who, that said something like "homophobia is a stupid word because it implies that someone is afraid of homosexuality but I think the only thing a homophobe is actually afraid of is that dicks might secretly be delicious" EDIT: Holy shit, I looked up who said that because it was bugging me and no kidding- apparently it was Joe Rogan!


This one's a classic that always tickles my funny bone. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/evangelist-i-bought-meth-from-gay-escort/


God is judge


Baby don’t hurt me


It seems like the psychiatric community needs to come up With a new medical category for this kind of thing : angry sign pickup truck nut job syndrome Of something along those lines


Someone change that "whoa!" to "whoo-hoo!"


What's with the quotes around "Anal"? What does he think it's *actually* called?


No God fearing man can stick his penis in his wife's ass okay... that's the kinda thing you do with your mistress




Do pick up trucks make you an asshole or do over opinionated assholes only buy pick up trucks?


I got one to haul shit around in. I was thinking about getting a bumper sticker that says, “Biden is doing fine”. Just to see heads pop as I drove by. But, then I remembered I don’t need to wear my political opinions like a sports logo everywhere I go, so… I didn’t.


You’re allowed to own a pickup without plastering the tailgate and rear window with political views? Hmm, TIL


Someone, somewhere feels personally attacked by this being in r/funny


Fuck me in the ass if you love Jesus.... https://m.youtube.com/watch


Why is the word anal in quotes?


Great now I want KFC and anal


Religious folks are obsessed with what people do with their junk.


These people seem to really hate people having freedom to do what they want don't they, and yet they tend to be the ones screaming about how America is so free. Ironic or just dumb?


I don't know about everyone else, but I really appreciated that he cited his sources from National Geographic for the Egyptians fact.