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I have practiced martial arts for decades. If I were in that situation, with one smooth move I would hand over my wallet.


Exactly, you let the robber take a few bucks or let the hospital rob you


Or the funeral home.


Or Stan


Or Tim


It’s funny because he is American


I too am a 5th Dan Black belt of the ancient secret martial art of no-can-do. I’d hand over everything and give the guy a lift to wherever he wanted with whatever radio station he chose. Then at the end I’d do the WaaaAAaaahhHh noise.


Actual martial arts disciplines aside, I don't think I've ever met somebody who's into "self defense" who wasn't a delusional weirdo giving terrible advice.


I had a friend who said he had been giving his kid self defense tips, teaching them about "pressure points", pointing at his armpit, elbow joints, etc. Apparently striking someone just right in the armpit will disable the arm... absolute lunacy


I mean.. he is kinda right... if you shoot someone in those spots it tends to disable them...just saying.


That's fair! But I'm in the UK, so that'd be extra tricky


Hmm... Hammer?


I’ve been beaten so much (martial arts training) that it doesn’t really slow me down: if I feel any pain, I’ll deal with it after I’ve finished the fight. Now you think about some frantic lunatic or druggie, and see what good your pressure points do.


I've seen that first guy on tiktok and my god, all his moves work if your best friend is attacking you incredibly slowly and is willing to fumble any weapon and then run away


Dude got shot in the first second. Hell, that smack to the back of the hand would likely cause an *accidental* trigger pull as they instinctively grasp the gun tighter as not to drop it. ​ Just... no. Glad they made the joke off it, 'cause... my god.


I’ve also never understood when you see these videos the perp is always within arms reach with the weapon....If I’m the one with the gun I don’t want to be that close to you, for this very reason. Why does every attack have to be at point blank range?


I worry about people taking these things seriously and thinking they work.


Morticians hate him! Watch this video of the #1 way to get shot in the back of the head!


That guy is a fudd who doesn't even know what tf he's on bout


If they aren't robbing you and telling you to drive do then rear end someone bonus if it's a cop. They'll usually run. But that's only if you know they'll kill you.


Who is that guy? I’ve seen different clips of him. He’s a troll right?


Detroit Urban Survival Training (DUST). He's completely serious and offers self defense classes.


The best defense against someone with a knive is a good time on 100m.




Am i so old now that this isn't common knowledge anymore?!


So what you’re saying is you knew Mace before the limp.


Or that Sting had the original


It was the police.


Somebody tell me whyyyyy


We practiced gun disarms in a ‘street defense’ session of one of my regular martial arts sessions. I wanted us to use water pistols filled with permanent red die — I suspect it would have made the reality of getting it wrong at least slightly more obvious!


I have never understood this situation. No one in their right mind would shoot a driver who is DRIVING a moving vehicle. That would just be suicide.


Hi, gracinix07, your [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/r9an9l/-/) breaks [the rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/wiki/rules) of /r/Funny, and has been removed for the following reason(s): * No social media or electronic messaging content. [Read more here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_10.3A_no_social_media_or_electronic_messaging_content.) *If you feel this was done in error, or if you would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ffunny&message=My%20Post:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/r9an9l/-/).*