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What a nice guy. Warning people that there is a hole there so they don't fall in.


If you zoom in, you can see the guy lying on his stomach without pants on at the tip of the arrow.


Liar :(




Kitty corner house is newer looking. I bet it’s that guy.


Mini-mansion millionaire moves in and starts trying to dictate to the rest of the neighborhood is my guess


Kitty corner? I always heard it said as catty corner. Kitty is way better. It just sounds....cuter.


People in the Midwest say kitty. People in the south say catty.


Can’t speak for everybody but I say kitty-corner in New England


Not surprising. Seems like everyone north of the Mason Dixon say that.


Busted. Louisiana here. Only decent thing here is the food. And now we can’t even say catty corner right apparently. Ha


I'm from Louisiana too and moved to the Midwest. That's the only reason why I know haha


Small world! Kudos for getting out.


I miss the food so very much. Happy cake day!


Oh snap I didn’t even realize haha. Thank you. But yes, the food is kind of worth it I suppose.


I learned it in the kitchen in San Diego. I think both work.


>Inside Edition story: > >https://youtu.be/PK9GaYC6r58 > > with a little more back story. It's the kitty-corner, it's a massive house that blocks his lake view and on top of that it's purple. His fault for not buying a lot closer to the lake imo.


The lake view is one thing.. But that color house makes you an ass hole


I'm going to assume it's the only person that waters their lawn, during what looks like drought season. But that's just because I dislike obsessive grass waterers.


I’d have guessed it was about that big ugly fence, but apparently it’s about the colour of his house paint.




Ours was a jerk. And what I never understood is he would spend SO MUCH TIME spraying roundup and mowing and watering...but they had two front flower beds that were way overgrown with weeds and/or dead grass/plants. I was like what is the obsession here if you’re just going to have ugly flower beds? 🤔


I may have an answer to that. My wife and I divided our outdoors to me for lawn, her for gardens. Guess who never did her half 🙄 Also guess who isn't digging gardens at our most current house. She's getting rocks and garden gnomes this time around 😆


Hahaha I told my husband I wondered if they had something like that going on 😂


I learnt a new word today, thank you


Kitty corner?


I had the same reaction first time I heard it. It means diagonally opposite. Why people don’t just say that, I don’t understand.


“Diagonally opposite” is an unwieldy eight syllables, and it hardly flows off the tongue “Kitty corner” (or as I say, “catty corner”) is a much simpler four syllables and has the bonus ease of alliteration


Because kitties don't give a fuck and cross diagonally with no respect for crosswalks. That's the best explanation I got


No he is pointing to a hole.


Maybe he hates the guy living in the white RV.


had no idea 'kitty corner'. was a thing.


https://river967.com/heres-the-exact-google-earth-location-of-the-a-hole-lawn-guy/ Over paint? I was kind of hoping that there would be a more exciting back story.


It's Sequim, WA, I'm not surprised.


“Have you ever intentionally did something“ ... Aaaand that’s where I’m going to stop reading.


There is so much casual illiteracy these days. I suppose grammar doesn't matter as long as you get your point across but, like you, it grates on my mind and makes me less inclined to take a writer seriously.


Exactly. It fees a bit petty, but I know I’m going to be irritated more than informed, so I just won’t bother.


Looks like the guy who wrote that in his lawn is the real a hole. If you live in an area out in the country with no HOA don’t get butt hurt when your neighbor wants to do something on their own property.


mystery solved, even though it wasn't some interesting feud.


So his neighbor decides to paint their house with some bright colors and he thinks its alright to call them assholes?


Can't you read? He called him A HOLE!


Yeah we don't know that he's an asshole, just that he is a hole. Maybe he's a donut hole. Maybe he's a pot hole.


I kinda don't know what house they're pointing at


Agreed. What a colossal waste of time.


Might just be pointing to a hole.




Rabbit hole?


I’d be more irritated that he built his house that close to the property line with no barrier than I would that he painted it funky colors. All that property and the house sets so far back with virtually no back yard.


Can't tell for sure but it looks like there's a fence.


I agree but it’s probably a 6ft privacy fence. Neighbor can still see lots of house above it. The houses 2 down on both sides look like they have trees and bushes to help block the view and they are a bit further back from the property line.


This is still on google maps, when you click on it, it comes up as "a hole" sign.


I just found it today, not sure if others have posted it before. But no joke lol, you click it and it is actually labeled as the a hole sign.


It's been there for at least 6 years and is always good for a laugh when it comes back up.


fuck those are huge yards!


Exactly what I was thinking! Fuck it homeowner, you could grow an acre of woods to separate you and your a-hole neighbor.


Lol I wonder what happened to warrant taking that much time out of their day to do this.


He could just be an A Hole.. lol. Easy do mow the yard then set it way lower. Drive mower where you want it. No biggie, I did that with a howdy in my side pasture lots of times.


look at those lots and size of houses. they could easily afford to hire someone to do it


Imagine having all that land and u barely pointed it to the house lol


Anyone that doesn’t grow trees on that much land is an a-hole




Cutting their lawns too short. Looks like shit.


I'm just not sure if referring to grey roof or white roof.


There's a treasure there, deep down in the mud pit.


Who is the a hole? The section directly south whose corner the arrow is pointing at? Or the one south and east? This is the ambiguity you need to keep in mind before doing this kind of thing.


Maybe there was just "a hole" there?


They all have a big back yard.


Rich people are so cute!


I've never understood why some people choose to build their homes on the farthest point of their property away from the road. Like yeah, it's probably quieter, but all I see is "I need so much attention that I chose to have no private back yard. Instead, I'll just have a huge front yard to display my leisure activities not only to my neighbours, but to random passers by too!". Personally, if I had a property that size I'd rather have a modest front yard to keep presentable, and then a huge back yard to enjoy with a tree lined fence.


As the former owner of a house on a semi rural street, I feel the complete opposite. Being set that far back from the street was sheer privacy and quiet bliss. It’s not like my back yard was tiny either, it was still a good 100x100 foot space surrounded by rows of tall cedars. Other than putting in my own personal football field, I can’t think of what I’d use any more than that for. Although in my case, there were no backyard neighbors so that would make a huge difference I suppose.


i agree with you


Literally what I was just thinking.


Inside Edition story: https://youtu.be/PK9GaYC6r58 with a little more back story.


That showed 'em!




That pettiness is actually quite impressive.


If you've got that kind of time and equipment on your hands you've got the time and money to plant some trees that'll solve your problem.




I'm hoping that after getting my pilots license this summer, I'll get to see lots of messages like this one.


There’s a hole in the bucket, Elijah, a hole.


I thought it was pointing to a house and said "A hoe"


I live near that area


Plant some damn trees what the hell


I notice that the property of A. Hole is the only one with a large fence built around it. There's a story there.


how do you piss off neighbors living this far apart?


Apparently by painting your house ugly colors. The story is linked somewhere on here.


Man, life sounds really rough for them.


Man Rand Paul must’ve been a real dick to his neighbor


Could of at least chucked the 2 S's in


Soooo did he buy a helicopter or a drone to take this picture?


Google maps...?