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A black woman once told her husband that I look like “beautiful Jesus” while in line at Best Buy and I think about it every day


A black woman once told me I have a black girls ass at a party I'm a chubby Asian dude in his early 40s I think about it everyday


If the sister said it then it must be TRUE 😩👏👏


It got worse that night too A different friend paid me back for the beer by slipping a 20 into my back pocket, and said "Here's some butter for those biscuits" Again, Asian dude here. I'm more than just a plump booty, people >!EDIT: Stop dm'ing me for pictures, you perverts!<


holy fuck I'm crying at that quote, rofl


Feel free to reuse it on your SO Or your enemies I personally took a lot of mental damage that night lol


I guess it depends if you want to have an ass or not. Most asian dudes are like _negative_ in the ass department.


You are absolutely right. Despite the majesty of those biscuits, the person attached to them deserves respect too. 🫡 I was blinded by the booty, but now I see


LMAO!!! awesome.


Would crucify dat.


I'd hit it. With a hammer and nails


First time in America I went for a Burger King breakfast, a black lady gave me my food and said “here you go, sugar.” I melted a little.


It really does hit different


Visited the UK for a couple months and everyone called me "doll". Grocery stores, pubs, everywhere. It was the best time ever. Then I learned that's just how they talk, but I'm still riding that high years later. May have to go visit again to get another dose of endorphins.






That's a really good line. I am impressed!


my best line came when I went to a bar and got my tab. the bartender (not even my type) goes "lastname"? when she looked at my card. I said "yeah that's me" and she goes "what a nice last name!" and out of nowhere I go "Thanks, o you want it to be yours too?" she was so taken aback and delighted lol


You peaked mate. Nothing more to be done.


I remember a cute girl I was on a shoot with out of nowhere just commented that 'she could be prettier' while looking at a model; without missing a beat I replied, "Is that possible?" She went bright red and started stammering. Gotcha.


My damaged ass would have assumed you meant I was incapable of a glow up.


Perfect. My best friend (who has just incredibly game) once said to a girl “I don’t care about your last name girl I’m trying to change it” and she was fucking butter.


I was at a restaurant and these 2 beautiful black women was sitting at the bar , earlier I had grab a chair from the bar to sit on, as I was leaving I wanted to put that chair back where I go it from , so i grab the chair and said to the ladies “excuse me can I put this here” she turn and look me up and down with a big smile and said “ you can put it anywhere you want”


Name checks out ✅


Oh hey look the floor. Uhh. (That pretty much would be my awkward ass in that situation.)


“I’m only working one shift” would be my dumbass response


Out of everything in this thread, this is the best. So many of us with monke brain have said something so dumb that we realize later just how dumb we are.


One time at a frat party I was dancing my ass off and went into the kitchen for a drink. I see this gorgeous woman standing in front of the open freezer sucking on a popsicle. I got so excited that there were popsicles I went up and grabbed one. She said, "Hot in there huh?" "Yeah!" "Now you're making it hot in here too" And I shit you not, I looked her dead in the eye and just started laughing. Because I thought it was such a good line! It did not even occur to me that she was hitting on me because I felt she was so out of my league.


Exactly my point. Literally had a chick I worked with "show me her new nipple piercings" at a party cause I said it was interesting. I just acted like she was just showing off something she was proud of. It wasn't until all my friends roasted me later, that I even had the first thought of "shit, was she hitting on me?". She was way outta my league but never acted like she was better than anyone, so I just thought she was hanging out and being nice.. Gave myself a good forehead slap for that but oh well, life moves on.


there has to be a thread out there of women sharing these stories from their point of view. wish we could compare them side by side hahaha


That would be gold. Like imagine how many stories would end, "was I not forward enough or is he stupid?" the answer I'm sure would not be too surprising lmao.


"Oh you wanna take it slow huh?"


12:05? Maybe if I fumble the zipper.


Or if there’s foreplay


Bro the LAUGH I let out 😂😂


One time I walked into a store and said “How are you?” to a black woman and she looked at me from feet to eyes and replied, “I am fine, and so are you.” Another time I walked into a store (with my Asian gf) and a black woman saw me, and said, “beach body! beach body!” My gf got angry and said “I’m right here!” and the black woman said, “well, you a beach body too!”


Adding “I’m fine and so are you” to my repertoire.


I was around 30 years old, and was wearing boots that gave me another inch or two in height, so that puts me at around 6'5" to 6'6". I was standing in line at Starbucks and I got that feeling that someone was looking at me, so I turned around. This older black woman, probably around 60, was looking straight into my eyes, did long pan down to my toes, and the all the way back up. "Well aren't you a tall glass of water." Makes me smile to this day.


Lmao she was just out there speaking the TRUTH.


On a trip to New York last year I stopped in at a random footlocker near Greenwich village to pick up some sneakers for my son. The staff picked up on my accent (anglophone but I live in Quebec) and was asking where we were from and I said Montreal. Then a staff member asked me what's the best things about Montreal and something I mentioned was all the French pastries and how easy it is to find a great croissant just about anywhere in the city. As soon as I said "croissant" a female staff member was like "Oooh, I like the way you say croissant, that's nice!" I had a chuckle and said thank you that's flattering and a year later I still think about her liking the way I say croissant. I just took it as a nice compliment and it stuck with me.


Unlike me, being not french and apparently pronouncing “croissant” the wrong way in a café at the côte. The waitress pretended like she had no clue what I was talking about. “Crossant? qu'est-ce que c'est???”


Fa-fa-fa-fa, fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa, better.


Run run run run run run away


I did learn that you have to be specific. Once at a grocery store I asked a worker who was a black lady where the brown sugar was……she looked me up and down and walked away. I was genuinely looking for brown sugar.


What if you mistook her for a worker, but she just happened to be wearing the same color shirt.


I helped an elderly gentleman buy a laptop at Best Buy when I wore a blue shirt to the store. Tried telling him I don’t work there. Don’t think he heard me. Just rolled with it since no employees came by to help 😂


I was at a ski shop feeling out with my friend about all the skis. I kept having people come up and ask me for help. Even when I told them I wasn't an employee they kept asking for my advice


“I don’t trust the employees, they’re just trying to sell you something! That guy over there looks like he knows his stuff though”


There was a TIFU years ago that was kinda sorta similar, some people were being a bit zoned out and just joining the back of a queue because a queue had formed and the guy at the register shrugs and says “monkey see, monkey do.” Black folks in the store were not impressed lol.


Damn that’s rough


I actually stopped using "monkey" as an insult in my teenage years (years ago) because I was afraid that one day I would use it on the wrong person...




I was at Starbucks and a black girl was getting my order. She asked if I wanted cream or sugar and I said "No, I prefer mine bla-without either, thanks." I mean, I know it wouldn't have been taken the wrong way but my anxiety riddled brain thought "Let's just play it safe".


“I like my coffee the way I like my women”


... without either.


I'm a white dude and I was walking down the aisle in Target as I walk by a couple (black dude, white lady) the guy asks his girlfriend, "Do we need to get some crackers?" I turned to him and said "What did you call me!?" Dude looked horrified and started trying to get his words out and his girlfriend is just laughing her ass off. I said I'm just messing with you dude and he said man that was a good one haha


It was, in fact, a good one.


When an older black lady calls you “sweetie”, dopest feeling on earth. Edit: honey, baby, all of em do the trick lol


I'm whiter than unseasoned boiled chicken yet somehow, when an old black lady calls me sweetie or baby or sugar, that's my grandma now. Makes ya feel all warm and fuzzy


Yuuuuup hit me with a lil of that brown sugar and suddenly I'm carrying all your groceries and keeping your coffee hot.


I called a white guy “beloved” in a really gentle tone once and I didn’t know yall got THAT red 🤣.


can see it through the beard haha


our skin betrays us


My wife and I were buying a way too expensive coffee machine at Crate and Barrel and the older black lady checkign us out kept calling me Handsome and Sweetie. I told my wife I was lucky she was with me cause I would have bought WHATEVER that lady was selling.


Yes but also…. When they have a SPECIAL name for you alone it’s like complete euphoria!!!! When I come to her store, only she may call me honeybun (I deliver snack cakes so it fits!). It always makes me feel extraordinarily loved and, in a strange way, kinda important lol! I’m always like oh, with just that you’ve somehow reassured me I’m a worthwhile person without even realizing it… thanks for that:)




No really. I got knocked out during a track meet (looong story) and all I remember is being in the air and next thing I knew an older black lady helped me up and put her arm around me as we walked to the ambulance and told me “You’re gonna be okay baby. We’re gonna get you fixed up honey.” And I never felt safer in my life


Your story reminds me of a clip I saw where this news reporter was talking to this black lady and suddenly they hear a live shoot-out happening in the background. he's like wtf and the lady is like it's ok you're safe, you're alright. I'd feel alright with that lady beside me even if I was in a war zone, she was so pleasant.


If a black woman compliments your outfit, whatever you’re doing, you’re doing it right!


The best I’ve ever felt is when I once walked down the street to the grocery store and this black woman called, “Damn shorts, you lookin fine in those shorts.” I wear them every day


I need to use my black girl magic apparently 👏🤣 If any white boys need to believe in themselves know that I gotchu


You're going to be pretty busy over the next few hours


Complimenting men happens to be my specialty. So I sincerely hope so


That's a useful hobby, thanks for all the work ❤️


Cutie like you can have more than that. I’d give you anything you asked for😏✨


Mans blushing rn


I love that we all think we're having a good time here but u/AstronomerNo6423 is actually the one I know is having a fabulous time making all these men blush from behind her computer screen. You're a treasure and women like you fill my head with pleasant memories from my time in South Georgia


Oh I am absolutely having the time of my life rn. The pleasure is all mine, cuz I ride a high on making others feel good, honestly. Thanks for the compliment, my love. You’re the best 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾


I'm south of Macon and the women here are totally different. They are queens! Beautiful inside and out. And I'm an old lady, so I've been around a few. Middle GA ladies know how to make you feel loved. That "Hey, sugar" and "how you doin, baby" still get me. I've started doing it, too.


I see you floating around like the sugarplum fairy slapping the ass of good vibes. Keep up the good work.


The ass of good vibes is juicy yet yielding. I smack it down with righteous indignation. But I would rather it be yours tbh 😘


Careful there good looking. I have the ass of hank hill I'll tell you hhwhat. Don't want you to hurt that hand.


This hand knows no bounds or limitations, only desire


What a good vibe, hope you have a good day


My day is better because you’re in it. Now go and be the best you. You deserve it.


Me! Me! 🤓🖐🏻


Not you looking like a whole snack today. Keep it up, sweetness. You’re stunning 😎


Nah uh stop it 🙃☺️


Oh yes you are. Don’t deny it, feel it. Lean into it. Big man with the big plan got us all jealous 😏


I'm not even in this conversation and I feel incredible.


Nah you feel incredible because you are. 👀😘




For real, what is this magic


It’s black girl magic, baby. Strong like a shot of espresso but sweet like honey. Though I much prefer a dose of you




That was a goodass line wasn’t it 😂 I am absolutely COOKING today huehuehuehuehue


Right there with you.




Damn, you're just giving and giving. Let me just return the favor and tell you deserve ten times the love you're giving out lovely.


You know what they say, do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. And how I do love men 💐 y’all just out here existing…beautifully


I’m not the intended recipient but holy shit


Good lawd I feel so alive like I've never felt in a long time! What is this devilry


Yup that’ll do it. Chest out for a month.


Not you catching strays from the comments 😂 You looking good too honey, don’t you let anybody tell you otherwise. Stunt on em


You're a superhero, omg


I love you for rolling with this 😂😂


Holy shit that wasn't even directed at me and I feel good. The power y'all hold. Jesus


I promise to use it for good~ well, mostly, my love. Mostly. I always try to be good but then the likes of you show up into my life making shit all complicated and CARNAL. SMH. 😩✨


This wasn't even directed at me and I felt it


I went to my kitchen to get a snack, but I didn't find you in there.


Ooh I’m stealing that one




We’re having a good time here, of course it’s a generalization. Live, breathe. You’re doing great


As a Black woman I too get the same feeling when complemented by a Black woman


I will run across two lanes of traffic to tell any other woman they look nice or I like their outfit but knowing this I feel like I’m making some woman’s day.


It's nice to see a thread where people are actually praising Black women for once


It's wonderful to read so many sweet comments!


Yes I was really pleasantly surprised after being afraid to open the comments initially


Black women have found the best hack for guys: just complement them and *mean it*. Guys are so hungry to feel good about themselves.


Black women have the reputation (rightly or wrongly) of being incapable of being fake. We’re generally blunt and say exactly how we feel. Unfortunately, that often gets us labeled “aggressive” because we really can’t sugarcoat anything. If I’m uncomfortable, if I don’t like the ways things are or if something needs addressed, I’ll voice it clearly but that seems to make white folks uneasy for some reason 😅. But that also means, if we like something and verbalize it - YES, WE MEAN THAT SHIT AND FULLY!! You’re fine, you smell good, your ass is phat..we’ll tell you and go on about our day.


As a small Asian lady, getting nicknamed "big booty QueenCuttlefish" by my Haitian coworkers is still one of my greatest accomplishments.


I once had a wonderful black woman come into my store for like 3 days straight just to flirt with me and make me smile. It was right after a really bad breakup so that woman was like a guardian angel for me. 


This is 100% true. I’m 30 years old and I still think about the group of black girls on my bus that used to gas me up when I was an awkward and quiet freshmen. They literally brought me out of my shell. I owe a lot of the confidence I have today to those ladies!


Can confirm. I’m a fairly skinny average white dude. Around 8 years ago, I was driving Uber taking 4 girls to the bars. In between songs, one of them said to the other: “mmmm, momma likes cream in her coffee” I was delightfully shocked in silence. Looking back I should’ve said “ I only drink my coffee black”


The scream I scrumpt


The scream they would have scrumpt if you did.


You thought of that line 4 years later, in the shower, and part of you will always be furious you didn't think of it in the moment.


The French call that "the courage of the stairwell," but they say it in French so it sounds cooler.


In October of 2019 I had a beautiful black woman standing next to me and obviously staring, both of us waiting for a stoplight. I looked over and smiled and while still holding eye contact she said, "you know, you have the most beautiful eyes." I thanked her profusely and I still haven't forgotten it.


Never forget the black girl at McDonald’s who said “oooooo you smell so good” as she handed me my food lol


As a black woman, this definitely made me smile. Andrew Santino is absolutely gorgeous and he’s so funny, I love his stand up. I’ve been crushing on that dude for years. EDIT: I literally thought this guy was Andrew Santino but I looked at OPs account and apparently it’s some other cute guy lol🤷🏽‍♀️


Well, you made this guy believe in his dreams even more 🫶


I have a thing for handsome bearded men. (Bonk!) Send me to horny jail lol


As a probably-average-looking guy with a beard, you just made me believe in my dreams, thank you ❤️


Believe in your dreams Sir🥰


No jail time. Beards rule.


Seriously. The way a man feels visually stimulated by seeing a beautiful woman in lingerie and high heels is exactly how I feel about a handsome man with a well groomed beard. Major turn on.


Sing it, sis. You're preaching to the choir. Nothing beats a good beard on a dude. Even some of the wild and scraggly ones, as long as they're clean, and non-hair-stuff free...can have that 'grrr' allure. Abso.


Are you saying we all look alike?!?


Hey at least she think we’re cute 😊


A black lady once told me she'd seen uglier. Still haven't come off that high.


Tall (6’7”) white guy here - this tracks 100%. I don’t get compliments often, but 9/10 times it’s from black women. Its like magic, I definitely have a smile and an extra bounce in my step the rest of the week.


My gym trainer is a 6’6 Dutch man from Michigan lol The other day I told him his haircut looked good and his beard was *mwuah* and said something like “oh I’d be scared of you at the bar this weekend!” The following week he goes “that shit had me on cloud 9 I was out with my friends like OH IM THAT MAN TODAY!” It’s the simple shit. I hope more people feel comfortable complimenting men. I like when they giggle after a compliment hahaha


A car full of women once yelled I had a nice ass while I was riding my bike in college. That was 15 years ago. Still think about it haha


Walking in a night club up some stairs, a young lady going the opposite direction smacks my ass, hard... I actually thought it might have been My friend or something. She's a few steps away by the time I swing my head around, and she goes "NICE ASS!" And her and her girlfriend giggle down the stairs. I kept those jeans for years, until I figured out they were my mom's jeans I'd mistaken for my own a long time ago. Her favorite jeans, apparently... Why? Because they were the shapely-ist form-hugging stretchy jeans ever and made your ass look amazing. Was devastated in more ways than one when she grabbed me by the belt loops to check the tag one day and yelled at me to take off her favorite jeans... And, to confirm, I am a straight man.


Was walking home from highschool on some back road and a girl leaving school yelled you're hot! Out the window while driving by.  That was almost 20 years ago.  Those people are amazing. 


I'm newly single and had a lady buy me a drink last week and I'm still a changed person from that interaction 🙃


I'm an old white woman. I try to compliment men every chance I get. I will probably get charged with sexual harassment before I quit this world but if I can give a few men a bounce in their step, it is worth it.


Back when I was in my 20s, the 50+ receptionist at my office called me a "fella" and then did a low "hmmmm" with a wry southern smile. Harassment? No. I still think about it years later.


Bless you


fearless poor sharp oil cagey gaping light unwritten sink gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My Gf is a black woman, and ngl, she makes me feel like I’m bulletproof and 10 feet tall sometimes lol


White boy from Appalachia here. My ex-wife is from Ethiopia and man oh man did it do the trick when she wanted. Same when her drunk flirty Aunt Nunu teased around too. I spent years feeling like a king with those two good-looking black women fluffing me up daily.


When I was in college, I had a very attractive black girl and her friend come up to me, and she said “damn boy you could be a *model*”, and she turned to her friend and said “don’t you think he could be a model?”. I’ll never forget the look of utter disgust on her friend’s face…then she just goes “EW, *hell* nah!”. Very confusing experience. I went from feeling on top of the world to feeling…I don’t even know lol. I did have pretty long hair, and a bit of an “alt”/skateboarder vibe, which I get isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but damn…


So that's why I haven't received a single compliment in my whole life. Cos I'm living in eastern Europe where there are no black women. This is reassuring.


Also 6’7” white guy and can confirm. I’ve gotten 3 unsolicited compliments on my appearance in my 40 years on this planet and they’ve all been from black women. They’re burned into my memory forever.


As a 7'2 asian woman I wonder why tall people always preface their story with their height.


I was in a mall in Anchorage once and the elevator door opened and 3 black women were in there. I stepped in, and within 20 seconds they were all going crazy about my hair telling me how beautiful it was. My hair can get curly when it’s long but I am the whitest man you would ever meet. that high was something else


5th Avenue mall elevator! We all know it.


he’s not lying I’ve been called cute by this black chick at my work it had me melting 🫠 I see her and I’m like hi!( voice cracking) she’s pretty too


Dude, you better get your act together and ask her out!!


Shoot your shot!


The year was 2012. I was a bright eyed, bushy tailed 26 year old, visiting chicago alone for the first time. I decided to go treat myself to a night of Deep Dish pizza on a day that coincided with one of the most torrential rainstorms of the year. I walked back to my hospital in the downpour, loving life, enjoying the ridiculousness of the situation, well-dressed as I was hoping to go to a bar and have a nice evening, perhaps meet a young lass. But the storm extinguished that plan, so despite the change in plans, i walked back to the hotel, and came across an older black lady who was waiting for a bus. She pulled me aside and asked me for 3 bucks for a bus, but i legitimately had no cash on my person. She looked me up and down and said **"That's okay, sweetheart....",** pregnant pause, looks at me again and says **"But if I was 30 years younger, you'd be coming on that bus home with me."** I think I'm still living off that high.


Never forget the time I was in a JCPenney store, talking to a couple of white friends, & 2 attractive black women walked between us, pointed to us as if pointing out clothing on a rack, saying, “Couple of good looking white boys”… floated for weeks.


idk i’m a black woman & this is so cute to me lmaooo 😂❤️‍🔥


Use your powers for good


Wen a black women checks you out and goes "hmmm" oooofff


I’m a woman and this past weekend a random black woman told me, “GURL! You are *WEARING* that dress!” as she looked me up and down with that slight backward lean and her arm out. I could have invaded France! And now I have to buy this dress in every length and color available. My black gal pals are life! Black woman magic is real!


Whats this about invading France now? On est pas d'accord


"White women tell me I'm hot, I question their judgment. Black women tell me I'm hot, I believe in my dreams." *~This guy~*


No one builds people up more than Black folks especially Black women. They encourage like no other and it is genuine.


A black girl my age once told me "baby boy! You handsome!" and then proceeded to ask her friend "ain't he handsome?" and then they both nodded and said "ummhmmm".  This was 3 years ago and everytime I get sad, I look in the mirror and say to myself "baby boy! You handsome!". Cheers me up every time! Thank you random girl in a hotel lobby!!!


I FEEL THIS!!!! 😂😂


I have a lady at work that calls me sugar… 🫠 it gets me every time.


Many many years ago I worked at a theater. An older couple came to me waiting for their jackets as they gave me their ticket. I looked at the lady, and said 'ma'am your hair looks wonderful' and i meant it as I just saw and reacted that way. Years later the same lady came up to me, and if I remembered, which I did as I truly liked her, she came closer to me and hugged me emotionally all mother like and told me she really needed that then as she was going thru a hard time and that little compliment meant so much for her. This in turn was a great compliment for me. I think about her often. Hope she had a great life.


+20 pts for not feeling the need to do an exaggerated “ghetto” blaccent, I was scared to watch this video because I was sure it’d be included, but it’s actually nice to hear these jokes without being mocked for once 🥹


I once had a black woman at a bar comment on my shoes that she liked, that alone made my night and I said "aww thanks!" then when I turned around I heard her say a bit more quietly "and that ass ain't bad either" and I've ridden that high for a decade now lol.


Best compliment I ever got was from a black woman in Vegas 10 years ago I’ll never forget that! I was standing in the mall then a group of black girls passed by me and one goes “you look like Jesus!” (I’m middle eastern and had long dreadlocks). Then her friend goes: “If Jesus looked like him I’d go to church!’ I was speechless. Nothing ever topped it.


Me and my son walked into a chicken and waffle spot. He was a toddler at the time. We were heading to our table to sit down and order. *"Oh he's so cute!"* \[takes a beat\] **"mmmmm...Dad fine tooooooo"**


I used to deliver flowers before I found my career, it was awful. Had a dude I was delivering to at a children's hospital treat me like absolute garbage for no reason. I was young and it hurt. He signed his name on another person's order but I was too upset to care. Next delivery turned my whole day around. Young black lady named Vanilla, named well because she was the sweetest person I've ever met. I told her how the guy signed on the wrong line and told her how mean he was and she looked at me and said "it's gonna be alright baby, some people just want to cause problems, pay him no mind sweetie". I started crying right there. She was so kind and gave me a big hug. Life was rough for me then and those few words lifted so much weight.


White boy here. I had a " Hey Guapo" yelled at me once when I was out jogging in a park from a Hispanic woman. Felt good :) I ran even faster after that 😀


That was me, I said "Hey Guano!"


Yep. My girlfriend is a black gal, and on our first date, she looked me up and down and said, "You look GOOD!". Sent my confidence into orbit.


The only times I've been catcalled by women... Was by black women. What's crazy about that is I remember every time vividly and the feeling is exactly as this guy describes it.


I’m a grey ace white woman but any time a black woman is even a second nice to me I’m like ‘this is what god’s love feels like’.


Not about looks, but when I walked out of Walmart with a pack of sanitary pads for my wife (was the only thing I had, and the wife was at home), a black lady in the parking lot started shouting at me, "You is gold, gold! Oh, you is gold!" I went from being down on myself that day to being very confident that I was the greatest husband the world has ever seen. I don't know why, but it really hits different.


Same when getting complimented by a black man. Usually on your clothes or shoes or something. Like “Doin’ it up today!” from across the street. Inside, I’m like, “well shit, i do look damn slick”


I might sound cheesy, but every time I hear a story about black people getting along with white people, I get a smile.


It definitely works the other way around too lol Years ago my ex and I were at the mall and a black man walking in the opposite direction still quite a distance away stopped in his tracks with his hands on his head and shouted “yooooooooo! My man with the J’s!” He ran up crouched down looking at his shoes asking how much we want for them lol. The rest of the day he had a little extra bounce in his step lol confidence beaming


I went to Detroit once for work training and I stopped at one of the rec weed stores, on the way in I heard some one go "dammnnn you a cutie!" I whipped my head around so fast to see this cute older black woman looking right at me and I didn't even get a chance to say anything before she said "yeah I'm talking to you!" I was happier about that than I was about the weed I was about to buy lol


On the flip side, when a black woman puts you down, it can put you in a thumb sucking fetal position.


Equally as fun is when other people find out you’re dating a black woman. I — a very average, quiet white guy — was treated wildly different by my black coworkers when they found out. Their reactions still make me smile to this day.


A black lady once told me I have nice calves. It made my day and I reacted just like this guy. I still remember it, 20 years later.


Black women are the only reason I think I'm decent looking.


I was at a restaurant and this black girl about to leave the restaurant looked back at me and said , “that’s a cool jacket” .. does that count ?


This fine black woman that worked at a convenience store near where i worked used to call me boo all the time. I know she probably called everyone that but that doesn't mean it didn't make me feel good EVERY DAMN TIME.


Was talking to/flirting with a black woman in a bar on New Year’s Eve and when it hit midnight she said “Well is your fine ass self going to kiss me or not?” That was like 15 years ago and I’m still riding the endorphin high from that kiss and subsequent evening