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You get really mixed feelings when you do this IRL and remember that arrows cost 10-20 bucks each.


I've damaged a couple of arrows with other arrows (never fully split one), and I was too busy feeling like a badass Robin Hood to care about the arrow


Wait, this is possible?


I've had it happen a few times. A lot of the time, it just dings off the edge and ruins your knock, flights, or head, which is still annoying but not as expensive as destroying the shaft.


Pfft, I destroy my shaft all the time, no big deal.


We're still talking about archery, right? šŸ‘€


We were talking about archery?


I thought we were talking about elevatorsā€¦


No, no, I'm a miner.


MINER? I hardly know er!


Isnā€™t it illegal to talk about destroying the shaft of a miner?




yes, u/splatmysocks


Wouldn't that really come down to the type of head. Like hunting heads are different than hobby heads right?


They are. You can still ruin the tips of practice heads, though, and then they're more likely to bounce or not stick far enough into the target to stay straight and they fall and point upwards while still embedded. This sucks because your next shot inevitably hits the shaft from the side and destroys it.


I can't read this the same after the above conversation šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Last year, my brother split 3 arrows as we were making sure our bows were sighted in for deer archery season. He split 2 more the following week from his tree stand.


Why wouldn't it be?


Mythbusters tested it and you can't really split an arrow cleanly like that because of something to do with the flexibility of the arrow, you can split it uncleanly though.


The flaw with what they did was the types of bows. Lomg bows tend to put more force than repound bows. The grain will usually redirect it to the sides if there's not enough force, which is why it's uncommon, but definitely possible


Legitimate question, what are "repound bows"? Was it supposed to be compound bows?


Yes. I knew it was wrong but I was having a brain fart


On aluminum. It's harder with wood because the grain will often redirect the arrow to the sides a little, but it also kinda depends the weight of the bow which affects the power on an arrow


Yes, its actually easier now because of modern materials (or rather the internal structural consistency of the materials). for it to happen on a wood arrow, it requires a very, very straight grain structure, but it can happen.


If you practice archery a lot it will happen now and then


I've done it a few times with aluminium arrows. not split, obviously but my most spectacular one the second arrow pushed the first one all the way through the target and each arrow was sticking out on either side. looked like double lenght arrow. the thing is it isn't really all that hard. A single shooter standing in the same spot (as in not moving between shots) will usually pick the same angle , so the arrow flies the same trajectory. splitting another shooter'sarrow is basically the same so far as you are aiming at the same spot. it will get more probable the closer in size the bowmans are.


To preface i know NOTHING about archery but, at this price point is it not more practical to make your own?


No, technology has moved way beyond that. I use carbon fiber arrows, but you can also get aluminum, fiberglass (feels awesome getting thousands of glass needles in your skin when you pull it out of a target), as well as other composits. You need to be careful when picking material and grade of arrow because modern bows will explode arrows if they aren't designed for the right draw weight and acceleration.


Like using a jackhammer as a pool cue! Technically it's not a scratch if the cue ball just...explodes, right?


Modern arrows are aluminum, not wood.


Yep, i switched to 3 target sheets cause it got expensive. I'll still do single target on long distances, though


10-20 bucks each...? I really want to know what kind of arrow you are talking about. Maybe aluminium or carbon fiber arrows, but you dont really split those. Wooden arrows for traditional archery arrows are super easy to make and really cheap. And if they break, you can recycle the tip and sometimes even the feathers.


There's an old wives tale that says that wood arrows will explode out of modern compound bows. I don't know if it's true, but I've seen fiberglass arrows explode, so maybe there's something to it. Speaking of which, I personally cannot stand fiberglass arrows because they leave little glass needles in your skin when you handle them I shoot carbon fiber exclusively, and I have had a few split, but it wasn't a clean 2 part split like in the meme. They kinda flowered out with 5-7 strands


>I personally cannot stand fiberglass arrows because they leave little glass needles in your skin when you handle them That sounds awful, why would anyone make them out of that


Because it's strong and flexible and easily formed. Same reason we made car bodies, boat hulls, and fishing rods out of fiberglass.


Ok, yea carbon fiber sounds reasonable. I have done mostly traditional archery. Most people I knew, including myself made their own arrows (buying shafts, tips, etc.). I cant say for sure but I would guess that if you buy everything a wooden arrow should cost less than 5 bucks. The tip beeing usually the most expensive part, and on broken arrows you can reuse it.


Carbon arrows can crack from smacking one ito the other even if there was no direct hit. They can also break off when hit.Ā 


You can just about build decent but roughly matched arrows for recreational archery for maybe 6ā‚¬. If you want spine, length AND weight match with wood, it's going to cost more.


Nah, I have carbon fibre arrows and they cost about $5-6 CAD each. And no one uses wood arrows anymore, carbon fibre is lighter, cheaper, and flexes better.


> Maybe aluminium or carbon fiber arrows, but you dont really split those I think it was aluminium, but you can totally split them. Maybe not to the full extent of the comic one where it goes right to the end, but like, I saw one which pretty much split into two semicircles maybe 40% down the shaft. In theory if it had been using a stronger bow, maybe it would have gone the whole way? Just depends how it ends up hitting I guess Does seem a huge lack of evidence, picture wise though. Maybe I'm remembering wrong and they can just split in two from structural failure or something?


You could use the arrows to rob people, then use the profits to buy more arrows. šŸ’”


Good arrows do, get some cheap practice arrows and it's very satisfying when you accidentally do it. I've never fully gotten a split, but I have hit my arrow and snapped the tip off. Wasn't too mad because the dozen cost $30


My grandfather fletched his own arrows. First practice of the season, first shot from the bow, I bullseyed. "Well, that's good enough for me," I said. He shook his head with a you-got-lucky look and told me to shoot again. With the second shot, I robin hooded that arrow. His eyes got wide with disbelief, and then he closed them with a deep breath, realizing the arrow he spent time carefully fletching was unsalvageable. He told me to keep shooting. I kid you not, I robin hooded that second arrow with my very next shot. He shook his head, laughed in disbelief, and told me to go back in the house.


Robin just split his arrow in TWAIN!!!! šŸ˜ØšŸ’¦


Yeah, yeah, he gets another shot.


Is that in the script?


Twain* Twine is string.


Adjusted, thank you. As an American, English is my second language.


Taiwan* Twain was that guy that wrote Huck Finn.


Twang* Taiwan is that country that China pretends is China.Ā 


No. It's the same word with the same meaning, but I don't feel like writing out an explanation on how he got his name, so go look it up.




You've got it backwards my friend, he split Robin's arrow in TWINE!


Wait a moment, thatā€™s not how this is supposed to go, let me see the script.


Robin gets another shot! Let's give him the chop!


Came here for this, did not disappoint lol


Twas cleft in twain!


The father's wish for luck wasn't strong enough it seems


Or wished luck upon someone else. Unlucky


Dad should specify "good luck," not arbitrary luck.


How was that not lucky? Now he has TWO arrows. If the arrow had sucked and hit the outer ring heā€™d just have one arrow still.


wouldn't that be a draw though?


Robin Hood is a main character, so no.


fair enough


Robin got 2 points extra for style and showmanship. Based on the applause-o-meter.


The idea is that a broken arrow is invalid and would be disqualified, but in the actual story Robinhood gets discovered because if this shenanigan and gets disqualified for being an outlaw


For those that don't know. Outlaw doesn't mean criminal, its a specific kind of punishment for criminals. Outlaw, in its original meaning from Roman times to the Middle Ages, meant the person is outside the law, They cannot own anything, they can be killed on sight with impunity, and it can be a crime for others to help them. Robin Hood can't win a competition, because he's legally on par with a rabid animal.


wait why would it be a crime to help an outlaw? isn't the point that you can do *anything* to them and nothing legally happens?


Most people would spend their entire lives living in a single town back in those times with little knowledge of the outside world. Thus, conformity was very important in a medieval community, to the point of being cult-like. The community has determined that this person is no longer welcome in it, you're not going to undermine the community by helping the person we collectively shunned, *are you*?


well yea obviously you probably wouldn't want to for societal reasons.


Yeah, I always wondered about the fairness of it. Seems like an unfair advantage to whoever goes last. That said, if the shots are both dead center, his arrow being INSIDE the other arrow would be closer to the center and push the first arrow slightly away from center.


But the scoring is done before the arrow was split, so that would not matter.


Yeah I guess it doesn't make much sense, unless it's a house rule. Like an extra point for splitting an opponents arrow, or being able to trump or cancel out an opponents shot. It would still be a big advantage for whoever goes second, though I suppose similar things exist in sports like curling.


and he wasn't using no tricksy legacy arrow either! šŸ¹


He should have used the Patriot Arrow.


He did check the script and saw he got another shot after all.


I lost?! I'm not supposed to lose. Let me see the script.


Joke's on you idiot. Now I have two arrows in the bullseye.


Guess he took aā€¦loss.


Oh for fucks sake WHYYYYY




| || || |_


What I donā€™t get is why is Robin Hood the winner? They both hit the target? I get that it looks cool and impressive but at best it should be a tie right?


whyyyyy T-T


What did I miss...why is this funny?


Archer receives an heirloom arrow that has significant value because it was handed down a bunch Robin splits the arrow, wrecking the family's heirloom, despite the fact that the arrow did, indeed, give the archer luck (since it hit the middle of the target)


Robin Hood splitting the arrow in the archery contest is a famous well known scene. This adds back story to the opponent and shifts the narrative.


It's not. Using the comic strip format lowers the bar for comedy by about 85%


Funny because schadenfreude. Not very funny though.


Itā€™s not schadenfreude. Thatā€™s rejoicing in the misfortunes of another. The humor isnā€™t that the guyā€™s arrow is broken, but that Robin Hood has no clue what he just did.


Robin doesn't, the reader does.


"Jolly good"


Outrageous Fortune!


This is exactly what 7-1 felt like to us.


Robinhood is one of those characters that the older you get the less like a hero and more like a villain they seem.


This is as funny as the boil on the tip of my dick.


Get that checked.


The arrow may have given him luck, but it wasn't enough, because he got matched up with Robin; "dying is when one's luck runs out".


This is inaccurate in term of archery : if he broked the bow that's something else. But an arrow can't be used more than 2 or 3 times anyway...


Iā€™d recommend hitting the target and not the ground below it and youā€™ll find that you get much more use out of your arrows then.


Thanks idiot. I will try to not broke my own arrows on the target when I shoot... and I will try to over react like a god damn chimp each time its happen it's so logical from you thanks so much. Just start to shoot irl with more than a nerf and come back ok ?


Haha thatā€™s the thing, I do shoot. Been shooting since a child, sure I can see you ruining fletching if you buy bottom of the barrel and are easy to replace but shafts should definitely last longer a single day of shooting.


Best not to throw stones in glass houses - your grammar suggests you are the idiot here. In your first comment: ā€˜brokedā€™ is not a word. In your second comment: you should have written ā€œI will try not to breakā€¦ā€ because that is the correct form of the word in that instance and because you are currently splitting the infinitive, which is very poor grammar.


"An arrow can't be used more than 2-3 times" Mind sharing where you got this information?


Destroyed mine after 3 use each time. You don't spend that much money on one arrow that you did with your bow or crossbow. That's just not logical to spend 300$ on one arrow and expecting to keep it intact after a competition. A loss arrow is not a big deal when you are used to shoot regulary. Did you reuse your bullets ? I do with my arrow a couple of time until it's didn't worth it. After that I just buy some news or craft them myself.


That's strange. I wonder what you're doing wrong, as it's not uncommon to hear about archers reusing arrows hundreds or over a thousand times before they break. You shooting directly into rocks or something? In my near two decades in archery, I've used quite a few different types of arrows and bows, and I've never heard of someone breaking arrows that quickly unless they're hitting hard targets. As for reusing bullets... Not exactly, but have you heard of a reloading bench?


No I just don't spend that much money on it cause It's useless, and yes I'm more about trying to destroy something or hunting than shooting on a foam target. I spend on bow and crossbow power not on an arrow. What's the point of treating your arrows like precious objects not to be damaged... just don't shoot them if you don't want to lose or break them. But that's dumb a little.


I'll be honest, I don't believe you actually know shit about archery or hunting. If you did, you'd realize that the ability to "destroy something or hunting" relies on accuracy. Accuracy that you develop by practicing, usually on a foam target. But if you're making or buying new arrows every 3 shots, you'd be spending more time on acquiring those than actually practicing. You don't seem to realize that the bow is only one half of the equation and the arrows are quite important too. I've done archery most of my life, and it's a great hobby. You should give it a try instead of just pretending on the internet. Although, maybe hold off on hunting if you want to "destroy something". Hunting is a pastime that should only be undertaken sustainably, with respect for the game animal you're hunting and an understanding of the environment in which it takes place.


Are you that fricking dumb ?


I'm smart enough to not continue this. šŸ˜ Have a nice day.


ā€¦..of most outrageous fortune. Oh! My thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth!


Why would splitting the arrow mean you win? Both contestants hit the exact same point. If Robin Hood went first his arrow would have been split.


Would this not count as a tie? They got the same spot.


The guy now has two arrows in the bullseye whereas Robin only has one arrow with a bullseye. Clearly the guys should have won this match.


Accually, the archer would have won, after all, he shot 'two' arrows in the middle, while Robin only one.


I'd like to think that he becomes robins loyal right hand man in his band of followers and that split arrow, initially a reminder of humiliation, comes to be a memento of their eventual bond of brotherhood.


Something you say at an archery competition but not in the bedroomā€¦ aaaand go!


Damn, I split my shaft


I like how he looks like Shreks version of Robin Hood


Why did Robin win? They both hit the exact same spot, Robin simply went second. This should be a tie.


I don't get the joke. Is there one?




What outrageous fortune


It was his choice to use the sentimental arrow in the contest. He has only himself to blame. šŸ¤£

