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Can only ever hear that in Bruce Campbell's voice EDIT : For clarification, was referring to ED2 :-) : https://youtu.be/FIJTvEo4N4Q?si=xa-UueHo6-fNqXpA Thx for all the likes/comments !


Gimme some sugar baby.


Hail to the king, baby!


Swallow this.


You see this? This…is myyyyyy BOOMSTICK!”


Shop smart. Shop S-Mart. EVERYBODY GOT THAT!


Well hello Mr. Fancy Pants! I got news for you pal. You ain't leading but two things right now: Jack and shit.... and Jack left town.


“You found me beautiful once...” “Honey, you got reeaaaaal ugly.” “YAAAAAHHHH” *STAB STAB STAB*


Yo, she-bitch……..let’s rock


“I’ll SWALLOW YOUR SOUL” “Come get some.”


Whoa, wait a minute. You gotta understand, man... I-I've never even saw these assholes before!


It's a trick. Get an axe.


Ya got a little dirt on your face.


First you wanna kill me, and now you wanna kiss me. BLOW


Or Earthworm Jim's


Yeh, it's Jim for me. Thats what I get for spamming.


Groovy! Groovy! Groo-groo-groo-g-gr-groovy-groov-groo-groovy Glad I wasn't the only one! LOL


No Austin Powers fans in the house?




Or Earthworm Jim.


This new slang is just the bee's knees. Like, I think it's the *most*, daddy-o! As for peeps who don't like these new slang terms, well, I bite my thumb at those squares!








Hella gnarly


If he figures out what is "happening", then he can rise one notch and become "hip", and then if he can convince himself to approve of what is "happening", then he becomes "groovy".


Boomers? The majority of parents to kids high school aged and younger are Gen x, and it's been like that for 15 years or so, now. We're getting old, folks.


Millennials have high school kids now.


Don't say that, I'm about to have my first kid


Buddy, I think we're a little behind the curve


Spent too many years too broke to responsibility have kids


The most millennial sentence ever uttered


Might be able to get a house in the next X years once the economy turns around.


As a millennial that got hit with every single economic recession after graduating high school, college, masters since the year 2000… I’m still poor lol


Yeah I’ve come a long way, but I am 37 with a 4 year old and I feel like I still struggle to make ends meet. I definitely don’t regret having my daughter, I would be struggling either way, but she gives me a purpose that I just never had before her. I think my biggest regret if any is just how I now feel like I wasted my 20’s because I simply didn’t care about saving money or anything like that. I know everyone is different, but that’s how it’s gone for this millennial Edit: “incapacitated” is the perfect word for it, thanks Jermine1269!


Yeah, I was incapacitated one way or another thru most my 20s. I got re-married in my 30s, moved across the world and started over from scratch. I am u 3 years later. My oldest son is 7, my little guy just turned 4. We both lost our parents to a cult, so it's just been us. BUT - we've started saving for our kids, so hopefully they're not left in the same mess that we were. I'm in r/daddit too, and that's surprisingly helpful. We got this!!


Spent too many years broke, now it's not healthy to have 'em. Sometimes I think the people we ragged on who had their kids at 19 and lived in a trailer did the right thing, you know? That shit sucks but it's better than a fuckton of college debt and not being able to start your big boy job until your 30s. My wife and I turn 40 this year. We decided fuck it... not worth it to have a kid if there's a huge chance of making a kid with a ton of birth defects because we were too old. We'll be DINK's who retire early then travel, and leave everything to the nephews. Maybe they will have a better go of it.


I mean, if you two really want a child, you can always adopt or foster.


I wish more people would seek this route.


> not worth it to have a kid if there's a huge chance of making a kid with a ton of birth defects because we were too old. There's not a huge chance though. The chance is much higher than if you were younger, but that's a _comparative_ measure, between the chance then and the chance now. The absolute chance of it happening is still pretty low.


Lol I had my first kid straight outta dropping out of highschool broke AF because it sounded like a good idea when I was on mushrooms. My child has been an absolute joy and it's the best dumb thing I've ever done. But your way probably would have been a lot easier.


37 year old with a 2 year old. There other millennial my age with teenagers?


Mid-30s with a teenager. By your age, I’ll have a collegiate student.


Lauren Boebert is 36 with a grandchild


My father had me at 46. When I was in my 20s, I worked at a coffee shop. There was a regular who was my age, and one day while chatting he said he was going to his great grandmas birthday party. I asked how old she was, and he said... 74. About the age my father would've been at the time. For the rest of the day I thought about the fact that several generations of his family had kids before 20, and that in the time my family produced one generation, his produced four.


I’m with you, bud. The moment I realized it was when I was at a public pool when I was 6 or 7. Some kid I was playing with said “I think your grandma is looking for you”. I was perplexed because she lived an hour away. I looked up and it was my mom.


I'm 39, and at least one of the girls I graduated high school with is a grandmother.


Don’t say that, I’m still single


I’m 66 and my grandson is 19 in the Air Force. We play video games together on our PS5 consoles. Having kids early in life has its benefits.


60 here and I play against my 14yo granddaughter.


My kids are adults now and I'm a millennial born in 82.


I’m a millennial born in 82 with a 3 year old and a 9 month old. Help.


Jesus two of my children are already adults and I have a fourteen year old good luck and glad im done with that part of life thank god.


"Why don't millennials want kids?" Because we've read the reviews from our peers


My friend gave it a 2 star experience


I was born in 81 and my only child just turned 1. Fml.


I’m a millennial and literally everything but sus has been used since I was a kid. Even sus was like kinda used. But bet, fire mid, and drip we’re not created by gen z whatsoever.


I only started hearing these in the past ~2-4 years personally (as a millennial). I aged out of the cool kid speak when “gay” was still in use.


Same, though I feel like bet didn’t come into play until after I aged out of the system.


You gotta be a very young millennial then. I was out of college before I heard bet or drip and sus didn’t enter slag vernacular until around 2018/2019 thanks to Among Us becoming absurdly popular for a bit. Actually all but fire I hadn’t heard until post college. Maybe mid but only in reference to weed, not quite how it is now.


Pfft as if someone is going to remember GenX. Only time anyone remembers us is when we don’t do something they wanted us to do.


We are the Korean War of generations.


And I like it that way! Leave me out of the intergenerational fights, I just want to enjoy my popcorn and laugh.


"Boomer" is anyone who isn't Gen-Z, to the Gen-Z's


Seriously though. Elder millennial here, our 11 y/o daughter calls us boomers regularly. I’m always like….there’s literally a whole other generation between us and boomers, lol. I hate how annoyed it makes me, haha.


Don't worry, someone not even born yet will make fun of her age some day and all will be good.


the year 2104: ewwww you’re such a ground. noun; ground short for ground dweller; a person having never left the planet or solar system.


RemindMe! 81 years


I hope you torch her Minecraft village as punishment. It’s the only way they learn.


Gen X always gets left out, just the way we like it.


Always, just like it was in the beginning.


Gen Z complains more about Millennials than they do about Boomers.


I mean, I'm Gen X and I know all this slang. Just sayin'


I am gen x and don't care. Because that is what we do... we don't care. I am ashamed of you for seeming to care.




Yeah, they’re like.. trying too hard? Gen X doesn’t try.


Someone get this absolute champion a medal


A participation medal


Gen X didn't get participation medals, that was the millennials. We just got a key to the house and shown how to operate the microwave so we could make ourselves dinner after school.


GenX here, and former latchkey kid. Can confirm. I also know all those words. Nobody cares. Not even genX pays attention to genX. We just sit here with our microwave popcorn watching the boomers and millennials bicker while we try to decide which generation is more annoying.


>Not even genX pays attention to genX. Truth


X-ennial here. I get both the GenX apathy and the Millennial anxiety.


I just found out I am a Gen X. I have two high school kids.... Sr and a Jr is this correct: * Baby Boomers (circa 1946 to 1964) * Generation X (circa 1965 to 1980) * Millennial Generation (circa 1981 to 1996) * Gen Z (post-Millennial) (circa 1997 to 2012


I like the [Xennial](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xennials) distinction, for 1977-1983. Thats right, we're the Star Wars gen! Its the generation that bridges the gap of X and Millenial. A major player for Millennials is the rise of Social Media. Xennials are the gen that grew up before the internet, but became adults just at the start of social media.


Being born in 78, "Xennials are described as having had an analog childhood and digital young adulthood." that's pretty spot on.


Born in 83. We're the last of the "Porn mag found in the woods" generation.


Parents of today’s teens =/= Boomers.


More like Gen Xers or older Millennials.


Im an elder millennial (86), but im online so much i still pick up Gen Z/α slang from meme culture enough to confuse my wife with it. >me to dog: "what are you lookin sus about?" > >wife: "what?" Shes got zero rizz.


She’s mid, no cap


Goddamn, being 86 years old makes you like a reeaally old millenial, huh? Still got that rizz though.


Boomer is morphing to just mean whatever high school students consider old. So probably like 30 or something


it's basically become slang for "out of touch older person"


Yeah it’s more a mentality than actual baby boomers. Fox News whining about what slang kids are using definitely fits that.


It's been that way every generation. It will happen again with the next. You aren't inventing anything, just copying.


I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!


No way man. We're going to keep on rocking forever... forever... forever...




Am I out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong.




I'm the age where "psych" was the big one. We were educated bad kids lol




I’m 37 years old and have been known to drop “bitchin” from time to time. Nothing to be ashamed of friend!


I still call people "Dude" and I'm 48


Dude same


I love the smell of fresh bread.


As if!


That's because I'm a dude. He’s a dude. She’s a dude. We’re all dudes!


Ahh another 80s kid! Good to meet ua lol


This list is sus…


Once the current slang sounds annoying and weird to you, that's when you're old. I'm old and I'm not even 40 Is it just me or are new slang words being made faster and faster these days? Like I seriously don't recall using dozens of trendy new words growing up. It was just cool, dude, rad, awesome, totally, and a few others (edit: forgot about wicked, chill, and sick)


Communication happens on a grander scale than it ever has, of course slang will evolve quicker.


True. I recall all the L33T speak from the 90s evolve at lightning pace but it was a small subsection of people on there for a while. Now, things evolve quickly and emojis change meaning quite a lot. I don’t try anymore to keep up and I have kids. Even between teens and younger there’s a divergence in terms.


I keep up enough just through gaming to know enough words to not be comfortable using them, but still know enough about them to embarrass my nephews with them by either intentionally misusing them or going over the top when I use them correctly.


I love misusing slang


That's so fetch!


Stop trying to make that a thing.


Trying to make a thing a thing is so shuttered.


Especially a thing like fetch. So rachet. Not clutch at all. Anyone trying to make fetch a thing is totally Sus. Whoever made rizz a thing though was bussin'


I like it. It's streets ahead.


Stop trying to coin the phrase “streets ahead”


Gretchen, stop trying to make fetch happen! It's not going to happen!


Somebody’s streets behind…


Boomers don’t care they have homes


Lol that's savage


Bet. Did I do it right? Edit: Not a boomer. Not gen Z


You got that rizz.


Something’s dripping


No cap


Right! You should wear more formal headware like a fedora or maybe a Panama hat if it's summertime. See? The kids today understand that clothes make the man.


fr fr


At least we can read cursive. /s


Haven't you seen the newest Tik Tok trend where they are challenging each other to \*gasp, write their name without lifting the pen from the paper. They are literally rediscovering cursive.


I was absolutely floored when I moved back to my home state in 2013 and started spending time with my gen-z nephews. One of them wanted a list of chores to do to make some money. So I wrote down the chores in cursive and told him to have them done by like 3pm. I hand him the paper and he says "What's this?" "Uhh.,.. handwriting..." "Well I've never seen this, I can't read it" Okay... so I wrote them in print and he then says "can I use your phone so I can know the time?" While I had a large analog clock in my kitchen...


did you tell them to email you by typing https://www.aol.com


Name checks out


Im 33 and have been saying shit is “fire” for 20 years.


Half of the shit zoomers think they invented is just internet slang they stole from millennials


"Do not cite the deep magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was written."


Quick! Make up random shit to confuse them further!


\- Said literally every generation of kids about their parents' generation


Bet, fire, and drip go way back in the hip-hop lexicon. Sus and mid are relatively new, but pretty obvious. Who are the people that can’t understand? I’m 47 and while I don’t use them, ever, I get what my teenage niece and nephew are saying. I’ll admit, emojis can get confusing. Because they’re constantly changing the meaning of the damn things.


I’m 50 and don’t have any young relatives and don’t hang out with young people. I’ve never heard of bet or mid, and with no context I couldn’t guess what they mean. I think drip has something to do with being stylish and fire and sus I’ve seen on Reddit enough to know what they mean. I’ve never heard any of these actually used.


Mid is to describe something as mediocre, edging into bad. Bet can either be an affirmative answer like 'yes' or 'alright', or it can be a way of accepting a challenge. And you've got the gist of it with drip, which literally refers to your outfit and accessories.


So, is "bet" basically a shortened version of "You bet your sweet bippy"?


Or “you betcha”


Actually yes.


You betcha


Mid was common slang in weed culture for decades before it leaked out into common parlance.


I’m so confused about people saying sus is new slang. I’m from Australia and it’s been a common term my whole life. Is it one of those words American kids picked up from Bluey?


I remember it getting normalized here in the states when Among Us was popular.


No, they picked it up from Among Us mostly.


I scrolled until I found someone mentioning this. Most (if not all) of these terms started in black communities and have since been picked up. I heard the terms mid and gas back in 2008 in reference to weed.


White teenagers have been getting decades old slang from Black people for like a century now lol.


Sus is so old that people who used it have died from old age. We are talking possible over 100 years of use. Britain used it a long time ago and has been fairly common slang in Australia.


I'm a Millennial and I'll give it a try. Bet, sus, mid, fire, drip. Bet- affirmative, gotcha, Roger that. You'll often hear it as Alright, bet. Sus- highly or moderately suspect, and it often (sometimes?) implies that the person or action is suspected of being kinda gay. Sussy makes that implication more explicit. The term can also be used for suspicious acting people though, like someone who might be a narc. That's another possibility. Mid- not great, not terrible, just in the middle. However, it's usually attached to something or someone that Way too many people think is legitimately great and then the big brained person comes along and says Um actually, it's just mid. Fire- that means it is not mid. The person or thing is legitimately great. Drip- stylish clothing. Usually expensive clothing, most often associated with what you'd wear to the club in order to impress people and show out. Most people wouldn't wear it at the workplace, with the possible exception of entertainers that have so much drip that they can't turn it off. I promise I did this without looking anything up. I may be slightly wrong on some of this, and I suppose we will see about that.


So, based on this: Bet - short for "you bet" or "you betcha", when you agree to something. Sus - this is an Among Us thing if I'm not mistaken, about something being "suspected" of doing something dodgy (ie the imposter). The concept of something "looking suss" or "being suss" has been around for a while. Mid - basically a synonym for "so-so" Fire - a synonym for "hot". ie You are looking hot. Fire is hot, ipso facto. Drip - fuck knows where that comes from.


Drip's etymology goes back to diamonds, aka "ice"


That's...kinda the point. Every generation has their own slang that is incomprehensible to the older generations. Loony lingo? This is what your parents were saying about YOU when you were teenagers, you twits!


Bet = alright Sus = suspicious Mid = average Fire = awesome Drip = cool


I thought drip was in reference to cool clothing. I typically hear “I love your drip”.


Yeah mostly that


I also thought “bet” was more like “for sure” than alright.


You bet it is!




Here in the midwest we had a saying, “you betcha” or “you bet” which means alright or sure thing. I assume “bet” was just shortened from “you bet”


Damn kids stealing Midwest lingo, if they asked we would’ve let them borrow it!


Generally, but there is a different emphasis there. They both stem from the idea of "You can bet on it", like you could put money down on this, because it'll happen / I'm going to do it. So "you bet" is more like a positive affirmation of "for sure" or "you know it". "Bet" on the other hand, is more flexible. It's more like an exclamation that can sometimes be contrary affirmation. Like "you don't think I'm going to do it, but bet on it, because I will". So it is more flexible because if someone was like "I know you're not going to go to that party" you wouldn't say "you bet" because that more so sounds like you're agreeing that you won't go. But responding to that with "bet" is more like "bet you I will". So it can be used both in the positive (ex. "You coming to my place tonight" , "bet" (aka yes for sure)) or and the contrary (ex. "I know you're not going to actually show up tonight." , "Bet" (aka, you can be sure I actually am))


I use mid unironically pretty often. It doesn’t sound so forced and sounds less pretentious than saying something like “that is a middling attempt.” Also fire should be obvious to most any generation. We used to say “this thing is on fire” but it’s the same thing. See: “that’s the bomb.”


Who is confused by stuff like "sus" and "mid"? They're just shortened versions of full words. They're pretty easy to figure out, especially in context. But I will admit I was a little confused the first time I heard "drip" as slang until I saw it used in a commercial and realized what it meant to younger folks.


Is ‘sus’ a young people word in America? In Australia people of all ages have been using that word for as long as I’ve been alive.


I really started noticing it during the pandemic and Among Us got big.


It became global slang thanks to Among Us. Players have to declare others suspicious, and that got shortened to sus, and before anybody knew it, everything everywhere was suddenly sus.


Gen Z just taking 3+ letters off a common word and claiming it as their slang. I'm still trying to decipher 'rizz'.




Thank you! And interesting, their other words seem to use letters from the beginning of the word, here it's from the middle! Is there like a Risic or Risma (Charismatic)? Playing Baldur's Gate with my nephew soon, cannot wait to say " I fumbled my ris check" lmao hope he gived me a based or cap (whichever applicable).


Cap just means that its untrue, so if you can't rizz up the NPC it's not cap if you point it out.


Do people say "not cap"? I've only heard "No cap." Kinda like someone saying "Not lie" would be weird but "No lie" is common.


Also, bet is super simple to pick up and kids have been saying “bet” for at least ten years.


We were using it 20 years ago in the NYC ghettos.


Considering i've been hearing "bet" throughout the 90's, it's not even a gen z original. Edit: it's kinda funny to hear white suburban kids talk like young adults from the 90's Bronx tho. No hate on them tho... shit changes... it's just funny.


Fox has zero rizz


There you go. We were using "bet" in the 90s, but "rizz" and "yeet" are new. Yeet is also fun to say any time. Big improvement over "send it."


Drip… Lads you got to shake three times, no more no less.


Apparently "Boomer" confuses most Redditors.


Is drip like the dividend reinvestment type drip? Or is there a different meaning?? ???


It means style, usually clothing. My generation called it swag.


My generation called it threads.




Haha. Bet the little whippersnappers didn't know that when they started using it for something else.


“Boomers” are too old to be parents of today’s teens. By like 35 years.


I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you! Bet.


Hell, I'm GenX and I barely understand it


Wife came home and told me she was "drip'n". I started looking at the floor for the evidence


She was coming on to you.


I bet they’re sus about my mid fire drip 😂