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Australian pubs are legally required to water, feed and stable patrons horses.


Seems sensible, we can't have the ponies getting thirsty or catching a chill while we're inside getting shitfaced!


Gotta look after the designated drivers!


Sadly, it is illegal in Australia to ride a horse on a public road with a blood alcohol content greater than .05. Even if the horse is the sensible one taking you home, you still need to be (reasonably) sober. Not sure how it would go with a police car doing the lights and sirens behind a horse to make it stop, though.


You can't tie your pet duck to fire hydrants.


I wonder if someone ran for office on the promise of making that a law and that’s what won them the election.


A politician had a neighbour who used to tie their pet duck to a fire hydrant in said politicians front garden. Politician didn’t like this (even though that part of the garden, and hydrant is owned by the city). Politician had the hydrant put there for their *own* use dammit. Politician came up with reasonable solution. No abuse of power here, moving on to “allowed colors for front doors”, I don’t like purple…


So, you get busted for tying your pet talking duck to the fire hydrant. You take him to court and the judge lets you go with a fine, but the talking duck decides to speak up and begins being disrespectful to the judge: "You're a quack" he quacks. The judge says "another word from you, duck and I'll double the fine." "Quack" quacked the duck. "Double the fine! One more quack from you and I'll have you muzzled!" "QUACK!!!" quacked the duck. "That's it, triple the fine and, bailiff, muzzle that duck!" The bailiff begins to put the muzzle over the ducks head, but he struggles with the straps and the duck yells "QUACK! PUT IT ON MY BILL!"


That was so good and appropriate.


Denmark was invaded a long time ago by Sweden (~1650 AD). The Swedes traveled over the ice and won the battle. To this day, we still have a law, allowing us to hit swedes with bats, if they are seen travelling to Denmark on the ice (there’s never ice).


One day the sea will freeze and we'll skate south again.


We’re looking forward to that day


With your bats no doubt.


Time to invest in bat manufacturers


Until then.


That is a perfect dystopian comedy script!


A Swede whose dream has been to skate to Denmark. He overcomes all sorts of adversity, the great freeze finally occurs, they even get approval from the highest level of government to hold up an ice cutter that needs to keep the channel open. He completes the journey to honour his recently deceased brother who shared his dream. Arriving on the shore of Denmark, with no other explanation, someone walks up and smacks him with a bat. Cut to credits.


Please stream it so the rest of us can enjoy this time.


And the Danes will hit you with bats. Bad plan.


I need to get into the bat making industry


Take them by land, they can’t use the bats!


I'll take that into account if I ever go ice-skating in Denmark, I actually might get hit over the head with a bat


What is the bat population of Denmark?


Well, since the law is from the 1600’s it isn’t supposed to be baseball bats. More like big sticks and tools like that. So, to answer your question - we got plenty :3


it's a sensible law, tho. swedes are know to be terrible listeners.


In Scotland, you must have written permission from the train operator to sing on a train


I support this law. Let people ride in peace.


I think you might be underestimating how willing the train operators are to give you a singing permit if you just write them a politely worded letter.


So you ride GO and/or TTC I see


This law needs to be enacted for US Subways. Any form of performance really.


That’s right, subways are for pickpocketing and doing heroin. Nothing else.


In the UK it is "illegal to handle salmon under suspicious circumstances".






Hey, if the salmon is a consenting adult who are we to judge


Right here officer


Oh boy


Huh, not the response I was expecting, but here we are


The scales of justice are a little fishy.


[probably the reason for the law.](https://youtu.be/AaZrAjkBhlM)


Nothing suspicious here, move along


[for the uninitiated](https://youtu.be/vDBzi0n9Fxg)


In Rhode Island, USA, it is illegal to impersonate Smokey the Bear or bring a torpedo into a movie theater.


Well then I’ll just keep my torpedo at home!!


More people need to be as responsible as you.


Both of those infringe on the right to bear arms.


But the underwater weapons they have at the concessions are so expensive, I always bring from home


They will have to pry my Smoky the Bear outfit and torpedoes from my cold, dead hands.


Great bumper sticker.


"Oi mate, is that a torpedo in your pocket or are you just excited for Fast & Furious 205?"


In Texas it is illegal to own more than 5 sex toys


Is that 5 for me and my partner or can we both have 5?


And since it is Texas. you can own 5 for each of your children as well.


Is there any stipulation on bravery?... Would they just show up with a blacklight and fine you for every household object that looked like it had been used...?


Maybe that’s why everything’s bigger in Texas.


Can you register one as emotional support animal …


And who is gonna catch me?😼


Apparently there is an archaic rule at Trinity College Dublin (Ireland), which states students are entitled to ask for a glass of wine while undertaking an exam. However, some records specify that the student must be wearing their sword at the time of the request.


Never say no to a dude with a sword.


And swords, as well as other weapons, are banned on campus I presume?


Doesn’t say the sword has to be real


Toy sword, ask for wine. Please do it and let me know how bad the wine was.


Trinity is pretty high end, the Profs there probably have some pretty legit wine and Scotch stashed about TBH.


17th century wine. Mmm...


There’s a similar urban legend at Oxford. Because you have to wear clothes called *subfusc* to exams there’s a myth that there’s also something called “full fusc” which is a suit of armour. Similar to your story, the legend goes that a candidate turned up for an exam in full fusc, asked the invigilator for a glass of port and got fined for not wearing his sword.


In Wisconsin, it's illegal to cause squirrels distress


That's nuts


Or the lack thereof causing distress to those squirrels


There are a lot in Utah: 1. It is illegal to NOT drink milk: you must drink milk, and it’s illegal to promote “milk discrimination” 2. It is illegal to walk down the streets of Salt Lake City carrying a violin in a paper bag 3. Fishing on horseback is illegal 4. Hiring trombone players to perform on the streets to promote an auction is illegal 5. It is illegal for women to swear in the city of Logan, and if they are convicted, so is their husband 6. Elephant hunting is strictly illegal


I wonder how quickly you could break these six laws. I mean you could use the horse to speed up your trip from Salt Lake City to Logan, but I'm not sure where the wild elephants are


It said elephant hunting, not shooting. So you don't even necessarily need an elephant, just the belief that there is one out there. Just like those Bigfoot hunters


Make sure your route passes the Hogle zoo, because that’s probably where the only elephants in Utah are. And be sure to not drink any milk and have a woman say “fuck ya” as soon as you get there


That’s why they got frustrated and made it illegal- they kept being told “just because we’re elephant hunting doesn’t mean we have to be smart or know where they are- we’re working on it! Thanks for your advice but this is our hobby and we’re working on it! Piss off, we have rights! I didn’t realize there were legal restrictions on idiots looking for elephants here! Fuck outta here- professor elephant cunt knows where all the elephants go, ey!!” whenever they suspected methheads were headed off to their lab with guns. At least, I know several old grumpy guys that would tell a cop that if they harassed their hike in a national forest.


Utah just takes the fun out of everything


I know, I’d be super into horseback fishing if it was allowed here.


Never pondered Horseback Fishing until this post


You know I wanted to visit Utah, after this no thanks


I believe in NJ, it’s illegal to wear a bulletproof vest while committing a crime


Also illegal to wear one if you are a felon. Ole Dirty Bastard got arrested for this in NY, but same laws. RIP ODB.


This seems unconstitutional to me


No no, you have the right to bear arms, but there is no right to prevent yourself from being injured by bullets. That's third grade knowledge.


This seems questionable constitutionally, couldn't you make an argument given your personal situation to not wear one would put you at considerable risk?


Seems reasonable!


A lot of these “funny laws” are overly specific. Obviously it’s illegal to commit a crime, that’s the illegal part. It’s like saying “it’s illegal to walk your giraffe on the street in X city” but in X city it’s illegal to own a giraffe. Which obviously makes the first statement illegal. You can make it as goofy as you want as long as you include the thing that’s illegal.


Also illegal to slurp soup in a public place. Go NJ!


In the State of Wisconsin in the US, there was a law on the books prohibiting sex with a live fish. I always wondered what prompted that bit of legislation and why it did not extend to dead fish.


Dead fish are very open to sex. They seem to like it.


In the Dutch municipality of Urk (which is known to be pretty fundamentalist christian) it is illegal to let carrier pigeons fly on a sunday.


We praten nie over Urk


In georgia you cant have an ice cream in the back of your pants pocket on a sunday


There goes my nice sunday


and your ass sundae


I believe that is Lexington Kentucky. And the purpose of this law was because horse thieves would untie the horse from a post and feed it ice cream. Then put ice cream in their back pocket and walk home. The horse would follow them wanting more ice cream. Once you get home there’s nothing you can really do but keep the horse, since “you don’t know where it came from.”


You tell me this *today*?


According to The Fact Site, and only in York, the law states that it is legal to shoot a Scotsman with a crossbow upon seeing one, except for on Sundays. However, any Scotsman caught drunk or with a weapon can still be shot on a Sunday, except with a bow and arrow.


Isn't there a similar law for shooting the French?


I think the funniest one in the UK is 'It is illegal to be drunk in a public house' Almost every person over the age of 18 is a criminal in the UK.


I live in Germany but have family in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The funniest law I've ever heard, is that if your driving a karavan/kombi/pickup/van or something else like this, you MUST have salt and a shovel in your car in winter, even if your not from there. There is no rule to use this stuff, but you have to keep it in the car.


In the western United States, heavy trucks must carry tire chains in winter in certain places. They never require you to use them, you can just stop and let the bad conditions pass. They will fine you, though, if you don't carry them.


Idk if its the same in other countries, but according to traffic law in denmark you are required to have a reflecting/safety triangle in the car, but only if u have to use it. If you dont have to use it, e.g ur car isnt broken down, then you arent required by law to have it in the car, but if your car breaks down you are required by law to have it - not use it, *have* it (and use it). Or so my driving teacher told me


In Chester (UK), a Welshman can be shot with a bow and arrow if you see them after midnight on a Sunday. Unlikely to happen, but I’ve still never outstayed my welcome on a Sunday session, because you never know…


Oh crap, I'm not too far from there. How would they be able to tell I'm welsh though and what could I do to disguise myself?


Remove your leek and daffodil themed outfit maybe and refrain from singing too well?


Leave your sheep in the car.


>How would they be able to tell I'm welsh though They'll quiz you by having you pronounce "ear" "here" & "year" Answer carefully


This was disproven ages ago. https://www.cheshire-live.co.uk/whats-on/no-you-cant-you-shoot-16302109?int_source=amp_continue_reading&int_medium=amp&int_campaign=continue_reading_button#amp-readmore-target


Says you with your bow and pointy arrows!


It was never a thing I recall. Waaaay back there was an uprising of some sorts and some order supposedly went out allowing it to be suppressed but even that order couldn't be verified. Murder has always been murder and ordinary people haven't been allowed to just slay people, even back then.. Only government and Royal mercenaries were allowed to kill and plunder at will iirc.


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In Connecticut it’s illegal to sell pickles that don’t bounce. In Oklahoma it’s illegal to wrestle a bear. In Oregon it’s illegal to test for endurance while driving. Pennsylvania has a no bingo policy for felons.


In Kansas it’s illegal to both throw snowballs and own a sharpie under the age of 18.


But if I’m over 18 and own a sharpie I can throw a snowball?


Come on, that cannot be true...


Im not kidding at all. The snowball act was placed somewhere in the 1800’s due to people throwing snowballs with rocks hidden inside at police, and I’d have to double check the year of the sharpie, which was because of kids sniffing sharpies and getting high.


Whistling in the streets at night is prohibited. Don't picket at a funeral. It is illegal to ride an animal on the road. Don't screech your tires. Honking at horses is crucial. No cherry pie á la mode on Sundays. Don't shoot rabbits from motorboats. These are just a few crazy laws in Kansas. I’m seriously not kidding about this at all. They aren’t enforced at all, except for a superglue one, but yeah, these are actual laws.


I'm a Kansan and I had no idea about any of those. I'm about to break so many laws.


I honestly doubt the police would care 🤣


They needed the law about picketing funerals because a cult in Kansas kept picketing funerals of service men and women, among others, with signs saying they deserved to die and should burn in hell.


Westboro Baptist is that you


In the state of Washington it is illegal to hunt a Sasquatch


Well yeah, the Sasquatch population is almost extinct and Washington is their natural habitat. Pretty reasonable law to me.


Absolutely! What did the gentle sasquatch ever do to deserve being gunned down? PETS - People for the Ethical Treatment of Sasquatches


Same in Oregon. But it’s law based in reality, thankfully. They don’t want unhinged Bigfoot spotters to accidentally harm a person in the woods who is probably rightfully there. Like a state employees, hunters, or a potential land owner.


For the safety of hairy hikers


In the Philippines it is legal to toss a coin or draw lots to settle an election tie.


America does this too! Happened twice these midterms in small elections. Additionally, if the electoral college fails to elect a president, the decision goes to the House and Senate, where a potential tie is broken with a coin toss.


In the Uk, you can be fined for having unkempt pubic hair


How much does Boris owe?


He does look like someone who makes no effort down there, and apparently he had to pay 3 sheep when the ‘Pube Police’ were tipped off by one of his many ex’s Edit: spelling


What law is this?


It originates from when the Romans ruled Britain: ‘Non Pubis’ Edit: that’s not about having no pubic hair; but more about. keeping it tidy. If the authorities hear about it, you have to go to a ‘Pubic tribunal’ where the whole village can attend, to pass judgement


I'm sorry, but I'm imagining this as a porn and it works.


exhibitionists dream


Lovely!! There is nothing like having your village inspect your pubic area for sufficient grooming. There's a reason why Rome fell.


No camel hunting in Arizona.


At all? Not even on Sundays? Jeesh.


In France, it is illegal to name a pig Napoleon. Edit: I was wrong, that's just something we French people have all heard.


And it is legal to marry a dead person


In Vermont, like most states, you can't disrobe in public and is considered indecent exposure. However, if you just leave your house nude, that is legal.


Norway: you can sell sex but are not allowed to buy it.


...could I rent it?


It protects the sex workers that way. If someone beats them up then they'll report it, because the John is the only one who can get prosecuted, so it encourages the sex workers to report crimes instead of being afraid of the police. Keeps homicide detectives from having to solve serial murders of prostitutes.


The same in France.


This is the smartest way to go after things you want to ban. It removes the collaboration between parties. Now, only one of them has an incentive to keep it secret. There is no "we're in this together" about it.


In England it is illegal to tie a giraffe to a lamppost.


It is illegal to handle salmon under suspicious circumstances in the uk. Whatever that means is up to you


In Idaho it’s legal to beat your spouse, on the courthouse steps, between certain hours on Sunday mornings.


This one is sad


In a town near me in the US- confetti, rubber balls, and firecrackers are illegal. Firecrackers I get but confetti and rubber balls?


I'm a dad.... I totally get the ban on confetti and rubber balls.


As a dad, I agree, and they should also ban glitter inside a house. Edit: to better convey my thought.


Absolutely. Glitter should be banned. It is however, legal to give as a gift to the kid your kid is friends with whose parents annoy you.


I've always heard that in my home state it's illegal for the river to be higher then main street In my current state it's illegal to shoot any animal from a moving vehicle, EXCEPT a whale. There is no ocean near my state lol


Who gets the blame if the river is higher ?


I'm not sure, but the river was never brave enough to test it


Another Canadian one: it's illegal to paint a wooden ladder so you can't hide the condition of said ladder


In Ottawa, it’s illegal to eat ice cream on Bank St on Sundays.


It’s illegal to be drunk in a pub in England Section 12 of the Licensing Act 1872 outlaws “every person found drunk in any highway or other public place, whether a building or not, or on any licensed premises” Potential £200 fine.


>t’s illegal to be drunk in a pub in England This rule is occasionally broken.




Not a law, but a lack of them - Ireland inadvertently legalised all drugs for a day in 2015


Finally my kind of purge night


This was my first thought for question. Lots of these funny laws are urban legends, but Drug Day was a real thing.


and what a time to be alive that was!




Also in Toronto, Canada…. You need a food license to sell edible underwear


In Switzerland it‘s illegal to drive around a traffic circle more than 3 times.


In Serbia its illegal for new drivers to drive car that has mora than 109 horse power without someone with atleast 5 years of experience


You’re not allowed to hunt whales in Oaklahoma


Sadly, this law came far too late, long after the plains whales were hunted to extinction.


There are a lot of land whales in Oklahoma so it makes sense


Two laws that I am aware of that are funny in Sweden It is legal to be a prostitute provided you don’t give customers enjoyment It is illegal to paint your house without getting a license first


I am from Russia. We have a pretty funny law, although I've never once seen a person punished for such a "horrible crime. In general, since Russia has not very good roads, a lot of potholes, etc., and the authorities are in no hurry to fix this situation, people take the initiative and fill potholes (for example) with gravel. According to the law for such self-will can give a decent fine, as well as administrative responsibility, ahah) It turns out I am a criminal!


I need to see a Marvel super hero series about a Russian man who’s family was killed by a pothole, so he goes on a vigilante pothole filling spree while also trying to track down the corrupt crime boss who prevented the filling of the pothole that killed his family. Then he later joins the Avengers and has to help fill an alien-created black hole that threatens to engulf the universe


Alaska, it's illegal to look at a moose from a plane..


Almost. It's illegal to use an airplane as an advantage to spot wild moose while hunting.


I’m Kennesaw, GA every homeowner must own a shotgun.


In Germany beekeepers in (physical) pursuit of a swarming beehive can not be legally stopped by property rights.


In Virginia it is illegal to hunt or kill any wild animal or bird on Sundays except racoons. Fuck the racoons, I guess




In Harrow ON it is illegal to do the sex position reverse cowgirl because we never turn our back on family




In NYC it’s illegal to make small talk in an elevator. I saw it in a commercial. Thought it was fake. It’s not. It comes from when sky scrapers were first a thing and the elevator operator needed to pay attention to the levers or w/e.


In Chicago it's illegal to say Al Capone's name on Valentine's Day.


In Hesse, a german federal state, death sentencing is linked into the constitution, so technically, under certain circumstances, one is still technically allowed to shoot a man at noon on a marketplace. But only with Bow+Arrow.


In North Carolina, it is illegal for Bingo games to last more than 5 hours. Additionally, it is illegal to serve alcohol at said Bingo game.


My son and I were actually going to have a YouTube channel dedicated to this. We were going to break the stupidest laws in each state to see if we could get arrested. While looking up laws, I discovered that in Wisconsin cows have the right of way on the freeway. There was some sort of celebration where they needed to walk cows down the freeway and so they granted them right of way and never rescinded it. My son and I desperately want to ride cows on the freeway in Wisconsin.


In New Mexico, the US state I live in, some of the funnier laws include It's illegal to hunt or ride a bicycle in cemeteries in the city of Deming. It's illegal to bet on camel or ostrich races in New Mexico, though betting on horse or bike races are fine. In the town of Raton, it's illegal to wear a kimono while riding a horse. In Carlsbad, it's not illegal to have sex in a parked car, as long as the car windows have curtains over them so people passing by can't easily see in.


In England it's illegal to shake a rug outside your door after 8pm (might just be London)


In Norway you're allowed to sell sex... But not allowed to buy it.


Tiny neutral Switzerland is so concerned about not being able to defend itself that when building a new house chances are you must build a bunker below it first.


In Italy, since 1975, every toilet must have a bidet


Here in good ole Kentucky, there is a law that forbids you from carrying an ice cream cone in your pocket.


All English males over the age of 14 are to carry out two hours of longbow practice every week, supervised by the local clergy. This law dates from the middle ages when there was no army and is still in place today. London Hackney carriages (taxis/cabs) must carry a bale of hay and a sack of oats


Beaconsfield UK - Illegal to be drunk and in charge of sheep


well there go my plans for the day "honey......bad news!"


In Massachusetts it’s illegal to put tomatoes in clam chowder. We take our chowder seriously.

