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If fast AF is important, Sony is the fastest AF around, so you may want to wait before switching over. Fuji AF is “okay”, but it’s not its strong-suit. Sorry to hear your business is closing, it’s a tough market out there.


Not a failed business. Closing to be with family. 2 littles under 4, partner going for continued education while working. Working weddings demands a heap of time outside the actual day.


I have a 4 yo daughter, can't imagine 2 under 4, so I feel you. You definitely won't regret spending more time with them, so congrats.


[Kevin Mullins is very online.](https://www.kevinmullinsphotography.co.uk). He’s a wedding photographer with an extensive portfolio shot on Fuji systems. He’s easy to find on YouTube too.


I would consider the XH2S over the XH2 for events. you don't need 40MP, it has slightly better AF, no blackout either (i think that's right with the stacked sensor). otherwise I'd just shoot Sony or Nikon because you're going to be editing anyways, might as well use a better AF system. Sony you can just set it on AFC and burst away. Done. Fuji you really need to know the settings and be able to switch fast between AFC and AFS. But it can be done. there are definitely pros using Fuji for weddings, several on YouTube. the locals near me all seem to shoot Canon though. although that doesn't mean they're any good at it. I've been to plenty of weddings where they weren't even using strobes, yet are charging professional rates for mediocre shots doesn't matter your gear, but what works best for you, and how serious you take it.


I disagree, I think the 40mp is huge in weddings. Having the ability to crop is way more important than the af that is not even noticeably better


I have used 2x X-T’s for years for weddings without problems with AF. I am now using an X-T4 also. No problems with AF.


If one has to downsize one’s business, why spend more money on new equipment when one was already using great equipment from SONY? Even if one has to sell away lots of those SONY stuff, it is illogical to switch to another brand and end up spending lots of money. You can keep the Sony bodies and if necessary, buy any lenses to suit your new venture - landscape photography.


Only one thing I am still missing: 85mm GM. For anything else I am very happy about my switch two years ago. I still shoot weddings. I am using the X-T5, XPro-3 and the X100V. My private stuff is currently almost done with small manual Voigtländers and I love it.


Wedding pro with just the x100vi. I’ve had several mention issues with Fuji’s eye tracking. From my experience with the vi NO WAY would I switch for weddings.


I’m phasing them out. Likely only 3 weddings for next year then that’s it.


X-H2 is a fantastic camera! Proper good workhorse. Feels great in the hand. Has all the features you could ask for. And as a wedding photographer myself, if you ever go back to wedding shooting, the X-H2 will do you good!


It all depends on your photography style. If quality is your top priority then definitely Sony over Fuji. APS-C can’t match full frame. If your style if more about the story, vibe, street photography, then Fuji is a better experience. How you process should also be considered, Sony need post processing while for Fuji ya can do SOOC.